Image of Dr Robert Smith

Dr Robert Smith

Astrophysics Research Institute

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Journal article

Kann DA, White NE, Ghirlanda G, Oates SR, Melandri A, Jelínek M, De Ugarte Postigo A, Levan AJ, Martin-Carrillo A, Paek GSH, Izzo L, Blazek M, Thöne CC, Agüí Fernández JF, Salvaterra R, Tanvir NR, Chang TC, O'Brien P, Rossi A, Perley DA, Im M, Malesani DB, Antonelli A, Covino S, Choi C, D'Avanzo P, D'Elia V, Dichiara S, Fausey HM, Fugazza D, Gomboc A, Gorski KM, Granot J, Guidorzi C, Hanlon L, Hartmann DH, Hudec R, Jun HD, Kim J, Kim Y, Klose S, Kluåniak W, Kobayashi S, Kouveliotou C, Lidz A, Marongiu M, Martone R, Meintjes P, Mundell CG, Murphy D, Nalewajko K, Park WK, Szécsi D, Smith RJ, Stecklum B, Steele IA, Štrobl J, Sung HI, Updike A, Urata Y, Van Der Horst AJ. 2024. Fires in the deep: The luminosity distribution of early-time gamma-ray-burst afterglows in light of the Gamow Explorer sensitivity requirements Astronomy and Astrophysics, 686 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Shrestha M, Steele IA, Kobayashi S, Smith RJ, Jermak HE, Piascik A, Mundell CG. 2023. GRB 210619B: First Gamma-Ray Burst Detection by the Novel Polarimeter MOPTOP Research Notes of the AAS, 7 :118-118 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Maund JR, Höflich PA, Steele IA, Yang Y, Wiersema K, Kobayashi S, Jordana-Mitjans N, Mundell C, Gomboc A, Guidorzi C, Smith RJ. 2023. A flash of polarized optical light points to an aspherical ‘cow’ Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521 :3323-3332 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Shrestha M, Steele IA, Kobayashi S, Smith RJ, Guidorzi C, Jordana-Mitjans N, Jermak HE, Arnold D, Mundell CG, Gomboc A. 2022. Polarimetry and photometry of gamma-ray bursts afterglows with RINGO3 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516 :1584-1600 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Shrestha M, Steele IA, Kobayashi S, Jordana-Mitjans N, Smith RJ, Jermak HE, Arnold D, Mundell CG, Gomboc A, Guidorzi C. 2021. GRB 191016A: a highly collimated gamma-ray burst jet with magnetized energy injection Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 509 :5964-5973 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Jordana-Mitjans N, Mundell CG, Smith RJ, Guidorzi C, Marongiu M, Kobayashi S, Gomboc A, Shrestha M, Steele IA. 2021. Coherence scale of magnetic fields generated in early-time forward shocks of GRBs Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 505 :2662-2674 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lam MC, Smith RJ, Veitch-Michaelis J, Steele IA, McWhirter PR. 2021. An update on the development of ASPIRED Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 532 :537-540 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Shrestha M, Steele IA, Piascik AS, Jermak HE, Smith RJ, Copperwheat CM. 2020. Characterization of a dual-beam, dual-camera optical imaging polarimeter Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 494 :4676-4686 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Jordana-Mitjans N, Mundell CG, Kobayashi S, Smith RJ, Guidorzi C, Steele IA, Shrestha M, Gomboc A, Marongiu M, Martone R, Lipunov V, Gorbovskoy ES, Buckley DAH, Rebolo R, Budnev NM. 2020. Lowly Polarized Light from a Highly Magnetized Jet of GRB 190114C Astrophysical Journal, 892 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lam MC, Hambly NC, Lodieu N, Blouin S, Harvey EJ, Smith RJ, Galvez-Ortiz MC, Zhang ZH. 2020. First discovery of an ultra-cool white dwarf benchmark in common proper motion with an M dwarf Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 493 :6001-6010 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Martone R, Guidorzi C, Mundell CG, Kobayashi S, Cucchiara A, Gomboc A, Jordana N, Laskar T, Marongiu M, Morris DC, Smith RJ, Steele IA. 2019. A robotic pipeline for fast GRB followup with the Las Cumbrés observatory network Experimental Astronomy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Melandri A, Covino S, Zaninoni E, Campana S, Bolmer J, Cobb BE, Gorosabel J, Kim JW, Kuin P, Kuroda D, Malesani D, Mundell CG, Nappo F, Sbarufatti B, Smith RJ, Steele IA, Topinka M, Trotter AS, Virgili FJ, Bernardini MG, D'Avanzo P, D'Elia V, Fugazza D, Ghirlanda G, Gomboc A, Greiner J, Guidorzi C, Haislip JB, Hanayama H, Hanlon L, Im M, Ivarsen KM, Japelj J, Jelínek M, Kawai N, Kobayashi S, Kopac D, Lacluyzé AP, Martin-Carrillo A, Murphy D, Reichart DE, Salvaterra R, Salafia OS, Tagliaferri G, Vergani SD. 2017. Colour variations in the GRB 120327A afterglow Astronomy and Astrophysics, 607 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Jermak HE, Steele IA, Smith RJ. 2017. MOPTOP: Multi-colour Optimised Optical Polarimeter Gomboc A. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 12 :357-358 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Steele IA, Kopač D, Arnold DM, Smith RJ, Kobayashi S, Jermak HE, Mundell CG, Gomboc A, Guidorzi C, Melandri A, Japelj J. 2017. Polarimetry and Photometry of Gamma-Ray Bursts with RINGO2 The Astrophysical Journal, 843 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Snodgrass C, Opitom C, de Val-Borro M, Jehin E, Manfroid J, Lister T, Marchant JM, Jones GH, Fitzsimmons A, Steele IA, Smith RJ, Jermak HE, Granzer T, Meech KJ, Rousselot P, Levasseur-Regourd A-C. 2016. The perihelion activity of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko as seen by robotic telescopes Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462 :138-145 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Steele IA, Marchant JM, Jermak HE, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Clay NR, Fitzsimmons A, Jehin E, Jones G, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ, Snodgrass C, Val-Borro MD. 2016. LOTUS: A low cost, ultraviolet spectrograph Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Barnsley RM, Jermak HE, Steele IA, Smith RJ, Bates SD, Mottram CJ. 2016. IO:I, a near-infrared camera for the Liverpool Telescope Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 2 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Kopač D, Mundell CG, Japelj J, Arnold DM, Steele IA, Guidorzi C, Dichiara S, Kobayashi S, Gomboc A, Harrison RM, Lamb GP, Melandri A, Smith RJ, Virgili FJ, Castro-Tirado AJ, Gorosabel J, Jarvinen A, Sanchez-Ramirez R, Oates SR, Jelinek M. 2015. Limits on optical polarization during the prompt phase of GRB 140430A ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 813 :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Darnley MJ, Henze M, Steele IA, Bode MF, Ribeiro VARM, Rodríguez-Gil P, Shafter AW, Williams SC, Baer D, Hachisu I, Hernanz M, Hornoch K, Hounsell R, Kato M, Kiyota S, Kučáková H, Maehara H, Ness J-U, Piascik AS, Sala G, Skillen I, Smith RJ, Wolf M. 2015. A remarkable recurrent nova in M31: Discovery and optical/UV observations of the predicted 2014 eruption Astronomy and Astrophysics, 580 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Bersier D, Bode MF, Carter D, Clay NR, Collins CA, Darnley MJ, Davis CJ, Gutierrez CM, Harman DJ, James PA, Knapen JH, Kobayashi S, Marchant JM, Mazzali PA, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, Newsam A, Oscoz A, Palle E, Piascik AS, Rebolo R, Smith RJ. 2015. Liverpool telescope 2: a new robotic facility for rapid transient follow-up EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY, 39 :119-165 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Melandri A, Virgili FJ, Guidorzi C, Bernardini MG, Kobayashi S, Mundell CG, Gomboc A, Dintinjana B, Hentunen V-P, Japelj J, Kopač D, Kuroda D, Morgan AN, Steele IA, Quadri U, Arici G, Arnold D, Girelli R, Hanayama H, Kawai N, Mikuz H, Nissinen M, Salmi T, Smith RJ, Strabla L, Tonincelli M, Quadri A. 2014. The nature of the late achromatic bump in GRB 120326A ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 572 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Piascik AS, Steele IA, Bates SD, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ, Barnsley RM, Bolton B. 2014. SPRAT: Spectrograph for the Rapid Acquisition of Transients Ramsay SK, McLean IS, Takami H. Proceedings of SPIE GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY V, 9147 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Steele IA, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ, Barnsley RM. 2014. Using dummy and pseudo-dummy amplifiers to correct for common mode CCD noise Holland AD, Beletic JW. SPIE Proceedings: High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VI, 9154 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Bates SD, Smith RJ, Bode MF, Baker I, Peacocke T, Thomson K. 2014. Liverpool Telescope 2: a new robotic facility for time domain astronomy in 2020 Stepp LM, Gilmozzi R, Hall HJ. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE TELESCOPES V, 9145 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Guidorzi C, Mundell CG, Harrison R, Margutti R, Sudilovsky V, Zauderer BA, Kobayashi S, Cucchiara A, Melandri A, Pandey SB, Berger E, Bersier D, D'Elia V, Gomboc A, Greiner J, Japelj J, Kopač D, Kumar B, Malesani D, Mottram CJ, O'Brien PT, Rau A, Smith RJ, Steele IA, Tanvir NR, Virgili FJ. 2014. New constraints on gamma-ray burst jet geometry and relativistic shock physics MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 438 :752-767 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Barnsley RM, Steele IA, Smith RJ, Mawson NR. 2014. An experiment in Big Data: Storage, querying and visualisation of data taken from the Liverpool Telescope's wide field cameras Chiozzi G, Radziwill NM. SOFTWARE AND CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR ASTRONOMY III, 9152 DOI Publisher Url

