Dr Neil Simcock
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: N.D.Simcock@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 8083
I research broadly on issues of environmental justice. I am interested in how (natural and built) environments that are beneficial or harmful to human health and wellbeing are unevenly shared across society and space - who has access to environmental 'goods', who is exposed to harm, why, and with what effects.
Using this broad research lens, my research has primarily focused empirically on energy systems and energy services in the home. I have published extensively on issues of energy poverty and vulnerability, aiming to understand the causes and consequences of, and potential solutions to, this pressing issue. I understand energy vulnerability as a phenomenon that is socially and politically induced - that is, not an individual or household-level condition, but the product of social, political and economic systems and policies. Understanding these systemic root causes can help develop more effective strategies to address the problem. My research has been funded by multiple organisations including UKRI, the British Academy, and the EU Horizon2020 programme.
Specific strands of research expertise and interest include:
• The institutional and structural causes of energy vulnerability.
• Energy poverty and vulnerability in the private rented sector
• Stigma, othering and 'misrecognition'
• The mental, emotional and ethical consequences of energy poverty
• The role of advice services can play in mitigating energy vulnerability
• Vulnerability and resilience to heatwaves
• Understanding public responses to renewable energy developments, particularly the effects that perceived (un)fairness and (in)justice play in shaping local support or opposition to new energy schemes.
Teaching wise, since September 2024 I have been the Programme Leader for BSc Geography at LJMU. I teach issues of social inequality and sustainability on multiple modules, and lead two modules most closely related to my expertise - "Urban Geography" in the second year, and "Renewables and Low Carbon Futures" in the third year. In 2023 I won a Faculty of Science Teaching Award for Academic Practice, in recognition of good teaching practice.
Prospective PhD students are very welcome to contact me with potential project ideas.
2012, Lancaster University, United Kingdom, PhD
2008, Lancaster University, United Kingdom, MSc Environmental Informatics
2007, Lancaster University, United Kingdom, BA Hons Human Geography
Academic appointments
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Geography, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - present
Lecturer, Geography, University of Manchester, 2018 - 2018
Senior Research Associate, Geography, University of Manchester, 2015 - 2018
Researcher, British Academy, 2015 - 2015
Research Associate, DEMAND Centre, Lancaster University, 2013 - 2015
Research Assistant, Keele University, 2012 - 2013
Postgraduate training
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, United Kingdom, Liverpool John Moores University, 2023 - present
Highlighted publications
Upham DP, Simcock ND, Sovacool PB, Contreras DGAT, Jenkins K, Martiskainen DM. 2023. Public support for decarbonisation policies: Between self-interest and social need for alleviating energy and transport poverty in the United Kingdom Energy and Climate Change, 4 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sovacool BK, Upham P, Martiskainen M, Jenkins KEH, Torres Contreras GA, Simcock N. 2023. Policy prescriptions to address energy and transport poverty in the United Kingdom Nature Energy, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Simcock N, Jenkins KEH, Lacey-Barnacle M, Martiskainen M, Mattioli G, Hopkins D. 2021. Identifying double energy vulnerability: A systematic and narrative review of groups at-risk of energy and transport poverty in the global north Energy Research & Social Science, 82 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Simcock N, Frankowski J, Bouzarovski S. 2021. Rendered invisible: Institutional misrecognition and the reproduction of energy poverty Geoforum, 124 :1-9 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Calver P, Simcock N. 2021. Demand response and energy justice: A critical overview of ethical risks and opportunities within digital, decentralised, and decarbonised futures Energy Policy, 151 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Thomson H, Simcock N, Bouzarovski S, Petrova S. 2019. Energy poverty and indoor cooling: an overlooked issue in Europe Energy and Buildings, 196 :21-29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Day R, Walker G, Simcock N. 2016. Conceptualising energy use and energy poverty using a capabilities framework Energy Policy, 93 :255-264 DOI Publisher Url
Journal article
