Lee Graves
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: L.E.Graves@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4249
Dr Lee Graves (Reader in Physical Activity and Health) is an academic member of staff with teaching duties. He is a member of the Physical Activity Exchange within the Research Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences (RISES).
Lee teaches on the Sport and Exercise Sciences degree. He has experience of various management and administrative roles within the School, including year tutor and module leader responsibilities.
Lee’s PhD and postdoctoral research at RISES focused on the importance of promoting physical activity and reducing stillness for health in children and young people. His current research builds on this work and focuses on developing better measures of habitual physical activity and sedentary behaviour, identifying the influences on physical activity and sedentary behaviour, and the design, implementation and evaluation of interventions to help people avoid long periods of stillness and move more. Lee's research is often settings-based, with particular focus on schools and workplaces.
2010, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD in Paediatric Exercise Science: Video Gaming, Physical Activity and Health in Young People
2006, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons) Sports Science (Psychology) (1st Class)
2015, Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
2012, Chartered Management Institute, United Kingdom, Diploma in Management
Academic appointments
Reader in Physical Activity and Health, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2012 - 2022
Postgraduate training
Postdoctoral Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Associate, United Kingdom, Liverpool John Moores University and SHOKK Ltd (subsequently Destination Youth Ltd), 2010 - 2012
Journal article
Evans AB, Skov Blagdon M, Boddy L, Dalager T, De Dominicis S, Edwardson C, Frahsa A, Gerke A, Graves L, Healy GN, Henderson H, Hoekman R, Lenneis V, Mess F, Nigg C, Niven A, Overbye M, Angosto Sanchez S, Sandal LF, Scheerder J, Søgaard K, Tjønndal A, Vandaele F, Vehmas H. 2025. Copenhagen consensus statements on workplace health enhancing physical activity programmes European Journal for Sport and Society, :1-11 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Osin C, Crozier A, Sadler I, Graves LEF, Dawson EA, Miller GD, Naylor LH, Green DJ, Askew C, Jones H. 2024. Clinical exercise physiologists in the United Kingdom: multi-stakeholder perspectives Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology, 13 :77-84 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Crozier A, Graves LEF, George KP, Richardson D, Naylor L, Green DJ, Rosenberg M, Jones H. 2024. A multi-method exploration of a cardiac rehabilitation service delivered by registered Clinical Exercise Physiologists in the UK: key learnings for current and new services BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bell Z, Porcellato LA, Holland P, Morris A, Smith C, Haines CR, Graves L. 2024. A systematic scoping review of health-promoting interventions for contact centre employees examined through a behaviour change wheel lens PLoS One, 19 :1-18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Crozier A, Cocks MS, Hesketh K, Miller GD, McGregor G, Thomas LB, Jones H. 2024. Mobile Health Biometrics to prescribe immediate remote physical activity for enhancing uptake to cardiac rehabilitation (MOTIVATE-CR+): protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility trial BMJ Open, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Crozier A, Watson PM, Graves LEF, George KP, Richardson D, Naylor L, Green DJ, Rosenberg M, Jones H. 2023. Insights and recommendations into service model structure staff roles and qualifications in a UK cancer specific clinical exercise service a multi-method case study Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fairclough SJ, Rowlands AV, Del Pozo Cruz B, Crotti M, Foweather L, Graves LEF, Hurter L, Jones O, MacDonald M, McCann DA, Miller C, Noonan RJ, Owen MB, Rudd JR, Taylor SL, Tyler R, Boddy LM. 2023. Reference values for wrist-worn accelerometer physical activity metrics in England children and adolescents. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Harvie M, French DP, Pegington M, Lombardelli C, Krizak S, Sellers K, Barrett E, Gareth Evans D, Cutress R, Wilding Rgn A, Graves L, Howell A. 2023. Randomised controlled trial of breast cancer and multiple disease prevention weight loss programmes vs written advice amongst women attending a breast cancer family history clinic. British Journal of Cancer, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fairclough SJ, Hurter L, Dumuid D, Gába A, Rowlands AV, Cruz BDP, Cox A, Crotti M, Foweather L, Graves LEF, Jones O, McCann DA, Noonan RJ, Owen MB, Rudd JR, Taylor SL, Tyler R, Boddy LM. 2022. The Physical Behaviour Intensity Spectrum and Body Mass Index in School-Aged Youth: A Compositional Analysis of Pooled Individual Participant Data. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 :8778 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Crozier A, Watson PM, Graves LEF, George KP, Naylor L, Green DJ, Rosenberg M, Jones H. 2022. Clinical exercise provision in the UK: comparison of staff job titles, roles and qualifications across five specialised exercise services BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Harvie M, Pegington M, Howell S, Bundred N, Foden P, Adams J, Graves LEF, Greystoke A, Mattson M, Cutler R, Williamson J, Livingstone K, McMullen D, Sellars K, Lombardelli C, Cooper G, McDiarmid S, Howell A. 2021. Randomised controlled trial of intermittent versus continuous energy restriction during chemotherapy for early breast cancer British Journal of Cancer, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jones H, George KP, Scott A, Buckley JP, Watson PM, Oxborough D, Thijssen DHJ, Graves LEF, Whyte GP, McGregor G, Naylor LH, Rosenberg M, Askew CD, Green DJ. 2021. Charter to establish clinical exercise physiology as a recognised allied health profession in the UK: a call to action BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Morris A, Murphy RC, Hopkins ND, Low DA, Healy G, Edwardson C, Collins B, Timpson H, Shepherd SO, Cochrane MA, Gavin D, Graves LEF. 2021. Sit Less and Move More - A multi-component intervention with and without height-adjustable workstations in contact centre call agents: a pilot randomised controlled trial Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 63 :44-56 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Carter SE, Draijer R, Maxwell JD, Morris AS, Pedersen SJ, Graves LEF, Thijssen DHJ, Hopkins ND. 2020. Using an e-Health Intervention to Reduce Prolonged Sitting in UK Office Workers: A Randomised Acceptability and Feasibility Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Buckley BJR, Thijssen DHJ, Murphy RC, Graves LEF, Cochrane MA, Gillison F, Crone D, Wilson PM, Whyte G, Watson PM. 2020. Pragmatic evaluation of a co-produced physical activity referral scheme: A UK quasi-experimental study BMJ Open, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
