Dr Maria Ferentinou
School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: M.Ferentinou@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2796
I am a Senior Lecturer in Geotechnics, and I have an extensive career in academia and industry. I am a Chartered Geologist and a Fellow of the Geological Society of London, along with being an Associate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). Before joining LJMU, I held prominent academic roles in South Africa, including the role of Associate Professor and Head of Department at the University of Johannesburg. My previous experience also includes serving as a Lecturer in Rock Engineering at the University of KwaZulu Natal. My research extends to the realm of landslides geohazard monitoring, rock engineering systems. Extensive work has also been devoted to the use of artificial neural networks to address geotechnical engineering problems. I have recently secured funding from RAEng, to collaborate with Universities in SSA Africa to support in educating and inspiring the next generation of engineers. My research is also supported by the British Academy to work on strengthening Infrastructure resilience, through a Digital Twin-Driven, Multiscale Multi-Sensing Monitoring approach. During my tenure at the University of Johannesburg, I secured funding from the National Research Foundation and the Water Research Commission to conduct research on ground monitoring in response to sinkhole development, using a comprehensive approach that combines InSAR and fiber optic sensors. I am an editorial board member for the Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, as well as the Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, and the Journal of Machine Learning and Data Science in Geotechnics. Moreover, I was the SA representative on the ISSMGE Technical Committee TC107 for tropical soils. I am a member of TC306, on geoengineering education. I am a member of Commission C37 on Landslides Nomenclature of the IAEG (leading the Greek group) and was honored as a rated researcher by the National Research Foundation in South Africa. I regularly review research proposals and publications for UK and international research councils, including EPSRC, UKRI, NRF, WRC, and over 20 international journals.
I offer PhD and MSc projects in the area of geohazard assessment, smart geo-structures, ground monitoring sensing, rock engineering systems, machine learning, and data science in geotechnics.
If interested doing a PhD send a 2 page CV and 1 page proposal idea,
-Career Development Fellowship (https://royalsociety.org/grants-schemes-awards/grants/career-development-fellowship/)
-Marie Currie Fellowships applications (https://marie-sklodowska-curie-actions.ec.europa.eu/actions/postdoctoral-fellowships)
-New Post Doc Fellowship applications (https://royalsociety.org/grants-schemes-awards/grants/newton-international/)
University of Patras, Greece, BSc, Hons
National Technical University of Athens, Greece, PhD
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer, Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Liverpool John Moores University, 2021 - present
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Science, University of Johannesburg, 2018 - 2021
Senior Lecturer, Civil Engineering Science, University of Johannesburg, 2016 - 2018
Lecturer, Geological Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2013 - 2016
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Construction Engineering Educators, School of Pedagogical and Technological Education, 2011 - 2013
Adjunct Lecturer, Harokopio University, 2009 - 2011
Assistant Professor, University of West Attica, 2006 - 2013
Journal article
Yumba J, Ferentinou M, Grobler M. 2024. Experimental Study of Sinkhole Propagation Induced by a Leaking Pipe Using Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors Sensors, 24 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
de Kooker LC, Ferentinou M, Musonda I, Esmaeili K. 2024. Investigation of the stability of a fly ash pond facility using 2D and 3D slope stability analysis Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 41 :659-668 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Muzamhindo H, Ferentinou M. 2022. Generic compressive strength prediction model applicable to multiple lithologies based on a broad global database Phoon K-K, Tang C. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 71 (2023) DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Asteris PG, Mamou A, Ferentinou M, Tran TT, Zhou J. 2022. Predicting clay compressibility using a novel Manta ray foraging optimization-based extreme learning machine model Transportation Geotechnics, 37 :100861-100861 DOI Publisher Url
Dam Nguyen D, Roussis PC, Thai Pham B, Ferentinou M, Mamou A, Quang Vu D, Thi Bui QA, Kien Trong D, Asteris PG. 2022. Bagging and Multilayer Perceptron Hybrid Intelligence Models Predicting the Swelling Potential of Soil Transportation Geotechnics, 36 DOI Publisher Url
