Dr Kostas Kiriakoulakis
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: K.Kiriakoulakis@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2483
I am the Head (aka Subject Leader) of Geography and Environmental Sciences and a Reader in Marine Science.
A trained geologist/biogeochemist with a keen interest in the oceans, where I have done most of my research for the last 27 years. For most of these I have been studying natural organic matter, using techniques such as chromatography and spectroscopy. Roughly 10 years ago I started looking into microplastic pollution using microscopy and, again, spectroscopy.
Organic matter in the form of floating organic particles, is the only energy source for much of the ocean; its abundance and composition may control the functioning of vulnerable marine ecosystems such as cold-water coral reefs, the little-known gems of the deep sea. These reefs are nevertheless recognised to be hotspots of marine biodiversity although many questions remain about their functioning, particularly in the face of pollution and climate change.
Organic particles escaping into the depths of the ocean, a processes commonly termed “the biological carbon pump”, plays an important role in removing oceanic Carbon from contact with the atmosphere, yet many questions remain about its efficiency and fluctuations in relation to climate change.
The complexity of organic molecules can also be used as a tool to looking at the past; as preserved fatty compounds in sediments and rocks, termed lipid biomarkers, hold invaluable information on ancient worlds and the processes that created them. This creates a window into the past, giving us a helping hand perhaps to predict the future.
On a different note, finding high levels of microplastics in the abyssal sediments of the Southern Ocean was certainly a revelation and poses some interesting and, as yet, not well explained questions. As many as ongoing research on microplastic pollution in relation to deep sea mining of strategic minerals in the Central Pacific, one of the most remote areas on earth.
Through the years I have had the opportunity to go to 17 ocean-going expeditions, as far as the Southern Ocean, and supervise 10 PhD/MPhil students, whilst still being involved with a few. All very exciting and, my hope is, useful to science and society.
I have certainly tried to transmit some of that experience and knowledge to students. I been teaching and leading modules for 14+ years in the class, lab and field primarily for Geography, Environmental Science and Climate Change students. A particular highlight has been organising a residential fieldtrip to Greece for the 12 years. Overall my teaching experience has been highly rewarding in many ways; it is moving when student congratulate you during their graduation.
I have also had the opportunity to lead the BSc Geography programme for roughly 5 years (2017-22), a challenging but invaluable experience. Which brings me to where I am. And the journey goes on!
Greek, Modern (1453-)
1996, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, PhD (Organic Geochemistry)
1990, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, BSc (Earth Sciences)
Academic appointments
Head of Geography and Environmental Sciences, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
Reader in Marine Science, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2021 - present
Programme Leader of Geography, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017 - present
Lecturer / Senior Lecturer, School of Natural Sciences and Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2009 - 2021
Research Fellow, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Liverpool, 2000 - 2009
Senior Research Assistant, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Liverpool, 1999 - 2000
Research Associate, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Liverpool, 1996 - 1999
Postgraduate training
Postgraduate Certificate Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, United Kingdom, Liverpool John Moores University, 2010 - 2013
Highlighted publications
Giering SLC, Sanders R, Blackbird S, Briggs N, Carvalho F, East H, Espinola B, Henson SA, Kiriakoulakis K, Iversen MH, Lampitt RS, Pabortsava K, Pebody C, Peel K, Preece C, Saw K, Villa-Alfageme M, Wolff GA. 2023. Vertical imbalance in organic carbon budgets is indicative of a missing vertical transfer during a phytoplankton bloom near South Georgia (COMICS) Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 209 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Cunningham EM, Ehlers SM, Kiriakoulakis K, Schuchert P, Jones NH, Kregting L, Woodall LC, Dick JTA. 2022. Author Correction: The accumulation of microplastic pollution in a commercially important fishing ground (Scientific Reports, (2022), 12, 1, (4217), 10.1038/s41598-022-08203-2) Scientific Reports, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cunningham EM, Ehlers SM, Kiriakoulakis K, Schuchert P, Jones NH, Kregting L, Woodall LC, Dick JTA. 2022. The accumulation of microplastic pollution in a commercially important fishing ground