Mundell CG, Kopač D, Arnold DM, Steele IA, Gomboc A, Kobayashi S, Harrison RM, Smith RJ, Guidorzi C, Virgili FJ, Melandri A, Japelj J. 2013. Highly polarized light from stable ordered magnetic fields in GRB 120308A. Nature, 504 :119-121 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Jin ZP, Covino S, Della Valle M, Ferrero P, Fugazza D, Malesani D, Melandri A, Pian E, Salvaterra R, Bersier D, Campana S, Cano Z, Castro-Tirado AJ, D'Avanzo P, Fynbo JPU, Gomboc A, Gorosabel J, Guidorzi C, Haislip JB, Hjorth J, Kobayashi S, Lacluyze AP, Marconi G, Mazzali PA, Mundell CG, Piranomonte S, Reichart DE, Sánchez-Ramírez R, Smith RJ, Steele IA, Tagliaferri G, Tanvir NR, Valenti S, Vergani SD, Vestrand T, Walker ES, Woźniak P. 2013. GRB 081007 and GRB 090424: The surrounding medium, outflows, and supernovae Astrophysical Journal, 774 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Mawson NR, Steele IA, Smith RJ. 2013. STILT: System design and performance Astronomische Nachrichten, 334 :729-737 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Kopac D, Kobayashi S, Gomboc A, Japelj J, Mundell CG, Guidorzi C, Melandri A, Bersier D, Cano Z, Smith RJ, Steele IA, Virgili FJ. 2013. GRB 090727 and gamma-ray bursts with early time optical emission DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Arnold DM, Steele IA, Bates SD, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ. 2012. RINGO3: a multi-colour fast response polarimeter McLean IS, Ramsay SK, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY IV, 8446 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Barnsley RM, Smith RJ, Steele IA. 2012. A fully automated data reduction pipeline for the FRODOSpec integral field spectrograph ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN, 333 :101-117 DOI

