Prof Pooja Saini
School of Psychology
Faculty of Health
Email: P.Saini@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 8121
I am a Professor of Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention. I joined Liverpool John Moores University, School of Psychology as a Lecturer in Psychology in January 2018. I qualified in Psychology from University of Leicester in 2001, MSc in Addictive Behaviour at The University of Liverpool in 2003 and PhD in 2015 at The University of Manchester on the role of primary care in suicide prevention.
My research is focused at an individual-level, community-level and whole systems approach on risk management and decision-making processes for individuals, professionals, and service providers within forensic, clinical and non-clinical settings. My main research interests are in suicide and self-harm prevention particularly in young people, cancer prevention in Black and Asian Ethnic Minority Groups, reduction of health inequalities and coproduction. A key activity for me is public engagement and I aim to incorporate this in all aspects of my teaching and research.
I collaborate with key mental health charities (e.g., JWSMF, PAPYRUS, YASP, Samaritans, YPAS), and Public Health Departments. I am a member of a Suicide Prevention Operational Group and Support after Suicide Task Group which aims to integrate suicide prevention and postvention initiatives in Cheshire and Merseyside across mental health charities, NHS trusts, public health departments, transport networks, and local councillors. I am a member of the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP), Co-Chair of the ‘Suicide Prevention in Primary Care’ Special Interest Group (SIG) with 3 colleagues from UK and 1 from Australia and a Member of European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR).
Panjabi; Punjabi
2015, University ofof Manchester, Greater Manchester, PhD
2003, University of Liverpool, Merseyside, MSc
2001, University of Leicester, Leicestershire, BSc
2018, University of Liverpool, Merseyside, Associate Fellow in Higher Education
2018, Liverpool John Moores University, Fellow in Higher Education
Academic appointments
Professor in Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention, School of Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2024 - present
Reader in Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention, School of Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - 2024
Honorary Lecturer, Institute of Psychology, Health and Society, University of Liverpool, 2018 - present
Senior Lecturer in Psychology, School of Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - 2018
Highlighted publications
Saini P, McIntyre JC, Corcoran R, Daras K, Giebel C, Fuller E, Shelton J, Wilson T, Comerford T, Nathan R, Gabbay M. 2019. Predictors of emergency department and GP use among patients with mental health conditions: a public health survey. British Journal of General Practice, 70 :E1-E8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Loke YK, Gamble C, Altman DG, Williamson PR, Kirkham JJ. 2014. Selective reporting bias of harm outcomes within studies: findings from a cohort of systematic reviews BMJ Open, 349 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Rose T, Downing J, Mahata B, Pilsworth S, Pemberton A, Comerford T, Wilson K, Shaw M, Harper L, Daras K, Barr B. Impact of community-based chronic obstructive pulmonary disease service, a multidisciplinary intervention in an area of high deprivation: A longitudinal matched controlled study BMJ Open, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Alatrany S, McCarthy M, Flaiyah A, Ashworth E, Aldrraji H, Alatrany A, Al-Jumeily OBE D, Nadeem S, Robinson J, Saini P. 2025. Rates of Suicide Ideation and Associated Risk Factors Among Female Secondary School Students in Iraq Authorea DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ashworth E, McCarthy M, Wynne S, Robinson J, McKay S, Lane S, Richardson G, Boardman N, Henderson K, Crosbie V, Humphrey N, York S, Michail M, Hart D, Clacy D, Jalota M, Saini P. 2024. Study protocol for the Multimodal Approach to Preventing Suicide in Schools (MAPSS) project: A regionally based feasibility trial of an integrated response to suicide risk among UK secondary school pupils medRxiv DOI Publisher Url
Chopra J, Saini P, Hanlon C, boland J. 2021. A Case Series Study of Help-Seeking among Younger and Older Men in Suicidal Crisis DOI Publisher Url
Ashworth E, Putwain DW, McLoughlin S, Saini P, Chopra J, Rosser B, Eames C. 2021. Ordinary magic in extraordinary circumstances: Predictors of positive mental health outcomes for early adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic Research Square Platform LLC DOI Publisher Url
Saini P, Chopra J, Hanlon CA, Boland J. 2021. Help Seeking and Engagement for Young Men aged 18 to 30 years in Suicidal Crisis: a Prospective Cohort Study MDPI AG DOI Publisher Url
Saini P, Martin A, McIntyre J, Balmer A, Burton S, Roks H, Sambrook L, Shetty A, Nathan R. COMplex mental health PAThways (COMPAT) Study: a mixed methods study to inform an evidence-based service delivery model for people with complex needs: Study protocol DOI Publisher Url
