Prof Matt Darnley
Astrophysics Research Institute
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: M.J.Darnley@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2906
I am Professor of Time Domain Astrophysics and Head of Teaching at the Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI) of Liverpool John Moores University, UK.
Within the LJMU Faculty of Health, Innovation, Technology & Science (HITS), I have held the additional role of Associate Dean for Education and Student Experience since August 2022.
My research interests are closely focused around Classical and Recurrent Novae, particularly their progenitor systems and extragalactic populations, and their link to Type Ia Supernovae. I have also worked in the area of gravitational microlensing and general time-domain astronomy, with a focus on observations and techniques. More recently, I have moved into hydrodynamic modelling of the interacting ejecta of recurrent novae, which led to the discovery of the first three nova super-remnants.
Through my teaching, particulary with undergraduate students (taught and project work), I also have a developing interest in Space Science and Human Space Flight in particular. This work tends to focus around Astrodynamics, sustainable space flight, and human missions to the Moon and Mars.
I was the chair of the Local Organising Committee (LOC) and a member of the Science Organising Committee for the joint EAS European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS) and RAS National Astronomy Meeting (NAM) in Liverpool 2018 - the largest Astronomy meeting ever held in the UK! I continued in an advisory role for the EWASS 2019 LOC.
In 2017 I was shortlisted for the Times Higher Education Research Project of the Year (STEM) Award, and won a University of Liverpool Student Experience Staff Award for my work on the Mission to Mars programme. In 2024, I was recognised in the Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards for my work as part of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity team in ARI.
My undergraduate degree in Physics (MPhys) is from Lincoln College, University of Oxford; where my dissertation focussed on optimal object detection algorithms for cosmological surveys, working under Prof. Gavin Dalton. In 2001 I joined LJMU and three and a half years later, I received a PhD in Astrophysics based on the Classical Nova population of the Andromeda Galaxy, working with Prof. Mike Bode. In 2005 I spent six months employed as a PPARC PDRA working on the Angstrom Extragalactic Microlensing Project, before being appointed as a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and subsequently a Reader in and then Professor of Time Domain Astrophysics.
As ARI Head of Teaching I have overall responsibility for the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes run by the ARI. I lead the award winning 'Physics Icebreaker Project' (Mission to Mars) module on the Joint Astrophysics Degrees taught by LJMU and the University of Liverpool.
I am the Programme Leader of our Undergraduate programmes and Astrophysics MSc offering, and the Module Leader of the Time Domain Astrophysics module on our MSc programme. From 2016 until 2019, and during 2023 I served as the University of Liverpool Programme Director for our undergraduate programmes, and from 2013 until 2016 I was the undergraduate admissions tutor for Astrophysics in Liverpool.
I am also a Member of the Institute of Physics, have been elected a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. More recently I have been joined the International Astronomical Union and the European Astronomical Society, and have served on the committee of the Merseyside Branch of the Institute of Physics as a member, secretary, and treasurer. Since 2005, I have held an honorary lectureship at the University of Liverpool.
I am currently the Astrophysics External Examiner at University College London, and a member of the Management Committee at the Armagh Observatory and Planetarium.
2005, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
2001, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, MPhys
Academic appointments
Associate Dean for Eduction and Student Experience, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
Professor of Time Domain Astrophysics, Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, 2021 - present
Management Committee Member, Armagh Observatory, 2021 - present
External Examiner, University College London, 2021 - present
External Examiner, University of Hertfordshire, 2019 - present
Reader in Time Domain Astrophysics, Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, 2016 - 2021
Senior Lecturer, Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, 2010 - 2016
Honorary Lecturer, University of Liverpool, 2005 - present
Lecturer, Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, 2005 - 2010
PPARC PDRA, Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, 2005 - 2005
Journal article
