Image of Prof Linda Seton

Prof Linda Seton

Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences

Faculty of Science


Telephone: 0151 231 2049


1998, UMIST, United Kingdom, PhD, Chemistry/Chemical Engineering
1994, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons), Chemistry with Industrial Chemistry


Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom, Chartered Chemist
Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom, Chartered Scientist

Academic appointments

Professor in Chemistry Education and Crystallisation, School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
Reader in Crystallisation Science, School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2013 - 2022
Senior lecturer in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2001 - 2013
Post Doctoral Research Associate, Chemical Engineering, UMIST, 1998 - 2000

Highlighted publications

Seton L. 2020. Is Chemistry Accessible for All? Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Mallaburn A, Seton L, Simon S. 2020. Enhancing school students' engagement in chemistry through a university-led enrichment programme. Simon S, Ilka P. Engaging Learners with Chemistry: projects to stimulate interest and participation :192-224 RSC Publishing. Royal Society of Chemistry DOI Publisher Url

Mallaburn A, Seton L, Goodwin M. 2018. Chemistry: The essential spark for engagement Education in Science, 272 :26-27 Publisher Url Public Url

Seton L, Mallaburn A, Goodwin M. 2018. Research Focus: Nurturing socio-economically challenged learners' curiosity in chemistry Education in Science, 272 :28-29 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Brennan VK, Mallaburn A, Seton L. 2018. Teachers’ perception of chemistry outreach work, especially in the context of children’s social demography Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 10 :3-14 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Bobrovs R, Seton L, Dempster N. 2015. The reluctant polymorph: investigation into the effect of self-association on the solvent mediated phase transformation and nucleation of theophylline CrystEngComm, 17 :5237-5251 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Seton L, Mohamed FAA, Roberts M, Ford JL, Levina M, Rajabi-Siahboom AR. 2015. The effect of HPMC particle size on the drug release rate and the percolation threshold in extended-release mini-tablets Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 41 :70-78 DOI

Seton L, Bobrovs R. 2014. Solvent-mediated phase transformation between two tegafur polymorphs in several solvents CrystEngComm,, :10581-10591 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Khamar D, Bradshaw IJ, Hutcheon GA, Seton L. 2012. Solid State Transformations Mediated by a Kinetically Stable Form CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 12 :109-118 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Khamar D, Pritchard RG, Bradshaw IJ, Hutcheon GA, Seton L. 2011. Polymorphs of anhydrous theophylline: stable form IV consists of dimer pairs and metastable form I consists of hydrogen-bonded chains. Acta Crystallogr C, 67 :o496-o499 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Seton L, Khamar D, Bradshaw IJ, Hutcheon GA. 2010. Solid State Forms of Theophylline: Presenting a New Anhydrous Polymorph CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 10 :3879-3886 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Parmar MM, Khan O, Seton L, Ford JL. 2007. Polymorph selection with morphology control using solvents CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 7 :1635-1642 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Davey RJ, Allen K, Blagden N, Cross WI, Lieberman HF, Quayle MJ, Righini S, Seton L, Tiddy GJT. 2002. Crystal engineering - nucleation, the key step CRYSTENGCOMM, 4 :257-264 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Davey RJ, Williams-Seton L, Lieberman HF, Blagden N. 1999. Stabilizing a solid-solid interface with a molecular-scale adhesive NATURE, 402 :797-799 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Blagden N, Davey RJ, Lieberman HF, Williams L, Payne R, Roberts R, Rowe R, Docherty R. 1998. Crystal chemistry and solvent effects in polymorphic systems - Sulfathiazole JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-FARADAY TRANSACTIONS, 94 :1035-1044 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Journal article

Black SN, Seton L. 2024. Curating Morphological Data: From the Compendium of P. von Groth to the Cambridge Structural Database Crystal Growth and Design, 24 :5051-5060 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Al Nageim H, Al-Khuzaie A, Seton L, Croft J, Drake J. 2024. Wastewater sludge ash in the production of a novel cold mix asphalt (CMA): durability, aging and toxicity characteristics Kufa Journal of Engineering, 15 :147-162 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Al Nageim H, Dulaimi A, Al-Busaltan S, Kadhim MA, Al-Khuzaie A, Seton L, Croft J, Drake J. 2023. The development of an eco-friendly cold mix asphalt using wastewater sludge ash Journal of Environmental Management, 329 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Abadelah M, Thevarajah U, Ahmed M, Seton L, Supuk E, Conway BR, Larhrib H. 2022. Novel spherical lactose produced by solid state crystallisation as a carrier for aerosolised salbutamol sulphate, beclomethasone dipropionate and fluticasone propionate Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 68 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Politi AT, Politis A, Seton L. 2021. Molecular Structure Effects on the Aggregation Motif of Porphyrins: Computational Insights Advanced Theory and Simulation, 4 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Sadique MM, Al-Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster NM. 2019. Analytical investigation of hydration mechanism of a non-Portland binder with waste paper sludge ash Construction and Building Materials, 211 :80-87 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Mallaburn A, Seton L, Goodwin M. 2018. Chemistry: The essential spark for engagement Education in Science, 272 :26-27 Publisher Url Public Url

