Fleur Lawrence
School of Law
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: F.V.Hughes@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 3911
LLB (hons), PG Cert, FHEA, Solicitor.
Organisational Role and Responsibilities
Teaching: Fleur moved into legal education in 2004 being appointed a senior lecturer in law at Liverpool John Moores University. Fleur currently works on the Legal Practice Course and teaches Wills and Administration of Estates, Property law and Practice, Taxation, Interviewing and Advising, Private Client, Business Accounts and Solicitor Accounts. Fleur is subject leader for Wills and Administration of Estates.
After obtaining a. LLB (hons) from Liverpool John Moores University, Fleur went on to the LPC at LJMU and qualified as a Solicitor in 1999. In 2003, Fleur was made partner in a Southport firm of Solicitors and specialised in Conveyancing, Probate, Trusts and Tax.
After qualification as a Solicitor, Fleur taught as a sessional lecturer on the Legal Practice Course alongside working as a Partner in practice before being offered a permanent contract in May 2004. Fleur continued to work in practice alongside teaching until May 2008 when she became a Consultant.
Fleur is a member of the Liverpool Law Society as well as being a fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, LLB Hons, Law
2013, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PG Cert in learning and teaching in HE
1999, The Law Society, Solicitor
1995, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Diploma in Legal Practice
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer in Law, School of Law, Liverpool John Moores University, 2004 - present
Lawrence FLEUR, Stirk SARA, Cavandoli SOFIA, Diver ALICE. 2021. Equity as ‘Monstrous Offspring’? Trusts, Estoppel, and other Horrors Critical legal conference - 2021FRANKENLAW: COMMUNITY, DIVISION, MODERNITY
Conference presentation:
Equity as Monstrous Offspring? Trusts, Estoppel, and other Horrors, CRITICAL LEGAL CONFERENCE 2021 ; FRANKENLAW, DUNDEE UNIVERSITY, Oral presentation. 2021
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Liverpool John Moores University. 2014
Teaching qualification:
Post graduate certificate in Higher Education. 2014
Membership of professional bodies:
Solicitor, Law Society. 1999