Dr Rebecca Murphy
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: R.C.Murphy@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 6255
Rebecca is Director of School and a Reader in Sport and Exercise Science Education.
2011, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, MA Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
2006, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
2001, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science
Academic appointments
Director of School, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2023 - present
Reader in Sport and Exercise Science Education, Sport and Exercise Science, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - present
Subject Head, Sport and Exercise Science, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - present
Academic Board Member (Faculty of Science Academic Staff Member), Liverpool John Moores University, 2013 - 2015
Programme Leader, Sport and Exercise Science, Liverpool John Moores University, 2012 - 2015
Lecturer in Exercise Science, Sport and Exercise Science, Liverpool John Moores University, 2004 - 2012
Highlighted publications
Yan X, Dunne DM, Impey SG, Cunniffe B, Lefevre CE, Mazorra R, Morton JP, Tod D, Close GL, Murphy RC, Chakraborty B. 2022. A pilot sequential multiple assignment randomized trial (SMART) protocol for developing an adaptive coaching intervention around a mobile application for athletes to improve carbohydrate periodization behavior. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 26 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dunne D, Lefevre C, Cunniffe B, Tod D, Close GL, Morton JP, Murphy RC. 2019. Performance Nutrition in the Digital Era – An exploratory study into the use of Social Media by Sports Nutritionists Journal of Sports Sciences, 37 :2467-2474 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Martin D, Wilson G, Close GL, Morton JP, Murphy RC. 2017. Race-Day Catering in Professional Horseracing: Does Current Provision Facilitate Weight Management and Riding Performance?. EC Nutrition, 12 :3-17 Publisher Url Public Url
Martin D, Wilson G, Morton JP, Close GL, Murphy RC. 2017. The horseracing industry’s perception of nutritional and weight-making practices of professional jockeys Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, :1-15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Carney DJ, Hannon MP, Murphy RC, Close GL, Morton JP. 2024. Perspectives on the role of nutrition in influencing academy soccer player development and performance: A qualitative case study of key stakeholders from an English category one soccer academy Journal of Sports Sciences, 42 :61-72 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dunne DM, Lefevre-Lewis C, Cunniffe B, Impey SG, Tod D, Close GL, Morton JP, Murphy R. 2022. Athlete experiences of communication strategies in applied sports nutrition and future considerations for mobile app supportive solutions Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Carney DJ, Hannon MP, Coleman NM, Murphy RC, Close GL, Morton JP. 2022. An audit of performance nutrition services in English soccer academies: implications for optimising player development Science and Medicine in Football, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yan X, Dunne DM, Impey SG, Cunniffe B, Lefevre CE, Mazorra R, Morton JP, Tod D, Close GL, Murphy RC, Chakraborty B. 2022. A pilot sequential multiple assignment randomized trial (SMART) protocol for developing an adaptive coaching intervention around a mobile application for athletes to improve carbohydrate periodization behavior. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 26 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Caba Machado V, McIlroy D, Adamuz FMP, Murphy RC, Palmer-Conn S. 2022. The associations of use of social network sites with perceived social support and loneliness Current Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Birtwistle SB, Jones ID, Murphy RC, Gee I, Watson PM. 2021. "Do what you can with a happy heart": a longitudinal study of patient and family members' lived experiences of physical activity post-myocardial infarction. Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Morris A, Murphy RC, Hopkins ND, Low DA, Healy G, Edwardson C, Collins B, Timpson H, Shepherd SO, Cochrane MA, Gavin D, Graves LEF. 2021. Sit Less and Move More - A multi-component intervention with and without height-adjustable workstations in contact centre call agents: a pilot randomised controlled trial Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 63 :44-56 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Birtwistle SB, Jones ID, Murphy RC, Gee I, Watson PM. 2021. Family support for physical activity post-myocardial infarction: a qualitative study exploring the perceptions of cardiac rehabilitation practitioners. Nursing and Health Sciences, 23 :227-236 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Buckley BJR, Finnie SJ, Murphy RC, Watson PM. 2020. “You’ve Got to Pick Your Battles”: A Mixed-Methods Investigation of Physical Activity Counselling and Referral within General Practice International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Buckley BJR, Thijssen DHJ, Murphy RC, Graves LEF, Cochrane MA, Gillison F, Crone D, Wilson PM, Whyte G, Watson PM. 2020. Pragmatic evaluation of a co-produced physical activity referral scheme: A UK quasi-experimental study BMJ Open, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Watson PM, Dugill L, Pickering K, Hargreaves J, Staniford LJ, Owen S, Murphy RC, Knowles ZR, Johnson LJ, Cable NT. 2020. Distinguishing Factors that Influence Attendance and Behaviour Change in Family-based Treatment of Childhood Obesity: a Qualitative Study British Journal of Health Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Leo DG, Jones H, Murphy RC, Leong JW, Gambling T, Long AF, Laine J, Perry DC. 2020. The outcomes of Perthes' disease. Bone and Joint Journal, 102-B :611-617 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dunne D, Lefevre C, Cunniffe B, Tod D, Close GL, Morton JP, Murphy RC. 2019. Performance Nutrition in the Digital Era – An exploratory study into the use of Social Media by Sports Nutritionists Journal of Sports Sciences, 37 :2467-2474 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Buckley BJR, Thijssen D, Murphy R, Graves LEF, Whyte G, Gillison F, Crone D, Wilson PM, Hindley D, Watson PM. 2019. Preliminary effects and acceptability of a co-produced physical activity referral intervention Health Education Journal, 78 :869-884 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Morris AS, Murphy RC, Shepherd SO, Healy GN, Edwardson CL, Graves LEF. 2019. A multi-component intervention to sit less and move more in a contact centre setting: A feasibility study BMC Public Health, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Leo DG, Murphy RC, Gambling T, Long A, Jones H, Perry D. 2019. Perspectives on the Social, Physical and Emotional Impact of Living with Perthes’ Disease in Children and their Family: a Mixed Methods Study. Global Pediatric Health, 6 :1-10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Buckley B, Thijssen DHJ, Murphy RC, Graves LE, Whyte G, Gillison F, Crone D, Watson PM, Wilson P. 2018. Making a move in exercise referral: co-development of a physical activity referral scheme Journal of Public Health, 40 :e586-e593 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Buckley BJR, Watson PM, Murphy RC, Graves LEF, Whyte G, Thijssen DHJ. 2018. Carotid Artery Function Is Restored in Subjects With Elevated Cardiovascular Disease Risk After a 12-Week Physical Activity Intervention. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 35 :23-26 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Birtwistle SB, Ashcroft G, Murphy RC, Gee I, Poole H, Watson PM. 2018. Factors influencing patient uptake of an exercise referral scheme: a qualitative study. Health Education Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Morris AS, Murphy RC, Shepherd SO, Graves LEF. 2018. Multi-stakeholder perspectives of factors that influence contact centre call agent’s workplace physical activity and sedentary behaviour International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Martin D, Wilson G, Close GL, Morton JP, Murphy RC. 2017. Race-Day Catering in Professional Horseracing: Does Current Provision Facilitate Weight Management and Riding Performance?. EC Nutrition, 12 :3-17 Publisher Url Public Url
Nixon S, Brooman SD, Murphy RC. 2017. The sorrow of the struggle or joy of the journey? Seven lessons from an education research writing group Innovations in Practice, 11 :18-22 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Martin D, Wilson G, Morton JP, Close GL, Murphy RC. 2017. The horseracing industry’s perception of nutritional and weight-making practices of professional jockeys Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, :1-15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Brooman SD, Nixon S, Murphy RC. 2017. ‘I am wary of giving too much power to students” - addressing the “but” in the principle of staff-student collaboration. International journal for students as partners, 1 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Nixon S, Brooman SD, Murphy RC, Fearon DJ. 2016. Clarity, consistency and communication: using enhanced dialogue to create a course-based feedback strategy. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McGee CE, Trigwell J, Fairclough SJ, Murphy RC, Porcellato LA, Ussher M, Foweather L. 2016. Effect of a sport-for-health intervention (SmokeFree Sports) on smoking-related intentions and cognitions among 9-10 year old primary school children: a controlled trial BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Curran KM, Drust B, Murphy R, Pringle A, Richardson D. 2016. The challenge and impact of engaging hard-toreach populations in regular physical activity and health behaviours: an examination of an English Premier League 'Football in the Community' men's health programme PUBLIC HEALTH, 135 :14-22 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McGee CE, Trigwell J, Fairclough SJ, Murphy RC, Porcellato L, Ussher M, Foweather L. 2015. Influence of family and friend smoking on intentions to smoke and smoking-related attitudes and refusal self-efficacy among 9-10 year old children from deprived neighbourhoods: a cross-sectional study. BMC public health, 15 :1513
Graves LE, Murphy RC, Shepherd SO, Cabot JA, Hopkins ND. 2015. Evaluation of sit-stand workstations in an office setting: A randomised controlled trial BMC Public Health, 15 :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Trigwell J, Murphy RC, Cable NT, Stratton G, Watson PM. 2015. Parental views of children's physical activity: a qualitative study with parents from multi-ethnic backgrounds living in England BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hulton AT, Murphy RC, Richardson DJ, Drust B, Flower D, Curran KM. 2015. Effectiveness of a community football programme on improving physiological markers of health in a hard-to-reach male population: the role of exercise intensity Soccer and Society, 17 :196-208 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Trigwell J, McGee CE, Porcellato LA, Murphy RC, Knowles ZR, Ussher M, Garnham-Lee K, Foweather L. 2015. Process evaluation of a sport-for-health intervention to prevent smoking amongst primary school children: SmokeFree Sports BMC Public Health, 15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Watson PM, Dugdill L, Pickering K, Owen S, Hargreaves J, Staniford LJ, Murphy RC, Knowles ZR, Cable NT. 2015. Service evaluation of the GOALS family-based childhood obesity treatment intervention during the first 3 years of implementation BMJ OPEN, 5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hilland TA, Beynon CM, McGee CE, Murphy RC, Parnell D, Romeo-Velilla M, Stratton G, Foweather L. 2015. Training sports coaches to tackle tobacco: Formative evaluation of the SmokeFree Sports campaign International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 53 :2-16 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Romeo-Velilla M, Benyon C, Murphy RC, McGee C, Hilland T, Parnell D, Stratton G, Foweather L. 2014. Formative Evaluation of a UK community-based sports intervention to prevent smoking among children and young people: SmokeFree Sports Journal of Sport for Development, 3
Trigwell J, Watson PM, Murphy RC, Stratton G, Cable NT. 2014. Ethnic differences in parental attitudes and beliefs about being overweight in childhood Health Education Journal, 73 :179-191 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Trigwell J, McGee C, Casstles H, Murphy RC, Porcellato L, Ussher M, Foweather L. 2014. Preventing smoking among nine to ten-year-old children using a novel school-based physical activity intervention: Overview of SmokeFree Sports. Education and Health,, 3 :93-102
Goodwin DM, Peerbhoy D, Murphy R, Stratton G. 2014. From design to interpretation: Lessons from a public health campaign promoting physical activity Health Education Journal, 73 :554-565 DOI Publisher Url
Watson PM, Dugdill L, Murphy R, Knowles Z, Cable NT. 2013. Moving forward in childhood obesity treatment: A call for translational research Health Education Journal, 72 :230-239 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stratton G, Murphy R, Rosenberg M, Fergus P, Attwood A. 2012. Creating intelligent environments to monitor and manipulate physical activity and sedentary behavior in public health and clinical settings IEEE International Conference on Communications, :6111-6115 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hilland T, Beynon C, McGee C, Murphy R, Parnell D, Romeo-Velilla M, Stratton G, Foweather L. 2012. Sports coaches’ self-efficacy and perceptions towards a novel campaign to promote tobacco free messages: SmokeFree Sports Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 15 :S358-S358 DOI Publisher Url
Foweather L, Romeo-Velilla M, Hilland T, Parnell D, Murphy R, Beynon C, McGee C, Stratton G. 2012. “I knew it was dangerous, but I never knew it was that dangerous.” Physical activity as a vehicle to promote smoke free messages to children and youth: SmokeFree Sports Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 15 :S307-S307 DOI Publisher Url
