Image of Dr Track Dinning

Dr Track Dinning

Liverpool Business School

Faculty of Business and Law

Dr Track Dinning is a member of the senior leadership team of Liverpool Business School, where she is the Associate Dean of Education and Head of Undergraduate programmes. Throughout her career at LJMU, Track has held various non-academic and management positions. Notably, she was the Business Development Manager for the University’s’ Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, where she found her interest and passion in connecting students with business and developed herself as an enterprise educator. Track’s role in the Business School is wide-reaching across a full range of undergraduate programmes, with the responsibility for the student experience, teaching enhancement and quality assurance.
With a background and passion specific to enterprise education and employability Track uses her entrepreneurial mindset to drive her work and lead change across the school, the institution, and sector. She has a keen interest to connect students with communities and business and she achieves this through student-led practice. In the Business School, Track has led the development of the Business Clinic that supports the curriculum through real-world consultancy modules and authentic assessment. Track regularly presents on practice based learning at national and international levels and recently hosted a Business Clinic Global Symposium in collaboration with the NCEE Global Alliance for its premier members.

Tracks passion for developing skills does not stop with students, as one of her most recent projects includes leading on the £600,000 LJMUs contribution to the European funded skills programme across the region. This project used extended networks to build a reputation for the delivery of skills development across the region and registered over 350 participants on the programme.

Tracks research has a focus on the intersection between entrepreneurship, employability, and teaching and learning, and has made demonstrable impact evidenced through her peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. She was submitted into REF 2021 to UoA23.

In 2024 Track gained Principal Fellowship status of the of Advance HE and have been a Certified Management and
Business Educator since 2020. Previously, she has been highly commended by the Enterprise Educator UK for her enterprise curriculum work, and internally been recognised through VC Awards, for her external engagement, teaching and learning, and role as a personal tutor.


2020, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, PhD
2019, Columbia Business School, United States, Post Graduate Diploma
2008, Liverpool John Moores University, Unitied Kingdom, PGCert Learning and Teaching
1990, Sheffield University, United Kingdom, M.Medical Science
1989, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, BSc(hons) Sport and Exercide Science


2020, Chartered Association of Business School, Certified Management and Business Educator
2010, National Council for Graduate Enterprise, European Enterprise Programme
2009, National Council for Graduate Enteprise, International Enterprise Educators Programme

Academic appointments

Subject Leader, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores university, 2020 - present
Programme Leader, Liverpool John Moores Univerisity, 2016 - 2020
Principal Lecturer: Student Enterprise and External Engagement, Liverpool John Moores University, 2010 - 2015

Highlighted publications

Dinning T. 2019. Articulating entrepreneurial competencies in the undergraduate curricular Education and Training, 61 :432-444 DOI Publisher Url

Dinning TM. 2018. Assessment of Entrepreneurship in Higher Education: An evaluation of current practices and proposals for increasing authenticity Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 11 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Dinning TM. 2017. Preparing sport graduates for employment: satisfying employers expectations Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, 7 :354-368 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Dinning T. 2017. Embedding employability and enterprise skills in sport degrees through a focused work - based project; a student and employer viewpoint Ünlü H. Cogent Education, 4 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Dinning TM, Brown S. 2016. Fostering learning for capability and assessing authentically: a vision for Enterprise Education Winkel D. Experiential Entrepreneurship Exercises Journal, 1 Public Url

Dinning TM. 2015. Dispelling the Myth of How to Develop Enterprise/Entrepreneurship Skills in University Students: A Staff Perception Study Creative Education, 6 :1584-1596 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Dinning TM. 2013. Successes and Challenges of Developing Entrepreneurial Skills within the curriculum in Higher Education Innovations in Practice, 8 :115-128

Dinning TM. 2010. Sport Start: Creating a model to enhance student employibility through employer engagment CETL Journal: Innovations in Practice, 2 Publisher Url


Dinning TM, Brown J, McGrath L, Nichol T, Shore A, Nixon S. 2024. Developing Global Best Practice for Business Clinics at Universities: Practice guidance report Publisher Url Public Url

Skritsovali K, Hindley A, Collins H, Wall T, Dinning T, Jolliffe P. 2022. PRME Sharing Information on Progress Report PRME Sharing Information on Progress Report Publisher Url

Internet publication

Wolstencroft P, Dinning TM. 2024. Sticking Together: How Glue Guys Work in Education Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wolstencroft P, Whitfield E, Dinning TM. 2023. Convergence in the English and French education systems: Vive la difference! Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Dinning TM, Wolstencroft P. 2023. It takes two: Co-leadership in British higher education Publisher Url Public Url

