Dr Matteo Borrini
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: M.Borrini@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2180
Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy, PhD
Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy, MSc
Università di Firenze, Italy, BA(Hon)
2007, Criminal Court of La Spezia, Expert witness on Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology
Academic appointments
Principal Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University, 2013 - present
Postgraduate training
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Course, Italy, Carabinieri Reparto Investigazioni Scientifiche, ? - present
Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology, Italy, Università degli Studi di Milano, ? - present
Highlighted publications
Steiger GS, Borrini M. 2024. A proposal for cut marks classification using machine learning: Serrated vs. non-serrated, single vs. double-beveled knives Journal of Forensic Sciences, :1-13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shakeshaft E, Borrini M, Eliopoulos C. 2024. Vertebral Bone Density Variations in Scoliotic vs. Non-Scoliotic Juveniles, and Its Implications for Schmorl’s Node Development: A CT-Based Analysis Using the New Mexico Decedent Image Database Anatomia, 3 :110-123 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M. 2023. A face from the past. Theodosia from the destroyed fresco to forensic art Analecta Papyrologica, XXXV :173-185 Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M, Mannucci P, Valoriani S, Scalia Tomba G. 2023. The postmortem fate of osteometric measurements: taphonomic alteration of landmarks and its implication for biological profiling Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia, 153 :21-30 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Marchiaro S, Bongioanni G, Borrini M. 2023. Blunt weapons in the roman imperial army. A multidisciplinary approach to the clava from experimental archaeology to forensic anthropology Archivio Per l’Antropologia E La Etnologia, 153 :105-118 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Ghui M, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2023. A proposed method for differentiating knives from cut marks on bone: A forensic anthropological approach Medicine, Science and the Law, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Valoriani S, Irish JD, King M, Borrini M. 2023. Medieval migrations and the birth of modern British peoples: a craniometric approach Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M. 2022. Overcoming the chaotic numerology of osteometry. A proposal for a univocal numeric coding system for osteometric measurements of the human skeleton Archivio per l’Antropologia e la Etnologia, 152 :17-31 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Giachetti C, Baldoni M, Borrini M. 2022. The bioarchaeological reconstruction of the population from Santa Cristina in Caio (Siena, Italy 6th-7th centuries CE) Anthropologischer Anzeiger, 79 :101-112 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Borrini M. 2021. The hunt for a scapegoat during an ancient pandemic Archivio Per l'antropologia e la Etnologia, 151 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Valoriani S, Eliopoulos C, Irish JD, Borrini M. 2020. Health and safety issues in the Victorian workplace: an example of mandibular phosphorus necrosis from Gloucester, UK International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 30 :73-79 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bradshaw R, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2019. Septal aperture of the humerus: Aetiology and frequency rates in two European populations. The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M, Garlaschelli L. 2019. Commentary On: Borrini M, Garlaschelli L. A BPA approach to the Shroud of Turin. J Forensic Sci https://doi.org/10.1111/1556-4029.13867. Authors’ Response Journal of Forensic Sciences, 64 :656-657 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Borrini M, Garlaschelli L. 2019. Authors’ Response Journal of Forensic Sciences, 64 :656-657 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Borrini M, Garlaschelli L. 2019. Commentary on: Borrini M, Garlaschelli L. A BPA approach to the Shroud of Turin. J Forensic Sci https://doi.org/10.1111/1556-4029.13867. Epub 2018 July 10. Authors' Response JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES, 64 :333-335 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Borrini M, Garlaschelli L. 2019. Commentary on: Borrini M, Garlaschelli L. A BPA Approach to the Shroud of Turin. J Forensic Sci https://doi.org/10.1111/1556-4029.13867. Epub 2018 July 10. Authors' Response JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES, 64 :327-328 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ofele AS, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2018. Sharp Force Trauma: the Effects of Blade Damage on Cut Mark Characteristics SciFed Journal of Forensics, Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M, Garlaschelli L. 2018. A BPA Approach to the Shroud of Turin Journal of Forensic Sciences, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Massaro L, Borrini M. 2018. Medico-legal and criminological suicide diagnosis on historical cases: testing a new methodology MOJ Biology and Medicine, 3 :14-17 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Cole C, Eliopoulos C, Zorba E, Borrini M. 2017. An anthropometric method for sex determination from the mandible: test on British Medieval skeletal collections Journal of Biological Research - Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale, 90 :30-35 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Valoriani S, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2017. Sharp Force Trauma Death in a Young Individual From Medieval Gloucester. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 38 :111-114 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Martin S, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2016. Metric Methods of Skeletal Sex Determination using the Arm Bones of Two British Medieval Populations Global Journal of Anthropology Research, 3 :41-49 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Eliopoulos C, Murton N, Borrini M. 2015. Sexual Dimorphism of the Fovea Capitis Femoris in a Medieval Population from Gloucester, England Global Journal of Anthropology Research, 2 :9-14 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Magni PA, Voss SC, Testi R, Borrini M, Dadour IR. 2015. A Biological and Procedural Review of Forensically Significant Dermestes Species (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY, 52 :755-769 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M. 2015. Forensic Archaeology in Italy: the difficult birth of a discipline. Groen WJ, Márquez-Grant N. Forensic Archaeology: A Global Perspective :91-97 Wiley-Blackwell Publisher DOI Publisher Url
