Dr Azar Shahgholian
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: A.Shahgholian@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 3827
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer in Digital Marketing, Liverpool Business School, 2018 - present
Journal article
Schmitter P, Shahgholian A, Tucker MP. 2024. Towards an understanding of the digital transformation of Facility Management in healthcare: Perspectives from practice Digital Transformation and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Rezaei H, Moeinzadeh Mirhosseini SA, Shahgholian A, Saraee M. 2024. Features in extractive supervised single-document summarization: case of Persian news Language Resources and Evaluation, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Odacioglu EC, Zhang L, Allmendinger R, Shahgholian A. 2023. Big Textual Data Research for Operations Management: Topic Modeling with Grounded Theory International Journal of Operations and Production Management, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Gandy R, Warburton CJ, Hayes J, Shahgholian A. 2023. Novel diagrammatical analyses of turnover of patients with cancer British Journal of Healthcare Management, 29 :1-13 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Menukin O, Mandungu C, Shahgholian A, Mehandjiev N. 2023. Guiding the integration of analytics in business operations through a maturity framework Annals of Operations Research, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bryde D, Shahgholian A, Joby R, Taylor S, Singh R. 2023. Impact pathways: managing relational risk in project operations International Journal of Operations and Production Management, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kok SK, Shahgholian A. 2023. The impact of proximity within elite corporate networks on the Shariah governance-firm performance nexus: Evidence from the global Shariah elite Emerging Markets Review, 54 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Zaitsava M, Marku E, Chiara Di Guardo M, Shahgholian A. 2022. A Fine-Grained Perspective on Big Data Knowledge Creation: Dimensions, Insights, and Mechanism from A Pilot Study Journal of Management and Governance, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kumar P, Singh RK, Shahgholian A. 2022. Learnings from COVID-19 for Managing Humanitarian Supply Chains: Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Directions Annals of Operations Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Edward E, Fayoumi A, Shahgholian A, Hidayanto A. 2022. Social Network Evolution:The Case of UK Companies Before and After Brexit Emerging Science Journal, 6 :1-13 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Rezaei H, Moeinzadeh SA, Shahgholian A, Saraee M. 2019. Features in Extractive Supervised Single-document Summarization: Case of Persian News DOI Author Url
Shahgholian A. 2019. Unpacking the relationship between environmental profile and financial profile; literature review toward methodological best practice Journal of Cleaner Production, 233 :181-196 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shahgholian A. 2017. The Effect of Board Roles on Firm Environmental Governance Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017 :13070-13070 DOI Publisher Url
Sheydaei N, Saraee M, Shahgholian A. 2015. A novel feature selection method for text classification using association rules and clustering Journal of Information Science, 41 :3-15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Yilin Z, Fayoumi A, Shahgholian A. 2023. Understanding Online Customer Touchpoints: A Deep Learning Approach to Enhancing Customer Experience in Digital Retail 2023 9th International Conference on Information Technology Trends, ITT 2023, :193-198 DOI Publisher Url
El Samra A, Shahgholian A, Mehandjiev N. 2022. Linking Coping Emotions to IT Events: A Conceptual Framework 28th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2022,
Menukhin O, Mandungu C, Shahgholian A, Mehandjiev ND. 2021. Knowledge- and Resource-based Views Driving the Development of the Analytics Maturity Framework Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021 :15826-15826 DOI Publisher Url
Valaei N, Bressolles G, Shahgholian A, Panjeh Fouladgaran HR. 2020. Online shopping behaviour of used products in a cross-cultural setting 49th Annual Conference of European marketing Academy (EMAC)
Li C, Mehandjiev N, James A, Shahgholian A, Lampel J, Allen M. 2020. Adoption of Digital Technology in Corporate R&D Context European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems, 16th European Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems 381 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Menukhin O, Mandungu C, Shahgholian A, Mehandjiev N. 2019. Now and Next: A Maturity Model to Guide Analytics Growth UKAIS 2019 Conference, UKAIS 2019 Conference: 24th UK Academy for Information Systems International Conference Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chanwisitkul P, Shahgholian A, Mehandjiev N. 2018. The Reason behind the Rating: Text Mining of Online Hotel Reviews 2018 IEEE 20th Conference on Business Informatics (CBI), DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Salehnejad R, Allmendinger R, Chen Y-W, Ali M, Shahgholian A, Yiapanis P, Mansur M. 2017. Leveraging data mining techniques to understand drivers of obesity 2017 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN BIOINFORMATICS AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY (CIBCB), IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB) :1-9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Diaz D, Theodoulidis B, Shahgholian A. 2013. Social networking influence on environmental and corporate performance Proceedings - 2013 IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics, IEEE CBI 2013, :63-68 DOI Publisher Url
