Triestino has published a considerable number of peer-reviewed articles, books and book chapters in (international) criminal law and human rights law. He has been consulted as an expert in international criminal justice and human rights by several governmental and non-governmental organizations. He has been awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers to conduct research in international criminal law at the Humboldt University of Berlin (2021-2023). Currently. he is Co-Investigator of the AHRC funded project on 'Palestinian Bedouin at Risk of Forced Displacement: IHL Vulnerabilities, ICC Possibilities' ( He is a qualified barrister in Italy and member of the legal team representing Gaza victims before the International Criminal Court. He has also served as a Visiting Professional and Associate Legal Officer at the Pre-Trial Division of the International Criminal Court.
Academic appointments
Professor of Law, Liverpool John Moores University, 2023 - present
Mariniello T, Devlin H. 2025. Commentary: The Admissibility of Evidence before the Special Tribunal for Lebanon Kilp A, Freeland S. Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals 74 Intersentia. The Hague, The Netherlands
Mariniello T, Tamimi T, Panepinto A, Browne B, Nuseibah M, Amara A, Risheq O. 2023. ‘(Mis)using Legal Pluralism in the Occupied Palestinian Territory to Advance Dispossession of Palestinians: Israeli Policies against Palestinian Bedouins in the Eastern Jerusalem Periphery Noorhaidi H, Schneider I. International Law between Translation and Pluralism Examples from Germany, Palestine and Indonesia 4 :253-273 Harrowitz Publisher Url
Mariniello T. 2023. Abusing Prosecutorial Discretion in the Punishment of International Crimes? Jessberger F, Meloni C, Crippa M. Domesticating International Criminal Law Reflections on the Italian and German Experiences . Routledge
Mariniello T. 2023. Justice of the Powerful Domesticating International Criminal Law :257-272 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Mariniello T. 2021. A Laudatio for the Honorary Doctorate to Judge Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque Mariniello T. Judge Pinto de Albuquerque and the Progressive Development of International Human Rights Law 8 :1-5 Brill
Mariniello T. 2018. ‘National Criminal Tribunals’, Pons – Djukic (eds), Companion to International Humanitarian Law (2018)
Mariniello T. 2018. ‘National Legislation’, Pons – Djukic (eds), Companion to International Humanitarian Law (Brill, 2018)
Mariniello T, Lobba P. 2017. ‘The Grammar of the Judicial Dialogue between International Criminal Tribunals and the European Court: Introductory Remarks’, in T Mariniello – P Lobba (eds), Judicial Dialogue on Human Rights: The Practice of International Criminal Tribunals, 1-10, Brill, (2017)
Mariniello T. 2017. ‘The Impact of Commissions of Inquiry on Criminal Prosecutions before the ICC’, C Henderson (ed.), Commissions of Inquiry: Problems and Prospects, 171-196, Hart Publishing, (2017)
Mariniello T. 2017. ‘The Grammar of the Judicial Dialogue between International Criminal Tribunals and the European Court: Introductory Remarks’, in T Mariniello – P Lobba (eds), Judicial Dialogue on Human Rights: The Practice of International Criminal Tribunals, 1-10, Brill, (2017)
Mariniello T. 2017. The Impact of International Commissions of Inquiry on the Proceedings before the International Criminal Court Henderson C. Commissions of inquiry: Problems and Prospects Hart Publishing 9781782258797 Publisher Url
Lobba P, Mariniello T. 2017. The Grammar of the Judicial Dialogue between International Criminal Tribunals and the European Court: Introductory Remarks Judicial Dialogue on Human Rights :1-10 Brill | Nijhoff 9789004313743 DOI Publisher Url
Mariniello T. 2015. ‘“One, No One, One Hundred Thousand”: Reflections on the Multiples Identities of the ICC’, T Mariniello (ed.), The International Criminal Court in Search of its Purpose and Identity, 1-14, Routledge, (2015)
