Prof David Bryde
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: D.J.Bryde@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4757
David Bryde is Director of Research & Innovation in the Faculty of Business and Law, Liverpool John Moores University. He is also a Professor of Project Management. Professor Bryde is particularly interested in relational/psycho-social aspects of project operations, with a focus on understanding how different members of the supply chain/ network work together effectively and efficiently to deliver beneficial outcomes. A major application of his research is in improving effectiveness in the management of clinical research projects.
He was awarded Visiting Professor/Scientist at the Department of Economic and Business Sciences, University of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, through the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna 2023/4 Visiting Professor Programme.
He was the Lead Project Coordinator for the EU Marie Sklodowska Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) Horizon 2020 Work Programme “Being Lean and Seen: meeting the challenges of delivering projects successfully in the 21st century”. This was a four-year project, completed in 2023, involving nine academic and non-academic partners from the UK, Germany and Malaysia.
He was also the Principal Investigator on a project, funded by the Association of Project Management (APM), which investigated relational aspects in the management of outsourced projects, which led to the development of The CURED Framework for managing relational risk.
Other APM-funded projects he was recently involved in investigated 1) the coping strategies adopted by project managers to deal with difficult stakeholders and 2) how the social networks of staff at director levels in project intensive companies influences their performance in meeting environmental-related goals
He has been leading on the faculty’s Knowledge Transfer initiatives, including Innovate UK funded Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) and on the establishment of international collaborative partnerships and links for the faculty’s DBA doctoral programmes. He was also the UoA Coordinator for the institution’s submission to Business and Management Studies in REF2021.
Professor Bryde is widely published, with in excess of 100 journal papers, research monographs, book chapters, conference presentations, invited keynote speeches/guest lectures/presentations, expert interviews and articles. He has supervised in excess of 30 doctoral students to successful completion and has examined numerous PhD/DBAs as an external and an internal examiner at both UK and non-UK Higher Education Institutes.
He has a long record of accomplishment of working with companies to develop their project management processes and of working collaboratively with the practitioner community to undertake research and consultancy.
1999, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD Project Management
1989, Bradford University, United Kingdom, MSc Computing
1982, Lancaster University, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons) Management Sciences
Highlighted publications
Tabassi AA, Bryde D, Michaelides R, Bamford D, Argyropoulou M. 2024. Leaders, conflict, and team coordination: a relational leadership approach in temporary organisations Production Planning and Control, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bryde D, Shahgholian A, Joby R, Taylor S, Singh R. 2023. Impact pathways: managing relational risk in project operations International Journal of Operations and Production Management, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shahgholian A, Bryde D. 2022. The Relationship Between The Board of Directors’ Social Capital and Construction Firms’ Environmental Profiles The Relationship Between The Board of Directors’ Social Capital and Construction Firms’ Environmental Profiles Publisher Url
Unterhitzenberger C, Wilson HK, Bryde DJ, Rost M, Joby R. 2020. The Stakeholder Challenge: Dealing with Challenging Situations Involving Stakeholders Planning Production and Control, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bryde DJ, Unterhitzenberger C, Joby R. 2019. Resolving agency issues in client-contractor relationships to deliver project success Production Planning and Control, 30 :1049-1063 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tabassi A, Abdullah A, Bryde DJ. 2018. Conflict management style, team coordination and team performance within multi-cultural temporary project organizations: Evidence from the Malaysian construction industry Project Management Journal, 50 :101-114 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Unterhitzenberger C, Bryde DJ. 2018. Organisational justice, project performance and the mediating effects of key success factors Project Management Journal, 50 :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Unterhitzenberger C, Joby R. 2017. Conditions of Success for Earned Value Analysis in Projects International Journal of Project Management, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Nesensohn C, Bryde DJ, Pasquire C. 2016. A Measurement Model for Lean Construction Maturity Lean Construction Journal, :1-9 Publisher Url Public Url
Holloway J, Bryde DJ, Joby R. 2015. A Practical Guide to Dealing with Difficult Stakeholders Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. 9781409407379 DOI Publisher Url
Bal M, Bryde DJ. 2015. Measuring Performance to Engage the Extended Project Team in Construction Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management, 5 :1-10 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Demir T, Bryde DJ, Fearon DJ, Ochieng EG. 2015. Three dimensional stakeholder analysis - 3dSA: adding the risk dimension for stakeholder analysis International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 1 :15-30 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bryde D, Broquetas M, Volm JM. 2012. The Project Benefits of Building Information Modelling International Journal of Project Management, 31 :971-980 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Schulmeister R. 2012. Applying Lean principles to a building refurbishment project: Experiences of key stakeholders Construction Management and Economics, 30 :777-794 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Volm JM. 2009. Perceptions of owners in German construction projects: Congruence with project risk theory Construction Management and Economics, 27 :1059-1071 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ. 2008. Is construction different? A comparison of perceptions of project management performance and practices by business sector and project type Construction Management and Economics, 26 :315-327 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ. 2008. Perceptions of the impact of project sponsorship practices on project success International Journal of Project Management, 8 :800-809 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Joby R. 2007. Product-based planning: the importance of project and project management deliverables in the management of clinical trials R & D MANAGEMENT, 37 :363-377 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Joby R. 2007. Incentivising project performance in the construction of new facilities: Utilising the earned value-based method Journal of Facilities Management, 5 :143-149 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Joby R. 2007. Outsourcing Clinical Research Projects Inst of Clinical Research 9781905238057
