Dr Ioannis Kostopoulos
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: I.Kostopoulos@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 8111
Dr Ioannis Kostopoulos is a Reader in Digital Marketing at Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University. Prior to his current position he has taught Marketing and PR at several universities in the UK, Greece and Italy and has participated in many consulting and research projects. He has more than 50 publications, including articles in peer reviewed journals such as European Management Review, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice and International Journal of Innovation Management. In 2017 he published his first book on Marketing Communications.
Academic appointments
Reader in Digital Marketing, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - present
Highlighted publications
Topić M, Kostopoulos I, Krstić M. 2024. Sustainability, Sociodemographic Differences, and Consumer Behavior American Behavioral Scientist, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Konstantoulaki K, Rizomyliotis I, Kostopoulos I, Magrizos S, Tran TBH. 2023. BYOB of wine, but which one? Unveiling new boundary conditions and moderating effects for Restaurant Patrons’ consideration set formation. British Food Journal, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kostopoulos I, Magrizos S, Harris LC. 2023. Tourists as Experience Collectors: A New Travelling Mind-Set Leisure Sciences, :1-21 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Zervas K, Kostopoulos I. 2023. Online simulation games for guided learning: a sport business case study Proceedings of International Journal on E-Learning 2023, 22 :283-301 Publisher Url Public Url
Lodorfos G, Kostopoulos I, Konstantopoulou A, Shubita M. 2023. Guest editorial: Sustainable business resilience and development in the pandemic economy: insights from organizational and consumer research International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 31 :1-6 DOI Publisher Url
Rizomyliotis I, Kastanakis MN, Giovanis A, Konstantoulaki K, Kostopoulos I. 2022. “How mAy I help you today?” The use of AI chatbots in small family businesses and the moderating role of customer affective commitment Journal of Business Research, 153 :329-340 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Magrizos S, Roumpi D, Georgiadou A, Kostopoulos I, Vrontis D. 2022. The dark side of meaningful work‐from‐home: A nonlinear approach European Management Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Grigorios L, Solon M, Kostopoulos I, Dimitrios D, David S. 2021. Overt and Covert Customer Data Collection in Online Personalized Advertising: The Role of User Emotions Journal of Business Research, 141 :308-320 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lodorfos G, Konstadopoulou A, Kostopoulos I, Rizomyliotis I, Wu J. 2020. Guest editorial Journal of Global Responsibility, 11 :325-327 DOI Publisher Url
Magrizos S, Kostopoulos I, Powers L. 2020. Volunteer Tourism as a Transformative Experience: A Mixed Methods Empirical Study Journal of Travel Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kostopoulos I, Magrizos S, Carrigan M, Lazell J. 2020. Fostering sustainability through technology-mediated interactions: Conviviality and reciprocity in the sharing economy Information Technology and People, 33 :919-943 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Essien EE, Kostopoulos I, Konstantopoulou A, Lodorfos G. 2019. Do ethical work climates influence supplier selection decisions in public organizations? The moderating roles of party politics and personal values International Journal of Public Sector Management, 32 :653-670 DOI Publisher Url
Kostopoulos I. 2019. Do Empowered Front-Line Employees Perform Better? A Non-Linear Approach and the Role of Service Complexity. European Management Review, 16 :223-242 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kostopoulos I, Lodorfos G, Essien E. 2019. Antecedents of Supplier Selection Decisions in the Public Sector in Nigeria Journal of Public Procurement, 19 :15-45 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kostopoulos I, Boukis A, Lodorfos G. 2019. Conceptualizing and Measuring Perceived Service Complexity Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 27 :38-54 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Essien EE, Konstantopoulou A, Kostopoulos I, Lodorfos G. 2018. The influence of business and political ties on supplier selection decisions: the case of the Nigerian public sector International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, DOI Publisher Url
