Image of Dr Kathryn Curran

Dr Kathryn Curran

Sport and Exercise Sciences

Faculty of Science

Kathryn is an applied researcher and Senior Lecturer in Physical Activity and Nutrition, Chair of the Board of Directors & Non-Executive Director of the European Healthy Stadia Network.

Kathryn’s research, teaching and consultancy focuses primarily on the design, implementation and evaluation of community physical activity and health interventions. Kathryn's main research interests include the social role of professional sport and sport stadia as a vehicle for physical activity and health promotion with hard-to-reach groups.

Kathryn’s work and research using football as a vehicle for physical activity and health engagement with socially disadvantaged men has been championed by the World Health Organization as an example of best practice.


2013, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
2008, Loughborough University, United Kingdom, MSc Physical Activity and Health
2007, Loughborough University, United Kingdom, BSc Sports Science and Social Science

Academic appointments

Senior Lecturer in Physical Activity and Nutrition, School of Sport Studies, Leisure and Nutrition, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - present
Senior Lecturer in Physical Activity, Exercise and Health, School of Sport, Leeds Beckett University, 2014 - 2018
Lecturer in Sport and Physical Activity Development, University of Bolton, 2013 - 2014
Post Graduate Researcher, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2012 - 2013
Premier League Men’s Health Co-ordinator and Post Graduate Researcher, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2009 - 2012

Postgraduate training

PGCert Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher and Professional Education, United Kingdom, University of Bolton, 2013 - 2015

Journal article

Shearer C, Curran KM, Carroll P, Foweather L. 2025. Youth Social Action Interventions in Young People Aged Between 8 and 16 Years: A Narrative Review Youth, 5 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Burton L, Curran KM, Foweather L. 2020. Formative Evaluation of Open Goals: A UK Community-Based Multi-Sport Family Programme Children, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Curran KM, Pringle A, Hargreaves J, Parnell D, Rosenbaum S, Stubbs B. 2017. Tackling mental health: the role of professional football clubs. Sport in Society, 20 :281-291 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Cade D, Curran KM, Fuller A, Hacker J, Knight C, Lansley S, Parnell D, Philpott M. 2017. Perspectives from those involved in Healthy Stadia Sport in Society, 20 :187-201 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Parnell D, Curran K, Philpott M. 2017. Healthy stadia: an insight from policy to practice Sport in Society, 20 :181-186 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Curran K, Drust B, Murphy RC, Pringle AR, Richardson DJ. 2016. The challenge and impact of engaging hard-to-reach populations in regular physical activity and health behaviors. An examination of an English Premier League Football in the Community Men’s Health programme Public Health, 135 :14-22 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hulton AT, Murphy RC, Richardson DJ, Drust B, Flower D, Curran KM. 2015. Effectiveness of a community football programme on improving physiological markers of health in a hard-to-reach male population: the role of exercise intensity Soccer and Society, 17 :196-208 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Parnell D, Curran K. 2015. The role professional football clubs could play in delivering pragmatic physical activity interventions in the recovery from mental illness. British Journal of Sports Medicine,

Parnell D, Curran K. 2015. Professional football clubs could deliver pragmatic physical activity interventions to promote mental health British Journal of Sports Medicine, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Curran K, Drust B, Richardson D. 2014. ‘I just want to watch the match’: a practitioner’s reflective account of men’s health themed match day events at an English Premier League football club Soccer & Society, 15 :919-933 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Bingham DD, Parnell D, Curran K, Jones R, Richardson D. 2014. Fit Fans: perspectives of a practitioner and understanding participant health needs within a health promotion programme for older men delivered within an English Premier League Football Club. Soccer and Society, 20 :883-901 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Curran K, Bingham DD, Richardson D, Parnell D. 2014. Ethnographic engagement from within a Football in the Community programme at an English Premier League football club Soccer and Society, 15 :934-950 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Dunn K, Drust B, Flower D, Richardson D. 2011. Kicking the habit; a biopsychosocial account of engaging men recovering from drug misuse in regular recreational football Journal of Men's Health, 8 :233-233 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Curran KM, Drust B, Flower D, Richardson D. 2011. Football, Health and Homelessness: The complexities of engaging homeless men in regular physical activity



Viggars M, Curran KM, Philpott M. 2019. Tobacco-free stadia: a case study at the 2016 UEFA European Championships in France Krustrup P, Parnell D. Football as Medicine: Prescribing Football for Global Health Promotion Critical Research in Football. London DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Curran KM, Snape R. 2018. Snape, R. and Curran, K. (2018) Sport, Physical activity and Public Health Policy. In Parnell, D. and Krustrup, P. (eds.) Sport and Health: Exploring the current state of play. London, Routledge. Parnell D, Krustrup P.

