Jonathan Davies
Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: J.P.Davies@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2146
Jonathan Davies has been employed as Principal Teaching Fellow in Experiential Learning in the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences since January 2024, having previously been previously employed a Senior Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy since 2015. He is actively involved in the leadership of Experiential Learning for the MPharm programme, including practice placement and simulation-based learning. Jonathan is a GPhC-registered pharmacist with Independent Prescribing annotation, and has experience of providing pharmacy services in a hospital setting.
Jonathan teaches actively across all four levels of the MPharm programme, as well as postgraduate Clinical Pharmacy programmes offered by the School. Jonathan has a particular interest in the use of simulation and simulated practice in undergraduate and postgraduate pharmacy education and leads the Simulated practice Experiential Learning stream for the MPharm programme.
Jonathan is a member of the Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics research group, and his current research interests include the implementation and evaluation of programmes of simulation in undergraduate pharmacy education, incorporating both in-person and immersive virtual simulation.
2009, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, MPharm
Academic appointments
Principal Teaching Fellow in Experiential Learning, Liverpool John Moores University, 2024 - present
Programme Leader, Independent Prescribing for Pharmacists, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - 2024
Senior Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - 2024
Postgraduate training
Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, United Kingdom, Liverpool John Moores University, 2016 - 2018
Practice Certificate in Non-medical prescribing, United Kingdom, Anglia Ruskin University, 2014 - 2014
Conference publication
Davies J. 2023. Does everyone see it the same? An evaluation of the alignment of perceived benefits of virtual simulation between undergraduate pharmacy students, faculty and stakeholders International Journal of Healthcare Simulation, Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) conference 2023 3 :A9-A10 DOI Publisher Url
Davies J. 2023. An evaluation of student views on the use of virtual simulation in undergraduate pharmacy education International Journal of Healthcare Simulation, Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) conference 3 :A8-A8 DOI Publisher Url
Davies J, Cutler S, Henney N. 2022. A day in the life: a novel approach to virtual simulation for undergraduate pharmacy students International Journal of Healthcare Simulation, Volume :A57-A58 DOI
Lambertsen RT, Tang S, Davies J, Morecroft C. 2016. Serious Gaming for Pharmacy Education Development of A Serious Games for Teaching Pharmacist Communication and Drug Administration in a Virtual Hospital Setting Aljumeily D, Hussain A, Tawfik H, Hamdan H, Dawson T, Hind J. 2016 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENTS IN ESYSTEMS ENGINEERING (DESE 2016), 9th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE) :151-156 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lambertsen R, Tang SOT, Davies J, Morecroft CW. Development of A “PharmaComm” Serious Game for Teaching Pharmacist Communication and Drug Administration in a Virtual Hospital Setting 9th International Conference on Developments in e-Systems Engineering (DESE2016) Public Url
McCloskey A, Davies J, Traynor M, Tse Y, Lim E, Vasey N. Embedding ‘pill’ swallowing training across a UK School of Pharmacy Neonatal and Paediatric Pharmacists Conference 2022
Davies J, Hewitt L, Khan S, Sabastian D. An evaluation of perceptions of the introduction of student-led simulation in pharmacy education Student Experience Proceedings, LJMU Students at the Heart Conference DOI
Wright S. Evaluating the impact on student confidence and understanding of the role of the hospital pharmacist following an in-person simulation event Pharmacy Education, Pharmacy Education Conference 2023 5 :17-18 DOI Publisher Url
Conference presentation:
Using a virtual placement to introduce the role of the General Practice pharmacist to undergraduate pharmacy students, Association for Simulation Practice in Healthcare Conference 2024, Edinburgh, Poster presentation. 2024
Using an in-person simulation placement to develop professional identity in first-year undergraduate pharmacy students, Association for Simulation Practice in Healthcare Conference 2024, Edinburgh, Poster presentation. 2024
‘An afternoon in the life’: Using simulation to support undergraduate pharmacy student preparation for foundation training, Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) conference, Poster presentation. 2023
An evaluation of student views on the use of virtual simulation in undergraduate pharmacy education, Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) conference, Oral presentation. 2023
Does everyone see it the same? An evaluation of the alignment of perceived benefits of virtual simulation between undergraduate pharmacy students, faculty and stakeholders, Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) conference, Poster presentation. 2023
Virtual pharmacy simulation: A sustainable educational tool to support essential skills development for undergraduate pharmacy students, Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) conference, Poster presentation. 2023
Evaluating the impact on student confidence and understanding of the role of the hospital pharmacist following an in-person simulation event, Pharmacy Education Conference, University of Manchester, Poster presentation. 2023
A day in the life: a novel approach to virtual simulation for undergraduate pharmacy students, Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) conference, Oral presentation. 2022
An evaluation of perceptions of the introduction of student-led simulation in pharmacy education, Students at the Heart Conference, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2022
Enhancing Experiential Student-led Simulated Learning Through The Use of Custom Patients, Society for Simulation in Healthcare Virtual Learning Labs, Oral presentation. 2022
The development of novel Game-Based Learning applications for delivery of Pharmacy Education, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference, Oral presentation. 2017
Amazing Digital Teaching and Learning, John Moores Students' Union. 2022
Excellence in Technology Enhanced Learning, LJMU Teaching and Learning Awards. 2020
Membership of professional bodies:
Member with individual accreditation, Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare. 2022
Member, Royal Pharmaceutical Society. 2011
Pharmacist Registrant, General Pharmaceutical Council. 2010
FHEA, Advance HE. 2018
Teaching qualification:
Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. 2018
Other Professional Activity:
External Examiner, Independent Prescribing, Bangor University (2023-).