Seton L, Mallaburn A, Goodwin M. 2018. Research Focus: Nurturing socio-economically challenged learners' curiosity in chemistry Education in Science, 272 :28-29 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Brennan VK, Mallaburn A, Seton L. 2018. Teachers’ perception of chemistry outreach work, especially in the context of children’s social demography Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 10 :3-14 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Dulaimi AF, Al Nageim H, Ruddock F, Seton L. 2017. Laboratory Studies to Examine the Properties of a Novel Cold-Asphalt Concrete Binder Course Mixture Containing Binary Blended Cementitious Filler (BBCF) Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Dulaimi AF, Al Nageim H, Ruddock F, Seton L. 2017. Performance analysis of a Cold Asphalt Concrete Binder Course Containing High Calcium Fly Ash Utilizing Waste Material Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Dulaimi AF, Al Nageim H, Ruddock F, Seton L. 2017. High performance cold asphalt concrete mixture for binder course using alkali-activated binary blended cementitious filler Construction and Building Materials, 141 :160-170 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Dulaimi A, Al Nageim H, Ruddock F, Seton L. 2016. New developments with cold asphalt concrete binder course mixtures containing binary blended cementitious filler (BBCF) Construction and Building Materials, 124 :414-423 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Dulaimi A, Al Nageim H, Ruddock F, Seton L. 2015. A Novel Cold Asphalt Concrete Mixture for Heavily Trafficked Binder Course International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering, 9 :734-738

Bobrovs R, Seton L, Dempster N. 2015. The reluctant polymorph: investigation into the effect of self-association on the solvent mediated phase transformation and nucleation of theophylline CrystEngComm, 17 :5237-5251 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Seton L, Ehtezazi T, DAVIES MJ, Seton L, MORGAN NM, ROSS S, MARTIN GD, HUTCHINGS IM. 2015. Optimizing the primary particle size distributions of pressurized metered dose inhalers by using inkjet spray drying for targeting desired regions of the lungs Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 41 :279-291 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Seton L, Mohamed FAA, Roberts M, Ford JL, Levina M, Rajabi-Siahboom AR. 2015. The effect of HPMC particle size on the drug release rate and the percolation threshold in extended-release mini-tablets Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 41 :70-78 DOI

Mohamed FAA, Roberts M, Seton L, Ford JL, Levina M, Rajabi-Siahboomi AR. 2015. The effect of HPMC particle size on the drug release rate and the percolation threshold in extended-release mini-tablets DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY, 41 :70-78 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Price S, Rimez B, Sun W, Peters B, Christenson H, Hughes C, Sun CC, Veesler S, Pan H, Brandel C, Biscans B, Meekes H, Rosbottom I, Roth WJ, Seton L, Taulelle F, Black S, Threlfall T, Vekilov P, Poornachary S, Diemand J, Toroz D, Salvalaglio M, Tipduangta P, Sefcik J, Booth S, Rasmuson A, Janbon S, Ter Horst J, Simone E, Hammond R, Bertran CA, Vetter T, Sear R, De Yoreo J, Harris K, Ristic R, Kavanagh A, Roberts K, Breynaert E, Myerson A, Coquerel G, Wu D, Coelfen H, Cuppen H, Smets M, Wu DT. 2015. Nucleation in complex multi-component and multi-phase systems: general discussion FARADAY DISCUSSIONS, 179 :503-542 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Seton L, Bobrovs R. 2014. Solvent-mediated phase transformation between two tegafur polymorphs in several solvents CrystEngComm,, :10581-10591 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Al-Hdabi A, Al Nageim H, Seton L. 2014. Performance of gap graded cold asphalt containing cement treated filler CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 69 :362-369 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Al-Hdabi A, Al Nageim H, Seton L. 2014. Superior cold rolled asphalt mixtures using supplementary cementations materials CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 64 :95-102 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Al-Hdabi A, Al Nageim H, Ruddock F, Seton L. 2014. Development of Sustainable Cold Rolled Surface Course Asphalt Mixtures Using Waste Fly Ash and Silica Fume JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, 26 :536-543 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Mohamed FAA, Roberts M, Seton L, Ford JL, Levina M, Rajabi-Siahboomi AR. 2013. Production of extended release mini-tablets using directly compressible grades of HPMC. Drug Dev Ind Pharm, 39 :1690-1697 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Al-Hdabi A, Al Nageim H, Seton L, Ruddock FM. 2013. Laboratory studies to investigate the properties of novel cold-rolled asphalt containing cement and waste bottom ash Road Materials and Pavement Design, 15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Al Nageim H, AlHdabi A, Ruddock F, Seton L. 2013. Development of Sustainable Cold Rolled Surface Course Asphalt Mixtures Antpnio Nanni A. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,