Barnsley RM, Smith RJ, Steele IA. 2011. A fully automated data reduction pipeline for the FRODOSpec integral field spectrograph DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Cano Z, Bersier D, Guidorzi C, Kobayashi S, Levan AJ, Tanvir NR, Wiersema K, D'Avanzo P, Fruchter AS, Garnavich P, Gomboc A, Gorosabel J, Kasen D, Kopac D, Margutti R, Mazzali PA, Melandri A, Mundell CG, Nugent PE, Pian E, Smith RJ, Steele I, Wijers RAMJ, Woosley SE. 2011. XRF 100316D/SN 2010bh AND THE NATURE OF GAMMA-RAY BURST SUPERNOVAE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 740 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Arcavi I, Gal-Yam A, Yaron O, Sternberg A, Rabinak I, Waxman E, Kasliwal MM, Quimby RM, Ofek EO, Horesh A, Kulkarni SR, Filippenko AV, Silverman JM, Cenko SB, Li W, Bloom JS, Sullivan M, Nugent PE, Poznanski D, Gorbikov E, Fulton BJ, Howell DA, Bersier D, Riou A, Lamotte-Bailey S, Griga T, Cohen JG, Hachinger S, Polishook D, Xu D, Ben-Ami S, Manulis I, Walker ES, Maguire K, Pan Y-C, Matheson T, Mazzali PA, Pian E, Fox DB, Gehrels N, Law N, James P, Marchant JM, Smith RJ, Mottram CJ, Barnsley RM, Kandrashoff MT, Clubb KI. 2011. SN 2011dh: DISCOVERY OF A TYPE IIb SUPERNOVA FROM A COMPACT PROGENITOR IN THE NEARBY GALAXY M51 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 742 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Cucchiara A, Cenko SB, Bloom JS, Melandri A, Morgan A, Kobayashi S, Smith RJ, Perley DA, Li W, Hora JL, da Silva RL, Prochaska JX, Milne PA, Butler NR, Cobb B, Worseck G, Mundell CG, Steele IA, Filippenko AV, Fumagalli M, Klein CR, Stephens A, Bluck A, Mason R. 2011. CONSTRAINING GAMMA-RAY BURST EMISSION PHYSICS WITH EXTENSIVE EARLY-TIME, MULTIBAND FOLLOW-UP ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 743 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Guidorzi C, Kobayashi S, Perley DA, Vianello G, Bloom JS, Chandra P, Kann DA, Li W, Mundell CG, Pozanenko A, Prochaska JX, Antoniuk K, Bersier D, Filippenko AV, Frail DA, Gomboc A, Klunko E, Melandri A, Mereghetti S, Morgan AN, O'Brien PT, Rumyantsev V, Smith RJ, Steele IA, Tanvir NR, Volnova A. 2011. A faint optical flash in dust-obscured GRB 080603A: implications for GRB prompt emission mechanisms MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 417 :2124-2143 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Cano Z, Bersier D, Guidorzi C, Margutti R, Svensson KM, Kobayashi S, Melandri A, Wiersema K, Pozanenko A, Horst AJVD, Pooley GG, Fernandez-Soto A, Castro-Tirado AJ, Postigo ADU, Im M, Kamble AP, Sahu D, Alonso-Lorite J, Anupama G, Bibby JL, Burgdorf MJ, Clay N, Curran PA, Fatkhullin TA, Fruchter AS, Garnavich P, Gomboc A, Gorosabel J, Graham JF, Gurugubelli U, Haislip J, Huang K, Huxor A, Ibrahimov M, Jeon Y, Jeon Y-B, Ivarsen K, Kasen D, Klunko E, Kouveliotou C, LaCluyze A, Levan AJ, Loznikov V, Mazzali PA, Moskvitin AS, Mottram C, Mundell CG, Nugent PE, Nysewander M, O'Brien PT, Park W-K, Peris V, Pian E, Reichart D, Rhoads JE, Rol E, Rumyantsev V, Scowcroft V, Shakhovskoy D, Small E, Smith RJ, Sokolov VV, Starling RLC, Steele I, Strom RG, Tanvir NR, Tsapras Y, Urata Y, Vaduvescu O, Volnova A, Volvach A, Wijers RAMJ, Woosley SE, Young DR. 2010. A tale of two GRB-SNe at a common redshift of z = 0.54 MNRAS, 413 :669 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Steele IA, Bates SD, Guidorzi C, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, Smith RJ. 2010. RINGO2: An EMCCD-based polarimeter for GRB followup Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7735 DOI