Saini P, Hunt A, Taylor P, Mills C, Clements C, Mulholland H, Kullu C, Hann M, Duarte R, Mattocks F, Guthrie E. Community Outpatient Psychotherapy Engagement Service for Self-harm (COPESS): A Feasibility Trial Protocol DOI Publisher Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Ashworth E, Merelle S, Saini P. 2024. Editorial: Early Identification and Prevention of Suicidal Crisis in Children and Young People Frontiers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 3 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hanlon C, Ashworth E, Moore DJ, Donaghy B, Saini P. 2022. Autism should be considered in the assessment and delivery of mental health services for children and young people Disability and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McCarthy M, Saini P, Nathan R, McIntyre J. 2021. Improve coding practices for patients in suicidal crisis BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 375 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Saini P, Faraz M, Jo R, Hayley G, Maria M. 2021. Suicide prevention in primary care: the opportunity for intervention Crisis: the Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 42 :241-246 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McElroy E, McIntyre J, Bentall R, Wilson T, Holt K, Kullu C, Nathan R, Kerr A, Panagaki K, McKeown M, Saini P, Gabbay M. 2020. Mental Health, Deprivation, and the Neighborhood Social Environment: A Rejoinder to Eres, Harrington, and Lim (2020) Clinical Psychological Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Saini P, Kullu C, Mullin E, Boland J, Taylor P. Title: Rapid access to brief psychological treatments for self-harm and suicidal crisis British Journal of General Practice, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Journal article
Ashworth E, McCarthy M, Wynne S, Robinson J, McKay S, Lane S, Richardson G, Boardman N, Henderson K, Crosbie V, Humphrey N, York S, Michail M, Hart D, Clacy D, Jalota M, Saini P. 2024. Study protocol for the Multimodal Approach to Preventing Suicide in Schools (MAPSS) project: A regionally based feasibility trial of an integrated response to suicide risk among UK secondary school pupils Dey A. PLoS One, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tannerah A, Hazel O, Desson S, Farah R, Kamil-Thomas Z, Iqbal H, Eames C, Saini P, Bifarin O. 2024. Consultations With Muslims From Minoritised Ethnic Communities Living in Deprived Areas: Identifying Inequities in Mental Health Care and Support Health Expectations, 27 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sambrook L, Balmer A, Roks H, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, McIntyre JC, Shetty A, Bu C, Nathan R, Saini P. 2024. The journey of service users with complex mental health needs: a qualitative study Health psychology and behavioral medicine, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Hunt A, Blaney P, Murray A. 2024. Recognising and Responding to Suicide-Risk Factors in Primary Care: A Scoping Review Journal of Prevention, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ashworth E, Saini P. 2024. Increasing help-seeking intentions for mental health difficulties in early adolescence: The role of cumulative promotive factors Adversity and Resilience Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McCarthy M, Saini P, Nathan R, Ashworth E, McIntyre J. 2024. “No abnormality detected”: A mixed-methods examination of Emergency Department coding practices for people in suicidal crisis Archives of Suicide Research, :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ashworth E, Thompson J, Saini P. 2024. “It's like an epidemic, we don't know what to do”: The perceived need for and benefits of a suicide prevention programme in UK schools British Journal of Educational Psychology, :1-15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hanlon C, Saini P, Boland J, McIlroy D, Poole H, Chopra J. 2024. Psychological risk factors predictive of suicidal distress in men receiving a community-based brief psychological intervention Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviour, :1-11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Malone E, Saini P, Poole H. 2024. How primary trainee teachers’ intersectionality exacerbates issues of wellbeing Education 3-13, :1-15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McCarthy M, McIntyre JC, Nathan R, Ashworth E, Saini P. 2023. Socioeconomic predictors of crisis and clinical pathways among people contacting a mental health crisis line Health Services Insights, 16 :1-9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McCarthy M, McIntyre J, Nathan R, Ashworth E, Saini P. 2023. Staff perspectives of emergency department pathways for people attending in suicidal crisis: A qualitative study Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 31 :313-324 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Montgomery C, Saini P, Schoetensack C, McCarthy M, Hanlon C, Owens L, Kullu C, van Ginneken N, Rice M, Young R. 2023. Improving access to treatment for alcohol dependence in primary care: A qualitative investigation of factors that facilitate and impede treatment access and completion White S. PLoS One, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hanlon CA, Chopra J, Boland J, McIlroy D, Poole H, Saini P. 2023. A mixed-methods evaluation of the acceptability and fidelity of the James’ Place model for men experiencing suicidal crisis Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 11 :1-18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, Timpson H, Porcellato LA, Brett CE, Harrison R, Hunt A, Bigland C, Leavey C, Hay G, Saini P. 2023. Did the UK’s COVID-19 restrictions during 2020 have a differential impact on the well-being of the LGBQ+ population: a mixed methods study BMJ Open, 13 :e068818 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Molloy-Vickers D, Chopra J, Saini P, Ashworth E. 2023. Long-term factors associated with positive mental health outcomes for early adolescents during Covid-19-related school closures Psychology in the Schools, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Balmer A, Sambrook L, Roks H, Ashley-Mudie P, Tait J, Bu C, McIntyre JC, Shetty A, Nathan R, Saini P. 2023. Perspectives of service users and carers with lived experience of a diagnosis of personality disorder: A qualitative study Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, :1-11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Porcellato L, Hunt A, Timpson H, Harrison R, Bigland C, Levy C, Brett CE, Forshaw MJ, Hope VD, Phoenix Team . 