Ruddock FM, Al Nageim , Al-Hdabi , seton . 2013. A novel Cold Rolled Asphalt mixtures for heavy trafficked surface course Construction and Building Materials, 49 :598-603 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Mohamed FAA, Roberts M, Seton L, Ford JL, Levina M, Rajabi-Siahboomi AR. 2013. The influence of HPMC concentration on release of theophylline or hydrocortisone from extended release mini-tablets. Drug Dev Ind Pharm, 39 :1167-1174 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Sadique M, Al-Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2013. Mechano-chemical activation of high-Ca fly ash by cement free blending and gypsum aided grinding Construction and Building Materials, 43 :480-489 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Al-Nageim H, Sadique M, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2013. Strength development of optimised cementitious materials containing fly ashes and silica fume ADVANCES IN CEMENT RESEARCH, 25 :90-97 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Davies MJ, Kerry TD, Seton L, Murphy MF, Gibbons P, Khoo J, Naderi M. 2013. The crystal engineering of salbutamol sulphate via simulated pulmonary surfactant monolayers. Int J Pharm, 446 :34-45 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Sadique M, Al-Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2012. A laboratory study for full cement replacement by fly ash and silica fume MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCH, 64 :1135-1142 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Al-Busaltan S, Al Nageim H, Atherton W, Sharples G, Seton L, Dempster N. 2012. Use of sem and XRD for characterisation the improvement in CMEM'S engineering properties 34th International Conference on Cement Microscopy 2012, :11-22

Sadique M, Al-Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2012. Identification of mineralogical changes towards advanced reactivity of fly ashes for mechanical activation 34th International Conference on Cement Microscopy 2012, :336-349

Sadique M, Al Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2012. A new composite cementitious material for construction CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 35 :846-855 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Khamar D, Bradshaw IJ, Hutcheon GA, Seton L. 2012. Solid State Transformations Mediated by a Kinetically Stable Form CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 12 :109-118 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Seton L, Khamar D, Bradshaw I, Hutcheon G. 2012. Processing induced transformations: Phase impurities introduced during hydration/dehydration CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 77 :57-64 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Davies MJ, Seton L, Tiernan N, Murphy MF, Gibbons P. 2011. Towards crystal engineering via simulated pulmonary surfactant monolayers to optimise inhaled drug delivery. Int J Pharm, 421 :1-11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Khamar D, Pritchard RG, Bradshaw IJ, Hutcheon GA, Seton L. 2011. Polymorphs of anhydrous theophylline: stable form IV consists of dimer pairs and metastable form I consists of hydrogen-bonded chains. Acta Crystallogr C, 67 :o496-o499 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Seton L, Roberts M, Ur-Rehman F. 2010. Compaction of recrystallised ibuprofen CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 164 :449-452 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Seton L, Khamar D, Bradshaw IJ, Hutcheon GA. 2010. Solid State Forms of Theophylline: Presenting a New Anhydrous Polymorph CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 10 :3879-3886 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Parmar MM, Khan O, Seton L, Ford JL. 2007. Polymorph selection with morphology control using solvents CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 7 :1635-1642 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Blagden N, Song M, Davey RJ, Seton L, Seaton CC. 2005. Ordered aggregation of benzamide crystals induced using a "motif capper" additive CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 5 :467-471 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Davey RJ, Allen K, Blagden N, Cross WI, Lieberman HF, Quayle MJ, Righini S, Seton L, Tiddy GJT. 2002. Crystal engineering - nucleation, the key step CRYSTENGCOMM, 4 :257-264 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Thomas JA, Seton L, Davey RJ, DeWolf CE. 2002. Using a liquid emulsion membrane system for the encapsulation of organic and inorganic substrates within inorganic microcapsules. Chem Commun (Camb), :1072-1073 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Williams-Seton L, Davey RJ, Lieberman HF, Pritchard RG. 2000. Disorder and twinning in molecular crystals: impurity-induced effects in adipic acid. J Pharm Sci, 89 :346-354 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Davey RJ, Williams-Seton L, Lieberman HF, Blagden N. 1999. Stabilizing a solid-solid interface with a molecular-scale adhesive NATURE, 402 :797-799 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Williams-Seton L, Davey RJ, Lieberman HF. 1999. Solution chemistry and twinning in saccharin crystals: A combined probe for the structure and functionality of the crystal-fluid interface JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 121 :4563-4567 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Blagden N, Davey RJ, Lieberman HF, Williams L, Payne R, Roberts R, Rowe R, Docherty R. 1998. Crystal chemistry and solvent effects in polymorphic systems sulfathiazole (vol 94, pg 1035, 1998) JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-FARADAY TRANSACTIONS, 94 :1919-1919 Author Url

