Dr Sarah Dalrymple
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: S.E.Dalrymple@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2354
Academic appointments
Reader in Conservation Ecology, Biological and Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2021 - present
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Conservation Ecology, Biological and Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2013 - 2021
Postdoctoral Research Officer, Bangor University, 2011 - 2012
Teaching Fellow in Ecology, University of Aberdeen, 2006 - 2012
Highlighted publications
Bellis J, Albrecht MA, Maschinski J, Dalrymple SE, Keir MJ, Chambers T, Possley J, Adkins ED, Parsons EW, Kunz M, Radcliffe C, Coffey E, Kaye TN, Peterson CL, David AS, Herron SA, Menges ES, Bell T, Coppoletta M, Elam C, McEachern K, Williamson PS, Boensch D, Bontrager M, Breeden C, Frade N, Gordon DR, Link SO, Littlefield T, Murray S, O'Dell R, Pavlovic NB, Reemts CM, Taylor DD, Titus JH, Titus PJ, Stanley TA, Heineman KD. 2025. The relative influence of geographic and environmental factors on rare plant translocation outcomes Journal of Applied Ecology, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Godefroid S, Lacquaye S, Ensslin A, Dalrymple S, Abeli T, Branwood H, Ferrando Pardo I, Ferrer Gallego PP, Zippel E, Gouveia L, Lobo CA, Fernandes F, Rasp M, Daco L, Séleck M, Frankard P, Fischer LK, Koutsovoulou K, Finger A, Valkó O, Garfi G, Španiček B, Bürli S, Dickenmann R, Jones J, Guyonneau J, Papuga G, De Vitis M, Fenu G, Van Rossum F, Cogoni D, Foster G, Julien M, Piqueray J, Vít P, Bonnet V, Carta A, Descombes P, Lazarević M, Müller N, Orsenigo S, Ravera S, Sild M, Smyth S, Wagner TC, Walisch T, Ballian D, Cambria VE, Colas B, Dixon L, Draper D, Froidevaux V, Pagitz K, Pánková H, Pankhurst T, Preston J, Prunier P, Saura-Mas S, Sartori K, Socher SA, Stanik N, Wunderli A, Nikowitz T, White FJ. 2025. Current state of plant conservation translocations across Europe: motivations, challenges and outcomes Biodiversity and Conservation, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bellis JM, Maschinski J, Bonnin N, Bielby J, Dalrymple SE. 2023. Climate change threatens the future viability of translocated populations Diversity and Distributions, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Smith D, Abeli T, Bruns EB, Dalrymple SE, Foster J, Gilbert TC, Hogg CJ, Lloyd NA, Meyer A, Moehrenschlager A, Murrell O, Rodriguez JP, Smith PP, Terry A, Ewen JG. 2023. Extinct in the wild: The precarious state of Earth's most threatened group of species Science, 379 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dalrymple SE, Winder R, Campbell EM. 2021. Exploring the potential for plant translocations to adapt to a warming world JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 109 :2264-2270 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jaganathan GK, Dalrymple SE, Pritchard HW. 2020. Seed Survival at Low Temperatures: A Potential Selecting Factor Influencing Community Level Changes in High Altitudes under Climate Change Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, :1-25 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Abeli T, Dalrymple SE, Godefroid S, Mondoni A, Muller JV, Rossi G, Orsenigo S. 2019. Ex situ collections and their potential for the restoration of extinct plants Conservation Biology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dalrymple SE, Abeli T. 2019. Ex situ seed banks and the IUCN Red List. Nature Plants, 5 :122-123 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Bellis J, Albrecht MA, Maschinski J, Dalrymple SE, Keir MJ, Chambers T, Possley J, Adkins ED, Parsons EW, Kunz M, Radcliffe C, Coffey E, Kaye TN, Peterson CL, David AS, Herron SA, Menges ES, Bell T, Coppoletta M, Elam C, McEachern K, Williamson PS, Boensch D, Bontrager M, Breeden C, Frade N, Gordon DR, Link SO, Littlefield T, Murray S, O'Dell R, Pavlovic NB, Reemts CM, Taylor DD, Titus JH, Titus PJ, Stanley TA, Heineman KD. 2025. The relative influence of geographic and environmental factors on rare plant translocation outcomes Journal of Applied Ecology, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Godefroid S, Lacquaye S, Ensslin A, Dalrymple S, Abeli T, Branwood H, Ferrando Pardo I, Ferrer Gallego PP, Zippel E, Gouveia L, Lobo CA, Fernandes F, Rasp M, Daco L, Séleck M, Frankard P, Fischer LK, Koutsovoulou K, Finger A, Valkó O, Garfi G, Španiček B, Bürli S, Dickenmann R, Jones J, Guyonneau J, Papuga G, De Vitis M, Fenu G, Van Rossum F, Cogoni D, Foster G, Julien M, Piqueray J, Vít P, Bonnet V, Carta A, Descombes P, Lazarević M, Müller