Image of Dr Michael Richter

Dr Michael Richter

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health

Michael Richter is a Reader in Motivation Psychology in the School of Natural Sciences and Psychology. He received his PhD in 2004 from the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany, for a thesis on the impact of mood and task-context on effort-related cardiovascular response. From 2004 to 2015 he worked at Geneva Motivation Lab of the University of Geneva, Switzerland, examining cognitive and affective determinants of effort and cardiovascular response. He joined Liverpool John Moores University in 2015.

His personal research website may be found at




2004, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, PhD (Psychology, Dr.phil.)
2001, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, Diploma (Dipl.-Psych.) in Psychology

Academic appointments

Reader in Motivation Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - present
Senior Lecturer, Natural Sciences and Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - 2018
Maître d'enseignement et de recherche, Psychology, University of Geneva, 2013 - 2015
Maître assistant, Psychology, University of Geneva, 2008 - 2013
Assistant A3, Psychology, University of Geneva, 2004 - 2008

Highlighted publications

Richter M, Mazeres F, Brinkmann K. 2021. Clarity of task difficulty moderates the impact of the explicit achievement motive on physical effort in hand grip tasks PLoS One, 16 :e0252713-e0252713 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Stanek JC, Richter M. 2021. Energy investment and motivation: The additive impact of task demand and reward value on exerted force in hand grip tasks Motivation and Emotion, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Plain B, Richter M, Zekveld AA, Lunner T, Bhuiyan T, Kramer SE. 2020. Investigating the Influences of Task Demand and Reward on Cardiac Pre-Ejection Period (PEP) Reactivity During a Speech-in-Noise Task Ear and Hearing, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Richter M, Slade K. 2017. Interpretation of Physiological Indicators of Motivation: Caveats and Recommendations International Journal of Psychophysiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Richter M. 2015. Goal pursuit and energy conservation: energy investment increases with task demand but does not equal it MOTIVATION AND EMOTION, 39 :25-33 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Editorial/letter to the editor

Richter M, Gendolla GHE. 2025. Mental computational processes have always been an integral part of motivation science Behavioral and Brain Sciences, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Journal article

Plain BJ, Pielage H, Zekveld AA, Richter M, Bhuiyan TA, van de Ven SRB, Kramer SE. 2024. Incorporating virtual reality agents during a dichotic speech reception task: insights from the heart Ear and Hearing, 46 :444-460 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Richter M, Gendolla GHE. 2024. Theories and hypotheses: The forgotten plane of the multiverse International Journal of Psychophysiology, 205 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Plain B, Pielage H, Kramer SE, Richter M, Saunders G, Versfeld NJ, Zekveld AA, Bhuiyan TA. 2024. Combining Cardiovascular and Pupil Features Using k-Nearest Neighbor Classifiers to Assess Task Demand, Social Context, and Sentence Accuracy During Listening Trends in Hearing, 28 :1-22 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Boedker I, Ball HL, Richter M, South TL, Roberts SGB. 2024. Construction of the Views oN Infant Sleep (VNIS) Questionnaire Early Human Development, 191 :1-7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Alfandari D, Fiedler L, Wendt D, Richter M, Naylor G. 2023. Previous Mental Load and Incentives Influence Anticipatory Arousal as Indexed by the Baseline Pupil Diameter in a Speech-in-Noise Task Trends in Hearing, 27 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Richter M, Buhiyan T, Bramslow L, Innes Brown H, Fiedler L, Hadley LV, Naylor G, Saunders GH, Wendt D, Whitmer W, Zekveld AA, Kramer SE. 2023. Combining Multiple Psychophysiological Measures of Listening Effort: Challenges and Recommendations Seminars in Hearing, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lasauskaite R, Richter M, Cajochen C. 2023. Lighting color temperature impacts effort-related cardiovascular response to an auditory short-term memory task Journal of Environmental Psychology, 87 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Brinkmann K, Richter M, Gendolla GHE. 2021. The Intensity Side of Volition: A Theoretical and Empirical Overview of Effortful Striving Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 28 :97-108 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Florence M, Kerstin B, Richter M. 2021. Motivated but not engaged: The implicit achievement motive requires difficult or unclear task difficulty conditions to exert an impact on effort Journal of Research in Personality, 94 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Plain B, Pielage H, Richter M, Bhuiyan TA, Lunner T, Kramer SE, Zekveld AA. 2021. Social observation increases the cardiovascular response of hearing-impaired listeners during a speech reception task Hearing Research, 410 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Slade K, Kramer SE, Fairclough S, Richter M. 2021. Effortful Listening: Sympathetic Activity Varies as a Function of Listening Demand but Parasympathetic Activity Does not Hearing Research, 410 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Mazeres F, Brinkmann K, Richter M. 2021. Explicit achievement motive strength determines effort-related myocardial beta-adrenergic activity if task difficulty is unclear but not if task difficulty is clear International Journal of Psychophysiology, 169 :11-19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Bernard LC, Lac A, Richter M, Cieciuch J, Zuro B, Silvestrini N, Krupic D, Von Helversen B. 2021. A cross-cultural study of purposive “traits of action”: measurement invariance of scales based on the action–trait theory of human motivation using exploratory structural equation modeling Studia Psychologica: Theoria et Praxis, 21 :5-29 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Richter M, Mazeres F, Brinkmann K. 2021. Clarity of task difficulty moderates the impact of the explicit achievement motive on physical effort in hand grip tasks PLoS One, 16 :e0252713-e0252713 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Stanek JC, Richter M. 2021. Energy investment and motivation: The additive impact of task demand and reward value on exerted force in hand grip tasks Motivation and Emotion, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Czarnek G, Richter M, Strojny P. 2020. Cardiac Sympathetic Activity During Recovery as an Indicator of Sympathetic Activity during Task Performance Psychophysiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Plain B, Richter M, Zekveld AA, Lunner T, Bhuiyan T, Kramer SE. 2020. Investigating the Influences of Task Demand and Reward on Cardiac Pre-Ejection Period (PEP) Reactivity During a Speech-in-Noise Task Ear and Hearing, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Kramer SE, Bhuiyan T, Bramsløw L, Fiedler L, Graversen C, Hadley KVm Innes-Brown H, Naylor G, Richter M, Saunders GH, Versfeld NJ, Wendt D, Whitmer WM, Zekveld AA. 2020. Innovative HEaring Aid Research – Ecological Conditions and Outcome measures: the HEAR-ECO project Hearing Review, Publisher Url Public Url

