Sheelagh Conlan
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: S.L.Conlan@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2391
I have worked in marine biofouling/bioadhesive and Antifouling research since the early 1990's. My research has involved a multidisciplinary focus on developing novel, non toxic fouling solutions, most recently developing fouling control surface patterns. Within the marine field my interests include ballast water, microplastic and climate change impacts within the marine ecosystem.
I am a member of LJMU's βeta (Blue Economy Technologies and Approaches) group and work in collaboration with Dr Simone Dürr, Dr Martin Sharp, Prof. Andy Shaw and Dr Richard Webster in association with Dr Geraldine Reid (World Museum)
Highlighted publications
Tasso M, Conlan SL, Clare AS, Werner C. 2012. Active enzyme nanocoatings affect settlement of balanus amphitrite barnacle cyprids Advanced Functional Materials, 22 :39-47 DOI Publisher Url
Marabotti I, Morelli A, Orsini LM, Martinelli E, Galli G, Chiellini E, Lien EM, Pettitt ME, Callow ME, Callow JA, Conlan SL, Mutton RJ, Clare AS, Kocijan A, Donik C, Jenko M. 2009. Fluorinated/siloxane copolymer blends for fouling release: chemical characterisation and biological evaluation with algae and barnacles. Biofouling, 25 :481-493 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Aldred N, Phang IY, Conlan SL, Clare AS, Vancso GJ. 2008. The effects of a serine protease, Alcalase, on the adhesives of barnacle cyprids (Balanus amphitrite). Biofouling, 24 :97-107 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Beigbeder A, Degee P, Conlan SL, Mutton RJ, Clare AS, Pettitt ME, Callow ME, Callow JA, Dubois P. 2008. Preparation and characterisation of silicone-based coatings filled with carbon nanotubes and natural sepiolite and their application as marine fouling-release coatings. Biofouling, 24 :291-302 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Conlan SL, Mutton RJ, Aldred N, Clare AS. 2008. Evaluation of a fully automated method to measure the critical removal stress of adult barnacles. Biofouling, 24 :471-481 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Vogan CL, Maskrey BH, Taylor GW, Henry S, Pace-Asciak CR, Clare AS, Rowley AF. 2003. Hepoxilins and trioxilins in barnacles: An analysis of their potential roles in egg hatching and larval settlement Journal of Experimental Biology, 206 :3219-3226 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Durr S, Sharp M, Conlan S. 2020. Antifouling efficacy of provided materials. Consultancy final report for Talga Technologies, Biomer
Durr S, Conlan S, Sharp M. 2019. Antifouling efficacy test in situ, July to November 2019.
Journal article
Moejes KB, Sherif RSR, Dürr S, Conlan S, Mason A, Korostynska O. 2018. Real-Time Monitoring of Tetraselmis suecica in A Saline Environment as Means of Early Water Pollution Detection. Toxics, 6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Conlan SL. 2012. Competence and discrimination during cyprid settlement in Amphibalanus amphitrite International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 72 :59-66 DOI Publisher Url
Martinelli E, Sarvothaman MK, Galli G, Pettitt ME, Callow ME, Callow JA, Conlan SL, Clare AS, Sugiharto AB, Davies C, Williams D. 2012. Poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) network blends of amphiphilic acrylic copolymers with poly(ethylene glycol)-fluoroalkyl side chains for fouling-release coatings. II. Laboratory assays and field immersion trials Biofouling, 28 :571-582 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tasso M, Conlan SL, Clare AS, Werner C. 2012. Active enzyme nanocoatings affect settlement of balanus amphitrite barnacle cyprids Advanced Functional Materials, 22 :39-47 DOI Publisher Url
Fyrner T, Lee H-H, Mangone A, Ekblad T, Pettitt ME, Callow ME, Callow JA, Conlan SL, Mutton R, Clare AS, Konradsson P, Liedberg B, Ederth T. 2011. Saccharide-functionalized alkanethiols for fouling-resistant self-assembled monolayers: synthesis, monolayer properties, and antifouling behavior. Langmuir, 27 :15034-15047 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ederth T, Ekblad T, Pettitt ME, Conlan SL, Du CX, Callow ME, Callow JA, Mutton R, Clare AS, D'Souza F, Donnelly G, Bruin A, Willemsen PR, Su XJ, Wang S, Zhao Q, Hederos M, Konradsson P, Liedberg B. 2011. Resistance of galactoside-terminated alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers to marine fouling organisms ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 3 :3890-3901 DOI
Ederth T, Ekblad T, Pettitt ME, Conlan SL, Du C-X, Callow ME, Callow JA, Mutton R, Clare AS, D'Souza F, Donnelly G, Bruin A, Willemsen PR, Su XJ, Wang S, Zhao Q, Hederos M, Konradsson P, Liedberg B. 2011. Resistance of galactoside-terminated alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers to marine fouling organisms. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 3 :3890-3901 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Conlan SL. 2011. video observation of surface exploration in cyprids of Balanus amphitrite: the movements of antennular sensory setae Maruzzo D, Aldred N, Clare AS, Hoeg JT. Biofouling: the journal of bioadhesion and biofilm research, 27 :225-239 DOI
