Dr Olatunde Durowoju
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: O.A.Durowoju@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 3371
Dr Olatunde Amoo Durowoju is a Reader in Education Management and the Associate Dean, Diversity and Inclusion, for the Faculty of Business and Law.
He has a PhD in Management Research from University of East Anglia; an MSc in Food Production Management from University of Nottingham; and BSc in Food Science and Technology from Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria. His research interests are in operations and supply chain management, information security and supply chain management interface, impact assessment and transmission, and sustainable and inclusive practices in higher education. He has published his work in several research outlets such as conferences, academic journals and edited books.
Tunde has been teaching in Higher Education for over 12 years. Since Joining the Liverpool Business School in 2015, he has taught and led on several module teams, including: 7011LBSMGT Advanced Business Practice (level 7); 5054BUSBM Quality and Operations Management (level 5); and 5058BUSBM Supply Chain Operations (level 5); 4054BUSBM Fundamentals of Management (level 4); 3101FNDLBS Understanding Business Organisations and Operations (level 3).
He has managed several PGT programmes including: MSc International Business Management (2017-2021); MSc International Business Management with Advanced Practice (2018-2021), MSc Management (2017-2021); and MSc Management with Advanced Practice (2018-2021). He was also the programme leader for a number of collaborative programmes within the school of business and management, overseeing over 3000 TNE students per year (2021-2023).
He has received the following awards in recognition of his transformative work:
• 2016 JMSU Amazing Teacher Award (Nominated); 2020 JMSU Amazing Teacher- Attacking the Gap Award (Nominated)
• 2021 JMSU Amazing Teacher- Attacking the Gap Award (Winner)
• 2021 LJMU Faculty of Business and Law- Rising Star Award (Winner)
• 2021 LJMU Teaching and Learning Excellence Awards- Academic Leadership Award (Winner)
• 2023 LJMU Student Experience Award for 'Decolonising the Curriculum' (Winner)
2014, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom, PhD
2008, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, MSc
2004, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria, BSc
Durowoju O, Fatokun B, Akinsanya M, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) Research Team . 2024. Addressing the Disparity in Accessibility to Funds and Support for Black-led Non-profits Organisations :1-78 Author Url
Journal article
Belal H, Saha P, Talapatra S, Jackson V, Mason A, Durowoju O. 2023. Examining the Viability of Lean Production Practices in the Industry 4.0 era: An Empirical Evidence Based on B2B Garment Manufacturing Sector Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hannibal C, Rowan J, Durowoju O, Bryde DJ, Holloway J, Adeyemi O, Shamim S. 2022. Who shares wins? Understanding barriers to information sharing in managing supply chain risk Continuity and Resilience Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Durowoju O, Chan HK, Wang X, Akenroye T. 2021. Supply Chain Redesign Implications to Information Disruption Impact International Journal of Production Economics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Durowoju O, Chan HK, Wang X. 2020. Investigation of the Effect of e-Platform Information Security Breaches: A Small and Medium Enterprise Supply Chain Perspective IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Akenroye TO, Jonathan O, Jamal E, Durowoju O. 2020. Dynamic Capabilities for SME Participation in Public Procurement Business Process Management Journal, 26 :857-888 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Durowoju OA, Chan HK, Wang X. 2012. Entropy assessment of supply chain disruption Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 23 :998-1014 DOI Publisher Url
Books (authored)
Belal H, Shirahada K, Kosaka M, Durowoju OA. 2022. Knowledge in Servitization Management: A Comparative View Palgrave Macmillan Cham. Switzerland 978-3-031-18686-8 DOI Publisher Url
Chan HK, Lettice F, Durowoju OA. 2012. Decision-Making for Supply Chain Integration Supply Chain Integration Springer Science & Business Media 9781447140337
Conference publication
Smith E, Zaitseva E, Durowoju O, Carey P, Tissa F. 2022. Bridge the Gap: exploring experiences of assessment, feedback and student performance. What is next? https://openjournals.ljmu.ac.uk/studentexp/issue/view/88, LJMU Student at the Heart Conference Author Url
Durowoju O, Holmes H, Shore A, Knight C, Passi P. 2021. Eliminating the Award Gap through Sustained Panel Discussions Forum - A Regional Collaborative Approach LTSE - 2021 Conference Proceedings, Chartered Association of Business Schools Learning, Teaching & Student Experience Conference 2021 2021 :124-125 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Durowoju OA, Chan HK. 2016. Synergy of Improvement Strategies in Disruptive and Non-Disruptive Supply Chain Production and Operations Management Society 27th Annual Conference
Durowoju OA, Chan HK, Wang X. Supply Chain Reconfiguration and its Implication to Information Security Breach Impact 18th International Working Seminar on Production Economics
Durowoju OA, Chan HK, Wang X. Measuring Information Security Breach Impact and Uncertainties under Various Supply Chain Scenarios Chan HK, Wang X. International Conference on Manufacturing Research
Durowoju OA, Chan HK, Wang X. Evaluating Supply Chain Conditions under Information Security Breach 26th European Conference on Operational Research
Durowoju OA, Chan HK, Wang X. The role of integration and ordering decisions on supply chain disruption 20th EurOMA conference
Durowoju OA, Chan HK, Wang X. Evaluating the Effect of Structure on the Performance of Supply Chains under Disruption 5th International Conference "Management of Technology - Step to Sustainable Production
Durowoju OA. The Role of Integration on Information Security Breach Incidents Seventeenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics
Durowoju O, Hannibal C, Bryde D, Holloway J, Adeyemi O, Rowan J, Broniowski J. Developing data sharing methodologies to manage supply chain risk EurOMA Conference 2021