2023. Impact of the government's restrictions and guidance in relation to "social distancing" on the lives of ethnic minority populations: A mixed methods study. Health science reports, 6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cloke J, Hassan S, Goodall M, Ring A, Saini P, Tahir N, Gabbay M. 2023. Tapping into the power of coproduction and knowledge mobilisation: Exploration of a facilitated interactive group learning approach to support equity-sensitive decision-making in local health and care services Health Expectations, 26 :1692-1702 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mulholland H, Whittington R, Lane S, Haines-Delmont A, Nathan R, Saini P, Kullu C, Comerford T, Yameen F, Corcoran R. 2023. Longitudinal investigation of the presence of different trajectories and associated health and socio-economic determinants, for participants who report suicidal ideation within a community-based public health survey BMJ Open, 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McCarthy M, Saini P, Nathan R, McIntyre J. 2023. Predictors of self-harm and emergency department attendance for self-harm in deprived communities International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Montgomery C, Schoetensack C, Saini P, Owens L, Van Ginneken N, Rice M, Young R, Jones A. 2023. Prevalence and incidence of alcohol dependence: cross-sectional primary care analysis in Liverpool, UK BMJ Open, 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hassan SM, Melville-Richards L, Ring A, Cloke J, Smith S, Saini P, Goodall M, Porroche-Escudero A, Popay J, Gabbay M. 2023. Minding the gap: The importance of active facilitation in moving boundary objects from in-theory to in-use as a tool for knowledge mobilisation SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 3 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Hunt A, Kirkby J, Chopra J, Ashworth E. 2023. A qualitative dyadic approach to explore the experiences and perceived impact of COVID-19 restrictions among adolescents and their parents Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McCarthy M, McIntyre JC, Nathan R, Saini P. 2023. Factors influencing emergency department staff decision-making for people attending in suicidal crisis: A systematic review. Archives of Suicide Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hanlon C, McIlroy D, Poole H, Chopra J, Saini P. 2022. Evaluating the role and effectiveness of co‐produced community‐based mental health interventions that aim to reduce suicide among adults: A systematic review Health Expectations, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Abbate L, Chopra J, Poole H, Saini P. 2022. Evaluating postvention services and the acceptability of models of postvention: a systematic review Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Howcutt SJ, Saini P, Henshall C, Brett J, Watson E, Smith LA. 2022. Visualizing community networks to recruit South Asian participants for interviews about bowel cancer screening Brett J, Watson E, Smith L. Journal of Cancer Policy, 32 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Chopra J, Hanlon C, Boland JE. 2022. The adaptation of a community-based suicide prevention intervention during the COVID19 pandemic: a mixed methods study Cogent Psychology, 9 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Ashworth EL, Provazza S, McCarthy M, Saini P. 2022. Children and Young People Presenting in a Pediatric Emergency Department in North-West England in Suicidal Crisis: An Exploratory Case Series Study Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Martin A, McIntyre J, Balmer A, Burton S, Roks H, Sambrook L, Shetty A, Nathan R. 2022. COMplex mental health PAThways (COMPAT) Study: A mixed methods study to inform an evidence-based service delivery model for people with complex needs: Study protocol. PLoS One, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ashworth E, Putwain DW, McLoughlin S, Saini P, Chopra J, Rosser BA, Eames C. 2022. Ordinary magic in extraordinary circumstances: Factors associated with positive mental health outcomes for early adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic Adversity and Resilience Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hanlon C, Chopra J, Boland JE, McIlroy D, Poole H, Saini P. 2022. The James’ Place model: Application of a novel clinical, community-based intervention for the prevention of suicide among men Journal of Public Mental Health, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Chopra J, Ashworth E, Saini P, Putwain DW, McLoughlin S, Kirkby J, Eames C, Hunt A, Duffy K. 2021. Adolescents’ Lockdown-Induced Coping Experiences (ALICE) study: A qualitative exploration of early adolescents’ experiences of lockdown and reintegration The Journal of Early Adolescence, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Martin A, McIntyre JC, Sambrook L, Roks H, Burton S, Balmer A, Shetty A, Nathan R. 2021. PP447 Informing The Development And Evaluation Of An Evidence-Based Service Delivery Model For Mental Health Patients With Complex Needs International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 37 :37-38 DOI Publisher Url