Czarnek G, Strojny P, Strojny A, Richter M. 2020. Assessing engagement during rescue operation simulated in virtual reality: a psychophysiological study International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 36 :464-476 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ogden R, Henderson J, Slade K, McGlone FP, Richter M. 2019. The effect of increased parasympathetic activity on perceived duration Consciousness and Cognition, 76 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Mazeres F, Brinkmann K, Richter M. 2019. Implicit achievement motive limits the impact of task difficulty on effort-related cardiovascular response Journal of Research in Personality, 82 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ogden RS, Henderson J, McGlone FP, Richter M. 2019. Time distortion under threat: Sympathetic arousal predicts time distortion only in the context of negative, highly arousing stimuli PLoS One, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Czarnek G, Kossowska M, Richter M. 2019. Aging, effort, and stereotyping: The evidence for the moderating role of self-involvement International Journal of Psychophysiology, 138 :1-10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Kuipers M, Richter M, Scheepers D, Immink M, Sjak-Shie E, van Steenbergen H. 2017. How effortful is cognitive control? Insights from a novel method measuring single-trial evoked beta-adrenergic cardiac reactivity International Journal of Psychophysiology, 119 :87-92 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Richter M, Slade K. 2017. Interpretation of Physiological Indicators of Motivation: Caveats and Recommendations International Journal of Psychophysiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Stanek JC, Richter M. 2016. Evidence against the primacy of energy conservation: Exerted force in possible and impossible handgrip tasks Motivation Science, 2 :49-65 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Richter M. 2016. The moderating effect of success importance on the relationship between listening demand and listening effort Ear and Hearing, 37 :111S-117S DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Pichora-Fuller MK, Kramer SE, Eckert M, Hornsby B, Humes LE, Lemke U, Lunner T, Matthen M, Mackersie CL, Naylor G, Phillips N, Richter M, Rudner M, Sommers M, Tremblay KL, Wingfield AD. 2016. Hearing impairment and cognitive energy: The Framework for Understanding Effortful Listening (FUEL) Ear and Hearing, 37 :5S-27S DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Richter M. 2016. Comment: Where is the theory? A critical comment on multiple arousal theory Emotion Review, 1 :82-83 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Richter M. 2015. Commentary: Pre-crastination: hastening subgoal completion at the expense of extra physical effort Frontiers in Psychology, 25 :1487-1496 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Richter M. 2015. Residual tests in the analysis of planned contrasts: Problems and solutions Psychological Methods, 21 :112-120 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Richter M. 2015. Goal pursuit and energy conservation: energy investment increases with task demand but does not equal it MOTIVATION AND EMOTION, 39 :25-33 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Richter M, Wright RA. 2014. Contemporary perspectives on effort: A special issue MOTIVATION AND EMOTION, 38 :745-747 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Richter M, Knappe K. 2014. Mood impact on effort-related cardiovascular reactivity depends on task context: Evidence from a task with an unfixed performance standard International Journal of Psychophysiology, 93 :227-234 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Richter M. 2013. A closer look into the multi-layer structure of motivational intensity theory. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 7 :1-12 DOI Publisher Url

