Image of Dr Patricia Jolliffe

Dr Patricia Jolliffe

Liverpool Business School

Faculty of Business and Law


Leeds University, United Kingdom, PhD, Professional Practice

Academic appointments

Senior Lecturer, Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, 2004 - present



Chadwick S, Jolliffe P, Collins H. 2024. Liverpool GTRSB Education Moving Together Liverpool GTRSB - Education Moving Together Publisher Url Public Url

Skritsovali K, Hindley A, Collins H, Wall T, Dinning T, Jolliffe P. 2022. PRME Sharing Information on Progress Report PRME Sharing Information on Progress Report Publisher Url

Collins H, Harrison P. Roma: living and working in the City of Liverpool in LJMU Innovation and Practice

Collins H, Jolliffe P. Pocket Guide to life in Great Britain

Collins DH, Jolliffe P. Newcomers Guide to Life in the UK

Journal article

Sarcol E, Coutinho I, Maguire E, Collins H, Jolliffe P. 2024. Exploring Women’s Education and Employment Opportunities in India, Syria, and the Philippines The Qualitative Report, 29 :116-140 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Jolliffe P, Collins H, Gold J. 2023. Skilling marginalised or skills eco‐system, precarious workers and higher education - A case study of Roma in Liverpool, UK International Journal of Training and Development, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Jolliffe P, Vaughan H. 2023. Why it’s important to talk about our toilet needs in the workplace’ - Using Maslow's Needs Theory to Shine a Light on Workers Living with IBD in the Workplace The Qualitative Report, 28 :929-959 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Stewart J, Gold J, Jolliffe P, Glaister C, Halliday S. 2022. Futures and Foresight Learning in HRD European Journal of Training and Development, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Collins H, Jolliffe P, Barry S. 2021. Why working from home leaves the lowest paid at more risk of infection The Conversation, Publisher Url Public Url

Vaughan H, Jolliffe P. 2021. Action learning as a catalyst for change: the wicked problem of employment with a chronic health condition Action Learning: research and practice, :1-8 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Jolliffe P, Foster S. 2021. Different Reality? Generations’ and Religious Groups’ Views of Spirituality Policies in the Workplace Journal of Business Ethics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Harrison PA, Collins H, Bahor A. 2020. "We don't have the same opportunities as others": shining Bourdieu's lens on UK Roma migrants' Precarious (Workers') habitus Work, Employment and Society, 36 :217-234 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gold J, Nichol L, Harrison PA. 2020. L&D must be a participant not a bystander in machine learning People Management, Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Harrison P, Tosey P, Anderson V, Elliott C. 2020. HRD professional education provision in the UK: past, present and future Human Resource Development International, :1-19 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Collins H, Harrison PA, Palace M. 2020. Out of the shadows: A young woman's journey from hiding to celebrating her identity The Qualitative Report, 25 :4310-4325 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Collins H, Harrison P. 2020. coronavirus shows key workers need better pay and protection- here's what has to change Collins H, Harrison P. The Conversation,

Harrison PA, Collins H. 2020. Coronavirus shows key workers need better pay and protection – here’s what has to change The Conversation, Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Harrison PA, Collins H. 2019. Warnings of a ‘race to the bottom’ on workers’ pay and conditions should concern us all Hood L. The Conversation, Publisher Url Public Url

Collins H, Harrison P. 2019. race to the bottom in the conversation ttp:// The Conversation,

Collins H, Harrison PA. 2019. Supporting Liverpool's Roma community: an illumination via Bourdieu's theory of capital Innovations in Practice, 13 :10-15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Collins H, Harrison PA. 2019. My dreams are becoming reality The Big Issue, Publisher Url Public Url

Gandy RJ, Harrison PA, Gold J. 2018. Talent management in Higher Education: Is turnover relevant? Garavan T. European Journal of Training and Development, 42 :597-610 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Harrison PA, Nichol L, Gatto M, Wai MC, Cox A, Gold J. 2018. What will be the Surprises for HRD in 2018? A Futures Scenario nichol L, gatto M, chee M, cox A. International Journal of HRD Practices , Policy and Research, 3 :63-71 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Harrison PA, Edwards C. 2012. A partnership approach to action learning within a masters educational programme Action Learning: research and practice, 9 :45-50 DOI Publisher Url

Harrison PA. 2011. Learning Culture, line manager and HR professional practice Journal of European Industrial Training, 9 :914-928 DOI Publisher Url