Scientific Reports, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cunningham EM, Ehlers SM, Dick JTA, Sigwart JD, Linse K, Dick JJ, Kiriakoulakis K. 2020. High Abundances of Microplastic Pollution in Deep-Sea Sediments: Evidence from Antarctica and the Southern Ocean Environmental Science and Technology (Washington), 54 :13661-13671 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cunningham EM, Kiriakoulakis K, Dick JTA, Kregting L, Schuchert P, Sigwart JD. 2020. Driven by speculation, not by impact - the effects of plastic on fish species. Journal of Fish Biology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Daly E, Johnson MP, Wilson AM, Gerritsen HD, Kiriakoulakis K, Allcock AL, White M. 2017. Bottom trawling at Whittard Canyon: Evidence for seabed modification, trawl plumes and food source heterogeneity Progress in Oceanography, 169 :227-240 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Turnewitsch R, Dumont M, Kiriakoulakis K, Legg S, Mohn C, Peine F, Wolff G. 2016. Tidal influence on particulate organic carbon export fluxes around a tall seamount Progress in Oceanography, 149 :189-213 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Orejas C, Gori A, Rad-Menendez C, Last KS, Davies AJ, Beveridge CM, Sadd D, Kiriakoulakis K, Witte U, Roberts JM. 2016. The effect of flow speed and food size on the capture efficiency and feeding behaviour of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY, 481 :34-40 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Amaro T, Huvenne VAI, Allcock AL, Aslam T, Davies JS, Danovaro R, De Stigter HC, Duineveld GCA, Gambi C, Gooday AJ, Gunton LM, Hall R, Howell KL, Ingels J, Kiriakoulakis K, Kershaw CE, Lavaleye MSS, Robert K, Stewart H, Van Rooij D, White M, Wilson AM. 2016. The Whittard Canyon - A case study of submarine canyon processes PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 146 :38-57 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
White M, Mohn C, Kiriakoulakis K. 2016. Environmental Sampling Clark MR, Consalvey M, Rowden A. Biological Sampling in the Deep Sea John Wiley & Sons DOI Publisher Url
Wilson AM, Kiriakoulakis K, Raine R, Gerritsen HD, Blackbird S, Allcock AL, White M. 2015. Anthropogenic influence on sediment transport in the Whittard Canyon, NE Atlantic MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 101 :320-329 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Floegel S, Dullo W-C, Pfannkuche O, Kiriakoulakis K, Rueggeberg A. 2014. Geochemical and physical constraints for the occurrence of living cold-water corals Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 99 :19-26 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Paterson GLJ, Glover AG, Cunha MR, Neal L, de Stigter HC, Kiriakoulakis K, Billett DSM, Wolff GA, Tiago A, Ravara A, Lamont P, Tyler P. 2011. Disturbance, productivity and diversity in deep-sea canyons: A worm's eye view DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 58 :2448-2460 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cunha MR, Paterson GLJ, Amaro T, Blackbird S, de Stigter HC, Ferreira C, Glover A, Hilario A, Kiriakoulakis K, Neal L, Ravara A, Rodrigues CF, Tiago A, Billett DSM. 2011. Biodiversity of macrofaunal assemblages from three Portuguese submarine canyons (NE Atlantic) DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 58 :2433-2447 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kiriakoulakis K, Blackbird S, Ingels J, Vanreusel A, Wolff GA. 2011. Organic geochemistry of submarine canyons: The Portuguese Margin DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 58 :2477-2488 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Masson DG, Huvenne VAI, de Stigter HC, Wolff GA, Kiriakoulakis K, Arzola RG, Blackbird S. 2010. Efficient burial of carbon in a submarine canyon GEOLOGY, 38 :831-834 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kiriakoulakis K, Blackbird S, Wolff GA. 2010. Provenance and fate of organic carbon in three submarine canyons from the Portuguese Margin: Implications for transport processes of material in continental margins Geophysical Research Abstracts, European Geosciences Union 12 Publisher Url Public Url
Vilas JC, Aristegui J, Kiriakoulakis K, Wolff GA, Espino M, Polo I, Montero MF, Mendonca A. 2009. Seamounts and organic matter-Is there an effect? The case of Sedlo and Seine Seamounts: Part 1. Distributions of dissolved and particulate organic matter DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 56 :2618-2630 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kiriakoulakis K, Vilas JC, Blackbird SJ, Aristegui J, Wolff GA. 2009. Seamounts and organic matter-Is there an effect? The case of Sedlo and Seine seamounts, Part 2. Composition of suspended particulate organic matter DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 56 :2631-2645 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ingels J, Kiriakoulakis K, Wolff GA, Vanreusel A. 2009. Nematode diversity and its relation to the quantity and quality of sedimentary organic matter in the deep Nazare Canyon, Western Iberian Margin DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS, 56 :1521-1539 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lavaleye M, Duineveld G, Lundalv T, White M, Guihen D, Kiriakoulakis K, Wolff GA. 2009. COLD-WATER CORALS ON THE TISLER REEF PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS ON THE DYNAMIC REEF ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY, 22 :76-84 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tyler P, Amaro T, Arzola R, Cunha MR, de Stigter H, Gooday A, Huvenne V, Ingels J, Kiriakoulakis K, Lastras G, Masson D, Oliveira A, Pattenden A, Vanreusel A, Van Weering T, Vitorino J, Witte U, Wolff G. 2009. Europe's Grand Canyon Nazare Submarine Canyon OCEANOGRAPHY, 22 :46-57 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Marshall JD, Lang B, Crowley SF, Weedon GP, van Calsteren P, Fisher EH, Holme R, Holmes JA, Jones RT, Bedford A, Brooks SJ, Bloemendal J, Kiriakoulakis K, Ball JD. 2007. Terrestrial impact of abrupt changes in the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation: Early Holocene, UK GEOLOGY, 35 :639-642 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Turnewitsch R, Springer BM, Kiriakoulakis K, Vilas JC, Aristegui J, Wolff G, Peine F, Werk S, Graf G, Waniek JJ. 2007. Determination of particulate organic carbon (POC) in seawater: The relative methodological importance of artificial gains and losses in two glass-fiber-filter-based techniques MARINE CHEMISTRY, 105 :208-228 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dick J, Lloyd-Jones T, Galata S, Lane T, Cunningham E, Kiriakoulakis K. 2025. The occurrence and sources of microplastics to Arctic and sub-Arctic beaches: human influence on local microplastic hotspots DOI Publisher Url
Cunningham EM, Ehlers SM, Kiriakoulakis K, Schuchert P, Jones NH, Kregting L, Woodall LC, Dick JTA. 2022. Author Correction: The accumulation of microplastic pollution in a commercially important fishing ground (Scientific Reports, (2022), 12, 1, (4217), 10.1038/s41598-022-08203-2) Scientific Reports, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Journal article
Major W, Giering SLC, Ainsworth J, Belcher A, Blackbird S, Bridger M, Briggs N, Carvalho F, Clément L, Cook K, Dumousseaud C, Espinola B, Evans C, Fielding S, Hartmann M, Henson S, Iversen M, Kiriakoulakis K, Lampitt R, Lovecchio E, Martin A, Mayor D, Moore M, Pabortsava K, Pebody C, Peel K, Preece C, Poulton A, Rayne R, Saw K, Stinchcombe M, Stowasser G, Tarling GA, Thomalla S, Villa-Alfageme M, Wolff GA, Sanders R. 2024. Active and passive organic carbon fluxes during a bloom in the Southern Ocean (South Georgia) Scientific Data, 11 :1-9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Galata S, Walkington I, Lane T, Kiriakoulakis K, Dick JJ. 2024. Rapid detection of microfibres in environmental samples using open-source visual recognition models Journal of Hazardous Materials, 480 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Savineau ELR, Cook KB, Blackbird SJ, Stowasser G, Kiriakoulakis K, Preece C, Fielding S, Belcher AC, Wolff GA, Tarling GA, Mayor DJ. 2024. Investigating the physiological ecology of mesopelagic zooplankton in the Scotia sea (Southern ocean) using lipid and stable isotope signatures Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 208 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Lloyd-Jones T, Dick J, Lane TP, Cunningham E, Kiriakoulakis K. 2023. Occurrence and sources of microplastics on Arctic beaches: Svalbard Marine Pollution Bulletin, 196 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Giering SLC, Sanders R, Blackbird S, Briggs N, Carvalho F, East H, Espinola B, Henson SA, Kiriakoulakis K, Iversen MH, Lampitt RS, Pabortsava K, Pebody C, Peel K, Preece C, Saw K, Villa-Alfageme M, Wolff GA. 2023. Vertical imbalance in organic carbon budgets is indicative of a missing vertical transfer during a phytoplankton bloom near South Georgia (COMICS) Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 209 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Cunningham EM, Ehlers SM, Kiriakoulakis K, Schuchert P, Jones NH, Kregting L, Woodall LC, Dick JTA. 2022. The accumulation of microplastic pollution in a commercially important fishing ground Scientific Reports, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
García-Vázquez A, Crampton DA, Lamb AL, Wolff GA, Kiriakoulakis K, Guidarelli G, Loy A, Ciucci P, Groff C, Pinto-Llona AC, Grandal-d’Anglade A, Meloro C. 2022. Isotopic signature in isolated south-western populations of European brown bear (Ursus arctos) Mammal Research, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Cunningham EM, Ehlers SM, Dick JTA, Sigwart JD, Linse K, Dick JJ, Kiriakoulakis K. 2020. High Abundances of Microplastic Pollution in Deep-Sea Sediments: Evidence from Antarctica and the Southern Ocean Environmental Science and Technology (Washington), 54 :13661-13671 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cunningham EM, Kiriakoulakis K, Dick JTA, Kregting L, Schuchert P, Sigwart JD. 2020. Driven by speculation, not by impact - the effects of plastic on fish species. Journal of Fish