Bryde DJ, Robinson L. 2007. The Relationship between Total Quality Management and the Focus of Project Management Practices The TQM Magazine, 1 :284-301 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Joby R. 2007. Transaction or Collaboration? The Effect of the Contract on Managing Service Providers Clinical Research Focus, 10 :23-28
Bryde DJ, Wright G. 2007. Project Management Priorities and the link with Performance Management Systems Project Management Journal, 4 :5-11
Bryde DJ, Robinson L. 2005. Client versus contractor perspectives on project success criteria International Journal of Project Management, 23 :622-629 DOI
Bryde DJ. 2005. Methods for managing different perspectives of project success BRITISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 16 :119-131 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Browne D. 2004. The influence of a project performance measurement system on the success of a contract for amintaining motorways and trunk roads Project Management Journal, 4 :57-65
Bryde DJ. 2003. Project management concepts, methods and application INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT, 23 :775-793 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bryde DJ. 2003. Modelling Project Management The International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 2 :229-254 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ. 1997. Underpinning modern project management with TQM principles The TQM Magazine, 3 :231-238 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ. 1995. Establishing a project organisation and a project management process for telecommunications project management The International Journal of Project Management, 1 :25-31 DOI Publisher Url
Dowson J, Unterhitzenberger DC, Bryde DJ. Facilitating and improving learning in projects: Evidence from a lean approach International Journal of Project Management, :102559-102559 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Ishaya B, Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Bryde D. 2024. Problematizing socially sustainable global supply chains: Theoretical insights, contextual challenges, and the issue of modern slavery International Studies of Management and Organization, :1-28 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bag S, Rahman MS, Singh A, Bryde D, Graham G. 2024. Leveraging digital technology capability for circular economy innovation in the food products supply chain: a mixed-method study IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, :1-34 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tiwari M, Bryde DJ, Stavropoulou F, Dubey R, Kumari S, Foropon C. 2024. Modelling Supply Chain Visibility, Digital Technologies, Environmental Dynamism and Healthcare Supply Chain Resilience: An Organisation Information Processing Theory Perspective Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 188 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tiwari M, Bryde DJ, Stavropoulou F, Malhotra G. 2024. Understanding the Evolution of Flexible Supply Chain in the Business-to-Business Sector: A Resource-Based Theory Perspective International Studies of Management and Organization, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tabassi AA, Bryde D, Michaelides R, Bamford D, Argyropoulou M. 2024. Leaders, conflict, and team coordination: a relational leadership approach in temporary organisations Production Planning and Control, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dubey R, Bryde DJ, Blome C, Dwivedi Y, Childe SJ, Foropon C. 2024. Alliances and digital transformation are crucial for benefiting from dynamic supply chain capabilities during times of crisis: A multi-method study International Journal of Production Economics, 269 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Jegan Joseph Jerome J, Sonwaney V, Bryde D, Graham G. 2023. Achieving competitive advantage through technology-driven proactive supply chain risk management: an empirical study Annals of Operations Research, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Ishaya B, Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Bryde DJ. 2023. A systematic literature review of modern slavery through benchmarking global supply chain Benchmarking: an international journal, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bryde D, Shahgholian A, Joby R, Taylor S, Singh R. 2023. Impact pathways: managing relational risk in project operations International Journal of Operations and Production Management, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dubey R, Bryde DJ, Dwivedi Y, Graham G, Foropon C, Papadopoulos T. 2023. Dynamic Digital Capabilities and Supply Chain Resilience: The role of Government Effectiveness International Journal of Production Economics, 258 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bag S, Rahman MS, Srivastra G, Chan H-L, Bryde DJ. 2022. The role of big data and predictive analytics in developing a resilient supply chain network in the South African mining industry against extreme weather events International Journal of Production Economics, 251 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hannibal C, Rowan J, Durowoju O, Bryde DJ, Holloway J, Adeyemi O, Shamim S. 2022. Who shares wins? Understanding barriers to information sharing in managing supply chain risk Continuity and Resilience Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bag S, Dhamija P, Bryde DJ, Singh RK. 2021. Effect of Eco-Innovation on Green Supply Chain Management, Circular Economy Capability and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises Journal of Business Research, 141 :60-72 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dubey R, Bryde DJ, Graham G, Foropon C, Kumari S, Gupta O. 2021. The role of Alliance Management, Big Data Analytics and Information Visibility on New-Product Development Capability Annals of Operations Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dubey R, Bryde DJ, Foropon C, Tiwari M, Gunasekaran A. 2021. How frugal innovation shape global sustainable supply chains during the pandemic crisis: Lessons from the COVID-19 Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dubey R, Bryde DJ, Blome C, Roubaud D, Giannakis M. 2021. Facilitating Artificial Intelligence powered Supply Chain Analytics through Alliance Management during the pandemic crises in the B2B context Industrial Marketing Management, 96 :135-146 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dubey R, Bryde DJ, Foropon C, Tiwari M, Dwivedi Y, Schiffling S. 2020. An Investigation of Information Alignment and Collaboration as Complements to Supply Chain Agility in Humanitarian Supply Chains International Journal of Production Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dubey R, Bryde DJ, Foropon C, Graham G, Giannakis M, Mishra DB. 2020. Agility in humanitarian supply chain: an organizational information processing perspective and relational view Annals of Operations Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Unterhitzenberger C, Wilson HK, Bryde DJ, Rost M, Joby R. 2020. The Stakeholder Challenge: Dealing with Challenging Situations Involving Stakeholders Planning