Cath Walker
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: C.M.Walker@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 5242
Cath Walker is a senior lecturer in Sport Development. Cath teaches on a number of Sport related programmes and is the link tutor for the Foundation degrees in partnership with Everton Football college
Cath's teaching includes Sport policy, Inclusive sport, Community development, sport sociology and Work based learning. Cath has an MA In Sport management , has published extensively and is currently completing her PhD investigating the Third Sector and its use of Sport based interventions for social and societal outcomes
Cath has over 25 years experience working in Local authority sport development, with National Equity and Sports organisations.
2007, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, M.A. Sport Development managment
Highlighted publications
Walker CM. 2019. Developing workreadiness; a Glasgow housing association sports-based intervention Managing Sport and Leisure, 23 :350-368 DOI Publisher Url
Hayton JW, Blundell M, Cullinane D, Walker C. 2018. Building an inclusive cycling "movement": Exploring the charity-led mobilisation of recreational cycling in communities across Merseyside, England. Sport Management Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hayton JW, Walker C. 2018. An analysis of third sector sport organisations in an era of ‘super-austerity’ International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 10 :43-61 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Walker C, Stanley G, Blundell M, Burton D, Jones M, May S, Walker S. 2013. Lessons learned - Increasing participation of children with disabilities in Physical Education through a collaborative school and third sector partnership approach educationalfutures, 1 :1-27
Journal article
Walker CM. 2019. Developing workreadiness; a Glasgow housing association sports-based intervention Managing Sport and Leisure, 23 :350-368 DOI Publisher Url
Hayton JW, Blundell M, Cullinane D, Walker C. 2018. Building an inclusive cycling "movement": Exploring the charity-led mobilisation of recreational cycling in communities across Merseyside, England. Sport Management Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hayton JW, Walker C. 2018. An analysis of third sector sport organisations in an era of ‘super-austerity’ International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 10 :43-61 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Walker C, Stanley G, Blundell M, Burton D, Jones M, May S, Walker S. 2013. Lessons learned - Increasing participation of children with disabilities in Physical Education through a collaborative school and third sector partnership approach educationalfutures, 1 :1-27
Walsh BA, Nixon S, Walker C. 2013. A radical re-modelling of induction- the staff experience Innovations in Practice, 8 :23-36 Publisher Url Public Url
Vinson D, Nixon S, Walsh B, Walker C, Mitchell E, Zaitseva E. 2010. Investigating the relationship between student engagement and transition Active Learning in Higher Education, 2 :131-143 DOI Publisher Url
Beattie I, Nixon S, Walker C. 2008. From potential to achievement: enhancing students’ value to employees Graves S.
Whitehead A, Cullinane D, Walker C, Beattie I, Starkey S, Boyd V, Charlotte W. England Netball. Together We Will Evaluation Report England Netball. Together We Will Evaluation Report
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Award Winner, Teaching & Learning Excellence Awards, LJMU, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/teaching-and-learning-academy/teaching-and-learning-awards/tla-2022-winners. 2022
External collaboration:
University of East London, External Examining. 2018
http://nghomes.net/, North Glasgow Housing trust, Greg Cann. 2016
St Mark and St John University Plymouth, External examining BA Hons Sport development and coaching Foundation degree Sport development Top up Level 6 programme. 2012
Conference presentation:
Navigating Austerity: Desirability versus viability, a Third sector sports organisations’ response., PSA Sport and Politics conference 2016, Bourenmouth Univerosty Bournemouth, Oral presentation. 2016
External committees:
English Federation of Disabilty Sport North West regional federation committee, English Federation of Disabilty Sport, Regional Committee member. 2011
Membership of professional bodies:
Fellow of the HEA, Higher Education Academy. 2005
Teaching qualification:
Postgraduate Certificate in teaching and learning in Higher Education. 2004