Image of Prof Gyu Myoung Lee

Prof Gyu Myoung Lee

School of Computer Science and Mathematics

Faculty of Engineering and Technology


Telephone: 0151 231 2052

Personal website -

Gyu Myoung Lee joined the Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), UK in 2014, as a Senior Lecture in the department of Computer Science and was promoted to a Reader in 2017 and a Professor in 2020. He is also with KAIST Institute for IT convergence, Daejeon, Rep. of Korea, as an Adjunct Professor from 2012.

Before joining the LJMU, he worked with the Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis from 2008. Until 2012, he was invited to work with the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Rep. of Korea. He worked as a research professor in KAIST, Rep. of Korea and as a guest researcher in National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA, in 2007. He worked as a visiting researcher in the University of Melbourne, Australia, in 2002. Furthermore, he also has work experience in industries in Rep. of Korea.

His research interests include Internet of Things, Web of Things, computational trust, knowledge centric networking and services considering all vertical services, Smart Grid, energy saving networks, cloud-based big data analytics platform and multimedia networking and services.

Dr. Lee has been actively participating in standardization meetings including ITU-T SG 13 (Future Networks and cloud) and SG20 (IoT and smart cities and communities), IETF and oneM2M, etc., and currently serves as a Rapporteur of Q16/13 (Knowledge centric trustworthy networking and services) and Q4/20 (e/Smart services, applications and supporting platforms) in ITU-T. He is also the chair of ITU-T Focus Group on Data Processing and Management (FG-DPM) to support IoT and smart cities & communities. He has contributed more than 300 proposals for standards and published more than 100 papers in academic journals and conferences. He received several Best Paper Awards in international and domestic conferences and served as a reviewer of IEEE journals/conference papers and an organizer/member of committee of international conferences. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.

Research interests

(1) Internet of Things (IoT), Web of Things (WoT)
- Abstraction and semantics for intelligence
- Semantic based service composition and orchestration
- Social Internet/Web of Things
- Trust in IoT
- Virtual objects (virtualized sensors), physical Web
- Object naming and addressing for object to object communication
- Service provisioning for IoT/WoT using cloud computing and big data analytics
- Interdisciplinary technologies based on typical use cases such as eHealth, smart city/building/home, networked vehicle, etc.

(2) Smart Grid and energy saving (green IT)
- Energy saving through home automation
- Energy aware intelligent control of home appliances
- Micro/Nano Grid

(3) NGN-Web convergence, Cloud computing/networking
- Protocol design for WMS (Web multimedia subsystem) and interworking with IMS
- Real time communications Web (RTCWeb)
- Resource control for cloud computing

(4) Emerging new service networking such as mobile IPTV, N-screen, social networking
- Content delivery technologies for multimedia services with N-screen
- P2P based social networking services
- Service support technologies: multicasting, context-awareness, federation, service overlay

(5) Energy saving networks
- Standby/Idle power management
- Sleep techniques for Passive Optical Networks (PONs)
- Lightweight protocol design for constrained objects

(6) Network Evolution Strategies and Architecture for Next Generation Internet/Future Internet
- New architecture design using software defined networking for smart ubiquitous networks
- New concepts for networking: information centric networking, future media Internet
- Solutions to support ubiquitous networking for seamless interconnection between humans and objects
- Next Generation Internet Protocol (IP version 6)

(7) Network control for QoS/Mobility
- Traffic Control Mechanism for QoS and traffic engineering in fixed/mobile networking environment (e.g., mobile ad-hoc network, multihomed network mobility, vehicle area network, etc.)
- Generalized MultiProtocol Label Switching (GMPLS)-based control plane for Optical Internet
- Optical Switching Technologies including Optical Hybrid Switching with Flow Classification

(8) Standardization for Future Network and Smart Ubiquitous Networks (SUN) including ubiquitous networking, Internet of Things/Machine to Machine (M2M) communication (ITU-T SG13 & SG20, IETF, oneM2M, etc.)