Biology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Daly E, Johnson MP, Wilson AM, Gerritsen HD, Kiriakoulakis K, Allcock AL, White M. 2017. Bottom trawling at Whittard Canyon: Evidence for seabed modification, trawl plumes and food source heterogeneity Progress in Oceanography, 169 :227-240 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gomez F, Kiriakoulakis K, Lara E. 2017. Achradina pulchra, a Unique Dinoflagellate (Amphilothales, Dinophyceae) with a Radiolarian-like Endoskeleton of Celestite (Strontium Sulfate) ACTA PROTOZOOLOGICA, 56 :71-76 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Turnewitsch R, Dumont M, Kiriakoulakis K, Legg S, Mohn C, Peine F, Wolff G. 2016. Tidal influence on particulate organic carbon export fluxes around a tall seamount Progress in Oceanography, 149 :189-213 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Orejas C, Gori A, Rad-Menendez C, Last KS, Davies AJ, Beveridge CM, Sadd D, Kiriakoulakis K, Witte U, Roberts JM. 2016. The effect of flow speed and food size on the capture efficiency and feeding behaviour of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY, 481 :34-40 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Amaro T, Huvenne VAI, Allcock AL, Aslam T, Davies JS, Danovaro R, De Stigter HC, Duineveld GCA, Gambi C, Gooday AJ, Gunton LM, Hall R, Howell KL, Ingels J, Kiriakoulakis K, Kershaw CE, Lavaleye MSS, Robert K, Stewart H, Van Rooij D, White M, Wilson AM. 2016. The Whittard Canyon - A case study of submarine canyon processes PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 146 :38-57 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson AM, Kiriakoulakis K, Raine R, Gerritsen HD, Blackbird S, Allcock AL, White M. 2015. Anthropogenic influence on sediment transport in the Whittard Canyon, NE Atlantic MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 101 :320-329 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Floegel S, Dullo W-C, Pfannkuche O, Kiriakoulakis K, Rueggeberg A. 2014. Geochemical and physical constraints for the occurrence of living cold-water corals Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 99 :19-26 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ramalho SP, Adao H, Kiriakoulakis K, Wolff GA, Vanreusel A, Ingels J. 2014. Temporal and spatial variation in the Nazare Canyon (Western Iberian margin): Inter-annual and canyon heterogeneity effects on meiofauna biomass and diversity DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS, 83 :102-114 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
White M, Wolff GA, Lundalv T, Guihen D, Kiriakoulakis K, Lavaleye M, Duineveld G. 2012. Cold-water coral ecosystem (Tisler Reef, Norwegian Shelf) may be a hotspot for carbon cycling MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, 465 :11-23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Paterson GLJ, Glover AG, Cunha MR, Neal L, de Stigter HC, Kiriakoulakis K, Billett DSM, Wolff GA, Tiago A, Ravara A, Lamont P, Tyler P. 2011. Disturbance, productivity and diversity in deep-sea canyons: A worm's eye view DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 58 :2448-2460 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cunha MR, Paterson GLJ, Amaro T, Blackbird S, de Stigter HC, Ferreira C, Glover A, Hilario A, Kiriakoulakis K, Neal L, Ravara A, Rodrigues CF, Tiago A, Billett DSM. 2011. Biodiversity of macrofaunal assemblages from three Portuguese submarine canyons (NE Atlantic) DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 58 :2433-2447 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ingels J, Billett DSM, Kiriakoulakis K, Wolff GA, Vanreusel A. 2011. Structural and functional diversity of Nematoda in relation with environmental variables in the Setubal and Cascais canyons, Western Iberian Margin DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 58 :2354-2368 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kiriakoulakis K, Blackbird S, Ingels J, Vanreusel A, Wolff GA. 2011. Organic geochemistry of submarine canyons: The Portuguese Margin DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 58 :2477-2488 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Masson DG, Huvenne VAI, de Stigter HC, Wolff GA, Kiriakoulakis K, Arzola RG, Blackbird S. 2010. Efficient burial of carbon in a submarine canyon GEOLOGY, 38 :831-834 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Vilas JC, Aristegui J, Kiriakoulakis K, Wolff GA, Espino M, Polo I, Montero MF, Mendonca A. 2009. Seamounts and organic matter-Is there an effect? The case of Sedlo and Seine Seamounts: Part 1. Distributions of dissolved and particulate organic matter DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 56 :2618-2630 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kiriakoulakis K, Vilas JC, Blackbird SJ, Aristegui J, Wolff GA. 2009. Seamounts and organic matter-Is there an effect? The case of Sedlo and Seine seamounts, Part 2. Composition of suspended particulate organic matter DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 56 :2631-2645 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ingels J, Kiriakoulakis