Waldron R, Sugrue S, Simcock N, Holloway L. 2025. Precarious lives: Exploring the intersection of insecure housing and energy conditions in Ireland Energy Research & Social Science, 121 :1-11 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Abdulkerim S, Nasır A, Alymany G, Mateo-Garcia M, Simcock N. 2024. Impacts of limited fuel choices in Syrian refugee camps: A mixed-methods investigation into household energy practices and indoor air pollution Energy for Sustainable Development, 85 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Okushima S, Simcock N. 2024. Double energy vulnerability in Japan Energy Policy, 191 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Simcock N, Bouzarovski S. 2023. A cure-all for energy poverty? Thinking critically about energy advice Critical Social Policy, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bouzarovski S, Damigos D, Kmetty Z, Simcock N, Robinson C, Jayyousi M, Crowther A. 2023. Energy justice intermediaries: Living Labs in the low-carbon transformation Local Environment, :1-18 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Martiskainen M, Hopkins D, Torres Contreras GA, Jenkins KEH, Mattioli G, Simcock N, Lacey-Barnacle M. 2023. Eating, heating or taking the bus? Lived experiences at the intersection of energy and transport poverty Global Environmental Change, 82 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Upham DP, Simcock ND, Sovacool PB, Contreras DGAT, Jenkins K, Martiskainen DM. 2023. Public support for decarbonisation policies: Between self-interest and social need for alleviating energy and transport poverty in the United Kingdom Energy and Climate Change, 4 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sovacool BK, Upham P, Martiskainen M, Jenkins KEH, Torres Contreras GA, Simcock N. 2023. Policy prescriptions to address energy and transport poverty in the United Kingdom Nature Energy, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hernández D, Yoon L, Simcock N. 2022. Basing “Energy Justice” on Clear Terms: Assessing Key Terminology in Pursuit of Energy Justice Environmental Justice, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Simcock N, Jenkins KEH, Lacey-Barnacle M, Martiskainen M, Mattioli G, Hopkins D. 2021. Identifying double energy vulnerability: A systematic and narrative review of groups at-risk of energy and transport poverty in the global north Energy Research & Social Science, 82 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Pellicer-Sifres V, Simcock N, Boni A. 2021. Understanding the multiple harms of energy poverty through Nussbaum’s theory of central capabilities Local Environment, 26 :1026-1042 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Simcock N, Frankowski J, Bouzarovski S. 2021. Rendered invisible: Institutional misrecognition and the reproduction of energy poverty Geoforum, 124 :1-9 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Calver P, Simcock N. 2021. Demand response and energy justice: A critical overview of ethical risks and opportunities within digital, decentralised, and decarbonised futures Energy Policy, 151 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Martiskainen M, Sovacool BK, Lacey-Barnacle M, Hopkins D, Jenkins KEH, Simcock N, Mattioli G, Bouzarovski S. 2020. New Dimensions of Vulnerability to Energy and Transport Poverty Joule, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Petrova S, Simcock N. 2019. Gender and energy: domestic inequities reconsidered Social and Cultural Geography, :1-19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Thomson H, Simcock N, Bouzarovski S, Petrova S. 2019. Energy poverty and indoor cooling: an overlooked issue in Europe Energy and Buildings, 196 :21-29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bouzarovski S, Simcock N. 2017. Spatializing energy justice Energy Policy, 107 :640-648 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Simcock N. 2016. Procedural justice and the implementation of community wind energy projects: A case study from South Yorkshire, UK Land Use Policy, 59 :467-477 DOI Publisher Url
Simcock N, Mullen C. 2016. Energy demand for everyday mobility and domestic life: Exploring the justice implications ENERGY RESEARCH & SOCIAL SCIENCE, 18 :1-6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Walker G, Simcock N, Day R. 2016. Necessary energy uses and a minimum standard of living in the United Kingdom: Energy justice or escalating expectations? Energy Research & Social Science, 18 :129-138 DOI Publisher Url
Day R, Walker G, Simcock N. 2016. Conceptualising energy use and energy poverty using a capabilities framework Energy Policy, 93 :255-264 DOI Publisher Url
Simcock N, Walker G, Day R. 2016. Fuel poverty in the UK: beyond heating? People Place and Policy Online, 10 :25-41 DOI Publisher Url
Simcock N. 2014. Exploring how stakeholders in two community wind projects use a “those affected” principle to evaluate the fairness of each project's spatial boundary Local Environment, 19 :241-258 DOI Publisher Url
Simcock N, MacGregor S, Catney P, Dobson A, Ormerod M, Robinson Z, Ross S, Royston S, Marie Hall S. 2014. Factors influencing perceptions of domestic energy information: Content, source and process Energy Policy, 65 :455-464 DOI Publisher Url
Simcock N, Middlemiss L, Ambrose A, Owen A, Martiskainen M. 2023. Written evidence submitted for the Energy Security and Net Zero Committee inquiry on Heating Our Homes Author Url Publisher Url
Simcock N, Ambrose A. 2023. Written evidence submitted for the Environmental Audit Committee inquiry on Heat Resilience and Sustainable Cooling Publisher Url Public Url
Middlemiss L, Simcock N, Ambrose A, Stockton H, Cave T, Francis S, Ambrosio Albala P, Atkins E, Bouzarovski S, Butler C, Collard S, Dawney L, Davies S, Hastie H, Morrison E, Martiskainen M, Robinson C, Snell C, Sharma N. 2023. Tackling fuel poverty: learning from winter research Publisher Url