ten Broeke P, Olthof M, Beckers D, Hopkins ND, Graves LEF, Carter SE, Cochrane MA, Gavin D, Morris AS, Lichtwarck-Aschoffa A, Geurts S, Thijssen DHJ, Bijleveld E. 2020. Temporal dynamics of sitting behavior at work Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 :14883-14889 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bakker EA, Hartman YAW, Hopman MTE, Hopkins ND, Graves LEF, Dunstan DW, Healy GN, Eijsvogels TMH, Thijssen DHJ. 2020. Validity and reliability of subjective methods to assess sedentary behaviour in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cochrane M, Watson P, Timpson H, Haycox A, Collins B, Jones L, Martin A, Graves L. 2019. Systematic review of the methods used in economic evaluations of targeted physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions Social Science and Medicine, 232 :156-167 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Buckley BJR, Thijssen D, Murphy R, Graves LEF, Whyte G, Gillison F, Crone D, Wilson PM, Hindley D, Watson PM. 2019. Preliminary effects and acceptability of a co-produced physical activity referral intervention Health Education Journal, 78 :869-884 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Morris AS, Murphy RC, Shepherd SO, Healy GN, Edwardson CL, Graves LEF. 2019. A multi-component intervention to sit less and move more in a contact centre setting: A feasibility study BMC Public Health, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Domville M, Watson PM, Richardson DJ, Graves LEF. 2019. Children’s perceptions of factors that influence PE enjoyment: A qualitative investigation Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 24 :207-219 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Buckley B, Thijssen DHJ, Murphy RC, Graves LE, Whyte G, Gillison F, Crone D, Watson PM, Wilson P. 2018. Making a move in exercise referral: co-development of a physical activity referral scheme Journal of Public Health, 40 :e586-e593 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Buckley BJR, Watson PM, Murphy RC, Graves LEF, Whyte G, Thijssen DHJ. 2018. Carotid Artery Function Is Restored in Subjects With Elevated Cardiovascular Disease Risk After a 12-Week Physical Activity Intervention. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 35 :23-26 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shelley J, Fairclough S, Knowles ZR, Southern K, McCormack P, Dawson EA, Graves LEF, Hanlon C. 2018. A formative study exploring perceptions of physical activity and physical activity monitoring among children and young people with cystic fibrosis and health care professionals BMC Pedeatrics, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Domville MS, Watson PM, Richardson DJ, Graves LEF. 2018. Educator perspectives on factors influencing children’s school-based physical activity Health Promotion International, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Morris AS, Murphy RC, Shepherd SO, Graves LEF. 2018. Multi-stakeholder perspectives of factors that influence contact centre call agent’s workplace physical activity and sedentary behaviour International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McWhannell N, Foweather L, Graves LE, Henaghan J, Ridgers N, Stratton G. 2018. From Surveillance to Intervention: Overview and Baseline Findings for the Active City of Liverpool Active Schools and SportsLinx (A-CLASS) Project International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Boddy LM, Cunningham C, Fairclough SJ, Murphy MH, Breslin G, Foweather L, Dagger RM, Graves LE, Hopkins ND, Stratton G. 2017. Individual calibration of accelerometers in children and their health-related implications Journal of Sports Sciences, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Buchan DS, Boddy LM, Grace FM, Brown E, Sculthorpe N, Cunningham C, Murphy MH, Dagger R, Foweather L, Graves LEF, Hopkins ND, Stratton G, Baker JS. 2016. Utility of three anthropometric indices in assessing the cardiometabolic risk profile in children AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN BIOLOGY, 29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McCann D, Knowles ZR, Fairclough S, Graves LEF. 2016. A protocol to encourage accelerometer wear in children and young people Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Fussenich LM, Boddy LM, Green DJ, Graves LEF, Foweather L, Dagger RM, McWhannell N, Henaghan J, Ridgers ND, Stratton G, Hopkins ND. 2016. Physical activity guidelines and cardiovascular risk in children: a cross-sectional analysis to determine whether 60 minutes is enough BMC Public Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Aggio D, Fairclough S, Knowles ZR, Graves LE. 2016. Validity and reliability of a modified English version of the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents Archives of Public Health, 74 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Graves LE, Murphy RC, Shepherd SO, Cabot JA, Hopkins ND. 2015. Evaluation of sit-stand workstations in an office setting: A randomised controlled trial BMC Public Health, 15 :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Boddy LM, Murphy MH, Cunningham C, Breslin G, Foweather L, Gobbi R, Graves LEF, Hopkins ND, Auth MKH, Stratton G. 2014. Physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness and clustered cardiometabolic risk ion 10-12 year old schoolchildren: The REACH Y6 study American Journal of Human Biology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Konidari A, Auth MKH, Murphy MH, Cuningham C, Foweather L, Gobbi R, Graves LEF, Hopkins ND, Stratton G, Boddy LM. 2014. Assessment of biochemical liver markers, physical activity, fitness and body mass index for a cardiometabolic risk model in childhood Acta Paediatrica, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Graves LEF, Batterham AM, Foweather L, Mcwhannell N, Hopkins ND, Boddy LM, Gobbi