Image of Dr Simone Durr

Dr Simone Durr

School of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Faculty of Science

My background is marine community ecology as I always was interested in the origin of pattern. I included the applied aspect as in Biofouling and Antifouling in my research in the late 90s and I worked since then interdisciplinary and -sectoral on non-toxic antifouling solutions. Associated with this research is Ballast Water, Invasive Species and climate change.

LJMU internally I am working with Dr Sheelagh Conlan, Dr Martin Sharp, Prof Andy Shaw and Dr Richard Webster in the Blue Economy Technologies and Approaches (βeta) Group in association with Dr Geraldine Reid (World Museum).


Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel, Germany, PhD Marine Ecology (2003)

Highlighted publications

Durr S, Shumway S. 2024. Biofouling prevention and management in offshore renewable energy infrastructure and construction Publisher Url Public Url

Dürr S, Thomason JC. 2010. Biofouling DOI Publisher Url

Dürr S, Thomason JC. 2010. Biofouling DOI Publisher Url

Dürr S, Watson DI. 2010. Biofouling and antifouling in aquaculture Dürr S, Thomason J. Biofouling Wiley-Blackwell 9781405169264 DOI Publisher Url

Butler AJ, Canning-Clode J, Coutts AM, Cowie PR, Dobretsov S, Dürr S, Faimali M, Lewis JA, Page HM, Pratten J, Ready D, Rittschof D, Spratt DA, Terlizzi A, Thomason JC. 2010. Techniques for the quantification of biofouling Dürr S, Thomason J. Biofouling Wiley-Blackwell 9781405169264 DOI Publisher Url

Durr ST, Wahl M. 2004. Isolated and combined impacts of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and barnacles (Balanus improvisus) on structure and dynamics of fouling communities Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 306 :181-195 DOI Publisher Url

Wahl M, Molis M, Davis A, Dobretsov S, Johannsson J, Kinley J, Kirugara D, Langer M, Lotze H, Thiel M, Thomason J, Worm B, Zeevi Ben-Yosef D, Dürr ST. 2004. UV effects that come and go: A global comparison of marine benthic community level impacts Global Change Biology, 10 :1962-1972 DOI Publisher Url

Journal article

Firth LB, Forbes A, Knights AM, O'Shaughnessy KA, Mahmood-Brown W, Struthers L, Hawcutt E, Bohn K, Sayer M, Quinn J, Allen J, Durr S, Teresa Guerra M, Leeper A, Mieszkowska N, Reid G, Wilkinson S, Williams AE, Hawkins SJ. 2024. Ecosystem engineers enhance the multifunctionality of an urban novel ecosystem: population persistence and ecosystem resilience since the 1980s Science of the Total Environment, 952 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Moejes KB, Sherif RSR, Dürr S, Conlan S, Mason A, Korostynska O. 2018. Real-Time Monitoring of Tetraselmis suecica in A Saline Environment as Means of Early Water Pollution Detection. Toxics, 6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Elhajaji A, Al Khaddar R, Haddoud D, Dürr S. 2015. The impact of thermal desalination technologies MED with TVC and without TVC on the Libyan Coastline World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015: Floods, Droughts, and Ecosystems - Proceedings of the 2015 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, :2480-2492 DOI Publisher Url

Elhajaji A, Al'Khaddar R, Haddoud D, Durr S. 2014. Thermal Desalination Technologies as Alternative Options for Water Scarcity in Libya World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2014, :2247-2258 DOI Publisher Url

Durr ST, Wahl M. 2004. Isolated and combined impacts of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and barnacles (Balanus improvisus) on structure and dynamics of fouling communities Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 306 :181-195 DOI Publisher Url

Wahl M, Molis M, Davis A, Dobretsov S, Johannsson J, Kinley J, Kirugara D, Langer M, Lotze H, Thiel M, Thomason J, Worm B, Zeevi Ben-Yosef D, Dürr ST. 2004. UV effects that come and go: A global comparison of marine benthic community level impacts Global Change Biology, 10 :1962-1972 DOI Publisher Url


Durr S, Shumway S. 2024. Biofouling prevention and management in offshore renewable energy infrastructure and construction Publisher Url Public Url


Durr S. 2022. Marine Biofouling LaQue's Handbook of Marine Corrosion John Wiley & Sons 9781119788836 DOI Publisher Url

Dürr S, Thomason JC. 2010. Preface DOI

Dürr S, Watson DI. 2010. Biofouling and antifouling in aquaculture Dürr S, Thomason J. Biofouling Wiley-Blackwell 9781405169264 DOI Publisher Url