Melandri A, Kobayashi S, Mundell CG, Guidorzi C, Postigo ADU, Pooley G, Yoshida M, Bersier D, Castro-Tirado AJ, Jelinek M, Gomboc A, Gorosabel J, Kubanek P, Bremer M, Winters JM, Steele IA, de Gregorio-Monsalvo I, Smith RJ, Garcia-Appadoo D, Sota A, Lundgren A. 2010. GRB 090313 and the Origin of Optical Peaks in Gamma-Ray Burst Light Curves: Implications for Lorentz Factors and Radio Flares Astrophysical Journal, 723 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Pandey SB, Swenson CA, Perley DA, Guidorzi C, Wiersema K, Malesani D, Akerlof C, Ashley MCB, Bersier D, Cano Z, Gomboc A, Ilyin I, Jakobsson P, Kleiser IKW, Kobayashi S, Kouveliotou C, Levan AJ, McKay TA, Melandri A, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, O'Brien PT, Phillips A, Rex JM, Siegel MH, Smith RJ, Steele IA, Stratta G, Tanvir NR, Weights D, Yost SA, Yuan F, Zheng W. 2010. GRB 090902B: Afterglow Observations and Implications The Astrophysical Journal, 714 :799-804 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Steele IA, Mundell CG, Smith RJ, Kobayashi S, Guidorzi C. 2009. Ten per cent polarized optical emission from GRB 090102. Nature, 462 :767-769 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Steele IA, Mundell CG, Smith RJ, Kobayashi S, Guidorzi C. 2009. Early time optical polarization of GRB Afterglows: GRB 060418 and GRB 090102 Italian Physical Society Conference Proceedings, 102 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Melandri A, Guidorzi C, Kobayashi S, Bersier D, Mundell CG, Milne P, Pozanenko A, Li W, Filippenko AV, Urata Y, Ibrahimov M, Steele IA, Gomboc A, Smith RJ, Tanvir NR, Rol E, Huang K. 2009. Evidence for energy injection and a fine-tuned central engine at optical wavelengths in GRB 070419A MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 395 :1941-1949 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Guidorzi C, Clemens C, Kobayashi S, Granot J, Melandri A, D'Avanzo P, Kuin NPM, Klotz A, Fynbo JPU, Covino S, Greiner J, Malesani D, Mao J, Mundell CG, Steele IA, Jakobsson P, Margutti R, Bersier D, Campana S, Chincarini G, D'Elia V, Fugazza D, Genet F, Gomboc A, Kruehler T, Yoldas AK, Moretti A, Mottram CJ, O'Brien PT, Smith RJ, Szokoly G, Tagliaferri G, Tanvir NR, Gehrels N. 2009. Rise and fall of the X-ray flash 080330: an off-axis jet? ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 499 :439-U108 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Gomboc A, Kobayashi S, Guidorzi C, Melandri A, Mangano V, Sbarufatti B, Mundell CG, Schady P, Smith RJ, Updike AC, Kann DA, Misra K, Rol E, Pozanenko A, Castro-Tirado AJ, Anupama GC, Bersier D, Bode MF, Carter D, Curran P, Fruchter A, Graham J, Hartmann DH, Ibrahimov M, Levan A, Monfardini A, Mottram CJ, O'Brien PT, Prema P, Sahu DK, Steele IA, Tanvir NR, Wiersema K. 2008. MULTIWAVELENGTH ANALYSIS OF THE INTRIGUING GRB 061126: THE REVERSE SHOCK SCENARIO AND MAGNETIZATION ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 687 :443-455 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Melandri A, Mundell CG, Kobayashi S, Guidorzi C, Gomboc A, Steele IA, Smith RJ, Bersier D, Mottram CJ, Carter D, Bode MF, O'Brien PT, Tanvir NR, Rol E, Chapman R. 2008. THE EARLY-TIME OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF GAMMA-RAY BURST AFTERGLOWS ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 686 :1209-1230 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Racusin JL, Karpov SV, Sokolowski M, Granot J, Wu XF, Pal'shin V, Covino S, van der Horst AJ, Oates SR, Schady P, Smith RJ, Cummings J, Starling RLC, Piotrowski LW, Zhang B, Evans PA, Holland ST, Malek K, Page MT, Vetere L, Margutti R, Guidorzi C, Kamble AP, Curran PA, Beardmore A, Kouveliotou C, Mankiewicz L, Melandri A, O'Brien PT, Page KL, Piran T, Tanvir NR, Wrochna G, Aptekar RL, Barthelmy S, Bartolini C, Beskin GM, Bondar S, Bremer M, Campana S, Castro-Tirado A, Cucchiara A, Cwiok M, D'Avanzo P, D'Elia V, Valle MD, de Ugarte Postigo A, Dominik W, Falcone A, Fiore F, Fox DB, Frederiks DD, Fruchter AS, Fugazza D, Garrett MA, Gehrels N, Golenetskii S, Gomboc A, Gorosabel J, Greco G, Guarnieri A, Immler S, Jelinek M, Kasprowicz G, La Parola V, Levan AJ, Mangano V, Mazets EP, Molinari E, Moretti A, Nawrocki K, Oleynik PP, Osborne JP, Pagani C, Pandey SB, Paragi Z, Perri M, Piccioni A, Ramirez-Ruiz E, Roming PWA, Steele IA, Strom RG, Testa V, Tosti G, Ulanov MV, Wiersema K, Wijers RAMJ, Winters JM, Zarnecki AF, Zerbi F, Mészáros P, Chincarini G, Burrows DN. 2008. Broadband observations of the naked-eye gamma-ray burst GRB 080319B. Nature, 455 :183-188 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Racusin JL, Karpov SV, Sokolowski M, Granot J, Wu XF, Pal'shin V, Covino S, Horst AJVD, Oates SR, Schady P, Smith RJ, Cummings J, Starling RLC, Piotrowski LW, Zhang B, Evans PA, Holland ST, Malek K, Page MT, Vetere L, Margutti R, Guidorzi C, Kamble A, Curran PA, Beardmore A, Kouveliotou C, Mankiewicz L, Melandri A, O'Brien PT, Page KL, Piran T, Tanvir NR, Wrochna G, Aptekar RL, Bartolini C, Barthelmy S, Beskin GM, Bondar S, Campana S, Cucchiara A, Cwiok M, D'Avanzo P, D'Elia V, Valle MD, Dominik W, Falcone A, Fiore F, Fox DB, Frederiks DD, Fruchter AS, Fugazza D, Garrett M, Gehrels N, Golenetskii S, Gomboc A, Greco G, Guarnieri A, Immler S, Kasprowicz G, Levan AJ, Mazets EP, Molinari E, Moretti A, Nawrocki K, Oleynik PP, Osborne JP, Pagani C, Paragi Z, Perri M, Piccioni A, Ramirez-Ruiz E, Roming PWA, Steele IA, Strom RG, Testa V, Tosti G, Ulanov MV, Wiersema K, Wijers RAMJ, Zarnecki AF, Zerbi F, Meszaros P, Chincarini G, Burrows DN. 2008. GRB 080319B: A Naked-Eye Stellar Blast from the Distant Universe Nature, 455 :183-188 Author Url Publisher Url