K, Wolff GA, Vanreusel A. 2009. Nematode diversity and its relation to the quantity and quality of sedimentary organic matter in the deep Nazare Canyon, Western Iberian Margin DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS, 56 :1521-1539 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lavaleye M, Duineveld G, Lundalv T, White M, Guihen D, Kiriakoulakis K, Wolff GA. 2009. COLD-WATER CORALS ON THE TISLER REEF PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS ON THE DYNAMIC REEF ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY, 22 :76-84 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tyler P, Amaro T, Arzola R, Cunha MR, de Stigter H, Gooday A, Huvenne V, Ingels J, Kiriakoulakis K, Lastras G, Masson D, Oliveira A, Pattenden A, Vanreusel A, Van Weering T, Vitorino J, Witte U, Wolff G. 2009. Europe's Grand Canyon Nazare Submarine Canyon OCEANOGRAPHY, 22 :46-57 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Marshall JD, Lang B, Crowley SF, Weedon GP, van Calsteren P, Fisher EH, Holme R, Holmes JA, Jones RT, Bedford A, Brooks SJ, Bloemendal J, Kiriakoulakis K, Ball JD. 2007. Terrestrial impact of abrupt changes in the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation: Early Holocene, UK GEOLOGY, 35 :639-642 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Turnewitsch R, Springer BM, Kiriakoulakis K, Vilas JC, Aristegui J, Wolff G, Peine F, Werk S, Graf G, Waniek JJ. 2007. Determination of particulate organic carbon (POC) in seawater: The relative methodological importance of artificial gains and losses in two glass-fiber-filter-based techniques MARINE CHEMISTRY, 105 :208-228 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kiriakoulakis K, Freiwald A, Fisher E, Wolff GA. 2007. Organic matter quality and supply to deep-water coral/mound systems of the NW European Continental Margin INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, 96 :159-170 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kiriakoulakis K, Bett BJ, White M, Wolff GA. 2004. Organic biogeochemistry of the Darwin Mounds, a deep-water coral ecosystem, of the NE Atlantic DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS, 51 :1937-1954 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Van Gaever S, Vanreusel A, Hughes JA, Bett B, Kiriakoulakis K. 2004. The macro- and micro-scale patchiness of meiobenthos associated with the Darwin Mounds (north-east Atlantic) JOURNAL OF THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, 84 :547-556 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ginger ML, Billett DSM, Mackenzie KL, Kiriakoulakis K, Neto RR, Boardman DK, Santos VLCS, Horsfall IM, Wolff GA. 2001. Organic matter assimilation and selective feeding by holothurians in the deep sea: some observations and comments PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 50 :407-421 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lampitt RS, Bett BJ, Kiriakoulakis K, Popova EE, Ragueneau O, Vangriesheim A, Wolff GA. 2001. Material supply to the abyssal seafloor in the Northeast Atlantic PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 50 :27-63 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rabouille C, Stahl H, Bassinot F, Tengberg A, Brunnegard J, Hall P, Kiriakoulakis K, Reyss JL, Dezileau L, Crassous P, Roos P, Lampitt RS. 2001. Imbalance in the carbonate budget of surficial sediments in the North Atlantic Ocean: variations, over the last millenium? PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 50 :201-221 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kiriakoulakis K, Stutt E, Rowland SJ, Vangriesheim A, Lampitt RS, Wolff GA. 2001. Controls on the organic chemical composition of settling particles in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 50 :65-87 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kiriakoulakis K, Marshall JD, Wolff GA. 2000. Biomarkers in a Lower Jurassic concretion from Dorset (UK) JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 157 :207-220 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
de Craen M, Swennen R, Keppens EM, Macaulay CI, Kiriakoulakis K. 1999. Bacterially mediated formation of carbonate concretions in the Oligocene Boom Clay of Northern Belgium JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTARY RESEARCH, 69 :1098-1106 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
De Craen M, Swennen R, Keppens EM, Macaulay CI, Kiriakoulakis K. 1999. Bacterially mediated formation of carbonate concretions in the Oligocene Boom Clay of Northern Belgium Journal of Sedimentary Research, 69 :1098-1106 DOI Publisher Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Dissanayake A, Davies JS, Kiriakoulakis K, Huvenne VAI. 2023. Editorial: Submarine canyons: human connections to the deep sea Frontiers in Marine Science, 10 DOI Publisher Url
Ball H, Kirby J, Whitfield E, Kiriakoulakis K. 2017. The Origin and Fate of Microplastics in Saltmarshes Fate and Impact of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems :104-104 Elsevier 9780128122716 DOI Publisher Url