Production and Control, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dubey R, Gunasekaran A, Bryde DJ, Dwivedi Y, Papadopoulos T. 2020. Blockchain technology for enhancing swift-trust, collaboration and resilience within a humanitarian supply chain setting International Journal of Production Research, 58 :3381-3398 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mohseni MOHAMMAD, Tabassi AA, Kamal EM, Bryde DJ, Michaelides R. 2019. Complexity Factors In Mega Projects: A Literature Review European Proceedings of Multidisciplinary Sciences, 2 :54-67 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dubey R, Gunasekavan A, Childe S, Roubaud D, Foropon C, Bryde DJ, Giannakis M, Hazen B. 2019. Big data analytics and artificial intelligence pathway to operational performance under the effects of entrepreneurial orientation and environmental dynamism: A study of manufacturing organisations International Journal of Production Economics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bryde DJ, Unterhitzenberger C, Joby R. 2019. Resolving agency issues in client-contractor relationships to deliver project success Production Planning and Control, 30 :1049-1063 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tabassi A, Abdullah A, Bryde DJ. 2018. Conflict management style, team coordination and team performance within multi-cultural temporary project organizations: Evidence from the Malaysian construction industry Project Management Journal, 50 :101-114 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Unterhitzenberger C, Bryde DJ. 2018. Organisational justice, project performance and the mediating effects of key success factors Project Management Journal, 50 :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Unterhitzenberger C, Joby R. 2017. Conditions of Success for Earned Value Analysis in Projects International Journal of Project Management, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Nesensohn C, Bryde DJ, Pasquire C. 2016. A Measurement Model for Lean Construction Maturity Lean Construction Journal, :1-9 Publisher Url Public Url
Meehan J, Bryde DJ. 2015. A field-level examination of the adoption of sustainable procurement in the social housing sector International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 35 :982-1004 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zhang L, Zhang J, Duan Z-Y, Bryde DJ. 2015. Sustainable bike-sharing systems: characteristics and commonalities across cases in urban China JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 97 :124-133 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bal M, Bryde DJ. 2015. Measuring Performance to Engage the Extended Project Team in Construction Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management, 5 :1-10 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Demir T, Bryde DJ, Fearon DJ, Ochieng EG. 2015. Three dimensional stakeholder analysis - 3dSA: adding the risk dimension for stakeholder analysis International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 1 :15-30 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bryde DJ, Demir S, Fearon DJ, Ochieng EG. 2014. A tool for integrating time, cost and quality perspectives in Probabiliby Impact (P-I) Tables International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 6 :303-318 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Meehan J, Bryde DJ. 2014. Procuring sustainably in social housing: The role of social capital Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 20 :74-81 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mouzughi Y, Bryde DJ, Al-Shaer M. 2014. The Role of Real Estate in Sustainable Development in Developing Countries: The Case of the Kingdom of Bahrain SUSTAINABILITY, 6 :1709-1728 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Nesensohn C, Bryde DJ, Fearon DJ, Ochieng EG. 2014. Maturity and maturity models in lean construction Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 1 :45-59 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Nesensohn C, Bryde DJ, Fearon DJ, Ochieng EG. 2014. Combining lean construction with maturity models Proceedings 29th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, ARCOM 2013, :893-902
Nesensohn C, Bryde D, Ochieng E, Fearon D. 2014. Maturity and maturity models in lean construction Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 14 :45-59 DOI
Demir SD, Bryde DJ, Sertyesilisik B. 2013. Introducing AgiLean to Construction Project Management Journal of Modern Project Management, 1 Publisher Url Public Url
Bryde DJ, Schulmeister R. 2013. Erratum to Applying Lean principles to a building refurbishment project: experiences of key stakeholders (Construction Management and Economics, (2012), 30, 9 (777-794)) Construction Management and Economics, 31 :397 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Schulmeister R. 2013. Erratum to Applying Lean principles to a building refurbishment project: experiences of key stakeholders (Construction Management and Economics, (2012), 30, 9, (777-794), 10.1080/01446193.2012.700405) Construction Management and Economics,
Nesensohn C, Bryde DJ, Demir SD. 2013. Developing the True North route map as a navigational compass in a construction project management organisation. Lean Construction Journal, :1-18
Bryde D, Broquetas M, Volm JM. 2012. The Project Benefits of Building Information Modelling International Journal of Project Management, 31 :971-980 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Nesensohn C, Demir ST, Bryde DJ. 2012. Developing a 'True north' best practice lean company with navigational compass IGLC 2012 - 20th Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction,
Bryde DJ, Schulmeister R. 2012. Applying Lean principles to a building refurbishment project: Experiences of key stakeholders Construction Management and Economics, 30 :777-794 DOI Publisher Url
Demir ST, Bryde DJ, Fearon DJ, Ochieng EG. 2012. Re-Conceptualising Agile for lean construction: The case for "Agilean" project management Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2012 - Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference, 2 :1013-1023
Din S, Abd-Hamid Z, Bryde DJ. 2011. ISO 9000 certification and construction project performance: The Malaysian experience INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT, 29 :1044-1056 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zhang L, Bryde DJ, Meehan J. 2011. "Make-to-concept": A "solution-based" approach to complex new product development. International Journal of Innovation Management, 15 :279-301 DOI Publisher Url