R, Stratton G. 2013. Scaling of peak oxygen uptake in children: A comparison of three body size index models Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 45 :2341-2345 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Houston EL, Baker JS, Buchan DS, Stratton G, Fairclough SJ, Foweather L, Gobbi R, Graves LEF, Hopkins ND, Boddy LM. 2013. Cardiorespiratory fitness predicts clustered cardiometabolic risk in 10-11.9 year olds European Journal of Pediatrics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hopkins ND, Stratton G, Cable NT, Tinken TM, Graves LEF, Green DJ. 2012. Impact of exercise training on endothelial function and body composition in young people: a study of mono- and di-zygotic twins. Eur J Appl Physiol, 112 :421-427 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hopkins ND, Stratton G, Tinken TM, Ridgers ND, Graves LEF, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2011. Lack of relationship between sedentary behaviour and vascular health in children European Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hopkins ND, Stratton G, Tinken TM, Ridgers ND, Graves LE, McWhannell N, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2011. Seasonal reduction in physical activity and flow-mediated dilation in children. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 43 :232-238 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ridgers ND, McKinney J, Stratton G, Graves LEF. 2011. Comparing the Physiological Cost of Step-Powered Video Gaming, Sedentary Video Gaming, and Self-Paced Ambulatory Activity in University Students Archives of Exercise in Health and Disease, 1 :81-88
Ridgers ND, McKinney J, Stratton G, Graves LEF. 2011. Comparing the Physiological Cost of Step-Powered Video Gaming, Sedentary Video Gaming, and Self-Paced Ambulatory Activity in University Students Archives of Exercise in Health and Disease, 2 :81-88 DOI Publisher Url
Hopkins N, Stratton G, Maia J, Tinken TM, Graves LE, Cable TN, Green DJ. 2010. Heritability of arterial function, fitness, and physical activity in youth: a study of monozygotic and dizygotic twins. J Pediatr, 157 :943-948 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Graves LEF, Ridgers ND, Atkinson G, Stratton G. 2010. The effect of active video gaming on children's physical activity, behavior preferences and body composition. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22 :535-546 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ridgers ND, Graves LEF, Foweather L, Stratton G. 2010. Examining influences on boy's and girls' physical activity patterns: the A-CLASS project. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22 :638-650 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Graves LEF, Ridgers ND, Williams K, Stratton G, Atkinson G, Cable NT. 2010. The physiological cost and enjoyment of Wii Fit in adolescents, young adults, and older adults. J Phys Act Health, 7 :393-401 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hopkins ND, Stratton G, Tinken TM, McWhannell N, Ridgers ND, Graves LEF, George K, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2009. Relationships between measures of fitness, physical activity, body composition and vascular function in children. Atherosclerosis, 204 :244-249 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Graves LEF, Ridgers ND, Stratton G. 2008. The contribution of upper limb and total body movement to adolescents' energy expenditure whilst playing Nintendo Wii. Eur J Appl Physiol, 104 :617-623 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Graves L, Stratton G, Ridgers ND, Cable NT. 2008. Energy expenditure in adolescents playing new generation computer games. Br J Sports Med, 42 :592-594 DOI Author Url
Graves L, Stratton G, Ridgers ND, Cable NT. 2007. Comparison of energy expenditure in adolescents when playing new generation and sedentary computer games: cross sectional study. BMJ, 335 :1282-1284 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Conference publication
Foweather L, Graves LEF, Ridgers ND, Stratton G. 2010. A longitudinal examination of the influence of fundamental movement skill competence, maturation, physical self-perceptions, and physical activity on body fat in children JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 32 :S14-S15 Author Url
Foweather L. 2009. Physical self-perceptions in non-overweight and overweight boys and girls Jürimäe T, Armstrong N, Jürimäe J. :55-58 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hopkins ND, Stratton G, Ridgers N, Graves LEF, Foweather L, Boddy LM, Gobbi R, Cable NT, Green DJ. Associations between sedentary behaviour, cardiometabolic biomarkers and vascular health in children ACSM Author Url
Stratton G, McWhannell N, Foweather L, Henaghan J, Graves LE, Ridgers ND, Hepples J. 2009. The A-CLASS Project Research Findings: Summary Report. Public Url
Graves LEF. Video gaming, physical activity and health in young people Public Url
Research Grants Awarded:
Institute for Health Research, Liverpool John Moores University, Student Lifestyle and Health Project: data analysis and Power BI dashboard internship, Dr Sam Roberts, Dr Gabriela Czanner, Tarek Slimani, Grant value (£): 1364.80, Duration of research project: 80 hours. 2024
Institute for Health Research, Liverpool John Moores University, Student Lifestyle and Health Project: data analyst technical support, Prof Lynne Boddy, Dr Lawrence Foweather , Dr Sarah Taylor, Dr Tori Sprung, Dr Sam Roberts, Dr Gabriela Czanner (all LJMU), Grant value (£): 831.25. 2024
Teaching and Learning Academy, Liverpool John Moores University, Creating, integrating, and evaluating inclusive curricula in Sport & Exercise Science, Dr Tori Sprung, Milly Blundell, Grant value (£): 4,094, Duration of research project: 3.5 months. 2023
Wirral Council, Co-design of a comprehensive physical activity programme for Active Wirral, Lawrence foweather (SES); Tori Sprung (SES); Lee Graves (SES), Grant value (£): 10000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2023
Wirral Council, The Co-Adapt Active Wirral ERS Project, Buckley, Sprung, Foweather, Grant value (£): 1,0000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2023
Teaching and Learning Academy, Liverpool John Moores University, Development of an equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) checklist for Sport and Exercise Science degree programmes, Dr Tori Sprung, Milly Blundell, Grant value (£): 1,000, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2022