Curran PA, van der Horst AJ, Beardmore AP, Page KL, Rol E, Melandri A, Steele IA, Mundell CG, Gomboc A, O'Brien PT, Bersier DF, Bode MF, Carter D, Guidorzi C, Hill JE, Hurkett CP, Kobayashi S, Monfardini A, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ, Wijers RAMJ, Willingale R. 2007. The prompt to late-time multiwavelength analysis of GRB060210 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 467 :1049-1055 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Mundell CG, Melandri A, Guidorzi C, Kobayashi S, Steele IA, Malesani D, Amati L, D'Avanzo P, Bersier DF, Gomboc A, Rol E, Bode MF, Carter D, Mottram CJ, Monfardini A, Smith RJ, Malhotra S, Wang J, Bannister N, O'Brien PT, Tanvir NR. 2007. The remarkable afterglow of GRB 061007: Implications for optical flashes and GRB fireballs ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 660 :489-495 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Mundell CG, Steele IA, Smith RJ, Kobayashi S, Melandri A, Guidorzi C, Gomboc A, Mottram CJ, Clarke D, Monfardini A, Carter D, Bersier D. 2007. Early optical polarization of a gamma-ray burst afterglow. Science, 315 :1822-1824 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Guidorzi C, Gomboc A, Kobayashi S, Mundell CG, Rol E, Bode MF, Carter D, La Parola V, Melandri A, Monfardini A, Mottram CJ, O'Brien PT, Page KL, Sakamoto T, Smith RJ, Steele IA, Tanvir NR. 2007. The circumburst environment of a FRED GRB: study of the prompt emission and X-ray/optical afterglow of GRB 051111 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 463 :539-550 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Fine S, Croom SM, Miller L, Babic A, Moore D, Brewer B, Sharp RG, Boyle BJ, Shanks T, Smith RJ, Outram PJ, Loaring NS. 2006. The evolution of host mass and black hole mass in quasi-stellar objects from the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 373 :613-622 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Oates SR, Mundell CG, Piranomonte S, Page KL, De Pasquale M, Monfardini A, Melandri A, Zane S, Guidorzi C, Malesani D, Gomboc A, Bannister N, Blustin AJ, Capalbi M, Carter D, D'Avanzo P, Kobayashi S, Krimm HA, O'Brien PT, Page MJ, Smith RJ, Steele IA, Tanvir N. 2006. Anatomy of a dark burst - the afterglow of GRB 060108 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 372 :327-337 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Ferrero P, Kann DA, Zeh A, Klose S, Pian E, Palazzi E, Masetti N, Hartmann DH, Sollerman J, Deng J, Filippenko AV, Greiner J, Hughes MA, Mazzali P, Li W, Rol E, Smith RJ, Tanvir NR. 2006. The GRB 060218/SN 2006aj event in the context of other gamma-ray burst supernovae ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 457 :857-U72 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Monfardini A, Kobayashi S, Guidorzi C, Carter D, Mundell CG, Bersier DF, Gomboc A, Melandri A, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ, Steele IA. 2006. High-quality early-time light curves of GRB 060206: Implications for gamma-ray burst environments and energetics ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 648 :1125-1131 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hurkett CP, Osborne JP, Page KL, Rol E, Goad MR, O'Brien PT, Beardmore A, Godet O, Burrows DN, Tanvir NR, Levan A, Zhang B, Malesani D, Hill JE, Kennea JA, Chapman R, La Parola V, Perri M, Romano P, Smith R, Gehrels N. 2006. GRB 050505: a high-redshift burst discovered by Swift MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 368 :1101-1109 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Guidorzi C, Monfardini A, Gomboc A, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, Steele IA, Carter D, Bode MF, Smith RJ, Fraser SN, Burgdorf MJ, Newsam AM. 2006. The automatic real-time gamma-ray burst pipeline of the 2 m Liverpool Telescope PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC, 118 :288-296 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Guidorzi C, Monfardini A, Gomboc A, Mundell CG, Steele IA, Carter D, Bode MF, Smith RJ, Mottram CJ, Burgdorf MJ, Tanvir NR, Masetti N, Pian E. 2005. The early multicolor afterglow of GRB 050502a: Possible evidence for a uniform medium with density clumps ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 630 :L121-L124 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

da Angela J, Outram PJ, Shanks T, Boyle BJ, Croom SM, Loaring NS, Miller L, Smith RJ. 2005. The 2dF QSO redshift survey - XV. Correlation analysis of redshift-space distortions MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 360 :1040-1054 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Wals M, Boyle BJ, Croom SM, Miller L, Smith R, Shanks T, Outram P. 2005. Radio-quiet objects in the 2QZ survey MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 360 :453-457 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Myers AD, Outram PJ, Shanks T, Boyle BJ, Croom SM, Loaring NS, Miller L, Smith RJ. 2005. On statistical lensing and the anticorrelation between 2dF QSOs and foreground galaxies MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 359 :741-754 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Smith RJ, Croom SM, Boyle BJ, Shanks T, Miller L, Loaring NS. 2005. The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - III. The input catalogue MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 359 :57-72 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Angela JD, Outram PJ, Shanks T, Boyle BJ, Croom SM, Loaring NS, Miller L, Smith RJ. 2005. The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - XV. Correlation analysis of redshift-Space distortions Author Url Publisher Url

Croom SM, Boyle BJ, Shanks T, Smith RJ, Miller L, Outram PJ, Loaring NS, Hoyle F, da Angela A. 2005. The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - XIV. Structure and evolution from the two-point correlation function MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 356 :415-438 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Miller L, Croom SM, Boyle BJ, Loaring NS, Smith RJ, Shanks T, Outram P. 2004. 200-Mpc-sized structure in the 2dF QSO Redshift survey MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 355 :385-394 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Croom SM, Schade D, Boyle BJ, Shanks T, Miller L, Smith RJ. 2004. Gemini imaging of QSO host galaxies at z similar to 2 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 606 :126-138 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Croom SM, Smith RJ, Boyle BJ, Shanks T, Miller L, Outram PJ, Loaring NS. 2004. The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - XII. The spectroscopic catalogue and luminosity function MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 349 :1397-1418 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Outram PJ, Shanks T, Boyle BJ, Croom SM, Hoyle F, Loaring NS, Miller L, Smith RJ. 2004. The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - XIII. A measurement of Lambda from the quasi-stellar object power spectrum, PS (k(vertical bar vertical bar),k perpendicular to) MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 348 :745-752 DOI Author Url

Outram PJ, Shanks T, Boyle BJ, Croom SM, Hoyle F, Loaring NS, Miller L, Smith RJ. 2004. The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - XIII. A measurement of Λ from the quasi-stellar object power spectrum, Ps(k≺, k⊥) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 348 :745-752 DOI Publisher Url