Mariniello T, Pons N. 2015. ‘The Confirmation of Charges at the International Criminal Court: A Tale of Two Models’, in T Mariniello (ed.), The International Criminal Court in Search of its Purpose and Identity, 217-241, Routledge, (2015)
Mariniello T. 2014. ‘Guardie giurate per attività di contrasto alla pirateria: poteri e limiti’, in Consiglio della Magistratura Militare, Atti dell’Incontro di Studi I nuclei di vigilanza armata nell'attività di contrasto alla pirateria: profili internazionalistici e penalistici (2014) 71-80
Mariniello T, Manacorda S. 2012. ‘Military Criminal Justice and Civilians: First Lessons from Strasbourg’, in C Bakker – M Sossai, Multilevel Regulation of Military and Security Outsourcing: The Interplay between International Norms, European Law and Domestic Legislation, Hart Publishing, Oxford (2012) 559-582
Journal article
Van Hout MC, Kaima R, Mhango V, Kewley S, Mariniello T. 2023. Judiciarisation of the mentally ill and/or mentally incapacitated in the Malawi criminal justice system: Gaps and flaws of human rights protection Forensic Science International: Mind and Law, 4 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Van Hout MC, Kaima R, Mhango V, Mariniello T. 2022. Moving beyond the politization of same sex sexuality and leveraging right to health to counter inter-personal sexual violence and HIV in Malawi’s prisons. Forensic Science International: Mind and Law, 3 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Van Hout MC, Bigland C, Mariniello T. 2022. A legal-realist assessment of the Zimbabwean correctional system response to COVID-19 during state disaster measures International Journal of Prisoner Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Van Hout MC, Mhango V, Kaima R, Bigland C, Mariniello T. 2022. A legal-realist assessment of human rights, right to health and standards of healthcare in the Malawian prison system during COVID-19 state disaster measures. International Journal of Prisoner Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Daniele L, Mariniello T. 2021. ‘L’operazione militare israeliana “Guardiano delle mura” tra antinomie giuridiche e cicli di violenza armata. Note per un’interpretazione sistematica del crimine di guerra di attacco ‘deliberato’ a strutture civili’ Daniele LUIGI. Quaderni di SidiBlog, 8 Publisher Url Public Url
Mariniello T, Meloni C. 2021. Litigating Palestine before the International Criminal Court Journal of International Criminal Justice, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mariniello T. 2019. Judicial Control over Prosecutorial Discretion in the Rome Statute International Criminal Law Review, 19 :979-1013 DOI Publisher Url
Mariniello T, Geneuss J. 2019. Twenty Years of the ICC’s Rome Statute: Utopia – Reality – Crisis International Criminal Law Review, 19 :905-909
Geneuss J, Mariniello T. 2019. Introduction. Twenty Years of the Rome Statute: Functions, Goals, Effectiveness – Challenges of the International Criminal Court International Criminal Law Review, 19 :905-909 DOI Publisher Url
Mariniello T. 2019. Prolonged Emergency and Derogation of Human.Rights: Why the European Court Should Raise Its Immunity System German Law Journal, 20 :46-71 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mariniello T, Giuffre M, Langford P. 2017. The Israeli military justice system and international law Questions of International Law, Publisher Url Public Url
Mariniello T, Azarova V. 2017. Why the ICC Needs A ‘Palestine Situation' (More Than Palestine Needs the ICC): On the Court’s Potential Role(s) in the Israeli-Palestinian Context Diritti umani diritto internazionale, 11 :115-150 DOI Publisher Url
Azarova V, Mariniello T. 2017. Why the ICC Needs A ‘Palestine Situation’ (More than Palestine Needs the ICC): On the Court’s Potential Role(s) in the Israeli/Palestinian Context Diritti Umani e Diritto Internazionale (Human Rights and International Law), 11 :115-150 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mariniello T, Lobba P. 2015. ‘The “Cross-Fertilization” Rhetoric in Question: Use and Abuse of the European Court’s Jurisprudence by International Criminal Tribunals’, Editorial of the Special Issue, 84(3) Nordic Journal of International Law (2015) 363-369 Nordic Journal of International Law,
