Dr Philip Denton
Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: P.Denton@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2035
As Associate Dean (Education and Student Experience) for the Faculty of Science, Phil oversees innovation, implementation, and monitoring in respect of the University's Education and Student Experience Plan 2023-2030. As a Principal Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, Phil contributes to BSc Chemistry, BSc Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Sciences, MPharm Pharmacy, and on Level 3 of all School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences (PBS) programmes with a Foundation year. He was awarded an LJMU Individual Teaching Award in 2013 and has been shortlisted three times for a JMSU amazing Teacher Award (2015, 2017, 2020). A Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) for many years, Phil was accorded a Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) in 2014 and a National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) by AdvanceHE in 2019.
Phil’s early research work investigated the relationship between molecular structure and reactivity, with a particular interest in association and enzyme-mediated reactions. In his current research, he has explored students' experiences of feedback and has evaluated novel teaching-related software. Inspired by chemistry, he has developed the 'flame metaphor' for feedback that advocates the return developmental and accessible performance information to students (fuel) within a curricular atmosphere (oxygen) that provides timely opportunities to use this information. However, only if students are assessment literate (ignition) will information illuminate, and regular opportunities to develop associated skills and attributes must be provided.
2001, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PGCert (LTHE)
1995, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, PGCE Chemistry
1994, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom, PhD
1991, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom, BSc Chemistry (First Class)
2014, Higher Education Academy (HEA), Senior Fellowship
2002, Higher Education Academy (HEA), Fellowship
Academic appointments
Associate Dean (Education and Student Experience), Faculty of Science, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
EDI Champion, Faculty of Science, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - 2022
Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Science, Liverpool John Moores University, 2013 - 2022
Principal Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy and Chemistry, Liverpool John Moores University, 2005 - present
Faculty Learning Development Manager, Faculty of Science, Liverpool John Moores University, 2003 - 2013
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy and Chemistry, Liverpool John Moores University, 1998 - 2004
Highlighted publications
Denton P, McIlroy D. 2017. Response of students to statement-bank feedback: The impact of assessment literacy on performances in summative tasks Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, :1-10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Denton P, Rowe P. 2014. Using statement banks to return online feedback: limitations of the transmission approach in a credit-bearing assessment Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, :1-9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Denton P. 2014. Colligative Properties Denton , Rostron C. Pharmaceutics: The science of medicine design :190-207 OUP. Oxford 9780199655311 Publisher Url
Denton P. 2013. Introduction Denton P. Pharmaceutics The Science of Medicine Design Oxford University Press 9780199655311 DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Denton P. 2023. Online Assessment: Providing AI Direction Through COMPASS https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAbF8wnSF-e8TCfjSDJd5ENGWO6prYTFr, Pedagogy and Practice when Teaching and Learning Online Publisher Url
Rhodes CJ, Tran TT, Denton P, Morris H. 2002. Theoretical considerations on the efficiency of the vitamin E-type of antioxidant FREE RADICAL RESEARCH, Conference on European Research on Functional Effects of Dietary Antioxidants - Benefits and Risks 36 :89-90 Author Url
Denton P. Students' responses to formative and summative online feedback generated using a statement bank: Outcomes from two quantitative studies Mcilroy D. International Assessment in Higher Education Conference 2015
Denton P. The Electronic Feedback software 9th TechEd Conference 2004, Ontario, California
Denton P. Evaluation of the Electronic Feedback Marking Assistant and Analysis of a Novel Collusion Detection Facility http://caaconference.co.uk/pastConferences/2003/procedings/index.html, 7th International Computer Aided Assessment Conference 2003
Denton P. Detection of plagiarism in students' work using a novel electronic marking assistant Proceedings of the International Conference on ICTs in Education, Badajoz, International Conference on ICTs in Education 2003 :445-449