Godon P, Sion EM, Williams RE, Darnley MJ, Sokoloski JL, Lawrence SS. 2024. The Accelerating Decline of the Mass Transfer Rate in the Recurrent Nova T Pyxidis Astrophysical Journal, 974 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shara MM, Lanzetta KM, Garland JT, Gromoll S, Valls-Gabaud D, Walter FM, Webb JK, Kniazev A, Townsend L, Darnley MJ, Healy-Kalesh M, Corral-Santana J, Schmidtobreick L. 2024. Introducing the Condor Array Telescope – IV. A possible nova super-remnant surrounding the putative recurrent nova KT Eridani Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529 :224-235 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Healy-Kalesh MW, Darnley MJ, Shara MM. 2024. On an apparent dearth of recurrent nova super-remnants in the Local Group Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528 :3531-3548 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mistry D, Copperwheat CM, Darnley MJ, Olier I. 2024. Machine-learning applications for cataclysmic variable discovery in the ZTF alert stream Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527 :8633-8658 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Healy-Kalesh MW, Darnley MJ, Harvey ÉJ, Newsam AM. 2023. Discovery of a nova super-remnant cavity surrounding RS Ophiuchi Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 529 :L175-L180 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shara MM, Lessing AM, Hounsell R, Mandel S, Zurek D, Darnley MJ, Graur O, Hillman Y, Meyer ET, Mikolajewska J, Neill JD, Prialnik D, Sparks W. 2023. A 9 Month Hubble Space Telescope Near-UV Survey of M87. I. Light and Color Curves of 94 Novae, and a Redetermination of the Nova Rate* The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 269 :42-42 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Healy-Kalesh MW, Darnley MJ, Shara MM, Lanzetta KM, Garland JT, Gromoll S. 2023. Hydrodynamic simulations of the KT Eridani nova super-remnant Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529 :236-244 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Harvey , Aydi E, Izzo L, Morisset C, Darnley MJ, Fitzgerald K, Molaro P, Murphy-Glaysher F, Redman MP, Shrestha M. 2023. Shock shaping? Nebular spectroscopy of nova V906 Carinae Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521 :4750-4762 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Healy-Kalesh MW, Darnley MJ, Harvey EJ, Copperwheat CM, James PA, Andersson T, Henze M, O'Brien TJ. 2023. On the Observability of Recurrent Nova Super-Remnants Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521 :3004-3022 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ness J-U, Beardmore AP, Bode MF, Darnley MJ, Dobrotka A, Drake JJ, Magdolen J, Munari U, Osborne JP, Orio M, Page KL, Starrfield S. 2023. High Resolution X-ray Spectra of RS Ophiuchi (2006 and 2021): Revealing the cause of SSS variability Astronomy and Astrophysics, 670 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mistry D, Copperwheat CM, Darnley MJ, Olier I. 2022. Machine Learning based search for Cataclysmic Variables within Gaia Science Alerts Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517 :3362-3376 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Murphy-Glaysher FJ, Darnley MJ, Harvey EJ, Newsam AM, Page KL, Starrfield S, Wagner RM, Woodward CE, Terndrup DM, Kafka S, Arranz Heras T, Berardi P, Bertrand E, Biernikowicz R, Boussin C, Boyd D, Buchet Y, Bundas M, Coulter D, Dejean D, Diepvens A, Dvorak S, Edlin J, Eenmae T, Eggenstein H, Fournier R, Garde O, Gout J, Janzen D, Jordanov P, Kiiskinen H, Lane D, Larochelle R, Leadbeater R, Mankel D, Martineau G, Miller I, Modic R, Montier J, Morales Aimar M, Muyllaert E, Naves Nogues R, O'Keeffe D, Oksanen A, Pyatnytskyy M, Rast R, Rodgers B, Rodriguez Perez D, Schorr F, Schwendeman E, Shadick S, Sharpe S, Soldán Alfaro F, Sove T, Stone G, Tordai T, Venne R, Vollmann W, Vrastak M, Wenzel K. 2022. V392 Persei: a γ-ray bright nova eruption from a known dwarf nova Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514 :6183-6202 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Page KL, Beardmore AP, Osborne JP, Munari U, Ness J-U, Evans PA, Bode MF, Darnley MJ, Drake JJ, Kuin NPM, O'Brien TJ, Orio M, Shore SN, Starrfield S, Woodward CE. 2022. The 2021 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi observed in X-rays by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory: a comparative study Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514 :1557-1574 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ransome C, Habergham Mawson S, Darnley MJ, James PA, Percival SM. 2022. An Hα survey of the host environments of 77 type IIn supernovae within z < 0.02 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513 :3564-3576 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Schwarz GJ, Page KL, Kuin PM, Darnley MJ. 2020. Similarities between the X-Ray Light Curves of the 2016 and 2020 Eruptions of the Recurrent Nova LMC 1968 Research Notes of the AAS, 4 :142-142 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Darnley MJ, Newsam AM, Chinetti K, Hawkins IDW, Jannetta AL, Kasliwal MM, McGarry JC, Shara MM, Sitaram M, Williams SC. 2020. AT 2016dah and AT 2017fyp: the first classical novae discovered within a tidal stream Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 495 :1073-1092 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lucy AB, Sokoloski JL, Munari U, Roy N, Kuin NPM, Rupen MP, Knigge C, Darnley MJ, Luna GJM, Somogyi P, Valisa P, Milani A, Sollecchia U, Weston JHS. 2020. Regulation of accretion by its outflow in a symbiotic star: the 2016 outflow fast state of MWC 560 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492 :3107-3127 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Healy MW, Darnley MJ, Copperwheat CM, Filippenko AV, Henze M, Hestenes JC, James PA, Page KL, Williams SC, Zheng W. 2019. AT 2017fvz: a nova in the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 486 :4334-4347 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Prentice SJ, Ashall C, James PA, Short L, Mazzali PA, Bersier D, Crowther PA, Barbarino C, Chen T-W, Copperwheat CM, Darnley MJ, Denneau L, Elias-Rosa N, Fraser M, Galbany L, Gal-Yam A, Harmanen J, Howell DA, Hosseinzadeh G, Inserra C, Kankare E, Karamehmetoglu E, Lamb GP, Limongi M, Maguire K, McCully C, E FO, Piascik AS, Pignata G, Reichart DE, Reynolds ART, Rodríguez Ó, Saario JLO, Schulze S, Smartt SJ, Smith KW, Sollerman J, Stalder B, Sullivan M, Taddia F, Valenti S, Vergani SD, Williams SC, Young DR. 2019. Investigating the properties of stripped-envelope supernovae, what are the implications for their progenitors? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485 :1559-1578 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sion EM, Wilson RE, Godon P, Starrfield S, Williams RE, Darnley MJ. 2019. HST FUV spectroscopy of the short orbital period recurrent nova CI Aql: Implications for white dwarf mass evolution The Astrophysical Journal, 872 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Darnley MJ, Hounsell R, O'Brien TJ, Henze M, Rodríguez-Gil P, Shafter AW, Shara MM, Vaytet NMH, Bode MF, Ciardullo R, Davis BD, Galera-Rosillo R, Harman DJ, Harvey EJ, Healy MW, Ness J-U, Ribeiro VARM, Williams SC. 2019. A recurrent nova super-remnant in the Andromeda galaxy. Nature, 565 :460-463 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mueangkon Y, Khamrat S, Suekong D, Aintawiphak S, Jaiboe A, Surina F, Darnley MJ, Bode MF. 2018. Evolution of V339 Del (Nova Del 2013) since 0.37 - 75 Days after Discovery Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1144 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Aydi E, Orio M, Beardmore AP, Ness J-U, Page KL, Kuin NPM, Walter FM, Buckley DAH, Mohamed S, Whitelock P, Osborne JP, Strader J, Chomiuk L, Darnley MJ, Dobrotka A, Kniazev A, Miszalski B, Myers G, Ospina N, Henze M, Starrfield S, Woodward CE. 2018. Multiwavelength observations of V407 Lupi (ASASSN-16kt) --- a very fast nova erupting in an intermediate polar Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Henze M, Darnley MJ, Williams SC, Kato M, Hachisu I, Anupama GC, Arai A, Boyd D, Burke D, Chinetti K, Ciardullo R, Cook LM, Cook MJ, Erdman P, Gao X, Harris B, Hartmann DH, Hornoch K, Horst JC, Hounsell R, Husar D, Itagaki K, Kabashima F, Kafka S, Kaur A, Kiyota S, Kojiguchi N, Kucakova H, Kuramoto K, Maehara H, Mantero A, Masci FJ, Matsumoto K, Naito H, Ness J-U, Nishiyama K, Oksanen A, Osborne JP, Page KL, Paunzen E, Pavana M, Pickard R, Prieto-Arranz J, Rodriguez-Gil P, Sala G, Sano Y, Shafter AW, Sugiura Y, Tan H, Tordai T, Vratil J, Wagner RM, Watanabe F, Williams BF, Bode MF, Bruno A, Buchheim B, Crawford T, Goff B, Hernanz M, Igarashi AS, Jose J, Motta M, O'Brien TJ, Oswalt T, Poyner G, Ribeiro VARM, Sabo R, Shara MM, Shears J, Starkey D, Starrfield S, Woodward CE. 2018. Breaking the habit - the peculiar 2016 eruption of the unique recurrent nova M31N 2008-12a Astrophysical Journal, 857 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Harvey EJ, Redman MP, Darnley MJ, Williams SC, Berdyugin A, Piirola VE, Fitzgerald KP, Connor EGPO. 2018. Polarimetry and Spectroscopy of the `Oxygen Flaring' DQ Herculis-like nova: V5668 Sagittarii (2015) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 611 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shafter AW, Henze M, Darnley MJ, Ciardullo R, Davis BD, Hawley SL. 2017. The Recurrent Nova Candidate M31N 1966-08a = 1968-10c is a Galactic Flare Star Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society, 1 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Williams SC, Darnley MJ, Henze M. 2017. Multiwavelength observations of the 2015 nova in the Local Group irregular dwarf galaxy IC 1613 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 472 :1300-1314 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Darnley MJ, Hounsell R, Godon P, Perley DA, Henze M, Kuin NPM, Williams BF, Williams SC, Bode MF, Harman DJ, Hornoch K, Link M, Ness J-U, Ribeiro VARM, Sion EM, Shafter AW, Shara MM. 2017. Inflows, Outflows, and a Giant Donor in the Remarkable Recurrent Nova M31N 2008-12a? - Hubble Space Telescope Photometry of the 2015 Eruption The Astrophysical Journal, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Aydi E, Page KL, Kuin NPM, Darnley MJ, Walter FM, Mróz P, Buckley D, Mohamed S, Whitelock P, Woudt P, Williams SC, Orio M, Williams RE, Beardmore AP, Osborne JP, Kniazev A, Ribeiro VARM, Udalski A, Strader J, Chomiuk L. 2017. Multiwavelength observations of nova SMCN 2016-10a --- one of the brightest novae ever observed Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Darnley MJ, Hounsell R, Godon P, Perley DA, Henze M, Kuin NPM, Williams BF, Williams SC, Bode MF, Harman DJ, Hornoch K, Link M, Ness J-U, Ribeiro VARM, Sion EM, Shafter AW, Shara MM. 2017. No neon, but jets in the remarkable recurrent nova M31N 2008-12a? - Hubble Space Telescope spectroscopy of the 2015 eruption Astrophysical Journal, 847 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Piascik AS, Bersier D, Bode MF, Collins CA, Darnley MJ, Galloway DK, Gomboc A, Kobayashi S, Lamb GP, Levan AJ, Mazzali PA, Mundell CG, Pian E, Pollacco D, Steeghs D, Tanvir NR, Ulaczyk K, Wiersema K. 2016. Liverpool Telescope follow-up of candidate electromagnetic counterparts during the first run of Advanced LIGO \mnras, 462 :3528-3536 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kato M, Saio H, Henze M, Ness J-U, Osborne JP, Page KL, Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Shafter AW, Hernanz M, Gehrels N, Kennea J, Hachisu I. 2016. X-Ray Flashes in Recurrent Novae: M31N 2008-12a and the Implications of the Swift Non-detection ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 830 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Abernathy MR, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adams T, Addesso P, Adhikari RX, al E. 2016. Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914 Astrophysical Journal Letters, 826 :L13-L13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Abernathy MR, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adams T, Addesso P, Adhikari RX, al E. 2016. Supplement: ”Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914” (2016, ApJL, 826, L13) Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 225 :8-8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hounsell R, Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Harman DJ, Surina F, Starrfield S, Holdsworth DL, Bewsher D, Hick PP, Jackson BV, Buffington A, Clover JM, Shafter AW. 2016. Nova light curves from the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) - II. The extended catalog ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 820 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bode M, Darnley MJ, Beardmore AP, Osborne JP, Page KL, Walter FM, Krautter J, Melandri A, Ness J-U, O'Brien TJ, Orio M, Schwarz GJ, Shara MM, Starrfield S. 2016. Pan-Chromatic observations of the Recurrent Nova LMC 2009a (LMC 1971b) ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Williams SC, Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Shafter AW. 2016. On the Progenitors of Local Group Novae. II. The Red Giant Nova Rate of M31 Astrophysical Journal,, 817 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Page KL, Osborne JP, Kuin NPM, Henze M, Walter FM, Beardmore AP, Bode MF, Darnley MJ, Delgado L, Drake JJ, Hernanz M, Mukai K, Nelson T, Ness J-U, Schwarz GJ, Shore SN, Starrfield S, Woodward CE. 2015. Swift detection of the super-swift switch-on of the super-soft phase in nova V745 Sco (2014) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454 :3108-3120 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Henze M, Darnley MJ, Kabashima F, Nishiyama K, Itagaki K, Gao X. 2015. A remarkable recurrent nova in M 31: The 2010 eruption recovered and evidence of a six-month period ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 582 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Henze M, Ness J-U, Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Williams SC, Shafter AW, Sala G, Kato M, Hachisu I, Hernanz M. 2015. A remarkable recurrent nova in M 31: The predicted 2014 outburst in X-rays with Swift ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 580 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Darnley MJ, Henze M, Steele IA, Bode MF, Ribeiro VARM, Rodriguez-Gil P, Shafter AW, Williams SC, Baer D, Hachisu I, Hernanz M, Hornoch K, Hounsell R, Kato M, Kiyota S, Kucakova H, Maehara H, Ness J-U, Piascik AS, Sala G, Skillen I, Smith RJ, Wolf M. 2015. A remarkable recurrent nova in M31: Discovery and optical/UV observations of the predicted 2014 eruption ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 580 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Williams SC, Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Steele IA. 2015. A Luminous Red Nova in M31 and Its Progenitor System Astrophysical Journal Letters, 805 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Maxwell MP, Rushton MT, Darnley MJ, Worters HL, Bode MF, Evans A, Eyres SPS, Kouwenhoven MBN, Walter FM, Hassall BJM. 2015. He abundance in the ejecta of U Sco (vol 419, pg 1465, 2012) MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 448 :3414-3415 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Bersier D, Bode MF, Carter D, Clay NR, Collins CA, Darnley MJ, Davis CJ, Gutierrez CM, Harman DJ, James PA, Knapen JH, Kobayashi S, Marchant JM, Mazzali PA, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, Newsam A, Oscoz A, Palle E, Piascik A, Rebolo R, Smith RJ. 2015. Liverpool telescope 2: a new robotic facility for rapid transient follow-up Experimental Astronomy, 39 :119-165 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shafter AW, Henze M, Rector TA, Schweizer F, Hornoch K, Orio M, Pietsch W, Darnley MJ, Williams SC, Bode MF, Bryan J. 2015. Recurrent novae in M31 Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 216 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Williams SC, Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Keen A, Shafter AW. 2014. On the progenitors of local group novae. I. the M31 catalog Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 213 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Surina F, Hounsell RA, Bode MF, Darnley MJ, Harman DJ, Walter FM. 2014. A detailed photometric and spectroscopic study of the 2011 outburst of the recurrent nova T pyxidis from 0.8 to 250 days after discovery Astronomical Journal, 147 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Darnley MJ, Williams SC, Bode MF, Henze M, Ness JU, Shafter AW, Hornoch K, Votruba V. 2014. A remarkable recurrent nova in M 31: The optical