Wolstencroft P, Whitfield E, Dinning TM. 2022. But what do the numbers say? How the movement towards datafication might change English higher education Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Journal article

Wolstencroft P, Whitfield E, Dinning TM. 2023. A tale of two objectives: The challenge of meeting diverse targets in UK Business School PRISM:Casting New Light on Learning, Theory & Practice, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Shore A, Dinning T. 2023. Developing student's skills and work readiness: an experiential learning framework Journal of Work-Applied Management, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Dinning T. 2019. Articulating entrepreneurial competencies in the undergraduate curricular Education and Training, 61 :432-444 DOI Publisher Url

Walsh BA, Dinning TM, Money J, Money S, Maher A. 2018. Supporting reasonable adjustments for learners with disabilities in physical education: An investigation into teacher’s perceptions of one online tool Cogent Education, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Dinning TM. 2018. Assessment of Entrepreneurship in Higher Education: An evaluation of current practices and proposals for increasing authenticity Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 11 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Dinning TM. 2017. Preparing sport graduates for employment: satisfying employers expectations Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, 7 :354-368 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Dinning T. 2017. Embedding employability and enterprise skills in sport degrees through a focused work - based project; a student and employer viewpoint Ünlü H. Cogent Education, 4 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Morley D, Maher A, Walsh BA, Dinning TM, Lloyd D, Pratt A. 2017. Making reasonable adjustments for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities: pre-service teachers' perceptions of an online support research British journal of Special Education., 44 :203-219 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Money J, Nixon S, Tracy FE, Hennessy C, Ball E, Dinning TM. 2017. Undergraduate student expectations of university in the United Kingdom: What really matters to them? Cogent Education, 4 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Money J, Dinning TM, Nixon S, Walsh BA, Magill C. 2016. Co- Creating a Blended learning Curriculum in Transition to Higher Education: A Student Viewpoint. Creative Education, 7 :1205-1213 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Dinning TM, Brown S. 2016. Fostering learning for capability and assessing authentically: a vision for Enterprise Education Winkel D. Experiential Entrepreneurship Exercises Journal, 1 Public Url

Dinning TM, Maghill CA, Money J, Walsh B, Nixon S. 2016. Can a blended learning approach enhance students transition into higher education? A study to explore perception , engagement and progression. International Journal of Advancement in Education and Social Science, 3 :1-7 Public Url

Dinning TM. 2015. Dispelling the Myth of How to Develop Enterprise/Entrepreneurship Skills in University Students: A Staff Perception Study Creative Education, 6 :1584-1596 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Dinning TM. 2013. Successes and Challenges of Developing Entrepreneurial Skills within the curriculum in Higher Education Innovations in Practice, 8 :115-128

Dinning TM. 2013. Sucesses and challenges of developing entrepreneurial skills within the curriculum in higher education. CETL Journal Innovation in Practice, 8

Dinning TM. 2010. Sport Start: Creating a model to enhance student employibility through employer engagment CETL Journal: Innovations in Practice, 2 Publisher Url

Beattie I, Dinning TM, Williams L. 2008. Continuing the Sport Development spirit using P2P networking as the catalyst. CETL Journal: Innovations in Practice, 1

Dinning TM. Staff perceptions to enterprise / entrepreneurship education: Pedagogies, benefits and barriers

Dinning T, Nixon S, Williams L, Brown J. Campus to Career: a graduate perspective on the usefulness of their degree. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning,

Editorial/letter to the editor

Dinning T, Djebali Z, Hurd F, Dyer S. 2023. Editorial: The 3 Es – education, environment and entrepreneurial flair Journal of Work-Applied Management, 15 :170-172 DOI Publisher Url


Wolstencroft P, Dinning TM. 2023. Leading a large and disparate school in higher education Outhwaite DEBORAH, Simon CATHERINE. Leadership and Management for Education Studies Taylor & Francis 9781003321439 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Brown J, Dinning T, Wall T, Shore A. Putting Sustainability Theory into Practice – Developing Networking & Consultancy Opportunities in the Curriculum to Create Real Value Add Wall T, Leal W, Trevisan L, Shore A. Sustainability in Business Education, Research and Practices DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Brown J, Dinning T, Wall T. Developing Entrepreneurial Sustainability Thinking and Action at ‘The World Café’ Wall T, Leal W, Trevisan L, Shore A. Sustainability in Business Education, Research and Practices DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Agboma F, Govender IG, Dinning T. Reimagining Business Clinic Outcome and Impact Assessment Through a Sustainability Lens Wall T. The Elgar Companion to Management Education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Conference publication

