Dr Witold Maciejewski
Astrophysics Research Institute
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: W.Maciejewski@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2913
Highlighted publications
Maciejewski W, Sparke LS. 1999. Bars within bars in galaxies Merritt D, Sellwood JA, Valluri M. GALAXY DYNAMICS: A RUTGERS SYMPOSIUM, Rutgers Symposium on Galaxy Dynamics 182 :245-248 Author Url
Journal article
Ashok A, Seth A, Erwin P, Debattista VP, Lorenzo-Cáceres AD, Gadotti DA, Méndez-Abreu J, Beckman JE, Bender R, Drory N, Fisher D, Hopp U, Kluge M, Kolcu T, Maciejewski W, Mehrgan K, Parikh T, Saglia R, Seidel M, Thomas J. 2023. Composite Bulges. III. A Study of Nuclear Star Clusters in Nearby Spiral Galaxies The Astrophysical Journal, 958 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kolcu T, Maciejewski W, Gadotti DA, Fragkoudi F, Erwin P, Sánchez-Blázquez P, Neumann J, Van De Ven G, De Sá-Freitas C, Longmore S, Debattista VP. 2023. Composite bulges-IV. Detecting signatures of gas inflows in the IFU data: The MUSE view of ionized gas kinematics in NGC 1097 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524 :207-223 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kolcu T, Maciejewski W, Gadotti DA, Fragkoudi F, Erwin P, Sánchez-Blázquez P, Neumann J, Ven GVD, Sá-Freitas CD, Longmore S, Debattista VP. 2023. Composite Bulges - IV. Detecting Signatures of Gas Inflows in the IFU data: The MUSE View of Ionized Gas Kinematics in NGC 1097 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524 :207-223 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Erwin P, Seth A, Debattista VP, Seidel M, Mehrgan K, Thomas J, Saglia R, Lorenzo-Cáceres AD, Maciejewski W, Fabricius M, Méndez-Abreu J, Hopp U, Kluge M, Beckman JE, Bender R, Drory N, Fisher D. 2021. Composite Bulges -- II. Classical Bulges and Nuclear Discs in Barred Galaxies: The Contrasting Cases of NGC 4608 and NGC 4643 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 502 :2446-2473 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Davies R, Baron D, Shimizu T, Netzer H, Burtscher L, de Zeeuw PT, Genzel R, Hicks EKS, Koss M, Lin M-Y, Lutz D, Maciejewski W, Muller-Sanchez F, de Xivry GO, Ricci C, Riffel R, Riffel RA, Rosario D, Schartmann M, Schnorr-Muller A, Shangguan J, Sternberg A, Sturm E, Storchi-Bergmann T, Tacconi L, Veilleux S. 2020. Ionized outflows in local luminous AGN: what are the real densities and outflow rates? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 498 :4150-4177 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Caglar T, Burtscher L, Brandl B, Brinchmann J, Davies R, Hicks EKS, Koss M, Lin M-Y, Maciejewski W, Mueller-Sanchez F, Riffel RA, Riffel R, Rosario DJ, Schartmann M, Schnorr-Mueller A, Shimizu TT, Storchi-Bergmann T, Veilleux S, de Xivry GO, Bennert VN. 2020. LLAMA: The M-BH-sigma(x22c6;) relation of the most luminous local AGNs Astronomy and Astrophysics, 634 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shimizu TT, Davies RI, Lutz D, Burtscher L, Lin M, Baron D, Davies RL, Genzel R, Hicks EKS, Koss M, Maciejewski W, Muller-Sanchez F, de Xivry GO, Price SH, Ricci C, Riffel R, Riffel RA, Rosario D, Schartmann M, Schnorr-Mueller A, Sternberg A, Sturm E, Storchi-Bergmann T, Tacconi L, Veilleux S. 2019. The multiphase gas structure and kinematics in the circumnuclear region of NGC 5728 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490 :5860-5887 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Alonso-Herrero A, Garcia-Burillo S, Pereira-Santaella M, Davies R, Combes F, Vestergaard M, Raimundo S, Bunker A, Diaz-Santos T, Gandhi P, Garcia-Bernete I, Hicks EKS, Honig SF, Hunt LK, Imanishi M, Izumi T, Levenson NA, Maciejewski W, Packham C, Ramos Almeida C, Ricci C, Rigopoulou D, Roche PF, Rosario D, Schartmann M, Usero A, Ward MJ. 2019. Nuclear molecular outflow in the Seyfert galaxy NGC3227 Astronomy & Astrophysics, 628 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kelvin LS, Bremer MN, Phillipps S, James PA, Davies LJM, Propris RD, Moffett AJ, Percival SM, Baldry IK, Collins CA, Alpaslan M, Bland-Hawthorn J, Brough S, Cluver M, Driver SP, Hashemizadeh A, Holwerda BW, Laine J, Lara-Lopez MA, Liske J, Maciejewski W, Napolitano NR, Penny SJ, Popescu CC, Sansom AE, Sutherland W, Taylor EN, Kampen EV, Wang L. 2018. Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Variation in Galaxy Structure Across the Green Valley Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rosario DJ, Burtscher L, Davies RI, Koss M, Ricci C, Lutz D, Riffel R, Alexander DM, Genzel R, Hicks EH, Lin M-Y, Maciejewski W, Müller-Sánchez F, Orban de Xivry G, Riffel RA, Schartmann M, Schawinski K, Schnorr-Müller A, Saintonge A, Shimizu T, Sternberg A, Storchi-Bergmann T, Sturm E, Tacconi L, Treister E, Veilleux S. 2017. LLAMA: normal star formation efficiencies of molecular gas in the centres of luminous Seyfert galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473 :5658-5679 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lin M-Y, Davies RI, Hicks EKS, Burtscher L, Contursi A, Genzel R, Koss M, Lutz D, Maciejewski W, Müller-Sánchez F, Orban de Xivry G, Ricci C, Riffel R, Riffel RA, Rosario D, Schartmann M, Schnorr-Müller A, Shimizu T, Sternberg A, Sturm E, Storchi-Bergmann T, Tacconi L, Veilleux S. 2017. LLAMA: nuclear stellar properties of Swift-BAT AGN and matched inactive galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473 :4582-4611 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Davies RI, Hicks EKS, Erwin P, Burtscher L, Contursi A, Genzel R, Janssen A, Koss M, Lin M-Y, Lutz D, Maciejewski W, Müller-Sánchez F, Orban de Xivry G, Ricci C, Riffel R, Riffel RA, Rosario D, Schartmann M, Schnorr-Müller A, Shimizu T, Sternberg A, Sturm E, Storchi-Bergmann T, Tacconi L, Veilleux S. 2017. The Role of Host Galaxy for the Environmental Dependence of Active Nuclei in Local Galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 466 :4917-4927 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Schnorr-Mueller A, Davies RI, Korista KT, Burtscher L, Rosario D, Storchi-Bergmann T, Contursi A, Genzel R, Gracia-Carpio J, Hicks EKS, Janssen A, Koss M, Lin M-Y, Lutz D, Maciejewski W, Muller-Sanchez F, de Xivry GO, Riffel R, Riffel RA, Schartmann M, Sternberg A, Sturm E, Tacconi L, Veilleux S, Ulrich OA. 2016. Constraints on the broad-line region properties and extinction in local Seyferts Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462 :3570-3590 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Davies RI, Burtscher L, Rosario D, Storchi-Bergmann T, Contursi A, Genzel R, Gracia-Carpio J, Hicks E, Janssen A, Koss M, Lin M-Y, Lutz D, Maciejewski W, Mueller-Sanchez F, de Xivry GO, Ricci C, Riffel R, Riffel RA, Schartmann M, Schnorr-Mueller A, Sternberg A, Sturm E, Tacconi L, Veilleux S. 2015. INSIGHTS ON THE DUSTY TORUS AND NEUTRAL TORUS FROM OPTICAL AND X-RAY OBSCURATION IN A COMPLETE VOLUME LIMITED HARD X-RAY AGN SAMPLE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 806 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Davies RI, Maciejewski W, Hicks EKS, Emsellem E, Erwin P, Burtscher L, Dumas G, Lin M, Malkan MA, Mueller-Sanchez F, De Xivry GO, Rosario DJ, Schnorr-Mueller A, Tran A. 2014. Fueling Active Galactic Nuclei. II. Spatially Resolved Molecular Inflows and Outflows Astrophysical Journal, 792 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mazzalay X, Maciejewski W, Erwin P, Saglia RP, Bender R, Fabricius MH, Nowak N, Rusli SP, Thomas J. 2014. Molecular gas in the centre of nearby galaxies from VLT/SINFONI integral field spectroscopy - II. Kinematics(star) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 438 :2036-2064 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saha K, Maciejewski W. 2013. Spontaneous formation of double bars in dark-matter-dominated galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 433 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hicks EKS, Davies RI, Maciejewski W, Emsellem E, Malkan MA, Dumas G, Müller-Sánchez F, Rivers A. 2013. Fueling active galactic nuclei. I. HOW the global characteristics of the central kiloparsec of seyferts differ from quiescent galaxies Astrophysical Journal, 768 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W, Emsellem E, Krajnović D. 2012. How to recover both velocity components in discs of barred galaxies with integral-field spectroscopy Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 427 :3427-3434 DOI