2007, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea, Ph.D
2000, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea, M.S
1999, Hongik University, South Korea, B.S

Academic appointments

Professor, Computer Science and Mathematics, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - present
Reader, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017 - 2020
Senior Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University, 2014 - 2017
Adjunct Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 2012 - present

Highlighted publications

Lee GM. 2021. A Blockchain-based Trust System for Decentralised Applications: When trustless needs trust Future Generation Computer Systems: the international journal of grid computing: theory, methods and applications, 124 :68-79 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Minerva R, Lee GM, Crespi N. 2020. Digital Twin in the IoT context: a survey on technical features, scenarios and architectural models Proceedings of the IEEE, 108 :1785-1824 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Oh H, Park S, Lee GM, Choi JK, Noh S. 2020. Competitive Data Trading Model with Privacy Valuation for Multiple Stakeholders in IoT Data Markets IEEE Internet of Things, 7 :3623-3639 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Truong NB, Sun K, Lee GM, Guo Y. 2019. GDPR-Compliant Personal Data Management: A Blockchain-based Solution IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 15 :1746-1751 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Jayasinghe U, Lee GM, Um TW, Shi Q. 2018. Machine Learning based Trust Computational Model for IoT Services IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 4 :39-52 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2016. Strengthening Trust in the Future Social-Cyber-Physical Infrastructure: An ITU-T Perspective IEEE Communications Magazine, 54 :36-42 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM, Hussein D, Han SN, Crespi N. 2015. Social Cloud-based Cognitive Reasoning for Task-oriented Recommendation IEEE Cloud Computing, 2 :10-19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2015. DPWSim: A Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS) Simulator IEEE Internet of Things Journal, :2327-4662 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2014. Internet of Things Evolution of telecommunication services Springer DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2014. Extending the Devices Profile for Web Services Standard Using a REST Proxy IEEE Internet Computing, 19 :10-17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. Standardization and challenges of smart ubiquitous networks in ITU-T IEEE Communications Magazine, DOI Publisher Url

Conference publication

Johnston D, Lee GM, Hanvey S, Dermott ÁM. 2024. Privacy, Human Rights, and Web 3.0 2024 ITU Kaleidoscope: Innovation and Digital Transformation for a Sustainable World (ITU K), 2024 ITU Kaleidoscope: Innovation and Digital Transformation for a Sustainable World (ITU K) :1-8 DOI Publisher Url

Drobot A, Minerva R, Crespi N, Benmiloud-Bechet L, Bonomi F, Heininger R, Jost TE, Lee GM, Kovacs E, Moreau N, Rajapaksha P, Savaglio C, Song JS, Stary C. 2023. Summary of the 2nd Workshop on Digital Twins and the Internet of Things at IEEE WF-IoT 2023 2023 IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things: The Blue Planet: A Marriage of Sea and Space, WF-IoT 2023, DOI Publisher Url

Choi T, Kim H, Kim J, Yoon CS, Lee GM. 2022. Quantum key distribution networks for trusted 5G and beyond: An ITU-T standardization perspective 2021 ITU Kaleidoscope: Connecting Physical and Virtual Worlds (ITU K), The ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conferences DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Mao N, Chen Y, Guizani M, Lee GM. 2021. Graph Mapping Offloading Model Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning With Dependent Task 2021 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC), 17th Int. Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference - IWCMC 2021 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Li D, Chen Y, Guizani M, Lee GM. 2021. NOMA-based Joint Allocation and Offloading Strategy of Communication and Computing Resources 2021 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC), 17th Int. Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference - IWCMC 2021 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Mao N, Chen Y, Guizani M, Lee GM. 2021. Spatiotemporal Location Differential Privacy for Sparse Mobile Crowdsensing 2021 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC), 17th Int. Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference - IWCMC 2021 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Mac Dermott AM, Carr J, Shi Q, Baharon MR, Lee GM. 2020. Privacy preserving issues in the dynamic internet of things 2020 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC), IEEE International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications ( DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM, Jayasinghe U. 2019. AI and Blockchain enabled Edge of Things with Privacy Preserving Computation Conference Proceedings of The XIII International scientific conference Perspective technologies in the information transfer means, The XIII International scientific conference Perspective technologies in the information transfer means :39-43 Publisher Url Public Url

