Image of Dr Sue Cronshaw

Dr Sue Cronshaw

Liverpool Business School

Faculty of Business and Law

Before moving into academia I worked as a marketing professional in the media for 10 years, specifically in the field of brand management. As a senior lecturer in Marketing, my research interests include the female consumer experience, consumer tribes/online communities, digital health and organizational ambidexterity. I am the Associate Editor for the International Journal of Organizational Analysis, journal reviewer for Journal of Creating Value, International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Higher Education Quarterly, Innovations in Teaching and Learning International and Journal of Consumer Affairs. I am an External Examiner for Professional Doctorates at The University of Chester and De Montfort University, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a CMBE Certified Management and Business Educator and AURORA Alumni.


2016, University of Chester, United Kingdom, PhD
2006, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, PGCLTHE
2004, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, MA Strategic Marketing
2003, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, Postgraduate Dilpoma in Marketing Management
1998, Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK, CIM Advanced Certificate in Marketing
1994, University of Sunderland, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) Communication Studies

Academic appointments

Lecturer in Marketing & Media, Media & Commuication, Liverpool Hope University, 2003 - 2017


Cronshaw S, Drummond MG. 2024. Digital pedagogies for sustainable futures: the role of gamification to enhance student learning Sustainability in Business Education, Research and Practices :291-301 Springer Cham 978-3-031-55995-2 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Cronshaw S. 2017. Working Student Mums and the Art of Spinning Plates Postgraduate Study in the UK: Surviving and Succeeding :163-174 Libri 9781911450030


Cronshaw S, Drummond M. 2024. Guide to ESD in Practice: Student engagement through gamification for experiential learning in the formal curriculum Publisher Url

Cronshaw S, Wolstencroft P. 2023. Student Engagement Guidelines: Learning from innovative practices introduced in response to COVID-19 A collaboration of 10 UK modern universities Publisher Url Public Url

Journal article

Cronshaw S, Stokes P, McCulloch A. 2023. Outside looking in: Gendered roles and the wellbeing of working student mothers studying for a part-time PhD Higher Education Quarterly, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Potts J, Stevens M, Cronshaw S, Wilson H, Van Hout M. 2023. Highflyers navigating potential turbulence ahead: a phenomenological study about airline pilot experiences of the menopause Maturitas, 173 :119-120 DOI Publisher Url

Cronshaw S, Stokes P, McCulloch A. 2022. Online Communities of Practice and doctoral study: working women with children resisting perpetual peripherality Journal of Further and Higher Education, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Cronshaw S, Stokes P, McCullough A. 2021. Mothers doing doctorates part-time – why do we make it harder than it needs to be? Global Focus: The EFMD Business Magazine, Publisher Url Public Url

Cronshaw S. 2021. Web Workouts and consumer well-being: The role of digital-physical activity during the UK COVID-19 lockdown Journal of Consumer Affairs, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Stokes P, Smith S, Wall T, Moore N, Rowland C, Ward T, Cronshaw S. 2019. Resilience and the (micro-)dynamics of organizational ambidexterity: implications for strategic HRM International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30 :1287-1322 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Busby R, Cronshaw S. 2015. Political Branding: The Tea Party and Its Use of Participation Branding Journal of Political Marketing, 14 :96-110 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Conference publication

Cronshaw S, Wall T. 2023. Digital pedagogies in management education: beyond enjoyment and employment, towards social value and impact Research in Management Learning and Education Unconference

Wall T, Hindley A, Foster S, Cronshaw S, Jariwala J. Co-creating ‘Decent Work’ Through Appreciative Inquiry Methodologies and Tools Academy of Management Teaching & Learning Conference Author Url

Wall T, Hindley A, Foster S, Cronshaw S, Jariwala J. Reimagining decent work through engaged scholarship: dynamics and boundaries of inclusive relationality BAM Conference Proceedings, British Academy of Management 2022 Author Url Public Url

Cronshaw S, Drummond M. Digital pedagogies for sustainable futures: the role of gamification to enhance student learning European Symposium on Sustainability in Business Education, Research and Practice DOI

Drummond M, Cronshaw S. Student engagement through games – the future for sustainable education Learning, Teaching and Student Experience (LTSE) 2023

Books (edited)

2017. Postgraduate Study in the UK: Surviving and Succeeding McMaster C, Murphy C, Cronshaw S, Codiroli McMaster N. Libris 978-1911450030

Internet publication

Cronshaw S. The challenges of using netnography and qualitative questionnaires to explore the role of digital-physical activity and consumer well being during the UK COVID-19 lockdown. SAGE.

Other Professional Activity:

Journal reviwer, Australian Feminist Studies. 2025

Journal reviewer, Journal of Marketing Management. 2024

Journal reviewer, Studies in Continuing Education. 2024

Journal reviewer, Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education. 2024

Journal Reviewer, Higher Education Quarterly. 2023

Journal Reviewer, Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 2023

Invited by University of Bedfordshire to deliver a webinar on Netnography to promote the digital transformation of education using social media to enhance the student experience. 2022

Journal Reviewer, International Journal of Mental Health Promotion. 2022

Journal Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Affairs. 2021

REF reviewer for De Montfort Business School. 2020

Journal Reviewer, Journal of Creating Value. 2020

I am one of 5 officials, running the LJMU Women Academics Network..