Borrini M, Riccadonna L, Borrini C. 2014. A possible juvenile hypochondroplasia case from the mass grave of Lazzaretto Nuovo Island (Venice) Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica, 10 :97-101 Public Url
Borrini M, Donati M, Murgia C. 2014. Skeletal remains from the cemetery of Lazzaretto Nuovo (Venice): a preliminary analysis Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica, 10 :85-90 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tofanelli M, Pardini L, Borrini M, Bartoli F, Bacci A, D'Ulivo A, Pitzalis E, Mascherpa MC, Legnaioli S, Lorenzetti G, Pagnotta S, Cavalcanti GDH, Lezzerini M, Palleschi V. 2014. Spectroscopic analysis of bones for forensic studies SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 99 :70-75 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Magni PA, Pérez-Bañón C, Borrini M, Dadour IR. 2013. Syritta pipiens (Diptera: Syrphidae), a new species associated with human cadavers. Forensic Sci Int, 231 :e19-e23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Magni PA, Borrini M, Dadour IR. 2013. Human remains found in two wells: a forensic entomology perspective. Forensic Sci Med Pathol, 9 :413-417 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Borrini M, Mariani PP, Rosati G. 2012. Virtual Autopsy of two Egyptian Mummies From the Florentine Collection: a Preliminary Anthropological Analysis Journal of Biological Research, 85 :183-185 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Franchi N, Bartoli F, Borrini M. 2012. A 2000 Year-Old Cold Case: the Violent Death of a Roman Mariner Between Archaeology and Forensic Anthropology. Journal of Biological Research, 85 :234-235 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M, Solaini P, Golloher M. 2012. Preliminary Analysis of the Pathological and Traumatic Conditions on Skeletal Samples from a Plague Cemetery of Venice Journal of Biological Research, 85 :220-221 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M, Mariani PP, Murgia C, Rodriguez C, Tumbarello MV, Borrini M. 2012. Contextual Taphonomy: Superficial Bone Alterations as Contextual Indicators. In: Atti del XIX Congresso Associazione Antropologica Italiana. Journal of Biological Research, 84 :217-219 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M, Nuzzolese E. 2012. Authors' Response Journal of Forensic Sciences, 57 :845-848 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Borrini M, Giachetti C. 2012. A Forensic Anthropological Analysis of the Seventh-Century Lombard Warrior's Remains. Journal of Biological Research, 85 :222-223 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M, Lusa V. 2012. La prova occulta. L'indagine forense sub suolo alla luce della procedura penale Lo Scarabeo (Milano). Milano 9788884781291
Borrini M. 2011. Forensic Anthropology: a typical Italian case report to understand possible future developments. Archivio Per l'antropologia e la Etnologia, CXLI Publisher Url Public Url
Nuzzolese E, Borrini M. 2010. Forensic approach to an archaeological casework of "vampire" skeletal remains in Venice: odontological and anthropological prospectus. J Forensic Sci, 55 :1634-1637 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Borrini M. Pursuing Injustice Through Truth in Conjecture: The Hunt for a Scapegoat During an Ancient Pandemic PROCEEDINGS of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting :793-793
Borrini M. To Infinity and Beyond: E.T. at the Crime Scene and the Forensic Challenges of the Current Era PROCEEDINGS of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting :1053-1053 Publisher Url
Borrini M. The Epic of the World War II (WWII) Italian Submarine Macallè and the Death of Carlo Acefalo: How Forensic Science Brought a Soldier’s Remains Back Home American Academy of Forensic Sciences &1st Annual Scientific Meeting :1085-1085
Valoriani S, Mannucci P, Borrini M. An innovative procedure for cranial reconstruction as an aid for human identification Archivio per l’Antropologia e la Etnologia, CLII DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Borrini M. 2024. Forensic Facial Approximation and Archaeology: the case of Carmilla, the «Vampire of Venice» Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia, 154 :35-50 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Steiger GS, Borrini M. 2024. A proposal for cut marks classification using machine learning: Serrated vs. non-serrated, single vs. double-beveled knives Journal of Forensic Sciences, :1-13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shakeshaft E, Borrini M, Eliopoulos C. 2024. Vertebral Bone Density Variations in Scoliotic vs. Non-Scoliotic Juveniles, and Its Implications for Schmorl’s Node Development: A CT-Based Analysis Using the New Mexico Decedent Image Database Anatomia, 3 :110-123 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Eliopoulos C, Moraitis K, Borrini M, Irish J, Kallis X, Manoli P, Chimonas M, Cariolou M. 2024. Fatal gunshot trauma of a child: A case from colonial Cyprus. Med Sci Law, 64 :169-172 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M. 2023. A face from the past. Theodosia from the destroyed fresco to forensic art Analecta Papyrologica, XXXV :173-185 Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M, Mannucci P, Valoriani S, Scalia Tomba G. 2023. The postmortem fate of osteometric measurements: taphonomic alteration of landmarks and its implication for biological profiling Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia, 153 :21-30 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Marchiaro S, Bongioanni G, Borrini M. 2023. Blunt weapons in the roman imperial army. A multidisciplinary approach to the clava from experimental archaeology to forensic anthropology Archivio Per l’Antropologia E La Etnologia, 153 :105-118 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Ghui M, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2023. A proposed method for differentiating knives from cut marks on bone: A forensic anthropological approach Medicine, Science and the Law, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Valoriani S, Irish JD, King M, Borrini M. 2023. Medieval migrations and the birth of modern British peoples: a craniometric approach Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M. 2022. La scienza magica degli automi Magia, 27 :95-101 Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M. 2022. Overcoming the chaotic numerology of osteometry. A proposal for a univocal numeric coding system for osteometric measurements of the human skeleton Archivio per l’Antropologia e la Etnologia, 152 :17-31 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M. 2022. Un fumetto per la "mia" vampira Magia, 26 :58-65 Publisher Url
