Emma Ball
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: E.L.Ball@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4614
Emma Ball was Programme Leader for PGCE Physical Education and taught on the BA (Hons) Physical Education with QTS when she first arrived at LJMU in 2011. She supported and tutored a large number of ITT Physical Education students in a variety of educational settings and contributed to the delivery of MA level programme of study. Emma is currently Programme Leader for BA (Hons) Education Studies and Physical Education and BA (Hons) Physical Education. She is a Senior Lecturer in Physical Education and contributes to the organisation, delivery and assessment of undergraduate teaching on these programmes.
Emma is a recognised Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and has a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (Physical Education). She is an experienced teacher of Physical Education and has taught young people in a number of secondary schools and further Education establishments in both the Midlands and the North West of England. Whilst working as a PE teacher, she was part of a teaching and learning strategy group in two different secondary schools and Newly Qualified Teacher Coordinator.
Emma has collaboratively secured in excess of £50,000 of LJMU internal Curriculum Enhancement and research funding to develop and implement a Peer Mentoring scheme on 13 undergraduate programmes within the Faculty of Health, Education and Community. Emma’s current research is focused upon pedagogic approaches to promoting student engagement in relation to Peer Mentoring and the use of learning analytics in Higher Education. She has successfully supervised a number of Internship students on projects related to Peer Mentoring and the induction process.
Emma is a member of the cross-faculty student engagement panel and has contributed as a critical friend to the LSU. In July 2015, Emma was the recipient of a Vice Challinors Award for Teaching and Learning. More recently, Emma has been shortlisted for an Amazing Teacher Award.
Emma has particular responsibilities for teaching Sociology and Contemporary Issues in Physical Education, Applied Pedagogy and Physical Education Teacher Education modules. She is a level 4, 5 and 6 personal tutor and has supervised a number of undergraduate dissertation students on topics related to Physical Education. Emma is Admissions Tutor for the BA (Hons) Physical Education programme and responsible for working collaboratively with both the recruitment and admissions teams. Emma is currently external examiner for ‘BA (Hons) Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy’ at Manchester Metropolitan University.
2000, University of Leicester, United Kingdom, MA
1999, Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) Physical Education
2019, Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom, Senior Fellow
2014, Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom, Fellow
Postgraduate training
Post Graduate Certificate of Education, United Kingdom, Loughborough University, 2001 - 2002
Ball E, Hennessy C. 2020. De-mystifying the Concept of Peer Mentoring in Higher Education: Establishing Models for Learning Woolhouse C, Nicholson LJ. Mentoring in Higher Education Case Studies of Peer Learning and Pedagogical Development :17-38 Palgrave, Macmillan. London 978-3-030-46890-3 DOI Publisher Url
Journal article
Money J, Nixon S, Tracy FE, Hennessy C, Ball E, Dinning TM. 2017. Undergraduate student expectations of university in the United Kingdom: What really matters to them? Cogent Education, 4 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Money J, Tracy FE, Hennessy C, Nixon S, Ball E. 2016. Student Expectations: what is university really about? Innovations in Practice, 10 Publisher Url Public Url
Conference presentation:
‘The power of the first week’: Exploring the effectiveness of using a peer mentoring induction intervention to support new undergraduate students, British Educational Research Association, Aston University, Birmingham, Oral presentation. 2023
Cultivating communities of practice: an evaluation of intern-staff collaboration, RAISE, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, Oral presentation. 2018
Engagement, Engagement, Engagement'. Key facets to establishing a successful peer mentoring programme: lessons from one UK HEI., Advance HE, Aston University, Birmingham, Oral presentation. 2018
Student expectations; what is university really about?, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2016
Supporting PE students’ orientation in HE: An evaluation on an intensive orientation induction programme using peer mentors., LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference, Liverpool John Moores, Oral presentation. 2016
Innovation in Peer Mentoring: A staff student perspective, Innovation in Peer Mentoring: A staff student perspective, RAISE, Nottingham, Oral presentation. 2015
From Applicant Day to Induction and Beyond: Supporting student transition, engagement and identity., LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2015
Using Peer Mentoring to engage students, LJMU Faculty Research Conference, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2015
Teaching qualification:
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 2019
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 2013
Post Graduate Certificate in Education. 2001
Vice Chancellors Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, LJMU. 2015
Research Grants Awarded:
LJMU Curriculum Enhancement Internship, ‘PASE intensive orientation programme’: Supporting Physical Education students’ transition into Higher Education through the use of student-to-student peer mentors., Claire Hennessy, Grant value (£): 3000, Duration of research project: 10 weeks. 2015
LJMU Curriculum Enhancement, Enhancing the student-to-student Journey from Applicant Day and Beyond, Claire Hennessy, Grant value (£): 17135.00, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2015
LJMU, From Applicant Day to Induction and Beyond: Supporting student transition, engagement and identity., Claire Hennessy, Grant value (£): 3,000, Duration of research project: 10 weeks. 2014
Membership of professional bodies:
Member, Association of Physical Education. 2001