N, Orsenigo S, Ravera S, Sild M, Smyth S, Wagner TC, Walisch T, Ballian D, Cambria VE, Colas B, Dixon L, Draper D, Froidevaux V, Pagitz K, Pánková H, Pankhurst T, Preston J, Prunier P, Saura-Mas S, Sartori K, Socher SA, Stanik N, Wunderli A, Nikowitz T, White FJ. 2025. Current state of plant conservation translocations across Europe: motivations, challenges and outcomes Biodiversity and Conservation, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Lane TP, Rourke M, Kelly MM, Graves S, Dalrymple SE, Dick JJ, Matthews T, Onnis P, Slomba J, Pétursson , Heidkamp CP. 2025. Divided by a common language? The impact of a joint international field trip on student skills Journal of Geography in Higher Education, :1-24 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Cartledge EL, Bellis J, White I, Hurst JL, Stockley P, Dalrymple S. 2024. Current and future climate suitability for the hazel dormouse in the UK and the impact on reintroduced populations Conservation Science and Practice, 6 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bellis JM, Maschinski J, Bonnin N, Bielby J, Dalrymple SE. 2023. Climate change threatens the future viability of translocated populations Diversity and Distributions, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Abeli T, Dalrymple SE. 2023. Advances in plant conservation translocation Plant Ecology, 224 :741-744 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Gaywood M, Bavin D, Dalrymple S, Finger A, Foster J, Pouget D. 2023. Conservation translocations in Britain British Wildlife, 34 :572-583 Publisher Url
Doyle CAT, Abeli T, Albrecht MA, Bellis J, Colas B, Dalrymple SE, Ensslin A, Espejo J, Erftemeijer PLA, Julien M, Lewandrowski W, Liu H, Moehrenschlager A, Ooi MKJ, Reynolds DM, Schatz B, Sild M, Wills TJ, Papuga G. 2023. Achieving conservation outcomes in plant mitigation translocations: the need for global standards Plant Ecology, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Smith D, Abeli T, Bruns EB, Dalrymple SE, Foster J, Gilbert TC, Hogg CJ, Lloyd NA, Meyer A, Moehrenschlager A, Murrell O, Rodriguez JP, Smith PP, Terry A, Ewen JG. 2023. Extinct in the wild: The precarious state of Earth's most threatened group of species Science, 379 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dalrymple SE, Abeli T, Ewen JG, Gilbert TC, Hogg CJ, Lloyd NA, Moehrenschlager A, Rodríguez JP, Smith D. 2023. Addressing Threats and Ecosystem Intactness to Enable Action for Extinct in the Wild Species Diversity, 15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Abeli T, Rossi G, Orsenigo S, Dalrymple SE, Godefroid S. 2021. On farm plant reintroduction: A decision framework for plant conservation translocation in EU agro-ecosystems Journal for Nature Conservation, 65 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bellis J, Longden M, Styles J, Dalrymple S. 2021. Using macroecological species distribution models to estimate changes in the suitability of sites for threatened species reintroduction Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Nason SE, Lloyd N, Kelly CD, Brichieri-Colombi T, Dalrymple SE, Moehrenschlager A. 2021. Maximizing the effectiveness of qualitative systematic reviews: A case study on terrestrial arthropod conservation translocations Biological Conservation, 254 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Downey H, Amano T, Cadotte M, Cook CN, Cooke SJ, Haddaway NR, Jones JPG, Littlewood N, Walsh JC, Abrahams MI, Adum G, Akasaka M, Alves JA, Antwis RE, Arellano EC, Axmacher J, Barclay H, Batty L, Benítez‐López A, Bennett JR, Berg MJ, Bertolino S, Biggs D, Bolam FC, Bray T, Brook BW, Bull JW, Burivalova Z, Cabeza M, Chauvenet ALM, Christie AP, Cole L, Cotton AJ, Cotton S, Cousins SAO, Craven D, Cresswell W, Cusack JJ, Dalrymple SE, Davies ZG, Diaz A, Dodd JA, Felton A, Fleishman E, Gardner CJ, Garside R, Ghoddousi A, Gilroy JJ, Gill DA, Gill JA, Glew L, Grainger MJ, Grass AA, Greshon S, Gundry J, Hart T, Hopkins CR, Howe C, Johnson A, Jones KW, Jordan NR, Kadoya T, Kerhoas D, Koricheva J, Lee TM, Lengyel S, Livingstone SW, Lyons A, McCabe G, Millett J, Strevens CM, Moolna A, Mossman HL, Mukherjee N, Muñoz‐Sáez A, Negrões N, Norfolk O, Osawa T, Papworth S, Park KJ, Pellet J, Phillott AD, Plotnik JM, Priatna D, Ramos AG, Randall N, Richards RM, Ritchie EG, Roberts DL, Rocha R, Rodríguez JP, Sanderson R, Sasaki T, Savilaakso S, Sayer C, Sekercioglu C, Senzaki M, Smith G, Smith RJ, Soga M, Soulsbury CD, Steer MD, Stewart G, Strange EF, Suggitt AJ, Thompson RRJ, Thompson S, Thornhill I, Trevelyan RJ, Usieta HO, Venter O, Webber AD, White RL, Whittingham MJ, Wilby A, Yarnell