Image of Dr David Lamb

Dr David Lamb

School of Computer Science and Mathematics

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

I am a Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering in the school of Computer Science and Mathematics at Liverpool John Moores University. I completed my PhD in 2009, and have a number of years' industrial experience in Software Development. I lead modules at all levels of our undergraduate Software Engineering programme - module topics include the Software Development Lifecycle, Data Structures and Algorithms, and Embedded Systems.

Academic appointments

Lecturer, School of Computing & Maths, Liverpool John Moores University, 2014 - present
Researcher, School of Computing & Maths, Liverpool John Moores, 2009 - 2014
Sessional Academic, School of Computing & Maths, Liverpool John Moores University, 2005 - 2009

Highlighted publications

Lamb D, Randles M, Al-Jumeily D. 2013. Recommender Systems: Network Approaches Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments :65-79 Springer 978-3-319-00371-9 DOI Publisher Url

Randles M, Lamb D, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2010. A comparative study into distributed load balancing algorithms for cloud computing 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, WAINA 2010, :551-556 DOI Publisher Url

Journal article

Attwood A, Lamb DJ, Abuelmaatti O. 2014. Position-relative identities in the internet of things: An evolutionary GHT approach IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 1 :497-507 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hegarty RC, Lamb DJ, Attwood A. 2014. Digital evidence challenges in the internet of things Proceedings of the 10th International Network Conference, INC 2014, :163-172

Alghamdi M, Lamb DJ, Al-Jumeily D, Hussain AJ. 2014. Assessing the Impact of Web-Based Technology on Learning Styles in Education Hussain A, AlJumeily D, Radi N, Tawk H, Radvan R. 2013 SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENTS IN ESYSTEMS ENGINEERING (DESE), :348-353 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Randles M, Lamb D, Attwood A. 2014. Agents' MonitoringApproach for Big Data Hussain A, AlJumeily D, Radi N, Tawk H, Radvan R. 2013 SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENTS IN ESYSTEMS ENGINEERING (DESE), :192-197 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Al-Askar H, Lamb DJ, Hussain A, Al-Jumeily D, Randles M, Fergus P. 2013. Predicting Financial Time Series Data Using Artificial Immune System-Inspired Neural Networks International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, DOI Publisher Url

Lamb D, Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2011. A distributed object linker for neptune using the eclipse modelling framework Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering, DeSE 2011, :547-552 DOI Publisher Url

Haggerty J, Karran AJ, Lamb DJ, Taylor MJ. 2011. A framework for the forensic investigation of unstructured email relationship data International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics, 3 :1-18 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor M, Haggerty J, Gresty D, Lamb D. 2011. Forensic investigation of cloud computing systems Network Security, 2011 :4-10 DOI Publisher Url

Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A, Lamb D. 2010. Robustness in autonomic e-service systems Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering, DeSE 2010, :243-248 DOI Publisher Url

Randles M, Lamb D, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2010. A comparative study into distributed load balancing algorithms for cloud computing 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, WAINA 2010, :551-556 DOI Publisher Url

Lamb D, Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2010. Global observation for distributed autonomic networks Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference and Workshop on Engineering of Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, EASe 2010, :79-88 DOI Publisher Url

Randles M, Lamb D, Odat E, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2010. Distributed redundancy and robustness in complex systems Journal of Computer and System Sciences, In Press, Corrected Proof :--- DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lamb DJ, Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2009. Scalability Concerns in Runtime Observation for Autonomic Cloud Service Management International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications, 5 :369-381

Randles M, Lamb D, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2009. Autonomic provisioning for mobile commerce Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 201 :71-80 DOI Publisher Url

Randles M, Lamb D, Taleb-Bendlkb A. 2008. Autonomic Monitoring in Large-Scale Digital Ecosystems via Self-Organisation 2008 2ND IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL ECOSYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, :77-82 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lamb DJ, Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2007. Software Engineering Concerns in Observing Networks of Autonomic Systems System and Information Sciences Notes Journal, 2 :101-104


Zhou B, Llewellyn-Jones D, Lamb D, Asim M, Shi Q, Merabti M. 2014. A Heuristic Approach for Secure Service Composition Adaptation Cyberpatterns DOI

Lamb D, Randles M, Al-Jumeily D. 2013. Recommender Systems: Network Approaches Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments :65-79 Springer 978-3-319-00371-9 DOI Publisher Url

Spies M, Taleb-Bendiab A, Lamb D, Randles M. 2011. Requirements Metadata Driven Dynamic Configuration of Business Processes Electronic Business Interoperability: Concepts, Opportunities and Challenges :185-209 IGI Global 9781609604851 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Conference publication

Aljaaf AJ, Al-Jumeily D, Hussain AJ, Lamb D, Al-Jumaily M, Abdel-Aziz K. 2014. A Study of Data Classification and Selection Techniques for Medical Decision Support Systems Huang DS, Jo KH, Wang L. INTELLIGENT COMPUTING METHODOLOGIES, 10th International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC) 8589 :135-143 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Al-Jumeily D, Hussain A, Alghamdi M, Lamb D, Hamdan H. 2014. The Development of an Intelligent Tutorial System for System Development 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB AND OPEN ACCESS TO LEARNING (ICWOAL), International Conference on Web and Open Access to Learning (ICWOAL) DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Farrugia A, Al-Jumeily D, Al-Jumaily M, Hussain A, Lamb D. 2014. Medical Diagnosis: are Artificial Intelligence systems able to diagnose the underlying causes of specific headaches? Hussain A, AlJumeily D, Radi N, Tawk H, Radvan R. 2013 SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENTS IN ESYSTEMS ENGINEERING (DESE), Sixth International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE) :376-382 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Alghamdi M, Lamb DJ, Al-Jumeily D, Hussain A. 2013. Introducing an Adaptive Tutoring Support System for Software Development Students BCS IITC