Shore A, Dinning TM. 2022. Experiential learning: using live projects as a conduit for civic engagement and 'clinical' business practice ISBE Conference Proceedings, ISBE 2022 Publisher Url Public Url

Dinning TM. 'Making things happen’ in an enterprising way Teaching and Learning Conference, Liverpool John Moores University

Dinning TM. SPORT START: Giving Students a Start in the World of Work. E-Evolve Enhancing Employability Conference

Dinning TM, Magill C, Money J, Walsh B, Nixon J. Doing things differently: Blended learning AfPE ITTE Conference

Dinning TM, Magill C, Money J, Walsh B, Nixon S. Blended learning activities to support the transition process European First Experience Conference

Dinning TM, Magill C, Money J, Walsh B, Nixon S. Student perceptions of a blended learning approach to their first five weeks at university Teaching and Learning Conference

Dinning TM. Enterprise Education in Universitues-presentation of a case study International Enterprise Educators Conference

Dinning TM, Crehan E, Schofield C, Hookham-Williams C. Battleship : A Business plan model International Enterprise Educators Conference

Dinning T. Nurturing entrepreneurship education: Towards a multidisciplinary approach

Brown J, Agboma F, Dinning T, Omuso B. Developing a Business Clinic Approach: collaborative work and value creation Student experience proceedings, Students at the Heart Publisher Url




VC Award Research and Knowledge Exchange, LJMU. 2024

PICCASO Privacy European Awards : Bridging the privacy and security gap, PICCASO Privacy, InfoSec, Culture, Change, Awareness, Societal, Organisation. Awarded to LJMU for a student led project., 2023

VC Teaching and Learning Award of Excellence, Liverpool John Moores university. 2016

The Amazing Tutor of the Year Award, Liverpool Students Union. 2014

Vice Chancellor Award of Excellence, LJMU. 2014

Enterprise Educator of the Year - Highly Commended, Enterprise Educators UK. 2011

Research Grants Awarded:

British Council- Malaysian consortium, Developing a model for transnational business clinic collaboration and competition, Dr Farrah Robert, Grant value (£): 30,000, Duration of research project: 7 months. 2024

European Social Investment Fund, Enterprise Hub Skills, Principal Investigator: Dr Adam Shore, Grant value (£): £580,000, Duration of research project: 3. 2023

Lawn Tennis Association, Continuation of the university tennis programme, Grant value (£): 5000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2018

Tennis Foundation, University Tennis, Grant value (£): £10,000, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2015

Equality and Human Rights Commission, Raising Attainment in Disabled Children, Dr Phil Vickerman and Dr Barbara Walsh, Grant value (£): £142,000, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2014

Lawn Tennis Association, University Tennis Coordinator, Grant value (£): £20,000. 2012

Sport England, Sportivate, Tom Flectcher, Grant value (£): £3200. 2011


Fellow of Entrepreneurial Leadership, National Centre for Entrepreneurial Education. 2024

Principal Fellow, Advance HE (formally Higher Education Academy). 2024

Certified Business and Management Educator, Chartered Association of Business Schools. 2020

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Advance HE (formally HEA). 2012

Fellow of the National Council of Enterprise Education, National Council for Enterprise Education. 2008

Fellow of the HEA, Higher Education Academy. 2005

Other invited event:

NCEE Global Alliance of Entrepreneurial Universities: Regional Advisory Group, London: online, NCEE’s Global Alliance of Entrepreneurial University is a voice for entrepreneurial universities. The Regional Advisory Group will help to foster new collaboration in your own locality, whilst leveraging global knowledge exchange and innovation across the regions we operate - Africa, Asia, China, Europe, Middle East and North Africa, and the UK.. 2024

Launch of NCEE Global Alliance Membership - China, London, Invited to speak at the event to a delegation from several Chinese universities. 2023

International study in the UK, Seoul, South Korea, Invited to speak to various organisations and collages regarding study 'Sport at LJMU'. 2018

Publish my Pedaggoy, Liverpool John Moores University, The presentation covered my personal journey and top tips of how I have started to develop a research profile over the past 3 years. 2017

Enterprise Educators Development Programme, Liverpool, Invited to speak at a Enterprise Educators development programme on my experiences as an enterprise educator. 2013

International Enteprise Educators Programme, Manchester Metropolitan University, Presented on the impact of the IEEP course to potential new delegates. 2012

Enterprise Educators Development Programme, Manchester Met University, Invited to speak at a Enterprise Educators development programme on my experiences as an enterprise educator. 2012

Higher Education Academy Employibility Good Pratcise Event, HEA: London, Following a brief presenation on the subject, led a discussion forum: Title 'Sport start an enterpriseing model of engagment for students and stakeholder'. 2009