Hunt I, Richards N, Bhui K, Ibrahim S, Turnbull P, Halvorsrud K, Saini P, Kitson S, Shaw J, Appleby L, Kapur N. 2021. Suicide rates by ethnic group among patients in recent contact with mental health services: an observational study in England and Wales, 2007-2018 The Lancet Psychiatry, 8 :1083-1093 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chopra J, Hanlon C, Boland JE, Harrison R, Timpson H, Saini P. 2021. A Case Series Study of an Innovative Community- based Brief Psychological Model for Men in Suicidal Crisis Journal of Mental Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Hunt A, Taylor P, Mills C, Clements C, Mulholland H, Kullu C, Hann M, Duarte R, Mattocks F, Guthrie E, Gabbay M. 2021. Community Outpatient Psychotherapy Engagement Service for Self-harm (COPESS): a feasibility trial protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McIntyre JC, Elahi A, Latham C, Mullholland H, Haines-Delmont A, Saini P, Taylor PJ. 2021. Does neighbourhood identification buffer against the effects of socioeconomic disadvantage on self-harm? Journal of Affective Disorders, 294 :857-863 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Chopra J, Hanlon CA, Boland JE. 2021. A Case Series Study of Help-Seeking among Younger and Older Men in Suicidal Crisis International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Shaima H, Esmaeil K-M, Mark G, Clarissa G, Saiqa A, Anna P, Lesley H, Jane C, Jenny I, Mark G. 2021. The value of involving patients and members of the public in applied health services research and evaluation: a qualitative study Research Involvement and Engagement, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rajan N, Gabbay M, Boyle S, Elliott P, Giebel C, O’Loughlin C, Wilson P, Saini P. 2021. Use of acute psychiatric hospitalisation: a study of the factors influencing decisions to arrange acute admission to inpatient mental health facilities Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Blaney P, Saini P. 2021. ‘Informal families like ours seemed unaccounted for’ Psychologist, Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Clements C, Gardner KJ, Chopra J, Latham C, Kumar R, Taylor P. 2021. Identifying suicide and self-harm research priorities in North West England: a Delphi study Crisis: the Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 43 :35-45 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, McIntyre JC, Corcoran R, Daras K, Giebel C, Fuller E, Shelton J, Wilson T, Comerford T, Nathan R, Gabbay M. 2019. Predictors of emergency department and GP use among patients with mental health conditions: a public health survey. British Journal of General Practice, 70 :E1-E8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Downing J, Rose T, Saini P, Matata B, McIntosh Z, Comerford T, Wilson K, Pemberton A, Harper L, Shaw M, Daras K, Barr B. 2019. Impact of a community-based cardiovascular disease service intervention in a highly deprived area Heart, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McElroy E, McIntyre JC, Bentall RP, Wilson T, Holt K, Kullu C, Nathan R, Kerr A, Panagaki K, McKeown M, Saini P, Gabbay M, Corcoran R. 2019. Mental health, deprivation, and the neighbourhood social environment: a network analysis Clinical Psychological Science, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Brown SL, Beesley H, Holcombe C, Saini P, Salmon P. 2019. Warranting the decision-maker, not the decision: How healthcare practitioners evaluate the legitimacy of patients' unprompted requests for risk-reducing mastectomy PATIENT EDUCATION AND COUNSELING, 102 :1446-1451 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Carden LJ, Saini P, Seddon C, Evans E, Taylor PJ. 2019. Shame, social deprivation, and the quality of the voice-hearing relationship Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Carden L, Saini P, Taylor P, Seddon C, Watkins M. 2018. Shame and the psychosis continuum: A systematic review of the literature Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Chantler K, Kapur N. 2018. GPs’ views and perspectives on patient non-adherence to treatment in primary care prior to suicide Journal of Mental Health, 27 :112-119 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Henshall C, Brett J, Watson E, Smith L. 2017. Interventions to improve the uptake of breast, cervical and bowel cancer screening in South Asian women living in high income countries Prospero International prospective register of systematic reviews, Publisher Url Public Url
Fielden HG, Brown SL, Saini P, Beesley H, Salmon P. 2017. How do women at increased breast cancer risk perceive and decide between risks of cancer and risk-reducing treatments? A synthesis of qualitative research Psycho-Oncology, 26 :1254-1262 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Brown SL, Whiting D, Fielden HG, Saini P, Beesley H, Holcombe C, Holcombe S, Greenhalgh L, Fairburn L, Salmon P. 2017. Qualitative analysis of how patients decide that they want risk-reducing mastectomy, and the implications for surgeons in responding to emotionally-motivated patient requests Gupta S. PLOS ONE, 12 :e0178392-e0178392 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Chantler K, While D, Kapur N. 2016. Do GPs want or need formal support following a patient suicide?: a mixed methods study Family Practice, 33 :414-420 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hunt IM, Clements C, Saini P, Rahman MS, Shaw J, Appleby L, Kapur N, Windfuhr K. 2016. Suicide after absconding from inpatient care in England: an exploration of mental health professionals’ experiences Journal of Mental Health, 25 :245-253 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Saini