Abbas B, Abreu A, Adams R, Adolfsson-Erici M, Afonso A, Afonso-Olivares C, Agirbas E, Aguiló JM, Airoldi L, Aksoy H, Albentosa M, Alcaro L, Aliani S, Al-Maslamani I, Alomar C, Altin D, Álvarez E, Amaral-Zettler LA, Amato E, Anderson A, Andrady AL, Andrius G, Angel D, Ariese F, Arp HP, Asensio M, Assidqi K, Avio CG, Aytan U, Bahri T, Baini M, Bakir A, Ball H, Baranyi C, Barboza LGA, Barg U, Bargelloni L, Barras H, Barrera C, Barria P, Barrows A, Barth A, Batel A, Baztan J, Baztan P, Beiras R, Benedetti M, Berber AA, Berber N, Bergmann M, Berlino M, Berrow S, Bessa F, Besseling E, Beyer B, Binaglia M, Bizjak T, Bjorndal KA, Blust R, Boertien M, Bolten AB, Booth AM, Bounoua B, Bourseau P, Brahimi N, Bramini M, Brennholt N, Breuninger E, Bried J, Broderick A, Broglio E, Browne MA, Bruzaud S, Buceta J, Buchinger S, Budimir S, Budzin-ski H, Butter E, Cachot J, Caetano M, Callaghan A, Camedda A, Capella S, Cardelli L, Carpentieri S, Carrasco A, Carriço R, Caruso A, Cassone A-L, Castillo A, Castro RO, Catarino AI, Cazenave PW, Çelik İ, Cerralbo P, César G, Chouinard O, Chubarenko I, Chubarenko IP, Cicero AM, Clarindo G, Clarke B, Clérandeau C, Clüsener-Godt M, Codina-García M, Cole M, Collard F, Collignon A, Collins T, Compa M, Conan P, Constant M, Cordier M, Courtene-Jones W, Cousin X, Covelo P, Cózar A, Crichton E, Crispi O, Cronin M, Croot PL, Cruz MJ, d’Errico G, Dâmaso C, Das K, de Alencastro LF, de Araujo FV, de Boer JF, de Lucia GA, Debeljak P, Dehaut A, Deudero S, Devrieses L, Di Vito S, Díaz A, Donohue J, Doumenq P, Doyle TK, Dris R, Druon J-N, Duarte CM, Duflos G, Dumontier M, Duncan E, Dussud C, Eckerlebe A, Egelkraut-Holtus M, Eidsvoll DP, Ek C, Elena S, Elineau A, Enevoldsen H, Eppe G, Eriksen M, Ernsteins R, Espino M, Estévez-Calvar N, Ewins C, Fabre P, Faimali M, Fattorini D, Faure F, Ferrando S, Ferreira JC, Ferreira-da-Costa M, Fileman E, Fischer M, Fortunato AB, Fossi MC, Foulon V, Frank A, Frenzel M, Frère L, Frias JPGL, Frick H, Froneman PW, Gabet VM, Gabrielsen GW, Gago J, Gajst T, Galgani F, Gallinari M, Galloway TS, Gamarro EG, Gambardella C, Garaventa F, Garcia S, Garrabou J, Garrido P, Gary SF, Gasperi J, Gaze W, Geertz T, Gelado-Caballero MD, George M, Gercken J, Gerdts G, Ghiglione J-F, Gies E, Gilbert B, Giménez L, Glassom D, Glockzin M, Godley B, Goede K, Goksøyr A, Gómez M, Gómez-Parra A, González-Marco D, González-Solís J, Gorbi S, Gorokhova E, Gorsky G, Gosch M, Grose J, Guebitz GM, Guedes-Alonso R, Guijarro B, Guilhermino L, Gundry T, Gutow L, Haave M, Haeckel M, Haernvall K, Hajbane S, Hamann M, Hämer J, Hamm T, Hansen BH, Hardesty BD, Harth B, Hartikainen S, Hassellöv M, Hatzky S, Healy MG, Hégaret H, Henry TB, Hermabessiere L, Hernández-Brito JJ, Hernandez-Gonzalez A, Hernandez-Milian G, Hernd G, Herrera A, Herring C, Herzke D, Heussner S, Hidalgo-Ruz V, Himber C, Holland M, Hong N-H, Horton AA, Horvat P, Huck T, Huhn M, Huvet A, Iglesias M, Igor C, Isachenko IA, Ivar do Sul J-A, Jahnke A, Janis B, Janis K, Janis U, Jemec A, Jiménez JC, Johnsen H, Jorgensen B, Jørgensen JH, Jörundsdóttir H, Jung Y-J, Kedzierski M, Keiter S, Kershaw P, Kerhervé P, Kesy K, Khan F, Khatmullina LI, Kirby J, Kiriakoulakis K, Klein R, Klunderud T, Knudsen CMH, Knudsen TB, Kochleus C, Koelmans AA, Kögel T, Koistinen A, Kopke K, Korez Š, Kowalski N, Kreikemeyer B, Kroon F, Krumpen T, Krzan A, Kržan A, Labrenz M, Lacroix C, Ladirat L, Laforsch C, Lagarde F, Lahive E, Lambert C, Lapucci C, Lattin G, Law KL, Le Roux F, Le Souef K, Le Tilly V, Lebreton L, Leemans E, Lehtiniemi M, Lenz M, Leskinen J, Leslie H, Leslie HA, Levasseur C, Lewis C, Licandro P, Lind K, Lindeque P, Lindeque PK, Lips I, Liria A, Liria-Loza A, Llinás O, Loiselle SA, Long M, Lorenz C, Lorenzo SM, Loubar K, Luna-Jorquera G, Lusher AL, Macchia V, MacGabban S, Mackay K, MacLeod M, Maes T, Magaletti E, Maggiore A, Magnusson K, Mahon AM, Makorič P, Mallow O, Marques J, Marsili L, Martí E, Martignac M, Martin J, Martínez I, Martínez J, Martinez-Gil M, Martins HR, Matiddi M, Maximenko N, Mazlum R, Mcadam R, Mcknight L, McNeal AW, Measures J, Mederos MS, Mendoza J, Meyer MS, Miguelez A, Milan M, Militão T, Miller RZ, Mino-Vercellio-Verollet M, Mir G, Miranda-Urbina D, Misurale F, Montesdeoca-Esponda S, Mora J, Morgana S, Moriceau B, Morin B, Morley A, Morrison L, Murphy F, Naidoo T, Näkki P, Napper IE, Narayanaswamy BE, Nash R, Negri A, Nel HA, Nerheim MS, Nerland IL, Neto J, Neves V, Nies H, Noel M, Nor NHM, Noren F, O’ Connell B, O’ Connor I, Obbard JP, Oberbeckmann S, Obispo R, Officer R, Ogonowski M, Orbea A, Ortlieb M, Osborn AM, Ostiategui-Francia P, Packard T, Pahl S, Palatinus A, Palmqvist A, Pannetier P, Panti C, Parmentier E, Pasanen P, Patarnello T, Pattiaratchi C, Pauletto M, Paulus M, Pavlekovsky K, Pedersen HB, Pedrotti M-L, Peeken I, Peeters D, Peeters E, Pellegrini D, Perales JA, Perez E, Perz V, Petit S, Pflieger M, Pham CK, Piazza V, Pinto M, Planells O, Plaza M, Pompini O, Potthoff A, Prades L, Primpke S, Proietti M, Proskurowski G, Puig C, Pujo-Pay M, Pullerits K, Queirós AM, Quinn B, Raimonds E, Ramis-Pujol J, Rascher-Friesenhausen R, Reardon E, Regoli F, Reichardt AM, Reifferscheid G, Reilly K, Reisser