Looking after your wellbeing at LJMU

At LJMU the wellbeing of our students and staff is really important to us.

That’s why we've created a calendar of events including free workshops and activities over this academic year, for our LJMU community to get involved in.

From Mindful Journaling to Park Run with Team LJMU, Menopause Cafes to Self-Work workshops, the LJMU Wellbeing Calendar provides information, support and sessions to help students and staff look after their own wellbeing. 

What's going on this semester

Student wellbeing events Staff wellbeing events JMSU wellbeing events LJMU Sport app

LJMU is a place that cares. We want to help all our students and staff flourish and thrive, maintaining their health and wellbeing by making well-informed choices and having support on hand.

We also want to encourage our community to take every opportunity to protect their health including exercising regularly and making choices that promote wellbeing and resilience.