P, Chantler K, Kapur N. 2015. General practitioners’ perspectives on primary care consultations for suicidal patients Health & Social Care in the Community, 24 :260-269 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Saini P, Loke YK, Gamble C, Altman DG, Williamson PR, Kirkham JJ. 2014. Selective reporting bias of harm outcomes within studies: findings from a cohort of systematic reviews BMJ Open, 349 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, While D, Chantler K, Windfuhr K, Kapur N. 2014. Assessment and Management of Suicide Risk in Primary Care Crisis, 35 :415-425 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Da Cruz D, Pearson A, Saini P, Miles C, While D, Swinson N, Williams A, Shaw J, Appleby L, Kapur N. 2011. Emergency department contact prior to suicide in mental health patients EMERGENCY MEDICINE JOURNAL, 28 :467-471 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Saini P, Windfuhr K, Pearson A, Da Cruz D, Miles C, Cordingley L, While D, Swinson N, Williams A, Shaw J, Appleby L, Kapur N. 2010. Suicide prevention in primary care: General practitioners' views on service availability BMC Research Notes, 3 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pearson A, Saini P, Da Cruz D, Miles C, While D, Swinson N, Williams A, Shaw J, Appleby L, Kapur N. 2009. Primary care contact prior to suicide in individuals with mental illness BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 59 :825-832 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Windfuhr K, While D, Hunt I, Turnbull P, Lowe R, Burns J, Swinson N, Shaw J, Appleby L, Kapur N. 2008. Suicide in juveniles and adolescents in the United Kingdom JOURNAL OF CHILD PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY, 49 :1155-1165 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Saini P, Anderson DeCuevas R, Roberts D, Beaver K, Chandrashekar M, Jain A, Kotas E, Tahir N, Brown S. A systematic review on social, cultural and individual influences on the beliefs, attitudes and behaviours of South Asian women regarding asymptomatic screening for female cancers PROSPERO CRD42015025284, Author Url
Saini P, Rose T, Downing J, Mahata B, Pilsworth S, Pemberton A, Comerford T, Wilson K, Shaw M, Harper L, Daras K, Barr B. Impact of community-based chronic obstructive pulmonary disease service, a multidisciplinary intervention in an area of high deprivation: A longitudinal matched controlled study BMJ Open, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jarman I, Ashworth E, McCabe P, McCarthy M, Provazza S, crosbie V, Quigg Z, Saini P. Suicidal Crisis among Children and Young People: Associations with Adverse Childhood Experiences and Socio-Demographic Factors International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hanlon C, Chopra J, Boland J, McIlroy D, Poole H, Saini P. A qualitative mixed methods case study exploring the impact of a community-based, brief psychological intervention for men experiencing suicidal crisis PLOS Mental Health,
Hanlon C, Chopra J, Boland J, McIlroy D, Poole H, Saini P. 2024. A mixed methods longitudinal case study exploring the impact of a community-based, brief psychological intervention for men experiencing suicidal crisis. DOI Public Url
Montgomery C, Saini P, McCarthy M, Hanlon C, Schoetensack C. 2023. Barriers and facilitators to access for alcohol treatment in Liverpool. DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Hendriks O, Kamal A, Reisel D, Newson L, Saini P. 2024. Prevalence of Low Mood, Thoughts of Self-Harm and Suicidal Ideation in Women Affected by the Perimenopause and Menopause BJPSYCH OPEN, 10 :S42-S42 DOI Publisher Url
Malone E, Saini P, Poole H. 2023. HOW TRAINEE TEACHERS’ INTERSECTIONALITY EXACERBATES ISSUES OF WELLBEING ICERI Proceedings, 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation 1 :9780-9780 DOI Publisher Url
McCarthy M, Nathan R, McIntyre JC, Ashworth E, Saini P. 2023. Staff perspectives of emergency department pathways for people attending in suicidal crisis: A qualitative Study BJPsych Open, 9 :S61-S61 DOI Publisher Url
McCarthy M, Saini P, Nathan R, Ashworth E, McIntyre J. 2023. Improve Coding Practices for Patients in Suicidal Crisis BJPSYCH OPEN, 9 :S62-S62 DOI Publisher Url
Saini P, Sambrook L, Balmer A, Roks H, McIntyre J, Martin A, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, Shetty A, Nathan R. 2022. A Qualitative Study Exploring the Experiences of Service Users With Complex Mental Health Needs BJPSYCH OPEN, 8 :S9-S9 DOI Publisher Url
Saini P, Nathan R, Sambrook L, Burton S, Roks H, Balmer A, McIntyre J, Martin A, Shetty A. 2021. The use of coproduction to inform an evidence-based service delivery model for mental health service users with complex needs BJPSYCH OPEN, 7 :S286-S286 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Smith L, Howcutt S, Saini P, Brett J, Henshall C, Watson E. 2020. Barriers to home bowel screening test in South Asians in the UK EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 30 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Anderson de Cuevas R, Saini P, Roberts D, Beaver K, Chandrashekar M, Jain A, Kotas E, Tahir N, Ahmed S, Brown SL. 2018. A systematic review of barriers and enablers to South Asian women’s attendance for asymptomatic screening of breast and cervical cancers in emigrant countries BMJ Open, 8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Chantler K, Kapur N. A GPs Conundrum: A qualitative study exploring GP-suicidal patient interactions and treatment prior to suicide XXVII World Congress of IASP
