Stuart Bates
Astrophysics Research Institute
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: S.D.Bates@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2904
Conference publication
Ranjbar A, Harvey É, Copley D, Steele IA, Smith RJ, Bates SD. 2022. Preliminary design of a Cassegrain focal station for New Robotic Telescope Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 12182 DOI Publisher Url
Rashman MF, Steele IA, Bates SD, Knapen JH, Copley D. 2020. Microbolometer arrays for ground-based infrared imaging Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11447 DOI Publisher Url
Dalton G, Trager S, Abrams DC, Bonifacio P, Aguerri JAL, Vallenari A, Bishop G, Middleton K, Benn C, Dee K, Mignot S, Lewis I, Pragt J, Pico S, Walton N, Rey J, Prieto CA, Lhome E, Balcells M, Terrett D, Brock M, Ridings A, Skvarč J, Verheijen M, Steele I, Stuik R, Kroes G, Tromp N, Kragt J, Lesman D, Mottram C, Bates S, Gribbin F, Burgal JA, Herreros JM, Delgado JM, Martin C, Cano D, Navarro R, Irwin M, de Arriba LP, O'Mahony N, Bianco A, Molaeinezhad A, ter Horst R, Molinari E, Lodi M, Guerra J, Baruffolo A, Carrasco E, Farcas S, Schallig E, Hughes S, Hill V, Smith D, Drew J, Poggianti B, Iovino A, Pieri M, Jin S, Palmero LD, Fariña C, Martín A, Worley C, Murphy D, Guest S, Morris H, Elswijk E, de Haan M, Hanenburg H, Salasnich B, Mayya D, Izazaga-Pérez R, Gafton E, Caffau E, Horville D, Chinchón FP, Falcón-Barosso J, Gänsicke B, Juan JS, Hernandez N. 2020. Integration and early testing of WEAVE: The next-generation spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11447 DOI Publisher Url
Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Bode MF, Clay NR, Collins CA, Jermak HE, Knapen JH, Marchant JM, Mottram CJ, Piascik AS, Smith RJ. 2018. Liverpool telescope 2: A new robotic telescope for transient follow-up Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10015
Dalton G, Trager S, Abrams DC, Bonifacio P, Aguerri JAL, Vallenari A, Middleton K, Benn C, Dee K, Sayede F, Lewis I, Pragt J, Pico S, Walton N, Rey J, Allende Prieto C, Lhome E, Terrett D, Brock M, Gilbert J, Ridings A, Verheijen M, Tosh I, Steele I, Stuik R, Kroes G, Tromp N, Kragt J, Lesman D, Mottram C, Bates S, Gribbin F, Alonso Burgal J, Miguel Herreros J, Miguel Delgado J, Martin C, Cano D, Navarro R, Irwin M, Lewis J, Solares EG, O'Mahony N, Bianco A, Zurita C, ter Horst R, Molinari E, Lodi M, Guerra J, Baruffolo A, Carrasco E, Farcas S, Schallig E, Hill V, Smith D, Drew J, Poggianti B, Pieri M, Jin S, Dominguez Palmero L, Farina C, Martin A, Worley C, Murphy D, Hidalgo A, Mignot S, Bishop G, Guest S, Elswijk E, de Haan M, Hanenburg H, Salasnich B, Mayya D, Izazaga-Perez R, de Arriba LP. 2018. Construction progress of WEAVE: the next generation wide-field spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope Evans CJ, Simard L, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY VII, Conference on Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII 10702 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Steele IA, Jermak H, Bates S, Baker I. 2018. 3D-printed optical instrumentation: practical starter designs and initial experiences Navarro R, Geyl R. ADVANCES IN OPTICAL AND MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR TELESCOPES AND INSTRUMENTATION III, Conference on Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation III 10706 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bates SD, Steele IA, Mottram CJ, Jermak HE, Tromp N, Kragt J, Elswijk E, Pragt J, Stuik R, Barnsley R, Monroe C, Dalton G, Trager S, Lopez Aguerri JA, Bonifacio P, Vallenari A, Carrasco E, Carlos Abrams D, Middleton K. 2018. Thermal and mechanical design and test of the CCD mount for the WEAVE spectrograph cryostats Holland AD, Beletic J. HIGH ENERGY, OPTICAL, AND INFRARED DETECTORS FOR ASTRONOMY VIII, Conference on High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VIII 10709 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Bode MF, Clay NR, Collins CA, Jermak HE, Knapen JH, Marchant JM, Mottram CJ, Piascik AS, Smith RJ. 2016. Liverpool Telescope 2: beginning the design phase Hall HJ, Gilmozzi R, Marshall HK. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE TELESCOPES VI, Conference on Ground-Based and Airborne Telescopes VI 9906 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dalton G, Trager S, Carlos Abrams D, Bonifacio P, Aguerrig JAL, Middleton K, Benn C, Dee K, Sayede F, Lewis I, Pragt J, Pico S, Walton N, Rey J, Allende Prieto C, Penate J, Lhome E, Agocs T, Alonso J, Terrett D, Brock M, Gilbert J, Schallig E, Ridings A, Guinouard I, Verheijen M, Tosh I, Rogers K, Lee M, Steele I, Stuik R, Tromp N, Jasko A, Carrasco E, Farcas S, Kragt J, Lesman D, Kroes G, Mottram C, Bates S, Gribbin F, Fernando Rodriguez L, Miguel Delgado J, Miguel Herreros J, Martin C, Cano D, Navarro R, Irwin M, Lewis J, Solares EG, Murphy D, Worley C, O'Mahony N, Bassom R, Bianco A, Zurita C, ter Horst R, Molinari E, Lodi M, Guerra J, Martin A, Vallenari A, Salasnich B, Baruffolo A, Jin S, Hill V, Smith D, Drew J, Poggianti B, Pieri M, Dominguez Palmero L, Farina C. 2016. Final design and build progress of WEAVE: the next generation wide-field spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope Evans CJ, Simard L, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY VI, Conference on Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI 9908 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Clay NR, Jermak H, Marchant JM, Mottram CJ, Piascik A, Smith RJ. 2016. LIVERPOOL TELESCOPE AND LIVERPOOL TELESCOPE 2 CaballeroGarcia MD, Pandey SB, Hiriart D, CastroTirado AJ. IV WORKSHOP ON ROBOTIC AUTONOMOUS OBSERVATORIES, 2015, 4th Workshop on Robotic Autonomous Observatories 48 :48-53 Author Url
Dalton G, Trager S, Abrams DC, Carter D, Bonifacio P, Aguerri JAL, MacIntosh M, Evans C, Lewis I, Navarro R, Agocs T, Dee K, Rousset S, Tosh I, Middleton K, Pragt J, Terrett D, Brock M, Benn C, Verheijen M, Cano D, Bevil C, Steele I, Mottram C, Bates S, Gribbin F, Rey J, Fernando Rodriguez L, Miguel Delgado J, Guinouard I, Walton N, Irwin M, Jagourel P, Stuik R, Gerlofsma G, Roelfsma R, Skillen I, Ridings A, Balcells M, Daban J-B, Gouvret C, Venema L, Girard P. 2012. WEAVE: the next generation wide-field spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope McLean IS, Ramsay SK, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY IV, Conference on Ground-Based and Airborne Telescopes IV 8446 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Steele IA, Bates SD, Guidorzi C, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, Smith RJ. 2010. RINGO2: an EMCCD-based polarimeter for GRB followup McLean IS, Ramsay SK, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY III, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III 7735 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Boumis P, Pollacco D, Steele I, Meaburn J, Xilouris EM, Katsiyannis AC, Bode M, Bates SD, Goudis CD, Keenan FP, Watson C. 2010. Aristarchos RISE2: A Wide-Field Fast Imager for Exoplanet Transit Timing Tsinganos K, Hatzidimitriou D, Matsakos T. ADVANCES IN HELLENIC ASTRONOMY DURING THE IYA09, 9th International Conference of the Hellenic-Astronomical-Society 424 :426-+ Author Url
Steele IA, Bates SD, Gibson N, Keenan F, Meaburn J, Mottram CJ, Pollacco D, Todd I. 2008. RISE: a fast-readout imager for exoplanet transit timing McLean IS, Casali MM. Proceedings SPIE: Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II, Conference on Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II 7014 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Steele IA, Bates SD, Carter D, Clarke D, Gomboc A, Guidorzi C, Melandri A, Monfardini A, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, Scott AB, Smith RJ, Swindlehurst J. 2006. RINGO: a novel ring polarimeter for rapid GRB followup - art. no. 62695M Mclean IS, Iye M. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy, Pts 1- 3, Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy 6269 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Steele IA, Smith RJ, Rees PC, Baker IP, Bates SD, Bode MF, Bowman MK, Carter D, Etherton J, Ford MJ, Fraser SN, Gomboc A, Lett RDJ, Mansfield AG, Marchant JM, Medrano-Cerda GA, Mottram CJ, Raback D, Scott AB, Tomlinson MD, Zamanov R. 2004. The Liverpool telescope: Performance and first results Oschmann JM. GROUND-BASED TELESCOPES, PTS 1 AND 2, Conference on Ground-based Telescopes 5489 :679-692 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Journal article