Middlemiss L, Ambrose A, Simcock N, Martiskainen M, Sheriff G. 2022. Fuel poverty in the cost of living crisis Publisher Url
Robinson C, Simcock N. 2022. How can policy protect fuel poor households from rising energy prices? Publisher Url
Bouzarovski S, Simcock N, Evans S, Crowther A. 2021. Data analysis report for the Urban Living Lab (STEP-IN project final report) Author Url
Simcock N, Willis R, Capener P. 2016. Cultures of Community Energy: International Case Studies Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Walker G, Day R, Simcock N. 2015. What energy uses matter? Fuel poverty beyond heating Publisher Url Public Url
Walker G, Day R, Simcock N. 2015. What counts as 'required' energy? Principles of need in modelling the extent of fuel poverty Publisher Url Public Url
Twigger-Ross C, Brooks K, Papadopoulou L, Orr P, Sadauskis R, Coke A, Simcock N, Stirling A, Walker G. 2015. Community resilience to climate change: an evidence review Publisher Url Public Url
Simcock N, Walker G. 2015. Fuel Poverty and Non-Heating Energy Uses Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Internet publication
Ambrose A, Middlemiss L, Simcock N. 2023. Why heating your home this winter may be even harder than last year Publisher Url
Simcock N. 2023. Curbing the crisis: the impact of Energy Cafés Author Url Publisher Url
Bouzarovski S, Crowther A, Simcock N. 2023. The UK needs a national energy advice service Author Url Publisher Url
Simcock N. 2022. Why lowering everyone’s energy bills is a better solution than targeting only the most vulnerable Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Simcock N, Martiskainen M, Jenkins K. 2021. Low income and living in a rural area increases the risk of double energy vulnerability Publisher Url Public Url
Simcock N, Thomson H, Petrova S, Bouzarovski S. 2020. Heatwaves can kill – research uncovers the homes most vulnerable to overheating Publisher Url Public Url
Middlemiss L, Simcock N. 2019. Energy poverty or just poverty? A response to ‘what’s the problem?’ Publisher Url Public Url
Robinson C, Simcock N, Petrova S. 2023. Energy justice and gender Bouzarovski S, Fuller S, Reames T. Handbook on Energy Justice :188-200 Edward Elgar Publishing 9781839102950 DOI Publisher Url
Simcock N. 2020. Energy Kobayashi A. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (Second Edition) :123-135 Elsevier 978-0-08-102296-2 DOI Publisher Url
Willis R, Simcock N. 2019. Consumer (Co-)Ownership of Renewables in England and Wales (UK) Lowitzsch J. Energy Transition: Financing Consumer Co-Ownership in Renewables Palgrave MacMillan. Switzerland DOI Publisher Url
Willis R, Simcock N. 2019. Consumer (Co-)Ownership of Renewables in England and Wales (UK) Energy Transition :369-394 Springer International Publishing 9783319935171 DOI Publisher Url
Simcock ND, Petrova S. 2017. Energy poverty and vulnerability: a geographical perspective Solomon , B.D. CKE. Handbook on the Geographies of Energy Edward Elgar Publishing 9781785365621 DOI Publisher Url
Simcock N, Thomson H, Petrova S, Bouzarovski S. 2017. Conclusions Energy Poverty and Vulnerability :249-256 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Walker G, Simcock ND. 2012. Community Energy Systems Smith SJ, Elsinga M, O'Mahony LF, Eng OS, Wachter S, Lovell H. International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home :194-198 Elsevier Science. Oxford 9780080471631 DOI Publisher Url
Jeong Y, Simcock ND, Walker GP. 2012. Making power differently: Exploring in motives and meanings of community renewable energy developments in cases from the UK and South Korea Davies A. Enterprising Communities Grassroots Sustainability Innovations :105-121 Emerald Group Publishing. Bingley 9781780524849 DOI Publisher Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Liu E, Simcock N, Martiskainen M. 2022. Editorial: Energy Justice in the Era of Green Transitions Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, DOI Publisher Url
Books (edited)
2017. Energy Poverty and Vulnerability: A Global Perspective Simcock N, Thomson H, Petrova S, Bouzarovski S. Routledge. Abingdon, Oxon 9781138294455 DOI Publisher Url
Energy Poverty and Vulnerability Simcock N, Thomson H, Petrova S, Bouzarovski S. Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Okushima S, Simcock N. Double energy vulnerability in Japan: a first assessment DOI Publisher Url
Media Coverage:
"Rural people hit hardest by energy and transport poverty" - our research investigating overlapping vulnerability to energy poverty and transport poverty was picked up by the news outlets Future Net Zero and Energy Live News. The coverage relates to the paper Simcock et al (2021) 'Identifying double energy vulnerability' that was published in the journal Energy Research & Social Science. 2021
Conference presentation:
The social production of energy vulnerability in England’s private rented sector, Fuel Poverty Research Network conference: ‘Putting Energy Poverty Research into Practice’, Salford, UK, Oral presentation, https://www.fuelpovertyresearch.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/NeilSimcock_FPRN_Autumn2024.pdf. 2024
Can rent controls help improve conditions and reduce energy poverty in private rented housing?, 35th International Geographical Congress 2024, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, Oral presentation. 2024
