Helen Collins
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: H.Collins@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 3644
An HRM professional with several years experience in academia as well as on HRM and OD projects in the public and private sector. Experience of managing and implementing EU bids and programmes, for instance and Objective 2 funded Equaliser project that increased opportunity for young people considered to be At Risk Of Disengagement (AROD).
Recent projects have focused on raising educational aspiration and outcome for Roma. Funded by the MHCLG the REAP project is a joint project between ourselves at LJMU and a community partner, Granby Toxteth Development Trust. REAP (Roma Educational Aspiration Project) is working alongside the LREN (Liverpool Roma Employability Network) project to address long held discrimination in the labour market that prevents Roma from reaching their potential. Evaluation of the impact of REAP led to further funding from MHCLG.
Chadwick S, Jolliffe P, Collins H. 2024. Liverpool GTRSB Education Moving Together Liverpool GTRSB - Education Moving Together Publisher Url Public Url
Collins H, Harrison P. Roma: living and working in the City of Liverpool in LJMU Innovation and Practice
Collins H, Jolliffe P. Pocket Guide to life in Great Britain
Collins DH, Jolliffe P. Newcomers Guide to Life in the UK
Collins H. 2024. The confluence of two rivers: the impact of social capital on the experience of work precariousness Cronshaw S, Jones R. Public Url
Journal article
Potts J, Collins H, Barry S. 2024. ‘Difficult to Divulge’: the Impact of Organisational Silence Around the Menopause Work, Employment and Society, :1-12 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sarcol E, Coutinho I, Maguire E, Collins H, Jolliffe P. 2024. Exploring Women’s Education and Employment Opportunities in India, Syria, and the Philippines The Qualitative Report, 29 :116-140 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Callaghan D, Collins H. 2023. “If only these conversations had happened in induction.” Influencing Employee Aspiration with Action Learning-led inductions in the Big Four Employee Relations, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Jolliffe P, Collins H, Gold J. 2023. Skilling marginalised or skills eco‐system, precarious workers and higher education - A case study of Roma in Liverpool, UK International Journal of Training and Development, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Collins H, Callaghan D. 2022. What a difference a zoom makes: Intercultural interactions between host and international students Journal of comparative and International Higher Education, 14 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Collins H, Jolliffe P, Barry S. 2021. Why working from home leaves the lowest paid at more risk of infection The Conversation, Publisher Url Public Url
Collins H, Dailey-Strand C, Callaghan D. 2021. 'Those first few months were horrible': cross-cultural adaptation and the J-curve in international students experience in the UK and Norway Journal of Studies in International Education, 13 :73-84 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Collins H, Barry S, Dzuga P. 2021. 'Working while feeling awful is normal': one Roma's experience of presenteeism Work, Employment and Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Harrison PA, Collins H, Bahor A. 2020. "We don't have the same opportunities as others": shining Bourdieu's lens on UK Roma migrants' Precarious (Workers') habitus Work, Employment and Society, 36 :217-234 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Callaghan D, Collins H. 2020. Adaptive Action Learning in an online community: facilitating a large cohort to deliver results Action Learning: research and practice, 18 :20-37 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Collins H, Harrison P, Palasinski M. 2020. Out of the shadows: A young woman's journey from hiding to celebrating her identity The Qualitative Report, 25 :1-18 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Harrison PA, Collins H. 2020. Coronavirus shows key workers need better pay and protection – here’s what has to change The Conversation, Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Collins H, Harrison P. 2019. race to the bottom in the conversation ttp://theconversation.com/warnings-of-a-race-to-the-bottom-on-workers-pay-and-conditions-should-concern-us-all-126635 The Conversation,
Harrison PA, Collins H. 2019. Warnings of a ‘race to the bottom’ on workers’ pay and conditions should concern us all Hood L. The Conversation, Publisher Url Public Url
Collins H, Harrison PA. 2019. Supporting Liverpool's Roma community: an illumination via Bourdieu's theory of capital Innovations in Practice, 13 :10-15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Collins H, Harrison PA. 2019. My dreams are becoming reality The Big Issue, Publisher Url Public Url
Collins H, Callaghan D. 2018. The role of Action Learning in supporting cross-cultural adaptation of international students Action Learning: Research and Practice, 15 :267-275 DOI Publisher Url
Collins H, wray-bliss E. 2005. discriminating ethics Human Relations, DOI Publisher Url
Collins H, duffy C, Jolliffe P. ‘It’s down to hard work, lonely work, long, long hours, and you have to be able to sacrifice’; removing the veil of the Gender-Neutral organisation. Gender Issues, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Callaghan D, Collins H. 2023. “If only these conversations had happened in induction.” Influencing employee aspiration with action learning-led inductions in the Big Four Employee Relations, UFHRD 46 :19-35 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Jolliffe P, Collins H, Jolliffe K. 2021. ‘Lots of little jobs’ – building local skills ecosystems for the precarious worker CIPD Applied Research, Applied Research Conference Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Barry S, Collins H, Jolliffe P. The ‘dark side’ and unintended consequences of front line worker high employee engagement practices in the hospitality industry
Barry S, Collins H, D’harboullé C, Jolliffe P. Elucidating the ‘dark side’ and unintended consequences of frontline worker high employee engagement practices in the hospitality sector The International Journal of Human Resource Management, University Forum for Human Resource Development Conference Public Url
Collins H, Jolliffe P, Barry S. er: 2024 Winners of best paper at the International Conference on HRD Research and Practice across Europe, Lisbon June 2024 -Community-led research: A case study of supporting the GTRSB UK community into Education (Jolliffe P, Collins H and Barry S) ID: 588B753C-6CE2-4B93-BFAC-971D4029A563 Award title: Alan Moon Prize winner: 2024 Winners of best paper at the International Conference on HRD Research and Practice across Europe, Lisbon June 2024 -Community-led research: A case study of supporting the GTRSB UK community into Education (Jolliffe P, Collins H and Barry S) Awarding body: University Forum for Human Resource Development, June 2024. Lisbon. Date: 14 Jun 2024 UFHRD
Collins DH, Jolliffe P, Barry S. Building bridging social capital in a marginalised community: a trifecta collaboration between higher education, a GTRSB community in the UK and the City Council.