RW, Zamora V, Sutherland WJ. 2021. Training future generations to deliver evidence‐based conservation and ecosystem management Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Jaganathan GK, Dalrymple SE, Pritchard HW. 2020. Seed Survival at Low Temperatures: A Potential Selecting Factor Influencing Community Level Changes in High Altitudes under Climate Change Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, :1-25 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dalrymple SE, Godefroid S, Orsenigo S, Abeli T. 2020. Frankenstein's work or everyday conservation? How reintroductions are informing the de-extinction debate JOURNAL FOR NATURE CONSERVATION, 56 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bellis J, Bourke D, Maschinski J, Heineman K, Dalrymple SE. 2020. Climate suitability as a predictor of conservation translocation failure Conservation Biology, 34 :1473-1481 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Stringer S, Hill RA, Swanepoel L, Dalrymple SE, Linden B, Koyama NF. 2020. Assessing the role of a mammalian frugivorous species on seed germination potential depends on study design: A case study using wild samango monkeys. Acta Oecologica, 106 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dalrymple SE, Hopkins J, Carter SP, Slingsby DR. 2019. Nutrient additions three decades on: potential interactions of nutrients and climate in the recovery of a high latitude serpentine system Plant Biosystems, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Abeli T, Dalrymple SE, Godefroid S, Mondoni A, Muller JV, Rossi G, Orsenigo S. 2019. Ex situ collections and their potential for the restoration of extinct plants Conservation Biology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jaganathan GK, Dalrymple SE. 2019. Internal Seed Structure of Alpine Plants and Extreme Cold Exposure Data, 4 :107-107 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Jaganathan G, Boenisch G, Kattge J, Dalrymple SE. 2019. Physically, physiologically and conceptually hidden: improving the description and communication of seed persistence Flora, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bellis J, Bourke D, Williams CD, Dalrymple SE. 2019. Identifying factors associated with the success and failure of terrestrial insect translocations Biological Conservation, 236 :29-36 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dalrymple SE, Abeli T. 2019. Ex situ seed banks and the IUCN Red List. Nature Plants, 5 :122-123 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jaganathan GK, Dalrymple SE. 2016. Inconclusive Predictions and Contradictions: A Lack of Consensus on Seed Germination Response to Climate Change at High Altitude and High Latitude Zhou GS. Journal of Botany, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Crichton RJ, Dalrymple SE, Woodin SJ, Hollingsworth PM. 2016. Conservation genetics of the annual hemiparasitic plant Melampyrum sylvaticum (Orobanchaceae) in the UK and Scandinavia Conservation Genetics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jaganathan GK, Dalrymple SE, Liu B. 2015. Towards an Understanding of Factors Controlling Seed Bank Composition and Longevity in the Alpine Environment BOTANICAL REVIEW, 81 :70-103 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jaganathan GK, Dalrymple SE, Liu B. 2015. Towards an Understanding of Factors Controlling Seed Bank Composition and Longevity in the Alpine Environment Botanical Review, 81 :70-103 DOI
Abeli T, Dalrymple SE, Mondoni A, Orsenigo S, Rossi G. 2014. Integrating a biogeographical approach into assisted colonization activities is urgently needed Plant Biosystems, 148 :1355-1357 DOI
Haddaway N, Burden A, Evans CD, Healey JR, Jones DL, Dalrymple SE, Pullin AS. 2014. Evaluating effects of land management on greenhouse gas fluxes and carbon balances in boreo-temperate lowland peatland systems Environmental Evidence, 3 :5 DOI Publisher Url
Dalrymple SE, Moehrenschlager A. 2013. "Words matter." A Response to Jørgensen's Treatment of Historic Range and Definitions of Reintroduction Restoration Ecology, 21 :156-158 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pullin AS, Bangpan M, Dalrymple SE, Dickson K, Haddaway NR, Healey JR, Hauari H, Hockley N, Jones JPG, Knight T, Vigurs C, Oliver S. 2013. Human well-being impacts of terrestrial protected areas Environmental Evidence, 2 :19 DOI Publisher Url
Cousins NJ, Barker M, Dennis C, Dalrymple S, McPherson LR. 2012. Tutorials for enhancing skills development in first year students taking biological sciences Bioscience Education, 20 :68-83 DOI Publisher Url