Miller L, Lopes AM, Smith RJ, Croom SM, Boyle BJ, Shanks T, Outram P. 2004. Possible arcmin-separation gravitational lensed quasi-stellar objects in the 2dF QSO survey MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 348 :395-405 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Gomboc A, Bode MF, Carter D, Mundell CG, Newsam AM, Smith RJ, Steele IA. 2003. GRB optical and IR rapid follow-up with the 2 m Liverpool Robotic Telescope Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 192 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Corbett EA, Croom SM, Boyle BJ, Netzer H, Miller L, Outram PJ, Shanks T, Smith RJ, Rhook K. 2003. Emission linewidths and QSO black hole mass estimates from the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 343 :705-718 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Outram PJ, Hoyle F, Shanks T, Croom SM, Boyle BJ, Miller L, Smith RJ, Myers AD. 2003. The 2dF QSO redshift survey - XI. The QSO power spectrum MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 342 :483-495 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Myers AD, Outram PJ, Shanks T, Boyle BJ, Croom SM, Loaring NS, Miller L, Smith RJ. 2003. The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - X. Lensing of background QSOs by galaxy groups MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 342 :467-482 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Weatherley SJ, Warren SJ, Croom SM, Smith RJ, Boyle BJ, Shanks T, Miller L, Baltovic MP. 2003. Ghosts of the Milky Way: a search for topology in new quasar catalogues MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 342 :L9-L13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Croom SM, Rhook K, Corbett EA, Boyle BJ, Netzer H, Loaring NS, Miller L, Outram PJ, Shanks T, Smith RJ. 2002. The correlation of line strength with luminosity and redshift from composite quasi-stellar object spectra MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 337 :275-292 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Vennes S, Smith RJ, Boyle BJ, Croom SM, Kawka A, Shanks T, Miller L, Loaring N. 2002. White dwarfs in the 2dF QSO redshift survey - I. Hydrogen-rich (DA) stars MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 335 :673-686 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Croom SM, Boyle BJ, Loaring NS, Miller L, Outram PJ, Shanks T, Smith RJ. 2002. The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - IX. A measurement of the luminosity dependence of QSO clustering MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 335 :459-464 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Londish D, Croom SM, Boyle BJ, Shanks T, Outram PJ, Sadler EM, Loaring NS, Smith RJ, Miller L, Maxted PFL. 2002. The 2QZ BL Lac survey MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 334 :941-957 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hoyle F, Outram PJ, Shanks T, Boyle BJ, Croom SM, Smith RJ. 2002. The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - VII. Constraining cosmology from redshift-space distortions via xi (sigma, pi ) MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 332 :311-324 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hoyle F, Outram PJ, Shanks T, Croom SA, Boyle BJ, Loaring NS, Miller L, Smith RJ. 2002. The 2dF QSO redshift survey - IV. The QSO power spectrum from the 10k catalogue MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 329 :336-348 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Outram PJ, Smith RJ, Shanks T, Boyle BJ, Croom SM, Loaring NS, Miller L. 2001. The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - VIII. Absorption systems in the 10k catalogue MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 328 :805-809 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Outram PJ, Hoyle F, Shanks T, Boyle BJ, Croom SM, Loaring NS, Miller L, Smith RJ. 2001. The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - VI. Measuring Lambda and beta from redshift-space distortions in the power spectrum MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 328 :174-184 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Croom SM, Shanks T, Boyle BJ, Smith RJ, Miller L, Loaring NS, Hoyle F. 2001. The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - II. Structure and evolution at high redshift MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 325 :483-496 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Croom SM, Smith RJ, Boyle BJ, Shanks T, Loaring NS, Miller L, Lewis IJ. 2001. The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - V. The 10k catalogue MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 322 :L29-L36 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Boyle BJ, Shanks T, Croom SM, Smith RJ, Miller L, Loaring N, Heymans C. 2000. The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - I. The optical luminosity function of quasi-stellar objects MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 317 :1014-1022 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Smith RJ, Boyle BJ, Maddox SJ. 2000. The environments of intermediate-redshift QSOs: 0.3 < z < 0.7 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 313 :252-262 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Brotherton MS, van Breugel W, Stanford SA, Smith RJ, Boyle BJ, Miller L, Shanks T, Croom SM, Filippenko AV. 1999. A spectacular poststarburst quasar ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 520 :L87-L90 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Croom SM, Ratcliffe A, Parker QA, Shanks T, Boyle BJ, Smith RJ. 1999. Faint UBVRI CCD sequences for wide-field surveys - II. UBVR sequences at delta =-30 degrees MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 306 :592-598 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Boyle BJ, Groom SM, Smith RJ, Shanks T, Miller L, Loaring N. 1999. QSO clustering and the AAT 2dF QSO redshift survey PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, 357 :185-198 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Brotherton MS, van Breugel W, Smith RJ, Boyle BJ, Shanks T, Croom SM, Miller L, Becker RH. 1998. Discovery of radio-loud broad absorption line quasars using ultraviolet excess and deep radio selection ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 505 :L7-L10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url



Jordana-Mitjans N, Mundell CG, Kobayashi S, Smith RJ, Guidorzi C, Steele IA, Shrestha M, Gomboc A, Marongiu M, Martone R, Lipunov V, Gorbovskoy ES, Buckley DAH, Rebolo R, Budnev NM. 2023. The role of the magnetic fields in GRB outflows Proceedings of the Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting :1449-1466 World Scientific Publishing Company 9789811269769 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url


Lam MC, Smith RJ, Arcavi I, Steele IA, Veitch-Michaelis J, Wyrzykowski L. 2021. Automated SpectroPhotometric Image REDuction (ASPIRED) DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Conference publication

Torres M, Fernández-Valdivia JJ, Oria A, Gutiérrez CM, García Piñero A, Arnold DM, Smith RJ. 2020. Challenges of the telescope control system for large robotic telescopes Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11452 DOI Publisher Url

Jermak H, Steele IA, Smith RJ. 2018. MOPTOP: Multi-colour Optimised Optical Polarimeter Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10015 DOI Publisher Url

Steele IA, Jermak H, Copperwheat CM, Smith RJ, Poshyachinda S, Soonthorntham B. 2018. Experiments with synchronized sCMOS cameras Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10015 DOI Publisher Url

Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Bode MF, Clay NR, Collins CA, Jermak HE, Knapen JH, Marchant JM, Mottram CJ, Piascik AS, Smith RJ. 2018. Liverpool telescope 2: A new robotic telescope for transient follow-up Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10015