Richter M, Wright RA, Brinkmann K, Gendolla GHE. 2013. Motivation Dunn DS. Oxford Bibliographies Online: Psychology, :1-24 DOI Publisher Url

Gendolla GHE, Richter M. 2013. Opportunity cost calculations only determine justified effort - Or, what happened to the resource conservation principle? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36 :686-687 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Richter M, Baeriswyl E, Roets A. 2012. Personality effects on cardiovascular reactivity: Need for closure moderates the impact of task difficulty on engagement-related myocardial beta-adrenergic activity Psychophysiology, 49 :704-707 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Richter M. 2010. Pay attention to your manipulation checks! Reward impact on cardiac reactivity is moderated by task context Biological Psychology, 84 :279-289 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Gendolla GHE, Richter M. 2010. Effort mobilization when the self is involved: Some lessons from the cardiovascular system Review of General Psychology, 14 :212-226 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Schmidt RE, Richter M, Gendolla GHE, van der Linden M. 2010. Young poor sleepers mobilize extra effort in an easy memory task : Evidence from cardiovascular measures Journal of Sleep Research, 19 :487-495 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Richter M, Gendolla GHE. 2009. The heart contracts to reward: Monetary incentives and preejection period PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 46 :451-457 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Richter M, Gendolla GHE. 2009. Mood impact on cardiovascular reactivity when task difficulty is unclear Motivation and Emotion, 33 :239-248 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Richter M, Friedrich A, Gendolla GHE. 2008. Task difficulty effects on cardiac activity Psychophysiology, 45 :869-875 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Gendolla GHE, Richter M, Silvia PJ. 2008. Self-focus and task difficulty effects on effort-related cardiovascular reactivity Psychophysiology, 45 :653-662 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Richter M, Gendolla GHE. 2007. Incentive value, unclear task difficulty, and cardiovascular reactivity in active coping International Journal of Psychophysiology, 63 :294-301 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Richter M, Gendolla GHE. 2006. Incentive effects on cardiovascular reactivity in active coping with unclear task difficulty International Journal of Psychophysiology, 61 :216-225 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Gendolla GHE, Richter M. 2006. Cardiovascular reactivity during performance under social observation: The moderating role of task difficulty International Journal of Psychophysiology, 62 :185-192 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Gendolla GHE, Richter M. 2006. Ego-involvement and the difficulty law of motivation: Effects on performance-related cardiovascular response Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32 :1188-1203 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Gendolla GHE, Richter M. 2005. Ego involvement and effort: Cardiovascular, electrodermal, and performance effects Psychophysiology, 42 :595-603 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Gendolla GHE, Abele AE, Andrei A, Spurk D, Richter M. 2005. Negative mood, self-focused attention, and the experience of physical symptoms: The joint impact hypothesis Emotion, 5 :131-144 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Richter M. A critical comment on residual tests in the analysis of planned contrasts Psychological Methods, Public Url

Conference publication

Richter M, Mazeres F, Brinkmann K. 2022. Clarity of task demand moderates the relationship between(implicit and explicit) achievement motive strength and(physical and mental) effort Malejka S, Barth M, Haider H, Stahl C. TeaP 2022. Abstracts of the 64th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, TeaP 2022 :70-71 Publisher Url

Richter M. 2021. Autonomic correlates of listening effort. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 20th World Congress of Psychophysiology (IOP 2021) of the International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP) 168 :S40-S40 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lasauskaite R, Richter M, Cajochen C. 2017. COLOR TEMPERATURE OF LIGHT AND EFFORT-RELATED CARDIAC RESPONSE: EFFECTS FOR COGNITIVE AND LISTENING TASKS PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 57th Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Psychophysiological-Research 54 :S130-S130 Author Url