Crichton RJ, Squirrell J, Woodin SJ, Dalrymple SE, Hollingsworth PM. 2012. Isolation of microsatellite primers for Melampyrum sylvaticum (Orobanchaceae), an endangered plant in the United Kingdom American Journal of Botany, 99 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Crichton RJ, Dalrymple SE, Hollingsworth PM. 2012. Horticultural protocols to aid the conservation of Melampyrum sylvaticum, Orobanchaceae (small cow-wheat), an endangered hemiparasitic plant Sibbaldia, 10 :57-69 DOI Publisher Url
Dalrymple SE, Stewart GB, Pullin AS. 2011. Are reintroductions an effective way of mitigating against plant extinctions? CEE review 07-008 (SR32) Collaboration for Environmental Evidence, :1-63 Publisher Url Public Url
Seddon PJ, Price MS, Launay F, Maunder M, Soorae P, Molur S, Armstrong D, Jordan M, Dalrymple S, Genovesi P. 2011. Frankenstein Ecosystems and 21st Century Conservation Agendas: Reply to Oliveira-Santos and Fernandez Conservation Biology, 25 :212 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dalrymple SE, Broome A. 2010. The importance of donor population identity and habitat type when creating new populations of small Melampyrum sylvaticum from seed in Perthshire, Scotland Conservation Evidence, 7 :1-8 Publisher Url Public Url
Dalrymple SE. 2007. Biological flora of the British Isles: Melampyrum sylvaticum L. Journal of Ecology, 95 :583-597 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dalrymple SE, Bellis JM. 2022. Conservation Translocations: Planning and the Initial Appraisal Conservation Translocations :43-74 DOI Publisher Url
Hällfors M, Dalrymple SE. 2022. Assisted Colonisation and Ecological Replacement Conservation Translocations :331-353 DOI Publisher Url
Dalrymple SE. 2021. Torreya taxifolia: Current Status and Management of One of the World's Most Threatened Conifers Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences Elsevier DOI Publisher Url
Dalrymple SE. 2021. Genus Melampyrum: Threatened Hemiparasites With an Important Ecological Role to Play Elsevier DOI Publisher Url
Dalrymple SE, Crichton RJ, Scobie AR. 2016. Small cow-wheat. Version 1.0 Gaywood MJ, Boon PJ, Thompson DBA, Strachan IM. The Species Action Framework Handbook Scottish Natural Heritage Publisher Url Public Url
Kennedy K, Albrecht MA, Guerrant EO, Dalrymple SE, Maschinski J, Haskins KE. 2012. Synthesis and Future Directions Maschinski J, Haskins KE. Plant Reintroduction in a Changing Climate Promises and Perils :265-275 Island Press 9781610911832 DOI Publisher Url
Dalrymple SE, Banks E, Stewart GB, Pullin AS. 2012. A meta-analysis of threatened plant reintroductions from across the globe. Maschinski J, Haskins K. Plant reintroduction in a changing climate: promises and perils :31-50 Island Press. Washington DOI Publisher Url
Dalrymple S, Broome A, Gallagher P. 2008. Re-introduction of small cow-wheat into the Scottish Highlands Soorae PS. Global Re-introduction Perspectives Re-introduction Case-studies from Around the Globe IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group. Abu Dhabi, UAE 9782831711133
Dalrymple S. Fine-scale mapping of Serpentine Specialists on the Keen of Hamar. Braithwaite ME, Walker KJ. 50 Years of Mapping the British and Irish Flora 1962-2012. Botanical Society of the British Isles. London, UK. 9780901158468
Dalrymple S, Whittaker A. The Unique Flora of A “Mountain Summit At Sea Level”—Serpentine Debris on the Shetland Isles Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences Elsevier 9780124095489 DOI Publisher Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Dalrymple SE, Winder R, Campbell EM. 2021. Exploring the potential for plant translocations to adapt to a warming world JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 109 :2264-2270 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bellis J, Longden M, Styles J, Dalrymple S. 2021. Using macroecological species distribution models to estimate changes in the suitability of sites for threatened species reintroduction DOI Public Url
Conference publication
Stringer S, Hill RA, Swanepoel L, Dalrymple S, Linden B, Koyama N. 2020. Interpretation of the role of frugivores in seed germination potential dependent on study design 7th Frugivores and Seed Dispersal Symposium, Seed Dispersal in the Anthropocene: Abstract and Schedule, Frugivores and Seed Dispersal Conference :70-70
Dalrymple SE. 2013. Translocations as bioassays of recent environmental change Kaye TN. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting
Slingsby DS, Hopkins J, Carter S, Dalrymple SE, Slingsby A. 2010. Change and stability: monitoring the Keen of Hamar 1978 to 2006. Publisher Url