Kok S, Douglas A, McClelland R, Bryde DJ. 2010. The Move Towards Managerialism: Perceptions of staff in "traditional" and "new" UK universities Tertiary Education and Management, 2 :99-113 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Volm JM. 2009. Perceptions of owners in German construction projects: Congruence with project risk theory Construction Management and Economics, 27 :1059-1071 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Leighton DJ. 2009. Improving HEI productivity and performance through project management: implications from a benchmarking case study. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 37 :705-721 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bryde DJ. 2008. Is construction different? A comparison of perceptions of project management performance and practices by business sector and project type Construction Management and Economics, 26 :315-327 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ. 2008. Perceptions of the impact of project sponsorship practices on project success International Journal of Project Management, 8 :800-809 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Wright GH. 2007. Project Management Priorities and the Link with Performance Management Systems Project Management Journal, 38 :5-11 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Joby R. 2007. Product-based planning: the importance of project and project management deliverables in the management of clinical trials R & D MANAGEMENT, 37 :363-377 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Joby R. 2007. Incentivising project performance in the construction of new facilities: Utilising the earned value-based method Journal of Facilities Management, 5 :143-149 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Joby R. 2007. Incentivising Project Performance in the Construction of New Facilities: Utlising the Earned Value Method Journal of Facilities Management, 2 :143-149
Mason C, Kirkbride J, Bryde D. 2007. From stakeholders to institutions: the changing face of social enterprise governance theory MANAGEMENT DECISION, 45 :284-301 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Robinson L. 2007. The Relationship between Total Quality Management and the Focus of Project Management Practices The TQM Magazine, 1 :284-301 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Joby R. 2007. Transaction or Collaboration? The Effect of the Contract on Managing Service Providers Clinical Research Focus, 10 :23-28
Bryde DJ, Wright G. 2007. Project Management Priorities and the link with Performance Management Systems Project Management Journal, 4 :5-11
Mouzughi Y, Wright GH, Bryde DJ, Thorne AE. 2006. Reaping the Fruits of Knowledge Management: Can They Be Tasted International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change, 5 :125-132 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Robinson L. 2005. Client versus contractor perspectives on project success criteria International Journal of Project Management, 23 :622-629 DOI
Bryde DJ. 2005. Methods for managing different perspectives of project success BRITISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 16 :119-131 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Brown D. 2004. The Influence of a Project Performance Measurement System on the Success of a Contract for Maintaining Motorways and Trunk Roads Project Management Journal, 35 :57-65 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Browne D. 2004. The influence of a project performance measurement system on the success of a contract for amintaining motorways and trunk roads Project Management Journal, 4 :57-65
Bryde DJ. 2003. Project management concepts, methods and application INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT, 23 :775-793 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bryde DJ. 2003. Modelling Project Management The International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 2 :229-254 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Slocock B. 1998. Quality management systems certification: a survey The International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 5 :467-480
Bryde DJ. 1997. Underpinning modern project management with TQM principles The TQM Magazine, 3 :231-238 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ. 1995. Establishing a project organisation and a project management process for telecommunications project management The International Journal of Project Management, 1 :25-31 DOI Publisher Url
Meehan J, Bryde DJ. Sustainable Procurement Practice Business Strategy and the Environment, 20 :94-106 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bal M, Bryde D, Fearon D, Ochieng E. Stakeholder Engagement: Achieving Sustainability in the Construction Sector Sustainability 5 :695-710 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bryde D, Dubey R, Dwivedi Y, Graham G, Foropon C. Impact of Artificial Intelligence-Driven Big Data Analytics Culture on Agility and Resilience in Humanitarian Supply Chain: A Practice-Based View International Journal of Production Economics, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dowson J, Unterhitzenberger DC, Bryde DJ. Facilitating and improving learning in projects: Evidence from a lean approach International Journal of Project Management, :102559-102559 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Dubey R, Bryde DJ, Foropon C. 2024. Design and management of humanitarian supply chains for pandemics: lessons from COVID-19 Annals of Operations Research, 335 :885-898 DOI Publisher Url
Fosso Wamba S, Dubey R, Bryde DJ, Foropon C, Gupta M. 2022. Guest editorial: Bridging the research-practice gaps in supply chain management: lessons from COVID-19 International Journal of Logistics Management, 33 :1149-1156 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde D, Wilson HK, Joby R, Taylor S, Singh R, Foulger J, Aitchinson R. 2024. Research report: Playing NODEL - PCMG Annual Conference 2023 Research report: Playing NODEL - PCMG Annual Conference 2023 Public Url
Bryde D, Joby R. 2023. The CURED framework: an incremental innovation for managing relational risk in clinical research Clinical and Contract Research Association Directory and Industry Yearbook 2023 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shahgholian A, Bryde D. 2022. The Relationship Between The Board of Directors’ Social Capital and Construction Firms’ Environmental Profiles The Relationship Between The Board of Directors’ Social Capital and Construction Firms’ Environmental Profiles Publisher Url
Unterhitzenberger C, Bryde D, Wilson H, Joby R, Holloway J. 2018. Stakeholder Challenge: Dealing with Difficult Stakeholders Stakeholder challenge: Dealing with difficult stakeholders Publisher Url
Bryde DJ. 2012. How can social housing providers lead the way on sustainable procurement? Publisher Url
Bryde DJ. 2007. Shifting financial risk to the CRO with fixed price contracts may not help performance” CCRA Membership Directory and Industry Yearbook 2007/8 CCRA Membership Directory and Industry Yearbook 2007/8
Conference publication
Dowson J, Perez Ezcurdia A, Al-Hilou M, Bryde DJ, Nesensohn C, Hannibal C, Schiffling S. 2022. An exploration of the barriers, benefits and enablers for the effective implementation of lean project management BAM Conference Proceedings, British Academy of Management Publisher Url Public Url
Akhavan Tabassi A, Bryde DJ, Mustafa Kamal E, Dowson J, Michaelides R. 2019. CHALLENGES FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURY The European Proceedings of Multidisciplinary Sciences, 4th International Conference on Rebuilding Place Publisher Url Public Url
Dowson J, Bryde DJ, Marcano A, Al-Hilou M, Douglas JA. 2019. Lean Project Management as a facilitator of Organisational Learning BAM2019 Conference Proceedings, BAM Conference Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson H, Bryde D, Dowson J, Unterhitzenberger C, Perez Ezcurdia A, Schelkle H-P. 2019. Trends and challenges in project management: A unifying and holistic framework EURAM