Asteris PG, Rizal FIM, Koopialipoor M, Roussis PC, Ferentinou M, Armaghani DJ, Gordan B. 2022. Slope Stability Classification under Seismic Conditions Using Several Tree-Based Intelligent Techniques Applied Sciences, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Karymbalis E, Ferentinou M, Fubelli G, Giles P, Tsanakas K, Valkanou K, Batzakis D-V, Karalis S. 2022. p Classification of Trichonis Lake graben (Western Greece) alluvial fans and catchments using geomorphometry and artificial intelligence ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GEOMORPHOLOGIE, 63 :295-312 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Trong DK, Pham BT, Jalal FE, Iqbal M, Roussis PC, Mamou A, Ferentinou M, Vu DQ, Duc Dam N, Tran QA, Asteris PG. 2021. On Random Subspace Optimization-Based Hybrid Computing Models Predicting the California Bearing Ratio of Soils Materials, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ferentinou M, Witkowski W, Hejmanowski R, Grobler H, Malinowska A. 2020. Detection of sinkhole occurrence, experiences from South Africa Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 382 :77-82 DOI Publisher Url
Ferentinou M. 2020. Sinkhole collapse propagation studies through instrumented small-scale physical models Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 382 :71-76 DOI Publisher Url
Chalkias C, Polykretis C, Karymbalis E, Soldati M, Ghinoi A, Ferentinou M. 2020. Exploring spatial non-stationarity in the relationships between landslide susceptibility and conditioning factors: a local modeling approach using geographically weighted regression BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, 79 :2799-2814 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Romer C, Ferentinou M. 2019. Numerical investigations of rock bridge effect on open pit slope stability JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING, 11 :1184-1200 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Polykretis C, Chalkias C, Ferentinou M. 2019. Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) modeling for landslide susceptibility assessment in a Mediterranean hilly area BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, 78 :1173-1187 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ferentinou M, Fakir M. 2018. Integrating Rock Engineering Systems device and Artificial Neural Networks to predict stability conditions in an open pit ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, 246 :293-309 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fakir M, Ferentinou M, Misra S. 2017. An Investigation into the Rock Properties Influencing the Strength in Some Granitoid Rocks of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 35 :1119-1140 DOI Publisher Url
Karymbalis E, Papanastassiou D, Gaki-Papanastassiou K, Ferentinou M, Chalkias C. 2016. Late Quaternary rates of stream incision in Northeast Peloponnese, Greece FRONTIERS OF EARTH SCIENCE, 10 :455-478 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chalkias C, Polykretis C, Ferentinou M, Karymbalis E. 2016. Integrating expert knowledge with statistical analysis for landslide susceptibility assessment at regional scale Geosciences (Switzerland), 6 DOI Publisher Url
Romer C, Ferentinou M. 2016. Shallow landslide susceptibility assessment in a semiarid environment - A Quaternary catchment of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, 201 :29-44 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Karymbalis E, Gaki-Papanastassiou K, Tsanakas K, Ferentinou M. 2016. Geomorphology of the Pinios River delta, Central Greece JOURNAL OF MAPS, 12 :12-21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Polykretis C, Ferentinou M, Chalkias C. 2015. A comparative study of landslide susceptibility mapping using landslide susceptibility index and artificial neural networks in the Krios River and Krathis River catchments (northern Peloponnesus, Greece) BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, 74 :27-45 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chalkias C, Ferentinou M, Polykretis C. 2014. GIS Supported Landslide Susceptibility Modeling at Regional Scale: An Expert-Based Fuzzy Weighting Method ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION, 3 :523-539 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chalkias C, Kalogirou S, Ferentinou M. 2014. Landslide susceptibility, Peloponnese Peninsula in South Greece JOURNAL OF MAPS, 10 :211-222 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Karymbalis E, Chalkias C, Ferentinou M, Chalkias G, Magklara M. 2014. Assessment of the Sensitivity of Salamina (Saronic Gulf) and Elafonissos (Lakonic Gulf) islands to Sea-level Rise JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, :378-384 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chalkias C, Ferentinou M, Polykretis C. 2014. GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping on the Peloponnese Peninsula, Greece Geosciences (Switzerland), 4 :176-190 DOI Publisher Url