Rizomyliotis I, Poulis A, Giovanis A, Konstantoulaki K, Kostopoulos I. 2018. Applying FCM to Predict the Behaviour of Loyal Customers in the Mobile Telecommunications Industry Journal of Strategic Marketing, 28 :1-15 DOI Publisher Url
Kostopoulos I, Rizomyliotis I, Konstantoulaki K. 2018. Reassessing the effect of colour on attitude and behavioural intentions in promotional activities: The moderating role of mood and involvement Australasian Marketing Journal, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Rizomyliotis I, Konstantoulaki K, Kostopoulos I. 2017. Business-to-Business Marketing Communication: Value and Efficiency considerations in recessionary times. Palgrave Macmillan 9783319587820 DOI Publisher Url
Konstantoulaki K, Rizomyliotis I, Kostopoulos I, Poulis A. 2017. Re-assessing the influence of mental intangibility on consumer decision making International Journal of Market Research, 59 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Devins D, Lodorfos G, Kostopoulos I, Webber D. 2015. Innovation and Growth in the City Region: Microeconomic Evidence of Asymmetries International Journal of Innovation Management, DOI Publisher Url
Boukis A, Kaminakis K, Siampos A, Kostopoulos I. 2015. Linking internal marketing with customer outcomes Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 33 :394-413 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lodorfos G, Kostopoulos I, Kaminakis K. 2015. The impact of service delivery system effectiveness on service quality: a hierarchical approach International Journal of Business Performance Management, 16 DOI Publisher Url
Kostopoulos I, Gounaris S, Rizomyliotis I. 2014. How to reduce the negative impact of customer non-compliance: an empirical study Journal of Strategic Marketing, 22 :513-529 DOI Publisher Url
Kostopoulos I, Boukis A, Katsaridou I. 2014. IMO and different fit types as key enablers of employee brand-supporting behaviour. Strong C. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 22 :117-134 DOI Publisher Url
Kostopoulos I. 2013. Designing a Strategic Service Blueprint Keller Center Research Report, 6 Publisher Url Public Url
Kostopoulos I, Boukis A, Gounaris S. 2012. Service Blueprinting Effectiveness: Drivers of Success Gounaris S, Tanyeri M. Managing Service Quality, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kostopoulos I, Rizomyliotis I, Konstantoulaki K. 2012. Determinants of Online Services’ Perceived Usefulness: An Empirical Research. International Journal of Management Cases,
Kostopoulos I, Rizomyliotis I, Konstantoulaki K. 2012. Antecedents of Doctors’ Purchase Intention for Innovative Professional Services: Differences between Commercial and Educational Services. International Journal of Management Cases,
Kostopoulos I, Magrizos S, Chun Z, Dhosi P. Freemium Mobile Gaming: Exploring the Missing Link between Playing a 'Free' Mobile Game and Paying for its Premium Version International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Pereira V, Kostopoulos I. 2025. Leadership and Emotional Resilience Elgar Encyclopedia of Leadership :148-149 Edward Elgar Publishing 9781035307067 DOI Publisher Url
Sosna-Bowd R, Kostopoulos I, Tench R. 2020. 22. Sponsorship Tench R, Waddington S. Exploring Public Relations and Management Communication Pearson 9781292321745
Lodorfos G, Konstantopoulou A, Kostopoulos I, Essien EE. 2018. Food and Drink Industry in Europe and Sustainability Issues The Sustainable Marketing Concept in European SMEs :121-140 Emerald Publishing Limited 9781787540392 DOI Publisher Url
Devins D, Lodorfos G, Kostopoulos I, Webber D. 2017. INNOVATION AND GROWTH IN THE CITY REGION: MICROECONOMIC EVIDENCE OF ASYMMETRIES Series on Technology Management :3-27 WORLD SCIENTIFIC (EUROPE) DOI Publisher Url
Boukis A, Gounaris S, Kostopoulos I. 2017. A Multilevel Investigation of the Effect of Employee’s Satisfaction on Customer Outcomes in a Financial Services Context. The Customer is NOT Always Right? Marketing Orientations in a Dynamic Business World :227-236 Springer, Cham.
