Image of Dr Claire Pekcan

Dr Claire Pekcan

Liverpool Business School

Faculty of Business and Law


2017, Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom, PhD Management
1994, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, MSc Occupational Psychology
1993, University of Leicester, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons) Psychology

Journal article

Pekcan C. 2025. Pilot Fatigue: Balancing Risks, Rosters, and Resources through Fatigue Risk-Management Finn M. The Pilot, 337 :40-41 Publisher Url Public Url

van Leeuwen WMA, Pekcan C, Barnett M, Kecklund G. 2021. Mathematical modelling of sleep and sleepiness under various watch keeping schedules in the maritime industry Marine Policy, 130 DOI Publisher Url

Hu L, Naeem W, Rajabally E, Watson G, Mills T, Bhuiyan Z, Raeburn C, Salter I, Pekcan C. 2020. A multiobjective optimization approach for COLREGs-Compliant path planning of autonomous surface vehicles verified on networked bridge simulators IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21 :1167-1179 DOI Publisher Url

van Leeuwen WMA, Pekcan C, Barnett M, Williams M, Kecklund G. 2017. MODELLING WATCH KEEPER SLEEP AND FATIGUE IN THE MARITIME INDUSTRY SLEEP MEDICINE, 40 :E334-E334 DOI Publisher Url

Barnett M, Gatfield D, Overgaard B, Pekcan C, Graveson A. 2006. Barriers to progress or windows of opportunity? A study in career path mapping in the maritime industries WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 5 :127-142 DOI Publisher Url

Editorial/letter to the editor

Pauksztat B, Zhao M, Pekcan C, Barnett M. 2021. Introduction to the special issue on “International merchant shipping in the 21st century: Social science perspectives” Marine Policy, 130 DOI Publisher Url


Conway N, Pekcan C. 2019. Psychological contract research: Older, but is it wiser? Handbook of Research on the Psychological Contract at Work :10-34 DOI Publisher Url

Jepsen JR, Zhao Z, Pekcan C, Barnett M, Van Leeuwen WMA. 2017. Risk factors for fatigue in shipping, the consequences for seafarers’ health and options for preventive intervention Maritime Psychology: Research in Organizational and Health Behavior at Sea :127-150 DOI Publisher Url

Barnett M, Pekcan C. The human element in shipping Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering DOI Publisher Url


Pekcan C. 2017. Safety at sea: understanding the role of the psychological contract in seafarers' safe and unsafe behaviour using affective events and ego depletion theories Conway N, Symon G.

Conference publication

Maurier P, Corrignan P, Barnett M, Gatfield D, Pekcan C, Clarke G, Akerstedt T. 2011. Fatigue and performance in bridge and engine control room watchkeeping on a 6 on / 6 off watch regime RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - International Conference on Human Factors in Ship Design and Operation, Papers, :61-69 DOI Publisher Url

Barnett M, Gatfield D, Pekcan C, Northcott L, Turner DM, Rowley I. 2007. The mitigation of human error in the use of automated shipboard systems RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects International Conference - Human Factors in Ship Design, Safety and Operation - Papers, :27-40 DOI Publisher Url

Gatfield DI, Pekcan CH, Barnett ML. 2006. The janus principle in maritime safety: Looking backwards to look forward RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects International Conference - Learning from Marine Incidents III - Papers, 2006 :25-33

Gatfield DI, Pekcan CH, Barnett ML. 2006. The Janus Principle in Maritime Safety: Looking Backwards to Look Forward Learning from Marine Incidents 3, Learning from Marine Incidents 3 :31-40 DOI Publisher Url

Pekcan C, Gatfield D, Barnett M. 2005. Content and context: Understanding the complexities of human behaviour in ship operation RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects International Conference - Human Factors in Ship Design, Safety and Operation, :99-107 DOI Publisher Url

Conference presentation:

Safety culture and fatigue risk management : the value of sleep in a 24/7 operation, UKMPA 136th Annual General Meeting, Harrogate, Oral presentation, 2024

Pilot Fatigue: how can a fatigue risk management approach help with balancing risks, rosters and resources?, European Maritime Pilots’ Association 58th General Meeting, Antwerp, Oral presentation, 2024

Other invited event:

CfAA Maritime Autonomy Workshop, Docklands Museum London, The workshop sought to explore the nature of a minimal process for assurance of autonomous capabilities and how this might be validated. 2024

Advanced Marine Accident Investigator PG Cert, Cranfield University, Guest lecturer on human factors in marine accidents. 2024

International Maritime Human Factors Symposium, Strathclyde University, Session moderator for this gathering of international maritime human factors experts. 2023

Scorpio S.A.M. Ltd Technical Management Meeting, Monaco, Invited to address executive and senior managers and speak on the subject of people and performance management of sea staff. 2023

External collaboration:, University of York Centre for Assuring Autonomy, Professor John McDermid of Centre for Assuring Autonomy. 2024

Media Coverage:

Webinar hosted by IMarEST: Shipping, automation and the environment: the increasing (not decreasing) importance of human factors 2024

Public engagement:

Other, Special Interest Group, Knowledge Sharing, Participant, Monthly online meetings, Online, Fatigue Working Group, Maritime and Coastguard Agency's forum for sharing research and information about fatigue in merchant shipping.. 2024
