Student Recruitment, Marketing and Admissions take LJMU to Northern Ireland

The university sent more than sixty staff and students to Belfast on Saturday 4 March to offer pre-entry support and advice about all things LJMU, welcoming more than 700 visitors to two applicant events on the day.

Historically students from Northern Ireland have been a key part of the student community at LJMU, and longstanding outreach support in the region has helped the university become the most popular institution in Britain for those who decide to make the move across the Irish Sea.

Current student Declan Billington and JMSU Vice-President for Activities, Clodagh McErlean, talked about their experiences making the journey to Liverpool, how they are enjoying their time at LJMU and making the most of all opportunities offered to them.

Sharon Roden, from LJMU’s Outreach Team, said: “It was fantastic to see so much interest in LJMU. Feedback has been so positive with applicants and parents feeling reassured about making the move to Liverpool, many stating that it has convinced them to make LJMU their first choice.”

The day brought the LJMU community together with representatives from all faculties and professional service teams to deliver course talks and offer guidance and support about finance and accommodation.

And visitors said:

“I enjoyed the welcome talk as it made me feel so welcomed to the university and made me even more confident that I’m making LJMU my firm choice.”

“I loved hearing about the course. Staff and students all very friendly and extremely helpful. Very impressed with this event. I haven’t been given an opportunity to attend an event like this before and I am so glad I did as it has helped me to make LJMU my first choice.”

“Incredibly helpful and friendly staff, very informative and definitely influenced my decision in favour of LJMU.”

Outreach Manager Peter Dolan said: “Events like this really convey what LJMU is all about and the support we offer to ensure a smooth transition into higher education, particularly important to students travelling from Northern Ireland to make Liverpool their study home.

“All involved on the day genuinely reflected the university’s vision and values and did a fantastic job communicating what LJMU stands for in respect of our student focus, the emphasis on community inclusivity and courage.”

The university’s commitment to Northern Ireland continues with school and college tours throughout the academic year and a delegation of teachers set to visit LJMU in June.

People can follow where the team are over the coming months via Twitter @ljmuoutreach


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