LJMU QR policy support fund / Research England’s Enhancing Research Culture Fund, Tracking Impact for EDI: In Sport & Exercise Sciences & across LJMU, Dr Tori Sprung, Dr Nicola Hopkins, Dr Tom O’Brien, Professor Zoe Knowles, Professor Lynne Boddy, SES EDI Panel, Grant value (£): 8,913.30, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2022
NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast, Development of an industry-specific, evidence-informed toolkit to improve working conditions and lifestyle factors of call agents - Improving Population Health (IPH) Theme, Dr Abigail Morris (Lancaster University), Dr Paula Holland (Lancaster University), Dr Lorna Porcellato (LJMU), Grant value (£): 64,827, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2021
Office for Health Improvement & Disparities, Mobile health biometrics to enhance exercise and physical activity adherence for weight management (Motivate_Sefton), Heather Redhead (Active Sefton, Sefton Council); Dr Matthew Cocks, Professor Helen Jones, Dr Lee Graves, Dr Katie Hesketh (all LJMU), Grant value (£): 90,000, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2021
Royal Society, How do we promote physical activity in girls? A research project with girls, for girls and by girls, Dr Tori Sprung, Dr Cara Shearer, Dr Milly Blundell, Dr Francesca Champ, Dr Lawrence Foweather, Professor Lynne Boddy, Professor Zoe Knowles, Emma Cowley (all LJMU), Grant value (£): 3,000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2021
Teaching and Learning Academy, Liverpool John Moores University, Decolonising the curriculum: Audit of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) within Sport and Exercise Science degree programmes, Dr Tori Sprung, Dr David Tod, Milly Blundell, Dr Ian Sadler, Dr Cath Walker, Grant value (£): 8,188, Duration of research project: 2 months. 2021
Research England - International Investment Initiative, i-CARDIO – International Collaboration Assessing novel health models: A Research Design Intervention Opportunity, Helen Jones, Keith George, Dick Thijssen, David Oxborough, Paula Watson (all LJMU), Daniel Green, Michael Rosenberg, Louise Naylor, Howard Carter (The University of Western Australia), Grant value (£): £488,829, Duration of research project: 5 years. 2019
Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group, Before and after exercise referral: General Practitioner perspectives and 6-month patient outcomes, Dr Paula Watson; Benjamin Buckley; Professor Dick Thijssen; Dr Rebecca Murphy; Madeleine Cochrane (all LJMU), Grant value (£): £20,162, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2018
Genesis Prevent Breast Cancer Charity, UK, Family History Weight Loss Study: Efficacy of diet and exercise weight loss programmes amongst overweight women attending a Family History Clinic at high risk of breast cancer, Dr Michelle Harvie (Nightingale & Genesis Prevention Centre, University Hospital of South Manchester); Professor David French (University of Manchester); Professor Gareth Evans (CMFT); Professor Anthony Howell (University of Manchester, Genesis) Dr Louise Gorman, Grant value (£): £224,622, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2017
Liverpool City Council, Developing sustainable, low cost approaches to physical activity promotion in the workplace (MPhil project), Rebecca Murphy, Sam Shepherd (both LJMU), Grant value (£): 4995, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2016
Liverpool John Moores University, Establishing a standardised framework for assessing cost-effectiveness of individual-level physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions (PhD project cross-faculty), Paula Watson; Hannah Timpson (both LJMU), Grant value (£): 46089, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2016
Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FET) Liverpool John Moores University, The effect of office relocation on worker physical activity, sedentary behaviour, health and work performance (Research pump priming), Mal Ashall (LJMU), Grant value (£): 1594.20, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2016
Liverpool John Moores University Career Accelerator Funded Internship Programme, Physical Activity Exchange Internship, Grant value (£): 1,386, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2016
Employer Engagament Team, Liverpool John Moores University, Physical Activity Exchange Internship (HealthChecks Project Development), Grant value (£): 1413, Duration of research project: 1 month. 2015
Liverpool John Moores University, Multi-level workplace intervention to improve cardiometabolic biomarkers in highly sedentary workers (PhD project), Sam Shepherd; Rebecca Murphy (both LJMU), Grant value (£): 46,089, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2015
Liverpool John Moores University + SOKKA Ltd, Development and evaluation of SOKKA - a novel physical activity solution (PhD project matched funded), Paula Watson; Dave Richardson; Dave McDermott (all LJMU), Grant value (£): 43,089, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2014
Wigan Borough Council, Effective strategies to promote compliance to physical activity monitoring in young people, Stuart Fairclough; Deborah McCann (both LJMU), Grant value (£): 8,990, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2014
NHS Research & Development North West (Big Comedy Shop), Public Engagement Workshop: Translating and Communicating Research Evidence, Grant value (£): 1,923, Duration of research project: 1 month. 2013
BUPA Foundation, Exploring Strategies to Reduce Sedentary Behaviour and Promote Physical Activity among Young People with Cystic Fibrosis, Prof Stuart Fairclough - LJMU; Dr Paul Fergus - LJMU; Dr Kevin Southern - University of Liverpool; Dr Zoe Knowles - LJMU;, Grant value (£): £19,029, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2013
University Hospital of South Manchester, Physical activity in breast cancer patients, Grant value (£): 2,400, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2012
Technology Strategy Board, Department of Health (England), Economic and Social Research Council, SHOKK Ltd, To use cutting-edge science to validate and improve the effectiveness of the SHOKK programme in creating behaviour change (Knowledge Transfer Partnership), Tim Cable; Gareth Stratton; Zoe Knowles (all LJMU), Grant value (£): 204,820, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2010
Liverpool John Moores University Faculty of Science Student Experience Award (FOSSEAs) 2024, Liverpool John Moores University. 2024