Saini P, Gamble C, Loke Y, Altman D, Williamson P, Kirkham J. Understanding the process and impact of within-study selective reporting bias for harm outcomes (ORBIT II – Outcome Reporting Bias in Trials) Author Url
Saini P, Chantler K, Kapur N. GPs’ views and perspectives on patient non-adherence to treatment in primary care prior to suicide
Saini P. Good examples of the benefits that public involvement can bring to research 1st Implementation Science Research Conference
Saini P. Community Outpatient Psychological Engagement for Self-harm (COPES): A feasibility trial 17th European Symposium on Suicide & Suicidal Behaviour, 17-21 Sept 2018
Saini P, Abbate L, Brown R. The impact of Amparo, a suicide postvention service, on those bereaved or affected by suicide Suicide Bereavement Conference UK 2018
Chopra J, Hanlon C, Saini P, boland J. A case series study of an innovative community-based brief psychological model for men in suicidal crisis https://www.iasp.info/wp-content/uploads/IASP-32nd-World-Congress-Abstract-Book-2023.pdf, International Association for Suicide Prevention 2023 (IASP 32nd World Congress)
Saini P, Hunt A, Taylor P, Clements C, Mills C, Kvamme K, Tahir N, Mulholland H, Kullu C, Hann M, Duarte R, Watts A, Guthrie E, Gabbay M. 2023. Acceptability and feasibility of a Community Outpatient Psychotherapy Engagement Service for Self-harm: COPESS a mixed methods study Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Chopra J, Hanlon C, boland J, o'donoghue E. 2023. James' Place Liverpool Evaluation Year Three Report James' Place Liverpool Evaluation Year Three Report
Ashworth E, Thompson J, York S, Henderson K, Jalota MP, Shelton J, Crosbie V, Saini P. 2022. Assessing the social validity of a multi-modal school-based suicide prevention intervention: A scoping study Assessing the social validity of a multi-modal school-based suicide prevention intervention: A scoping study DOI Public Url
Ashworth E, Molloy-Vickers D, Saini P. 2022. A Pilot Evaluation of Self-Harm Kits in Cheshire & Merseyside: 2021-2022 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Balmer A, Sambrook L, Roks H, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, McIntyre JC, Shetty A, Nathan R, Saini P. 2022. Patient profiles of service users with complex mental health needs: an indepth case notes analysis Patient profiles of service users with complex mental health needs: an indepth case notes analysis Public Url
Roks H, Balmer A, Sambrook L, Burton S, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, Shetty A, Nathan R, Saini P, McIntyre JC. 2022. Descriptive analysis of complex mental health service users using routinely collected data Public Url
Sambrook L, Balmer A, Roks H, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, McIntyre JC, Shetty A, Nathan T, Saini P. 2022. Patient Journey of Service Users with Complex Mental Health Needs: A Qualitative Study Public Url
Saini P, McIntyre JC, McCarthy M. 2022. Crisis Line Evaluation: Cheshire & Wirral Partnership, Mersey Care and Mid-Mersey. Public Url
Ashworth E, Provazza S, McCarthy M, Saini P. 2022. Children and Young People Attending Alder Hey A&E in Suicidal Crisis: 2019-2021 Public Url
Chopra J, Saini P, Hanlon C, Boland J, O'Donaghue E. 2021. James' Place Liverpool Evaluation Year Two Report Publisher Url Public Url
Ashworth E, Saini P, Chopra J, McLoughlin S, Eames C, Hunt A, Kirkby J. 2021. “No Covid plan” Department for Education “surprisingly resistant” to lessons-learned exercise amid concerns over catchup offer and scale of “hidden harm” Publisher Url
Ashworth E, McLoughlin S, Saini P, Chopra J, Eames C, Hunt A. 2021. Young people's mental health and wellbeing in the north west during the COVID-19 pandemic: The ALICE study evidence briefing Public Url
Timpson H, Oyston J, McCoy E, Quigg Z, Saini P. 2020. A Review of the Self-Harm and Suicide Prevention Training Offer across Cheshire and Merseyside
Ashworth E, Saini P, Chopra J, Hunt A. 2020. Caring for your wellbeing during COVID-19: Advice for young people
Saini P, Whelan G, Briggs S. 2019. QUALITATIVE EVALUATION SIX MONTHS REPORT James’ Place Internal Evaluation
Chopra J, Saini P, Timpson H, Boland J. Evaluation One Year Summary Report. James' Place Internal Evaluation Evaluation One Year Summary Report. James' Place Internal Evaluation
LSCP , Ashworth E, Saini P. Liverpool Multi-Agency Self-Harm Practice Guidance Author Url Public Url
Saini P, Roks H, Sambrook L, Balmer A, McIntyre J, Martin A, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, Shetty A, Nathan R. 2022. A Qualitative Study Exploring the Experiences of Carers of Service Users With Complex Mental Health Needs
Saini P, Balmer A, Sambrook L, Roks H, McIntyre J, Martin A, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, Shetty A, Nathan R. 2022. The Provision of Mental Health Care for Service Users With Complex Needs Who Are at Risk of Suicide
Ashworth E, Hunt A, Chopra J, Eames C, Putwain D, duffy K, Kirkby J, mcloughlin S, Saini P. 2021. Adolescents' lockdown-induced coping experiences (ALICE) study: A qualitative exploration of early adolescents' experiences of lockdown and reintegration Journal of Early Adolescence, DOI Publisher Url
Other Professional Activity:
Keynote Speaker at Imam Ja’afar Al-Sadiq University, Iraq. 2023
Keynote Speaker at University of Liverpool on Public Engagement in Research. 2022
Chair at the National Suicide Prevention Alliance Conference 2022. 2022
Keynote Speaker at University of Liverpool on Public Engagement in Research. 2021
Keynote Speaker at LJMU Institution of Health Research Conference. 2019
Keynote Speaker at Culture and International Mental Health Conference. 2018
Projects looking at short and long term impact of Covid-19 lockdown on school age children.