Giachetti C, Baldoni M, Borrini M. 2022. The bioarchaeological reconstruction of the population from Santa Cristina in Caio (Siena, Italy 6th-7th centuries CE) Anthropologischer Anzeiger, 79 :101-112 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Borrini M. 2021. The hunt for a scapegoat during an ancient pandemic Archivio Per l'antropologia e la Etnologia, 151 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Valoriani S, Eliopoulos C, Irish JD, Borrini M. 2020. Health and safety issues in the Victorian workplace: an example of mandibular phosphorus necrosis from Gloucester, UK International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 30 :73-79 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pintaudi R, Borrini M, Mariani PP. 2019. Γεωργιc Παλαιcτήc – Giorgio il lottatore. Il suo sarcofago ed il suo femore. Analecta Papyrologica, XXXI :151-161 Publisher Url Public Url
Bradshaw R, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2019. Septal aperture of the humerus: Aetiology and frequency rates in two European populations. The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ofele AS, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2018. Sharp Force Trauma: the Effects of Blade Damage on Cut Mark Characteristics SciFed Journal of Forensics, Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M, Garlaschelli L. 2018. A BPA Approach to the Shroud of Turin Journal of Forensic Sciences, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Massaro L, Borrini M. 2018. Medico-legal and criminological suicide diagnosis on historical cases: testing a new methodology MOJ Biology and Medicine, 3 :14-17 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Cole C, Eliopoulos C, Zorba E, Borrini M. 2017. An anthropometric method for sex determination from the mandible: test on British Medieval skeletal collections Journal of Biological Research - Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale, 90 :30-35 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Valoriani S, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2017. Sharp Force Trauma Death in a Young Individual From Medieval Gloucester. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 38 :111-114 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Martin S, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2016. Metric Methods of Skeletal Sex Determination using the Arm Bones of Two British Medieval Populations Global Journal of Anthropology Research, 3 :41-49 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Martin S, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2016. Metric Methods of Skeletal Sex Determination using the Arm Bones Global Journal of Anthropology Research, 3 :41-49 Publisher Url Public Url
Eliopoulos C, Murton N, Borrini M. 2015. Sexual Dimorphism of the Fovea Capitis Femoris in a Medieval Population from Gloucester, England Global Journal of Anthropology Research, 2 :9-14 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Magni PA, Voss SC, Testi R, Borrini M, Dadour IR. 2015. A Biological and Procedural Review of Forensically Significant Dermestes Species (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY, 52 :755-769 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M, Riccadonna L, Borrini C. 2014. A possible juvenile hypochondroplasia case from the mass grave of Lazzaretto Nuovo Island (Venice) Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica, 10 :97-101 Public Url
Borrini M, Donati M, Murgia C. 2014. Skeletal remains from the cemetery of Lazzaretto Nuovo (Venice): a preliminary analysis Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica, 10 :85-90 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tofanelli M, Pardini L, Borrini M, Bartoli F, Bacci A, D'Ulivo A, Pitzalis E, Mascherpa MC, Legnaioli S, Lorenzetti G, Pagnotta S, Cavalcanti GDH, Lezzerini M, Palleschi V. 2014. Spectroscopic analysis of bones for forensic studies SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 99 :70-75 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Magni PA, Pérez-Bañón C, Borrini M, Dadour IR. 2013. Syritta pipiens (Diptera: Syrphidae), a new species associated with human cadavers. Forensic Sci Int, 231 :e19-e23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Magni PA, Borrini M, Dadour IR. 2013. Human remains found in two wells: a forensic entomology perspective. Forensic Sci Med Pathol, 9 :413-417 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Borrini M, Mariani PP, Rosati G. 2012. Virtual Autopsy of two Egyptian Mummies From the Florentine Collection: a Preliminary Anthropological Analysis Journal of Biological Research, 85 :183-185 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Franchi N, Bartoli F, Borrini M. 2012. A 2000 Year-Old Cold Case: the Violent Death of a Roman Mariner Between Archaeology and Forensic Anthropology. Journal of Biological Research, 85 :234-235 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M, Solaini P, Golloher M. 2012. Preliminary Analysis of the Pathological and Traumatic Conditions on Skeletal Samples from a Plague Cemetery of Venice Journal of Biological Research, 85 :220-221 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M, Mariani PP, Murgia C, Rodriguez C, Tumbarello MV, Borrini M. 2012. Contextual Taphonomy: Superficial Bone Alterations as Contextual Indicators. In: Atti del XIX Congresso Associazione Antropologica Italiana. Journal of Biological Research, 84 :217-219 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M, Donati M, Murgia C, Mariani PP, Riccadonna PP. 2012. La "Signora di Sant'Omero": analisi bioarcheologica con tecniche forensi di una sepoltura alla cappuccina dal sito di Santa Maria a Vico (Sant'Omero - Teramo) Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia, CXLII :71-85