J, Riba I, Ribitsch D, Rinnert E, Rios N, Rist SE, Rivadeneira MM, Rivière G, Robbens J, Robertson CJR, Rocher V, Rochman CM, Rodrigues M, Rodriguez Y, Rodríguez A, Rodríguez G, Rodríguez JRB, Rodríguez S, Rodríguez Y, Rogan E, Rojo-Nieto E, Romeo T, Ross PS, Roveta A, Rowland SJ, Ruckstuhl NA, Ruiz-Fernández A-C, Ruiz-Orejón LF, Runge J, Russell M, Saavedra C, Saborowski R, Sahin BE, Sailley S, Sakaguchi-Söder K, Salaverria I, Sánchez-Arcilla A, Sánchez-Nieva J, Sanderson W, Santana-Rodríguez JJ, Santana-Viera S, Santos MB, Santos MR, Sanz MR, Sardá R, Savelli H, Schoeneich-Argent R, Scholz-Böttcher BM, Sciacca F, Scofield RP, Setälä O, Selenius M, Sempere R, Senturk Y, Shashoua Y, Sherman P, Sick C, Siegel D, Sierra JP, Silva F, Silvestri C, Sintija G, Sire O, Slat B, Smit A, Sobral P, Sorvari J, Sosa-Ferrera Z, Sotillo MG, Soudant P, Speidel L, Spurgeon DJ, Steer MK, Steindal CC, Stifanese R, Štindlová A, Stuurman L, Suaria G, Suazo CG, Sureda A, Surette C, Svendsen C, Syberg K, Tairova Z, Talvitie J, Tassin B, Tazerout M, Tekman MB, ter Halle A, Thiel M, Thomas KV, Thompson RC, Tinkara T, Tirelli V, Tomassetti P, Toorman E, Toppe J, Tornambè A, Torres R, Torres-Padrón ME, Underwood AJ, Urbina M, Usategui-Martín A, Usta R, Valdés L, Valente A, Valentina T, van Arkel K, Van Colen C, Van Der Hal N, van Franeker JA, Van Herwerden L, Van Loosdrecht M, van Oyen A, Vandeperre F, Vanderlinden J-P, Vani D, Vasconcelos L, Vega-Moreno D, Ventero A, Vethaak AD, Vianello A, Vicioso M, Vieira LR, Viršek MK, Vos M, Wahl M, Wallace N, Walton A, Waniek JJ, Watts A, Webster L, Wesch C, Whitfield E, Wichels A, Wieczorek AM, Wilcox C, Williams RJ, Wong-Wah-Chung P, Wright S, Wyles KJ, Young R, Yurtsever M, Yurtsever U, Zada L, Zamani NP, Zampetti G. 2017. List of Contributors Fate and Impact of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems :189-219 Elsevier 9780128122716 DOI Publisher Url
White M, Mohn C, Kiriakoulakis K. 2016. Environmental Sampling Clark MR, Consalvey M, Rowden A. Biological Sampling in the Deep Sea John Wiley & Sons DOI Publisher Url
Amaro T, Kiriakoulakis K. Organic matter transport and deposition in the Whittard canyon and its possible effects on megafauna Briand F. CIESM monograph 47 (F. Briand ed.) Submarine canyons dynamics in the Mediterranean and tributary seas - An integrated geological, oceanographic and biological perspective 47 :97-101 CIESM Publisher. Monaco
Conference publication
Kiriakoulakis K, Blackbird S, Wolff GA. 2010. Provenance and fate of organic carbon in three submarine canyons from the Portuguese Margin: Implications for transport processes of material in continental margins Geophysical Research Abstracts, European Geosciences Union 12 Publisher Url Public Url
Kiriakoulakis K, Wolff GA. 2005. Particulate organic matter at two oceanic seamounts in the N.E. Atlantic Ocean Publisher Url
Kiriakoulakis K, Fisher E, Wolff GA, Freiwald A, Grehan A, Roberts JM. 2005. Lipids and nitrogen isotopes of two deep-water corals from the North-East Atlantic: initial results and implications for their nutrition Freiwald A, Roberts JM. COLD-WATER CORALS AND ECOSYSTEMS, 2nd International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals :715-729 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kiriakoulakis K, Bett BJ, White M, Wolff GA. 2003. Biogeochemical environment of carbonate mounds in the NW European Margin 21st International Meeting of Organic Geochemistry (IMOG)
Kiriakoulakis K, Bett B, Wolff GA. 2001. Biogeochemistry of the Darwin Mounds – Preliminary Results European Union of Geosciences Publisher Url
Mackenzie K, Billett D, Bett B, Neto R, Kiriakoulakis K, Wolff GA. 2001. The impact of benthic biology on biological marker concentrations and distributions in deep-sea sediments European Union of Geosciences XI
Kiriakoulakis K, Marshall JD, Wolff GA. 1995. Organic Geochemistry of early diagenetic concretions Grimalt JO, Dorronsoro C. Organic Geochemistry: Developments and Applications to Energy, Climate, Environment and Human History, 17th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry :79-82
Rice AL. RRS Discovery Cruise 222, Leg 2, 29 Aug-24 Sep 1996. BENGAL: High resolution temporal and spatial study of the BENthic biology and Geochemistry of a north-eastern Atlantic abyssal Locality Rice, A.L. (1996) RRS Discovery Cruise 222, Leg 2, 29 Aug-24 Sep 1996. BENGAL: High resolution temporal and spatial study of the BENthic biology and Geochemistry of a north-eastern Atlantic abyssal Locality. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 86pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report, 4).
Highlighted activities
Research Grants Awarded:
ciimar, Environmental Impact Assessment of Deep Sea Mining 2, Grant value (£): £10,000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2021
CIIMAR (Centro Interdisciplinar De Investigacao Marinha E Ambiental) -, Environmental Impact assessment of deep sea mining, Grant value (£): 2200, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2019
External collaboration:
Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, Dr Teresa Amaro.