Tabassi AA, Bryde DJ, Kamal EM, Dowson J. 2018. Challenges for project management in the 21st century 7th International Conference on Built Environment in Developing Countries DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Unterhitzenberger C, Bryde DJ, Wilson H, Rost M, Joby R. 2018. Strategies for dealing with difficult situations involving stakeholders in projects. EURAM18
Unterhitzenberger C, Bryde DJ. 2018. Why do we need to talk about fairness in projects: the impact of justice perceptions on project performance EURAM18
Tabassi A, Bryde D, Abdullah A, Argyropoulou M. 2017. Conflict Management Style of Team Leaders in Multi-Cultural Work Environment in the Construction Industry Procedia Computer Science, ProjMan 121 :41-46 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Unterhitzenberger C, Joby R. 2017. Effective relationship management to outsourced projects EURAM 2017 Annual Conference, EURAM 2017 Annual Conference Publisher Url Public Url
Bal M, Bryde DJ. 2016. Does Sustainability fit into the Supply Chain? Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management
Michaelides R, Bryde D, Simango J, Unterhitzenberger C, Argyropoulou M. 2016. A Systematic Meta-analysis on Managing Innovation Projects in Uncertain and Complex Environments 2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY (ICMIT), IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT) :286-291 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Nesensohn C, Bryde D, Pasquire C. 2015. A measurement model for lean construction maturity Proceedings of IGLC 23 - 23rd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction: Global Knowledge - Global Solutions, :652-660
Michealides R, Bryde DJ, Ohaeri U. 2014. Sustainability from a project management perspective: Are Oil & Gas Supply Chains ready to embed sustainability in their projects? PMI Research & Education Conference
Nesensohn C, Bryde D, Ochieng E, Fearon D, Hackett V. 2014. Assessing lean construction maturity 22nd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction: Understanding and Improving Project Based Production, IGLC 2014, :1157-1168
Fearon DJ, Bryde D, Cotgrave AJ. 2013. Performance and Effectiveness in Higher Education Institutes: An Action Research Inquiry British Academy of Management (BAM2013)
Nesensohn C, Bryde DJ, Fearon DJ, Ochieng EG. 2013. Combining lean construction with maturity models Proceedings 29th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, ARCOM 2013, :893-902
Demir T, Bryde DJ, Fearon D, Ochieng EG. 2011. COMP(TQC) - A new way for integrating time, quality and cost perspectives when doing qualitative risk analysis Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2011 - Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference, 2 :1013-1022
Bal M, Bryde D, Fearon D. 2011. A model of stakeholder management strategies for sustainable construction Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2011 - Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference, 2 :1165-1174
Bryde DJ. 2000. Developments in Project Management: Structures, Systems and Influences Project Management Research at the Turn of the Millennium, Proceedings of PMI Research Conference 2000
Bryde DJ. 1998. Gaining Potential from Project Management: A Research Study 14th World Congress on Project Management
Bryde DJ. 1994. Providing Engineering Training and Consultancy Services: a project approach to work 12th INTERNET World Congress on Project Management
Unterhitzenberger C, Bryde DJ, Fearon DJ. Organisational Justice and Construction Project Performance Annual Conference of the European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Public Url
Shahgholian A, Bryde DJ. The project-focused firm’s knowledge network and Environmental Governance: A case of the Construction sector European Academy of Management, European Academy of Management Public Url
Durowoju O, Hannibal C, Bryde D, Holloway J, Adeyemi O, Rowan J, Broniowski J. Developing data sharing methodologies to manage supply chain risk EurOMA Conference 2021
Belal HM, Muhammad N, Bryde D. Exploring Servitization Management in SMEs: A Study in Developing Economy 25th symposium joint BAM and AM SIG Conference Author Url
Bryde D, Taylor S, Joby R. 2020. Managing Relationship Risks on Major Infrastructure Projects Routledge Handbook of Planning and Management of Global Strategic Infrastructure Projects :321-341 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Bryde D, Taylor S, Joby R. 2020. Managing Relationship Risks on Major Infrastructure Projects Routledge Handbook of Planning and Management of Global Strategic Infrastructure Projects :321-341 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Unterhitzenberger C, Renzl B, Rost M. 2018. KM and Project Management Syed J, Murray P, Hislop D, Mouzughi Y. The Palgrave Handbook of Knowledge Management :539-561 Springer 9783319714349 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ. 2012. Sustainable Project Management Cotgrave A, Riley M. Total Sustainability in the Built Environment :225-237 Palgrave Macmillan 9781137143235 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Maravelea F. 2011. Sustainable Management Assessment in building and infrastructure projects Project Management Nova Science Pub Incorporated 9781617614606
Bryde D, Petie D. 2009. Sponsorship in IT Project Management Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition :3559-3563 IGI Global DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Lettice F, Wickes M. 2008. Managing and Measuring Project Performance Thorpe R, Holloway J. Performance management :107-199 Palgrave MacMillan 9781403947611
Bryde DJ, Meehan J. 2007. Case - Service Quality in health care supply chains Saunders M, Lewis P, Thornhill A. Research methods for business students :400-402 Financial Times/Prentice Hall 9780273701484
Bryde DJ, Petie D. 2005. The Role of Sponsorship in IT Project Management Khosrowpour M. Encyclopedia of information science and technology :2597-2601 Information Science Reference
Bryde D, Petie D. 2005. Sponsorship in IT Project Management Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, First Edition :2597-2601 IGI Global DOI Publisher Url
Internet publication
Unterhitzenberger , Bryde DJ. 2016. Psycho-Social Relationships in Projects: An Alternative Approach to Performance Improvement
Bryde DJ. 2016. Managing the Project Client/Contractor Relationship: addressing the agency problem through the contract
Bryde DJ. 2010. Thought Leaders: Sustainability Publisher Url
Books (authored)
Bryde DJ, Mouzughi Y, Rasheed TA. 2015. Sustainable Development Challenges in the Arab States of the Gulf 9783940924629
Holloway J, Bryde DJ, Joby R. 2015. A Practical Guide to Dealing with Difficult Stakeholders Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. 9781409407379 DOI Publisher Url
Bryde DJ, Joby R. 2007. Outsourcing Clinical Research Projects Inst of Clinical Research 9781905238057
Bryde DJ. Project management : uses, structures, systems and influences Public Url
Bal M, Ochieng DEG, Bryde D, Fearon D. Stakeholder Engagement: Achieving Sustainability in the Construction Sector DOI Publisher Url
Demir ST, Bryde D, Fearon D, Ochieng DEG. A Tool for Integrating Time, Cost and Quality Perspectives in Probability Impact (P-I) Tables DOI Publisher Url
Nesensohn C, Bryde D, Ochieng DEG, Fearon D. Maturity and Maturity Models in Lean Construction DOI Publisher Url