observations Astronomy and Astrophysics, 563 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Holdsworth DL, Rushton MT, Bewsher D, Walter FM, Eyres SPS, Hounsell R, Darnley MJ. 2014. STEREO/HI and optical observations of the classical nova V5583 Sagittarii Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 438 :3483-3489 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Henze M, Ness JU, Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Williams SC, Shafter AW, Kato M, Hachisu I. 2014. A remarkable recurrent nova in M 31: The X-ray observations Astronomy and Astrophysics, 563 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Williams SC, Bode MF, Darnley MJ, Evans A, Zubko V, Shafter AW. 2013. Rapid dust formation in novae: The speed class - Formation timescale correlation explained Astrophysical Journal Letters, 777 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ribeiro VARM, Bode MF, Darnley MJ, Barnsley RM, Munari U, Harman DJ. 2013. Morpho-kinematical modelling of Nova Eridani 2009 (KT Eri) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 433 :1991-1996 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Surina F, Hounsell RA, Bode MF, Darnley MJ, Harman DJ, Walter FM. 2013. Spectroscopic and Photometric Development of T Pyxidis (2011) from 0.8 to 250 Days After Discovery DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Maxwell MP, Rushton MT, Darnley MJ, Worters HL, Bode MF, Evans A, Eyres SPS, Kouwenhoven MBN, Walter FM, Hassall BJM. 2013. The helium abundance in the ejecta of U Scorpii Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 7 :190-192 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shafter AW, Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Ciardullo R. 2012. On the spectroscopic classes of novae in M33 Astrophysical Journal, 752 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ribeiro VARM, Bode MF, Hounsell RA, Williams RP. 2012. On the progenitors of galactic novae Astrophysical Journal, 746 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jurdana-Šepić R, Ribeiro VARM, Darnley MJ, Munari U, Bode MF. 2012. Historical light curve and search for previous outbursts of Nova KT Eridani (2009) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 537 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maxwell MP, Rushton MT, Darnley MJ, Worters HL, Bode MF, Evans A, Eyres SPS, Kouwenhoven MBN, Walter FM, Hassall BJM. 2012. The helium abundance in the ejecta of U Scorpii Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419 :1465-1471 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schaefer BE, Pagnotta A, Lacluyze AP, Reichart DE, Ivarsen KM, Haislip JB, Nysewander MC, Moore JP, Oksanen A, Worters HL, Sefako RR, Mentz J, Dvorak S, Gomez T, Harris BG, Henden AA, Tan TG, Templeton M, Allen WH, Monard B, Rea RD, Roberts G, Stein W, Maehara H, Richards T, Stockdale C, Krajci T, Sjoberg G, McCormick J, Revnivtsev M, Molkov S, Suleimanov V, Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Handler G, Lepine S, Shara MM. 2011. Eclipses during the 2010 eruption of the recurrent nova U Scorpii Astrophysical Journal, 742 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shafter AW, Darnley MJ, Hornoch K, Filippenko AV, Bode MF, Ciardullo R, Misselt KA, Hounsell RA, Chornock R, Matheson T. 2011. A spectroscopic and photometric survey of novae in M31 Astrophysical Journal, 734 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shafter AW, Rubin M, Bode MF, Darnley MJ, Misselt KA, Hornoch K. 2011. A Spitzer survey of novae in M31 Astrophysical Journal Letters, 727 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hounsell RA, Bode MF, Darnley MJ, Harman DJ, Hick PP, Buffington A, Jackson BV, Clover JM, Shafter AW. 2011. Variable stellar object detection and light curves from the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 7 :91-94 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hounsell R, Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Harman DJ, Helton LA, Schwarz GJ. 2011. A very luminous, highly extinguished, very fast nova - V1721 Aquilae Astronomy and Astrophysics, 530 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ribeiro VARM, Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Munari U, Harman DJ, Steele IA, Meaburn J. 2011. The morphology of the expanding ejecta of V2491 Cygni (2008 N.2) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 412 :1701-1709 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Darnley MJ, Ribeiro VARM, Bode MF, Munari U. 2011. On the progenitor system of Nova V2491 Cygni: (Research note) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 530 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hounsell R, Bode MF, Hick PP, Buffington A, Jackson BV, Clover JM, Shafter AW, Darnley MJ, Mawson NR, Steele IA, Evans A, Eyres SPS, O'Brien TJ. 2010. Exquisite nova light curves from the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) Astrophysical Journal, 724 :480-486 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schaefer BE, Pagnotta A, Xiao L, Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Harris BG, Dvorak S, Menke J, Linnolt M, Templeton M, Henden AA, Pojmański G, Pilecki B, SzczygieŁ DM, Watanabe Y. 2010. Discovery of the predicted 2010 eruption and the pre-eruption light curve for recurrent nova U scorpii Astronomical Journal, 140 :925-932 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kerins E, Darnley