Ralebitso Senior T, Bakstad P, Lee D, Durowoju O, Downes G. Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion: Local approaches to embedding inclusion LJMU Students at the Heart Conference (Session 49) Author Url
Durowoju O. What happens to academic integrity when we allow students to use GenAI for their assessment? https://openjournals.ljmu.ac.uk/studentexp/issue/view/184, LJMU Students at the Heart Conference Author Url Publisher Url
Durowoju OA. 2014. Rationalising the security concern of cloud enabled e-commerce in the supply chain context Lacka E, Chan HK, Yip N. E-commerce Platform Acceptance :41-57 Springer International Publishing DOI Publisher Url
Durowoju O, Nahar N, Sethi S. Inclusion-oriented agency towards the use of artificial intelligence for sustainable development Wall T, Girei E, Antonacopoulou E, Blasco M, Nkomo S, Ogunyemi K. The Elgar Companion to Management Education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
Ahmed T, Durowoju O. Examination of existing policies on AI within academic institutions, highlighting best practices and areas for policy development Zhou X, Al-Samarraie H. Students' Guide on the Use of AI for Research Springer Nature
External committees:
EurOMA 2024 Conference Review Committee, European Operations Management Association, Reviewer, https://euroma2024.org/. 2023
Anti-racism and Learning Technology SIG, Association for Learning Technology, Vice Chair, https://www.alt.ac.uk/groups/special-interest-groups/anti-racism-and-learning-technology-sig. 2023
EurOMA 2023 Review Committee, European Operations Management Association, Member. 2023
UK Higher Education Award Gap Group, UK Higher Education Award Gap Group, Member, https://heawardgap.org.uk/. 2020
Other invited event:
ALT Winter Summit: Ethics and Artificial Intelligence, Online, Keynote Talk on Achieving Inclusive Education Using Artificial Intelligence.. 2023
The Collective by Equal Education Chances, Manchester, Keynote Talk on Dismantling Racism for a Truly Equitable Society. Organised by the Eight percent Club in celebration of the Black history month.. 2023
ALT and SEDA Joint Summit, Online, Invited to give a short talk on achieving inclusive education using artificial intelligence. 2023
Acieving Inclusive Education Using AI, ALT ARLT SIG Online, Webinar organised by the Association for Learning Technology Anti-Racist Learning Technology SIG. Speaker- Dr Olatunde Durowoju. 2023
Cambridge University Press and Assessment Digital and Data Day 2023, Cambridge, Keynote Speech delivered on: 1. Inclusivity is usually not a primary reason for design, but an after-the-fact consideration when designing AI applications meant to address a completely different challenge. 2. A significant portion of the training set for AI application is populated by experiences of white students and white educators- naturally, there are more white students and staff than non-white in western education institutions. Any inclusive design will require the training set to be evenly distributed. 3. In assessment grading, how do existing applications ‘clean’ or avoid bias in their training set. Is there a need to ‘create’ a non-biased training set in a more targeted manner? How can that be achieved? 4. The design of the AI system must limit ‘overt otherness’ (The escalator and elevator analogy). 2023
Association for Learning Technology ELESIG Event on 'ChatGPT and the student digital learning experience', Online, Panellist Speaker on pedagogical responses to the disruptive technology, ChatGPT.. 2023
Conference presentation:
Achieving Equity in Degree Outcome using AI-enabled Grading Systems, Research in Management Learning and Education 2023 Unconference, Banff, Canada, Oral presentation. 2023
Addressing the inclusivity of assessment practice in HE: Addressing the educator deficit model, Advancehe Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2023: The Shoulders of Giants: Listening, Learning and Improving our Practice, Lincoln, UK, Oral presentation. 2023
Inclusivity of Assessment Practice in HE: Addressing the Educator Deficit Model, AdvanceHE 2023 EDI Conference, Hull, Oral presentation. 2023
Bridge the gap: exploring experiences of assessment, feedback and student performance. What is next?, Students at the Heart Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2022
External collaboration:
University of Bolton, University of Hertfordshire, Nurun Nahar, Rexford Obeng. 2023
Conference organisation:
Working Seminar on Achieving Inclusivity in HE using AI, Chair and Organiser, https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/achieving-inclusivity-in-he-with-ai-where-do-we-start-tickets-404287814737. 2022
Bridging the Graduate Outcome Divide for Underrepresented Groups (Liverpool John Moores University) as part of an event series on Minding the Gaps: A North West higher education collaborative working towards eliminating award gaps, Chair and Organiser. 2021
North-West Award Gap Group: Bridging the Graduate Outcome Divide for Underrepresented Groups, Organiser and Chair. 2021
Research Grants Awarded:
QAA, QAA Collaborative Enhancement Projects 2021-22- Investigating the elimination of differential outcomes, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Central Lancashire, University of Salford, Grant value (£): 8,413.66, Duration of research project: 1/4. 2022
Innovate UK Manufacturing Made Smarter: Digital Supply Chain Feasibility Studies, A New Approach to Manufacturing Supply Chain Risk Management, Claire Hannibal, Dave Bryde, Grant value (£): 213,000, Duration of research project: 0/6. 2020
LJMU/GCRF, Human Resources Development of Rural Farmers in Nigeria through Innovation and Information Technology, Lilian Otaye-Ebede, Grant value (£): 15000.
QAA Collaborative Enhancement Project, Use of AI technologies to promote authentic assessment, Rachael Carden (University of Brighton), Kamila Walters (University of Brighton), Laura Bennett (University of the West of England), Cathy Minett-Smith (University of the West of England), Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 18 months.
Membership of professional bodies:
Member, European Operations Management Association, http://www.euroma-online.org/r/default.asp?iId=IDIDI. 2013
Member, Production and Operations Management Society, https://www.pomsmembers.org/POMSMembers/membership/Memberlanding_new.aspx?usnm=o.a.durowoju@ljmu.ac.uk. 2013