Tench R, Bowd R, Kostopoulos I. 2017. Sponsorship Tench R, Yeomans . Exploring Public Relations Pearson Education. London
Kostopoulos I, Boukis A, Gounaris S, Kaminakis K. 2015. ENHANCING CUSTOMER PERCEIVED SERVICE QUALITY THROUGH IMO DIFFUSION Robinson L. Marketing Dynamism & Sustainability: Things Change, Things Stay the Same… :765-773 Springer Author Url Publisher Url
Kostopoulos I, Boukis A, Kaminakis K, Katsaridou I. 2014. Enhancing Contact Employees’ Fit With Their Environment and Willingness to Report Service Complaints Ideas in Marketing: Finding the New and Polishing the Old :419-427 Springer International Publishing 978-3-319-10951-0 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Topić M, Kostopoulos I, Krstić M. 2024. Sustainability, Sociodemographic Differences, and Consumer Behavior American Behavioral Scientist, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Lodorfos G, Kostopoulos I, Konstantopoulou A, Shubita M. 2023. Guest editorial: Sustainable business resilience and development in the pandemic economy: insights from organizational and consumer research International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 31 :1-6 DOI Publisher Url
Journal article
Konstantoulaki K, Rizomyliotis I, Kostopoulos I, Magrizos S, Tran TBH. 2023. BYOB of wine, but which one? Unveiling new boundary conditions and moderating effects for Restaurant Patrons’ consideration set formation. British Food Journal, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kostopoulos I, Magrizos S, Harris LC. 2023. Tourists as Experience Collectors: A New Travelling Mind-Set Leisure Sciences, :1-21 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Zervas K, Kostopoulos I. 2023. Online simulation games for guided learning: a sport business case study Proceedings of International Journal on E-Learning 2023, 22 :283-301 Publisher Url Public Url
Rizomyliotis I, Kastanakis MN, Giovanis A, Konstantoulaki K, Kostopoulos I. 2022. “How mAy I help you today?” The use of AI chatbots in small family businesses and the moderating role of customer affective commitment Journal of Business Research, 153 :329-340 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Magrizos S, Roumpi D, Georgiadou A, Kostopoulos I, Vrontis D. 2022. The dark side of meaningful work‐from‐home: A nonlinear approach European Management Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Grigorios L, Solon M, Kostopoulos I, Dimitrios D, David S. 2021. Overt and Covert Customer Data Collection in Online Personalized Advertising: The Role of User Emotions Journal of Business Research, 141 :308-320 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lodorfos G, Konstadopoulou A, Kostopoulos I, Rizomyliotis I, Wu J. 2020. Guest editorial Journal of Global Responsibility, 11 :325-327 DOI Publisher Url
Magrizos S, Kostopoulos I, Powers L. 2020. Volunteer Tourism as a Transformative Experience: A Mixed Methods Empirical Study Journal of Travel Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kostopoulos I, Magrizos S, Carrigan M, Lazell J. 2020. Fostering sustainability through technology-mediated interactions: Conviviality and reciprocity in the sharing economy Information Technology and People, 33 :919-943 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Essien EE, Kostopoulos I, Konstantopoulou A, Lodorfos G. 2019. Do ethical work climates influence supplier selection decisions in public organizations? The moderating roles of party politics and personal values International Journal of Public Sector Management, 32 :653-670 DOI Publisher Url
Kostopoulos I. 2019. Do Empowered Front-Line Employees Perform Better? A Non-Linear Approach and the Role of Service Complexity. European Management Review, 16 :223-242 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kostopoulos I, Lodorfos G, Essien E. 2019. Antecedents of Supplier Selection Decisions in the Public Sector in Nigeria Journal of Public Procurement, 19 :15-45 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kostopoulos I, Boukis A, Lodorfos G. 2019. Conceptualizing and Measuring Perceived Service Complexity Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 27 :38-54 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Essien EE, Konstantopoulou A, Kostopoulos I, Lodorfos G. 2018. The influence of business and political ties on supplier selection decisions: the case of the Nigerian public sector International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, DOI Publisher Url
Rizomyliotis I, Poulis A, Giovanis A, Konstantoulaki K, Kostopoulos I. 2018. Applying FCM to Predict the Behaviour of Loyal Customers in the Mobile Telecommunications Industry Journal of Strategic Marketing, 28 :1-15 DOI Publisher Url
Kostopoulos I, Rizomyliotis I, Konstantoulaki K. 2018. Reassessing the effect of colour on attitude and behavioural intentions in promotional activities: The moderating role of mood and involvement Australasian Marketing Journal, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Konstantoulaki K, Rizomyliotis I, Kostopoulos I, Poulis A. 2017. Re-assessing the influence of mental intangibility on consumer decision making International Journal of Market Research, 59 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Devins D, Lodorfos G, Kostopoulos I, Webber D. 2015. Innovation and Growth in the City Region: Microeconomic Evidence of Asymmetries International Journal of Innovation Management, DOI Publisher Url
Boukis A, Kaminakis K, Siampos A, Kostopoulos I. 2015. Linking internal marketing with customer outcomes Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 33 :394-413 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lodorfos G, Kostopoulos I, Kaminakis K. 2015. The impact of service delivery system effectiveness on service quality: a hierarchical approach International Journal of Business Performance Management, 16 DOI Publisher Url