Trigwell J, Watson P, Stratton G, Murphy R, Cable T. 2011. A quantitative exploration of parents' perceptions of weight and obesity in childhood within an ethnically diverse sample ANNALS OF HUMAN BIOLOGY, 38 :469-469 Author Url
Graham RC. 2005. Health Professionals' perspectives in exercise referral: implications for the referral process Ergonomics, 48 :1411-1422
Dugdill L, Graham RC, McNair F. 2005. Exercise referral: the public health panacea for physical activity promotion? A critical perspective of exercise referral schemes; their development and evaluation Ergonomics, 48 :1390-1410 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stratton G, Graham R, Bicknell S. 2005. Physical activity, exercise and health: The link between 16-19 curricula, higher education and the need to increase capacity in the physical activity, exercise and health field: The "Power of the Context" The British Journal of Teaching Physical Education, 36 :16-20
Conference publication
Harriss DJ, murphy R, causer J, scott M. 2015. Blackboard tests and tasks – can they be used to enhance student engagement and performance? Liverpool John Moores Learning and Teaching Conference
Harriss DJ, murphy R, causer J, scott M. 2015. The Turnitin Originality Report: developing writing skills during the level 4 transition period
Brooman SD, Nixon S, Fearon , Murphy R. 2015. Student involvement in curriculum design: a research study across four schools – initial thoughts Liverpool John Moores Learning and Teaching Conference
Murphy RC, Causer JC, Scott M, Harriss D. 2015. Prior learning experiences and transition into Higher Education – managing staff and student expectations. Liverpool John Moores Learning and Teaching Conference
Books (authored)
Dugdill L, Crone D, Murphy R. 2009. Physical activity and health promotion Wiley-Blackwell 9781405169257
Murphy RC, Dugdill L, Crone D. 2009. Physical activity, health and health promotion Dugdill L, Crone D, Murphy R. Physical activity and health promotion :3-21 Wiley-Blackwell 9781405169257
Gidlow C, Murphy R. 2009. Physical activity promotion in primary health care Dugdill L, Crone D, Murphy R. Physical activity and health promotion :87-102 Wiley-Blackwell 9781405169257
Dugdill L, Graham R. 2005. Promoting physical activity: building sustainable interventions Gormley J, Hussey J. Exercise therapy :240-255 Wiley-Blackwell 9781405105279
Highlighted activities
Vice Chancellors Medal: Excellence in Teaching Innovation, Liverpool John Moores University. 2017
Teaching and Learning Excellence Award: Individual Teaching Award, Liverpool John Moores University. 2016
Professional activities
Research Grants Awarded:
UK Coaching, Impact Evaluation of the UK Coaching/1st4Sport/Mind eLearning Course 'Mental Health Awareness for Sport and Physical Activity', Burton, Leanne; Whitehead, Amy; Sadler, Ian; Murphy, Becky, Grant value (£): 7997, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2020
Racing Foundation, An Education and Support Intervention for Racehorse Trainers to Improve Jockey and Stable Staff Welfare and Embed Athletic Lifestyle and Culture, Daniel Martin, Grant value (£): 185,000, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2018
NHS Northwest (Strataegic Health Authority) and Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hopsital Charitable Trust Fund, Exploring the feasibility of Nintendo Wii use in Stroke Rehabilitation, Grant value (£): 17,500, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2011
Conference presentation:
Co-creation with students to improve assessment feedback: course-based approaches and enhanced project leadership, International Assessment in Higher Education, Manchester, Oral presentation. 2017
“So long as it is grounded in pragmatism”: addressing the “but” in the principle of co-creation, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2016
Student Involvment in Curriculum Design: A Research Study Across Four Schools - Initial Thoughts, Learning and Teaching Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2015
Vice Chancellors Award for Socio-Economic Engagement 2017 - Runner Up - Global Active Cities in the Physical Activity Exchange. 2017
Impact Award 2017: The Physical Activity Exchange: Global Active Cities for delivering change through shaping and influencing policy, practice and guidelines, Liverpool John Moores University. 2017
Vice Chancellors Medal: Excellence in Teaching Innovation, Liverpool John Moores University. 2017
Teaching and Learning Excellence Award: Individual Teaching Award, Liverpool John Moores University. 2016
Students as co-creators: exploring level 5 student’s perceptions of programme level feedback strategies and processes., LJMU, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02602938.2016.1195333. 2015
External collaboration:
African Union Sports Council Region 5, Stanley Mutoya.
Membership of professional bodies:
Fellow, Higher Education Academy.