Choi HS, Lee GM, Rhee WS. 2019. Hierarchical Trust Chain Framework for IoT Services 2019 Eleventh International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), The 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Alfoudi ASD, Newaz SHS, Ramlie R, Lee GM, Baker T. 2019. Seamless Mobility Management in Heterogeneous 5G Networks: A Coordination Approach among Distributed SDN Controllers 2019 IEEE 89th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Spring), IEEE VTC Spring 2019 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM, Um T-W, Choi JK. 2018. AI as a Microservice (AIMS) over 5G networks 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope: Machine Learning for a 5G Future (ITU K), ITU Kaleidoscope Conference DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Jayasinghe U, Lee GM, MacDermott Á. 2018. Trust-Based Data Controller for Personal Information Management 2018 International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT), IEEE 13th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Jalil SAH, Haji Abdul Majid AR, bin Salleh MR, Rahman FH, Uddin MR, Shah Newaz SH, Lee GM. 2018. Background Traffic Load Aware Video Class-lecture Client Admission in a Bandwidth Constrained Campus Network Computational Intelligence in Information Systems, The 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Information Systems (CIIS-2018) :117-128 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Baqa H, Truong NB, Cresi N, Lee GM, Le Gall F. 2018. Quality of Information as an indicator of Trust in the Internet of Things 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE), IEEE TrustCom-18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Truong NB, Um TW, Zhou B, Lee GM. 2018. Strengthening the Blockchain-based Internet of Value with Trust 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Alfoudi A, Dighriri M, Otebolaku AM, Pereira R, Lee GM. 2018. Mobility Management Architecture in Different RATs Based Network Slicing The 32-nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, The 32nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Um TW, Lee GM, Lee HW. 2018. Trustworthiness Management in Sharing CDN Infrastructure 2018 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), ICOIN 2018 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Mohammed D, Lee GM, Baker T. 2018. Applying Scheduling Mechanisms over 5G Cellular Network Packets Traffic Third International Congress on Information and Communication Technology in concurrent with ICT Excellence Awards (ICICT 2018) DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Jayasinghe U, Otebolaku AM, Um TW, Lee GM. 2018. Data centric trust evaluation and predication framework for IoT 2017 ITU Kaleidoscope: Challenges for a Data-Driven Society (ITU K), ITU Kaleidoscope 2017 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Al-Dahhan RR, Shi Q, Lee GM, Kifayat K. 2018. Access Privilege Elevation and Revocation in Collusion-Resistant Cloud Access Control Yang XS, Dey N, Joshi A. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 SECOND WORLD CONFERENCE ON SMART TRENDS IN SYSTEMS, SECURITY AND SUSTAINABILITY (WORLDS4), 2nd World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4) :209-214 Author Url

Truong NB, Um TW, Zhou B, Lee GM. 2017. From Personal Experience to Global Reputation for Trust Evaluation in the Social Internet of Things GLOBECOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, IEEE GLOBECOM 2017 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Dighriri M, Lee G, Baker T. 2017. Resource Allocation Scheme in 5G Network Slices 2017 International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics and Telecommunications (2017 ICRAMET) DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lee GM, Kumari P, Lopez-Benitez M, Kim TS, Minhas AS. 2017. Wearable Internet of Things - from Human Activity Tracking to Clinical Integration 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), The 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Otebolaku AM, Lee GM. 2017. Towards Context Classification and Reasoning in IoT Proceedings of the14th International Conference on Telecommunications (ConTEL), The 14th International Conference on Telecommunications, Zagreb, Croatia 28-30 June 2017 :145-154 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2017. Data Traffic Model in Machine to Machine Communications over 5G Network Slicing Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE), DeSE2016 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Alfoudi ASD, Lee GM, Dighriri M. 2017. Seamless LTE-WiFi Architecture for Offloading the Overloaded LTE with Efficient UE Authentication Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE),, DeSE2016 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM, Truong NB. 2017. Trust Evaluation for Data Exchange in Vehicular Networks IoTDI '17 Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation, ACM/IEEE IoTDI 2017 in conjunction with CPS Week :325-326 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Truong NB, Lee GM. 2017. Poster abstract: Trust evaluation for data exchange in Vehicular Networks Proceedings - 2017 IEEE/ACM 2nd International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation, IoTDI 2017 (part of CPS Week), :325-326 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2017. Traffic Management in LTE-WiFi Slicing Networks Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN), ICIN 2017 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2017. A Computational Model to Evaluate Honesty in Social Internet of Things ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, The 32nd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2017. Towards Realizing the Importance of Placing Fog Computing Facilities at the Central Office of a PON Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), ICACT 2017 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2017. Comparison Data Traffic Scheduling Techniques for Classifying QoS over 5G Mobile Networks The 31st IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2017) DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2017. Leverage a Trust Service Platform for Data Usage Control in Smart City Global Communications Conference, IEEE GLOBECOM 2016 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2017. RpR: A Trust Computation Model for Social Internet of Things 2016 Intl IEEE Conferences, 2016 IEEE Smart World Congress DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2016. Trusted ICT Infrastructures and Services: Features, Challenges and Technical Issues Bright ICT 2016

Dighriri M, Alfoudi A, Lee G, Shamsa T. 2016. Data Traffic Model in Machine to Machine Communications Over 5G Network Slicing Ninth International Conference on Developments in e-Systems Engineering (DeSE2016)