Shamaila I, Al-Jumeily D, Lamb DJ, Fergus P. 2013. On the Early Detection of Neurodegenerative Diseases from Gait and EEG Signals: A Machine Learning Approach BCS IITC DOI Public Url

Zhou B, Llewellyn-Jones D, Shi Q, Asim M, Merabti M, Lamb D. 2012. Secure Service Composition Adaptation Based on Simulated Annealing Proceedings of the Layered Assurance Workshop (LAW) 2012, Annual Computer Security Applications Conference - ACSAC 28, Layered Assurance Workshop :49-55

Zhou B, Llewellyn-Jones D, Shi Q, Asim M, Merabti M, Lamb D. 2012. A Compose Language-based Framework for Secure Service Composition ASE International Conference on Cyber Security (CyberSecurity 2012), Washington DC, USA, :14-16

Zhou B, Llewellyn-Jones D, Shi Q, Asim M, Merabti M, Lamb D. 2012. A compose language-based framework for secure service composition Proceedings of the 2012 ASE International Conference on Cyber Security, CyberSecurity 2012, :195-202 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Karran A, Haggerty J, Lamb DJ, Taylor M, Llewellyn-Jones D. 2011. A Social Network Discovery Model for Digital Forensics Investigations 6th IEEE Annual Workshop on Digital Forensics and Incident Analysis (WDFIA 2011) Publisher Url

Baker T, Lamb D, Taleb-Bendiab A, Al-Jumeily D. 2010. Facilitating semantic adaptation of web services at runtime using a meta-data layer Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering, DeSE 2010, :231-236 DOI Publisher Url

Randles M, Odat E, Lamb D, Osama AR, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2009. A comparative experiment in distributed load balancing Proceedings - International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering, DeSE 2009, :258-265 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Haggerty J, Lamb DJ, Taylor M. 2009. Social Network Visualization for Forensic Investigation of E-mail WDFIA, 4th IEEE Annual Workshop on Digital Forensics and Incident Analysis

Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A, Lamb D. 2009. Scalable Self-Governance using Service Communities as Ambients Zhiang LJ. 2009 IEEE CONGRESS ON SERVICES (SERVICES-1 2009), VOLS 1 AND 2, 4th IEEE Congress on Services :813-820 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lamb D, Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2009. Monitoring Autonomic Networks through Signatures of Emergence Sterritt R. SIXTH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP ON THE ENGINEERING OF AUTONOMIC AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS: EASE 2009, 6th IEEE International Workshop on Engineering of Autonomic and Autonomous Systems :56-65 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lamb D, Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2009. Engineering Large-Scale Observation Software Systems 2009 SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENTS IN ESYSTEMS ENGINEERING (DESE 2009), :266-272 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Randles M, Lamb D, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2009. Experiments with Honeybee Foraging Inspired Load Balancing AlJumeily D, Nagar AK, Tawfik H, Hussain A, Lisboa P. 2009 SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENTS IN ESYSTEMS ENGINEERING (DESE 2009), 2nd International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering :240-247 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A, Lamb D. 2008. Cross Layer Dynamics in Self-Organising Service Oriented Architectures Hummel KA, Sterbenz JPG. SELF-ORGANIZING SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, 3rd International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems 5343 :293-298 DOI Author Url

Randles M, Lamb D, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2008. Engineering autonomic systems self-organisation Sterritt R, Bustard DW, Lewis D, Fleck JJ. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ENGINEERING OF AUTONOMIC & AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS (EASE 2008), 5th IEEE International Workshop on Engineering of Autonomic and Autonomous Systems :107-118 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lamb DJ, Randles MJ, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2007. An Adaptive Observation Framework for Self-Organising Networks of Autonomic Systems 8th Annual Conference on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking & Broadcasting (PGNET 2007) :296-302

Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A, Miseldine P, Lamb D. 2007. Using signatures of self-organisation for monitoring and influencing large scale autonomic systems Sterritt R, Hinchey MG, Bapty T. FOURTH IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ENGINEERING OF AUTONOMIC & AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, 4th IEEE International Workshop on Engineering of Autonomic and Autonomous Systems :24-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Miseldine P, Randles M, Lamb DJ, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2006. Towards the Automated Engineering of Autonomic Systems 7th Annual Conference on The Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking & Broadcasting (PGNET 2006) :393-398

Zhou B, Llewellyn-Jones D, Lamb DJ, Asim M, Shi Q, Merabti M. A Heuristic Approach for Secure Service Composition Adaptation First International Workshop on Cyberpatterns DOI Publisher Url


Lamb D. 2009. Developing a Global Observer Programming Model for Large-Scale Networks of Autonomic Systems Taleb-Bendiab A. Author Url Public Url



Teaching qualification:

SEDA 3is / AFHEA. 2014

Membership of professional bodies:

MIET, Institute of Engineering and Technology, 2011


Associate Fellow, Higher Education Academy.