Demir ST, Bryde D, Fearon D, Ochieng DEG. Three Dimensional Stakeholder Analysis 3dSA: Adding the Risk Dimension for Stakeholder Analysis DOI Publisher Url
Akhavan Tabassi A, Bryde DJ, Michaelides R, Bamford D. Leaders, Conflict, and Team Coordination: A Relational Leadership Approach in Temporary Organizations DOI Publisher Url
Mason C, Kirkbride J, Bryde DJ. From Stakeholders to Institutions: The Changing Face of Social Enterprise Governance Theory DOI Publisher Url
Highlighted activities
Research Grants Awarded:
European Union Marie Sklodowska-Curie Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE), Being Lean and Seen - Meeting the Challenges of Delivering Projects Successfully in the 21st Century https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/microsites/being-lean-and-seen, Grant value (£): 290,000, Duration of research project: 4 years. 2016
Emerald Citations of Excellence for 2016 for the journal paper "The project benefits of building information modelling (BIM)”, International Journal of Project Management, 2013, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/authors/literati/citations/awards.htm. 2016
Professional activities
External PGR examinations performed:
IMM Jammu, PhD, Assessing the role of high performance work system: a study of the Indian banking sector. 2024
Robert Gordon University, PhD, Project Practitioners in Practice: An investigation of project management competency in the oil and gas sector. 2024
University of Manchester, PhD, Collaboration for Complex Products and Systems Innovation: The Case of Aerospace Industry Turkey. 2024
TU Dublin, PhD, The role and contribution of Disciplined Innovation Process Support (DIPS) in the survival, growth and development of innovation driven entreprenurial ventures.. 2024
Tu Dublin, PhD, The Role and Contribution of HCP in Enhancing Organisations Effectiveness: A Multinational Exploratory Study. 2021
University of Malaya, PhD, A model for the relationship between weather factors and labour productivity in construction industry. 2021
University of Liverpool, PhD, Exploring the environmental sustainability tensions in leagile manufacturing within the furniture industry.. 2021
Strathmore Business School, PhD, An Assessment Tool For ICT Stakeholder Integration and Infrastructure Performance Improvement: Case Kenya. 2021
RMIT, PhD, The Nature and Determinants of Sustainable Procurement in Ghanaian Organisations. 2020
Abu Dhabi University, PhD, The Impact of Lean, Green and Knowledge Sharing on Organization Sustainability in Healthcare in UAE: The Mediating Role of Organization Innovation. 2020
British University in Dubai, PhD, The influence of knowledge management process on Continuous Improvement. 2019
University of Salford, PhD, Educational & Skills mismatch of university graduates with labour market requirements in construction sector in Libya. 2019
University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, Complex Action Methodology for Enterprise Systems (CAMES): An experimental action research inquiry into communicative action and quantum mechanics for action research field studies in organisational context. 2019
University of Bradford, PhD, Sustainability in supply chain management practices in least developed countries: a case of SMEs in Zambian mining sector. 2018
University of Malaya, PhD, Developing an asset replacement cost decision making model (ARCDM) for government buildings. 2018
University of Birmingham, PhD, A study on analysing mega-project failures in Saudi Arabia by using agency theory. 2018
University of Salford, PhD, Development of a collaborative innovation management framework to assist in the utilisation of agricultural wastes as building construction materials in Nigeria. 2018
Manchester Metropolitan University, PhD, Fast Fashion: Supply-Chain Management as the Basis for Disruptive Business Model Innovation. 2017
British University of Dubai, PhD, Developing a Model for Assessing the Fragility and Resilience of Enterprises. 2017
University of Salford, PhD, Urban Planning, Neighbourhoods and Social Cohesiveness: A Socio-cultural study of Expatriate Residents in Duba. 2017
University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, A conceptual framework for international defence industrial collaboration: advantages, motivations and business entry mode preferences. 2017
University of Austin in Texas, PhD, Accomplishing Organizational Change: Project Management Process Maturity at U.S. Community Colleges. 2017
British University in Dubai, PhD, Determinants of Employee Resistance to Change for Optimised Organisational Performance in the UAE. 2017
Salford University, PhD, The Motivational Factors for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Tourism in Libya. 2017
University of Liverpool, PhD, Value Creation and Risk Assessment for Green Building Design in Saudi Arabia.. 2015
University of Liverpool, PhD, Lowering CO2 Emissions: A Framework for overcoming institutional pressures and diffusing low carbon strategy throughout the construction supply chain. 2015
Loughborough University, PhD, Applying Lean Principles to Transform Conventional Oil & gas Production Operations in a Gulf State into Cleaner Energy. 2015
University of Liverpool, Professional Doctorate, A New Model for Strategic IT-Enabling Change. 2015
University of Liverpool, PhD, Integrating housing into the whole system of care for older people. 2015
University of Liverpool, PhD, Innovation in Social Care Markets with Reference to the UK and China. 2014
University of Malaya, PhD, Sustainability Integration Through Project Planning Process. 2014
Loughborough University, PhD, Architectural Management: A Strategic Framework to Achieve Competitiveness. 2013
Bradford University, Professional Doctorate, Project management. 2008
Visiting Professor/Scientist at the Department of Economic and Business Sciences, University of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna. 2024
Emerald Citations of Excellence for 2016 for the journal paper "The project benefits of building information modelling (BIM)”, International Journal of Project Management, 2013, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/authors/literati/citations/awards.htm. 2016
Other Professional Activity:
Visiting Professor, University of Cagliari, Sardinia. 2024
Judge for the Association of Project Management's Festival of Education and Research Awards 2021. 2021
External advisor for MSc Project Management (Distance Learning) – University of Liverpool (2013).
External advisor for new MSc Project Management and for gaining APM accreditation of programme – Arden University (2015-2016).
External assessor for BSc Project and Programme Management, University of Central Lancashire (2015).
External assessor for MSc Project Management - Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (2015).
External assessor for new MSc in Operations Management, University of Central Lancashire (2006).
External assessor for new MSc Project Management, Salford University (2007).
External assessor for new MSc Project Management, University of the West of Scotland (2009).
External assessor for new MSc Strategic Project Management (Distance Learning) – RDI/Anglia Ruskin University (2015).
Subject Matter Expert for MBA/MSc Programmes, University of Liverpool/Laureate Online (2013-2014).
