Dr Hannah Wilson
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: H.K.Wilson@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 8130
Hannah is DBA Programme Manager and Senior Lecturer in Research Methods in Business in the School of Doctoral Management Studies. Hannah's research is primarily orientated within the field of work psychology but taking a multi-disciplinary approach to her research combining concepts from organisational psychology, environmental psychology, workplace and the built environment.
There are three strands to her expertise work psychology, workplace strategy and pedagogy, which are fundamentally related to adaptations that can be made to improve individuals experiences and health within the work environment. Some of her current projects are; examining productive workplaces; workplace communities and wellbeing; and reflective practice and action learning on DBA programmes.
She also has an expertise in research methods teaching, specifically mixed methods and innovative methods, with experience in conducting research utilising both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Hannah would welcome connections with those with overlapping interests, from both academia or industry.
Journal article
Pedler M, Baxter H, Edmonstone J, Wilson H. 2025. The Swedes have a word for it Action Learning: Research and Practice, DOI Publisher Url
Dale G, Wilson HK, Tucker M. 2024. What is healthy hybrid work? Exploring employee perceptions on wellbeing and hybrid work arrangements International Journal of Workplace Health Management, :1753-8351 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson HK, Tucker MP, Dale G. 2024. Learning from the working from home experiment during COVID-19: Employees motivation to continue working from home Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Potts J, Stevens M, Cronshaw S, Wilson H, Van Hout M. 2023. Highflyers navigating potential turbulence ahead: a phenomenological study about airline pilot experiences of the menopause Maturitas, 173 :119-120 DOI Publisher Url
Oesland N, Tucker MP, Wilson HK. 2022. Developing the return on workplace investment (ROWI) tool Corporate Real Estate Journal, 12 :185-197 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Marguet N, Wilson HK. 2021. Looking at the bigger picture: designing and facilitating action learning across boundaries Action Learning : Research & Practice, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson HK, Tucker MP, Hannibal C, Qu Z. 2020. Learning together, learning apart: Integrated action learning through a socio-technical systems lens Action Learning : Research & Practice, 18 :5-19 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Moriarty C, Tucker MP, Ellison I, Pinder J, Wilson HK. 2020. Recognising the socio-technical opportunity of workplace: an analysis of early responses to COVID-19 Corporate Real Estate Journal, 10 :51-62 Publisher Url Public Url
Unterhitzenberger C, Wilson HK, Bryde DJ, Rost M, Joby R. 2020. The Stakeholder Challenge: Dealing with Challenging Situations Involving Stakeholders Planning Production and Control, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cotgrave A, Wilson HK. 2020. Learning Space Design: The presentation of a framework for the Built Environment Discipline International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 16 :132-148 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Adams AM, Wilson HK, Money J, Palmer-Conn S, Fearn J. 2019. Student engagement with feedback and attainment: the role of academic self-efficacy Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Adams A, Wilson HK. 2017. Sustainable feedback and academic attainment: Exploring the links in the modern Higher Education student Innovations in Practice, 11 :12-17 Publisher Url Public Url
Tucker MP, Mulliner E, Wilson H. 2017. Research preparedness in undergraduate property and construction curriculum: the student experience International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 13 :203-224 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson HK, Cotgrave AJ. 2016. Factors that influence students' satisfaction with their physical learning environments Structural Survey, 34 :256-275 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bryde D, Wilson HK, Joby R, Taylor S, Singh R, Foulger J, Aitchinson R. 2024. Research report: Playing NODEL - PCMG Annual Conference 2023 Research report: Playing NODEL - PCMG Annual Conference 2023 Public Url