Lam MC, Vijarnwannaluk B, Butpan P, Copperwheat CM, Piascik AS, Sawangwit U, Smith RJ, Steele IA. 2018. Laying the Groundwork for the Development of the Data Archive of the New Robotic Telescope Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy V, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Piascik AS, Copperwheat CM, Lam MC, Leckngam A, Prasit A, Prasit P, Smith RJ, Steele LA. 2018. A comparison of SOFA and NOVAS astrometric software libraries Guzman JC, Ibsen J. SOFTWARE AND CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR ASTRONOMY V, Conference on Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy V 10707 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Jermak H, Steele IA, Smith RJ. 2018. Optical Design of the Liverpool Telescope Multicolour OPTimised Optical Polarimeter (MOPTOP) Evans CJ, Simard L, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY VII, Conference on Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII 10702 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Smith RJ, Lam MC, Marchant JM, Steele LA. 2018. A Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approach to Cloud Detection Peck AB, Seaman RL, Benn CR. OBSERVATORY OPERATIONS: STRATEGIES, PROCESSES, AND SYSTEMS VII, Conference on Observatory Operations - Strategies, Processes, and Systems VII 10704 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Jermak HE, Steele IA, Smith RJ. 2016. MOPTOP: A multi-colour optimised optical polarimeter SPIE 9908, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI 9908 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Steele IA, Jermak HE, Copperwheat CM, Smith RJ, Poshyachinda S, Soonthorntham B. 2016. Experiments with synchronized sCMOS cameras Holland AD, Beletic J. HIGH ENERGY, OPTICAL, AND INFRARED DETECTORS FOR ASTRONOMY VII, Conference on High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VII 9915 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Bode MF, Clay NR, Collins CA, Jermak HE, Knapen JH, Marchant JM, Mottram CJ, Piascik AS, Smith RJ. 2016. Liverpool Telescope 2: beginning the design phase Hall HJ, Gilmozzi R, Marshall HK. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE TELESCOPES VI, Conference on Ground-Based and Airborne Telescopes VI 9906 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Smith RJ, Piascik AS, Steele IA, Barnsley RM. 2016. Automated Spectral Reduction Pipelines Chiozzi G, Guzman JC. SOFTWARE AND CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR ASTRONOMY IV, Conference on Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy IV 9913 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Clay NR, Jermak H, Marchant JM, Mottram CJ, Piascik A, Smith RJ. 2016. LIVERPOOL TELESCOPE AND LIVERPOOL TELESCOPE 2 CaballeroGarcia MD, Pandey SB, Hiriart D, CastroTirado AJ. IV WORKSHOP ON ROBOTIC AUTONOMOUS OBSERVATORIES, 2015, 4th Workshop on Robotic Autonomous Observatories 48 :48-53 Author Url

Barnsley RM, Smith RJ, Steele IA. 2012. A Fully Automated Data Reduction Pipeline for the FRODOSpec Integral Field Spectrograph Ballester P, Egret D, Lorente NPF. ASTRONOMICAL DATA ANALYSIS SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS XXI, 21st Annual Conference on Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems 461 :517-520 Author Url

Steele IA, Bates SD, Guidorzi C, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, Smith RJ. 2010. RINGO2: an EMCCD-based polarimeter for GRB followup McLean IS, Ramsay SK, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY III, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III 7735 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Smith RJ, Clay NR, Fraser SN, Marchant JM, Moss CM, Steele IA. 2010. Switching the Liverpool Telescope from a "full service" operating model to "self service" Silva DR, Peck AB, Soifer BT. OBSERVATORY OPERATIONS: STRATEGIES, PROCESSES, AND SYSTEMS III, Conference on Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems III 7737 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Melandri A, Mundell CG, Kobayashi S, Guidorzi C, Bersier D, Gomboc A, Steele IA, Smith RJ, Carter D, Bode MF. 2009. The Early Time Properties of GRBs - Canonical Afterglows and the Importance of Prolonged Central Engine Activity Meegan C, Gehrels N, Kouveliotou C. GAMMA-RAY BUSTS, 6th Huntsville Symposium on Gamma-Ray Burst 1133 :227-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Gomboc A, Kobayashi S, Mundell CG, Guidorzi C, Melandri A, Steele IA, Smith RJ, Bersier D, Carter D, Bode MF. 2009. Optical flashes, reverse shocks and magnetization Meegan C, Gehrels N, Kouveliotou C. GAMMA-RAY BUSTS, 6th Huntsville Symposium on Gamma-Ray Burst 1133 :145-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Marchant J, Smith RJ, Steele IA. 2008. Calibration of the Boltwood Cloud Sensor Stepp LM, Gilmozzi R. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE TELESCOPES II, PTS 1-3, Conference on Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II 7012 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Guidorzi C, Monfardini A, Gomboc A, Mundell CG, Steele IA, Carter D, Bode MF, Smith RJ, Mottram CJ, Burgdorf MJ, Tanvir NR, Masetti N, Pian E. 2008. The afterglow of the gamma-ray Burst 050502a: First case of an Early (<1hr) multi-colour detection ESO Astrophysics Symposia, 2008 :384-387 DOI Publisher Url

Melandri A, Gomboc A, Mundell CG, Guidorzi C, Steele IA, Carter D, Kobayashi S, Bersier D, Monfardini A, Bode MF, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ. 2007. Early-time observations of GRBs afterglow with 2-m robotic telescopes AIP Conference Proceedings, 924 :66-71 DOI Publisher Url

Guidorzi C, Gomboc A, Mundell CG, Melandri A, Monfardini A, Bersier D, Bode MF, Carter D, Kobayashi S, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ, Steele IA. 2006. Insights into the properties and circumburst environment of GRBs from early-time optical follow-ups NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA B-BASIC TOPICS IN PHYSICS, Workshop on Swift and GRBs - Unveiling the Relativistic University 121 :1257-1260 DOI Author Url

