Image of Dr Laura Buck

Dr Laura Buck

School of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Faculty of Science


Telephone: 0151 904 1062

Journal article

Buck L, Katz D, Rogers Ackermann R, Hlusko L, Kanthaswamy S, Weaver T. 2025. A macaque model for the effects of hybridisation on body size American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 186 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Torres‐Tamayo N, Buck LT, Hirasaki E, Rae TC, Betti L. 2025. Variation in Pubic Symphysis Fusion Across Primates: Implications for Obstetric Adaptation American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 186 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Buck L, Menendez L, De Groote I, Hassett B, Matsumura H, Stock J. 2023. Factors influencing cranial variation between prehistoric Japanese forager populations Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 16 :1-24 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Bosch MD, Buck LT, Strauss A. 2023. Perforations in Columbellidae shells: Using 3D models to differentiate anthropogenic piercing from natural perforations Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 49 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Balzeau A, Albessard-Ball L, Kubicka AM, Filippo A, Beaudet A, Santos E, Bienvenu T, Arsuaga J-L, Bartsiokas A, Berger L, Bermúdez de Castro JM, Brunet M, Carlson KJ, Daura J, Gorgoulis VG, Grine FE, Harvati K, Hawks J, Herries A, Hublin J-J, Hui J, Ives R, Joordens JA, Kaifu Y, Kouloukoussa M, Léger B, Lordkipanidze D, Margvelashvili A, Martin J, Martinón-Torres M, May H, Mounier A, du Plessis A, Rae T, Röding C, Sanz M, Semal P, Stratford D, Stringer C, Tawane M, Temming H, Tsoukala E, Zilhão J, Zipfel B, Buck LT. 2022. Frontal sinuses and human evolution. Science Advances, 8 :eabp9767 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Balzeau A, Albessard-Ball L, Kubicka AM, Noûs C, Buck LT. 2021. Frontal sinus variation in extant species of the genera Pan, Gorilla and Homo Bulletins et Memoires de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris, 33 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Balzeau A, Albessard-Ball L, Kubicka AM, Noûs C, Buck LT. 2021. Frontal sinus variation in large samples of extant species of the genera Pan, Gorilla and Homo Bulletins et Memoires de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris, 33 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Thompson J, Power R, Mercieca-Spiteri B, Magnussen J, Pardey M, Buck LT, Stock J, McLaughlin R, Stoddart S, Malone C. 2021. Analysis of periosteal lesions from commingled human remains at the Xagħra Circle hypogeum reveals the first case of probable scurvy from Neolithic Malta International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Buck LT, Katz D, Ackermann R, Hlusko L, Kanthaswamy S, Weaver T. 2021. Effects of hybridization on pelvic morphology: a macaque model Jouranl of Human Evolution, 159 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gopalan S, Atkinson EG, Buck LT, Weaver TD, Henn BM. 2021. Inferring archaic introgression from hominin genetic data Evolutionary Anthropology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ward D, Schroeder L, Pomeroy E, Roy J, Buck LT, Stock J, Martin-Gronert M, Ozanne S, Silcox M, Viola B. 2021. Early life malnutrition and fluctuating asymmetry in the rat bony labyrinth The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 304 :2645-2660 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Skinner MM, Georgiou L, Stratford D, Dunmore CJ, Bardo A, Buck LT, Hublin J-J, Pahr DH, Synek A, Kivell TL. 2020. REPLY TO HAEUSLER ET AL.: Internal structure of the femur provides robust evidence for locomotor and taxonomic diversity at Sterkfontein PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 117 :28570-28571 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Wang K, Goldstein S, Bleasdale M, Clist B, Boesten K, Bajwa-Lufu P, Buck LT, Crowther A, Deme A, MacIntosh RJ, Mercader J, Ogola C, Power RC, Sawchuck E, Robertshaw P, Wilsmsen EN, Petraglia M, Ndiema E, Manthi FK, Krause J, Roberts P, Boivin N, Schiffels S. 2020. Ancient genomes reveal complex patterns of population movement, interaction, and replacement in sub-Saharan Africa Science Advances, 6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Georgiou L, Dunmore C, Bardo A, Buck LT, Hublin J-J, Pahr D, Stratford D, Synek A, Kivell T, Skinner M. 2020. Evidence for habitual climbing in a Pleistocene hominin in South Africa Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 :8416-8423 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Buck LT, De Groote I, Hamada Y, Hassett BR, Ito T, Stock JT. 2019. Evidence of different climatic adaptation strategies in humans and non-human primates Scientific Reports, 9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Dinnis R, Bates MR, Bello SM, Buck LT, Davies JS, Preece RC, Walker EA, Boulton J, Flas D, Harris S-J, Mogg J, Schouten R. 2019. Archaeological collections from Long Hole (Gower, Swansea, UK) and their place in the British Palaeolithic Cave and Karst Science, 46 :37-46 Publisher Url Public Url

