Image of Dr Peter Blundell

Dr Peter Blundell

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health

I am a Senior Lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University teaching students on the MA in Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice which focuses on person-centred and experiential theory and practice, for which I am module lead for Person-Centred/Experiential Theory, Personal Development: Self in Relationship, and the Independent Research and Dissertation modules. As a person-centred and experiential counsellor/psychotherapist, I am committed to principled non-directivity as a key aspect of my therapeutic work, and this informs much of my teaching and writing.

In addition to being a therapist, I am also a qualified social worker having worked in services for disabled children for most of my career I now work independently. I now occasionally complete some guest lectures on LJMU’s social work programme.

I have a variety of research interests and enjoy collaborative research and writing. I am keen to support others in publishing their work and continuously support students to get their work into print. The main area of interest for me is researching boundaries in professional practice, reflexivity as a practitioner and issues of power and anti-oppressive practice.

I am interested in collaborative ways of working in counselling, social work, and research spaces. In this regard, I have helped establish multiple communities of practice which endeavour to create safer spaces for members to explore issues of practice development and collaborative learning. For example, I coordinate an international network of therapists (called #TherapistsConnect), which seeks to develop connection, conversation, and collaboration between therapists in creative and innovative ways. I am also on the steering group for the Breaking the Boundaries Collective which seeks to foster relationship-based practice in health and social care settings. I am a contributor to the Person-Centred Practice Community which aims to foster discussion between person-centred practitioners.

I am a PhD supervisor and external examiner for projects concerning counselling, psychotherapy, and social work, and I am happy to be contacted regarding future projects in these areas.


2022, University of Derby, United Kingdom, Post Graduate Certificate in Clinical Supervision (PGCCS)
2020, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP)
2017, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, PhD - Boundaries in Counselling
2013, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, MA - Social Work
2009, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, BA - Psychology with Sociology


2020, Liverpool John Moores University, Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice

Academic appointments

Research Supervisor, Keele University, 2023 - present
Lecturer, MSc in Contemporary Person-Centred Psychotherapy, Metanoia, 2021 - 2023
Critical Friend, Newman University, 2020 - 2023
Senior Lecturer, MA in Counselling and Psychotherapeutic Practice, School of Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - present

Highlighted publications

Blundell P, Burke B, Wilson AM, Jones B. 2022. Self as a Teaching Tool: Exploring Power and Anti-oppressive Practice with Counselling/Psychotherapy Students Psychotherapy and Politics International, 20 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Blundell P, Oakley L, Kinmond K. 2022. Who are we protecting? - Exploring counsellors’ understanding and experience of boundaries. European Journal of Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy, 12 :13-28 Publisher Url Public Url

Blundell P. Professional Boundaries in Social Work Practice: Managing Ethical Distress when Resisting Organisational and Systemic Oppression Baikady R, Przeperski J, Sajid SM, Islam MR. The Oxford Handbook of Power, Politics and Social Work Oxford University Press, USA 978-0197650899 DOI Publisher Url

Blundell P. Humour as a boundary-breaker in social work practice Ethics and Social Welfare, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Journal article

Hughes DG, Blundell P. 2024. Framing and Transforming Shame: Exploring shame from a person-centred perspective European Journal for Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy, 14 :141-157 Publisher Url Public Url

Blundell P, Hall M. 2024. It’s like Jenga: A collaborative autoethnography study, into facilitators’ experiences of a person-centred community of practice, focused on critical thinking skills for counselling and psychotherapy students Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Darley D, Blundell P, Cherry L, Wong JO, Wilson AM, Vaughan S, Vandenberghe K, Taylor B, Scott K, Ridgeway T, Parker S, Olson S, Oakley L, Newman A, Murray E, Hughes DG, Bin Hasan N, Harrison J, Hall M, Guido-Bayliss L, Edah R, Eichsteller S, Dougan L, Burke B, Boucher S, Maestri-Banks A, Breaking the Boundaries Collective . 2024. Breaking the Boundaries Collective - A Manifesto for Relationship-based Practice Ethics and Social Welfare, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Oakley L, Kinmond K, Blundell P. 2024. Responding well to Spiritual Abuse: practice implications for counselling and psychotherapy British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Blundell P, Oakley L. 2023. Missing People and fragmented stories: painting holistic pictures through Single Pen Portrait Analysis (SPPA) Qualitative Research in Psychology, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Scott K, Blundell P, Dougan L. 2023. Therapist Experiences of Congruence in School-Based Counselling Finlay L. European Journal of Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy, 13 :63-79 Publisher Url Public Url