Fathi K, Axon DJ, Storchi-Bergmann T, Kharb P, Robinson A, Marconi A, Maciejewski W, Capetti A. 2011. AN H alpha NUCLEAR SPIRAL STRUCTURE IN THE E0 ACTIVE GALAXY Arp 102B ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 736 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W. 2011. Dynamically possible pattern speeds of double bars Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana - Journal of the Italian Astronomical Society, 18 :163-168 Author Url
Davies RI, Maciejewski W, Hicks EKS, Tacconi LJ, Genzel R, Engel H. 2009. STELLAR AND MOLECULAR GAS KINEMATICS OF NGC 1097: INFLOW DRIVEN BY A NUCLEAR SPIRAL ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 702 :114-128 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W, Athanassoula E. 2008. Regular motions in double bars - II. Survey of trajectories and 23 models MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 389 :545-558 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W, Athanassoula E. 2007. Regular motions in double bars - I. Double-frequency orbits and loops MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 380 :999-1008 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pastorini G, Marconi A, Capetti A, Axon DJ, Alonso-Herrero A, Atkinson J, Batcheldor D, Carollo CM, Collett J, Dressel L, Hughes MA, Macchetto D, Maciejewski W, Sparks W, van der Marel R. 2007. Supermassive black holes in the Sbc spiral galaxies NGC 3310, NGC 4303 and NGC 4258 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 469 :405-U50 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
MacIejewski W. 2007. Central mass accumulation in nuclear spirals Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 3 :161-164 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W. 2006. Response of the integrals in the Tremaine-Weinberg method to multiple pattern speeds: a counter-rotating inner bar in NGC 2950? MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 371 :451-458 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Etherington J, Maciejewski W. 2006. Can gas dynamics in centres of galaxies reveal orbiting massive black holes ? MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 367 :1003-1010 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Prieto MA, Maciejewski W, Reunanen J. 2005. Feeding the monster: The nucleus of NGC 1097 at subarcsecond scales in the infrared with the Very Large Telescope ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 130 :1472-1481 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hughes MA, Axon D, Atkinson J, Alonso-Herrero A, Scarlata C, Marconi A, Batcheldor D, Binney J, Capetti A, Carollo CM, Dressel L, Gerssen J, Macchetto D, Maciejewski W, Merrifield M, Ruiz M, Sparks W, Stiavelli M, Tsvetanov Z. 2005. Nuclear properties of nearby spiral galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope NICMOS imaging and STIS spectroscopy ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 130 :73-83 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Atkinson JW, Collett JL, Marconi A, Axon DJ, Alonso-Herrero A, Batcheldor D, Binney JJ, Capetti A, Carollo CM, Dressel L, Ford H, Gerssen J, Hughes MA, Macchetto D, Maciejewski W, Merrifield MR, Scarlata C, Sparks W, Stiavelli M, Tsvetanov Z, van der Marel RP. 2005. Supermassive black hole mass measurements for NGC 1300 and 2748 based on Hubble Space Telescope emission-line gas kinematics MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 359 :504-520 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W. 2004. Nuclear spirals in galaxies: gas response to an asymmetric potential - II. Hydrodynamical models MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 354 :892-904 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W. 2004. Nuclear spirals in galaxies: gas response to an asymmetric potential - I. Linear theory MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 354 :883-891 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Scarlata C, Stiavelli M, Hughes MA, Axon D, Alonso-Herrero A, Atkinson J, Batcheldor D, Binney J, Capetti A, Carollo CM, Dressel L, Gerssen J, Macchetto D, Maciejewski W, Marconi A, Merrifield M, Ruiz M, Sparks W, Tsvetanov Z, van der Marel RP. 2004. Nuclear properties of a sample of nearby spiral galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope STIS imaging ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 128 :1124-1137 