Internet publication
Collins H, Jolliffe P, Smith R, Bahor A. 2023. Listening to hidden voices: creating meaningful and sustainable partnerships between marginalised groups and their universities Publisher Url Public Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Collins H, Jolliffe P. 2022. Creating Impact with Research and Outreach Collins H. AACSB,
Embedding the GTRSB Pledge in Schools within LCR, LJMU. 2024
Using the Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boaters' (GTRSB) HE and Schools Pledge to increase Liverpool GTRSB into FE and HE, LJMU QR. 2023
VC Chancellors Award Excellence in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Liverpool John Moores University. 2021. 2021
VC Chancellor Commendation Award for Excellence in Social and Economic Engagement, VC-Chancellor Awards, LJMU. 2019. 2019
'If you could do one thing...', British Academy for all humanities and social sciences. 2017, British Academy. 2017
Public engagement:
Festival event, public, schools, LCR, universities, FE colleges, NGOs, joint organiser, GTRSB Celebration, Community celebration day in June 2024, brought together LJMU with the GTRSB community members, students, local NGOs, national GTRSB groups etc.. 2024
Other Professional Activity:
GTRSB Celebration Event. 2024
Conference presentation:
Serendipity and symbiosis: ,marginalised communities, HE and partnerships - a case study of the GTRSB community in the UK., Academy of HRD. AHRD, Arlington, Washington, USA, Other. 2024
Managing opportunities for tackling precarity in the labour market: teaching a partnership approach through OD interventions,, IaeLyon international week/seminars,, online, Other. 2020
The Roma Project, Employability and the use of Motivational Interviewing,, MINT, Bournemouth, UK, Oral presentation. 2019
Widening access to educational opportunity and employability for underrepresented groups: the Liverpool Roma Employability Project (LREN),, UFHRD2018 Conference: Power and possibility: unleashing the potential of HRD,, Newcastle, Other. 2018
Gaining and legitimising power by the precariat in the precariat world: A story of the Roma in the UK, The 17th international UFHRD Conference, Universidade Europeia, Lisbon, Portugal, Oral presentation. 2017
A future ‘fair’ skills ecosystem - the rhetoric and reality for the precarious worker, CIPD Applied Research Conference 2021, Online, Oral presentation. 2021, CIPD online, Oral presentation. 2012
Other invited event:
reviewer for Gender, Work and Organisation, online, Reviewing articles for inclusion in GWO. 2023
IAELYON International Week, Lyon, France, teaching a large group of Masters students OD and change management. 2023
Research Grants Awarded:
LJMU qr, sing the Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boaters' (GTRSB) HE and Schools Pledge to increase Liverpool GTRSB into FE and HE,, Patricia Jolliffe, Grant value (£): £9855, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2023
Internal pump-priming of research,, Building Roma Social Capital and Policy through a National Roma Network (NRN),, Patricia Jolliffe, Grant value (£): £2000, Duration of research project: 6 Months. 2022
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, Roma Education Aspiration Project Continuation Project, Patricia Jolliffe, Grant value (£): £30000, Duration of research project: 8 months. 2021
QR Funding, To investigate the ways in which Roma women manage and negotiate their labour relations, Patricia Jolliffe, Grant value (£): £2000, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2019
REF-Upskilling Project, Increasing education and employability opportunities for Roma,, Patricia Jolliffe, Grant value (£): £4400, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2018
MHCLG, Roma Education Aspiration Project, Patricia Jolliffe, Grant value (£): £30000, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2018
QR Funding, Working with local and international partners to make a difference in the Roma community,, Patricia Jolliffe, Grant value (£): £1970, Duration of research project: i year. 2017
Conference organisation:
ACERT Advisory Council for the Education of Romany and other Travellers, Conference organiser with Patricia Jolliffe, https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/storytelling-education-and-wellbeing-tickets-490434993267.. 2023
UFHRD, co-organiser of Innovation Event. 2022
Media Coverage:
ACERT Conference (opens in a new tab) 2023 2023
PRME North West Event, Organising Team. 2022 2022
My dreams are becoming reality’ Article in Big Issue concerning Employability Fair 2019 Research by Dr P Harrison and Helen Collins mentioned. (opens in a new tab) 2020 2020
Roma Education and Employability Event, Organiser. 2019 2019
External collaboration:
Roma support Group London, with LJMU, Huddersfield University and Granby Toxteth, RSG. 2022
University of Ulster, validation committee of new HRM programmes. 2018
University of Ulster in London, programme validation. 2018
Teaching qualification:
HEA Fellow. 2016