Borrini M, Rodriguez C, Murgia C, Mariani PP, Borrini C . 2012. Studio popolazionistico su base dentaria della popolazione veneziana inumata presso il camposanto dell'isola del Lazzaretto Nuovo: un'analisi preliminare Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia, CXLII :59-70
Borrini M, Murgia C, Mariani PP, Riccadonna L, Donati M. 2012. I reperti scheletrici umani dal sito di Santa Maria a Vico (Sant'Omero - TE): un'analisi antropologica Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia, CXLII :159-160
Borrini M, Marchiaro S, Mannucci P. 2012. La lesività delle armi antiche: la frombola a mano Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia, CXLII :27-42
Borrini M, Giachetti C. 2012. A Forensic Anthropological Analysis of the Seventh-Century Lombard Warrior's Remains. Journal of Biological Research, 85 :222-223 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M, Solaini P, Golloher MJD. 2012. Preliminary analysis of the pathological and traumatic conditions on skeletal samples from a plague cementery of Venice Journal of Biological Research (Italy), 85 :220-221 DOI Publisher Url
Borrini M, Mariani PP, Marchiaro S, Murgia C, Riccadonna L, Rodriguez C, Parizzi S. 2011. Lo scavo antropologico nel sagrato della Pieve di San Michele Arcangelo di Trebiano (Arcola-SP): notizie preliminari Archivio Per l'antropologia e la Etnologia, CXLI :180-181
Borrini M, Marchiaro S, Mannucci P. 2011. La lesività delle armi antiche: il pilum pesante repubblicano Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia, CXLI :105-115
Borrini M. 2011. Forensic Anthropology: a typical Italian case report to understand possible future developments. Archivio Per l'antropologia e la Etnologia, CXLI Publisher Url Public Url
Nuzzolese E, Borrini M. 2010. Forensic approach to an archaeological casework of "vampire" skeletal remains in Venice: odontological and anthropological prospectus. J Forensic Sci, 55 :1634-1637 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Borrini M, Bartoli F, Bacci A, Mallegni F. 2010. Analisi paleonutrizionale su alcuni campioni dalla mass grave dell'Isola del Lazzaretto Nuovo (Venezia) Archivio Per l'antropologia e la Etnologia, CXL :81-91
Borrini M. 2003. I sentieri della memoria - una possibile interpretazione delle emergenze archeologiche nell'area delle Cinque Terre. Archeologia, 6/7 :9-11
Borrini M. 2002. Come si conservava il pianto? Archeologia, 4/5
Borrini M. 2001. Principi d'Etruria. Riflessioni sull'Orientalizzante etrusco Archeologia, 5/6 :6-7
Valoriani S, Mannucci P, Borrini M. An innovative procedure for cranial reconstruction as an aid for human identification Archivio per l’Antropologia e la Etnologia, CLII DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cootes K, Axworthy J, Borrini M, Carlin R, Irish J, Jordan D, King M, Russ H, Swallow R, Thomas M, Valoriani S, Wilson FT, Petchey F. Poulton, Cheshire: The investigation of a rural chapel in an evolving medieval landscape Church Archaeology, 23 :43-54 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Borrini M, Mariani PP, Rosati G. Virtual autopsy of two egyptian mummies from the florentine collection: a preliminary anthropological analysis Journal of Biological Research - Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale, 85 DOI Publisher Url
Borrini M, Giachetti C. A forensic anthropological analysis of the seventh-century lombard Journal of Biological Research - Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale, 85 DOI Publisher Url
Franchi N, Bartoli F, Borrini M. A 2000 Year-old cold case: the violent death of a roman mariner between archaeology and forensic anthropology Journal of Biological Research - Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale, 85 DOI Publisher Url
Borrini M, Mariani PP, Murgia C, Rodriguez C, Tumbarello MV. Contextual taphonomy: superficial bone alterations as contextual indicators Journal of Biological Research - Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale, 85 DOI Publisher Url
Borrini M, Solaini P, Golloher MJD. preliminary analysis of the pathological and traumatic conditions on skeletal samples from a plague cementery of Venice Journal of Biological Research - Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale, 85 DOI Publisher Url
Lusa V, Borrini M. Femminicidio e Patriarcato nell’ambito della violenza di genere. Una revisione ragionata dal punto di vista del delitto e della criminologia Norme & Tributi Plus, Publisher Url
Swali P, Booth T, Tan CCS, McCabe J, Anastasiadou K, Barrington C, Borrini M, Bricking A, Buckberry J, Büster L, Carlin R, Gilardet A, Glocke I, Irish J, Kelly M, King M, Petchey F, Peto J, Silva M, Speidel L, Tait F, Teoaca A, Valoriani S, Williams M, Madgwick R, Mullan G, Wilson L, Cootes K, Armit I, Gutierrez MG, van Dorp L, Skoglund P. 2024. AncientBorreliagenomes document the evolutionary history of louse-borne relapsing fever Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DOI Publisher Url
Valoriani S, Irish JD, Megan K, Matteo B. 2022. Medieval migrations and the birth of modern British peoples: A craniometric approach Research Square Platform LLC DOI Publisher Url
2019. Tornando a Casa
2015. England's Vampires
2015. Vampire Legend
2010. Vampire forensics
Editorial/letter to the editor
Borrini M, Garlaschelli L. 2019. Commentary On: Borrini M, Garlaschelli L. A BPA approach to the Shroud of Turin. J Forensic Sci https://doi.org/10.1111/1556-4029.13867. Authors’ Response Journal of Forensic Sciences, 64 :656-657 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Borrini M, Garlaschelli L. 2019. Authors’ Response Journal of Forensic Sciences, 64 :656-657 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Borrini M, Garlaschelli L. 2019. Commentary on: Borrini M, Garlaschelli L. A BPA approach to the Shroud of Turin. J Forensic Sci https://doi.org/10.1111/1556-4029.13867. Epub 2018 July 10. Authors' Response JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES, 64 :333-335 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Borrini M, Garlaschelli L. 2019. Commentary on: Borrini M, Garlaschelli L. A BPA Approach to the Shroud of Turin. J Forensic Sci https://doi.org/10.1111/1556-4029.13867. Epub 2018 July 10. Authors' Response JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES, 64 :327-328 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Borrini M, Nuzzolese E. 2012. Authors' Response Journal of Forensic Sciences, 57 :845-848 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Conference publication