Lee GM. 2016. Energy Efficient Operational Mechanism for TDM-PON Supporting Broadband Access and Local Customer Internetworking CIIS Conference 2016 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2016. Understanding the Impact of Network Structure on Propagation Dynamics based on Mobile Big Data Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2016. A Trust Model for Data Sharing in Smart Cities Communications (ICC), 2016 IEEE International Conference on, IEEE ICC 2016 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM, Truong NB. 2016. A Reputation and Knowledge Based Trust Service Platform for Trustworthy Social Internet of Things Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN) 2016 Public Url

Lee GM. 2015. Autonomic Trust Management in Cloud-based and Highly Dynamic IoT Applications 2015 ITU Kaleidoscope: Trust in the Information Society (K-2015), ITU Kaleidoscope 2015 :1-8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2015. Strengthening Trust in the Future ICT Infrastructure 2015 ITU Kaleidoscope: Trust in the Information Society (K-2015), ITU Kaleidoscope conference DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2015. Reality Mining with Mobile Data: Understanding the Impact of Network Structure on Propagation Dynamics Lectures Notes in Computer Science, The 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2015) 9531 :442-461 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Park DY, Park BR, Lee JY, Lee GM, Hwang WB, Park SJ. 2014. Development of hydrophobic forcep for robot surgery 2014 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), 2014 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI) :77-79 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2014. A Web Based Energy Cloud Platform for Campus Smart Grid for Understanding Energy Consumption Profile and Predicting Future Energy Demand 2014 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) :173-178 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2014. On understanding the influence sleep mode on packet delay variation in TDM-PONs COIN 2014 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2014. DPWSim: a simulation toolkit for IoT applications using device profile for Web services IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) 2014 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2014. Context awareness for smart ubiquitous networks ICEIC 2014 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2013. A cloud-based platform for watching same content on three-screen TV continuously in smart home ISCC 2013 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2013. A cluster-based peer-to-peer architecture for cloud-based smart homes The information workshop on cloud computing and information security (CCIS2013)

Lee GM. 2013. Performance evaluation of hierarchical proxy servers for multimedia services ICTC 2013 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2013. A framework for social device networking IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2012. RFID object tracking with IP compatibility for the Internet of Things IEEE iThings 2012 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2012. Ubiquitous networking application: energy saving using smart objects in a home ICTC 2012 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2012. Context-aware Service Composition Framework in Web-enabled Building Automation System ICIN 2012 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2012. Efficient IP Mobility Management for Green Optical and Wireless Converged Access Networks IEEE VTC Fall 2012 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2012. Towards Automated Service Composition using Policy Ontology in Building Automation System IEEE 9th International Conference on Service Computing DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2012. Energy Efficient Shared WDM-PON ICACT 2012

Lee GM. 2012. A Simulation Study for Understanding Energy Consumption in EPON and GPON ICEIC 2012

Lee GM. 2011. A Study of NetStore-based Dynamic Service Overlay Networks ICCCT 2011

Lee GM. 2011. A Novel Approach for Making Energy Efficient PON ACM Sigcomm 2011 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2011. Internet of Things for smart objects – ubiquitous networking between humans and objects ICAIT2011

Lee GM. 2011. Navigation Information-based Proxy Server Handoff for Mobile IPTV Services ITC-CSCC2011

Lee GM. 2011. Efficient Mobile IP Location Update Mechanism for Idle Terminals in Optical Wireless Integrated Access Networks ICNS2011

Lee GM. 2011. Minimizing the number of IGMP report messages for receiver-driven layered video multicasting IEEE VTC Spring 2011 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2011. Internet of things: opportunities, challenges, current and future services

Lee GM. 2010. The Internet of Things – a problem statement ICTC2010 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2010. Call admission control scheme reflecting the effect of user mobility in multimedia wireless networks International conference on optical Internet 2010 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2010. ITU-T Standardization for Energy Saving using NGN and Connected Objects 15th European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC)

Lee GM. 2010. Mobility model for user’s realistic behavior in mobile ad hoc network Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR) conference 2010 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2010. IPTV 2.0 from triple play to social TV 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia System and Broadcasting (BMSB) DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2009. Peer to peer proxy based IPTV services EFSOI’09 in conjunction with IEEE Globecom 2009 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2009. An enabler gateway for service composition using SIP ICIN’2009 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2009. QoS mapping over hybrid optical wireless access networks INTERNET2009/ HOWAN 2009 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2009. Architecture for IPTV content delivery ICAIT’2009

Lee GM. 2009. SIP service composition in IMS ICAIT’2009

Lee GM. 2009. Object identification for ubiquitous networking ICACT’2009

Lee GM. 2009. A unified session control protocol for IPTV services ICACT’2009

Lee GM. 2008. Personalized IPTV services using web-based open platform in NGN WTC 2008 in conjunction with IEEE Globecom 2008 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2008. Dynamic interface selection using policy routing for multihoming in mobile router with dual interfaces IEEE TENCON 2008 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2008. Open IPTV Services over NGN COIN 2008