Research Grants Awarded:
LJMU QR Policy Support Fund, The value of mega-cultural events – evidence-based policymaking, David Bryde; Abi O'Connor, Grant value (£): 9,773.69, Duration of research project: 7 months. 2022
Innovate UK, Management knowledge transfer partnership (mktp) between Liverpool John Moores University and Anwyl Construction Company Limited, David Bryde, Grant value (£): 171,346, Duration of research project: 24 months. 2021
Innovate UK, Management knowledge transfer partnership (mktp) between Liverpool John Moores University and FCE Projects Ltd, Natalie Marguet, Grant value (£): £179,000, Duration of research project: 24 months. 2021
Innovate UK, Developing innovative digital technology for UK manufacturing supply chains, Grant value (£): 213097, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2021
Association of Project Management (APM), The project-focused firm’s knowledge network and sustainability, Professor David Bryde, Grant value (£): 5000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2019
European Union Marie Sklodowska-Curie Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE), Being Lean and Seen - Meeting the Challenges of Delivering Projects Successfully in the 21st Century https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/microsites/being-lean-and-seen, Grant value (£): 290,000, Duration of research project: 4 years. 2016
Association for Project Management (APM), Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Stakeholders, Grant value (£): 5,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2016
Association of Project Management, Project EVE - relationship management and use of Earned Value Analysis in outsourced project environments, Grant value (£): £3,780, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2014
Plumb Consultancy, The link between sponsorship and project success, Grant value (£): 3,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2004
Carlisle and Eden Local Strategic Partnership, Implementing a project performance measurement system, Grant value (£): 15,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2003
DTI, UK, Developing a project performance system for social housing (KTP), Grant value (£): 85,000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2002
ICI PLC, UK, Modelling project management practices, Grant value (£): 17,000, Duration of research project: 4 years. 1994
External committees:
Research Advisory Group, Association of Project Management, Committee Member. 2022
Academic Research Review Group, Association of Project Management, Member. 2020
Future Leaders Fellowships (FLF) Peer Review College (PRC)., UKRI, Member. 2020
Conference presentation:
World Café Series on Supervision: Supervision of executive doctoral candidates, EFMD Doctoral Programmes Conference, Lancaster, Oral presentation. 2019
Conflict Management Style Of Team Leaders In Multi-Cultural Work Environment In The Construction Industry, ProjMAN 2017, Barcelona, Spain, Oral presentation. 2017
Relationships between TQM practices and performance in upstream operational activities in oil and gas companies, POMS 2017 28th Annual Conference, Seattle, US, Oral presentation. 2017
A Systematic Meta-analysis on Managing Innovation Projects in Uncertain and Complex Environments, 8th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, Oral presentation. 2016
Organisational Justice and Construction Project Performance, 23rd Annual Conference of European Operations Management Association (EurOMA), Trondheim, Norway, Oral presentation. 2016
Does Sustainability fit into the Supply Chain?, 29th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management,, Portsmouth, UK, Oral presentation. 2015
A Measurement Model of Lean Construction Maturity, 23rd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC), Perth, Australia, Oral presentation. 2015
The Value of Implementing Lean Construction Methods with BIM, 30th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, Portsmouth, UK, Oral presentation. 2014
Sustainability from a project management perspective: Are Oil & Gas Supply Chains ready to embed sustainability in their projects?, PMI Research & Education Conference, Portland, US, Oral presentation. 2014
Assessing Lean Construction Maturity, 22nd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC), Oslo, Norway, Oral presentation. 2014
An evaluation of BIM on the role of the quantity surveyor in the field of cost management, 3rd World Construction Symposium, Columbo, Sri Lanka, Oral presentation. 2014
Teaching with an innovative hands-on simulation in the built environment, HEA STEM Annual Conference: Enhancing the STEM Student Journey, Edinburgh, UK, Oral presentation. 2014
Impact of Organizational Role on Attitudes towards Knowledge Sharing, British Academy of Management, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2013
Performance and Effectiveness in higher Education Institutes: An Action Research Enquiry, British Academy of Management, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2013
Combining lean construction with maturity models, ARCOM, Reading, UK, Oral presentation. 2013
Teaching Lean and Last Planner ® by using the hands-on simulation Villego ®, iBEE/COBE Innovation in Built Environment Education, University of Westminster, London, Poster presentation. 2013
The impact and role of real estate developments in the Kingdom of Bahrain, 20th International Business Research Conference, Dubai, UAE, Oral presentation. 2013
Procuring sustainably in social housing: The role of social capital, 20th ipsera conference, Nantes, France, Oral presentation. 2013
Stakeholder Engagement: An Approach to Achieve Sustainability in the Urban Construction Sector, 1st International Conference on Urban Sustainability and Resilience, UCL, London, Oral presentation. 2012
Total Quality Management (TQM) practices and project management performance in the Libyan Oil and Gas Industry, First General Conference for Oil & Gas Sector, Benghazi, Libya, Oral presentation. 2012
AgiLean PM – A new management methodology for construction project management, 29th International forum of the German Project Management Association, Nuremberg, Germany, Oral presentation. 2012
Achieving sustainability in construction: an integrative project management approach, British Academy of Management, Cardiff, UK, Oral presentation. 2012
Attitudes towards sustainability in a developing country: the case of Saudi Arabia, British Academy of Management, Cardiff, UK, Other. 2012
Re-conceptualising Agile for lean construction: The case for “Agilean” project management, ARCOM, Edinburgh, UK, Oral presentation. 2012
The Limits and Challenges of Lean Construction, 2nd Project Design and Execution Conference, Izmir, Turkey, Oral presentation. 2012
Developing a “True North” Best Practice Lean Company with Navigational Compass, International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC-20), San Diego, US, Oral presentation. 2012
“”AgiLean Project Management (PM)” – Time for a change in construction projects, cc2012 Creative Construction Conference – European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP), Budapest, Hungary, Oral presentation. 2012
A review of the evolution of Lean construction, cc2012 Creative Construction Conference – European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP), Budapest, Hungry, Oral presentation. 2012
The influence of stakeholder engagement on construction sustainability, cc2012 Creative Construction Conference – European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP), Budapest, Hungary, Oral presentation. 2012
Reconceptualising Lean in Construction Environments – ‘the case for “AgiLean” Project Management, Associated Schools of Construction (US), Birmingham, UK, Oral presentation. 2012
A Model of Stakeholder Management Strategies for Sustainable Construction, ARCOM, Bristol, UK, Oral presentation. 2011