Liverpool John Moores University Teaching Excellence Award in the category of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) 2022: Sport and Exercise Sciences Curriculum Enhancement Project, Liverpool John Moores University, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/teaching-and-learning-academy/teaching-and-learning-awards/tla-2022-winners. 2022
Liverpool John Moores University Faculty of Science Teaching Awards (FOSTAs) 2022: Sport and Exercise Sciences Inclusive Curricula Project, Liverpool John Moores University. 2021
Vice Chancellors Award for Socio-Economic Engagement 2017 - Runner Up - Global Active Cities in the Physical Activity Exchange. 2017
Impact Award 2017: The Physical Activity Exchange: Global Active Cities for delivering change through shaping and influencing policy, practice and guidelines, Liverpool John Moores University. 2017
Liverpool John Moores University Teaching Excellence Award 2016: Rising Star Award, Learning and Teaching Academy, Liverpool John Moores University. 2016
External PGR examinations performed:
University of Bedfordshire, PhD, The Effect of Breaking up Sedentary Time on Cardiometabolic Diseases Risk Markers in South Asian Adults (Dey). 2023
Deakin University, PhD, Establishing the economic credentials of interventions targeting sedentary behaviour (Nguyen). 2022
Swansea University, PhD, Novel methods of measuring and visualising youths' physical activity (Crossley). 2018
Liverpool John Moores University, PhD, The effects of sitting on cerebrovascular and cognitive function (Carter). 2018
Liverpool John Moores University, PhD, Fundamental movement skills, physical activity and obesity from early to late childhood (Foulkes). 2017
Liverpool John Moores University, MPhil, Understanding factors that influence uptake to exercise referral schemes: A qualitative study of participant experiences (Birtwistle). 2016
Swansea University, MPhil, Validation of an online health and lifestyle questionnaire in school children using a novel wearable camera (Everson). 2016
Dublin City University, PhD, An investigation of the feasibility of using active video games to promote health enhancing physical activity in healthy adults (Monedero). 2014
Liverpool John Moores University, PhD, The effects of the CHANGE! intervention on children’s physical activity and health (Mackintosh). 2012
Conference presentation:
The role of anthropology in improving our understanding of the quality of resource-use data collected alongside trials for economic evaluation (Cochrane), HESG Conference 2023, Manchester, UK, Oral presentation. 2023
The Role of Scientific and Professional Bodies in Tackling Climate Change, Science Council Climate Conference – The UK pathway to net-zero, Institute of Physics, London, Oral presentation. 2022
Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour and COVID-19: Disruptor and Catalyst, Liverpool Active Workplaces Conference, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2021
Beyond Fighting Fires: Exploring What Motivates FireFighters to Volunteer as Physical Activity Coaches in Their Community (Cooper), 7th International Self-Determination Theory Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Poster presentation. 2019
Systematic Review of the Methods used in Economic Evaluations of targeted Physical Activity & Sedentary Behaviour Interventions (Cochrane), Institute for Health Research PGR seminar and poster session, LJMU, Liverpool, UK, Poster presentation. 2019
A qualitative investigation of factors that influence children’s enjoyment of physical education (Domville), 7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress, London, UK, Oral presentation. 2018
An evidence-based, co-produced physical activity referral scheme: A mixed-methods pilot trial (Buckley), 7th International Society of Physical Activity and Health, London, UK, Oral presentation. 2018
Move More, Sit Less: Using the MRC framework to develop a multi-level workplace intervention within a contact centre setting (Morris), 7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress, London, UK, Oral presentation. 2018
Multi-level workplace intervention to improve cardiovascular outcomes in contact centre call agents: Study protocol (Gavin), 7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress, London, UK, Oral presentation. 2018
Systematic review of the methods used in economic evaluations of individual-level physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions (Cochrane), 7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress, London, UK, Oral presentation. 2018
Making a move in exercise referral: An evidence-based, co-produced physical activity referral scheme (Buckley), Institute for Health Research Conference, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2018
Addressing key methodological challenges in economic evaluations of individual-level physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions (Cochran), Public Health Institute PhD Symposium (LJMU), Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2018
Carotid artery reactivity responses to exercise training and cardiometabolic risk in clinical populations. (Buckley), ECSS, Dublin, UK, Oral presentation. 2018
Sit Less and Move More (SLaMM): Using the MRC framework to develop a multi-level workplace intervention within the contact centre setting (Morris), Public Health Institute conference- Improving and understanding health, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2018
Addressing key methodological challenges in economic evaluations of individual-level physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions (Cochrane), Faculty of Science Research Seminar (LJMU), Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2018
Move More, Sit Less: Using the MRC framework to develop a multi-level work place intervention within a contact centre setting. (Morris), International Health Research Conference, Liverpool, UK, Poster presentation. 2018
Sedentary behaviour, physical activity, stress, and depression in undergraduate university students (Brady), BASES Student Conference 2018, Northumbria University, UK, Oral presentation. 2018
Economic evaluations of individual-level physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions (Cochrane), Deakin Health Economics Training Group, Melbourne, Australia, Oral presentation. 2018
A systematic review of the methods used in economic evaluations of physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions (Cochrane), UK Society of Behavioural Medicine, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