Lee GM. 2008. Web-based personalized IPTV services over NGN the 1st IEEE International Workshop on IP Multimedia Communications in conjunction with ICCCN 2008 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2008. Mobile router supporting high-speed data services for vehicular area network 2nd International Symposium on the Manipulation of Advanced Smart Materials

Lee GM. 2008. Standardization for ubiquitous networking in IPv6-based NGN ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2008 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2008. Load balancing scheme and implementation in multihoming mobile router NOMS’2008 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2008. Address structure for supporting ubiquitous networking using IPv6 ICACT’2008 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2007. Signaling Technologies to support QoS in IPv6-based NGN FGCN’2007 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2007. Implementation and Applications of an Optical Hybrid Switching System COIN’2007

Lee GM. 2006. Multipath Routing for Traffic Engineering with Flow Classification in GMPLS Network APCC’2006 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2006. Efficient Traffic Control for Optical Switching with Different Granularity COIN-NGNCON’2006 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2006. QoS Signaling for IPv6-based NGN COIN-NGNCON’2006 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2006. An Admission Control for Long-lived and Short-lived Flows in an Optical Hybrid Switch OECC’2006

Lee GM. 2005. QoS Mapping using Different Optical Switching Scheme in GMPLS with Resource Hierarchy COIN’2005

Lee GM. 2005. Resource Mapping for GMPLS with Heterogeneous Interfaces ICACT’2005 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2004. Probe-based Admission Control Algorithm for Multicast Service in MPLS backbone Network of NGN CIC’2004

Lee GM. 2004. A New Switching Technique for Next Generation Optical IP Network: Optical Hybrid Switching WTC/ISS’2004

Lee GM. 2004. QoS provisioning in optical hybrid switching OECC/COIN’2004

Lee GM. 2004. Probe-based admission control (PBAC) algorithm for MPLS multicast network OECC/COIN’2004

Lee GM. 2004. Optical hybrid switching – combined optical burst switching and optical circuit switching ICOIN’2004

Lee GM. 2004. Queuing analysis of optical hybrid switching ICACT’2004 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2003. Performance evaluation of optical hybrid switching system IEEE Globecom’2003 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2003. Optical hybrid switching system for QoS provisioning COIN’2003

Lee GM. 2003. Teletraffic Modeling of Optical Burst Switching ICTON’2003 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2003. Flow classification for QoS in hybrid optical switching environment ICACT’2003

Lee GM. 2002. Class based traffic control algorithm in GMPLS based IP over optical network APCC’2002

Lee GM. 2002. Multiple QoS supporting algorithm in IPv6 network APCC’2002

Lee GM. 2002. Evolution architecture of control plane for optical IP network COIN-PS’2002

Lee GM. 2002. Quality of service provisioning in IP-centric optical control network ICACT’2002

Lee GM. 2002. DiffServ aware label switching in IPv6 network ICACT’2002

Lee GM. 2001. A Study on Flow-based admission control algorithm for Quality of Service provisioning in the ATM-based MPLS network TENCON'2001 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2001. Flow-based admission control for multiple traffic classes in the ATM-based MPLS network ICATM'01 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2001. A study on flow-based admission control algorithm for differential service in the ATM-based MPLS network ICACT'2001

Lee GM. 2001. A study of flow-based traffic admission control algorithm in the ATM-based MPLS network ICOIN-15 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2000. A study on scheduling and admission control algorithm in a DiffServ aware MPLS network APCC'2000

Lee GM. 2000. A study on bandwidth provisioning mechanism using ATM shortcut in MPLS network ITC-CSCC'2000

Lee GM. Energy Efficient and Latency Aware TDM-PON for Local Customer Interworking 2015 IIFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM), IFIP/IEEE international symposium on integrated network management / International workshop on management of the future Internet :1184-1189 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. Software Defined Networking-based Vehicular Adhoc Network with Fog Computing 2015 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM), IFIP/IEEE international symposium on integrated network management / International workshop on management of the future Internet :1202-1207 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Dighriri MHA, Alfoudi ASD, Lee G, Shamsa T. Resource Allocation Scheme in 5G Network Slices

Al-Dahhan R, Shi Q, Lee GM, Kifayat K. Access Privilege Elevation and Revocation in Collusion-Resistant Cloud Access Control 2018 IEEE Second World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability DOI Publisher Url