Karymbalis E, Chalkias C, Chalkias G, Grigoropoulou E, Manthos G, Ferentinou M. 2012. Assessment of the sensitivity of the southern coast of the Gulf of Corinth (Peloponnese, Greece) to sea-level rise CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES, 4 :561-577 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ferentinou M, Hasiotis T, Sakellariou M. 2012. Application of computational intelligence tools for the analysis of marine geotechnical properties in the head of Zakynthos canyon, Greece COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES, 40 :166-174 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Koukis G, Sabatakakis N, Ferentinou M, Lainas S, Alexiadou X, Panagopoulos A. 2009. Landslide phenomena related to major fault tectonics: rift zone of Corinth Gulf, Greece BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, 68 :215-229 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ferentinou MD, Sakellariou MG. 2007. Computational intelligence tools for the prediction of slope performance COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS, 34 :362-384 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sakellariou MG, Ferentinou MD. 2005. A study of slope stability prediction using neural networks Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 23 :419-445 DOI Publisher Url
Sakellariou MG, Ferentinou MD. 2001. GIS-BASED ESTIMATION OF SLOPE STABILITY NATURAL HAZARDS REVIEW, 2 :12-21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Matziaris V, Ferentinou M, Angelopoulou O, Karanasiou S, Sakellariou M. Landslide hazard analysis - a case study in Kerasia village (prefecture of Karditsa) Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 40 :1710-1710 DOI Publisher Url
Yumba J, Ferentinou M, Grobler M. 2024. Experimental Study of Sinkhole Propagation Induced by a Leaking Pipe Using Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors MDPI AG DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Mathe NL, Ferentinou M, Esmaeili K. 2022. Use of Stochastic DFN-DEM Modelling for Overall and Inter-Ramp Slope Stability Analysis 3rd International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference, 3rd International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference DOI Publisher Url
Mathe L, Ferentinou M. 2021. Rock slope stability analysis adopting Eurocode 7, a limit state design approach for an open pit IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 833 DOI Publisher Url
Ferentinou M. 2020. Prediction of open pit slope stability status using ANFIS model and RES ISRM International Symposium - EUROCK 2020,
Ferentinou M, Simpson Z. 2020. In search of approaches to embed teaching of geosynthetics within the curriculum: Filling an educational gap Geotechnical Engineering Education, :107-116
Simpson Z, Ferentinou M. 2020. Lessons learned about engineering reasoning through project-based learning: An ongoing action research investigation Geotechnical Engineering Education, :254-263
Ferentinou M, Simpson Z. 2019. Teaching geotechnical engineering for practice-readiness: An action research project Proceedings of the 8th Research in Engineering Education Symposium, REES 2019 - Making Connections, :530-539
Romer C, Ferentinou M. 2017. The significance of identifying potential failure mechanisms from conceptual to design level for open pit rock slopes ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, 2017-October :351-364
Ferentinou M. 2017. An investigation of the relationships between the petrographic, physical, and mechanical characteristics of sandstones from the Newspaper Member of the Natal Group using self-organizing maps ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, 2017-October :1169-1182
Ferentinou M, Fakir M. 2017. An ANN Approach for the Prediction of Uniaxial Compressive Strength, of Some Sedimentary and Igneous Rocks in Eastern KwaZulu-Natal Konicek P, Soucek K, Konecny P. ISRM EUROPEAN ROCK MECHANICS SYMPOSIUM EUROCK 2017, ISRM European Rock Mechanics Symposium (EUROCK) 191 :1117-1125 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fakir M, Ferentinou M. 2017. A holistic open pit mine slope stability index using artificial neural networks ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, 2017-October :331-350
Ferentinou M, Krebs A, Romer C. 2015. Rockfall susceptibility analysis, the case of the access road to the Giants Castle nature reserve, South Africa ISRM Regional Symposium, EUROCK 2015, :223-228
Ferentinou M, Sakellariou M. 2015. Introduction of an objective matrix coding method for rock engineering systems through self organising maps 13th ISRM International Congress of Rock Mechanics, 2015- MAY
Lephatsoe MN, Hingston EDC, Ferentinou M, Lefu N. 2014. Kinematic analysis of the western pitwall of the main pit at the Letseng Diamond mine, Lesotho Alejano R, Perucho A, Olalla C, Jimenez R. ROCK ENGINEERING AND ROCK MECHANICS: STRUCTURES IN AND ON ROCK MASSES, ISRM European Symposium :613-618 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ferentinou M, Chalkias C. 2013. Mapping mass movement susceptibility across greece with gis, ann and statistical methods Landslide Science and Practice: Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and Hazard Zoning, 1 :321-327 DOI Publisher Url
Chalkias G, Grigoropoulou E, Manthos G, Karymbalis E, Ferentinou M, Chalkias C. 2011. Coastal Vulnerability Index along the Southern Coast of the Gulf of Corinth (Greece) Ozhan E. MEDCOAST 11, VOLS 1 AND 2, 10th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment :615-625 Author Url