Denton P. Generating and e-Mailing Feedback to Students Using MS Office http://caaconference.co.uk/pastConferences/2001/proceedings/, 5th International Computer Aided Assessment Conference 2001
Denton P, Mcilroy D. High-octane fuel? Incorporating a contextualised rubric within online feedback to stimulate higher-order learning International Assessment in Higher Education Conference 2017
Denton P. Towards a shared understanding of assessment: Application of the flame metaphor for feedback Unravelling Assessment and Feedback Literacy Symposium, University of Surrey
Denton P. Measuring the impact of students’ use online assessment feedback: Outcomes of a self-reporting methodology Methodologies for measuring curriculum impact, ELISIG North West, Edge Hill University :3-3
Denton P. Hearts then minds: Acknowledging the affective domain of learning in a digital age 2nd Teaching and Learning Forum, University of Sharjah, UAE
Denton P. Move over Prometheus: Reconceptualising feedback through the flame metaphor Assessment in Higher Education Conference
Journal article
Denton P. 2019. Refreshing peer observation through Walkabout Weeks: observers as voyagers, not vampires Innovations in Practice, 13 :5-9 Publisher Url Public Url
Denton P, McIlroy D. 2017. Response of students to statement-bank feedback: The impact of assessment literacy on performances in summative tasks Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, :1-10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dobbins C, Denton P. 2017. MyWallMate: An Investigation into the Use of Mobile Technology in Enhancing Student Engagement TechTrends, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Denton P, Rowe P. 2014. Using statement banks to return online feedback: limitations of the transmission approach in a credit-bearing assessment Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, :1-9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Denton P, Madden J, Roberts M, Rowe P. 2008. Students' response to traditional and computer-assisted formative feedback: A comparative case study BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 39 :486-500 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rhodes CJ, Tran TT, Denton P, Morris H. 2003. Rationalisation of the activities of phenolic (vitamin E-type) antioxidants SPECTROSCOPY-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 17 :753-762 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Denton P. 2001. Generating Coursework Feedback for Large Groups of Students Using MS Excel and MS Word University Chemistry Education, 5 :1-8 Publisher Url
Denton P. 2000. Analysis of first-order kinetics using Microsoft Excel Solver JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION, 77 :1524-1525 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Denton P. 2000. A Structure-Activity Relationship for the Hydrolysis of Acetylamino Acids by Porcine Aminoacylase. Bioorg Chem, 28 :205-213 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Denton P, Johnson CD. 1995. Selectivity and the Ritchie equation Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2, :477-477 DOI Publisher Url
Denton P. 1992. Tertiary amide hydrolysis: the putative alpha-methyl effect Journal of Chemical Research, :410-411
Denton P. 2014. Colligative Properties Denton , Rostron C. Pharmaceutics: The science of medicine design :190-207 OUP. Oxford 9780199655311 Publisher Url
Denton P. 2013. Introduction Denton P. Pharmaceutics The Science of Medicine Design Oxford University Press 9780199655311 DOI Publisher Url
Denton P. 2012. Refining e-marking practices: Embedding interactivity within feedback Higher Education Academy Annual Conference 2012 Public Url
Denton P. Returning interactive feedback with the Tweaktime freeware, e-Assessment Scotland, Dundee, 2012
Denton P. Optimising the MS Word reviewer tool for e-marking, Optimising the MS Word reviewer tool for e-marking, Jisc CETIS Making Assessment Count Event, University of Strathclyde, 2011
Denton P, mcilroy D. Student assessment literacy: One element of successful transition? LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference 2016.
Denton P. Enhancing student learning using Electronic Feedback 9, 2003, HEA Exchange Magazine, 4, 23-24.
Denton P. Returning Feedback to Students via Email Using Electronic Feedback 9, 2003, HEA Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Newsletter, 2(1).
National Teaching Fellowship (NTF), AdvanceHE, https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/. 2019
Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, AdvanceHE, https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/. 2014
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), AdvanceHE, https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/. 2003
Research Grants Awarded:
University of Sharjah, Consultancy, Grant value (£): 2500, Duration of research project: Two-day consultancy including lecture and workshop. 2019
Membership of professional bodies:
Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC), The Royal Society of Chemistry, https://www.rsc.org/. 2018
Member of the Institute of Learning and Teaching (MILT), Institute of Learning and Teaching. 2001