Gomboc A, Guidorzi C, Mundell CG, Melandri A, Monfardini A, Bersier D, Bode MF, Carter D, Kobayashi S, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ, Steele IA. 2006. A review of early-time optical follow-ups with 2 m robotic telescopes NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA B-BASIC TOPICS IN PHYSICS, Workshop on Swift and GRBs - Unveiling the Relativistic University 121 :1303-1306 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Steele IA, Bates SD, Carter D, Clarke D, Gomboc A, Guidorzi C, Melandri A, Monfardini A, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, Scott AB, Smith RJ, Swindlehurst J. 2006. RINGO: a novel ring polarimeter for rapid GRB followup - art. no. 62695M Mclean IS, Iye M. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy, Pts 1- 3, Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy 6269 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Guidorzi C, Monfardini A, Gomboc A, Mundell CG, Steele IA, Carter D, Bode MF, Smith RJ, Mottram CJ, Burgdorf MJ, Tanvir NR, Masetti N, Pian E. 2006. The early (< 1 hr) multi-colour afterglow of GRB 050502a with the 2-m Liverpool telescope CHINESE JOURNAL OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, 14th International Carotenoid Symposium 6 :330-334 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Gomboc A, Monfardini A, Guidorzi C, Mundell CG, Mottram CJ, Fraser SN, Smith RJ, Steele IA, Carter D, Bode MF, Newsam AM. 2005. The Liverpool Telescope automatic pipeline for real-time GRB afterglow detection NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA C-COLLOQUIA ON PHYSICS, 4th Workshop on Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era 28 :727-730 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gomboc A, Mundell CG, Guidorzi C, Monfardini A, Mottram CJ, Priddey R, Smith RJ, Pak S, Steele IA, Tanvir N, Carter D, Fraser SN, Bode MF, Newsam AM, Hughes M. 2005. Early GRB optical and infrared afterglow observations with the 2-m Robotic Liverpool Telescope NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA C-COLLOQUIA ON PHYSICS, 4th Workshop on Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era 28 :723-726 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gomboc A, Bode MF, Carter D, Guidorzi C, Monfardini A, Mundell CG, Newsam AM, Smith RJ, Steele IA, Meaburn J. 2005. Rapid GRB follow-up with the 2-m robotic Liverpool Telescope Burderi L, Antonelli LA, DAntona F, Israel GL, DiSalvo T, Piersanti L, Tornambe A, Straniero O. Interacting Binaries: Accretion, Evolution, and Outcomes, Conference on Interacting Binaries 797 :181-186 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gomboc A, Bode MF, Carter D, Mundell CG, Newsam A, Smith RJ, Steele IA. 2004. The Liverpool Telescope: rapid follow-up observation of targets of opportunity with a 2 m robotic telescope NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS, 2nd BeppoSAX Conference on Restless High-Energy Universe 132 :312-315 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Smith RJ, Steele IA, Marchant JM, Fraser SN, Mucke-Herzberg D. 2004. Remote, secure observing for the Faulkes Telescopes Lewis H, Raffi G. ADVANCED SOFTWARE, CONTROL, AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS FOR ASTRONOMY, Conference on Advanced Software, Control and Communication Systems for Astronomy 5496 :687-694 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Steele IA, Smith RJ, Rees PC, Baker IP, Bates SD, Bode MF, Bowman MK, Carter D, Etherton J, Ford MJ, Fraser SN, Gomboc A, Lett RDJ, Mansfield AG, Marchant JM, Medrano-Cerda GA, Mottram CJ, Raback D, Scott AB, Tomlinson MD, Zamanov R. 2004. The Liverpool telescope: Performance and first results Oschmann JM. GROUND-BASED TELESCOPES, PTS 1 AND 2, Conference on Ground-based Telescopes 5489 :679-692 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Croom SM, Boyle BJ, Shanks T, Outram P, Smith RJ, Miller L, Loaring N, Kenyon S, Couch W. 2004. AGN physics from QSO clustering Richards GT, Hall PB. AGN PHYSICS WITH THE SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY, Conference on AGN Physics with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey 311 :457-462 Author Url

Boyle BJ, Croom SM, Shanks T, Outram PJ, Smith RJ, Miller L, Loaring N. 2002. The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey Metcalfe N, Shanks T. NEW ERA IN COSMOLOGY, Conference on a New Era in Cosmology 283 :72-77 Author Url

Boyle BJ, Croom SM, Hoyle F, Outram PJ, Shanks T, Smith RJ, Miller L, Loaring NS. 2001. The 2dF QSO redshift survey Clowes R, Adamson A, Bromage G. NEW ERA OF WIDE FIELD ASTRONOMY, International Conference on the New Era of Wide Field Astronomy 232 :65-72 Author Url

Boyle BJ, Croom SM, Smith RJ, Shanks T, Outram PJ, Hoyle F, Miller L, Loaring NS. 2001. The 2dF QSO redshift survey Cristiani S, Renzini A, Williams RE. DEEP FIELDS, ESO Workshop on Deep Fields :282-288 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Boyle BJ, Croom SM, Smith RJ, Shanks T, Miller L, Loaring N. 1999. The 2dF QSO redshift survey Morganti R, Couch WJ. LOOKING DEEP IN THE SOUTHERN SKY, ESO/Australia Workshop on Looking Deep in the Southern Sky :16-20 Author Url

Smith RJ, Boyle BJ, Shanks T, Croom SM, Miller L, Read M. 1998. Input catalogue for the 2DF QSO redshift survey McLean BJ, Golombek DA, Hayes JJE, Payne HE. NEW HORIZONS FROM MULTI-WAVELENGTH SKY SURVEYS, 179th Symposium of the International-Astronomical-Union on New Horizons from Multi-Wavelength Sky Surveys :348-350 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Boyle BJ, Smith RJ, Maddox SJ. 1995. The environments of z<0.3 QSOs Maurogordato S, Balkowski C, Tao C, TranThanhVan J. CLUSTERING IN THE UNIVERSE, XXXth Rencontres de Moriond on Clustering in the Universe :443-446 Author Url

Lam MC, Smith RJ, Steele IA. Automated SpectroPhotometric Image REDuction (ASPIRED) Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, The Annual Conference on Astronomical Data Analysis and Software Systems Author Url Public Url


Smith RJ, Steele IA. 2017. Liverpool Telescope Technical Note 1: Telescope and IO:O Throughput DOI Publisher Url Public Url


Darnley MJ, Henze M, Steele IA, Bode MF, Ribeiro VARM, Rodríguez-Gil P, Shafter AW, Williams SC, Baer D, Hachisu I, Hernanz M, Hornoch K, Hounsell R, Kato M, Kiyota S, Kučáková H, Maehara H, Ness J-U, Piascik AS, Sala G, Skillen I, Smith RJ, Wolf M. 2015. A remarkable recurrent nova in M31: Discovery and optical/UV observations of the predicted 2014 eruption Astronomy and Astrophysics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