Shahgholian A, Theodoulidis B, Bansal U. 2012. SOCIAL NETWORK EVOLUTION: A CASE STUDY OF UK DIRECTORS 2012 THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SERVICES IN EMERGING MARKETS (ICSEM), 3rd International Conference on Services in Emerging Markets (ICSEM) :107-114 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Valaei N, Bressoles G, Shahgholian A, Panjeh Fouladgaran H. Customer Behavior Towards Second-Hand Online Shopping Developments in Marketing Science, AMS2020: ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE 44TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE Publisher Url Public Url
Zaitsava M, Marku E, Chiara Di Guardo M, Shahgholian A. Busting the Black Box of Big Data: Dimensions, Effects, and Insights Creation Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shahgholian A, Bryde DJ. The project-focused firm’s knowledge network and Environmental Governance: A case of the Construction sector European Academy of Management, European Academy of Management Public Url
Valaei N, Bressolles G, Panjeh Fouladgaran HR, Shahgholian A. A Cross-Cultural Investigation on Second-Hand Online Shopping Behaviour 46th Annual Conference of Academy of Marketing Science DOI Publisher Url
Odacioglu E, Zhang L, Allmendinger R, Shahgholian A. A Novel Method for Theorising with Big Textual Data: Topic Modelling with Grounded Theory Academy of Management Proceedings DOI Publisher Url
Shahgholian A, Muscalu R, Theodoulidis B. The Impact of Social Networks of SP1500 Companies Vision on Environmental Governance AHFE International, International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) DOI Publisher Url
Shahgholian A, Bryde D. 2022. The Relationship Between The Board of Directors’ Social Capital and Construction Firms’ Environmental Profiles The Relationship Between The Board of Directors’ Social Capital and Construction Firms’ Environmental Profiles Publisher Url
Chimonaki C, Papadakis S, Vergos K, Shahgholian A. 2019. Identification of financial statement fraud in Greece by using computational intelligence techniques 345 Springer DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Quboa Q, Saadouni B, Shahgholian A, Mehandjiev N. 2017. Detecting Underwriters Stabilisation Trades: A Clinical Study Feuerriegel S, Neumann D. 276 :32-46 SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG 978-3-319-52763-5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Books (edited)
2017. Enterprise Applications, Markets and Services in the Finance Industry Feuerriegel S, Neumann D. Springer International Publishing 9783319527635 DOI Publisher Url
Valaei N, Bressolles SPG, Panjeh Fouladgaran HR, Shahgholian A. Is Collaborative Consumption a Remedy to Sustainability? A Cross-Cultural Investigation on Branded Second-Hand Online Shopping DOI Publisher Url
Shahgholian A, Theodoulidis B, Diaz D. Social Network Metrics: The Boardex Case Study DOI Publisher Url
Diaz D, Theodoulidis B, Shahgholian A. Social Networking Influence on Environmental and Corporate Performance DOI Publisher Url
Shahgholian A, Vergos KP. Are Top Management Networking Skills Valuable? An Empirical Investigation of US Companies in the Context of Residual Income Valuation Model DOI Publisher Url
As a member of the research team with the Circle Health programme: 1. Received Gold Award from the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD – 2023) 2. Shortlisted for the CIPD Best L&D initiative – private sector award (2022) 3. Shortlisted for CMI HE Partner award (2022) 4. Nominated for VC Research and Knowledge Award, LJMU (2023). 2024
Received the SAS UK & Ireland Academic Joint Award for hard work and tenacity in starting the SAS Global Case Library, SAS Analytics, https://www.sas.com/en_gb/home.html. 2019
Recipient of Star Rising Award- Feedback to Students, Teesside University. 2018
Received Graduate Teaching Assistant Award for delivering excellent teaching (£4,000),, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester,. 2014
Winner of “SRII Health Care Analytics Hackathon”, Service Research & Innovation Institute (SRII), California, US.. 2014
Conference presentation:
Novel Diagrammatical Analyses of Turnover of Cancer Patients, Royal Statistical Society International Conference 2022, Aberdeen, Scotland, Oral presentation. 2022
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy. 2020
External collaboration:
Link Tutor for Dual-Degree Programme with Hochschule für Technik (HfT) Stuttgart, Germany, Hochschule für Technik (HfT) Stuttgart, Germany. 2020
Visiting Researcher, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Maryia Zaitsava, Elona Marku, Maria Chiara Di Guardo. 2019
External PGR examinations performed:
University of Salford, PhD, Mining Stream Data using a Dynamic Compact Stream Pattern Algorithm. 2020
Research Grants Awarded:
Association of Project Management (APM), The project-focused firm’s knowledge network and sustainability, Professor David Bryde, Grant value (£): 5000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2019
Membership of professional bodies:
The UK Academy for Information Systems, The UK Academy for Information Systems., https://www.ukais.org/. 2019
The Academy of Management Conference, The Academy of Management Conference, https://aom.org/events/annual-meeting. 2017
Media Coverage:
Data-driven approach to enhancing digital marketing 2018
Other Professional Activity:
Reviewers for the following highly reputable academic journals: 1. Journal of Business Ethics 2. Annals of Operation Research 3. International Journal of Information Management 4. International Journal on Digital Libraries 5. Operation Management Research 6. Journal of Cleaner Production.
Conference reviewer: 1) Academy of Management annual Meeting, US (2017 - 2024) 2). EURAM (2021).