Image of Dr Sarah Percival

Dr Sarah Percival

School of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Faculty of Science

Currently I am a lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University in coastal resilience, working as part of a multi-disciplinary team (School of Natural Sciences and Psychology) to help deliver the BSc (Hons) Geography program. My teaching mainly resides in natural hazards, particularly understanding and assessing (risk, vulnerability and resilience) coastal flood hazards, flooding and urban hazards. I also teach qualitative methods, GIS and research/project communication practices. I am a module leader for third year module Coastal and Marine Management and second year core module Project Design and Management.

Prior to becoming a lecturer I was a Senior Research Associate (SRA) at University of Portsmouth working as a PI on UK urban flood risk communication. This was a Royal Geographic Society funded project that aimed to explore approaches to the communication of flood risk, particularly through the use of visualisation techniques, that are able to capture and integrate the preferences and experiences of local and national flood stakeholders into the decision-making process. Helping communities become more resilient to flood risk. My other SRA duties included helping to establish a Coastal Cities Network (CCN), that investigated different flood management scenarios via co-creation with communities and partners; using unique visualisation techniques.


2015, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom, Flood Risk in Geoinformatics (PhD)
2005, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, Science of Natural Hazards (MSc by Research)
2003, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom, Environmental Science BSc (Hons)

Academic appointments

Lecturer Coastal Resilience, School of natural Sciences and Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - present
Senior Research Associate, School of Civil Engineering and Surveying, University of Portsmouth, 2015 - 2018


Percival S. 2025. Call for Evidence - Flooding Resilience in England House of Commons EAC. Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Percival S. 2021. Local factors in managing flood and coastal erosion risk and property flood resilience: summary of responses DEFRA . Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Journal article

Laidlaw S, Percival S. 2024. Flood resilience: A review of evolving definitions Natural Hazards, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Gerono C, Percival S. 2023. A Street Level Flood Risk Assessment of Morpeth, UK Routes: The Journal for Student Geographers, 3 :159-177 Publisher Url Public Url

Percival S, Gaterell M, Hutchinson D. 2020. Effective Flood Risk Visualisation Natural Hazards, 104 :375-396 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Percival S, Teeuw R. 2019. A Methodology for UK Urban Micro Scale Coastal Flood Vulnerability and Risk Assessment and Mapping Natural Hazards, 97 :355-377 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Percival S, Gaterell M, Teeuw R. Urban neighbourhood flood vulnerability and risk assessments at different diurnal levels Journal of Flood Risk Management, 12 :e12466-e12466 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Percival S, Laidlaw S. The Resilience of Community Led Flood Groups in the North West North West Geography, Public Url

Conference publication

Percival S, Teeuw R. Climate Change & Solent Coastal Vulnerability: Mapping Impacts on atrisk Assets and Vulnerable Sectors of Society Proceedings of GIS Research in UK: GISRUK2011


Percival S. Portsmouth Coastal Flood Vulnerability and Risk: Assessment and Mapping of Impacts at Microscale Teeuw R.

Research Grants Awarded:

Historic England, The Resilience of Traditionally Constructed Buildings to Flooding, Grant value (£): 159,304.81, Duration of research project: 2 Years. 2024

National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) - Nuclear Decommissioning Authority PhD Bursary 2024, Building resilience to coastal flooding resulting from climatic changes: the application to decommissioning NDA assets, Dr Monica McCard (LJMU), Dr Kostas Kiriakoulakis (LJMU), Dr Joshua Griffiths (NNL), Prof Nick Smith (NNL), Grant value (£): 87,532.57, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2024

School of Biological and Environmental Sciences PhD Scholarship, Establishing resilient community flood groups to reduce flood impacts in the UK, Dr Patrick Byrne Ms Tracey Garrett, Grant value (£): 74616.00, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2024

Liverpool John Moores University, Geographic Information System (GIS) Based Manufacturing Productivity Growth Tool, David Evans, Ian Jenkinson & Kostas Kiriakoulakis, Grant value (£): 3,828, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2023

Liverpool John Moores University, Building Resilience in Flood Action Groups, Grant value (£): 794.00, Duration of research project: Week. 2023

Historic England, Consultancy for Flood Resilience of Traditional Buildings., Grant value (£): 9999.59, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2023

Liverpool John Moores University - Seed Corn Funding, Flood Resilience Hub, Grant value (£): 9998.90, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2022

Liverpool John Moores University, Flood Action Group Resilience, Grant value (£): £4897.70, Duration of research project: 4 months. 2022

Royal Geographical Society with IBG, Coastal and Marine Research Group: Coastal Experiences through Diverse Geographies. RGS-IBG 2022 Activity, Dr Emma Mckinley, Cardiff University & Dr Rebecca Shellock, Australian National University, Grant value (£): £500.00, Duration of research project: 4 days. 2021

Manchester Geographical Society - Research Fund 2020, Flood Action Group Resilience, Grant value (£): 1000.00, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2020

Royal Geographical Society - Environment and Sustainability Research Grants, UK Urban Flood Risk Communication, Grant value (£): 10000.00, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2017

Ordnance Survey PhD Grant, Portsmouth Coastal Flood Vulnerability and Risk: Assessment and Mapping of Impacts at Microscale, Grant value (£): 30000, Duration of research project: 5 years. 2009

Other Professional Activity:

Appointed External Examiner, 2024

Conference presentation:

Flood Action Groups: Building Resilience in Flood Action Groups, Flood & Coast 2023, Telford International Centre, Workshop. 2023

Geographies across boundaries: Connecting the spaces between us, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021, Royal Geographic Society, London (Virtual), Author and Facilitator. 2021

Keynote - Flood Vulnerability and Risk Analysis at Micro Levels, RGS-IGB Postgraduate Forum Mid-Term Conference 2021, Royal Geographic Society, London (Virtually), Oral presentation. 2021


Faculty of Science Teaching Awards (FOSTAs) 2023, Liverpool John Moores University. 2022

Excellence in Innovation Award 2022, Flood Expo, 2022

Other invited event:

Stem Career Talk, Chichester College, West Sussex, Dr. Sarah Percival is doing a talk about her journey from choosing to go to university, all the way to her current role as Lecturer/Senior Lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University in Geography (specialising in coastal resilience). She will discuss some of the choices that she made in her career, and how it has developed as time has gone on.. 2021

External committees:

RGS-IGB Coastal and Marine Research Group, RGS-IGB, Vice Chair, 2020