MJ, Duke JP, Gould A, Han C, Newsam A, Park BG, Street R. 2010. Difference image photometry with bright variable backgrounds Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 409 :247-258 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shafter AW, Rau A, Quimby RM, Kasliwal MM, Bode MF, Darnley MJ, Misselt KA. 2009. M31N 2007-11d: A slowly rising, luminous nova in M31 Astrophysical Journal, 690 :1148-1157 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bode MF, Darnley MJ, Shafter AW, Page KL, Smirnova O, Anupama GC, Hilton T. 2009. Optical and x-ray observations of M31N 2007-12b: An extragalactic recurrent nova with a detected progenitor? Astrophysical Journal, 705 :1056-1062 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ribeiro VARM, Bode MF, Darnley MJ, Harman DJ, Newsam AM, O'Brien TJ, Bohigas J, Echevarría JM, Bond HE, Chavushyan VH, Costero R, Coziol R, Evans A, Eyres SPS, León-Tavares J, Richer MG, Tovmassian G, Starrfield S, Zharikov SV. 2009. The expanding nebular remnant of the recurrent nova rs ophiuchi (2006). ii. modeling of combined hubble space telescope imaging and ground-based spectroscopy Astrophysical Journal, 703 :1955-1963 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Evans A, Woodward CE, Helton LA, Gehrz RD, Lynch DK, Rudy RJ, Russell RW, Kerr T, Bode MF, Darnley MJ, Eyres SPS, Geballe TR, O'Brien TJ, Davis RJ, Starrfield S, Ness JU, Drake J, Osborne JP, Page KL, Schwarz G, Krautter J. 2007. Spitzer and ground-based infrared observations of the 2006 eruption of RS Ophiuchi Astrophysical Journal, 663 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Darnley MJ, Kerins E, Newsam A, Duke JP, Gould A, Han C, Ibrahimov MA, Im M, Jeon YB, Karimov RG, Lee CU, Park BG. 2007. The angstrom project alert system: Real-time detection of extragalactic microlensing Astrophysical Journal, 661 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kim D, Chung SJ, Darnley MJ, Duke JP, Gould A, Han C, Ibrahimov MA, Im M, Jeon YB, Karimov RG, Kerins E, Lee CU, Newsam A, Park BG. 2007. Detection of M31 binaries via high-cadence pixel-lensing surveys Astrophysical Journal, 666 :236-241 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bode MF, Harman DJ, O'Brien TJ, Bond HE, Starrfield S, Darnley MJ, Evans A, Eyres SPS. 2007. Hubble space telescope imaging of the expanding nebular remnant of the 2006 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi Astrophysical Journal, 665 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bode MF, O'Brien TJ, Osborne JP, Page KL, Senziani F, Skinner GK, Starrfield S, Ness JU, Drake JJ, Schwarz G, Beardmore AP, Darnley MJ, Eyres SPS, Evans A, Gehrels N, Goad MR, Jean P, Krautter J, Novara G. 2006. Swift observations of the 2006 outburst of the recurrent nova RS ophiuchi. I. Early X-ray emission from the shocked ejecta and red giant wind Astrophysical Journal, 652 :629-635 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chung SJ, Kim D, Darnley MJ, Duke JP, Gould A, Han C, Jeon YB, Kerins E, Newsam A, Park BG. 2006. The possibility of detecting planets in the Andromeda galaxy Astrophysical Journal, 650 :432-437 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Kerins E, Newsam AM, An J, Baillon P, Belokurov V, Calchi Novati S, Carr BJ, Crézé M, Evans NW, Giraud-Héraud Y, Gould A, Hewett P, Jetzer P, Kaplan J, Paulin-Henriksson S, Smartt SJ, Tsapras Y, Weston M. 2006. Classical novae from the POINT-AGAPE microlensing survey of M31 - II. Rate and statistical characteristics of the nova population Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 369 :257-271 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kerins E, Darnley MJ, Duke JP, Gould A, Han C, Jeon YB, Newsam A, Park BG. 2006. The Angstrom Project: A microlensing survey of the structure and composition of the bulge of the Andromeda galaxy Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 365 :1099-1108 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Feeney SM, Belokurov V, Evans NW, An J, Hewett PC, Bode M, Darnley M, Kerins E, Baillon P, Carr BJ, Paulin-Henriksson S, Gould A. 2005. Automated detection of classical novae with neural networks Astronomical Journal, 130 :84-94 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Kerins E, Newsam AM, An J, Baillon P, Novati SC, Carr BJ, Crézé M, Evans NW, Giraud-Héraud Y, Gould A, Hewett P, Jetzer P, Kaplan J, Paulin-Henriksson S, Smartt SJ, Stalin CS, Tsapras Y. 2004. Classical novae from the POINT-AGAPE microlensing survey of M31 - I. The nova catalogue Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 353 :571-588 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Evans A, Banerjee DPK, Gehrz RD, Joshi V, Ashok NM, Ribeiro VARM, Darnley MJ, Woodward CE, Sand D, Marion GH, Diamond TR, Eyres SPS, Wagner RM, Helton LA, Starrfield S, Shenoy DP, Krautter J, Vacca WD, Rushton MT. Rise and fall of the dust shell of the classical nova V339 Delphini Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Aydi E, Chomiuk L, Strader J, Swihart SJ, Bahramian A, Harvey EJ, Britt CT, Buckley DAH, Chen P, Dage K, Darnley MJ, Dong S, Hambsch F-J, Holoien TW-S, Jha SW, Kochanek CS, Kuin NPM, Li KL, Monard LAG, Mukai K, Page KL, Prieto JL, Richardson ND, Shappee BJ, Shishkovsky L, Sokolovsky KV, Stanek KZ, Thompson T. Flaring, Dust Formation, And Shocks In The Very Slow Nova ASASSN-17pf (LMCN 2017-11a) Astrophysical Journal, DOI Author Url