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hughes MA, Alonso-Herrero A, Axon D, Scarlata C, Atkinson J, Batcheldor D, Binney J, Capetti A, Carollo CM, Dressel L, Gerssen J, Macchetto D, Maciejewski W, Marconi A, Merrifield M, Ruiz M, Sparks W, Stiavelli M, Tsvetanov Z, van der Marel R. 2003. An atlas of Hubble Space Telescope spectra and images of nearby spiral galaxies ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 126 :742-761 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Marconi A, Axon DJ, Capetti A, Maciejewski W, Atkinson J, Batcheldor D, Binney J, Carollo M, Dressel L, Ford H, Gerssen J, Hughes MA, Macchetto D, Merrifield MR, Scarlata C, Sparks W, Stiavelli M, Tsvetanov Z, van der Marel RP. 2003. Is there really a black hole at the center of NGC 4041? Constraints from gas kinematics ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 586 :868-890 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W. 2003. Erratum: Gas Dynamics in Central Parts of Galaxies EAS Publications Series, 10 :1-2 DOI Publisher Url
Schinnerer E, Maciejewski W, Scoville N, Moustakas LA. 2002. Toward the secondary bar: Gas morphology and dynamics in NGC 4303 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 575 :826-844 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W, Teuben PJ, Sparke LS, Stone JM. 2002. Gas inflow in barred galaxies - effects of secondary bars MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 329 :502-512 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W, Binney J. 2001. Kinematics from spectroscopy with a wide slit: detecting black holes in galaxy centres MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 323 :831-838 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W, Sparke LS. 2000. Orbits supporting bars within bars MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 313 :745-760 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shelton RL, Cox DP, Maciejewski W, Smith RK, Plewa T, Pawl A, Rozyczka M. 1999. Modeling W44 as a supernova remnant in a density gradient, with a partially formed dense shell and thermal conduction in the hot interior. II. The hydrodynamic models ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 524 :192-212 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cox DP, Shelton RL, Maciejewski W, Smith RK, Plewa T, Pawl A, Rozyczka M. 1999. Modeling W44 as a supernova remnant in a density gradient with a partially formed dense shell and thermal conduction in the hot interior. I. The analytical model ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 524 :179-191 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W, Cox DP. 1999. Supernova remnant in a stratified medium: Explicit, analytical approximations for adiabatic expansion and radiative cooling ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 511 :792-797 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W, Sparke LS. 1997. Regular orbits and periodic loops in multiply barred galactic potentials ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 484 :L117-L120 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W, Murphy EM, Lockman FJ, Savage BD. 1996. The aquila supershell: A remnant of multiple supernovae ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 469 :238-& DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W, Mathis JS, Edgar RJ. 1996. Effects of conduction fronts on derived compositions in H II regions ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 462 :347-354 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W. Contrasts and Average Density in the Hierarchical Model of the Universe Apeiron (Montreal): studies in infinite nature, 1 :7-8
Alonso-Herrero A, Garcia-Burillo S, Pereira-Santaella M, Davies RI, Combes F, Vestergaard M, Raimundo SI, Bunker A, Diaz-Santos T, Gandhi P, Garcia-Bernete I, Hicks EKS, Hönig SF, Hunt LK, Imanishi M, Izumi T, Levenson NA, Maciejewski W, Packham C, Almeida CR, Ricci C, Rigopoulou D, Roche PF, Rosario D, Schartmann M, Usero A, Ward MJ. 2019. A nuclear molecular outflow in the Seyfert galaxy NGC3227 arXiv DOI
Davies RI, Hicks E, Schartmann M, Genzel R, Tacconi LJ, Engel H, Burkert A, Krause M, Sternberg A, Sanchez FM, Maciejewski W. 2009. [The Impact of Nuclear Star Formation on Gas Inflow to AGN arXiv DOI