Blagden N, Davey RJ, Lieberman HF, Williams L, Payne R, Roberts R, Rowe R, Docherty R. 1998. Crystal chemistry and solvent effects in polymorphic systems - Sulfathiazole JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-FARADAY TRANSACTIONS, 94 :1035-1044 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lieberman HF, Williams L, Davey RJ, Pritchard RG. 1998. Molecular configuration at the solid-solid interface: Twinning in saccharin crystals JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 120 :686-691 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Harding MM, Kariuki BM, Williams L, Anwar J. 1995. DL-norleucine: Redetermination of structure and observations with synchrotron radiation Laue diffraction on heating towards transformation ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION B-STRUCTURAL SCIENCE, 51 :1059-1062 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Seton L, Mohamed FAAM, Roberts M, Ford JL, Levina M, Rajabi-Siahboomi AR. Film-coated matrix mini-tablets for the extended release of a water-soluble drug Drug Dev Ind Pharm, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Ruddock FM, Al-Hdabi , Al Nageim , Seton . Enhancing the Mechanical Properties of Gap Graded Cold Asphalt Containing Cement Utilising By-Product Material Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 7 :916-921

Parmar MM. Polymorph Selection with Morphology Control Using Solvents and Additives Seton LINDA, Roberts MATTHEW. DOI Public Url

Davies MJ, Seton L, Tiernan N, Murphy MF, Gibbons P. Towards Crystal Engineering in a Simulated Pulmonary Environment to Optimise Inhaled Drug Delivery International Journal of Pharmaceutics, DOI Author Url

Conference publication

Mallaburn A, Seton L, Brennan V. 2022. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS - FOSTERING CURIOSITY FOR LEARNING SCIENCE THROUGH INSPIRATIONAL SESSIONS! EDULEARN Proceedings, 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 1 :3726-3726 DOI Publisher Url

Mallaburn A, Seton L, Brennan V. 2021. WIDENING PARTICIPATION BY EFFECTIVE OUTREACH IN CHEMISTRY EDULEARN Proceedings, 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 1 :10729-10729 DOI Publisher Url

Mallaburn A, Seton L, Brennan V. 2020. INSPIRATION LEADS TO ASPIRATION: IMPROVING CHEMISTRY LITERACY FOR LEARNERS WITH A LOW SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS EDULEARN Proceedings, 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 1 :997-997 DOI Publisher Url


Dulaimi AFD, Al Nageim , Ruddock , Seton . 2017. Microwave Technique To Develop Cold Asphalt Concrete Bituminous Emulsion Mixture Using New Cementitious Filler The 16th Annual International Conference Asphalt, Pavement Engineering and Infrastructure.

Dulaimi AFD, Al Nageim , Ruddock , Seton . 2017. Performance Assessment and Microstructure of New Cold Asphalt Concrete Binder Course Mixture Using GGBS and CKD The 16th Annual International Conference Asphalt, Pavement Engineering and Infrastructure.

Dulaimi AFD, Al Nageim , Ruddock , Seton . 2017. Microanalysis of a New Cementitious Material to Use As a Filler in a Cold Dense Graded Binder Course Mixture

Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2016. Investigation into the stiffness improvement, microstructure and environmental impact of a novel fast-curing cold bituminous emulsion mixture The 6th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Congress DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2016. The Effect of High Calcium Fly Ash Fineness on the Stiffness Modulus of a New Cold Asphalt Concrete for Binder Course Mixture The 2nd BUiD Doctoral Research Conference, the British University in Dubai

Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2016. Microanalysis of Alkali-Activated Binary Blended Cementitious Filler in a Novel Cold Binder Course Mixture The 38th International Conference on Cement Microscopy

Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2016. Development of a New Cementitious Filler for Use in Fast-Curing Cold Binder Course in Pavement Application The 38th International Conference on Cement Microscopy

Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Felicite Ruddock , Linda Seton . 2016. Assessment the Performance of Cold Bituminous Emulsion Mixtures with Cement and Supplementary Cementitious Material for Binder Course Mixture The 38th International Conference on Cement Microscopy

Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2016. Microanalysis of a New Cementitious Material to Use as a Filler in a Cold Dense Graded Binder Course Mixture The 15th Annual International Conference Asphalt, Pavement Engineering and Infrastructure

Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2015. A Novel Cold Asphalt Concrete Mixture for Heavily Trafficked Binder Course The 17th International Conference on Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering

Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2015. Development of sustainable cold asphalt concrete binder course mixtures using waste fly ash and new waste activator Post Graduate Research Conference, Faculty of Technology and Environment Liverpool John Moores University

Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2015. Development of Sustainable Cold Asphalt Concrete Binder Course Mixtures Using Waste Fly Ash and Metakaolin The 12th International Postgraduate Research Conference

Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2015. Improving the Stiffness Modulus of Cold Asphalt Concrete Binder Course The 14th Annual International Conference Asphalt, Pavement Engineering and Infrastructure

Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2015. Cold Mix Binder Course for Roads & Highways The 14th Annual International Conference Asphalt, Pavement Engineering and Infrastructure

Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2014. Development of A Cold Binder Course Bituminous Emulsion Mixture 8th Annual BEAN Conference (Built Environment & Natural Environment)

Khamar D, Seton L, Bradshaw I, Hutcheon G. 2010. Generation and characterisation of new anhydrous polymorph of theophylline JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 62 :1333-1334 Author Url

Davies MJ, Seton L, Tiernan N. 2010. Towards the Rational Design of Crystalline Material for Pulmonary Delivery JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 62 :1358-1359 Author Url

Mohamed F, Saleem R, Roberts M, Shah UU, Seton L, Ford JL. 2010. Hydrocortisone Mini-Tablets for Pediatric Delivery JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 62 :1441-1441 Author Url

Bradshaw IJ, Seton L, Rosenburgh N. 2010. Outcomes and Benefits of a Knowledge Transfer Partnership in Chemical Science Howlett RJ. INNOVATION THROUGH KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER, 1st International Conference on Innovation through Knowledge Transfer 5 :79-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Davies M, Seton L, Ali M. 2009. The crystallisation of theophylline via a Langmuir-Blodgett approach JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 61 :A84-A84 Author Url

Parmar MM, Seton L, Roberts M, Ford JL. 2005. Polymorph selection using solvents JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 57 :S62-S62 Author Url

Aref M, Overend R, Seton L, Ford JL, Larhrib H. 2005. Compaction of commercial lactose alpha-monohydrate and lactose crystallized from Carbopol gel JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 57 :S65-S65 Author Url

Mohamed FA, Saleem R, Roberts M, Shah UU, Seton L, Ford JL. Development Of Hydrocortisone Mini-Tablets For Improved Paediatric Dosing 2nd Conference of the European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI)

Mohamed FAA, Roberts M, Seton L, Ford JL, Levina M, Rajabi-Siahboomi AR. Effect of Polymer Concentration and Tablet Size on Hydrocortisone Release from Hypromellose Extended Release Mini-Tablets PharmSci

Mohamed FAA, Roberts M, Seton L, Ford JL, Levina M, Rajabi-Siahboomi AR. Extended Release HPMC Mini-Tablets For Paediatric Delivery Of Hydrocortisone 3rd Conference of the European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI)

Seton L, Kumar D, Roberts M, Patel S, Pritchard R, Bradshaw IJ, Hutcheon GA. Solid state characterisation of a highly polymorphic system to explain differences in tabletting and dissolution properties 10th International Symposium on the Crystal Growth of Organic Materials

Mohamed FAA, Roberts M, Seton L, Ford JL, Levina M, Rajabi-Siahboomi AR. The use of a rotary press simulator for production of extended release mini-tablets containing hypromellose . American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting and Exposition

Al Nageim H, Al-Khuzai A, Draker J, Linda S, Dempster N. XRDF, SEM and Compressive Strength Properties of a New Alkali Activated Fly Ash Concrete Mortar Seton L. Advances and Challenges in Structural Engineering, :370-380 DOI Publisher Url

Mallaburn A, Seton L, Brennan V. Improving Delivery of Primary Science Through Teacher Development Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference 2022 - Making Connections, Innovating and Sharing Pedagogy Author Url

Mallaburn A, Seton L. The value of chemistry interventions in secondary school - does this benefit learners? Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference


Politi A. 2021. Use of Molecular Modelling for the Understanding of Self-Assembly Processes in Supramolecular Polymers Enoch S, Seton L. Author Url Public Url


Seton L. 2020. Is Chemistry Accessible for All? Author Url Publisher Url Public Url


Mallaburn A, Seton L, Simon S. 2020. Enhancing school students' engagement in chemistry through a university-led enrichment programme. Simon S, Ilka P. Engaging Learners with Chemistry: projects to stimulate interest and participation :192-224 RSC Publishing. Royal Society of Chemistry DOI Publisher Url

Herez M, Al-Nageim H, Harris C, Seton L. 2020. Developing a premium cementitious filler incorporating high content of sewage sludge fly ash Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 35 :215-226 DOI Publisher Url

Simon S, Mallaburn A, Seton L. 2020. Chapter 10. Enhancing School Students’ Engagement in Chemistry Through a University-led Enrichment Programme Advances in Chemistry Education Series :192-224 Royal Society of Chemistry 9781788015080 DOI Publisher Url