Richter M, Brinkman K, Carbajal I. 2016. Effort and autonomic activity: A meta-analysis of four decades of research on motivational intensity theory INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 18th World Congress of Psychophysiology of the International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP) 108 :34-34 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lasauskaite R, Richter M, Cajochen C. 2016. Effects of Lighting Color Temperature on Effort Intensity for Cognitive and Listening Tasks NEUROPSYCHOBIOLOGY, 74 :243-244 Author Url

Richter M. 2013. Energy conservation effects in hand grip tasks: The impact of task difficulty on exerted muscle force. Ansorge U, Kirchler E, Lamm C, Leder H. TeaP 2013. Programme of the 55th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, :96-96

Richter M. 2013. Task-context effects on effort-related cardiovascular reactivity Psychophysiology [Supplement], 50 :S12-S12 Author Url

Richter M, Stanek J. 2013. Energy conservation effects in hand grip tasks: The impact of task difficulty on exerted muscle force Ansorge U, Kirchler E, Lamm C, Leder H. TeaP 2013. Abstracts of the 55th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, :228-228

Stanek J, Richter M. 2013. Energy investment reveals handgrip task difficulty Ansorge U, Kirchler E, Lamm C, Leder H. TeaP 2013. Abstracts of the 55th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, :272-272

Richter M. 2012. Energy investment in an isometric hand grip task: Evidence for the energy conservation principle Bröder A, Erdfelder E, Hilbig BE, Meiser T, Phol RF, Stahlberg D. Experimentelle Psychologie. Abstracts der 54. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen [Experimental Psychology: Abstracts of the 54th Meeting of Experimental Psychologists], :217-217

Richter M. 2012. Task difficulty effects on exerted force in an isometric hand-grip task: Mixed evidence for energy conservation International Journal of Psychophysiology, 85 :304-304 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Richter M. 2011. Task context moderates the impact of reward and task difficulty on cardiovascular reactivity Psychophysiology [Supplement], 48 :S16-S16 Author Url

Richter M. 2010. Cardiac reactivity in active coping: The joint impact of monetary reward, task difficulty, and manipulation checks Psychophysiology [Supplement], 47 :S57-S57 Author Url

Richter M, Knappe K. 2009. Mood impact on cardiovascular reactivity under conditions of unfixed task difficulty: The moderating effect of task context Psychophysiology [Supplement], 46 :S72-S72 Author Url

Gendolla G, Richter M, Silvia PJ. 2008. Motivational intensity reflected by cardiovascular reactivity: The role of self-focused attention INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 43 :23-23 Author Url

Richter M. 2008. Cardiac reactivity in active coping: The moderating role of task context Psychophysiology [Supplement], 45 :S96-S96 Author Url

Richter M. 2008. Difficulty and incentive effects on beta-adrenergic response International Journal of Psychophysiology, 43 :46-46 Author Url

Richter M, Gendolla GHE. 2007. Cardiac reactivity in active coping: influence of task difficulty and incentive value Psychophysiology [Supplement], 44 :S83-S83 Author Url

Richter M, Gendolla GHE. 2006. Kardiovaskuläre Reaktivität bei unklarer Aufgabenschwierigkeit: Moderierende Effekte der Anreizhöhe [Cardiovascular reactivity under conditions of unclear task difficulty: The moderating impact of incentive value] Hecht H, Berti S, Meinhardt G, Gamer M. Beiträge zur 48. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen [Abstracts of the 48th Meeting of Experimental Psychologists], :220-220

Richter M, Gendolla GHE. 2006. Kardiovaskuläre Reaktivität bei unklarer Aufgabenschwierigkeit [Cardiovascular reactivity under conditions of unclear task difficulty] Lösel F, Bender D. 45. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie [45th Conference of the German Society for Psychologie], :284-284

Richter M, Gendolla GHE. 2006. Cardiovascular reactivity in active coping under conditions of unclear task difficulty: moderating effects of reward Psychophysiology [Supplement], 43 :56-56

Gendolla GHE, Richter M. 2006. Motivationale Intensität bei sozialer Beobachtung: Effekte auf kardiovaskuläre Reaktivität [Motivational intensity under conditions of social observation: Effects on cardiovascular reactivity] Lösel F, Bender D. 45. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie [45th Conference of the German Society for Psychology], :99-99

Richter M, Gendolla GHE. 2005. Anreizeffekte auf die Mobilisierung von Anstrengung bei unklarer Aufgabenschwierigkeit [The impact of incentive value on effort mobilization under conditions of unclear task difficulty] Lange KW, Bäuml K-H, Greenlee MW, Hammerl M, Zimmer A. Experimentelle Psychologie. Beiträge zur 47. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen [Experimental psychology: Abstracts of the 44th Meeting of Experimental Psychologists], :162-162