Conference presentation:
Symposium, International Association for Suicide Prevention, Slovenia, Oral presentation. 2023
Research Grants Awarded:
National Institute for Health Research Public Health Research, Multimodal Approach to Preventing Suicide in Schools (MAPSS) project: A regionally-based feasibility trial of an integrated response to suicide risk among secondary school pupils - Co-Principal Investigator, Grant value (£): £477,251.43, Duration of research project: 24 months. 2023
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, Suicide Prevention evaluation for Mersey Care in community settings - Principal Investigator, Grant value (£): 50000. 2023
James' Place Charity, Research Lead and Project Management for research taking place across James' Place Centres nationwide - Principal Investigator, Grant value (£): 25000, Duration of research project: 15 months. 2023
Chaeshire and Merseyside Public Health Collaborative, Multimodal Approach to Preventing Suicide in Schools (MAPSS): A regionally-based pilot study - Co-Principal Investigator, Grant value (£): 25000. 2022
The Wellcome-University of Liverpool Institutional Translational Partnership (ITPA) Translational Research Access Programme (TRAP), A pilot study to test the feasibility, acceptability and safety of a brief, self-harm specific psychotherapeutic intervention to support Children and Young People (CYP) in Liverpool with self-harm behaviours. - Co-Applicant, Prof Elizabeth Perkins, Dr Cecil Kullu, Helen Mulholland, Dr Leanne Burton, Suzanne Hutchison, Dr Anna Pearson, Janine Pevitt, Damian Hart, Jo Code, Prof Rhiannon Corcoran, Dr Peter Taylor, Grant value (£): 99,593.79, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2022
Newson Health Charity, Suicide risk in peri-menopausal women - external PhD funding - Principal Investigator and Director of Studies, Grant value (£): 75000. 2022
NIHR ARC NWC, fully funded LJMU PhD studentship, Suicide crisis and self-harm attendance at A&E in autistic young people: a mixed method study - Director of Studies, Grant value (£): 66000. 2022
James' Place Charity, James’s Place Crisis Centre Research Evaluation for Liverpool and London - Principal Investigator, Grant value (£): 41000. 2021
Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group, ‘Making a shift towards school-based interventions’: Assessing the social validity of a school-based suicide prevention intervention - Co-Principal Investigator, Emma Ashworth, Grant value (£): 16895.70. 2021
Wirral Borough Council via Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, An Evaluation of Three Transformation Change Projects (Acute, Community and Crisis Care) - Principal Investigator, Grant value (£): 378700. 2021
Cheshire Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, A mixed method study to evaluate service delivery for mental health service users with complex needs - Principal Investigator, Taj Nathan, Antony Martin, Jason McIntyre, Grant value (£): 268,968, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2020
Wirral Borough Council, Review, mapping and evaluation of the self-harm and suicide prevention training offer across Cheshire & Merseyside - Principal Investigator, Hannah Timpson, Jane Oyston, Ellie McCoy, Dr Zara Quigg, Grant value (£): 17,384, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2020
National Institute for Health Reserach: Research for Patient Benefit, Community Outpatient Psychotherapy Engagement Service for Self-harm (COPESS): A feasibility trial, Dr Caroline Clements, University of Manchester, Dr Cecil Kullu, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, Dr Mark Hann, University of Manchester , Professor Mark Gabbay, University of Liverpool, Catherine Mills, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, Helen Mulholland, University of Liverpool & Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, Dr Peter Taylor, University of Manchester, Dr Felicity Mattocks, Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group, Professor Elspeth Guthrie, University of Leeds, Dr Rui Duarte, University of Liverpool, Grant value (£): 253707. 2019
LJMU REF Upskilling programme, 1 year evaluation of a suicide prevention service for men in Liverpool, Pooja Saini, Mentor, LJMU, Grant value (£): £1100, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2019
University of Central Lancashire, Suicide and self-harm research conference north west, Kathryn Gardenr, Grant value (£): 500, Duration of research project: one day. 2019