Conference presentation:

Privacy and digital wellbeing, Students at the Heart Conference, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2024

Skill Up: Leadership and Enterprise (2023), Students at the Heart Conference, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2023

Privacy, Digital Security Wellness and Awareness – A collaborative project with Screen, Business and Law students, Students at the Heart Conference, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2023

Business Clinics as the intersection of student and business impact:: developing an evidence - based agenda, Learning, Teaching Student Experience, ICC Wales, Oral presentation. 2023

Experiential learning: using live projects as a conduit for civic engagement and ‘clinical’ business practice, Institute of Small Business and Enterprise Conference, York, Oral presentation. 2022

Employability :Infused, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2022

Developing an approach to embedding enterprise in the curriculum: landscape, approaches and principles through research and practice, International Enterprise Educators Conference, Leed Beckett University, Oral presentation. 2018

Developing an approach to embedding enterprise in the curriculum: landscape, approaches and principles through research and practice, International Enterprise Educators Conference, Leeds, Oral presentation. 2018

Are you hungry? The Enterprise tapas: developing entrepreneurial students through innovative curriculum design, Liverpool John Moores University Teaching and Learning Conference, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2018

The Enterprise Tapas (2018), LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2018

Teaching strategies to engage learners (2016), LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2016

Other Professional Activity:

Invited talk at the Entrepreneurial Leaders International Programme, to senior academics from universities across Singapore.. 2024

Invited talk and workshop: Invited talk to over 200 Tunisian Academic leaders Part of an invited expert delegation for the Tunisian Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research to develop entrepreneurial universities.. 2024

Invitation to speak and deliver a workshop: Entrepreneurial curriculum development: how to embed entrepreneurial thinking. Shandong vocational colleges network, July 2022. China.. 2022

Invitation to speak: Entrepreneurship developments in Higher Education, with a focus on experiential learning, 6th annual EDHE Lekgotla, July, 2022. Gqeberha, SA.. 2022

Co- lead on the Enterprise Skills Hub. European Social Funded project. 2021

Conference organisation:

Global Business Clinic Symposium, Lead and developer of the symposium and collaboration with the NCEE. 2024

External committees:

Board of Trustees, Regnerus - Social Enterprise, Trustee. 2024

NW Leadership Board, Business in the Community, Board Member, 2023

Healthiness Steering Group, Healthiness Ltd, Steering group member 2014 - 2018 Director from 2019, 2014

British University Collage Sport (BUCS) - North West Region, British University Collage Sport (BUCS), HEI Representative, 2007

Childwall Fiveways Trust, A collaboration of schools, business and HEIs, Board member.

Editorial boards:

Journal of Work-Applied Management, Guest Editor, 2022

External collaboration:

Northumbria University, External Examiner appointment. 2021

Industrial connections:

Business in the Community, Lead on the partnership with BiTC for Liverpool Business School. 2021

Business in the Community, 2020

England Athletics, Athlete -fit. 2014

Equality and Human Rights Commission, Raising participation and attainment in disabled children in school. 2014

Rugby Union, Student Ambassador Programme. 2014

England Badminton, No Strings badminton Project developed as part of the sport development curriculum. 2012

Insitute of Swimming and the ASA, Tutor on the IOS National Teaching Plan for Teachers Programme. 2012

Tennis Foundation and the LTA, Students Tennis Coordinator Programme This is a three year project. Funding secured to employ a University tennis coordinator. 2012

English Lacrosse, Set up a temporary liverpool development officers post to support Lacrosse development in Liverpool . This was a students role and was part of testing new models of working with organisations. This project more recently has been re launched for 2014. 2007

Liverpool City Council, Developed projects to support LCC delivery of sport across the city. Supported programmes such as , sports links, street games, merseyside youth games. 2006

Liverpool School Sport Partnership, Delivered projects to support the LSSP deliver of sport across Liverpool school. Projects include active playtime, afterschool clubs, and provision of sports coaches. 2006

County Sport Partnership - Merseyside Sport, Development of sport related project linking sports governing bodies to the student workforce. 2005

Membership of professional bodies:

Certified Management and Business Educator, Chartered Association of Business Schools, 2020

European Association of Sport Management, European Association of Sport Management, 2019

Member of The Higher Education Academy, The Higher Education Academy, 2005

Member of The Chartered Institute of Management, Sport and Physical Activity, The Chartered Institute of Management, Sport and Physical Activity, 2000

Teaching qualification:

Post Graduate Cerificate in Learning, Teaching and Assessment. 2008

Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education - Learning & Teaching in Higher Education. 2005