Richter M, Gendolla GHE. 2005. Cardiovascular reactivity in active coping under conditions of unclear task difficulty Psychophysiology [Supplement], 42 :104-104

Gendolla GHE, Richter M, Silvia PJ. 2005. Self-focused attention and cardiovascular response in active coping Psychophysiology [Supplement], 42 :58-58

Gendolla GHE, Richter M. 2004. Die Rolle des Selbst im Motivationsprozess: Fähigkeitsbewertung, Selbstaufmerksamkeit und anstrengungsbezogene kardiovaskuläre Reaktivität [The self in motivation: Ability, self-awareness, and effort-related cardiovascular reactivity] Rammsayer T, Grabanowski S, Troche S. 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie [44th Conference of the German Soctiety for Psychology], :177-177

Richter M, Gendolla GHE. 2003. Cardiovascular reactivity in active coping under conditions of self-involvement Psychophysiology [Supplement], 40 :71-71

Richter M, Gendolla GHE. 2002. Gemeinsamer Effekt von Stimmung und Urteilskontext auf anstrengungsbezogene kardiovaskuläre Reaktivität [The joint effect of mood and judgment context on effort-related cardiovascular reactivity] Baumann M, Keinath A, Krems JF. Experimentelle Psychologie. Abstracts der 44. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen [Experimental psychology: Abstracts of the 44th Meeting of Experimental Psychologists], :185-185

Gendolla GHE, Richter M. 2002. Ich-Involvierung und anstrengungsbezogene kardiovaskuläre Reaktivität [Ego-involvement and effort-related cardiovascular reactivity] Baumann A, Keinath A, Krems JF. Experimentelle Psychologie. Abstracts der 44. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen [Experimental Psychology: Abstracts of the 44th Meeting of Experimental Psychologists], :110-110

Henderson P, Ogden RS, Richter M, McGlone FP. The relationship between physiological arousal and perceived duration: the effect of stimulus valence. Society for the Science of Motivation


Menase DA, Richter M, Wendt D, Fiedler L, Naylor G. 2022. Task-Induced Mental Fatigue and Motivation Influence Listening Effort as Measured by the Pupil Dilation in a Speech-in-Noise Task Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DOI Publisher Url


Czarnek G, Kossowska M, Richter M. 2021. Stereotyping and Effort Mobilization in Older Age Multiple Pathways of Cognitive Aging :105-127 Oxford University PressNew York DOI Publisher Url

Czarnek G, Kossowska M, Richter M. 2021. Stereotyping and Effort Mobilization in Older Age: The Role of Self-involvement Sedek G, Hess T, Touron D. Multiple pathways of cognitive aging: Motivational and contextual influences :105-192 Oxford University Press 9780197554944 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Richter M, Gendolla GHE, Brinkmann K. 2021. Anstrengung [effort] Wirtz MA. Dorsch Lexikon der Psychologie Hogrefe. Bern Publisher Url

Richter M, Gendolla GHE, Brinkmann K. 2021. Theorie der Motivationsintensität [motivational intensity theory] Wirtz MA. Dorsch Lexikon der Psychologie Hogrefe. Bern Publisher Url

Brinkmann K, Richter M, Gendolla GHE. 2021. Active-Coping-Ansatz [active coping approach] Wirtz MA. Dorsch Lexikon der Psychologie Hogrefe. Bern Publisher Url

Richter M. 2021. Foreword Wagner H. Psychobiology of Human Motivation Routledge 9780367699703

Gendolla GHE, Wright RA, Richter M. 2019. Advancing issues in motivation theory intensity research: Updated insights from the cardiovascular system. Ryan RM. The Oxford handbook on motivation :373-392 Oxford University Press. New York, NY DOI Publisher Url

Richter M, Gendolla GHE, Wright RA. 2016. Three decades of research on motivational intensity theory: What we have learned about effort and what we still don't know Elliot AJ. Advances in Motivation Science Elsevier DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Richter M, Stanek J. 2015. The muscle metaphor in self-regulation in the light of current theorizing on muscle physiology Gendolla GHE, Tops M, Koole SL. Handbook of biobehavioral approaches to self-regulation :55-68 Springer DOI Publisher Url

Richter M, Gendolla GHE, Brinkmann K. 2013. Anstrengung [Effort] Wirtz MA, Strohmer J. Dorsch. Lexikon der Psychologie [Dorsch. Encyclopedia of psychology] [Dorsch. Encyclopedia of psychology] :159-160 Huber