Comp (TQC): A new way for integrating time, quality and cost perspectives when doing qualitative risk analysis, ARCOM, Bristol, UK, Oral presentation. 2011
3dSA: A tool for integrating stakeholder analysis and risk management, Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference, University of Salford, UK, Oral presentation. 2011
Resource Advantage Theory and Fairtrade Social Enterprises”, International Social Innovation Research Conference, Said Business School, University of Oxford, UK, Oral presentation. 2009
Buyer/Seller Perceptions of Innovation Enablers, Logistics Research Network Annual Conference,, University of Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2008
The Changing Orientation of Higher Education, Conference on Teaching in Public: The Future of Higher Education, Cardiff, UK, Oral presentation. 2007
Project Management Maturity in a HEI, QMOD, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2006
The Impact of Project Management Practices and Project Sponsorship on Project Performance, Information Resources Management Association Annual Conference, Washington DC, US, Oral presentation. 2006
Performance and Quality through knowledge sharing in UK Healthcare, 10th International Research Symposium on Public Management, Glasgow, UK, Oral presentation. 2006
Performance Measurement of Clinical Study Projects using Earned Value Methodology, BAM, Oxford, UK, Oral presentation. 2005
Project Management Practices, Project Performance and Organizational Success, EUROMA, Budapest, Hungary, Oral presentation. 2005
Reaping the Fruits of Knowledge Management: Can They Be Tasted?, The Fifth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations,, Rhodes, Greece, Oral presentation. 2005
Quality, Markets and Customers in Public Services, International Research Symposium on Public Management, Milan, Italy, Oral presentation. 2005
Performance Measurement and Management in Project Environments, 4th International Conference on Theory and Practice in Performance Measurement and Management, Edinburgh, UK, Oral presentation. 2004
Surveying Project Success Criteria: what gets measured gets managed, PMI Research Conference, London, UK, Oral presentation. 2004
The Influence of a Project Performance Measurement System on the Success of a Highway Agency Contract for Maintaining Motorways and Trunk Roads, 17th World Congress on Project Management, Moscow, Russia, Oral presentation. 2003
Aligning Project Management Key Performance Indicators of Internal Stakeholders with Definitions of Project Management Success, BAM, London, UK, Oral presentation. 2002
Other invited event:
How transferable is project management?, London, Gave an invited talk "How transferable is PM: trends and challenges in PM and dealing with relational risk" to an event jointly organised by the Association of Project Management (APM) and the Pharmaceutical Industry Project Management Group (PIPMG). 2019
Partnerships in Clinical Trials Europe - Early Clinical Development, Amsterdam, Holland, An invited talk on Agency problems and their impact on outsourced projects in a conference workshop titled "Project Management in Clinical Trials and Conflict and Communication".. 2017
Institute of Clinical Research Leadership Forum, High Wycombe, Guest speaker on topic - "Leadership challenges in outsourced projects”.. 2016
Project Challenge 2016, National Conference Centre, Birmingham,UK, Masterclass on "Effective Relationship Management in Outsourced Projects”.. 2016
SE16 Sustainability, Dubai, UAE, Keynote speech - "Delivering Sustainability in the Gulf Region: a meta-analysis of the drivers of change”.. 2016
Bio2Business Annual Conference, Munich, Germany, Guest lecture - "Agency Theory and Outsourced Projects.”. 2015
Kuwait Vision - Sustainability theme (with Oliver Wyman Consultants, Kuwait City, Kuwait, Presentation - "Sustainability issues in the Gulf.” to Kuwaiti Government Officials and the Office of the Crown Prince Sheikh Nasser. ,. 2015
MSc Project Management, Uinversity of Liverpool Management School, UK, Guest lecture - "Project Performance Measurement and Management”,. 2015
BSc Business Studies, University of Coventry, Guest lecture - "PRINCE2® - Project Management Methods”. ,. 2015
Association of Project Management Planning, Monitoring & Control Special Interest Group, London, UK, Presenting Project EVE.” Association of Project Management Planning, Monitoring & Control Special Interest Group, London, 13th February, 2015.. 2015
PfH Live, Procurement for Housing/Chartered Institute of Housing, Manchester, UK, Invited presentation - "Sustainable Procurement: the role of consortia and social capital”.. 2012
Partnerships in Clinical Trials (PCT) Congress and Exhibition, Informa, Lyon, France, Guest lecture - "Academic Out of Industry look at Risk Sharing in the Construction Industry “.. 2011
EVA16, London, UK, Guest presentation - "Lessons Learned from using EVA on a Clinical Research Project”.. 2011
Meeting the Challenge for Higher Level Skills, North West Universities Association, Manchester, UK, Guest presentation - "Distance Learning: making it work for all”.. 2011
Budgeting, Forecasting and Cost Management, informa life sciences, London, UK, Guest presentation - "Earned Value Analysis (EVA): A case study”. 2010
EVA15, London, UK, Guest presentation - "The role of project information in effective decision making: Is Earned Value reporting better?”. 2010
International Project Management Network Group, Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences (Host: Dress & Sommer), Stuttgart, Germany, Guest presentation - "Sustainability in Projects: An Academic Perspective”. 2008
Association of Project Management Earned Value Special Interest Group, London, UK, Guest presentation - "Earned Value Analysis in Clinical Research”. 2008
British Academy of Management Performance Measurement Special Interest Group, Warwick University, UK, Guest presentation - "Translation of sustainable development principles into practice: the case in social housing provision”. 2008
Centre for Research in the Management of Projects (CRMP) Seminar Series, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK, Guest presentation - "Project Sponsorship and Project Management Performance.”. 2006
3rd Annual Conference – Cost and Contract Management for Clinical Trials, London, UK, Guest presentation - "Effective Management of Earned Value Analysis, Contract Selection and Risk Management.”. 2006
IT Rollout Seminar, afiniti, London, UK, Guest presentation - "IT Rollout – A Project Management Perspective.”. 2005
Pharmaceutical Contract Management Group (PCMG), London, UK, Guest presentation - "Project Critical Success Factors.”. 2005
British Academy of Management Performance Measurement Special Interest Group, Cranfield University, UK, Guest presentation - "An example of Mode II Research: Performance Measurement within a Project Management Environment”.. 2003
Hesperion AG Pharmaceutical, Basel, Switzerland, Guest presentation - "Applying Project Management Principles to Clinical Trials”.. 2002
Industrial connections:
Quanticate Ltd, Project Management Consultancy. 2015
Horizon Consortium, Sustainability Adviser for consortium's PFI bid for construction of new Royal Liverpool Hospital. 2010
Teaching qualification:
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 2014
Conference organisation:
Gulf Research Meeting, University of Cambridge, UK, Workshop Director for Doctoral Symposium: Addressing the Sustainability Agenda in the Gulf Region, http://www.gulfresearchmeeting.net/index.php?pgid=Mg==. 2014
Gulf Research Meeting, University of Cambridge, Workshop Director for Sustainability Challenges in the GCC [Sponsored by Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS)], http://www.gulfresearchmeeting.net/index.php?pgid=Mg==. 2013
Membership of professional bodies:
Chartered Information Systems Practitioner, British Computer Society. 1991
Member, Association of Project Management. 1989