Harrison PA. 2007. Knowledge Sharing People Management, :64-64

Harrison PA. 2006. Questioning in Action Learning: Rhetoric or Reality? The International Journal of Management Education, 5 :15-20 DOI Publisher Url

Harrison PA, Gandy RJ. Measuring Staff Turnover at Faculty and Departmental Level in Universities to Support Better Staff and Talent Management Studies in Higher Education, Public Url

Harrison PA. Lerning culture, line manager and HR professional proactice Journal of European Industrial Training, 35 :914-928

Gandy RJ, Harrison PA, Gold J. Measuring Staff Turnover at Faculty and Departmental Level in Universities to Support Better Staff Management British Educational Research Journal, Public Url

Collins H, duffy C, Jolliffe P. ‘It’s down to hard work, lonely work, long, long hours, and you have to be able to sacrifice’; removing the veil of the Gender-Neutral organisation. Gender Issues, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Internet publication

Collins H, Jolliffe P, Smith R, Bahor A. 2023. Listening to hidden voices: creating meaningful and sustainable partnerships between marginalised groups and their universities Publisher Url Public Url

Editorial/letter to the editor

Collins H, Jolliffe P. 2022. Creating Impact with Research and Outreach Collins H. AACSB,

Conference publication

Jolliffe P, Collins H, Jolliffe K. 2021. ‘Lots of little jobs’ – building local skills ecosystems for the precarious worker CIPD Applied Research, Applied Research Conference Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Harrison PA. Developing HR Professional Practice Tenth International Conference on HRD Research and Practice across Europe

Harrison PA. ‘Where is Critical HRM’ CMS5

Harrison PA. Developing the Future Generation of HR Professionals "HRD in Turbulent Seas - Continued Global Economic Uncertainty: Challenges and Opportunities".

Barry S, Collins H, Jolliffe P. The ‘dark side’ and unintended consequences of front line worker high employee engagement practices in the hospitality industry

Barry S, Collins H, D’harboullé C, Jolliffe P. Elucidating the ‘dark side’ and unintended consequences of frontline worker high employee engagement practices in the hospitality sector The International Journal of Human Resource Management, University Forum for Human Resource Development Conference Public Url

Collins H, Jolliffe P, Barry S. er: 2024 Winners of best paper at the International Conference on HRD Research and Practice across Europe, Lisbon June 2024 -Community-led research: A case study of supporting the GTRSB UK community into Education (Jolliffe P, Collins H and Barry S) ID: 588B753C-6CE2-4B93-BFAC-971D4029A563 Award title: Alan Moon Prize winner: 2024 Winners of best paper at the International Conference on HRD Research and Practice across Europe, Lisbon June 2024 -Community-led research: A case study of supporting the GTRSB UK community into Education (Jolliffe P, Collins H and Barry S) Awarding body: University Forum for Human Resource Development, June 2024. Lisbon. Date: 14 Jun 2024 UFHRD

Collins DH, Jolliffe P, Barry S. Building bridging social capital in a marginalised community: a trifecta collaboration between higher education, a GTRSB community in the UK and the City Council.


Harrison P, Nichol L, Gold J. 2020. Redefining HRD Roles and Practice in the Machine Learning Revolution Loon M, Stewart J, Nachmias S. The Future of HRD, Volume I Innovation and Technology 1 Palgrave Macmillan 9783030524098 DOI Publisher Url

Harrison P, Soehren D. 2017. Working collaboratively as a member of a team or working group Stewart J, Rogers P. Studying Learning and Development Context, Practice and Measurement :59-88 Cipd - Kogan Page 9781843984146

Harrison PA, Auluck R. 2014. Designing and Delivering Learning and Development Stewart J, Cureton P. Designing and Delivering Learning and Development: essentials for practice CIPD. London 9781843983606

Harrison PA. 2011. Motivation and Satisfaction Butler M, Rose E. Introduction to Organisational Behaviour :84-95 CIPD

Harrison PA, Soehren D. Chapter 3 – Working collaboratively as a member of a team or working group Stewart J. Studying learning and Development Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development


Gandy RJ, Harrison PA, Gold J. 2018. Criticality of Detailed Staff Turnover Measurement Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25 :2950-2967 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Jolliffe P, Collins H. Pocket Guide to Life in the United Kingdom Publisher Url


VC Award Nomination for Research and Knowledge Exchange Support, Liverpool John Moores University. 2024

The UFHRD Alan Moon Memorial Prize for Best Paper, UFHRD. 2024

Monica Lee Research Excellence Award HRDI Finalist, Human Resource Development International, 2022

VC Chancellors Award Excellence in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Liverpool John Moores University. 2021