Toward a just transition: integrating the private-rented sector in decarbonisation, Energy and Climate Change research group seminar, University of Leeds, Oral presentation. 2023
Energy vulnerability in private-rented housing: applying Bourdieu to unpack the systemic drivers of vulnerability, People, Place and Policy Annual Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, Oral presentation. 2023
Addressing the Energy Price Crisis: Targeted Solutions or Radical Universalism?, International seminar: “Energy poverty and justice”, Instituto de Energia e Ambiente, University of Sao Paulo, Oral presentation. 2022
Energy poverty in private-rented housing: Class inequality as the core driver of vulnerability, 3rd Energy Research & Social Science Conference, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, Oral presentation. 2022
The infrastructural politics of energy and gender injustices: norms, expectations and ruptures, RGS-IBG Energy Geographies Research Group webinar series, Joint oral presentation with Dr Saska Petrova (University of Manchester). 2022
Energy poverty and energy justice: a Capabilities Approach, Normative Energy Ethics Conference, Oral presentation. 2021
Double energy vulnerability in the UK’s low-carbon transition, DecarboN8 International Conference 2021, Joint oral presentation with Dr Mari Martiskainen (University of Sussex). 2021
‘Fixing’ energy injustices? The transformative potential of energy advice, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Annual International Conference 2021, Oral presentation. 2021
Energy Justice and the Capabilities Approach, Reshaping norms in energy poverty: The capabilities approach in practice, Oral presentation. 2021
Using living labs to engage and support energy poor households, SocialWatt: Connecting Obligated Parties to Adopt Innovative Schemes towards Energy Poverty Alleviation’, Oral presentation. 2021
Identifying double energy vulnerability: a systematic review, Making Decarbonisation Fair conference, Joint oral presentation with Dr Kirsten Jenkins (University of Edinburgh). 2021
Energy advice and energy justice: a report from the STEP-IN urban living lab, The right to fair energy access: Restarting economies without leaving the energy poor behind, Joint oral presentation with Amie Crowther (University of Manchester). 2021
Identifying the vulnerable: energy and transport poverty and beyond, Webinar for Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (CREDS), Joint oral presentation with Dr Kirsten Jenkins (University of Edinburgh). 2020
External PGR examinations performed:
RMIT University, PhD, Energy Culture: Implications for Energy Retrofit Programmes in Coyhaique, Chile. 2024
Central European University, PhD, Synergies between heating and energy poverty - the injustice of heat. 2021
Lancaster University, MRes, The power of renewable energy co-operatives: How can they contribute to wider socio-ecological innovation in the UK?. 2019
Teaching qualification:
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice. 2023
Best Paper Award for paper entitled "Energy poverty and indoor cooling: An overlooked issue in Europe", Energy and Buildings journal, https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/energy-and-buildings/about/news#best-paper-awards-of-energy-and-buildings-published-in-the-period-from-2018-to-2022. 2023
Faculty of Science Teaching Award, Liverpool John Moores University. 2023
Best article (runner up) for paper entitled "Necessary energy uses and a minimum standard of living in the United Kingdom: Energy justice or escalating expectations.", British Sociological Association - Climate Change Study Group, https://www.britsoc.co.uk/groups/study-groups/climate-change-study-group/climate-change-article-prize/previous-prize-winners/. 2016
Research Grants Awarded:
Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions, Fuel Poverty Evidence, Grant value (£): 20,164.80, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2023
Centre for Research in Energy Demand Solutions, Fuel and transport poverty in the UK’s energy transition (FAIR), Grant value (£): 1,249,000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2020
Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), Energy poverty in the private-rented sector: exploring the drivers of vulnerability via the lived-experiences of tenants, Grant value (£): 3000, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2019
European Commission (Horizon2020), Sustainable Strategies for Energy Poor Individuals (STEP-IN), Grant value (£): 310,363.10, Duration of research project: 30 months. 2018
British Academy, Community Energy Ownership and Generation, Grant value (£): 21,785, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2015
Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Evidence Review: Locality and community resilience to climate change, Grant value (£): 40,000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2014
Membership of professional bodies:
Member, Energy Action Scotland. 2021
Fellow, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG).
External committees:
Energy Geographies Research Group, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), Chair, https://www.energygeographies.org/. 2017
Editorial boards:
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, Reviews Editor.