Mariniello T. 2015. Questioning the Standard of Proof: The Purpose of the ICC Confirmation of Charges Procedure Journal of International Criminal Justice, 13 :579-599 DOI Publisher Url
Mariniello T, Lobba P. 2015. The Cross-fertilisation Rhetoric in Question: Use and Abuse of the European Court’s Jurisprudence by International Criminal Tribunals Nordic Journal of International Law, 84 :363-369 DOI Publisher Url
Mariniello T. 2014. 'International Criminal Court: Selected Developments in 2013’ in 3(1) International Human Rights Law Review (2014) 122-145 International Human Rights Law Review,
Mariniello T. 2014. International Criminal Court International Human Rights Law Review, 3 :122-145 DOI Publisher Url
Mariniello T. 2013. ‘The “Nuremberg Clause” and Beyond: Legality Principle and Sources of International Criminal Law in the European Court’s Jurisprudence', in 82(2) Nordic Journal of International Law (2013) 221-248 Nordic Journal of International Law,
Mariniello T. 2013. ‘International Criminal Court: Selected Developments in 2012’ in 2(2) International Human Rights Law Review (2013) 344-366 International Human Rights Law Review,
Mariniello T. 2013. Prosecutor v. Charles Ghankay Taylor Case before the Special Court for Sierra Leone’, in 107(2) American Journal of International Law (2013) 424-430 American Journal of International Law,
Mariniello T. 2013. Prosecutor v. Taylor American Journal of International Law, 107 :424-430 DOI Publisher Url
Mariniello T. 2013. International Criminal Court: Selected Developments in 2012 International Human Rights Law Review, 2 :344-366 DOI Publisher Url
Mariniello T. 2013. The ‘Nuremberg Clause’ and Beyond: Legality Principle and Sources of International Criminal Law in the European Court’s Jurisprudence Nordic Journal of International Law, 82 :221-248 DOI Publisher Url
Mariniello T. 2012. ‘Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo: the First Judgment of the International Criminal Court’s Trial Chamber’, in 1(1) International Human Rights Law Review (2012) 137-14 International Human Rights Law Review,
Mariniello T. 2012. Recent Developments International Human Rights Law Review, 1 :137-147 DOI Publisher Url
Mariniello T. 2009. ‘Non-Retroactivity of Criminal Law and Crimes Against Humanity, the Korbely v. Hungary Case before the European Court of Human Rights’ (in Italian), in 1 Rassegna di diritto pubblico comunitario (2009) 489-506 Rassegna di diritto pubblico comunitario,
Van Hout M. Moving beyond the politization of same sex sexuality and leveraging right to health to counter inter-personal sexual violence and HIV in Malawi’s prisons. Forensic Science International: Mind and Law, DOI
Mariniello T, Panepinto A, Tamimi T, Browne B, Nuseibah M, Amara A. ‘The Bedouin Communities of Eastern Jerusalem: A New Locus of Power in the Post-Oslo Battle for Palestine?’ Confluences Méditeranée, 117 :101-117 DOI Publisher Url
Mariniello T. The Situation in Palestine: Seeking for Justice, a Chimera? Confluences Mediterranee, 126 :135-153 DOI Publisher Url
Books (edited)
2021. Judge Pinto de Albuquerque and the Progressive Development of International Human Rights Law Mariniello T. Brill
2017. Judicial Dialogue on Human Rights: The Practice of International Criminal Tribunals, Brill, (2017) Mariniello T, Lobba P.
2015. The International Criminal Court in Search of its Purpose and Identity, Routledge, (2015) Mariniello T.
Judge Pinto de Albuquerque and the Progressive Development of International Human Rights Law Mariniello T. 8 Brill Nijhoff Publisher Url
Mariniello T, Langford P. 2019. Israel's Administrative Detention in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: An Assessment of the Applicable Norms of International Law and Possibilities of Enforcement
Editorial/letter to the editor
Mariniello T, Geneuss J. 2019. ‘Twenty Years of the ICC’s Rome Statute: Utopia – Reality – Crisis’, Special Issue, Editorial of the Special Issue, International Criminal Law Review (2019) 905-909 International Criminal Law Review,