Bosch MD, Buck LT, Strauss AM. 2019. Location, location, location: investigating perforation locations in Tritia gibbosula shells at Ksâr'Akil (Lebanon) using micro-CT data Paleoanthropology, Specia :52-63 DOI Public Url

Buck LT, Stringer CB, MacLarnon AM, Rae TC. 2019. Variation in paranasal pneumatisation between Mid-Late Pleistocene hominins Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’anthropologie de Paris, 31 :14-33 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Georgiou L, Kivell TL, Pahr DH, Buck LT, Skinner MM. 2019. Trabecular architecture of the great ape and human femoral head Journal of Anatomy, 234 :679-693 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Thompson JE, Martín-Vega D, Buck LT, Power RK, Stoddart S, Malone C. 2018. Identification of dermestid beetle modification on Neolithic Maltese human bone: Implications for funerary practices at the Xemxija tombs Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 22 :123-131 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Buck LT, De Groote I, Hamada Y, Stock JT. 2018. Humans preserve non-human primate pattern of climatic adaptation Quaternary Science Reviews, 192 :149-166 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Groucutt HS, Grün R, Zamout ISA, Drake NA, Armitage SJ, Candy I, Clark-Wilson R, Louys J, Breeze PS, Duval M, Buck LT, Kivell TL, Pomeroy E, Stephens NB, Stock JT, Stewart M, Price GJ, Kinsley L, Sung WW, Alsharekh A, Al-Omari A, Zahir M, Memesh AM, Abdulshakoor AJ, Al-Masari AM, Bahameem AA, Al Murayyi KSM, Zahrani B, Scerri EML, Petraglia MD. 2018. Homo sapiens in Arabia by 85,000 years ago Nature Ecology and Evolution, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Balzeau A, Buck LT, Albessard L, Becam G, Grimmaud-Herve D, Rae TC, Stringer CB. 2017. The internal cranial anatomy of the Middle Pleistocene Broken Hill 1 cranium Paleoanthropology, :107-138 DOI Public Url

De Groote I. 2016. New genetic and morphological evidence suggests a single hoaxer created ‘Piltdown man’ Royal Society Open Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Buck LT, Berbesque CJ, Wood BM, Stringer CB. 2015. Tropical forager gastrophagy and its implications for extinct hominin diets Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 5 :672-679 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Buck LT, Stringer CB. 2015. A rich locality in South Kensington: the fossil hominin collection of the Natural History Museum, London Geological Journal, 50 :321-337 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Bates M, Wenban-Smith F, Bello S, Bridgland D, Buck L, Collins M, Keen D, Leary J, Parfitt S, Penkman K, Rhodes E, Ryssaert C, Whittaker JE. 2014. Late persistence of the Acheulian in southern Britain in an MIS 8 interstadial: evidence from Harnham, Wiltshire Quaternary Science Reviews: the international multidisciplinary research and review journal, 101 :159-176 DOI Publisher Url