Al-Dahhan RR, Shi Q, Lee GM, Kifayat K. Revocable, Decentralized Multi-authority Access Control System 11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Baqa H, Truong NB, Crespi N, Lee GM, Le Gall F. Semantic Smart Contracts for Blockchain-based Services in the Internet of Things The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA 2019) DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Johnston D, Lee G, Hanvey SORREN, MacDermott Á. Privacy, human rights, and Web 3.0 Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2024, 15th ITU Academic Conference Kaleidoscope :415-422 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Daly A, Lee G, Truong NB. A Blockchain-based Data Sharing Scheme using Attribute-Based Encryption and Fungible Tokens GLOBECOM 2024 - 2024 IEEE Global Communications Conference Proceedings, Globecom 2024 Public Url

Lee G. Adaptive Cyclic Transmission Operation for Energy-efficient NG-EPON The 27th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT2025 Proceedings, The 27th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology Author Url Public Url

Journal article

Jamwal S, Cano JOSE, Lee G, Tran NH, Truong N. 2024. A survey on ethereum pseudonymity: Techniques, challenges, and future directions Journal of Network and Computer Applications, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Shah Newaz SH, Ahvar E, Ahsan MS, Kamruzzaman J, Karmakar G, Lee GM. 2024. Energy Conservation in Passive Optical Networks: A Tutorial and Survey IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 27 :667-724 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Jo S, Lee GM, Moon I. 2024. Airline dynamic pricing with patient customers using deep exploration-based reinforcement learning Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 133 :108073-108073 DOI Publisher Url

Lee G. 2023. Evaluation of Machine Leaning Algorithms for Streets Traffic Prediction: a Smart Home Use Case Sensors, 23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Park G, Jeong B, Lee G. 2022. QoS Implementation with Triple-Metric Based Active Queue Management for Military Networks Electronics, 12 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Park G, Jeon H, Lee GM, Jeon B. 2022. A Study on Implementation and Improvement of Triple-Metric Based QoS for Military Networks Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 47 :1025-1035 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Um TW, Kim J, Lim S, Lee GM. 2022. Trust Management for Artificial Intelligence: A Standardization Perspective Applied Sciences, 12 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Dia I, Ahvar E, Lee GM. 2022. Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning and Neural Network-based Algorithms for Predicting Segment Availability in AIoT-based Smart Parking Network, 2 :225-238 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ali Kumar DSNKP, Shah Newaz SH, Rahman FH, Lee GM, Karmakar G, Au T-W. 2022. Green Demand Aware Fog Computing: A Prediction-based Dynamic Resource Provisioning Approach Electronics, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Mosa QO, Alfoudi AS, Brisam AA, Otebolaku AM, Lee GM. 2022. Driving Active Contours to Concave Regions Webology, 19 :5131-5140 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Hasan MK, Ahsan MS, Mamun AA, Shah Newaz SH, Lee GM. 2021. Human face detection techniques: A comprehensive review and future research directions Electonics, 10 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Lim H, Lee GM, Singgih IK. 2021. Multi-Depot Split-Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem IEEE Access, 9 :112206-112220 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Shanmugam S, Syed Ali M, Vadivel R, M. Lee G. 2021. Finite-Time H∞ State Estimation for Markovian Jump Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays via an Extended Wirtinger’s Integral Inequality Peng X. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Rahman FH, Newaz SHS, Au TW, Suhaili WS, Mahmud MAP, Lee GM. 2021. EnTruVe: ENergy and TRUst-aware Virtual Machine Allocation in VEhicle Fog Computing for Catering Applications in 5G Future Generation Computer Systems, 126 :196-210 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Singh A, Das A, Bera UK, Lee GM. 2021. Prediction of Transportation Costs Using Trapezoidal Neutrosophic Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process and Artificial Neural Networks IEEE Access, 9 :103497-103512 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2021. Next Generation of SDN in Cloud-Fog for 5G and Beyond-Enabled Applications: Opportunities and Challenges Network, 1 :28-49 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2021. A Blockchain-based Trust System for Decentralised Applications: When trustless needs trust Future Generation Computer Systems: the international journal of grid computing: theory, methods and applications, 124 :68-79 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Vadivel R, Saravanan S, Unyong B, Hammachukiattikul P, Hong K-S, Lee GM. 2021. Stabilization of Delayed Fuzzy Neutral-type Systems Under Intermittent Control International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 19 :1408-1425 DOI Publisher Url