Curran KM, Parnell D, Philpott M. 2017. Parnell, D., Curran, K., and Philpott, M. (2017) Healthy Stadia. An insight from Policy to practice. In Parnell, D., Curran, K. and Philpott, M. (eds.) Healthy Stadia: The current state of play from policy to practice. Routledge, London. Curran KM, Parnell D, Philpott M.

Curran KM. 2017. Curran, K., Rosenbaum, S., Parnell, D., Stubbs, B., Pringle. A. and Hargreaves, J. (2017) Tackling the burden of poor mental health: the role of professional football clubs. In Parnell, D., Curran, K. and Philpott, M. (eds.) Healthy Stadia: The current state of play from policy to practice. Routledge, London. Curran KM, Parnell D, Philpott M.

Curran KM, Parnell D, Philpott M. 2017. Cade, D., Curran, K., Fuller, A., Hacker, J., Knight, C., Lansley, S., Parnell, D. and Philpott, M. (2017) Perspectives from those involved in Healthy Stadia. In Parnell, D., Curran, K. and Philpott, M. (eds.) Healthy Stadia: The current state of play from policy to practice. Routledge, London. Curran KM, Parnell D, Philpott M.


Pringle AR, Zwolinksy S, Curran K, McKenna J, Lozano L, Collins P, Parnell D. 2015. An Audit of Health Improvement Activities Delivered in/by Professional Football Club Community Schemes: Draft

Curran KM, Brook K, Lozano L, Parnell D, Zwolinsky S, Pringle A. 2015. An independent evaluation of ‘Fit Reds’; a football-led health improvement programme for men delivered at Barnsley Football Club

Pringle A, Zwolinsky S, Parnell D, Curran K, McKenna J. 2014. Football and Health Scoping Study: Interim Report

Curran KM, Lozano L, Pringle A. 2014. An independent evaluation of ‘Trim Down, Shape Up’: a bespoke male-specific weight management intervention

Parnell D, Curran K, Drust B, Stratton G, Richardson D. 2010. Everton Active Family Centre. Annual Report.

Editorial/letter to the editor

Pringle AR, Zwolinsky S, Curran K, Parnell D. 2015. Sport and Arts- Important Settings for Health Improvement. Perspectives in Public Health, 135 DOI Author Url Publisher Url


Parnell D, Curran KM. 2015. Fifa has been mired in scandal but it deserves some credit for good work around football The Conversation,


Curran KM. 2013. Understanding the barriers to, and impact of, men's engagement in physical activity and health related behaviours : an examination of an English Premier League football in the community men's health programme Public Url

Other invited event:

Community Sport Practitioners and Researchers Conference, Bangor University, The aim of this event is to bring together practitioners and researchers who work in community sport, specifically in the monitoring and evaluation of community-based projects. Invited to share my work, methods, and challenges. 2023

SPORT FOR HEALTH CONFERENCE, Doha, Qatar, Invited speaker. Unable to attend due to childcare issues.. 2022

External collaboration:

Liverpool John Moores University, Health Equalities Group Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Alliance (CMCA) £10-12k research funding for data analysis. 2022

LJMU SES & LCFC Foundation MOU, Liverpool Football Club Foundation.

Other Professional Activity:

MPhil Supervision- DOS. Feb 2022 start. A mixed-method examination of a workplace physical activity, health and wellbeing intervention for Liverpool City Council and Liverpool City Region staff.. 2022

Conference presentation:

Curran, K. (2017) Engaging men with health messages and services within UK sports stadia: a settings-based approach., Boundaries for Life Conference, Lords Cricket Ground, Oral presentation. 2017

Curran, K. (2017) The role of sport in reducing social exclusion – example from the front line, . 8th Fuse Physical Activity Workshop- “Physical Activity and Health Inequalities”, Durham University, Queen’s Campus, Stockton-on-Tees, Oral presentation. 2017

Curran, K. (2017) Using Public Health Guidance and Implementing Evaluation in the Design of Community Health Programmes, 4th International Healthy Stadia Conference, Emirates Stadium, London, Oral presentation. 2017

Curran, K. (2016) The role of professional football clubs in health promotion: what’s the evidence?, Economic and Social Research Council- Festival of Social Science, Salford Media City, Salford, Oral presentation. 2016

Curran, K., Brook, K., Lozano, L., Parnell, D., Zwolinsky, S. and Pringle, A. (2016) Engaging Men in Fit Reds: A men's physical activity and behaviour change intervention delivered through a professional football club., International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, Poster presentation. 2016

Curran, K., Rosenbaum, S., Parnell, D., Stubbs, B., Pringle. A. and Hargreaves, J. (2016) Tackling mental health: the role of professional football clubs, European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, Oral presentation. 2016

Curran, K., Lozano, L. and Pringle, A. (2015) Engaging hard-to-reach men through Trim Down Shape Up, a bespoke men’s weight management programme., American College of Sports Medicine 62nd Annual meeting and 6th World Congress on Exercise is Medicine, San Diego, USA, Poster presentation. 2015