Professional activities
Research Grants Awarded:
ciimar, Environmental Impact Assessment of Deep Sea Mining 2, Grant value (£): £10,000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2021
CIIMAR (Centro Interdisciplinar De Investigacao Marinha E Ambiental) -, Environmental Impact assessment of deep sea mining, Grant value (£): 2200, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2019
NERC (large grant) - DY086, Participation in Oceanographic Research cruise DY086 within the NERC project Controls over Ocean Mesopelagic Interior Carbon Storage (COMICS), Grant value (£): 2500, Duration of research project: 2 months (cruise duration). 2017
EU-INTERACT, Carbon transfer in a glaciated catchment., Villum Research Station, Station Nord, North-East Greenland, Kostas Kiriakoulakis (Liverpool John Moores University), Kathryn Adamson (Manchester Metropolitan University), Grant value (£): 9,000. 2017
(Rebublic of Ireland) National Development Plan 2007—2013 Science, Technology & Innovation Programme. Marine Research Sub-Programme, Ecosystem functioning and biodiscovery at Whittard Canyon (Ship time grant), Dr. Martin White (NUI Galway), Dr. Louise Allcock (NUI Galway), Prof. Deniz Tasdemir, (NUI Galway), Prof. Cathy McFadden, (Harvey Mudd College, California) Dr. Helka Folch, (Queen's University Belfast), Dr. Shane Tyrrell, (NUI Galway)., Grant value (£): 373000 (429000 Euros), Duration of research project: 17 days. 2014
Shropshire Wildlife Trust, Use of buffer strips for reducing water pollution in the Meres and Mosses, P-I, Grant value (£): 63,857. 2013
(NERC) UK Ocean Acidification Programme. Added-Value Activities: Scheme C, Benthic Consortium Deep-water Biogenic Reef Research, Prof Murray J Roberts, Grant value (£): 5100, Duration of research project: 6 years. 2013
External PGR Supervision - completed students:
University of Liverpool, PhD, The impact of mixing over topography of particle export. 2018
National University Galway Ireland, PhD, Lateral transport of suspended particulate matter in nepheloid layers along the Irish continental margin -A case study of the Whittard Canyon, North-East Atlantic Ocean. 2016
Public engagement:
Other, Wider public visiting Manchester Museum, Museum-wide practical demonstrations, ., Manchester Museum, Climate Week 2015: Climate Science Challenge, http://climatica.org.uk/climate-week-2015-climate-science-challenge. 2015
Conference organisation:
Challenger Society Biannual Conference 2016: Oceans and Climate. Coordinated by the National Oceanography Center, Liverpool., Member of the Local Organizing Committee: Responsible for Outreach. 2014
British Organic Geochemical Society Annual Conference, Organiser. 2014
Teaching qualification:
Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. 2013
External PGR examinations performed:
University of Liverpool, Lucy Abram, PhD. 2013
Other invited event:
East meets West International Congress and Exhibition on Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2012, Oceanography Center, University of Cyprus, Invited speaker in workshop of multi-disciplinary studies for understanding the Seamounts in the Levantine Basin – Eastern Mediterranean. 2012
British Organic Geochemical Society Annual Meeting, University of Leeds, Session Chair. 2012
Greek Symposium in Fisheries and Oceanography, Athens Greece, Invited Speaker. 2012
British Organic Geochemical Society Meeting, University of Machester, Session Chair. 2010
British Organic Geochemical Society Meeting, University of Liverpool, Session Chair. 2005
PC Sylvester-Bradley (PCSB) Geological Society Seminar Series, University of Leceister, Invited Speaker. 2004
Early Career Researcher Fellowship (6 months 2012), Liverpool John Moores University. 2012
Honorary Fellowship, University of Liverpool. 2009
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, The Higher Education Academy.
Media Coverage:
Membership of professional bodies:
Full Member of the American society of Limnology and Oceanography, American society of Limnology and Oceanography.
Full member of the British Organic Geochemical Society, British Organic Geochemical Society.
Full member of The Challenger Society for Marine Science, The Challenger Society for Marine Science.
Full Member of The Oceanography Society, The Oceanography Society (TOS).
Industrial connections:
GHGeochemical Services, 24 Higher Bebington Road, Bebington, Wirral, L63 2PP England, Gareth Harriman, Petroleum Geochemist and Consultant..
National Nuclear Laboratory UK 5th Floor Chadwick House Birchwood Park Risley Warrington WA3 6AE, Dr Nicholas Smith, Royal Society Industry Fellow, National Nuclear Laboratory Research Fellow, Senior Research Technologist (Geology/GIS)..
External collaboration:
Hellenic Centre of Marine Reseach, Dr. Vasilis Lykoussis.
Heriott Watt University, Prof Murray Roberts.
Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, Dr Teresa Amaro.
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, Dr Veerle Huvenne.
National University Ireland Galway, Dr. Martin White.
University of Cyprus, Oceanography Center, Dr George Zodiatis.
University of Highlands and Islands, Dr. Robert Turnewitsch.
University of Liverpool, Prof George Wolff..
University of Liverpool, Prof Jim Marshall.