Choi HS, Lee GM, Rhee WS. 2020. A Consecutive Motion and Situation Recognition Mechanism to Detect a Vulnerable Condition Based on Android Smartphone International Journal of Contents, 16 :1-17 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Edussuriya C, Vithanage K, Bandara N, Alawatugoda J, Sandirigama M, Jayasinghe U, Shone N, Lee GM. 2020. BAT: block analytics tool integrated with blockchain based IoT platform Electronics, 9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee E, Yoon Y, Lee GM, Um TW. 2020. Blockchain-based Perfect Sharing Project Platform based on the Proof of Atomicity Consensus Algorithm Tehnicki Vjesnik, 27 :1244-1253 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Saleem Y, Sotres P, Fricker S, Lopez de la Torre C, Crespi N, Lee GM, Minerva R, Sanchez L. 2020. IoTRec: The IoT Recommender for Smart Parking System IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Otebolaku AM, Enamamu T, Alfoudi A, Ikpehai A, Marchang J, Lee GM. 2020. Deep Sensing: Inertial and Ambient Sensing for Activity Context Recognition using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Sensors, 20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Rahman FH, Shah Newaz SH, Wan Au T, Suhaili WS, Lee GM. 2020. Off-Street Vehicular Fog for Catering Applications in 5G/B5G: A Trust-based Task Mapping Solution and Open Research Issues IEEE Access, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Minerva R, Lee GM, Crespi N. 2020. Digital Twin in the IoT context: a survey on technical features, scenarios and architectural models Proceedings of the IEEE, 108 :1785-1824 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Shanmugam S, Muhammed SA, Lee GM. 2020. Finite-time extended dissipativity of delayed Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy neural networks using a free-matrix-based double integral inequality Neural Computing and Applications, 32 :8517-8528 DOI Publisher Url

Iqbal AYM, Newaz SHS, Rahman FH, Wan AT, Lee GM, Um TW. 2020. Evaluating TCP Performance of Routing Protocols for Traffic Exchange in Street-parked Vehicles based Fog Computing Infrastructure Journal of Cloud Computing, 9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Oh H, Park S, Lee GM, Choi JK, Noh S. 2020. Competitive Data Trading Model with Privacy Valuation for Multiple Stakeholders in IoT Data Markets IEEE Internet of Things, 7 :3623-3639 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Um TW, Lee E, Lee GM, Yoon Y. 2019. Design and Implementation of a Trust Information Management Platform for Social Internet of Things Environments Sensors, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Truong NB, Sun K, Lee GM, Guo Y. 2019. GDPR-Compliant Personal Data Management: A Blockchain-based Solution IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 15 :1746-1751 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Jayasinghe U, Lee G, MacDermott, Á, Rhee WS. 2019. TrustChain: A Privacy Preserving Blockchain with Edge Computing Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Alfoudi ASD, Shah Newaz SH, Otebolaku A, Lee G, Pereira R. 2019. An Efficient Resource Management Mechanism for Network Slicing in a LTE Network IEEE Access, 7 :89441-89457 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Chen Y, Guizani M, Zhang Y, Wang L, Crespi N, Lee GM, Wu T. 2019. When Traffic Flow Prediction and Wireless Big Data Analytics Meet IEEE Network, 33 :161-167 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Al-Dahhan R, Shi Q, Lee GM, Kifayat K. 2019. Survey on Revocation in Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption Sensors, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Oh H, Park S, Lee G, Heo H, Choi JK. 2019. Personal Data Trading Scheme for Data Brokers in IoT Data Marketplaces IEEE Access, 7 :40120-40132 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Truong NB, Lee GM, Um TW, MacKay M. 2019. Trust Evaluation Mechanism for User Recruitment in Mobile Crowd-Sensing in the Internet of Things IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 14 :2705-2719 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gao X, Lee GM. 2019. Moment-based rental prediction for bicycle-sharing transportation systems using a hybrid genetic algorithm and machine learning Computers & Industrial Engineering, 128 :60-69 DOI Publisher Url

Kim S, Shin Y, Lee GM, Moon I. 2018. Network repair crew scheduling for short-term disasters Applied Mathematical Modelling, 64 :510-523 DOI Publisher Url

Gu J, Zhou Y, Das A, Moon I, Lee GM. 2018. Medical relief shelter location problem with patient severity under a limited relief budget Computers & Industrial Engineering, 125 :720-728 DOI Publisher Url

Tuladhar UM, Lee GM, Ahn S. 2018. A novel coarse-to-fine registration approach for aligning partially overlapped 3D scanned data International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 31 :718-726 DOI Publisher Url

Kim S, Shin Y, Lee GM, Moon I. 2018. Early stage response problem for post-disaster incidents Engineering Optimization, 50 :1198-1211 DOI Publisher Url