Valoriani S, Borrini M. 2018. The potential of cranial reconstruction for osteological analysis and human identification AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 87th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists (AAPA) 165 :282-282 Author Url
Anastopoulou, I, Karakostis, FA, Borrini M, Moraitis K. 2018. A Statistical Method for Reassociating Human Tali and Calcanei From a Commingled Context Journal of Forensic Sciences, 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 63 :381-385 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Valoriani S, Irish JD, Gonzalez S, Borrini M. 2017. Intra- and inter-population affinities among the Medieval English: a preliminary craniometric study AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 86th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists (AAPA) 162 :390-390 Author Url
Davenport CAL, Ohman JC, Borrini M. 2017. Changing Impact Angles: The Mechanics Involved in Blunt Force Cranial Trauma and Their Importance in Investigating Curb-Stomping Cases Proceedings American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) 69th Annual Scientific Meeting. 2017. 23 :115-116 Publisher Url Public Url
Canty E, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2016. The preauricular sulcus and its link to sex and parturition: a test on a British Medieval collection AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 85th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists 159 :108-108 Author Url
Zorba E, Borrini M, Moraitis K. 2016. Reassessing the Dental Features of Lamendin’s Age-Estimation Method
Garlaschelli L, Borrini M. 2015. A Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (BPA) Approach to the Shroud of Turin: A Step Forward 67th Annual Scientific Meeting :630-630
Di Nunzio C, Aquila I, Boca S, Ausania F, Saliva M, Borrini M, Ricci P. 2015. The Forensic Science Investigations in Recent Cases of Victim’s Cannibalism: Reality or Fiction? A Case of Matricide and Review of Literature
Aquila I, Di Nunzio C, Borrini M, de Luca E, Ricci P. 2014. Fatal Death by Poisoning: From Myth to Science — A Forensic Point of View American Academy of Forensic Sciences 66th Annual Scientific Meeting — Seattle, WA 2014
Borrini M, Scalia Tomba GP. 2014. The Postmortem Fate of Anthropometric Measurements: Taphonomic Alteration of Landmarks in Buried Skeletal Remains American Academy of Forensic Sciences 66th Annual Scientific Meeting — Seattle, WA 2014
Garlaschelli L, Borrini M. 2014. A BPA Approach to the Shroud of Turin: A Preliminary Examination of the Left Forearm to Reconstruct the Cucifixion Practice American Academy of Forensic Sciences 66th Annual Scientific Meeting — Seattle, WA 2014
Borrini M. 2013. The Chaotic Numerology of Anthropometry: A Proposal for a Univocal Numeric Codification of Bone Measurements American Academy of Forensic Sciences -64rd Annual Scientific Meeting
Borrini M, Lippi D. The Pazzi’s Conspiracy: An Investigation of a 500-Year-Old Attempted Coup D’État in Renaissance Florence Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 20 :562
Borrini M, Marchiaro S. The Italian Killer of JFK: History and Evolution of Carcano Model 1891-An Italian Bolt-Action Military Rifle. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Academy of Forensic Sciences - 64rd Annual Scientific Meeting 19 :202
Baldoni M, Borrini M. Musculoskeletal Stress Markers as Evidence of Manual Labor: The Allumiere Cemetery Case American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) 69th Annual Scientific Meeting. 2017., 23 :70-71
canty S, Eliopoulos , Borrini M. A Grading System to Assess the Sex and Parity Status for the Preauricular Sulcus: A Step Forward American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) 69th Annual Scientific Meeting. 2017., :129-129 Publisher Url
Massaro L, Trapella P, Borrini M. Death Scene Investigation: Limitations and Potentials of a LogicalInvestigative Process American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) 69th Annual Scientific Meeting. 2017., 23 :719-719 Publisher Url
Raponi S, Trapella P, Massaro L, Borrini M. Carotid Sinus Hypersensitivity, Psychogenic and Vasovagal Syncope, and Homicide: The Importance of Negative Results of Biologic Evidence in Court American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) 69th Annual Scientific Meeting. 2017., 23 :796-797 Publisher Url
Volpini L, Garofano L, Borrini M. Youth Satanism and Forensic Investigation: The Case of the “Beasts of Satan” in Italy American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) 69th Annual Scientific Meeting. 2017., 23 :1157-1157 Publisher Url
Borrini M. Do You Do Voodoo? Zombies, Ritual Crime, and Forensic Investigations American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) 69th Annual Scientific Meeting. 2017., 23 :1332-1332 Publisher Url
Canty SE, Borrini M, Eliopoulos C, Gonzalez S. Preauricular Sulcus (PAS) and Parity Status: A Possible Correlation? A Test on a Documented British Collection Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 70th Annual Scientific Meeting, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FORENSIC SCIENCES 70th Annual Scientific Meeting Volume XXIV
Anastopoulou I, Moraitis K, Borrini M. Osteometric Sorting of Commingled Upper Limb Bones Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 70th Annual Scientific Meeting, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FORENSIC SCIENCES 70th Annual Scientific Meeting
Borrini M. The Dark Side of the Show: Investigating Mysterious Aspects of Traditional American Sideshows Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 70th Annual Scientific Meeting, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FORENSIC SCIENCES 70th Annual Scientific Meeting Volume XXIV
Baldoni Marica M, Rachel Joseph R, Carole A.L. Davenport C, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. Metric Variability in the Femur and Patella: The Potential for Ancestry Assessment American Academy of Forensic Sciences 71st Annual Scientific Meeting :51-51
Runge T, Irish J, Borrini M. Rare is Good, Unique is Better: Testing Maxillary Sinus Morphologies for Human Identification PROCEEDINGS of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting, 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting :211-211 Publisher Url
Di Nunzio C, Di Nunzio MDN, Di Nunzio A, Ricci P, Borrini M. The “Secondary Burial” in Southern Italy: How Traditional Funerary Practices Affect DNA Preservation in Forensic Human Identification PROCEEDINGS of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting :226-226 Publisher Url