Oseland N, Tucker M, Wilson H. 2021. In pursuit of the 'Holy Grail' - Determining the Return on Workplace Investment (ROWI) Publisher Url
Unterhitzenberger C, Bryde D, Wilson H, Joby R, Holloway J. 2018. Stakeholder Challenge: Dealing with Difficult Stakeholders Stakeholder challenge: Dealing with difficult stakeholders Publisher Url
Wilson H. Workplace strategy report- REFINE
Editorial/letter to the editor
Pedler M, Baxter H, Cialfi D, Edmonstone J, Wilson H. 2024. How well are we known? Opportunities for action learning! Action Learning: Research and Practice, 21 :193-195 DOI Publisher Url
Baxter H, Cialfi D, Edmonstone J, Pedler M, Wilson H. 2023. The varieties & verities of action learning Action Learning: Research and Practice, 20 :82-83 DOI Publisher Url
Baxter H, Cialfi D, Edmonstone J, Pedler M, Wilson H. 2023. How to promote inclusion, collective intelligence and democracy Action Learning: Research and Practice, 20 :180-181 DOI Publisher Url
Boak G, Pedler M, Edmonstone J, Wilson H. 2021. Editorial 18.2 Action Learning: Research and Practice, 18 :175-176 DOI Publisher Url
Book review
Pedler M, Baxter H, Edmonstone J, Wilson H. 2024. Action learning: humanistic values and an ecumenical practice Action Learning: Research and Practice, 21 :285-286 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson HK. 2022. Gender and Leadership by Gary Powell Action Learning: research and practice, 19 :106-109 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Boak G, Pedler M, Edmonstone J, Wilson H. 2021. Book review editorial 18.3 Action Learning: Research and Practice, 18 :280-281 DOI Publisher Url
Neiva R, Wilson H, Tucker M. 2023. Structured literature reviews for Business Professional Doctorates: A case study Matos F, Rosa A. ECRM 2023 22nd European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Management Academic Conferences and publishing limited. online 9781914587726 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson HK. 2020. Learning Together, Learning Apart: Enhancing Doctoral Research Methods Teaching Au-Yong-Oliveira M, Costa C. Innovation in Teaching of Research Methodology Excellence Awards 2020: An Anthology of Case Histories ACPIL 978-1912764587 Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Tucker MP, Wilson HK, Hannibal C, Lawless A, Qu Z. 2021. Delivering professional doctorate education: challenges and experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic SHS Web of Conferences, 99 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tucker MP, Wilson HK, Oseland NIGEL, Brogan PETER, Horsley ANNIE. 2020. Unravelling the variables to calculate an organisations return on workplace investment: a scoping review process TWR Conference Proceedings 2020, Transdisciplinary Workplace Conference :300-308 Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson H, Bryde D, Dowson J, Unterhitzenberger C, Perez Ezcurdia A, Schelkle H-P. 2019. Trends and challenges in project management: A unifying and holistic framework EURAM
Unterhitzenberger C, Bryde DJ, Wilson H, Rost M, Joby R. 2018. Strategies for dealing with difficult situations involving stakeholders in projects. EURAM18
Wilson H, Cotgrave A. Individual differences in learning space preferences: A personality perspective Psycon - 'Psychology & Sustainable Construction’: Searching the gap between psychology and construction for a sustainable built environment
Wilson H, Cotgrave A. Factors that Influence Student Satisfaction in Higher Education Learning Environments British University in Dubai (BUid) Doctoral Research Conference 2016
Wilson H, Cotgrave A. Learning space design: the presentation of a framework for the built environment discipline
Wilson H, Marguet N. Looking at the bigger picture: designing and facilitating Action Learning across boundaries Action Learning Symposium, 2021: Making a Contribution in a Practice Field: Action Learning in a Changing World
Tucker M, Wilson H. 2020. Return to work guides: a thematic analysis Publisher Url
Wilson H, Tucker M. 2019. Productive Research Publisher Url
Wilson HK. Perceptions of Quality in Higher Education Learning Environments and the Impact of Personality Types on Satisfaction: The Development of a Practical Framework Cotgrave A, Riley M, Mcilroy D. Public Url
Conference organisation:
Engaged Management Scholarship, Conference chair. 2024
Action Learning Symposium, Lead. 2021
Faculty of Business and Law Doctoral Faculty Research day, Lead.