Al-Nageim H, Al-Khuzai A, Draker J, Croft J, Seton L, Dempster N. 2019. XRDF, SEM and Compressive Strength Properties of a New Alkali Activated Fly Ash Concrete Mortar Advances and Challenges in Structural Engineering :370-380 Springer Nature DOI

Al-Hdabi A, Al Nageim H, Ruddock F, Seton L. 2014. Improving the mechanical properties of cold rolled asphalt containing cement utilising by product material Construction and Building Research :487-496 DOI Publisher Url

Seton L. 2013. Thermodynamics Denton P, Rostron C. Pharmaceutics the science of medicine design 2 Oxford University Press 978-0-19-965531-1 Publisher Url

Highlighted activities

Research Grants Awarded:

Shaping Futures (OfS UniConnect), Special project, Raising Attainment, Andrea Mallaburn; Victoria Brennan; Rory McDonald; Menna Goodwin, Grant value (£): £20,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2023

Royal Society of Chemistry, Primary Teachers CPD Continuation Project, PI = Andrea Mallaburn; Victoria Brennan, Grant value (£): £23,600, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2023

Shaping Futures (MCOP), Shaping Futures with Absolute Chemistry, Andrea Mallaburn, School of Education, LJMU; Ian Bradshaw School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, LJMU; Catherine Shillito, Outreach and Recruitment, LJMU, Grant value (£): £29,934, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2019

Shaping Futures, Shaping Futures – Supporting Post-16 Chemistry and Biology (Absolute Chemistry), Dr Linda Seton, Dr Ian Bradshaw, Catherine Shillito, Grant value (£): £15,204, Duration of research project: 11 months. 2019

Shaping Futures (National Collaborative Outreach Programme (NCOP)., Shaping Futures with Chemistry, Ian Bradshaw, Andrea Mallaburn, Paul Ireland, Grant value (£): 44,221, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2017

Royal Society of Chemistry, Chemistry For All, Ian Bradshaw, Paul Ireland, Andrea Mallaburn, Grant value (£): 150, 000, Duration of research project: 5 years. 2014

Conference presentation:

Inspiration leads to Aspiration: Improving Chemistry Literacy for Learners with a low Socioeconomic status, 12th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Virtual (International - Spain), Oral presentation. 2020

DEVISING A UNIQUE MODEL FOR SCIENCE OUTREACH PROGRAMMES WITH CRITICAL ENGAGEMENT FROM TEACHERS ACROSS THE 5-19 AGE RANGE, 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain, Oral presentation. 2019

Inspiration leads to Aspiration: opening pathways for WP learners, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, Oral presentation. 2019

Keynote presentation: Crystal Growth Surfaces: A Journey Through Space and Time, British Crystallographic Association Spring Meeting, University of Nottingham, UK, Keynote presentation. 2019

Keynote Lecture: Theophylline: Linking Solution behaviour, Structures and Properties, CGOM12 & BACG 2016 Joint Conference, University of Leeds, Keynote Lecture. 2016

Media Coverage:

Article in "Educate" an on-line magazine for Schools, parents and pupils regarding the "chemist of the year" award given to participants of the Chemistry for All research project funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry .

Professional activities

Research Grants Awarded:

Royal Society of Chemistry Large Outreach Fund, School’s Water Challenge, Andrea Mallaburn; Victoria Brennan; Rory McDonald; Menna Goodwin, Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2023

Royal Society Of Chemistry, Chemistry Weeek, Outreach Fund, Unsung Heroes, supporting neurodiverse learners, Andrea Mallaburn; Victoria Brennan; Rory McDonald; Menna Goodwin, Grant value (£): £500, Duration of research project: 1 month. 2023

Shaping Futures (OfS UniConnect), Absolute Chemistry Chemical challenge Y11, Andrea Mallaburn; Victoria Brennan; Rory McDonald; Menna Goodwin, Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2023

Shaping Futures (OfS UniConnect), Special project, Raising Attainment, Andrea Mallaburn; Victoria Brennan; Rory McDonald; Menna Goodwin, Grant value (£): £20,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2023

Royal Society of Chemistry, Primary Teachers CPD Continuation Project, PI = Andrea Mallaburn; Victoria Brennan, Grant value (£): £23,600, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2023

Shaping Futures ( OfS UniConnect), Absolute Chemistry Chemical Challenge, Andrea Mallaburn School of Education, Victoria Brennan School of Education, Grant value (£): £19,910, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2022

OfS Uniconnect (Shaping Futures), Absolute Chemistry, Chemical Challenge Year 9, Andrea Mallaburn; Victoria Brennan; Hannah Williams; Menna Goodwin, Grant value (£): £9,948, Duration of research project: 8 months. 2021