Mark McQueen Foundation, A feasibility study of the effectiveness and acceptability of Postvention Liaison Services for Individuals Bereaved by Suicide, Grant value (£): £61,059, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2019
James Wentwrth-Stanley Memorial Trust Fund, Evaluation of James’ Place Non-Clinical Crisis Centre, Stephen Briggs, Gayle Whelan, Grant value (£): 27,575, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2018
Bowel Cancer UK, Development of a community based intervention to increase bowel cancer screening uptake in South Asians living in a diverse area of Oxford City, Lesley Smith, Eila Watson, Jo Brett, Cathy Henshall, Grant value (£): £24,681, Duration of research project: 15 months. 2018
Liverpool City Council, Lessons learnt throughout the design and process of implementing the Inequalities in Bowel Cancer Screening Intervention in Liverpool, Sue Povall, Taher Qassim, Gavin Flatt, Grant value (£): 5000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2018
External collaboration:
Manotsav Foundation, Mumbai, Dr Shilpa Agarwal. 2023
University of Queensland, Australia, Prof Fiona Barlow. 2023
Imam Ja’afar Al-Sadiq University, Prof Saad Alatrany. 2022
Monash University, Prof Jayashri Kulkarni. 2022
Vanderbilt University, USA, Associate Prof Jessica Schwartzman. 2022
University of Melbourne, Prof Jo Robinson. 2018
Merseycare NHS Foundation Trust, Dr Cecil Kullu and Prof Nusrat Hussain. 2015
Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Prof Rajan Nathan.
Teaching qualification:
Associate Fellow for the Higher Education Academy. 2023
Fellow for the Higher Education Academy. 2018
Fellow of The Higher Education Academy. 2018
International Poster Award for new community-based self-harm intervention trial, 19th European Symposium for Suicide and Suicidal Behaviours. 2022
Cogent Psychology Research Spotlight Award 2022, Cogent Psychology Journal. 2022
• Excellence in Knowledge Exchange - Suicide and Self-Harm Research Group 2021- Faculty of Health Winner 2021, LJMU Vice Chancellor’s Award for Research and Knowledge Exchange., LJMU Vice Chancellor’s Award. 2021
Excellence in Research Award - Faculty of Health Winner 2021, LJMU Vice Chancellor’s Award for Research and Knowledge Exchange., LJMU Vice Chancellor’s Award. 2021
Faculty of Health Outstanding Supervisors Award, LJMU. 2020
National Asian Women Achievement Award for world leading research in public health, Asian Women of Achievement Awards 2018. 2019
Public Service Award, National Asian Women's Achievement Awards 2018, https://www.awaawards.com/our-alumni-category/2018/. 2018
Cochrane Bill Silverman Prize 2015, Cochrane Community, http://www.outcome-reporting-bias.org/Home/ShowNews/4. 2015
Conference organisation:
LJMU IHR Suicide and Self-Harm Research Group (SSHRG) Conferences, Founder and Lead. 2021
4th Annual SSHaRENoW conference/webinar, conference organiser. 2021
Suicide and Self-Harm Research North West (SSHaReNoW) Conference, Organiser - Senior Lecturer. 2019
Suicide and Self-Harm Research North West (SHaRE NoW) Network Annual Conferences, Founder and Co-Lead. 2017
Suicide and Self-Harm Research Expertise North West (SSHaRE NoW) Conference: Research Priorities, Organiser. 2017
External PGR examinations performed:
Swansea University, PhD, Exploring the potential of online self-reported and routinely collected electronic healthcare record data in self-harm research. 2020
Membership of professional bodies:
Assistant Guest Editor, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020
Special Interest Group Member, The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP). 2019
Chartered Psychologist Division of Health Psychology, British Psychological Society.
External PGR Supervision - completed students:
University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, An Exploration of Shame, the Psychosis Continuum and the Quality of the Voice-Hearing Relationship. 2017
Editorial boards:
A special issue of International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Special Issue Editor.
Frontiers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Special Issue Topic Editor.
Media Coverage:
Cancer screening and South Asian Women
Opening of James' Place in Liverpool
External committees:
Cheshire and Merseyside Primary Care Suicide Prevention Task Group;, Cheshire and Merseyside Public Health Collaborative, Board Member.
International Association for Suicide Prevention Special Interest Group 'Suicide Prevention in Primary Care', International Association for Suicide Prevention, Co-Chair.
Suicide Reduction Operational Group and Self-Harm Task Group, Integrated Care Boards, Board Member.
Research Fellow, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.