Orio M, Drake JJ, Ness J-U, Behar E, Luna GJM, Darnley MJ, Gallagher J, Gehrz RD, Kuin NPM, Mikolajewska J, Ospina N, Page KL, Poggiani R, Starrfield S, Williams R, Woodward CE. Chandra High Energy Transmission Gratings Spectra of V3890 Sgr The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Williams SC, Jones D, Pessev P, Geier S, Corradi RLM, Hook IM, Darnley MJ, Pejcha O, Núñez A, Meingast S, Moran S. AT 2019abn: multi-wavelength observations of the first 200 days Astronomy and Astrophysics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ransome CL, Habergham-Mawson SM, Darnley MJ, James PA, Filippenko AV, Schlegel EM. A systematic reclassification of type IIn supernovae Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Drake JJ, Ness J-U, Page KL, Luna GJM, Beardmore AP, Orio M, Osborne JP, Mroz P, Starrfield S, Banerjee DPK, Balman S, Darnley MJ, Bhargava Y, Dewangan GC, Singh KP. The Remarkable Spin-down and Ultra-fast Outflows of the Highly-Pulsed Supersoft Source of Nova Hercules 2021 Letters of the Astrophysical Journal, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Darnley MJ. Accrete, Accrete, Accrete... Bang! (and repeat): The Remarkable Recurrent Novae Proceedings of Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Darnley MJ, Henze M, Bode MF, Hachisu I, Hernanz M, Hornoch K, Hounsell R, Kato M, Ness J-U, Osborne JP, Page KL, Ribeiro VARM, Rodriguez-Gil P, Shafter AW, Shara MM, Steele IA, Williams SC, Arai A, Arcavi I, Barsukova EA, Boumis P, Chen T, Fabrika S, Figueira J, Gao X, Gehrels N, Godon P, Goranskij VP, Harman DJ, Hartmann DH, Hosseinzadeh G, Horst JC, Itagaki K, Jose J, Kabashima F, Kaur A, Kawai N, Kennea JA, Kiyota S, Kucakova H, Lau KM, Maehara H, Naito H, Nakajima K, Nishiyama K, O'Brien TJ, Quimby R, Sala G, Sano Y, Sion EM, Valeev AF, Watanabe F, Watanabe M, Williams BF, Xu Z. M31N 2008-12a - the remarkable recurrent nova in M31: Panchromatic observations of the 2015 eruption ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 833 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Darnley MJ, Henze M. On a century of extragalactic novae and the rise of the rapid recurrent novae Advances in Space Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Darnley MJ, Starrfield S. On the progenitor system of V392 Persei Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kuin NPM, Page KL, Mróz P, Darnley MJ, Shore SN, Osborne JP, Walter F, Mille FD, Morrell N, Munari U, Bohlsen T, Evans A, Gehrz RD, Starrfield S, Henze M, Williams SC, Schwarz GJ, Udalski A, Szymański MK, Poleski R, Soszyński I, Ribeiro VARM, Angeloni R, Breeveld AA, Beardmore AP, Skowron J. The January 2016 eruption of recurrent nova LMC 1968 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Harvey EJ, Redman MP, Boumis P, Akras S, Fitzgerald K, Dulaimi S, Williams SC, Darnley MJ, Lam MC, Kopsacheilli 1M, Derlopa S. Two New Nova Shells associated with V4362 Sagittarii and DO Aquilae Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Andreopoulos C, Brown H, Darnley MJ, Dhinsey S, Jones LAH, Lucas C, Gründer Y, Habergham SM, Hawkins CJ, Mayo F, Newsam AM, Torres R, Vaughan H, Veal TD, Voyce OK, Welsch A, Welsch CP. 2023. Liverpool women in physics: Initiatives and progress AIP Conference Proceedings, 3040 DOI Publisher Url
Ransome CL, Habergham-Mawson SM, Darnley MJ, James PA, Filippenko AV, Schlegel EM. 2021. The Spectral Reclassification of Nearby (z < 0.02) Type IIn Supernovae Research Notes of the AAS, 5 :121-121 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Darnley MJ. 2017. M31N 2008-12a - The Remarkable Recurrent Nova in M31 Proceedings of the 20th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, 20th European Workshop on White Dwarfs (EuroWD16) Author Url Public Url
Drozd K, Mikołajewska J, Darnley M, Iłkiewicz K, Caldwell N, Shara M. 2017. Symbiotic Stars in the Local Group of Galaxies: POINT-AGAPE Catalogue Revisited Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 14 :291-294 DOI Publisher Url
Williams SC, Bode MF, Darnley MJ, Zubko V, Evans A, Shafter AW. 2014. Rapid Dust Formation in Novae: Speed Class and Grain Formation Timescale Woudt PA, Ribeiro VARM. STELLA NOVAE: PAST AND FUTURE DECADES, 4th International Conference on Classical and Recurrent Novae - Stella Novae: Past and Future Decades 490 :255-260 Author Url
Shafter AW, Curtin C, Pritchet CJ, Bode MF, Darnley MJ. 2013. Extragalactic Nova Populations Author Url
Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Harman DJ, Hounsell RA, Munari U, Ribeiro VARM, Surina F, Williams RP, Williams SC. 2013. On the Galactic Nova Progenitor Population Author Url
Williams SC, Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Shafter AW. 2013. On the M31 Nova Progenitor Population Author Url
Surina F, Bode MF, Darnley MJ. 2011. Investigation of the Progenitors of Nova Explosions DOI Author Url
Ribeiro VARM, Bode MF, Darnley MJ, Munari U, Harman DJ. 2011. Exploring the Morphology of the Expanding Remnants of Classical and Recurrent Novae Asymmetric Planetary Nebulae 5, p.314 (2011), DOI Author Url
Darnley MJ, Hounsell RN, Bode MF. 2008. Liverpool Telescope Optical Photometry Following the 2006 Outburst of RS Ophiuchi Evans A, Bode MF, OBrien TJ, Darnley MJ. RS OPHIUCHI (2006) AND THE RECURRENT NOVA PHENOMENON, Workshop on RS Ophiuchi (2006) and the Recurrent Nova Phenomenon 401 :203-205 Author Url