Engaging key stakeholders in the development and piloting of a Move More, Sit Less workplace intervention (Morris), UKSBM, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
Making a move in exercise referral (Buckley), UK Society of Behavioural Medicine, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
The Cost of Absence (Graves Morris Cochrane), Call North West Contact Centre Leaders Convention, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
Economic evaluation of individual-level physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions (Cochrane), University of Liverpool Management School Health Economic Seminar, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
An evidence-based workplace intervention for call agents: A 'real-world' project (Morris), RISES Seminar, LJMU, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
An evidence-based workplace intervention for call agents: a 'real-world' project (Gavin), RISES Sedentary Behaviour Seminar, LJMU, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
Promoting Moving More and Sitting Less in Contact Centres: an iterative intervention development (Cochrane), RISES Seminar (LJMU), Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
An Evidence-based, Co-produced Physical Activity Referral Scheme (Buckley), British Heart Foundation Conference, Coventry, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
Developing a standardised framework for economic evaluations of physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions (Cochrane), Public Health Institute PhD Symposium (LJMU), Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
The effect of sedentary behaviour on cardiovascular biomarkers in active, healthy adults (Holder), European College of Sport Science, Essen, Germany, Oral presentation. 2017
A systematic review of the methods used in economic evaluations of individual-level physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions (Cochrane), Faculty of Science Research Seminar (LJMU), Liverpool, UK, Poster presentation. 2017
Exploring factors influencing call agents moving more and sitting less within four contact centres (Morris), Faculty of Science Postgraduate Research Seminar, LJMU, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
An evidence-based, co-produced physical activity referral scheme: A feasibility study (Buckley), Centre for Public Health: Public Health PhD Symposium, Liverpool, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2017
Evaluation of physical activity levels in elite youth soccer players, International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, Victoria, Canada, Poster presentation. 2017
Factors influencing call agents physical activity and sedentary behaviour within contact centres (Morris), International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, Victoria, Canada, Poster presentation. 2017
Making a Move in Exercise Referral: Feasibility of an evidence-based, co-developed physical activity referral scheme (Buckley), International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and PA, Victoria, Canada, Oral presentation. 2017
A systematic review of the methods used in economic evaluations of individual-level physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions (Cochrane), Researcher Café, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
Health and Performance in Contact Centres: The Importance of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour (Graves Morris), Call North West Quarterly Forum, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
Can economic evaluations of physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions be more useful to decision-makers? (Cochrane), Graduate School PhD Conference, LJMU, Liverpool, UK, Poster presentation. 2017
Exploring the factors influencing call agents moving more and sitting less within four contact centres. (Morris), Annual Graduate Schools Conference, LJMU, Liverpool, UK, Poster presentation. 2017
Economic evaluations of individual-level physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions (Cochrane), Health Economics Seminar Series (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine), Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
Making a move in exercise referral: Co-production of an evidence-based physical activity referral scheme (Buckley), BASES Physical Activity and Health Conference, Coventry, UK, Oral presentation. 2016
Health and Performance in Workers: The importance of physical activity and sedentary behaviour, Live Well Summit, Liverpool City Council and Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group, Aintree, UK, Oral presentation. 2016
‘It’s not what you teach it’s the way that you teach it’: A SDT approach of school PA and PE practices through the eyes of its students (Domville), 6th International Self-Determination Theory conference, Victoria, Canada, Poster presentation. 2016
The effect of workplace sitting time on vascular health in healthy adults (Holder), LJMU PGR faculty research day, Liverpool, UK, Poster presentation. 2016
Using participatory research to engage multiple stakeholders in developing a complex intervention (Buckley), Centre for Public Health: Public Health PhD Symposium, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2016
‘It’s not what you teach it’s the way that you teach it’: A SDT approach of school PA and PE practices through the eyes of its students and reflections as a practitioner (Domville), Liverpool John Moores Faculty of Science Postgraduate Research Day, UK, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2016
Making a move in exercise referral: Co-production of an evidence-based physical activity referral scheme for inactive individuals with or at risk of developing health conditions (Buckley), LJMU Faculty of Science Research Day, Liverpool, UK, Poster presentation. 2016
Lecture Capture – student perceptions and recommendations for staff, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2015
Reflecting back and forwards: Embedding reflective practice into student assessment/learning, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2015
Associations between sedentary behaviour, physical activity and presenteeism in UK workers, International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, Edinburgh, Scotland, Poster presentation. 2015
Physical activity monitoring compliance strategies in children: A formative study, International Society for Behaviour Nutrition and Physical Activity, Edinburgh, UK, Poster presentation. 2015