Maciejewski W, Singh H. 2008. Tremaine-Weinberg integrals for gas flows in double bars arXiv DOI
Maciejewski W. 2008. Orbits in corotating and counterrotating double bars arXiv DOI
Scarlata C, Stiavelli M, Hughes M, Axon D, Alonso-Herrero A, Atkinson J, Batcheldor D, Binney J, Capetti A, Carollo M, Dressel L, Gerssen J, Macchetto D, Maciejewski W, Marconi A, Merrifield M, Ruiz M, Sparks W, Tsvetanov Z, van der Marel R. 2004. Nuclear properties of a sample of nearby spirals from STIS imaging arXiv DOI
Maciejewski W. 2004. Nuclear spirals: gas in asymmetric galactic potential with a massive black hole arXiv DOI
Maciejewski W. 2003. Chaos or Order in Double Barred Galaxies? arXiv DOI
Maciejewski W. 2001. Simulations of Gas Flow from a Galactic Disk to the BH-dominated Central Disk arXiv DOI
Marconi A, Axon D, Atkinson J, Binney J, Capetti A, Carollo M, Dressel L, Ford H, Gerssen J, Hughes M, Macchetto D, Maciejewski W, Merrifield M, Scarlata C, Sparks W, Stiavelli M, Tsvetanov Z, van der Marel R. 2000. The black hole mass vs bulge mass relationship in spiral galaxies arXiv DOI
Maciejewski W, Binney J. 2000. Gas kinematics from spectroscopy with a wide slit: detecting nuclear black holes arXiv DOI
Maciejewski W. 2000. Black Holes in Centers of Disk Galaxies - Spectroscopy with a Wide Slit arXiv DOI
Maciejewski W, Sparke LS. 1998. Bars within Bars in Galaxies arXiv DOI
Shelton RL, Cox DP, Maciejewski W, Smith R, Plewa T, Pawl A, Rozyczka M. 1998. Modeling W44 as a Supernova Remnant in a Density Gradient, with a Partially Formed Dense Shell and Thermal Conduction in the Hot Interior arXiv DOI
Conference publication
Maciejewski W, Singh H. 2008. Tremaine-Weinberg Integrals for Gas Flows in Double Bars Funes JG, Corsini EM. FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF GALAXY DISKS, International Conference on Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks 396 :317-+ Author Url
Maciejewski W. 2008. Orbits in Corotating and Counterrotating Double Bars Funes JG, Corsini EM. FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF GALAXY DISKS, International Conference on Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks 396 :367-368 Author Url
Maciejewski W. 2008. Nuclear spirals in galaxies Wada K, Combes F. Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies, Symposium on Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies :162-167 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W. 2004. Nuclear spirals: Gas in asymmetric galactic potential with a massive black hole StorchiBergmann T, Ho LC, Schmitt HR. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 222nd Symposium of the International-Astronomical-Union :431-434 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Maciejewski W. 2004. Gas inflow in spiral galaxies from kiloparsec to parsec scale Alfaro EJ, Perez E, Franco J. HOW DOES THE GALAXY WORK?, International Conference on How Does the Galaxy Work 315 :265-268 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W. 2004. Dynamics of doubly barred galaxies, also with the inner bar retrograde Block DL, Puerari I, Freeman KC, Groess R, Block EK. PENETRATING BARS THROUGH MASKS OF COSMIC DUST, International Conference on Penetrating Bars Through Masks of Cosmic Dust 319 :175-178 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W. 2004. Mass of the Central Black Hole and Gas Flow around it in Galaxies without and with Asymmetries
Maciejewski W. 2003. Gas dynamics in central parts of galaxies Boily CM, Patsis P, Zwart SP, Spurzem R, Theis C. GALACTIC & STELLAR DYNAMICS, Workshop on Galactic Dynamics 10 :3-15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W. 2003. Chaos or order in double barred galaxies? Contopoulos G, Voglis N. GALAXIES AND CHAOS, International Workshop on Galaxies and Chaos 626 :91-100 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schinnerer E, Maciejewski W, Scoville N. 2003. Gas Dynamics in the Central Kiloparsec of Two Barred Spiral Galaxies
Maciejewski W. 2002. Simulations of gas flow from a galactic disk towards the black-hole accretion disk ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE, 2nd Euroconference on Relevant Basic Building Blocks and Small-scale Processes in Galaxy Evolution 281 :325-326 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W. 2002. Constraints on nested bars - Implications for gas inflow Athanassoula E, Bosma A, Mujica R. DISKS OF GALAXIES: KINEMATICS, DYNAMICS AND PERTURBATIONS, 4th Guillermo Haro Conference on Disks of Galaxies 275 :251-254 Author Url