Maruzzo D, Conlan S, Aldred N, Clare AS, Høeg JT. 2011. Video observation of surface exploration in cyprids of Balanus amphitrite: The movements of antennular sensory setae Biofouling, 27 :225-239 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cao X, Pettit ME, Conlan SL, Wagner W, Ho AD, Clare AS, Callow JA, Callow ME, Grunze M, Rosenhahn A. 2009. Resistance of polysaccharide coatings to proteins, hematopoietic cells, and marine organisms. Biomacromolecules, 10 :907-915 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Marabotti I, Morelli A, Orsini LM, Martinelli E, Galli G, Chiellini E, Lien EM, Pettitt ME, Callow ME, Callow JA, Conlan SL, Mutton RJ, Clare AS, Kocijan A, Donik C, Jenko M. 2009. Fluorinated/siloxane copolymer blends for fouling release: chemical characterisation and biological evaluation with algae and barnacles. Biofouling, 25 :481-493 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pope EC, Ali A, Conlan SL, Bowen ID, Clare AS, Rowley AF. 2008. Myrrh-derived terpenoids as inhibitors of marine biofouling Aquatic Biology, 4 :175-185 DOI Publisher Url
Ekblad T, Bergström G, Ederth T, Conlan SL, Mutton R, Clare AS, Wang S, Liu Y, Zhao Q, D'Souza F, Donnelly GT, Willemsen PR, Pettitt ME, Callow ME, Callow JA, Liedberg B. 2008. Poly(ethylene glycol)-containing hydrogel surfaces for antifouling applications in marine and freshwater environments. Biomacromolecules, 9 :2775-2783 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Aldred N, Phang IY, Conlan SL, Clare AS, Vancso GJ. 2008. The effects of a serine protease, Alcalase, on the adhesives of barnacle cyprids (Balanus amphitrite). Biofouling, 24 :97-107 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Beigbeder A, Degee P, Conlan SL, Mutton RJ, Clare AS, Pettitt ME, Callow ME, Callow JA, Dubois P. 2008. Preparation and characterisation of silicone-based coatings filled with carbon nanotubes and natural sepiolite and their application as marine fouling-release coatings. Biofouling, 24 :291-302 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Conlan SL, Mutton RJ, Aldred N, Clare AS. 2008. Evaluation of a fully automated method to measure the critical removal stress of adult barnacles. Biofouling, 24 :471-481 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pettitt ME, Henry SL, Callow ME, Callow JA, Clare AS. 2004. Activity of commercial enzymes on settlement and adhesion of cypris larvae of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite, spores of the green alga Ulva linza, and the diatom Navicula perminuta. Biofouling, 20 :299-311 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Vogan CL, Maskrey BH, Taylor GW, Henry S, Pace-Asciak CR, Clare AS, Rowley AF. 2003. Hepoxilins and trioxilins in barnacles: An analysis of their potential roles in egg hatching and larval settlement Journal of Experimental Biology, 206 :3219-3226 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Moejes K, Durr S, Conlan S, Sharp M, Wylie S. 2018. Tackling the ancient problem of biofouling using modern sensing technology
Callow ME, Callow JA, Conlan SL, Clare AS, Stafslien S. 2014. Efficacy testing of nonbiocidal and fouling-release coatings Dobretsov S, Williams DN, Thomason JC. Biofouling Methods :291-316 John Wiley & Sons. United Kingdom 9781118336113 DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Conlan SL, Clare AS. 2014. The effects of feeding levels and temperature on growth and adhesive production in Balanus amphitrite 17th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling (ICMCF)
Conlan SL, Clare AS, Mutton RJ, Downie MJ, Williams DN, Willemsen P. A new automated method to measure the adhesion strength of adult barnacles to surfaces and its comparison with ASTM D5618 13th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling
Conlan SL, Herdman RC, Evariste E, Clare AS. The effect of modulus and thickness of polydimethylsiloxane coatings on the settlement and adhesion of Balanus amphitrite 15th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling
Conlan SL, Ista L, Petrone L, Clare AS. EFFECT OF SURFACE CHEMISTRY ON SPREADING OF BARNACLE (BALANUS AMPHITRITE) CYPRID PERMANENT CEMENT 16th Annual International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling
Conlan SL, Beigbeder A, Mutton RJ, Dubois P, Clare AS. The effect of nanocomposites on the adhesion of Mytilus edulis to PDMS surfaces. 14th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling
Horner R, Sharp M, Conlan S, Durr S. Field-testing of Laser Micro-machined Biomimetic Surfaces for Antifouling Properties International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling
Durr S, Moejes K, Shaw A, Conlan S, Sharp M. Development of a Bespoke Sensory Surface to Combat Biofouling in the Maritime Sector
Teaching qualification:
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 2014