Richter M, Gendolla GHE, Brinkmann K. 2013. Theorie der Motivationsintensität [Motivational intensity theory] Wirtz MA, Strohmer J. Dorsch. Lexikon der Psychologie [Dorsch. Encyclopedia of psychology] :1552-1552 Huber

Richter M, Wright RA. 2013. Autonomic activation Gellman DS, Turner JR. Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine :163-163 Springer DOI Publisher Url

Richter M, Wright RA. 2013. Autonomic nervous system (ANS) Gellman MD, Turner JR. Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine :165-168 Springer DOI Publisher Url

Richter M, Wright RA. 2013. Parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) Gellman MD, Turner JR. Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine :1436-1438 Springer DOI Publisher Url

Richter M, Wright RA. 2013. Sympathetic nervous system (SNS) Gellman MD, Turner JR. Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine :1943-1944 Springer DOI Publisher Url

Brinkmann K, Richter M, Gendolla GHE. 2013. Active-Coping-Ansatz [Active coping] Wirtz MA, Strohmer J. Dorsch. Lexikon der Psychologie [Dorsch. Encyclopedia of psychology] :95-96 Huber

Gendolla GHE, Brinkmann K, Richter M. 2013. Selbstinvolvierung [Self-involvement] Wirtz MA, Strohmer J. Dorsch. Lexikon der Psychologie [Dorsch. Encyclopedia of psychology] :1396-1396 Huber

Gendolla GHE, Brinkmann K, Richter M. 2013. Stimmungs-Verhaltens-Modell [Mood-behavior model] Wirtz MA, Strohmer J. Dorsch. Lexikon der Psychologie [Dorsch. Encyclopedia of psychology] :1496-1496 Huber

Richter M. 2012. Cardiovascular response to reward Wright RA, Gendolla GHE. How motivation affects cardiovascular response: Mechanisms and applications :79-91 American Psychological Association DOI Publisher Url

Gendolla GHE, Wright RA, Richter M. 2012. Effort intensity: Some insights from the cardiovascular system Ryan RM. The Oxford handbook on motivation :420-438 Oxford University Press DOI Publisher Url

Gendolla GHE, Richter M. 2009. Punishment Sander D, Scherer KR. The Oxford companion to emotion and the affective sciences :324-326 Oxford University Press. New York, NY

Gendolla GHE, Richter M. 2009. Kardiovaskuläre Prozesse und motivationale Intensität [Cardiovascular processes and motivational intensity] Brandstätter-Morawitz V, Otto JH. Handbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie: Motivation und Emotion [Handbook of general psychology: Motivation and Emotion] :324-331 Hogrefe

Gendolla GHE, Richter M, Brinkmann K. 2008. The role of self-involvement in the development of cardiovascular disease: A motivational analysis Sher L. Psychological factors and cardiovascular disorders: The role of stress and psychosocial influences :181-193 Nova Science Publishers

Gendolla GHE, Brinkmann K, Richter M. 2007. Mood, motivation, and performance: An integrative theory, research and application Lane AM. Mood and human performance: Conceptual, measurements, and applied issues :35-62 Nova Science Publishers

Richter M, Gendolla GHE, Krüsken J. 2006. Context-dependent mood effects on mental effort mobilization: A view from the Mood-Behavior-Model Clark AV. The psychology of moods :57-79 Nova Science Publishers

Gendolla GHE, Richter M. 2004. The role of mood states in the development of cardiovascular disease: Implications of a motivational analysis of cardiovascular reactivity in active coping Shohov SP. Adances in Psychology Research :139-157 Nova Science Publishers

Richter M, Wright RA. Autonomic activation Gellman MD. Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine Springer DOI Publisher Url

Richter M, Wright RA. Sympathetic nervous system (SNS) Gellman MD. Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine Springer DOI Publisher Url

Richter M, Wright RA. Parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) Gellman MD. Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine Springer DOI Publisher Url

Richter M, Wright RA. Autonomic nervous system (ANS) Gellman MD. Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine Springer DOI Publisher Url

Brinkmann K, Mazeres F, Richter M. Motives, effort, and cardiovascular response Schultheiss O, Pang JS. Implicit Motives! Oxford University Press


Slade K, Richter M. 2020. Material of Slade and Richter (2020) -- "Effortful Listening and Autonomic Nervous System Activity: Myocardial Sympathetic Activity Varies as a Function of Listening Demand but Parasympathetic Activity Does not" DOI Public Url

Richter M. 2010. Manipulation checks moderate the impact of task difficulty and reward value on effort mobilization DOI Publisher Url