Editorial boards:
Journal of Ecology, Editor, Biological Flora, https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/hub/journal/13652745/features/biological-flora. 2024
Ecological Solutions & Evidence, Associate Editor, https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/26888319. 2020
British & Irish Botany, Editor, https://britishandirishbotany.org/index.php/bib. 2018
External committees:
Back on our Map project, Steering Group Chair, Cumbria Wildlife Trust, University of Cumbria, Morecambe Bay Partnership, Natural England, and Forestry England, Chair, https://www.cumbria.ac.uk/business/projects/south-cumbria-species-restoration/. 2020
Applied Ecology Resources Advisory Group, British Ecological Society, Member. 2019
Species Reintroductions Project Group, Great Manchester Wetlands, Member, https://www.lancswt.org.uk/our-work/projects/mossland-restoration. 2018
Conservation Ecology Special Interest Group, British Ecological Society, http://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/getting-involved/special-interest-groups/conservation-ecology/. 2015
Education and Student Affairs Committee, Society for Conservation Biology - Europe Section, Chair, http://www.conbio.org/groups/sections/europe/europe-education-committee. 2014
Board of Directors, Society for Conservation Biology - Europe Section, Member, http://www.conbio.org/groups/sections/europe/board-1. 2013
Public engagement:
Other, Primary school children, Illustrated talk and creative workshops, Invited speaker, Various schools in Liverpool, Picton Poets, http://www.shrinkingspace.com/projects#/picton-poets/. 2019
Other, Year 6 school children, Assembly and three class sessions, Activity leader, Dobcroft Junior School, Plant Science Day: ‘Tropical rainforests and us’, http://dobcroft-jun.sheffield.sch.uk/blog/build-a-rainforest-with-dr-dalrymple/32849. 2018
Public talk or lecture, General public, Invited speaker, LJMU Research Cafe, Everyman Theatre, Public lecture: From threatened species to ecological theory and back again: making mistakes in conservation. 2017
Other, General public, school children, natural history enthusiasts, Guided walks and talks, demonstrations of ecological techniques, Co-organiser and event leader, Speke & Garston Coastal Reserve, Speke & Garston Coastal Reserve Bioblitz. 2016
Conference organisation:
2nd International Wildlife Reintroduction Conference, Chicago, USA, Member of the Scientific Advisory Group involved in developing programme, inviting speakers and reviewing abstracts., http://www.reintro.org/. 2018
International Congress for Conservation Biology and European Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB-ECCB 2015), Member of Society for Conservation Biology Europe Section, http://www.iccb-eccb2015.org/. 2015
Conference presentation:
Everything is connected: ecosystem functioning as a rationale for, and to improve the effectiveness of, conservation translocations, 2nd International Wildlife Reintroduction Conference, Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago, USA, Keynote speaker. 2018
Three decades on, a high latitude serpentine system finally shows potential for autonomous recovery from nutrient addition, 13th International Joint Workshop on Environmental Sciences and Field Research, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2018
25 years from now: what use reintroductions?, Nature for Future Generations, Joint UK Agency/BES Meeting, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK, Oral presentation. 2018
Basic ecological knowledge gaps for England’s threatened plants and fungi: identifying research needs ahead of 2020, Nature for Future Generations, Joint UK Agency/BES Meeting, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK, Poster presentation. 2018
Three decades on: high latitude serpentine system shows potential for autonomous recovery from nutrient addition, British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2016
Other invited event:
Research seminar: From threatened species to ecological theory and back again: making mistakes in conservation, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China, Seminar to staff and students as part of funded research exchange.. 2018
Membership of professional bodies:
Botanical Referee for genus Melampyrum, Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland, http://www.bsbi.org.uk/index.html. 2015
Teaching qualification:
Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Learning and Teaching. 2009
Other Professional Activity:
British Ecological Society Review College - review of scientific research grants and outreach grants..