Fluder K, Borrini M, Eliopoulos C. Communist Human Rights Violations in Poland (1944–1956): A Forensic Anthropological Perspective PROCEEDINGS of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting :37-37 Publisher Url
Runge T, Irish J, Miller AV, Borrini M. Does Age Matter?! An Age Study on Maxillary Sinus Morphologies in Human Identification PROCEEDINGS of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting :58-58 Publisher Url
Borrini M. Pursuing Injustice Through Truth in Conjecture: The Hunt for a Scapegoat During an Ancient Pandemic PROCEEDINGS of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting :793-793
Borrini M. To Infinity and Beyond: E.T. at the Crime Scene and the Forensic Challenges of the Current Era PROCEEDINGS of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting :1053-1053 Publisher Url
Borrini M. The Epic of the World War II (WWII) Italian Submarine Macallè and the Death of Carlo Acefalo: How Forensic Science Brought a Soldier’s Remains Back Home American Academy of Forensic Sciences &1st Annual Scientific Meeting :1085-1085
Minella R, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. The Perimortem Trauma Pattern in Human Rights Violations: Comparative Case Studies From Spain, Cambodia, and Argentina Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 74th Annual Scientific Meeting XXVIII
Runge T, Irish J, Miller AV, Borrini M. Uncovering Identities: A Case Study on Using Maxillary Sinus Morphologies in Human Identification Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 74th Annual Scientific Meeting XXVIII
Borrini M, Morocutti M. Who You Gonna Call? Forensic Scientists as Responsive and Responsible Practitioners Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 74th Annual Scientific Meeting XXVIII
Steiger G, Borrini M. A Proposal for Cut Marks Classification and Analysis: Serrated vs. Non-Serrated Knives American Academy of Forensic Sciences 75th Annual Scientific Meeting, AAFS 75th Anniversary Scientific Meeting
Runge T, Borrini M. From a Simulated Environment to Real-Life Applications: Human Identification on Maxillary Sinus Morphologies American Academy of Forensic Sciences 75th Annual Scientific Meeting, AAFS 75th Anniversary Scientific Meeting
Lusa V, Borrini M. Femicide: Scientific and Juridical Elements to Protect Vulnerable Victims American Academy of Forensic Sciences 75th Annual Scientific Meeting, 75th Anniversary Scientific Meeting
Borrini M, Morocutti M, Simeoni L, Paletti L. The Death Ray: A Historical and Forensic Investigation of an Italian Mystery American Academy of Forensic Sciences 75th Annual Scientific Meeting, 75th Anniversary Scientific Meeting
Jordan M, Borrini M. The Resilience of Cut Mark Characteristics: An Experimental Study on the Effect of Corrosive Chemicals Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 76th Annual Scientific Conference, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 76th Annual Scientific Conference XXX :86-86 Publisher Url
Vita H, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. Assessing the Reliability of the DSP2 Software for Skeletal Sex Assessment in a Modern Italian Reference Collection From Syracuse, Sicily Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 76th Annual Scientific Conference, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 76th Annual Scientific Conference XXX :158-158
Griffiths K, Borrini M. The Resilience of Cut Mark Characteristics: An Experimental Study on the Effect of Fire Exposure Proceeding of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 76th Annual Scientific Conference, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 76th Annual Scientific Conference XXX :87-87
Borrini M. (De)coronation Jewels: The “Affair of the Diamond Necklace” Between Historical and Forensic Implications Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 76th Annual Scientific Conference, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 76th Annual Scientific Conference :1030-1030
Borrini M, Valoriani S. Back Together: An Innovative Procedure For Cranial Reconstruction as an Aid for Human Identification Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting :78-78 Publisher Url
Raponi S, Borrini M. Forensic Archaeology: The Legal Aspect for a Practical Application in the Italian Context Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 70th Annual Scientific Meeting, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FORENSIC SCIENCES 70th Annual Scientific Meeting Volume XXIV
Montaldo S, Daveri L, Borrini M. A Multidisciplinary Search for Missing People: Psychology, Canine Units, and Forensic Archaeology Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 70th Annual Scientific Meeting, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FORENSIC SCIENCES 70th Annual Scientific Meeting Volume XXIV
Magni PA, Massaro L, Borrini M, Morton, B, Chaplin, J, Dadour, I. The Things You Find When Fishing: The Forensic Investigation of a Human Skull From the Sea American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) 69th Annual Scientific Meeting. 2017., 23 :929-929 Publisher Url
Borrini M, Mariani PP. 2018. La sepoltura di Teodosia: l’archeologia e l’antropologia forense come strumenti d’identificazione nel caso di una sepoltura a camera dal sito di Sheikh ‘Abadah (Antinoupolis) Bastianini G, Maltomini F. Antinoupolis III 3 Firenze University Press Public Url
Borrini M. 2015. Forensic Archaeology in Italy: the difficult birth of a discipline. Groen WJ, Márquez-Grant N. Forensic Archaeology: A Global Perspective :91-97 Wiley-Blackwell Publisher DOI Publisher Url
Borrini M. 2013. L’attentato a Giuliano de’ Medici il 26 aprile 1478. Analisi antropologico-forense della dinamica dei fatti e dell’arma del delitto Wieczorek A, Rosendahl G, Lippi D, Acidini Luchinat C. Die Medici. Menschen, Macht und Leidenschaft :98-108 Schnell & Steiner. Mannheim
Borrini M. 2011. Il Vampiro in obitorio Polidoro M. La scienza dei mostri. Un'indagine scientifica sulle creature dell'incubo :38-49 CICAP. Milan 9788895276151
Borrini M. 2006. Il vero volto di Gjergj Kastrioti Skenderbeu, Eroe dell'Albania e dell'Europa Ceccarini V. L'Albania in Europa L'Europa di Albania. Shqiperia ne Europe. Europa ne Shqiperi :52-53 Caritas Diocesana. La Spezia
Borrini M. 2004. Campo di ricerca junior 2001: il pozzo del Priore. Fazzini G. Venezia Isola del Lazzaretto Nuovo. :155-157 Archeoclub d'Italia - sede di Venezia. Venezia