Kostopoulos I, Gounaris S, Rizomyliotis I. 2014. How to reduce the negative impact of customer non-compliance: an empirical study Journal of Strategic Marketing, 22 :513-529 DOI Publisher Url
Kostopoulos I, Boukis A, Katsaridou I. 2014. IMO and different fit types as key enablers of employee brand-supporting behaviour. Strong C. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 22 :117-134 DOI Publisher Url
Kostopoulos I. 2013. Designing a Strategic Service Blueprint Keller Center Research Report, 6 Publisher Url Public Url
Kostopoulos I, Boukis A, Gounaris S. 2012. Service Blueprinting Effectiveness: Drivers of Success Gounaris S, Tanyeri M. Managing Service Quality, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kostopoulos I, Rizomyliotis I, Konstantoulaki K. 2012. Determinants of Online Services’ Perceived Usefulness: An Empirical Research. International Journal of Management Cases,
Kostopoulos I, Rizomyliotis I, Konstantoulaki K. 2012. Antecedents of Doctors’ Purchase Intention for Innovative Professional Services: Differences between Commercial and Educational Services. International Journal of Management Cases,
Kostopoulos I, Magrizos S, Chun Z, Dhosi P. Freemium Mobile Gaming: Exploring the Missing Link between Playing a 'Free' Mobile Game and Paying for its Premium Version International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Books (authored)
Rizomyliotis I, Konstantoulaki K, Kostopoulos I. 2017. Business-to-Business Marketing Communication: Value and Efficiency considerations in recessionary times. Palgrave Macmillan 9783319587820 DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Rizomyliotis I, Konstantoulaki K, Kostopoulos I, Poulis A, Wood M. 2016. The effect of mental intangibility on the size of the consideration set: the moderating role of knowledge European Marketing Conference (EMAC)
Boukis A, Chatzipanagiotou K, Kostopoulos I, Yuksel R. 2016. How pro-customer deviance and customer’s participation shape service encounter outcomes Academy of Marketing Science Conference
Kostopoulos I, Lodorfos G, Boukis A. 2014. Re-Examining the Influence of Service Delivery System Effectiveness on Perceived Service Quality EMAC: Paradigm Shifts & Interactions, 43rd Annual Conference Publisher Url
Kostopoulos I, Lodorfos G, Bouki A. 2014. Re-examining the influence of SDS effectiveness on perceived service quality AMA SERVSIG 2014
Kostopoulos I, Gounaris S, Rizomyliotis I. 2013. Organizational Practices Reducing the negative impact of customer non-compliance: An empirical study. 42nd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy
Kostopoulos I, Anagnostidou Z, Konstntoulaki K, Rizomyliotis I. 2013. Innovative professional services: Empirical evidence on the determinants of physicians’ purchase intention. 42nd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy
Kostopoulos I, Rizomyliotis I, Kostantoulaki K, Andrianatou V. 2012. The impact of promotion background colour on attitude and behavior. Global Marketing Conference
Kostopoulos I, Boukis A, Gounaris S, Kaminakis K. 2012. Enhancing Customer Service Quality through IMO Diffusion. Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference
Kostopoulos I, Rizomyliotis I, Kostantoulaki K. 2012. Antecedents of online professional services’ perceived usefulness: An empirical research. 9th Annual International Conference for Consumer Behaviour and Retailing Research DOI Publisher Url
Kostopoulos I, Andrianatou V, Kostantoulaki K, Rizomyliotis I. 2011. The influence of involvement on the size and the variety of the consideration set in different decision types. 40th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy
Kostopoulos I, Gounaris S, Boukis A. 2011. Antecedents of Service Blueprinting Effectiveness and the Moderating Role of Service Characteristics: An Empirical Study. Third Biennial International Conference on Services Marketing
Kostopoulos I, Rizomyliotis I, Kostantoulaki K. 2011. Antecedents of Doctors’ Purchase Intention for Innovative Professional Services: Differences between Commercial and Educational Services. 8th Annual International Conference for Consumer Behaviour and Retailing Research
Kostopoulos I, Gounaris S, Boukis A. 2011. A multilevel investigation of the effect of employee’s satisfaction on customer outcomes in a financial services context. World Marketing Congress, Academy of Marketing Science
Kostopoulos I, Boukis A, Gounaris S. 2010. Incorporating employee satisfaction in a customer retention model. American Marketing Association Conference, AMA (Winter)
Kostopoulos I, Gounaris S. 2009. Service Blueprinting Effectiveness: Drivers of Success. 2nd Biennial International Conference on Services Marketing
Kostopoulos I, Koritos C, Gounaris S. 2009. Person Place congruency in on-line shopping context. , World Marketing Congress, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS)
Kostopoulos I, Gounaris S. 2008. An Empirical Investigation of the Path from Service Blueprinting Formality to Service Encounter Effectiveness. Some Preliminary Findings. European Marketing Academy Conference
Kostopoulos I, Gounaris S. 2008. An Empirical Investigation of the Path from Service Blueprinting Formality to Perceived Service Quality. Frontiers in Services 17th Annual Conference, American Marketing Association (AMA) and Center for Excellence in Services
Kostopoulos I, Gounaris S. 2008. An Empirical Investigation of the Path from Service Blueprinting Formality to Perceived Service Quality. Frontiers in Services 17th Annual Conference, American Marketing Association (AMA) and Center for Excellence in Services
Boukis A, Chatzipanagioti K, Gounaris S, Kostopoulos I. 2016. Applying a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis for conflict resolution during new service development
Kostopoulos I. 2013. Designing a Strategic Service Blueprint.