OfS Uniconnect (Shaping Futures), Absolute Chemistry, Chemistry In Our World Y9, Andrea Mallaburn; Victoria Brennan; Hannah Williams; Menna Goodwin, Grant value (£): £9, 948, Duration of research project: 8 months. 2021

OfS UniConnect (Shaping Futures), Absolute Chemistry, Skills Development Y11, Andrea Mallaburn; Victoria Brennan; Hannah Williams; Menna Goodwin, Grant value (£): £8, 734, Duration of research project: 8 months. 2021

Royal Society of Chemistry, Primary Teacher CPD Pilot Project, Andrea Mallaburn, Grant value (£): £20,220, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2021

Royal Society of Chemistry, Chemistry for All outreach grants: putting research into practice, Andrea Mallaburn, Victoria Brennan, Grant value (£): £24,993, Duration of research project: 24 Months. 2021

Shaping Futures ( UniConnect), Shaping Futures with Chemistry 14-16 Programme ( Absolute Chemistry), Andrea Mallaburn, Grant value (£): 29,934, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2020

Shaping Futures, Shaping Futures – Supporting Post-16 Chemistry and Biology (Absolute Chemistry), Linda Seton, Grant value (£): £17,574.20, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2020

Shaping Futures (MCOP), Shaping Futures with Absolute Chemistry, Andrea Mallaburn, School of Education, LJMU; Ian Bradshaw School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, LJMU; Catherine Shillito, Outreach and Recruitment, LJMU, Grant value (£): £29,934, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2019

Royal Society of Chemistry, Chemistry All Around Us, Grant value (£): £2000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2019

Shaping Futures, Shaping Futures – Supporting Post-16 Chemistry and Biology (Absolute Chemistry), Dr Linda Seton, Dr Ian Bradshaw, Catherine Shillito, Grant value (£): £15,204, Duration of research project: 11 months. 2019

Shaping Futures Merseyside Collaborative Outreach Programme (MCOP), Shaping Futures with Chemistry: Phase One Extension, Ian Bradshaw, Andrea Mallaburn, Menna Goodwin, Catherine Shillito, Grant value (£): £25,366.00, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2018

Shaping Futures (National Collaborative Outreach Programme (NCOP)., Shaping Futures with Chemistry, Ian Bradshaw, Andrea Mallaburn, Paul Ireland, Grant value (£): 44,221, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2017

Royal Society of Chemistry, Chemistry For All, Ian Bradshaw, Paul Ireland, Andrea Mallaburn, Grant value (£): 150, 000, Duration of research project: 5 years. 2014

Conference organisation:

BCA/BACG online Joint Spring Meetin, Member of organising committee Chair of Symposium: Crystal Growth - theory to practice, 2021

BACG 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting 2019 annual conference of the British Association of Crystal Growth, Member of conference organising commitee, 2019

45th Annual British Association for Crystal Growth Conference, Organising Commitee, 2014

2013 Annual Conference of the British Association for Crystal Growth, Organising commitee, 2013

CrystallisAbility, Organising Commitee, 2013

10th Conference on the Crystal Growth of Organic Materials (CGOM10), Member of Scientific Committee, 2011

2010 Annual Meeting of the British Association for Crystal Growth, Member of Organising Commitee, 2009

Conference presentation:

Inspiration leads to Aspiration: Improving Chemistry Literacy for Learners with a low Socioeconomic status, 12th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Virtual (International - Spain), Oral presentation. 2020

DEVISING A UNIQUE MODEL FOR SCIENCE OUTREACH PROGRAMMES WITH CRITICAL ENGAGEMENT FROM TEACHERS ACROSS THE 5-19 AGE RANGE, 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain, Oral presentation. 2019

Inspiration leads to Aspiration: opening pathways for WP learners, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, Oral presentation. 2019

Keynote presentation: Crystal Growth Surfaces: A Journey Through Space and Time, British Crystallographic Association Spring Meeting, University of Nottingham, UK, Keynote presentation. 2019

A model of civic engagement – breaking down the barriers to learning!, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference 2018, LJMU, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2018

That’s So Cool! Strategies to beat barriers to engagement for WP learners., ASE Annual Conference 2018, University of Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2018

Strategies to increase inclusion of socioeconomically challenged learners: a case study, Variety in Chemistry Education and Physics Higher education Conference 2017, University of York, Poster presentation. 2017

Teachers’ perception of physical science outreach work as a tool to increase enthusiasm and engagement particularly students from socially deprived areas, Variety in Chemistry Education and Physics Higher Education Conference, University of York, Oral presentation. 2017

Strategies to increase inclusion of socio-economically challenged learners: a case study, Teaching & Learning Conference, June 2017, LJMU, Liverpool UK, Oral presentation. 2017

