Personal and contact details: your title, full name, work address, telephone number and email details for correspondence purposes and in order to send you validation/review documentation; your home address, bank account and sort code details in order to process your external panel representative/external advisor fee and expense claim. Passport and information pertaining to securing international visas and travel arrangements, the requirements of which are specific to each individual country. This will only be required for overseas validation/review events and will vary depending on the requirements of the country within which the activity will be based.
Your residency and/or citizenship status, in order to confirm your right to work in the UK. This will be passport information, or other proof of eligibility to work in the UK.
If your nomination is approved, this will be subject to a successful check of your proof of eligibility to work in the UK. If you have a current UK Passport, we will carry out this check electronically and store a record of the check electronically and securely. If you do not have a current UK Passport, you are required to present the original documents to a member of University Staff, prior to the commencement of your engagement. This can be either:
- if you are not scheduled to visit the University prior to the commencement of your engagement, you may be required to send in original document(s) via secure post. These document(s) will only be held by the University until verification of the original document(s) has been completed, following which, they will be returned to you via secure recorded delivery.
In each of the above circumstances, a record of the verification of your right to work in the UK will be stored by us electronically and securely.
Your main areas of teaching/research in order to confirm your suitability for appointment, as a summary provided by the nominating programme team representative on the LJMU nomination form.
Your main managerial responsibilities in order to confirm your suitability for appointment, as a summary provided by the nominating programme team representative on the LJMU nomination form.
Your education and employment history in order to confirm your suitability for appointment, taken from your Curriculum Vitae.
We will collect personal information from the following sources:
From you directly via receipt of your Curriculum Vitae, a completed LJMU fee and expense claim form, and from receipt of a scanned copy of the photograph page of your current passport which you will email to a representative from the nominating programme team, and through completion of the University’s Equality and Diversity Survey, which is completed anonymously and voluntarily.
From you indirectly via an LJMU external panel representative/external advisor nomination form, which will be completed on your behalf by the programme team representative. When required, via bespoke forms for travel visas which will be sent to you directly by Academic Registry.
The University is committed to equality and diversity, in order to ensure a fair, equitable and positive experience for all. To support this commitment, you will be invited to provide, voluntarily and anonymously, the following Equality and Diversity Data:
- Disability
- Ethnic Background
- Nationality
- Sex
- Gender Identity
- Religion
- Marriage and Civil Partnership
- Sexual Orientation
- Carer Responsibility
The lawful basis for using this data is Article 6(1) b Performance of a Contract and Article 6(1)(e), Public Task. This permits the University to use your personal data to consider and confirm you as an external panel representative or external advisor, to pay you for your work and to reimburse you for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred as a result of your work with us (in line with the University’s financial regulations).
Your personal information will be shared internally with the following members of staff or departments:
- Nominating programme team (nomination form, CV, scan of proof of eligibility to work in the UK, contact information).
- Nominating Director of School/Head of Department’s office (nomination form, CV, scan of proof of eligibility to work in the UK, contact information).
- Academic Registry (information required for nomination, contact information, bank details when managing fee/expense claim forms).
- Head of Academic Quality and Standards (in respect of nominations for collaborative programmes only) (information required for nomination, contact information).
- Finance Department (bank details and contact information for payment of fee/expense claims).
The University will share your personal information (with the exception of your home address, bank account and sort code details) with the relevant collaborative partner institution if you are to be appointed to one of LJMU’s collaborative validation/review events, or as an external advisor for a collaborative Certificate of Professional Development award. The University may share your name and place of work with a Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) in order to fulfil any requirements of the PSRB’s accreditation process. The University may share your personal information such as your passport details and visa application forms, with a third party travel agents, if specifically required in order to make travel arrangements. This will only be required for overseas validation/review events. The University will also share your personal information if required to by the law.
Anonymous Equality and Diversity data will be stored securely and will be reported on internally, on an annual basis, for positive action purposes. Only data at aggregated levels will be reported and analysed.
We will file a copy of the completed nomination form, accompanying Curriculum Vitae and a copy of your passport on a SharePoint site that has access restricted to a sub-group of staff from within the University’s Academic Registry. The fee and expense claim form will be filed by the University’s Finance Department. We will record your first name, surname and the name of the institution you work at on the University’s Web Hub Business Intelligence Tool on the University’s intranet. This is password protected to internal University staff only.
The University takes the security of your data very seriously, and has internal policies and controls in place to try and ensure that your data is not lost, accidentally destroyed, misused or disclosed, and is not accessible except by its employees in the performance of their duties. For more information, please see the University’s Data Protection Policy.
We will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. We will retain your personal information in line with our Retention of Records Schedule. Unless we explain otherwise to you, this will be until completion of the programme’s subsequent periodic review activity plus one year (normally this will be a period of six years). Your fee and expense claim and the details contained therein will be retained by the University’s Finance Department for six years, in line with its retention schedule for financial records. In addition, Academic Registry will keep a redacted version of your fee and expense claim form to enable us to deal with enquiries, and this will be retained in line with the Retention of Records Schedule as detailed above.
In the event that you are not approved to act as an external validation/review panel member or external advisor, we will securely destroy your application within one month of the decision not to appoint you.
Equality and Diversity Data will be provided anonymously and will be stored until superseded by the data gathered the following year. Aggregated data will be kept for the year of reporting and for a further five years.
- Access and obtain a copy of your data on request, this could be in a portable electronic format.
- Require the University to change incorrect or incomplete data if you think that it is inaccurate or out of date.
- Require the University to delete or stop processing your data, for example where the data is no longer necessary or legally required for the purposes of processing.
If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact the Data Protection Officer
Generally, we do not send your personal data outside the UK. However, in some specific cases, we may transfer the personal data we collect to countries outside the UK in order to perform our contract with you/or a contract with another organisation that requires your personal data i.e. a collaboration agreement with a university based outside of the UK. Where we do this, we will ensure that your personal information is protected by way of an ‘adequacy regulation’ with the UK or by putting alternative appropriate measures in place to ensure that your personal information is treated by those third parties in a way that is consistent with and which respects the UK laws on data protection. For example model contractual clauses, data sharing/data processing agreement and binding corporate rules (where applicable).
We will not make any decisions about you automatically using a computer, based on your personal data. All decisions affecting you will be taken by a human.
You have the right to complain to The Information Commissioner if you believe that our processing of your personal data does not meet our data protection obligations. The Information Commissioner can be contacted:
Post: Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK95AF.
Telephone: 0303 123 1113.
Email: contact can be made by accessing