Sedentary Behaviour, Physical Activity & the Workplace - Workshop, BASES Student Conference, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2015
Workforce Health: The Importance of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour, International Festival for Business 2014 - International Sport Business Congress, Manchester, UK, Oral presentation. 2014
Healthy Workforce Project: feasibility and use of a sit-stand workstation for reducing workplace sitting time, ECSS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oral presentation. 2014
The healthy workforce project: Cardiovascular effects of reducing work place sitting time (Hopkins), ECSS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oral presentation. 2014
Does a device that allows an office-based worker to sit or stand in the workplace decrease sitting time?, BASES Student Conference, Portsmouth, UK, Oral presentation. 2014
TEST CONTENT AND RESPONSE PROCESSES VALIDITY OF THE PAQ-C/-A AND A SEDENTARY BEHAVIOUR SURVEY WITH UK YOUTH POPULATIONS (Aggio), 5th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress, Rio de Janerio, Brazil, Oral presentation. 2014
Scaling of peak oxygen uptake in children: A comparison of 3 body size index models, International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, Ghent, Belgium, Poster presentation. 2013
New technologies to measure and change behaviour, European College of Obesity Satelitte Conference - AFRESH Project, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2013
"Active Video Game (AVG) Play in Young People": Symposium titled "It’s natural to play, creating environments for healthy activity in paediatric populations", ICSEMIS (International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport), Glasgow, UK, Oral presentation. 2012
Taking Responsibility for Physical Activity, Energie Evolution Conference (Leisure Industry Conference), Milton Keynes, UK, Oral presentation. 2011
Short-term effects of an active video gaming peripheral device on children’s habitual physical activity, behaviour preferences and body composition, Pediatric Work Physiology, Exeter, UK, Oral presentation. 2011
Scaling of aerobic fitness in 9-11 year old Liverpool children, ECSS, Liverpool, UK, Poster presentation. 2011
The effect of active video games on the physical activity and sedentary behaviour levels and health of young people, ECSS, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2011
Novel modalities for increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviour in children: exergaming, European Congress of Sports Science, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2011
Short-term effects of an active video gaming peripheral device on children’s behaviour preferences, habitual physical activity, and body composition, 3rd International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress, Toronto, Canada, Poster presentation. 2010
The effect of active video gaming on children’s physical activity, behaviour preferences and body composition, Institute for Health Research, LJMU, Liverpool, UK, Poster presentation. 2010
Using Active Video Gaming as an Intervention: Considerations and Recommendations, The North West Health and Physical Activity Forum Annual Conference, Aintree, UK, Poster presentation. 2009
Association between fitness, physical activity components and percent body fat in Liverpool schoolchildren aged 9-10 years: The A-CLASS Project, Pediatric Work Physiology, Le Touquet, France, Poster presentation. 2009
Comparing physical activity levels between multi-skills games and exergaming in an after school club, Pediatric Work Physiology, Le Touquet, France, Poster presentation. 2009
Gender specific associations between components of sedentary behaviour, body fat and physical activity in 8-10 year old children reporting high media usage, Pediatric Work Physiology, Le Touquet, France, Oral presentation. 2009
Association between body fat, screen time and physical activity in 8-10 year old children exceeding electronic media guidelines, ECSS, Oslo, Norway, Oral presentation. 2009
Associations between body fat, screen time and physical activity in 8-10 year old children exceeding electronic media guidelines, European Congress of Sports Science, Oslo, Norway, Poster presentation. 2009
Association between body fat, screen time and physical activity in 8-10 year old children exceeding electronic media guidelines, Institute for Health Research, LJMU, Liverpool, UK, Poster presentation. 2009
Gender specific associations between components of sedentary behaviour, physical activity and body fatness in 8-10 year old children reporting high media usage, 24th International Conference of the European Group of Pediatric Work Physiology,, Lille, France, Poster presentation. 2009
Physical Activity and Fitness of Children Aged 9-10 Years: A-CLASS Project, European Congress of Sports Science, Estoril, Portugal, Oral presentation. 2008
Motion sensor output at high running speeds in children – The A-CLASS Project, International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Poster presentation. 2008
Physical Activity and Fitness of Children Aged 9-10 Years: A-CLASS Project, Institute for Health Research Conference, Liverpool, UK, Poster presentation. 2008
Sensitivity of two uniaxial accelerometers during treadmill walking and running in children, Ergonomics, Burton Manor, UK, Poster presentation. 2007
Adolescent Energy Expenditure whilst Playing New Generation and Sedentary Computer Games, Pediatric Work Physiology, Tallinn, Estonia, Poster presentation. 2007
Reliability of physical activity and heart rate measures in children during steady rate and intermittent treadmill exercise – the a-class project, Pediatric Work Physiology, Tallinn, Estonia, Oral presentation. 2007
The Effect of Different Hydration Strategies on Psychological Function and Performance following Exercise in the Heat, BASES Student Conference, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland, Poster presentation. 2006
Media Coverage:
"Calling Time on Poor Health in Contact Centres" news article on the start of our 3-year NIHR ARC NWC funded research project in contact centres. 2022
Nouvo (Swiss TV) August 2007– Short film on active video gaming on the Nintendo Wii.
BBC Radio Merseyside interview on workplace health promotion on 23rd March 2015. The interview focused on the risks of sedentariness and how prolonged and total sitting time can be reduced within the workplace setting.