Teachers’ perception of chemistry outreach work as an intervention tool which can have a lasting impact; particularly with pupils from a lower socio-economic background, 8th TEAN Conference: Thinking deeply about Teacher Education, Aston University, Birmingham, Oral presentation. 2017

Keynote Lecture: Theophylline: Linking Solution behaviour, Structures and Properties, CGOM12 & BACG 2016 Joint Conference, University of Leeds, Keynote Lecture. 2016

Cultivating Learning - Civic Engagement with local Secondary Schools, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, LJMU, Poster presentation. 2016

Civic Engagement: Learning everywhere but the classroom, 7th Teacher Education Advancement Network Annual Conference - ‘Cultivating Learning’, University of Aston, Oral presentation. 2016

Women in Science - A Personal View, International Women's Day Celebration, LJMU faculty of Science, Oral presentation. 2016

The Reluctant Polymorph, BACG 2014: Annual Conference of the British Association for Crystal Growth, Leeds Becket University, Oral presentation. 2015

Civic Engagement: Learning everywhere but the classroom, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference 2015, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2015

The Reluctant Polymorph: The Effect of Self-Association on the Nucleation and Phase Transformation of Theophylline, Nucleation: A Transition State to the Directed Assembly of Materials : Faraday Discussion 179, Leeds Beckett University, Oral poster presentation. 2015

External PGR examinations performed:

University of Manchester, PhD, The synthesis and structural characterisation of novel transition metal complexes of aromatic ligands. 2018

University of Limerick, PhD, Crystallisation of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients in the Presence of Heterosurfaces. 2018

University of Lincoln, MRes, The role of extremolyte additives in the stabilisation of solid state forms of biopharmaceutical materials. 2017

University of Manchester, PhD, Structural Characterisation of Novel Poly Aryl Compounds. 2016

University of Leeds, PhD, Prediction of the Mechanical Properties of Molecular Crystals Based Upon Their Crystallographic Structure. 2016

University of Bradford, Tagrid Saad Alomar, PhD, Directing the Assembly of Multicomponent Organic Crystals. 2014

University of Manchester, Sara Gilks, PhD, Crystallisation of Chiral Molecules from Emulsions: D,L Threonine R, S-2 Chloromandelic Acid and R, S Clopidogrel Hydrogen Sulphate. 2014

University of Durham, Isaac Odiase, PhD. 2014

University of Manchester, Sultan Kaab, MPhil. 2014

University of Limerick, Marcus O'Mahoney, PhD. 2013

University of Leeds, Qassim Hussein, PhD. 2012

University of Manchester, Pietro Di Tondo, MSc. 2012

University of Rouen, France, Olivier Lambert, European Doctor of Philosophy. 2011

University of Cork, Ireland, Kevin Guiry, PhD. 2010

University of Manchester, Monika Brychczynska, PhD. 2010

University of Leeds, Mohammed Al Mari, PhD. 2009

Unviersity of Durham, Catherine Nicholson, PhD, Crystallisation in Emulsion and Microemulsion Systems. 2007

External committees:

NW Regional Steering Group, Royal Society of Chemistry, Member. 2018

Commitee of BACG, British Association of Crystal Growth, Secretary, 2012

Process Technology Group, Royal Society of Chemistry, Member, 2009

Commitee, British Association of Crystal Growth, Member, 2001

External collaboration:

University of Manchester, Sven Schroeder. 2012

Membership of professional bodies:

Fellow, Higher Education Academy, 2012

Associate Member, Institute of Chemical Engineers.

Chartered Chemist, Chartered Scientist, Royal Society of Chemistry.

Editorial boards:

Crystal Growth and Design, Guest Editor for special issue, 2010

Other invited event:

Advisor to new Msc Course in Crystallisation, University of Manchester, Reviewed course documentation and gave comments and feedback prior to validation of the course.. 2010

Industrial connections:

Salt Union, KTP: Development and formulation of de-icing products, 2005

Media Coverage:

Blog post detailing the Chemistry for All project and its contribution to the Summer Internship programme TLC2015

Post on the LJMU Teaching and Learning Academy Blog about the developing staff -student relationships to get the best out of curriculum enhancement internships TLC2015

Article in Educate magazine about the Y9 experience days which took place in Jun 2017

Article in "Educate" an on-line magazine for Schools, parents and pupils regarding the "chemist of the year" award given to participants of the Chemistry for All research project funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry

Changes on the way to science classes in many Merseyside schools through new LJMU scheme. New funding means 'engaging and enriching' activities for pupils, university says Liverpool Echo 18th April 2018 article to announce Shaping futures funding of £44 to deliver an intensive programme of chemistry interventions in local school to promote HE study

Other Professional Activity:

The Chemistry for All team worked with All About STEM to provide a 6 week resource for school STEM clubs with a focus on chemistry activities. Resource publicly available on the All About STEM webpages