Ferentinou MD, Hasiotis T, Sakellariou MG. 2010. Clustering of Geotechnical Properties of Marine Sediments Through Self-Organizing Maps: An Example from the Zakynthos Canyon-Valley System, Greece Mosher DC, Shipp RC, Moscardelli L, Chaytor JD, Baxter CDP, Lee HJ, Urgeles R. SUBMARINE MASS MOVEMENTS AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES, 4th International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences 28 :43-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ferentinou M, Grobler M, Yumba J. Fibre Bragg grating sensors for detection of sinkhole occurrences: an experimental study SATNAC
Karymbalis E, Valkanou K, Fubelli G, Ferentinou M, Tsanakas K, Giles P. 2022. Assessment of relative tectonic activity in the Trichonis Lake graben (Western Greece) a combined approach using geomorphometry and Self Organising Maps DOI Publisher Url
Labuschagne J, Ferentinou M, Grobler M, Jacobsz SW. 2020. Smart Monitoring of Sinkhole Formation Using Optic Fibre Technology Correia AG, Tinoco J, Cortez P, Lamas L. :763-773 SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG 978-3-030-32028-7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Simelane N, Ferentinou M, Grobler M. 2020. Experimental Investigation of Reinforced Slopes' Response, to Increased Surcharge Load, with the Use of Optic Fibre Sensors Correia AG, Tinoco J, Cortez P, Lamas L. :662-673 SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG 978-3-030-32028-7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shanganlall A, Ferentinou M, Karymbalis E, Smith A. 2019. A Coastal Susceptibility Index Assessment of KwaZulu-Natal, East Coast of South Africa IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, 2018 - Volume 5 :93-100 Springer International Publishing 9783319931357 DOI Publisher Url
Ferentinou M, Simpson Z. 2019. Action Research to Enhance Student Engagement in Geotechnical Engineering IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, 2018—Volume 6 :33-39 Springer International Publishing 9783319931418 DOI Publisher Url
Ferentinou M. 2019. Rockfall Hazard Assessment at the World Heritage Site of Giant’s Castle Reserve, Drakensberg, South Africa IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, 2018 - Volume 1 :85-91 Springer International Publishing 9783319931234 DOI Publisher Url
Karymbalis E, Ferentinou M, Giles PT. 2018. Use of morphometric variables and self-organizing maps to identify clusters of alluvial fans and catchments in the north Peloponnese, Greece Geological Society Special Publication 440 :45-64 DOI Publisher Url
Lephatsoe MN, Hingston EDC, Ferentinou M, Lefu N. 2014. Kinematic analysis of the western pitwall of the main pit at the Letseng Diamond mine, Lesotho Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses :613-618
Matziaris V, Ferentinou M, Sakellariou M. 2012. Elaboration of a High-Dimensional Database of Unsaturated Soils Using Artificial Neural Networks Unsaturated Soils: Research and Applications :207-214 Springer Berlin Heidelberg 9783642313424 DOI Publisher Url
Karymbalis E, Chalkias C, Ferentinou M, Maistrali A. 2011. Flood hazard evaluation in small catchments based on quantitative geomorphology and GIS modeling: The case of Diakoniaris torrent (W. Peloponnese, Greece) Advances in the Research of Aquatic Environment :137-145 Springer Berlin Heidelberg 9783642199011 DOI Publisher Url
Ferentinou M, Sakellariou M. Slope stability estimation using GIS Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences :135-140 Springer Berlin Heidelberg 9783540437765 DOI Publisher Url
Membership of professional bodies:
CGeol, Geological Society, https://www.geolsoc.org.uk/. 2023
Geological Society London, Fellow. 2023
Member, Quaternary Research Association, https://www.qra.org.uk/. 2022
Member, Associate Member of ICE. 2021
Member, British Geotechnical Association. 2021
Member, International Association of Engineering Geology. 2021
Prof. Nat. Sci. in South Africa, (2016 – 2021), South African Council of Natural Scientific Professions, (SACNASP). 2016
Member, Technical Committee on Landslide Nomenclature (C37), International Association Association of Engineering Geology (2016- present). 2016
Member, International Society for Rock Mechanics (2014- present). 2014
Member, Technical Committee Tropical Residual Soils Committee TC107), International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, (2020 – present).
Editorial boards:
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology, Editorial Board Member, https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/qjegh. 2023
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Editorial Board Member, https://www.springer.com/journal/10064. 2014
Collaborative Research in the field of “Geotechnical and Geological Engineering with the performance of Large scale shear tests of soil-geosynthetic interfaces ", Host University: University of Patras, Prof N. Depountis, Greek Diaspora Fellowship Program, Stavros Niarchos Foundation, and the Institute of International Education (Full Bright Foundation Greece).. 2021