Borrini M. 2004. Un'analisi antropologica preliminare sui resti scheletrici. Fazzini G. Venezia Isola del Lazzaretto Nuovo. :157-158 Archeoclub d'Italia - sede di Venezia. Venezia
Books (authored)
Borrini M, Lusa V. 2012. La prova occulta. L'indagine forense sub suolo alla luce della procedura penale Lo Scarabeo (Milano). Milano 9788884781291
Lusa V, Borrini M. 2008. L'atto criminale. Antropologia e scienze forensi per un'indagine sul male Lo Scarabeo (Milano) 9788884781178
Borrini M. Archeologia forense. Metodo e tecnica per il recupero dei resti umani: compendio per l'investigazione scientifica 9788884781062
Borrini M. Human Virus Exhibition Publisher Url
Borrini M. Real Bodies Experience
Highlighted activities
Silver Award - Best International Documentary for documentary movie "Coming home", Los Angeles Motion Picture Festival, California, USA. 2019
Awards of Excellence - Feature Documentary, Cinematography, Creativity Originality, Concept, Music for Documentary movie "Coming Home", Accolade Global Film Competition, California, USA. 2019
Bronze Awards - Feature Documentary for documentary Film "Coming Home", Latitude Film Awards, London, UK. 2018
Best Documentary for “Coming Home” documentary Film, International Festival of Latin American Film, Punta del Este, Uruguay. 2018
Individual Teaching Award, Teaching and Learning Academy. 2018
Excellence in Forensic Anthropology “to be the reference point in forensic archaeology and forensic anthropology, and to have the ability of combining profession and science dissemination”, https://youtu.be/-AR-n3E55U8. 2017
honorary member Commonwealth War Graves Commission - Commonwealth-Italian Joint Committee. 2012
Public engagement:
Other, wider public, historical reconstruction of an Inquisition trial with magic techniques/effect, invited speaker, this was part of Medievalis, one of the most famous Medieval reenactment festival in Italy,, Potremoli (MS - Italy), In the mind of the Inquisitor, http://www.medievalis.org/. 2018
Other, teacher, professionals in education, schools (from 131 different countries), the largest Education Technology show in the UK, CREATE Ambassadors, ExCeL London, BETT 2018 Education Show, https://www.bettshow.com/. 2018
Other, Wider public, Talk and mentalism performance, Invited speaker and performer, Inauguration of the exhibit "Harry Potter: a history of Magic" in conjunction with the British Library, Liverpool Central Library, The Magic of Harry Potter, https://www.cultureliverpool.co.uk/event/harry-pottera-history-of-magic/. 2017
Other, Wider public, Exhibit, Exhibit organizer, CICAP-Fest (festival of the Italian skeptic society), Teatro Bonci (Cesena - Italy), La valigia del professor Van Helsing, https://www.cicap.org/convegno/2017/. 2017
Public talk or lecture, applicat students interest in Anthropology, invited speaker, British Museum (London), Facing the Dead: from the skull to the identity of unknown corpses, https://londonanthropologyday.co.uk/2017-programme/. 2017
Fellow - Anthropology Section, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, http://www.aafs.org/. 2015
Membership of professional bodies:
Expert witness on Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology for Italian State Prosecutor Office, registered at Criminal Court of La Spezia (Italy). 2007
Media Coverage:
Tricks of the trade: debunking psychic abilities .
Documentary England’s Vampires
premier on More4 on Halloween – 31st October 2015
documentary Vampire Legend
premiere 27th October 2015 PBS (US Television)
Scientific consultant for the project "Science of Vampire" National Geographic Television & Film
Secrets of the Paranormal World - Episode 1, The Gateway
Featuring Derren Brown, Uri Geller, Father Dermine and scientific experts. this series follows one believer and one non-believer as they explore the validity and existence of the paranormal through controlled experiments.
Broadcasted by Stv
Secrets of the Paranormal World - Episode 2, Infestations
Featuring Derren Brown, Uri Geller, Father Dermine and scientific experts. this series follows one believer and one non-believer as they explore the validity and existence of the paranormal through controlled experiments.
Broadcasted by Stv
The Perception Machine
External collaboration:
Papyrological Institute “Vitelli” – University of Florence, Director of the Antinoupolis Human Bodies Investigation (An.Hu.B.I.) Project.
Professional activities
Editorial boards:
Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences, ad hoc reviewer. 2023
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, ad hoc reviewer. 2023
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, ad hoc reviewer. 2020
Annals of Human Biology, ad hoc reviewer.
Antiquity, ad hoc reviewer.
Antropologia e Scienze Forensi, Lo Scarabeo Editore, Editorial director.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, ad hoc. reviewer.
Archivio della Società Italiana di Antropologia ed Etnologia, permanent reviewer.
Clinical Anatomy, ad hoc reviewer.
Forensic Science International: Reports, ad hoc reviewer.
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, ad hoc reviewer.
Qeios, ad hoc reviewer.
SAGE Open Medicine, ad hoc reviewer.
Science & Justice, ad hoc reviewer.
Media Coverage:
Forensic Anthropology and 9/11 BAD Time - Special edition 2022
The mystery that still surrounds the Shroud of Turin
Tricks of the trade: debunking psychic abilities
Documentary England’s Vampires
premier on More4 on Halloween – 31st October 2015
documentary Vampire Legend
premiere 27th October 2015 PBS (US Television)
Scientific consultant for the project "Science of Vampire" National Geographic Television & Film
Secrets of the Paranormal World - Episode 1, The Gateway
Featuring Derren Brown, Uri Geller, Father Dermine and scientific experts. this series follows one believer and one non-believer as they explore the validity and existence of the paranormal through controlled experiments.
Broadcasted by Stv
Secrets of the Paranormal World - Episode 2, Infestations
Featuring Derren Brown, Uri Geller, Father Dermine and scientific experts. this series follows one believer and one non-believer as they explore the validity and existence of the paranormal through controlled experiments.
Broadcasted by Stv
Secrets of the Paranormal World - Episode 3, The Real World
Featuring Derren Brown, Uri Geller, Father Dermine and scientific experts. this series follows one believer and one non-believer as they explore the validity and existence of the paranormal through controlled experiments.