Kostopoulos I, Gounaris S. 2007. Ensuring the Competitiveness and Profitability of Greek Tourism Industry after the year 2015.
Kostopoulos I, Lyons-Tai H, Newson L, Armstrong-Gibbs F. Tenant Centric Strategic Report 2022 – Cobalt Housing MKTP
Chapman S, Bridge L, Newson L, Armstrong-Gibbs F, Kostopoulos I. Cobalt Housing: Sustainability strategy and associated policies. 2023
Bridge L, Purcell G, Morley C, Newson L, Armstrong-Gibbs F, Kostopoulos I. Bridge L, Morley C, Purcell G, Newson L, Armstrong-Gibbs F, Kostopoulos I. 2023. Cobalt Housing: Training directory for all new starters
Chilton J, Bridge L, Newson L, Armstrong-Gibbs F, Kostopoulos I. 2024 Cobalt Housing: Communication Strategy & Policy
Awang M, Sewell R, Bridge L, Newson L, Armstrong-Gibbs F, Kostopoulos I. 2023. Cobalt Housing: Customer engagement strategy
Chapman S, Bridge L, Newson L, Armstrong-Gibbs F, Kostopoulos I. 2023 Cobalt Housing: EDI strategy and associated policies
Newson L, Stenton G, Armstrong-Gibbs F, Kostopoulos I. 2023 “More than a rent”: moving toward a tenant-centred approach. Cobalt MKTP Research Report
Newson L, Armstrong-Gibbs F, Kostopoulos I, Lyons-Tai H. 2022. THRIVE MKTP: 1 YEAR Knowledge Exchange Report & Priority Setting. Cobalt, MKTP
Newson L, Stenton G, Armstrong-Gibbs F, Kostopoulos I. 2022. Report. What Tenants Say & What they Need. Cobalt Housing MKTP
Armstrong-Gibbs F, Lyons-Tai H, Kostopoulos I, Newson L. 2021. Value proposition- Executive Board. Cobalt Housing MKTP
Kostopoulos I, Lyons-Tai H, Newson L, Armstrong-Gibbs F. 2021 Skills Gap Analysis MKTP Enterprise Report. 2021. Cobalt Housing MKTP
Kostopoulos I. 2012. Antecedents and Consequences of Service Blueprinting Effectiveness. An Empirical Research in the Greek Hotel Industry. Gounaris S, Papastathopoulou P, Intounas K. Athens University of Economic and Business
Kostopoulos I, Magrizos S, Harris LC. Tourists as Experience Collectors: Conceptualizing the Process of Collecting DOI Publisher Url
Highlighted activities
Research Grants Awarded:
Innovate UK, KTP Cobalt Housing, Lisa Newson (PI); Fiona Armstrong-Gibbs (Co-I), Ioannis Kostopoulos (Co-I), Grant value (£): £179,546, Duration of research project: 24 months. 2021
Media Coverage:
Interview with Liverpool Echo on the impact of Brexit on the Baltic Triangle 2020. 2020
External PGR examinations performed:
University of Manchester, Professional Doctorate, An exploratory study into the impact of senior-level decision makers' optimism on the management of organisational crisis and the outcomes.. 2019
Transformational Leader of the Year, Leeds Beckett University. 2016
Editorial boards:
Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Member of Editorial Board, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/ccij?distinct_id=17f7328d0ea298-0e80c1a0a8533d-56171d5e-e1000-17f7328d0eb252&_ga=2.139767665.338570165.1646904529-1560433960.1646904529#editorial-team.