Buck LT, Stringer CB. 2014. Homo heidelbergensis Current Biology, 24 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Stringer CB, Buck LT. 2014. Diagnosing Homo sapiens in the fossil record Annals of Human Biology, 41 :312-322 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Buck LT, Stringer C. 2013. Having the stomach for it: a contribution to Neanderthal diets? Quaternary Science Reviews, 96 :161-167 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Buck L, Stock JT, Foley RA. 2010. Levels of intraspecific variation within the catarrhine skeleton International Journal of Primatology, 31 :779-795 DOI Publisher Url

Internet publication

Buck L, Yamaguchi K. 2023. Most humans haven’t evolved to cope with the cold, yet we dominate northern climates – here’s why Publisher Url


Butaric L, Buck L, Balzeau A, du Pleissis A, Grine F. 2022. The paranasal sinuses of the Hofmeyr cranium Grine F. Hofmeyr: A Late Pleistocene human skull from South Africa :179-179 Springer Cham DOI Publisher Url

Power R, Mercieca-Spiteri B, Thompson J, McLaughlin R, Carruthers J, Buck L, Saers J, Pardey M, Stock J, Magnusseun J. 2022. Dental Modification in the Xagħra Hypogeum: Shaping Bodies, Shaping Culture in Neolithic Malta Stoddart S, Power R, Thompson J, Mercierca-Spiteri B, McLaughlin R, Pace A, Malone C. Temple People: Bioarchaeology, Resilience and Culture in Prehistoric Malta :63-63 McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research DOI

Power R, Mercieca-Spiteri B, McLaughlin R, Thompson J, Carruthers J, Massingham S, Buck L, Saers J, Pardey M, Stock J, Magnussen J. 2022. Dental Pathology in the Xagħra Hypogeum: Oral Health, Activity and Intervention in Neolithic Malta Stoddart S, Power R, Thompson J, Mercieca-Spiteri B, McLaughlin R, Pace R, Malone C. Temple People: Bioarchaeology, Resilience and Culture in Prehistoric Malta McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. Cambridge, UK DOI

Power R, Mercieca-Spiteri B, Thompson J, McLaughlin R, Carruthers J, Vogel H, Buck L, Saers J, Pardey M, Stock J, Magnussen J. 2022. General Pathology in the Xagħra Hypogeum: Biocultural Insights into Population Health, Trauma and Care in Neolithic Malta Stoddart S, Power R, Thompson J, Mercieca-Spiteri B, McLaughlin R, Pace A, Malone C. Temple People: Bioarchaeology, Resilience and Culture in Prehistoric Malta :195-286 McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. Cambridge, UK DOI

Butaric LN, Buck LT, Balzeau A, du Plessis A, Grine FE. 2022. The Paranasal Sinuses of the Hofmeyr Cranium Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology :179-211 DOI Publisher Url

Bosman A, Buck LT, Reyes-Centeno H, Lahr MM, Harvati K, Stringer CB. 2019. The Kabua 1 cranium: Virtual anatomical reconstructions Sahle Y, Reyes-Centeno H, Bentz C. Modern Human Origins and Dispersal Kerns Verlag 978-3-935751-30-8 Public Url

Buck L, Stringer CB. 2016. Homo, Diversification of Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology 2 :225-235 Academic Press. Oxford DOI Publisher Url

Stock JT, Buck L. 2010. Canalization and plasticity in humans and primates: implications for interpreting the fossil record 150 años después de Darwin: ¿evolución, futuro o crisis? Lecciones sobre evolución humana :91-101 INSTITUTO TOMÁS PASCUAL SANZ; CENIEH

Buck LT. Homo heidelbergensis Vonk J, Shackelford T. Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior Springer 978-3-319-55064-0 Public Url