Broadcasted by Stv
The Perception Machine
Public engagement:
Demonstration, wider public, member of the organising team, preparing the "Dead men tell no tale" (forensic anthropology) station, World Museum, Liverpool, Human Evolution Festival: Meet the Scientists, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/about-us/events/2019/9/7/human-evolution-festival-meet-the-scientists. 2019
Other, wider public, exhibition, organiser and invited speaker, LightNight is Liverpool’s one night arts festival sponsored by LJMU, Arts Council, Liverpool City Council, will be in the Oak Room, Cabinet of Curiosities. 2019
Other, wider public, mentalism show and history talk, invited speaker and performer, LightNight is Liverpool’s one night arts festival sponsored by LJMU, Arts Council, Liverpool City Council, Liverpool Central Library (Hornby Library), Torquemanda: in the mind of the inquisitor, http://lightnightliverpool.co.uk/whats-on/torquemada-in-the-mind-of-the-inquisitor/. 2019
Other, wider public, workshop, invited speaker, the lecture was one of the activities for the CICAPFest (science festival organised by the Italian sceptical society CICAP), University of Padova, How investigate the "unbelievable". Debunking psychic detectives, https://www.cicapfest.it/2018. 2018
Other, magicians, workshop on magic techniques, invited speaker, this was part of the CICAPfest, the scientific festival organised by the Italian sceptical society CICAP, University of Padova, Licantropia, https://www.cicapfest.it/2018. 2018
Public talk or lecture, wider public, invited speaker, this was part of the CICAPfest, the scientific festival organised by the Italian sceptical society CICAP, University of Padov, Vampires beyond the tale, https://www.cicapfest.it/2018. 2018
Other, wider public, historical reconstruction of an Inquisition trial with magic techniques/effect, invited speaker, this was part of Medievalis, one of the most famous Medieval reenactment festival in Italy,, Potremoli (MS - Italy), In the mind of the Inquisitor, http://www.medievalis.org/. 2018
Public talk or lecture, wider public, invited speaker, Closing conference for the exhibit "Harry Potter: a history of Magic" in conjunction with the British Library, Liverpool Central Library, The Science of Professor Van Helsing: Discovering a real ancestor of Dracula, https://www.cultureliverpool.co.uk/event/harry-pottera-history-of-magic/. 2018
Other, teacher, professionals in education, schools (from 131 different countries), the largest Education Technology show in the UK, CREATE Ambassadors, ExCeL London, BETT 2018 Education Show, https://www.bettshow.com/. 2018
Other, Wider public, Talk and mentalism performance, Invited speaker and performer, Inauguration of the exhibit "Harry Potter: a history of Magic" in conjunction with the British Library, Liverpool Central Library, The Magic of Harry Potter, https://www.cultureliverpool.co.uk/event/harry-pottera-history-of-magic/. 2017
Public talk or lecture, Wider public, Invited speaker, CICAP-Fest (festival of the Italian skeptic society), Palazzo del Ridotto (Cesena - Italy), Da Dracula alla "donna Vampiro": autopsia di un non-morto e nascita di una leggenda, https://www.cicap.org/convegno/2017/. 2017
Other, Wider public, Exhibit, Exhibit organizer, CICAP-Fest (festival of the Italian skeptic society), Teatro Bonci (Cesena - Italy), La valigia del professor Van Helsing, https://www.cicap.org/convegno/2017/. 2017
Public talk or lecture, Wider public, Invited speaker, Harry Potter Back to Hogwarts event, Real Collegio di Lucca (Italy), La scienza del Professor Van Helsing.. 2017
Public talk or lecture, applicat students interest in Anthropology, invited speaker, British Museum (London), Facing the Dead: from the skull to the identity of unknown corpses, https://londonanthropologyday.co.uk/2017-programme/. 2017
Other, CICAP Italian skeptic society, mentalism performance, invited speaker, Corso per indagatori di misteri 2017, Casa del Pellegrino (Padova - Italy), Torquemada: nella mente dell'inquisitore, https://www.cicap.org/corso/2017/. 2017
Public talk or lecture, CICAP italian skepit society, invited speaker, Corso per indagatori di misteri 2017, Casa del Pellegrino (Padova - Italy), Sulla scena del mistero, https://www.cicap.org/corso/2017/. 2017
Silver Award - Best International Documentary for documentary movie "Coming home", Los Angeles Motion Picture Festival, California, USA. 2019
Awards of Excellence - Feature Documentary, Cinematography, Creativity Originality, Concept, Music for Documentary movie "Coming Home", Accolade Global Film Competition, California, USA. 2019
Bronze Awards - Feature Documentary for documentary Film "Coming Home", Latitude Film Awards, London, UK. 2018
Best Documentary for “Coming Home” documentary Film, International Festival of Latin American Film, Punta del Este, Uruguay. 2018
Individual Teaching Award, Teaching and Learning Academy. 2018
Excellence in Forensic Anthropology “to be the reference point in forensic archaeology and forensic anthropology, and to have the ability of combining profession and science dissemination”, https://youtu.be/-AR-n3E55U8. 2017
honorary member Commonwealth War Graves Commission - Commonwealth-Italian Joint Committee. 2012
Research Grants Awarded:
Film Commission Torino Piemonte, Tornando a Casa, Ricardo Preve - prevefilms, Grant value (£): 13.500. 2017
Film Commision Torino Piemonte, Tornando a Casa, Ricardo Preve - prevefilms, Grant value (£): 6.000. 2017
Ultimaker B.V., Skeleton2Go project, Grant value (£): 4000. 2017, Constantine Eliopoulos - LJMU, Grant value (£): 4000. 2017
Expeditions Council of the National Geographic Society, Vampire Forensics, Grant value (£): 4,899, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2009
Membership of professional bodies:
Forensic anthropologist, Forensic Anthropology Board of Associazione Antropologica Italiana (Italian Anthropological Association). 2016
Associate member, European Network of Forensic Science Institutes EWG SoC - Forensic Archaeology. 2014
Expert witness on Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology for Italian State Prosecutor Office, registered at Criminal Court of La Spezia (Italy). 2007
Fellow American Academy of Forensic Sciences - Physical Anthropology Section, American Academy of Forensic Sciences. 2015
Fellow - Anthropology Section, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, http://www.aafs.org/. 2015
External collaboration:
University of Florence, Contract Professor of History of Medicine. 2012
University “Nicola Cusano”, Contract Professor of forensic anthropology at Master of “Forensic Criminology”. 2011
University of Rome "La Sapienza", Contract Professor of forensic anthropology at "Corso di Formazione in Scienze Forensi ed intelligence SFIIP”. 2011
University of Rome "La Sapinza", Invited contract Professor of forensic anthropology at Master of “Criminological and Forensic Science”. 2011
Universty of ome "La Sapienza", Invited Contract Professor of forensic anthropology at Master of “Criminology and Intelligence”. 2011
Papal Theological University “San Bonaventura”, Contract Professor of forensic anthropology at Master of “Anthropology, criminology and advance forensic techniques.”. 2009
University of Florence, Contract Professor of forensic anthropology at Post Graduate Specialization School of Archaeological Heritage. 2009
Papyrological Institute “Vitelli” – University of Florence, Director of the Antinoupolis Human Bodies Investigation (An.Hu.B.I.) Project.