Eco-I North West
Supporting low carbon business innovations across the region
Eco-I North West is a £14 million programme set up in 2019 to further develop the North West as a regional exemplar for low carbon innovation, skills and ‘green’ economic growth.
Eco-I North West draws on regional research and development capabilities to support low carbon business innovation across the north west of England and aims to deliver a transition to a low carbon economy across all business sectors.
The project is not led by specific carbon reduction technologies and is instead driven by the needs of the resourceful and innovative businesses we work with. As such, Eco-I North West aims to facilitate a collaborative approach to problem-solving, involving practical and academic input and guidance.
Supporting the research and development of low carbon technologies, products and services enabling businesses to capitalise from the region’s extensive knowledge base and cutting-edge research facilities and skills.
This collaborative approach is at the heart of Eco-I North West. We are a partnership project, which includes the universities of Lancaster, Central Lancashire, Cumbria, Liverpool John Moores, Liverpool and Manchester Met. Eco-I North West, therefore, operates across multiple Local Enterprise Partnership areas in the North West of England.
Our offer and how Eco-I North West works
Eco-I North West provides short term R&D and commercialisation support for SMEs in the North West, in particular the LCR, Cheshire and Warrington and Lancashire. Whether it is product development or considering the next steps for your business’s commercial readiness, we have support to suit your needs.
We are driven by business needs and put the ambitions of your enterprise in the centre of our collaboration. We will form a collaborative partnership with your business to support you to develop your low-carbon future. Our dedicated team will get to know your business, working with you to map out where and how low carbon solutions could assist your business to develop a new product, improve a process or commercialise your current offer.
Meet the team

- John Mathias – Project manager
- Jenny Wallwork – Industry engagement Officer
- Hazha Mohammed – Research Assistant – low carbon innovation
- Scott Caldwell – Research Assistant – low carbon innovation
- Francine Taylor – Research Assistant – commercialisation
- Barbara McDaid – Commercialisation Officer
Low carbon outputs
Businesses supported
Tonnes of CO2 reduced
Case study brochure
In this brochure you will find a selection of case studies for just some of the businesses Eco-I North West have supported.