External committees:
BSI Facilities Management Committee FMW/1, British Standards, BSI group. 2024
Executive Doctorate in Business Administration Council, Executive Doctorate in Business Administration Council, Board member. 2023
Nomination LJMU supervisor award (2023), Liverpool John Moores University. 2023
Finalist Innovation in Teaching Research Methods Excellence Awards, European Conference on Research Methodology, https://www.academic-bookshop.com/ourshop/prod_7199913-Innovation-in-Teaching-of-Research-Methodology-Excellence-Awards-2020-An-Anthology-of-Case-Histories.html. 2020
LJMU Rising Star Award (2020), Liverpool John Moores University. 2020
Best paper (PSYCON 3), Psycon - 'Psychology & Sustainable Construction’: Searching the gap between psychology and construction for a sustainable built environment. 2019
Other invited event:
Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) Global Webinar Series 'Practical ideas to boost your workplace productivity post-COVID', Online, Webinar. 2023
University of Ljubljana School of Economics and Business Department Research Group, University of Ljubljana, Learning from the working from home experiment during COVID-19. 2023
IWFM Global Webinar Series 'Maximising workplace productivity in a post-COVID-19 world’, Online, Webinar. 2023
High Performing teams, Online - Tikrit University, Online Webinar for Staff and Students. 2022
Workplace research presentation, SRH Hochschulen Berlin GmbH, Research presentation for MBA and Staff. 2022
Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management Global Webinar Series - The return on workplace investment: Can it be proven?, Online - https://www.iwfm.org.uk/community/events/the-return-on-workplace-investment-can-it-be-proven.html, Disseminating research on tool development. 2021
High Performing Teams, Refine Learning, Workshop for Refine Team Development. 2019
EuroFM Conference moderator, Dublin, Moderated a session on the main research stage. 2019
Conference presentation:
Innovations and the future of DBAs, Engaged Management Scholar, Other. 2023
Psychological sense of community, World Workplace Europe, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Oral presentation. 2023
Formulating an equation to solve a facilities management problem, EuroFM, Dublin, Oral presentation. 2019
Dealing with Difficult Stakeholders, APM North West Research Symposium: Project Management Research, Liverpool Business School, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2018
learning space design: the presentation of a framework for the built environment discipline, Council of the Heads of Built Environment, Birmingham, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
Students Specific Requirements within the Physical Learning Environment: A Practical Framework, Teaching and Learning Conference 2017, LJMU, Poster presentation. 2017
Research preparedness in undergraduate curriculum: the student experience, iBEE 2015: The Annual Conference of The Council of Heads of the Built Environment, Bath, UK, Oral presentation. 2015
Research Preparedness of Undergraduate Built Environment Students, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2015
Personality Traits, Community and Quality in Space Design in the Higher Education Physical Learning Environment, Manchester Metropolitan Doctoral Conference 2015, Oral presentation.
Space design: How personality and subject cohort influences requirements for the physical learning environment, Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, Oral presentation.
The influence of student’s personality on preferred learning environment characteristics, Workplace Trends: Learning Environments Conference, London, Oral presentation.
Media Coverage:
HR Magazine 'Bank holidays in May intensified workload for 67% of employees' 2023
Liverpool News 'Tattoo taboo' at work is becoming a thing of the past' 2023
External PGR examinations performed:
Other Professional Activity:
Action Learning Facilitator: Action Learning Associates and ILM approved. 2021
Occupational Test User (Ability and Personality). 2020
Membership of professional bodies:
MBPsS, British Psychological Society. 2019
AFHEA, Higher Education Academy.
Research Grants Awarded:
Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management, Establishing and creating a Return on Workplace tool (RoW) for organisations to make return on investment decisions regarding workplace changes (phase 1), Hannah Wilson, Grant value (£): 5,610, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2019
Editorial boards:
Facilities, Advisory board member. 2019
Action Learning Research and Practice, Co-Editor Book Reviews.
Public engagement:
Other, Project Management Professionals, YouTube presentation, Research team, Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Situations Stakeholders Involving Stakeholders in Projects, YouTube presentation of funded Association of Project Management Research, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOMsg1V7-1I. 2018
Teaching qualification:
PGCert Academic Performance. 2017
Industrial connections:
Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management, Return on Workplace Investment.