VC Chancellor Commendation Award for Excellence in Social and Economic Engagement, VC-Chancellor Awards, LJMU. 2019

Scholarly Snaps Competition - Standing Room Only, LJMU. 2019

Extra Mile Award, LJMU SU. 2019

'If you could do one thing...', British Academy for all humanities and social sciences. 2017

Other invited event:

EPIC Christmas Project in Govanhill, Glasgow, Researching experiences of community and those supporting the community in Govanhill, Scotland. Included a Christmas Party for the young people and care packages for the family members.. 2024

GRT and Education in Manchester, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, First Floor, Tootal Buildings, 56 Oxford Street M1 6EU, Delivered a presentation on our project GTRSB into Schools in Liverpool. 2024

International Conference on Sustainable Entrepreneurial Dynamism for India, Alagappa University, Keynote speaker at conference. 2022

Conference presentation:

Moving Together - Liverpool GTRSB and Education, Greater Manchester Gypsy Roma Traveller + Task and Finish Group - Education, Manchester, Oral presentation. 2024

Building bridging social capital in a marginalised community: a trifecta collaboration between higher education, a GTRSB community in the UK and the City Council, UFHRD Human Resources Development in a Digital Age, Lisbon, Oral presentation, 2024

Action Learning a catalyst for change: the wicked problem of employment with a chronic health condition, Making a Contribution in a Practice Field: Action Learning in a Changing World, Online, Oral presentation. 2021

A future ‘fair’ skills ecosystem - the rhetoric and reality for the precarious worker, CIPD Applied Research Conference 2021, Online, Oral presentation. 2021

Managing opportunities for tackling precarity in the labour market: teaching a partnership approach through OD interventions, iaelyon international week/seminars, online, Oral presentation. 2021

The impact of machine learning on future HRD practice and research, The University Forum for HRD 20th Anniversary Celebratory Conference ‘From Robin Hood to the digital era: HRD as a driver for future creativity, innovation and change’, Nottingham, Oral presentation. 2019

The Roma Project, Employability and the use of Motivational Interviewing, MINT, UK, Bournemouth, UK, Oral presentation. 2019

HR Professional Networking and Social Media: An academic and student led initative, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2018

Widening access to educational opportunity and employability for underrepresented groups: the Liverpool Roma Employability Project (LREN), UFHRD2018 Conference: Power and possibility: unleashing the potential of HRD, Newcastle, Oral presentation. 2018

Gaining and legitimising power by the precariat in the precariat world: A story of the Roma in the UK, The 17th international UFHRD Conference was held in Lisbon at Universidade Europeia, Lisbon, Portugal, Oral presentation. 2017

Co-construction of professional learning student employability, The 17th International UFHRD Leadership, Diversity and Changing Practices in HRD in a Global Context, Manchester, Oral presentation. 2016

HRD Programme Provision in teh UK: Past, Present and Future, The 16th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practrice, Cork, Ireland, Oral presentation. 2015

The Impact of Talent Management Program on the Performance of Leaders in UAE, The 14th University Forum for Human Resource Development Conference, Edinburgh, UK, Oral presentation. 2014

Developing the future generation of HR Professionals, The 13th University Forum for Human Resource Development Conference, Brighton, UK, Oral presentation. 2013

How the profesional learns to practice - a 'novice' learner perspective, The Sixth Critical Management Studies Conference, Warwick, UK, Oral presentation. 2009

A partnership approach to action learning within a masters educational programme, Action Learning: Releasing the potential of learning to enable sustainable change, Bolton, UK, Oral presentation. 2009

How does the HR professional learn to practice?, 9th University of Human Resource Development International Conference, Newcastle, UK, Oral presentation. 2008

Research Grants Awarded:

EDI Liverpool John Moores University, Developing a Liverpool GTRSB Education Hub, Dr Helen Collins; Sheldon Chadwick, Grant value (£): 9955, Duration of research project: 10 months. 2024

Research and Knowledge Exchange Enhancement Fund, Building Roma Social Capital and Policy through a UK Roma Network (UKRN), Dr Helen Collins, Grant value (£): 5000, Duration of research project: 4 months. 2024

Liverpool John Moores QR Fund, Using the Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boaters' (GTRSB) HE and Schools Pledge to increase Liverpool GTRSB into FE and HE, Helen Collins, Grant value (£): 9,855, Duration of research project: 12. 2023

Internal pump-priming of research, Building Roma Social Capital and Policy through a National Roma Network (NRN), Helen Collins, Grant value (£): 2000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2022

Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, Roma Education Aspiration Project Continuation Project, Helen Collins, Grant value (£): 30000, Duration of research project: 8 months. 2021

QR Funding, To investigate the ways in which Roma women manage and negotiate their labour relations, Helen Collins, Grant value (£): 2000, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2019

REF-Upskilling Project 2018-19, Increasing education and employability opportunities for Roma, Grant value (£): 4400, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2018

Department for Communities and Local Government, Roma Education Aspiration Project, Helen Collins, Grant value (£): 30000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2018

QR Funding, Working with local and international partners to make a difference in the Roma community, Helen Collins, Grant value (£): 1970, Duration of research project: July 2017. 2017

University Forum for Human Resource Development, Audit of HR Masters Provision in the UK, Grant value (£): 2500, Duration of research project: One year. 2015

Curriculum Enhancement Project, HR Professional Networking Project - Student to Professional, Grant value (£): 3260, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2015

Conference organisation:

Liverpool GTRSB Celebration - Moving Together, Organiser, 2024

ACERT Conference, Organiser, 2023

PRME North West Event, Organising Team. 2022

LJMU HR Networking Event, Organiser, 2022

Embedding the CIPD New Professional Map in our Learning/Teaching Practice, Organiser. 2021

LJMU HR Networking Event, Organiser. 2021

The University Forum for HRD 20th Anniversary Celebratory Conference From Robin Hood to the digital era: HRD as a driver for future creativity, innovation and change’, Chair of P&Q Committee – Organisation of UFHRD Resource Award 2019 Reviewer - Critical Approaches to HRD, 2019

Roma Education and Employability Event, Organiser. 2019

Degree Apprenticeships 'Insider' perspective for academics in HE, Conference organiser. 2019

UFHRD Annual Conference 2018 "Power and possibility: unleashing the potential of HRD”, Chair P&Q Committee - Organizing Teaching and Learning Prize, 2018

Pushing the Boundaries of HR Learning, Organiser. 2017

18th HRD Conference 2017 (supported by UFHRD and AHRD) “Indigenous Research and Identity in HRD in a Globalised World”, As Chair of the Professional and Qualification Committee to coordinate and make recommendations for the winner of the Teaching and Learning Prize. 2017

17th HRD Conference 2016 (supported by UFHRD and AHRD) “Leadership, Diversity and Changing Practices in HRD”, As Chair of the Professional and Qualification Committee to coordinate and make recommendations for the winner of the Teaching and Learning Prize. 2016

Public engagement:

Public talk or lecture, Academics, Organiser and Speaker, This on-line event from the Learning and Education Committee (LEC) will focus on developing networks to support all colleagues in the scholarship of Learning and Education., Online, Talking Teaching - ‘Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.’, • Creating inclusive, diverse teaching environments • Attract and retain students from marginalised communities. • Interested in reflecting on, sharing, discussing, and developing your practice.. 2024

Other Professional Activity:

UFHRD Talking Teaching - Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) in Assessment and Learning I am developing and leading this as part of my role in the UFHRD Teaching and Learning Group. 2024

The impact of COVID-19 on business and workers. Contributed to the call for evidence from the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee.. 2020

Professional Student Network Group (PSNG) Founding member. 2015

Human Relations, Journal of Business Ethics, Human Resource Development International and European Journal of Training and Development Reviewer.

Media Coverage:

ACERT Conference 2023

‘My dreams are becoming reality’ Article in Big Issue concerning Employability Fair 2019 Research by Dr P Harrison and Helen Collins mentioned. 2020

Main contributor to article concerning the impact of the new immigration policy on Merseyside 2020

External collaboration:

Petr Torak, Compas Charity, Developed and submitted a research bid 20267977 to The UK TNL Community Fund, titled United Kingdom Network (UKRN) 'Roma for Roma'. 2022

University of Gloucestershire, External Examiner Human Resource Management Programmes. 2019

Chichester University, External Examiner - HR Programmes. 2015

Coventry University, External Examiner. 2013

External PGR examinations performed:

University of Gloucestershire, Professional Doctorate, The adoption of a SME dual market strategy and its influence on organizational culture: The case of employee motivation. 2018

Teaching qualification:

HEA Fellow. 2013

Membership of professional bodies:

Member of Professional & Qualifications Committee, University Forum for Human Resource Development, 2013

Member, CIPD. 1996

External committees:

Programme & Qualifications, University Forum for HRD, Chair of Programme & Qualifications Committee, 2011

Industrial connections:

Anglesey County Council, Programme Manager MA Change Management. 2007