Butler AJ, Canning-Clode J, Coutts AM, Cowie PR, Dobretsov S, Dürr S, Faimali M, Lewis JA, Page HM, Pratten J, Ready D, Rittschof D, Spratt DA, Terlizzi A, Thomason JC. 2010. Techniques for the quantification of biofouling Dürr S, Thomason J. Biofouling Wiley-Blackwell 9781405169264 DOI Publisher Url


Moejes K. 2020. Development of a bespoke sensory surface to combat biofouling in the maritime sector Dürr S, Sharp M, Wylie S. Public Url



Moejes K, Durr S, Conlan S, Sharp M, Wylie S. 2018. Tackling the ancient problem of biofouling using modern sensing technology

Dürr S. Silicone coatings and cleaning - antifouling strategy for fish nets and oyster trays 15th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling

Dürr S, Wahl M. A sunburnt country: UV radiation and the structure of a subtidal assemblage Symposium of the Australian Marine Sciences Association and the New Zealand Marine Sciences Society

Lockett A, Dürr S. Impact of Grazing on Two Merseyside Saltmarshes 44th European Marine Biology Symposium

Books (authored)

Dürr S, Thomason JC. 2010. Biofouling DOI Publisher Url

Dürr S, Thomason JC. 2010. Biofouling DOI Publisher Url


Willemsen P, Breur R, Dürr S, Thomas R, Watson D. 2007. Task end report Workpackage 2

Dürr S. 2007. Quantified effects of biofouling on aquaculture processes at a wide range of sites in Europe

Thomas R, Dürr S. 2007. Task end report WP5

Dürr S. 2007. Task end report WP4: Recommended and proven biofouling reduction strategies for protecting aquaculture infrastructures and cultured organisms

Thomas R, Dürr S. 2007. Confirmation of the social-economic benefits of fouling control strategies within the European marine aquaculture industry and a brief overview of the potential for the selected strategies in other sectors

Dürr S, Thomason JC. 2005. Clear and simple experimental protocols for aquaculture producers to undertake fouling trials

Dürr S, Willemsen P. 2005. Review of antifouling strategies for development or modification

Dürr S, Watson D. 2005. Description of problem biofouling species and associated problems

Baez V, Dürr S, Watson D, Willemsen P. 2005. Protocols for selected test methods

Willemsen P, Dürr S, Fowler D, Thomas R, Watson D. Task end report WP3 and final outputs from testing to WP2, 4, 6

Conference publication

Dürr S, Wahl M. Competition, species exclusion, simulated predation, and diversity in a fouling community Temperate Reef Conference

Dürr S, Davis A, Wahl M. Are conditions at early development important for the later assemblage? – The echo of early habitat effects during benthic succession Temperate Reef Conference

Dürr S. Patterns of Recruitment and development of Biofouling at European Aquaculture Facilities AQUA2006

Dürr S. Workshop CRAB AQUA2006

Dürr S. Patterns of Recruitment and Development of Biofouling at European Aquaculture Facilities – update International Conference for Marine Corrosion and Biofouling

Dürr S. Fouling and Antifouling in Aquaculture – a Review International Conference for Marine Corrosion and Biofouling

Dürr S. Patterns of Recruitment and Development of Biofouling at European Aquaculture facilities over a 2-year period 8th International Temperate Reefs Symposium

Dürr S. Patterns of Recruitment and Development of Biofouling at European Aquaculture facilities over a 2-year period (diversity) 44th European Marine Biology Symposium (EMBS)

Dürr S. Biofouling pressure at European aquaculture facilities over a 2-year period 15th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling

Durr S, Thomason JC, Hurlbert A. Do barnacles have colour preferences in their choice of settlement substratum? 9th International Temperate Reef Symposium

Dürr S, Thomason JC, Hurlbert A. Do barnacles have colour preferences for their settlement substratum? 16th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling

Horner R, Sharp M, Conlan S, Durr S. Field-testing of Laser Micro-machined Biomimetic Surfaces for Antifouling Properties International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling

Research Grants Awarded:

International Association of Maritime Universities / Nippon Foundation, Facilitating greener education and cleaner shipping through the development of NOvel bespoke microtextured metals to combat bioFOULing in niche areas on Vessels., Grant value (£): £41,104.32, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2023

Industrial connections:

Talga. 2018

Biomer. 2015

External collaboration:

Bantry Marine Research Station, Ireland, Dr J Maguire. 2005