Curran, K. and Parnell, D. (2015) Helping professional football clubs to understand their impact: experiences and reflections of applied practitioner-researchers., Departmental Seminar Series. University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, Oral presentation. 2015

Curran, K. and Parnell, D. (2015) Telling the tales of hard-to-reach men., Public Engagement in Qualitative Research Conference, York, UK, Oral presentation. 2015

Parnell, D. and Curran, K. (2015) The Social Role of Professional Football Clubs: Evaluation in the Field, Football and Social Change Conference, Queens Park Rangers Football Club, London, UK, Oral presentation. 2015

Curran, K. (2015) Football and Socially Disadvantaged populations., Designed to Move Conference, Centre for Active Lifestyles, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK, Oral presentation. 2015

Parnell, D. and Curran, K. (2015) Football and Mental Health: Understanding the evidence., Burton Albion FC. Burton Albion Community Trust, Burton Upon Trent, UK, Oral presentation. 2015

Curran, K., Drust, B., Murphy, R. and Richardson, D. (2014) English Premier League football clubs; a vehicle for engaging men from disadvantaged, hard-to-reach populations in physical activity and health improvement programmes, BASES conference, St Georges Park, UK, Poster presentation. 2014

Curran, K. (2014) Football, Health and Homelessness. Football-led health improvement programmes: lessons from design and evaluation, Designed to Move Conference, Leeds Carnegie Stadium, Leeds, UK, Oral presentation. 2014

Curran, K. (2013) Corporate Social Responsibility in Professional Football Clubs: A case study of Everton Football Club, Sport and Social Responsibility conference, Portadown, Northern Ireland, Oral presentation. 2013

Parnell, D. and Curran, K. (2013) The Realities of Promoting Men's Health: A Case Study from Everton FC's Community Football Programme. Physical Activity and Men’s Health Interventions, 2nd European Healthy Stadia Conference, Etihad Stadium, UK, Oral presentation. 2013

Curran, K. (2013) Encouraging positive lifestyle changes among hard to reach men., Heart Research UK, ‘Celebrating Success-Learning the Lessons’ conference, Leeds, UK, Oral presentation. 2013

Dunn, K., Drust, B., Murphy, R. and Richardson, D. (2012) The challenge of engaging hard-to-reach populations in regular sport and physical activity: an examination of an English Premier League Football in the community men’s health programme, The 20TH European Association of Sports Management (EASM) Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, Oral presentation. 2012

Dunn, K. and Parnell, D. (2012) Football as a vehicle for social change: reflections from the field., Football and its Communities Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, Oral presentation. 2012

Dunn, K. (2011) Football as a vehicle for men’s engagement in health related behaviours, 8th International Men’s Health World Congress, Vienna, Austria, Oral presentation. 2011

Dunn, K., Drust, B., Flower, D. and Richardson, D (2011) Kicking the Habit: A Biopsychosocial Account of Engaging Men recovering from Drug Misuse in Recreational Football, The 8th International Men's Health World Congress, Vienna, Austria, Oral presentation. 2011

Dunn, K., Drust, B., Flower, D. and Richardson, D. (2011) Football, Health and Homelessness. The complexities of engaging homeless men in regular physical activity, The 16th Annual Congress of the ECSS, Liverpool, UK, Poster presentation. 2011

Bingham, D., Parnell, D., Dunn, K., Watson, L. & Richardson, D. (2011) The Everton Active Family Centre - Understanding Football as a Vehicle for Positive Behaviour and Lifestyle Change, ECSS Pre Conference Symposium: Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Interventions for Children and Young People, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2011

Dunn. K., Drust, B. and Richardson, D. (2010). “I just want to watch the match!” A reflective account of men's health themed match day events at an English Premier League Football Club., The 7th International Men's Health World Congress., Nice, France, Oral presentation. 2010

Dunn, K. (2010) Premier League Men’s Health: Using sport as a vehicle for men’s engagement in positive health behaviours, Regional Conference, Duxford Imperial War Museum Cambridge, UK, Oral presentation. 2010

Conference organisation:

Public Engagement and Performance Conference, Organising Committee, 2017

Public Engagement and Performance Conference, Organising Committee, 2016

Public Engagement and Performance Conference, Organising Committee, 2015

Research Grants Awarded:

ABL Health, Evaluation of Trim Down Shape Up, Grant value (£): 4,000. 2014

Heart Research UK, Healthy Hearts Grant, Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2012

External committees:

Board of Directors, European Healthy Stadia Network, Chair of the Board of Directors and Non- Executive Director.

Chair and Non-Executive Director of the European Healthy Stadia Network, European Healthy Stadia Network.

Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Alliance: Strategic Obesity Project Steering Group, Health Equalities Group, Steering Group Member.


Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy.

Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health, Royal Society for Public Health.

Membership of professional bodies:

Member of the Royal Society for Public Health, Royal Society for Public Health.