Rashman MF, Steele IA, Bates SD, Knapen JH. 2021. A low-cost chopping system and uncooled microbolometer array for ground-based astronomy EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY, 51 :273-286 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rashman MF, Steele IA, Bates SD, Copley D, Longmore SN. 2019. Uncooled Microbolometer Arrays for Ground Based Astronomy Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492 :480-487 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Steele IA, Marchant JM, Jermak HE, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Clay NR, Fitzsimmons A, Jehin E, Jones G, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ, Snodgrass C, Val-Borro MD. 2016. LOTUS: A low cost, ultraviolet spectrograph Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Barnsley RM, Jermak HE, Steele IA, Smith RJ, Bates SD, Mottram CJ. 2016. IO:I, a near-infrared camera for the Liverpool Telescope Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 2 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Bersier D, Bode MF, Carter D, Clay NR, Collins CA, Darnley MJ, Davis CJ, Gutierrez CM, Harman DJ, James PA, Knapen JH, Kobayashi S, Marchant JM, Mazzali PA, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, Newsam A, Oscoz A, Palle E, Piascik AS, Rebolo R, Smith RJ. 2015. Liverpool telescope 2: a new robotic facility for rapid transient follow-up EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY, 39 :119-165 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Piascik AS, Steele IA, Bates SD, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ, Barnsley RM, Bolton B. 2014. SPRAT: Spectrograph for the Rapid Acquisition of Transients Ramsay SK, McLean IS, Takami H. Proceedings of SPIE GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY V, 9147 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Bates SD, Smith RJ, Bode MF, Baker I, Peacocke T, Thomson K. 2014. Liverpool Telescope 2: a new robotic facility for time domain astronomy in 2020 Stepp LM, Gilmozzi R, Hall HJ. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE TELESCOPES V, 9145 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Barnsley RM, Steele IA, Bates SD, Mottram CJ. 2014. An update on the development of IO:I: a NIR imager for the Liverpool Telescope Ramsay SK, McLean IS, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY V, 9147 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rogers K, Stuik R, Steele I, Pragt J, Middleton K, Bates S, Kragt J, Tromp N, Lesman D, Lhome E, Dalton G, Trager S, Navarro R, Carlos Abrams D, Tosh I, Jasko A, Martin C, O'Mahony N, Pico S, Cano Infantes D, Bianco A, Delgado J, Fernando Rodriguez L. 2014. The design of the WEAVE Spectrograph Ramsay SK, McLean IS, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY V, 9147 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dalton G, Trager S, Abrams DC, Bonifacio P, Aguerri JAL, Middleton K, Benn C, Dee K, Sayede F, Lewis I, Prag J, Pico S, Walton N, Rey J, Prieto CA, Penate J, Lhome E, Agocs T, Alonsog J, Terretta D, Brock M, Gilbert J, Ridings A, Guinouard I, Verheijen M, Tosh I, Rogers K, Steele L, Stuike R, Tromp N, Jaskok A, Kragt J, Lesman D, Mottram C, Bates S, Gribbin F, Rodriguez LF, Delgado JM, Martin C, Cano D, Navarro R, Irwin M, Lewis J, Solares EG, O'Mahony N, Bianco A, Zurita C, Ter Horst R, Molinari E, Lodi M, Guerram J, Vallenari A, Baruffolo A. 2014. Project overview and update on WEAVE: the next generation wide-field spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope Ramsay SK, McLean IS, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY V, 9147 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Arnold DM, Steele IA, Bates SD, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ. 2012. RINGO3: a multi-colour fast response polarimeter McLean IS, Ramsay SK, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY IV, 8446 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Steele IA, Bates SD, Guidorzi C, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, Smith RJ. 2010. RINGO2: An EMCCD-based polarimeter for GRB followup Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7735 DOI