Invited to review the De Montfort University Business School REF submission.

Reviewer for Higher Education Quarterly Journal.

Reviewer for Innovations in Education and Teaching International.

Reviewer for International Journal of Mental Health Promotion.

Reviewer for International Journal of Organisational Analysis.

Reviewer for Quality in Postgraduate Research Conference.

Reviewer for The Journal of Consumer Affairs.

Reviewer for The Journal of Creating Value.

Reviewer for the Society for Research into Higher Education Conference.


Longlist for Management Publication of the Year 2024, CABS, CIM, BAM, 2024

Best Paper for "The use of digital learning and gamification in business education for sustainability learning", European Symposium for Sustainability in Business Education, Research and Practice,,1DEWK,4P9IT6,5DVII,1. 2023

Teaching and Learning award, Faculty of Business and Law. 2021

External collaboration:

Manchester Metropolitan University, Invited to assess Business students entrepreneur projects alongside industry experts. 2023

Conference presentation:

Digital pedagogies in management education: beyond enjoyment and employment, towards social value and impact, Research in Management Learning and Education, Banff, Canada, Oral presentation. 2023

More than clicks and bricks: Consumer oriented value through phygitalisation, Colloquium on European research in Retailing, Portsmouth, Oral presentation. 2023

Student engagement through games – the future for sustainable education, Chartered Association of Business Schools LTSE, Cardiff, Oral presentation. 2023

Digital pedagogies for sustainable futures: the role of gamification to enhance student learning, European Symposium on Sustainability in Business Education, Research and Practices, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2023

Reimagining decent work through engaged scholarship: dynamics and boundaries of inclusive relationality, BAM Annual Conference 2022, hybrid/Manchester, Workshop. 2022

Co-creating ‘Decent Work’ Through Appreciative Inquiry Methodologies and Tools, Academy of Management 2022, Hybrid (online/Seattle), Workshop. 2022

Mothers undertaking part-time doctoral study: Challenges and Implications, Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE) Conference 2021, Online, Oral presentation. 2021

Outside Looking In: Marginalisation of working student mothers in Higher Education and the impact on their well-being., UK Council for Graduate Education. 2nd International Conference on the Mental Health & Wellbeing of Postgraduate Researchers, Online, Oral presentation. 2021

On the periphery: the experience of part-time PhD students who are also working mothers and the role of online Communities of Practice., Quality in Postgraduate Research, Australia, Oral presentation. 2018

Postgraduate Education as a means of re-affirming identity in Women, Business, Enterprise and lifelong learning, Chester, Oral presentation. 2015

Female doctoral students: Identity conflict and self-categorization., Diversity and difference, Chester, Poster presentation. 2014

The influence of social media on young women’s perceptions of beauty, Theorising the Popular, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2011

The relevance of the Diva to today’s young women, The Diva. Run by the University of Liverpool, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2011

Research Grants Awarded:

LJMU, An investigation into the organisational support preferences for parents and carers of children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Madeline Stevens, Tony Wall, Patricia Joliffe, Helen Collins, Grant value (£): 1,700, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2023

LJMU, The impact of transition on the well-being of early-stage International doctoral students: Are they being supported?, Scott Foster, Grant value (£): 2,500, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2022

Quality Assurance Agency, Student Engagement Guidelines: Learning from innovative practices introduced in response to COVID-19 A collaboration of 10 UK modern universities, Coventry Uni, Birmingham City Uni, De Montfort, MMU, Northumbria, Uni of East London, Uni of Greenwich, Uni of Huddersfield, Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2021

Innovate UK, Enbarr Management Knowledge Transfer Partnership,, Tony Wall, Marcus Hansen, Jan Brown, Grant value (£): 155,000, Duration of research project: 24 months. 2021

Editorial boards:

Human Resource Development International, Editor - for special issue. 2023

International Journal of Organisational Analysis, Associate Editor. 2017

External PGR examinations performed:

University of Chester, DBA, The Function and Dynamics of Interpersonal Trust within Workplace Learning in High Pressure Context. 2022


University of Chester, Professional Doctorate, Investigating Ambidexterity of SMEs in the Defence and Security Industry. 2021

University of Chester, Professional Doctorate, Tussles with ambidexterity. The case of managers of health professional education. 2019

Conference organisation:

British Academy of Management Research Methodologies Symposium, Co-organiser. 2022

UFHRD: Making a Contribution in a Practice Field: Action Learning in a Changing World., Co-organiser and chair. 2021

Theorising the Popular, Co-host and organiser. I organised this annual International conference. 2016

Theorising the popular at Liverpool Hope University, Co-host and organiser. I organised this annual International conference. 2015

Theorising the Popular at Liverpool Hope University, Co-host and organiser. I organised this annual International conference. 2014

Theorising the Popular. Based at Liverpool Hope University, Co-host and organiser. I organised this annual International conference. 2013

External committees:

Chartered Association of Business Schools CPD Board, Chartered Association of Business Schools, Board member. 2022

Membership of professional bodies:

CMBE Certified Management and Business Educator, Chartered Association of Business Schools. 2020

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy. 2007

Teaching qualification:

P.G.C.L.T.H.E. 2006

Media Coverage:

BBC Radio Merseyside, I was on the Breakfast show once a month for 7 years, covering the key new stories of the day in a debate with the show host. In addition I spoke about my research on numerous occasions.