Blundell P, Burke B, Wilson AM, Jones B. 2022. Self as a Teaching Tool: Exploring Power and Anti-oppressive Practice with Counselling/Psychotherapy Students Psychotherapy and Politics International, 20 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Blundell P, Oakley L, Kinmond K. 2022. Who are we protecting? - Exploring counsellors’ understanding and experience of boundaries. European Journal of Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy, 12 :13-28 Publisher Url Public Url

Blundell P. 2020. #TherapistsConnect: Our voices are stronger together Tudor K. Psychotherapy and Politics International, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Blundell P. Humour as a boundary-breaker in social work practice Ethics and Social Welfare, DOI Publisher Url Public Url


Blundell P, Finlay L, Khan M, Knight R, Proctor G, Ross A, Turner D, Williams H, Wilson J. 2024. Contributions from lived experience counsellors, therapists, and ethicists Gabriel L, Reeves A. Navigating Relational Ethics in Day-to-Day Practice: Working Ethically in the Counselling Professions Routledge 9781003354970 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Blundell P. Professional Boundaries in Social Work Practice: Managing Ethical Distress when Resisting Organisational and Systemic Oppression Baikady R, Przeperski J, Sajid SM, Islam MR. The Oxford Handbook of Power, Politics and Social Work Oxford University Press, USA 978-0197650899 DOI Publisher Url

Blundell P, Burke B. Using Self to Teach Inequality - A Heuristic Exploration Baikady R, Sajid SM, Przeperski J, Nadesan V, Islam MR, Gao J. The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems Palgrave Macmillan 978-3-030-68127-2 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Blundell P. Professional Boundaries in Social Work Practice The Oxford Handbook of Power, Politics, and Social Work :427-446 Oxford University Press 9780197650899 DOI Publisher Url

Internet publication

Blundell P, Rogers A, Murphy D, Tolan J. 2023. Person-Centred Therapists Call on SCoPEd Partners to Offer PSA-Backed Membership Home for those Opposed to Framework Publisher Url Public Url

Books (authored)

Blundell P. 2022. Contributed to - Step in to Study Counselling & Psychotherapy: A Student's Guide to Tackling Training and Course Assignments Lee D, Sanders P. PCCS Books 9781915220141 Publisher Url

Conference publication

Blundell P. 2018. A qualitative study of students’ experience of psychological change during an introductory counselling course. Qual-World Interactive Virtual Conference Public Url

Blundell P. Therapists on Twitter: A case study of facilitating #TraineeTalk, an innovative international social media learning community for student counsellors and psychotherapists., Publisher Url

Blundell P. Responding to Boundary Issues: A Qualitative Study, BACP Annual Research Conference 2019 Author Url Publisher Url

Blundell P, Oakley L. Missing People and Fragmented Stories: Painting Holistic Pictures through Single Pen Portrait Analysis (SPPA). Qualitative Methods in Psychology (QMiP) Conference DOI

Blundell P. #TherapistsConnect: Relational activism through virtual and online communities. BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference 2021: Connectedness, Activism and Dignity at work in a Precarious Era


Blundell P, Oakley L. Qualitative Methods in Psychology (QMiP) Conference 2022, taking place on Wednesday 13th – Friday 15th July at De Montfort University, Leicester QMiP Bulletin, Autumn

Conference presentation:

“You really need to hear different voices” – A collaborate approach to developing counselling training and practice for spiritual abuse, BACP Annual International Research Conference 2025, University of Manchester, Oral presentation. 2025

Collaborative working within research teams across interdisciplinary boundaries and institutions., BACP Annual International Research Conference 2025, University of Manchester, Other. 2025

1. Introducing Post Qualitative Inquiry (PQI) as a research methodology, BACP Annual International Research Conference 2025, University of Manchester, Other. 2025

Intuitive Inquiry: An “epistemology of the heart”: Symposium - Thinking Differently about Recruitment and Analysis in Qualitative Research to Improve Openness, Transparency and Qualitative Rigour. Ttofa, Lancaster, Blundell and Silverio (2025)., 2025 Qualitative Research Symposium (QRS), The University of Bath’s School of Management, Oral presentation, 2025

Fragmented People and/or Experience (FPE): Addressing issues of data fragmentation in qualitative inquiry., ASSOCIATION OF EUROPEAN QUALITATIVE RESEARCHERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, University of Milan, Oral presentation. 2024

Missing People and Fragmented Stories: Painting Holistic Pictures through Single Pen Portrait Analysis (SPPA), ASSOCIATION OF EUROPEAN QUALITATIVE RESEARCHERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, University of Milan, Oral presentation. 2024