External committees:
Workplace Active Certification Project, European Federation for Company Sport (EFCS); Evaleo Association, Expert member, https://activeworkplacecertification.eu/. 2021
Climate Action and Sustainability Advisory Group, The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Team Member, https://www.bases.org.uk/spage-resources-ccat_page.html#:~:text=The%20BASES%20Climate%20Change%20Action,response%20to%20ongoing%20climate%20change.. 2021
Workplace Wellbeing working group, Active Cheshire; Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership Prevention Board, Committee member. 2020
Liverpool Active Workplaces Working Group, Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group; Liverpool City Council; Merseyside Sports Partnership, Committee member. 2015
Liverpool Physical Activity and Sport Strategy People and Partnerships Sub-group, Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group; Liverpool City Council, Committee member. 2015
Liverpool Physical Activity and Sport Strategy Places Sub-group, Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group; Liverpool City Council, Committee member. 2015
Conference organisation:
Call North West Leaders Convention Hosted by the Physical Activity Exchange, Liverpool John Moores University. 2017
RISES 20 Years Celebration: Sedentary Behaviour Seminar Hosted by the Physical Activity Exchange and Cardiovascular Health Sciences Group, Liverpool John Moores University. 2017
Physical Activity Exchange Seminar Series: Children's Physical Activity. 2017
Call North West - May Quarterly Forum, Host organiser and contact. Hosted by Liverpool John Moores University in the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences. 2016
British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Student Conference 2015, Lead for Football Fun and Fitness Workshop (sponsored by SOKKA Ltd) delivered by the Physical Activity Exchange, http://www.bases.org.uk/Student-Conference. 2015
European College of Sports Sciences Pre Conference Symposium - Physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions for children and young people: From Robust Research to Reality in Practice, Member of symposium steering group, http://www.ljmu.ac.uk/sps/RISES/102599.htm. 2011
LJMU Early Career Fellowship Scheme: amount awarded £785, Liverpool John Moores University. 2016
LJMU Early Career Fellowship Scheme: amount awarded £2182, Liverpool John Moores University. 2014
External collaboration:
University of Leicester, Dr Charlotte Edwardson: This research collaboration is focused on the development and evaluation of multi-component interventions to reduce sitting time and promote physical activity at work.. 2016
University of Queensland, Associate Professor Genevieve Healy and Dr Ana Goode: This research collaboration is focused on the development and evaluation of multi-component interventions to reduce sitting time and promote physical activity at work.. 2016
Liverpool City Council (LCC) and Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Nicky Yates (LCC) and Gina Perigo (CCG): LCC funded an MPhil research position for 12-months with funding for student fees and consumables.. 2016
University of Liverpool, Dr Bren Collins and Prof Alan Haycox (retired during project) (both advisors): This research collaboration focused on the methods used in economic evaluation of individual level physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions, via a PhD studentship.. 2016
Liverpool City Council (LCC) and Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Nicky Yates (LCC) and Gina Perigo (CCG): This research collaboration focused on the development and refinement of the GP exercise referral scheme in Liverpool, via a PhD studentship.. 2015
SOKKA Ltd, Dominic Ball, Sarah Keegan, Kevin Keegan: SOKKA Ltd match funded PhD studentship for 3 years with the funding for student fees, student stipend and consumables.. 2014
University of West of Scotland (Glasgow), Professor Vish Unnithan This research collaboration is focused on the physical activity and sedentary behaviour levels of elite youth football (soccer) players.. 2013
Nightingale and Genesis Prevention Centre, University Hospital South Manchester, Dr Michelle Harvie: This research collaboration is focused on the physical activity and sedentary behaviour levels of breast cancer patients and the effect of exercise and diet interventions.. 2011
Teaching qualification:
Postgraduate certificate in learning and teaching in higher education (LJMU). 2015
Industrial connections:
Call North West, Partner on workplace health research strand supporting promotion of research and recruitment to studies., http://www.callnorthwest.org.uk/. 2015
SOKKA Ltd (Dominic Ball, Sarah Keegan, Kevin Keegan), Match funded PhD studentship for 3 years with the funding for student fees, student stipend and consumables.. 2014
UniHealth Ltd, HealthChecks Project - screening lifestyle behaviours and health in adult workers. 2014
Ergotron Ltd, Uprising Project - LJMU received 25 free sit stand workstations from Ergotron Ltd to conduct a randomised controlled trial in adult workers.. 2013
SHOKK / SHOKK Projects / Destination Youth, Head of Research and Development. 2010
Nintendo Ltd, Proof of concept research for Nintendo Wii and Wii Fit products. 2006
Other invited event:
ICSEMIS (International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport), Glasgow, Oral presentation titled "Active Video Game (AVG) Play in Young People", at invited symposium titled: "It’s natural to play, creating environments for healthy activity in paediatric populations". 2012
2011 énergie Evolution conference, Milton Keynes, UK, Invited speaker at this leisure sector conference held by the énergie group. Presentation on the physical activity guidelines and Public Health Responsibility Deal. Presentation title 'Taking responsibility for physical activity'.. 2011
ECSS (European Congress of Sports Science), Liverpool, UK, Invited speaker: Novel Modalities for Increasing Adherence to PA in Children: Exergaming. 2011
Membership of professional bodies:
Member of the Chartered Management Institute, Chartered Management Institute, http://www.managers.org.uk/. 2012