Dr Saiful Bhuiyan
School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: S.I.Bhuiyan@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2025
Dr Saiful Islam Bhuiyan is a Senior Lecturer in Building Services Engineering in the Department of Built Environment of the Liverpool John Moores University. He gained his B.Sc in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and MSc in Building Services Engineering with Sustainable Energy from Brunel University, UK. Saiful also gained his PhD from Anglia Ruskin University. His research interests include building performance, building physics, sustainability, future climate change, overheating, and associated mitigation and adaptation measures.
Anglia Ruskin University, UK, PhD
Brunel University, UK, MSc in Building Services Engineering with Sustainable Energy
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh, BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Journal article
kolokotroni M, Davies M, Croxford B, Bhuiyan SI, Mavrogiani A. A validated methodology for the prediction of heating and cooling energy demand for buildings within the Urban Heat Island: Case-study of London. Solar Energy, 84 :2246-2246
Conference publication
Bhuiyan SI, Jones K, Wanigarathna N. An approach to sustainable refurbishment of existing building 31st Annual ARCOM Conference