Menendez L, Buck L. Evaluating potential proximate and ultimate causes of phenotypic change in the human skeleton over the agricultural transition Schultz TR, Peregrine P, Gawne R. The convergent evolution of agriculture in humans and insects MIT Pres. Cambridge, MA, USA

Conference publication

Buck LT, Katz DC, Ackermann RR, Hlusko LJ, Kanthaswamy S, Weaver TD. 2022. A macaque model for the effects of admixture on body size AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 177 :24-24 Author Url

Buck LT, Katz DC, Ackermann RR, Hlusko LJ, Kanthaswamy S, Weaver TD. 2020. The effects of admixture in the pelvis AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 89th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists (AAPA) 171 :40-40 Author Url

Ward DL, Pomeroy E, Roy JE, Buck LT, Stock JT, Silcox MT, Viola TB. 2019. Bony labyrinth shape variation as a marker of prenatal stress and the maternal environment AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 88th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists (AAPA) 168 :262-262 Author Url

Buck LT, De Groote I, Hamada Y, Stock JT. 2019. Are we what we eat? Regional diet, but not climate, shapes cranial morphology in Jomon foragers AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 88th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists (AAPA) 168 :31-31 Author Url

Buck LT, De Groote I, Hamada Y, Stock JT. 2018. Climate, craniofacial plasticity and culture: A comparison of ecogeographic patterns in cranial shape between Jomon foragers and Japanese macaques AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 87th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists (AAPA) 165 :37-37 Author Url

Buck LT, De Groote I, Hamada Y, Stock JT. 2017. Climatic adaptation in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) as a model for calibrating human intraspecific variation AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 86th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists (AAPA) 162 :131-132 Author Url

Buck L, De Groote I, Hamada Y, Stock J. A colonising niche? Comparing climatic adaptation in Jomon foragers and Japanese macaques Proceedings of the European Society for the Study of Evolution, European Society for the Study of Human Evolution :31-31

Balzeau A, Buck L, Gomez-Olivencia A, Grimaud-Herve D, Becam G, Rae T, Stringer C. A new description of the internal morphology of the Middle Pleistocene Broken Hill 1 cranium Proceedings of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution, European Society for the Study of Human Evolution 4 :36-36

Buck L, Stringer C, MacLarnon A, Rae T. Maxillary sinuses, craniofacial morphology, and adaptation in Pleistocene hominins Proceedings of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution, Society for the Study of Human Evolution 3 :49-49

Buck L, Stringer C. Having the stomach for it: a contribution to Neanderthal diets? Proceedings of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution, European Society for the Study of Human Evolution 2 :55-55

Buck L, Stringer C, MacLarnon A, Rae T. Frontal sinuses in Pleistocene Hominins Proceedings of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution, European Society for the Study of Human Evolution 1 :48-48

Katz D, Buck L, Hlusko L, Ackermann R, Kanthaswamy S, Devine J, Hallgrimsson B, Weaver T. Predicting skull shape from admixture history in a multigenerational macaque cross sample American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 168 :12-12

Ryan K, Stock J, Buck L. Sphenoidal sinuses and spatial compromise in basicranial modular development and evolution. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, American Society of Physical Anthropology 165 :235-235

Rae T, Buck L, Thomas K. What we know (and don't) about human sinus variation and climate American Journal of Physical Anthropology, American Association of Physical Anthropologists 162 :324-324

Buck L, Stringer C, MacLarnon A, Rae T. Paranasal Sinus Shape in Pleistocene Hominins American Journal of Physical Anthropology, American Association of Physical Anthropologists 147 :108-108


De Groote I, Flink LG, Abbas R, Bello SM, Burgio L, Buck LT, Dean C, Freyne A, Higham T, Jones CG, Kruszynski R, Lister A, Parfitt SA, Skinner MM, Shindler K, Stringer CB. 2016. New genetic and morphological evidence suggests a single hoaxer created 'Piltdown Man' (vol 3, 160328, 2016) Royal Society Open Science, 3 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
