Dr Ian Sadler
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: I.Sadler@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 5235
Dr Ian Sadler is Reader and Subject Head in Sport and Exercise Science Education. He has responsibility for undergraduate student experience in the School of Sport and Exercise Science. Ian teaches exercise physiology and nutrition and he is an accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist (BASES) and a Chartered Scientist (Science Council). His research focuses upon learning and teaching in higher education; specifically academic standards and teacher development and assessment practice. Ian is an associate with the Advance HE relating to the Degree Standards project (2016-21), which continues to deliver national training for external examiners. This has also included a subject specific version for sport science external examiners and he has edited a book on academic standards in higher education. Ian supervises doctoral students in the area of learning and teaching in higher education. In addition, Ian has extensive experience of undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum development and has led Faculty wide projects related to assessment and student research. Externally, Ian is part of a number of BASES committees based on his expertise in pedagogy and has been on the panel for numerous validation events.
2009, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, PhD
2001, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, United Kingdom, PGCE
1999, Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom, MSc Sport Science
1998, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) Physical Education and Geography
Academic appointments
Subject Head, School of Sport, Leisure and Nutrition, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, 2017 - present
Acting Associate Dean: Student Experience, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, York St John University, York, 2015 - 2016
Head of Department: Applied Human Sciences, York St John University, York, 2014 - 2016
Highlighted publications
O'Donovan B, Sadler I, Reimann N. 2024. Social moderation and calibration versus codification: a way forward for academic standards in higher education? Studies in Higher Education, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Osin C, Crozier A, Sadler I, Graves LEF, Dawson EA, Miller GD, Naylor LH, Green DJ, Askew C, Jones H. 2024. Clinical exercise physiologists in the United Kingdom: multi-stakeholder perspectives Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology, 13 :77-84 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
O'Donovan B, Sadler I, Reimann N. 2024. Social moderation and calibration versus codification: a way forward for academic standards in higher education? Studies in Higher Education, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sadler I, Reimann N, Sambell K. 2022. Feedforward practices: a systematic review of the literature Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Reimann N, Sadler I, Sambell K. 2019. What’s in a word? Practices associated with ‘feedforward’ in higher education Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 44 :1279-1290 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Sadler I. 2018. Research-informed teaching: releasing the power of the student research conference Innovations in Practice, 12 :18-23 Publisher Url Public Url
Sadler I, Reimann N. 2018. Variation in the development of teachers’ understandings of assessment and their assessment practices in higher education Higher Education Research and Development, 37 :131-144 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Reimann N, Sadler I. 2016. Personal understanding of assessment and the link to assessment practice: the perspectives of higher education staff Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 42 :724-736 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sadler I. 2013. The role of self-confidence in learning to teach in higher education Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 50 :157-166 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sadler I. 2012. The challenges for new academics in adopting student-centred approaches to teaching Studies in Higher Education, 37 :731-745 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sadler I. 2012. The influence of interactions with students for the development of new academics as teachers in higher education Higher Education, 64 :147-160 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sanctuary C, Meir R, Sadler I. 2012. The seven step approach to the application of sports science in english professional rugby league: Practical considerations in strength and conditioning International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 7 :33-45 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sadler I. 2009. Connection Learning: A Framework for the Development of Teaching Journal on excellence in college teaching, 20 Publisher Url Public Url
Books (edited)
2024. Academic Standards in Higher Education: Critical Perspectives and Practical Strategies Reimann N, Sadler I, Hill J. Routledge 9781003379768 DOI Publisher Url
Hill J, Reimann N, Sadler I. 2024. Taking stock and looking ahead Academic Standards in Higher Education: Critical Perspectives and Practical Strategies :227-238 DOI Publisher Url
Reimann N, Sadler I. 2024. Using social processes to maintain academic standards: Social moderation and calibration Academic Standards in Higher Education: Critical Perspectives and Practical Strategies :93-106 DOI Publisher Url
Sadler I, Reimann N, Hill J. 2024. Introduction Academic Standards in Higher Education: Critical Perspectives and Practical Strategies :1-8 DOI Publisher Url
Reimann N, Sambell K, Sadler I, Kreber C. 2021. Addressing the challenges of assessment and feedback in Business Schools: developing assessment practices which support learning. Kjaergaard A, Lindgreen A, Rosier E, Thomsen T, Tuncdogan A. Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Business Schools: A Practice-Based Approach. :207-225 Edward Elgar 978 1 78990 746 9 DOI Publisher Url
Sadler I, Timmis M. The Need for Calibration in the Disciplines: A Case Study from Sport and Exercise Science Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Sadler I, Reimann N, Hill J. Introduction Academic Standards in Higher Education :1-8 Taylor & Francis DOI
Highlighted activities
Other Professional Activity:
Advanced HE (AHE) Degree Standards project member. Includes the development and delivery of national training for external examiners.. 2019
Professional activities
Conference presentation:
From Disruption to Transformation: A Comparative Analysis of HEIs Responses to Generative AI, EARLI SIG 4 & 17 Conference 2024, Utrecht, Oral presentation. 2024
Do you “know a 2:1 when you see one”? Academic Standards in Sport and Exercise Science programmes, Higher Education Sport Conference 2024, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, Oral presentation. 2024
Masterclass on Social Moderation and Calibration, Assessment in Higher Education International Conference, Manchester, UK, Invited Masterclass. 2023
Feedforward: a systematic review of a concept, Assessment in Higher Education, Manchester, England, Oral presentation. 2019
Feedforward in higher education: conceptualisations and practice, The Higher Education Conference - EARLI, Amsterdam, Holland, Oral presentation. 2016
Conceptualising Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy as an assessment process, 5th International Assessment in Higher Education Conference, Birmingham, England, Oral presentation. 2015
Plurality and difference in the development of teachers’ understanding of assessment in higher education, SRHE 2014 Annual Research Conference, Oral presentation. 2014
The interplay between staff understandings of assessment and their assessment practices in higher education, EARLI Biennial Conference 2013, Munich, Germany, Oral presentation. 2013
Other invited event:
Approaches to Research in Higher Education Teaching and Learning Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland, Invitation to present on the assessment and feedback theme.. 2023
Other Professional Activity:
BASES Webinar: Do you “know a 2:1 when you see one”? Academic Standards in Sport and Exercise Science programmes. 2023
Advanced HE (AHE) Degree Standards project member. Includes the development and delivery of national training for external examiners.. 2019
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Award Winner, Teaching & Learning Excellence Awards, LJMU, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/teaching-and-learning-academy/teaching-and-learning-awards/tla-2022-winners. 2022
Research Grants Awarded:
UK Coaching, Impact Evaluation of the UK Coaching/1st4Sport/Mind eLearning Course 'Mental Health Awareness for Sport and Physical Activity', Burton, Leanne; Whitehead, Amy; Sadler, Ian; Murphy, Becky, Grant value (£): 7997, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2020
Higher Education Academy, HLST Critical Review of Contemporary Practice: Feedback, Grant value (£): 5000.
External committees:
Steering Group member for the BASES Education and Teaching Special Interest Group, BASES. 2020
BASES Accreditation Committee, BASES, Pedagogy expertise. 2018
Undergraduate Endorsement Review Group, BASES. 2017
Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy. 2014
Accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist, British Association for Sport and Exercise Sciences. 2013
Chartered Scientist, Science Council. 2013
Teaching qualification:
PGCE - Adult Education and Training. 2001