Person-centred Communities of Practice: Challenging Hegemonic Notions of Education and Learning, Students at the Heart Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2024

It’s like Jenga: A collaborative autoethnography study, into facilitators’ experiences of a person-centred community of practice, focused on critical thinking skills for counselling and psychotherapy students., BACP Research Conference, Birmingham, Oral presentation. 2024

Love and Loss: Understanding spiritual abuse from a person-centred perspective, What’s love got to do with it?, Keele University, Oral presentation. 2024

Missing People and Fragmented Stories: Painting Holistic Pictures through Single Pen Portrait Analysis (SPPA), QMiP, Qualitative Methods in Psychology, BPS, De Montfort Universiry, Leicester, Oral presentation. 2023

Understanding therapists' responses to boundary issues through qualitative research, Person-Centred Research Matters, Metanoia Institute, Oral presentation. 2022

#TherapistsConnect - Relational Activism, PCSR Conference 2021: Celebrating Activism, Virtual, Oral presentation. 2021

SCoPEd: Assumptions, Power and Privilege, Psychotherapists and Counsellors for Social Responsibility, Oral presentation. 2020

External PGR examinations performed:

University of Chester, PhD, Inter-parental conflict and its developmental impacts on young adults. 2024

University of Sutherland, Professional Doctorate, The significance of mental wellbeing for care experienced young people: developing a sense of belonging and self-worth. 2020

Public engagement:

Public talk or lecture, Online Events Event, Invited Speaker, Navigating Relational Ethics in Day-to-Day Practice, Round table discussion about relational ethics and the ethical issues the therapy profession currently faces.. 2024

Public talk or lecture, North West Regional Psychotherapy Association, Invited Speaker, North West Regional Psychotherapy Association, TherapistsConnect: Building a Therapeutic Community in a Pandemic, Invited talk to discuss setting up a community of practice during the pandemic., 2022

Other Professional Activity:

External Consultant, Edgehill University, MA Person Centred Experimental Counselling and Psychotherapy. 2023

External Subject Specialist , Birkbeck, University of London.. 2023

Panel Chair - Integrating Research into Private Practice. 2021

Media Coverage:

Qualitative Methods: A space for complexity - Jon Sutton from The Psychologist reports from the Annual Conference of the Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society. 2022

Interview with The Psychologist, about publishing ‘Making sense of microaggressions’ as the first book for publisher Open Voices. 2022

Dr Blundell discusses mental health and wellbeing during the COVID19 pandemic, specifically how to manage when coming out of lockdown, Ask The Expert: BBC Radio Merseyside. 2021

Dr Blundell discusses mental health and wellbeing during the COVID19 pandemic, Ask The Expert: BBC Radio Merseyside. 2021

SCoPEd Debate, Organiser and Co-Chair of a third debate around SCoPEd project. This debate has representatives from the various membership bodies involved with the project, as well as other organisations and therapists. 2020

SCoPEd Debate, Organiser and Co-Chair of a student debate around SCoPEd project. 2020

Organiser and Co-Chair of a professional debate around the SCoPEd project, proposed by BACP, UKCP and BPC. 2020

Spotlight, Therapy Today (Article) - Professional Profile 2020

Spotlight, BACP (Podcast) - Professional Profile 2020

Research Grants Awarded:

Curriculum Enhancement Student Internship Grant from Liverpool John Moores University, Critical Thinking in Person-Centred Counselling – Community of Practice., Grant value (£): 1600, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2022

Conference organisation:

#TherapistsConnect - Private Practice Conference, Organiser. 2021

#TherapistsConnect Conference, 'Connection, Collaboration and Community for Therapists',, Co-lead, Conference Organiser. 2021

Editorial boards:

European Journal of Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy, Co-editor, 2021

Teaching qualification:

Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice. 2020


Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy. 2020


Counsellor of the Year 2020, "The winner of this award was chosen from the shortlisted nominees. It was an easy choice to pick Peter due to the success he has had in building up the #TherapistsConnect community. It all began with a simple tweet that snowballed into the incredible movement that it is now", National Counsellors' Day (Counsellors Together UK)., 2020

Researcher of the Year 2020, judges stated "Dr Blundell utilises social media to open up access to his research topic and related themes. He regularly makes comment on boundaries and harm in therapy - a contentious but necessary topic to keep pulling into the light. He also champions the research of others and for these reasons, he was chosen as researcher of the year 2020", National Counsellors' Day (Counsellors Together UK)., 2020

Counselling Research Award, CPCAB, 2019