International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Guest editor: Special Issue on "Sustainable Business Resilience and Development in the post-Pandemic Economy: Insights from Organizational and Consumer Research", https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/calls-for-papers/sustainable-business-resilience-and-development-pandemic-economy-insights.
Journal of Global Responsibility, Guest Editor: Special Issue on “Responsible education, managerial behaviour and corporate social responsibility: perspectives from businesses and higher education providers.”, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/archived/authors/writing/calls.htm%3Fid%3D8802.
Journal of Global Responsibility, Member of Editorial Board, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/jgr?distinct_id=17f7328d0ea298-0e80c1a0a8533d-56171d5e-e1000-17f7328d0eb252&_ga=2.169002851.338570165.1646904529-1560433960.1646904529#editorial-team.
Other Professional Activity:
External Examiner - September 2017 – August 2018 - Salford University, MA Search and Social Media Marketing.
External Examiner - May 2017 (Validation event) - University of West London - BSc (Hons) Social Media Marketing, BSc (Hons) Social Media Marketing with Foundation Year.
External Examiner - May 2019 (Validation event) - Edge Hill University- PG Certificate on Higher Education.
External Examiner - May 2021 (Validation event) - University of West London - BA Hospitality Management.
External Examiner - November 2019 (Validation event) - University of Bedfordshire - BA Marketing, BA Marketing and Advertising, MSc Digital Marketing.
External Examiner - October 2019 – Today - University of Surrey - MSc Digital Marketing and Channel Management, MSc Strategic Marketing, MSc International Marketing, MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation, MBA.
Judge at the CIPR PRIDE awards for the “Outstanding young communicator of the year”. Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Committee. 2014 -2016.
Professional activities
Research Grants Awarded:
Innovate UK, KTP Cobalt Housing, Lisa Newson (PI); Fiona Armstrong-Gibbs (Co-I), Ioannis Kostopoulos (Co-I), Grant value (£): £179,546, Duration of research project: 24 months. 2021
Media Coverage:
Interview with Liverpool Echo on the impact of Brexit on the Baltic Triangle 2020
External PGR examinations performed:
University of Manchester, Professional Doctorate, An exploratory study into the impact of senior-level decision makers' optimism on the management of organisational crisis and the outcomes.. 2019
Transformational Leader of the Year, Leeds Beckett University. 2016
Editorial boards:
Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Member of Editorial Board, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/ccij?distinct_id=17f7328d0ea298-0e80c1a0a8533d-56171d5e-e1000-17f7328d0eb252&_ga=2.139767665.338570165.1646904529-1560433960.1646904529#editorial-team.
International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Guest editor: Special Issue on "Sustainable Business Resilience and Development in the post-Pandemic Economy: Insights from Organizational and Consumer Research", https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/calls-for-papers/sustainable-business-resilience-and-development-pandemic-economy-insights.
Journal of Global Responsibility, Guest Editor: Special Issue on “Responsible education, managerial behaviour and corporate social responsibility: perspectives from businesses and higher education providers.”, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/archived/authors/writing/calls.htm%3Fid%3D8802.
Journal of Global Responsibility, Member of Editorial Board, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/jgr?distinct_id=17f7328d0ea298-0e80c1a0a8533d-56171d5e-e1000-17f7328d0eb252&_ga=2.169002851.338570165.1646904529-1560433960.1646904529#editorial-team.
Other Professional Activity:
External Examiner - September 2017 – August 2018 - Salford University, MA Search and Social Media Marketing.
External Examiner - May 2017 (Validation event) - University of West London - BSc (Hons) Social Media Marketing, BSc (Hons) Social Media Marketing with Foundation Year.
External Examiner - May 2019 (Validation event) - Edge Hill University- PG Certificate on Higher Education.
External Examiner - May 2021 (Validation event) - University of West London - BA Hospitality Management.
External Examiner - November 2019 (Validation event) - University of Bedfordshire - BA Marketing, BA Marketing and Advertising, MSc Digital Marketing.
External Examiner - October 2019 – Today - University of Surrey - MSc Digital Marketing and Channel Management, MSc Strategic Marketing, MSc International Marketing, MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation, MBA.
External Examiner - September 2015 – October 2019 - Coventry University -MSc Strategic Marketing Management, MSc International Marketing, MA Marketing Management, MA Advertising and Marketing.
Judge at the CIPR PRIDE awards for the “Outstanding young communicator of the year”. Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Committee. 2014 -2016.
Member of Organisational Committee - Creative Future Insights 2021 Conference, VERN University, Croatia..