Silvia PJ, Gendolla GHE, McCord D, Drath W, Richter M. 2006. Self-Focused Attention and Effort During Self-Regulation: A Psychophysiological Analysis DOI Publisher Url

Silvia PJ, Gendolla GHE, Richter M. 2005. Self-awareness and effort during self-regulation: Insights from Brehm's theory of motivational intensity DOI Publisher Url

Gendolla GHE, Richter M. 2003. Ego-involvement, task demand, and the intensity of motivation: Effects on effort-related cardiovascular response DOI Publisher Url


Lasauskaite R, Richter M, Cajochen C. 2018. Acute effects of lighting color temperature on mental effort: Role of exposure duration

Slade K, Richter M. 2018. The motivation to listen: The effect of listening demand on effort-driven cardiovascular responses The 30th Annual Convention of The Association for Psychological Science

Brinkmann K, Mazeres F, Richter M. 2018. Task difficulty moderates the implicit achievement motive’s impact on effort-related cardiovascular reactivity Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation (SSM), San Francisco, USA

Slade K, Richter M. 2018. The motivation to listen: The impact of listening demand on effort-driven cardiovascular responses Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation (SSM), San Francisco, USA

Lasauskaite R, Richter M, Cajochen C. 2018. The role of light exposure duration in color temperature effects on mental effort


Richter M. 2004. Anstrengungsmobilisierung bei unklarer Handlungsschwierigkeit – Anreizattraktivität, Stimmung und kardiovaskuläre Reaktivität [Effort mobilization under conditions of unclear task difficulty – Incentive value, mood, and cardiovascular reactivity]

Richter M. 2001. Stimmung und Anstrengungsmobilisierung – Eine Studie zur Kontextabhängigkeit der motivationalen Implikationen von Stimmung [Mood and effort mobilization – Moods’ motivational implications are context dependent]


Richter M. Autonomic correlates of listening effort: Cardiac and pupillary responses to changes in listening demand

Other invited event:

Motives and Behaviour: Explicit and Implicit Motive Effects on Effort and Reinforcement Learning, Erlangen, Germany, Invited talk at the Department of Psychology at the Lehrstuhl Allgemeine Psychology II, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuernberg.. 2024

Psychophysiological correlates of listening effort, Krakow, Poland, Invited talk at the Centre for Cognitive Studies, Krakow, Poland.. 2022

Mental effort: What we know and what we do not know (yet)., Lancaster, UK, Invited talk at Lancaster University. 2020

Do physical and mental effort follow the same laws? evidence from cardiovascular and hand grip tasks, Milan, Italy, Invited talk at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy.. 2020

Autonomic correlates of listening effort: Cardiovascular studies on the impact of task demand and motivation on listening effort, Nottingham, Invited talk at the NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre, Nottingham, UK. 2018

An overview of current models on effort mobilization and questions for future research, Krakow, Poland, Invited talk at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. 2018

Motivational intensity theory -- An integrative approach to mental and physical effort, Geneva, Switzerland, Invited talk at the University of Geneva. 2017

Consequences of p value misconceptions: Why non-significant results should make us happy., University of Basel, Switzerland, Invited talk. 2017

Does the motivation to conserve energy underlie effort mobilization? Evidence from cardiovascular and grip force data., Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, Invited talk. 2016

Research Grants Awarded:

Swiss National Science Foundation, Implicit social motives and their impact on the direction and intensity of behavior (ISMIB), Kerstin Brinkmann (University of Geneva), Grant value (£): 433,397, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2023

European Commission, EASY LISTENING: Optimizing the consequences of effortful listening in occupational settings (HORIZON MSCA Doctoral Network), Dr. Adriana Zekveld (Stichting VUmc), Prof. Sophia E. Kramer (Stichting VUmc), Prof. Eco de Geus (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Dr. Dorothea Wendt (Oticon), Dr. Gabrielle Saunders (University of Manchester), Dr. Jörg-Hendrik Bach (Hörzentrum Oldenburg), Dr. Jan Rennies-Hochmuth (Fraunhofter IDMT), Dr. Xavier Domont (CeoTronics), Dr. Kevin Verdiere (Hinfact), Grant value (£): 1466908, Duration of research project: 4 years. 2023

Liverpool John Moores University, Development of a comprehensive badge system for the BSc Psychology programme to promote students’ academic self-esteem, resilience, and wellbeing, Jennifer Chopra, Ralph Pawling, Alexandra Seddon, Kaye Richards, Keren Coney, Grant value (£): 2875, Duration of research project: 2 months. 2022