Maciejewski W, Binney J. 2001. Gas kinematics from Spectroscopy with a wide slit: Detecting nuclear black holes Schilizzi RT, Vogel SN, Paresce F, Elvis MS. GALAXIES AND THEIR CONSTITUENTS AT THE HIGHEST ANGULAR RESOLUTIONS, 24th General Assembly of the International-Astronomical-Union :54-57 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Marconi A, Axon D, Atkinson J, Binney J, Capetti A, Carollo M, Dressel L, Ford H, Gerssen J, Hughes M, Macchetto D, Maciejewski W, Merrifield M, Scarlata C, Sparks W, Stiavelli M, Tsvetanov Z, van der Marel R. 2001. The black hole mass vs bulge mass relationship in spiral galaxies Schilizzi RT, Vogel SN, Paresce F, Elvis MS. GALAXIES AND THEIR CONSTITUENTS AT THE HIGHEST ANGULAR RESOLUTIONS, 24th General Assembly of the International-Astronomical-Union :58-61 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W. 2001. Black holes in centers of disk galaxies: Spectroscopy with a wide slit Funes JG, Corsini EM. GALAXY DISKS AND DISK GALAXIES, Conference on Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies 230 :257-258 Author Url
Maciejewski W. 2001. Simulations of gas flow from a galactic disk to the black-hole-dominated central disk Knapen JH, Beckman JE, Shlosman I, Mahoney TJ. CENTRAL KILOPARSEC OF STARBURSTS AND AGN: THE LA PALMA CONNECTION, Conference on the Central Kiloparsec of Starbursts and AGN 249 :153-159 Author Url
Maciejewski W. 2000. Centers of barred galaxies: Secondary bars and gas flows Combes F, Mamon GA, Charmandaris V. XVTH IAP MEETING DYNAMICS OF GALAXIES: FROM THE EARLY UNIVERSE TO THE PRESENT, XVth IAP Meeting on Dynamics of Galaxies - From the Early Universe to the Present 197 :63-64 Author Url
Maciejewski W. 1999. Bars within bars in galaxies Impey C. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ASTROPHYSICS RESEARCH AND SCIENCE EDUCATION, International Symposium on Astrophysics Research and Science Education :267-271 Author Url
Maciejewski W, Sparke LS. 1999. Bars within bars in galaxies Merritt D, Sellwood JA, Valluri M. GALAXY DYNAMICS: A RUTGERS SYMPOSIUM, Rutgers Symposium on Galaxy Dynamics 182 :245-248 Author Url
Davies RI, Maciejewski W. The Impact of Nuclear Star Formation on Gas Inflow to AGN DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W. 2008. Nuclear Spirals in Galaxies Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies :162-168 Springer Nature DOI
Maciejewski W. 2003. Chaos or Order in Double Barred Galaxies? Galaxies and Chaos 626 :91-100 Springer Nature DOI
Maciejewski W. 2002. Simulations of Gas Flow from a Galactic Disk towards the Black-Hole Accretion Disk The Evolution of Galaxies :325-326 Springer Netherlands 9789048160204 DOI Publisher Url
Prieto MA, Maciejewski W, Reunanen J. 2007. Feeding the monster: the nucleus of NGC 1097 at subarcsecond scales in the infrared with the very large telescope (vol 130, pg 1472, 2005) ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 133 :1847-1847 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Maciejewski W, Krajnovic D. disc2vel: Tangential and radial velocity components derivation
Other invited event:
Structure and Evolution of Galaxies (conference), Pune, India, invited speaker. 2015
Winter School on the Central Region of Spiral Galaxies, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, India, invited lecturer. 2015
Conference: The Role of Bars in Galaxy Evolution, Granada, Spain 13-17th May 2013, invited review talk. 2013
TIARA Workshop on Star Formation and Its Environment, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, invited talk at the workshop; visitor at Academia Sinica from 2012-11-11 till 2012-11-23. 2012
External PGR examinations performed:
University College, London, Robert Grand, PhD. 2014
External collaboration:
http://davor.krajnovic.org/idl/, European Southern Observatory, Prof. Eric Emsellem Dr Davor Krajnovic. 2011
Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestial Physics, Dr Kanak Saha. 2011
Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestial Physics, Garching, Germany, Dr Richard Davies. 2008