Harman DJ, Bode MF, Darnley MJ, O'Brien TJ, Bond HE, Starrfield S, Evans A, Eyres SPS, Ribeiro VARM, Echevarria JM. 2008. Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of the Expanding Nebular Remnant of the 2006 Outburst of RS Ophiuchi Evans A, Bode MF, OBrien TJ, Darnley MJ. RS OPHIUCHI (2006) AND THE RECURRENT NOVA PHENOMENON, Workshop on RS Ophiuchi (2006) and the Recurrent Nova Phenomenon 401 :246-+ Author Url
Bode MF, Osborne JP, Page KL, Beardmore AP, O'Brien TJ, Ness J-U, Starrfield S, Skinner GK, Darnley MJ, Drake JJ, Evans A, Eyres SPS, Krautter J, Schwarz G. 2008. Swift Observations of Shock Evolution in RS Ophiuchi Evans A, Bode MF, OBrien TJ, Darnley MJ. RS OPHIUCHI (2006) AND THE RECURRENT NOVA PHENOMENON, Workshop on RS Ophiuchi (2006) and the Recurrent Nova Phenomenon 401 :269-+ Author Url
Darnley MJ, Black DTR, Bode MF, Newsam AM, Kerins E, O'Brien TJ, Misselt K, Shafter AW. 2008. Extragalactic Classical Nova Surveys Evans A, Bode MF, OBrien TJ, Darnley MJ. RS OPHIUCHI (2006) AND THE RECURRENT NOVA PHENOMENON, Workshop on RS Ophiuchi (2006) and the Recurrent Nova Phenomenon 401 :355-+ Author Url
Darnley MJ. 2008. The Angstrom Survey: Status report Proceedings of Science, 54 DOI Publisher Url
Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Kerins EJ, O'Brien TJ. 2002. Novae in external galaxies from the POINT-AGAPE survey and the Liverpool Telescope Hernanz M, Jose J. CLASSICAL NOVA EXPLOSIONS, International Conference on Classical Nova Explosions 637 :481-485 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Williams SC, Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Steele IA. 2019. A Luminous Red Nova in M31 and its Progenitor System (vol 805, L18, 2015) ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 878 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Darnley MJ, Henze M, Steele IA, Bode MF, Ribeiro VARM, Rodriguez-Gil P, Shafter AW, Williams SC, Baer D, Hachisu I, Hernanz M, Hornoch K, Hounsell R, Kato M, Kiyota S, Kucakova H, Maehara H, Ness J-U, Piascik AS, Sala G, Skillen I, Smith RJ, Wolf M. 2016. A remarkable recurrent nova in M31: Discovery and optical/UV observations of the predicted 2014 eruption (vol 580, A45, 2015) ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 593 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Surina F, Hounsell RA, Bode MF, Darnley MJ, Harman DJ, Walter FM. 2014. The Detailed Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of the 2011 Outburst of the Recurrent Nova T Pyxidis from 0.8 to 250 Days after Discovery arXiv DOI
Shafter AW, Curtin C, Pritchet CJ, Bode MF, Darnley MJ. 2013. Extragalactic Nova Populations arXiv DOI
Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Harman DJ, Hounsell RA, Munari U, Ribeiro VARM, Surina F, Williams RP, Williams SC. 2013. On the Galactic Nova Progenitor Population arXiv DOI
Williams SC, Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Shafter AW. 2013. On the M31 Nova Progenitor Population arXiv DOI
Darnley MJ, Black DTR, Bode MF, Newsam AM, Kerins E, O'Brien TJ, Misselt K, Shafter AW. 2008. Extragalactic Classical Nova Surveys arXiv DOI
Darnley MJ, Hounsell RA, Bode MF. 2008. Liverpool Telescope Optical Photometry Following the 2006 Outburst of RS Ophiuchi arXiv DOI
Harman DJ, Bode MF, Darnley MJ, O'Brien TJ, Bond HE, Starrfield S, Evans A, Eyres SPS, Ribeiro VARM, Echevarria JM. 2008. Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of the Expanding Nebular Remnant of the 2006 Outburst of RS Ophiuchi arXiv DOI
Bode MF, Osborne JP, Page KL, Beardmore AP, O'Brien TJ, Ness J-U, Starrfield S, Skinner GK, Darnley MJ, Drake JJ, Evans A, Eyres SPS, Krautter J, Schwarz G. 2008. Swift Observations of Shock Evolution in RS Ophiuchi arXiv DOI
Darnley MJ, Bode MF, Kerins EJ, O'Brien TJ. 2002. Novae In External Galaxies From The POINT-AGAPE Survey And The Liverpool Telescope arXiv DOI
FET Teaching Excellence Award 2024 - ED&I Highly Commended as member of ARI ED&I Team, LJMU FET. 2024
Shortlisted - Times Higher Research Project of the Year: STEM, Times Higher, https://www.the-awards.co.uk/2017/en/page/shortlisted-page-2017?fbclid=IwAR12-6hyk_-fx5FQrTmct4X8Z6Ojg-q65HmIYimKB5tTxkEC1FjllUedKVE. 2017
University of Liverpool Staff Award - Greatest Contribution to the Student Experience, University of Liverpool. 2017
Research Grants Awarded:
STFC, Recurrent Nova Super-Remnants, Grant value (£): 300,000. 2021
External committees:
RAS Policy Group, Royal Astronomical Society. 2019
RAS Satellite Constellation Working Group, Royal Astronomical Society. 2019
Conference organisation:
European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS) 2019 (LOC Member and Consultant), Member of Local Organising Committee, https://eas.unige.ch//EWASS2019/index.jsp. 2018
European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS) 2018 (LOC Chair, SOC Co-chair), Chair of Local Organising Committee Co-chair of Scientific Organising Committee, https://eas.unige.ch//EWASS2018/index.jsp. 2017
Editorial boards:
Open Astronomy, Editor, https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/astro. 2017
Membership of professional bodies:
Member: European Astronomical Society, European Astronomical Society, http://eas.unige.ch/. 2016
Member: International Astronomical Union, International Astronomical Union. 2015
Fellow: Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy. 2013
Fellow: Royal Astronomical Society, Royal Astronomical Society, https://www.ras.org.uk/. 2007
Member: Institute of Physics, Institute of Physics. 1997