Liverpool John Moores University, Development of a badgr-based badge system, Dr Ruth Ogden, LJMU; Dr Ralph Pawling, LJMU, Grant value (£): 1600, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2018

Liverpool John Moores University, Towards flipped lectures: Development of lecture-supporting online videos, animations, and associated quizzes., Ruth Ogden, Liverpool John Moores University, Grant value (£): 4500, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2017

Bial Foundation, Arousal effects on time perception and timed behaviour, Dr. Ruth Ogden, Prof. Francis McGlone, Grant value (£): 38219, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2016

Stiftung Suzanne und Hans Biäsch, Lighting effects on listening effort and listening fatigue, Ruta Lasauskaite, Univeristy of Basel, Switzerland, Grant value (£): 14000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2016

Swiss National Science Foundation, The impact of the achievement motive on effort mobilization, Kerstin Brinkmann (University of Geneva, Switzerland, Grant value (£): 232156, Duration of research project: 36 months. 2015

LJMU Faculty of Science PhD Studentship, Autonomic correlates of listening effort, Grant value (£): 46671, Duration of research project: 36 months. 2015

Department of Psychology and Educational sciences, University of Geneva, International travel grant, Grant value (£): 496. 2014

Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, International travel grant, Grant value (£): 273.

Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, International travel grant, Grant value (£): 750.

Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, International travel grant, Grant value (£): 750.

Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, International travel grant, Grant value (£): 818.

Swiss National Science Foundation, Determinants of energization in a physical task paradigm: The Ketchup task, Grant value (£): 126879, Duration of research project: 3.5 years.

Swiss National Science Foundation, Influence of demand and importance salience on effort mobilization, Grant value (£): 59971, Duration of research project: 3 years.

Swiss National Science Foundation, International travel grant, Grant value (£): 1699.

Swiss National Science Foundation, International travel grant, Grant value (£): 1787.

Editorial boards:

Motivation Science, Editorial board memeber. 2021

International Journal of Psychophysiology, editorial board member, action editor. 2015

Journal of European Psychology Students, Consulting editor. 2014

Motivation and Emotion, Associate Editor. 2010

Media Coverage:

The Hearing Review - Innovative HEaring Aid Research on Ecological Conditions and Outcome measures: the HEAR-ECO project I am an external advisor on the HEAR-ECO steering board. 2020

Conference presentation:

Valence of Effort Expenditure Theory, Motivation Psychology Colloquium (MPK), Berlin, Germany, Oral presentation. 2019

The impact of the implicit achievement motive on effort-related sympathetic activity depends on the clarity of task demand., TEAP 2019: TAGUNG EXPERIMENTELL ARBEITENDER PSYCHOLOGEN, London, UK, Oral presentation. 2019

The Impact of the Explicit Achievement Motive on Effort Mobilization, 30th Annual Conference of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, USA, Oral presentation. 2018

Task difficulty moderates the implicit achievement motive’s impact on effort-related cardiovascular reactivity, 30th Annual Conference of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, USA, Oral presentation. 2018

The impact of motivation on listening effort: Effects of task demand and success importance on cardiovascular correlates of listening effort, Speech in Noise Workshop, Glasgow, Oral presentation. 2018

Empirical evidence for the indirect effect of the achievement motive: Physiological and grip force data, 4th Reading Motivation Meeting, Reading, UK, Oral presentation. 2017

Cardiovascular correlates of motivated effort: A meta-analysis of 91 studies on motivational intensity theory, 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain, Oral presentation. 2017

External committees:

Member of the OPUS H56 Expert Panel, National Science Centre Poland, External International Expert, 2019

Teaching qualification:

Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. 2016


Fellow of The Higher Education Academy, The Higher Education Academy. 2016

Conference organisation:

9th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation (SSM), Program committee member, 2015

Membership of professional bodies:

Association for Psychological Science (APS), member.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) [German Society for Psychology], member.

DGPs Fachgruppe Allgemeine Psychologie [Special interest group general psychology of the German Society for Psychology]], member.

DGPs Fachgruppe Biologische Psychologie und Neuropsychologie [Special interest group biological psychology and neuropsychology of the German Society for Psychology], member.

International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP), member.

International Society of Research on Emotion (ISRE), member.

Schweizer Gesellschaft für Psychologie (SGP) [Swiss Society for Psychology], member.

Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), member.

Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR), member.

Society for the Study of Motivation (SSM), member.

Society for the Teaching of Psychology, member.