Zhou Y, Lee GM. 2018. Linking soft computing to art: introduction of efficient k-continuous line drawing Applied Soft Computing, 68 :932-943 DOI Publisher Url

Rahman FH, Au TW, Shah Newaz SH, Suhaili WS, Lee GM. 2018. Find My Trustworthy Fogs: A Fuzzy-based Trust Evaluation Framework Future Generation Computer Systems, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Jayasinghe U, Lee GM, Um TW, Shi Q. 2018. Machine Learning based Trust Computational Model for IoT Services IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 4 :39-52 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Otebolaku AM, Lee GM. 2018. A Framework for Exploiting Internet of Things for Context-Aware Trust-based Personalized Services Mobile Information Systems, :1-24 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Moara-Nkwe K, Shi Q, Lee GM, Eiza MH. 2018. A Novel Physical Layer Secure Key Generation and Refreshment Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks IEEE Access, 6 :11374-11387 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM, Truong NB, Lee H, Askwith RJ. 2017. Toward a Trust Evaluation Mechanism for in the Social Internet of Things Sensors, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Park DY, Lee GM, Kwon Y-S, Oh YJ, Lee S, Jeong M-S, Park SJ. 2017. Investigation of powder size effects on sintering of powder injection moulded 17-4PH stainless steel Powder Metallurgy, 60 :139-148 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2017. Towards a Dynamic Discovery of Smart Services in the Social Internet of Things Computers and Electrical Engineering, 58 :429-443 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2016. On Analyzing User Location Discovery Methods in Smart Homes: A Taxonomy and Survey Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 76 :75-86 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ferrer G, Vastag G, Lee GM. 2016. Supply Chain Decisions in Governmental Organizations Decision Sciences, 47 :995-997 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2016. Strengthening Trust in the Future Social-Cyber-Physical Infrastructure: An ITU-T Perspective IEEE Communications Magazine, 54 :36-42 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2016. Sensor Network-based and User-friendly User Location Discovery for Future Smart Homes Sensors, 16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2016. Early Wake-Up Decision Algorithm for ONUs in TDM-PONs With Sleep Mode Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 8 :308-319 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM, Newaz SHS, Jang MS, Mohammed AFY, Choi JK. 2016. Building an Energy-efficient Uplink and Downlink Delay Aware TDM-PON System Optical Fiber Technology, 29 :34-52 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Tripathy S, Aich S, Chakraborty A, Lee GM. 2016. Information technology is an enabling factor affecting supply chain performance in Indian SMEs Journal of Modelling in Management, 11 :269-287 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM, Chen Y, Shu L, Crespi N. 2016. Industrial Internet of Things based Collaborative Sensing Intelligence: Framework and Research Challenges Sensors, 16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2016. A Survey on Trust Computation in the Internet of Things Information and Communications Magazine, 33 :10-27 Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM, Um TW, Kim J. 2016. SDN-based Active Content Networking International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2016 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Namal S, Gamaarachchi H, Lee GM, Um T-W. 2016. Autonomic Trust Management in Cloud-Based and Highly Dynamic IOT Applications JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS RESEARCH AND MARKETING, 1 :26-32 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM, Hussein D, Han SN, Crespi N. 2015. Social Cloud-based Cognitive Reasoning for Task-oriented Recommendation IEEE Cloud Computing, 2 :10-19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Kwon B, Lee GM. 2015. Spatial scheduling for large assembly blocks in shipbuilding Computers & Industrial Engineering, 89 :203-212 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2015. Performance Analysis of TCP Traffic and Its Influence on ONU’s Energy Saving in Energy Efficient TDM-PON Optical Fiber Technology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2015. A Web-based IPTV Content Syndication System for Personalized Content Guide Journal of Communications Networks, 17 :67-74 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2015. DPWSim: A Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS) Simulator IEEE Internet of Things Journal, :2327-4662 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Kim JY, Lee GM, Choi JK. 2014. Popularity-Based Adaptive Content Delivery Scheme with In-Network Caching ETRI Journal, 36 :819-828 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee GM. 2014. Extending the Devices Profile for Web Services Standard Using a REST Proxy IEEE Internet Computing, 19 :10-17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Newaz SHS, Cuevas Á, Lee GM, Crespi N, Choi JK. 2011. A novel approach for making energy efficient PON Computer Communication Review, 41 :428-429 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. Flow-based admission control algorithm in the Diffserv-aware ATM-based MPLS network ETRI Journal, DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. On teletraffic applications to OBS IEEE Communications Letters, DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. Optical Hybrid Switching – Combined Optical Burst Switching and Optical Circuit Switching Lecture Notes in Computer Science, DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. Flow Classification for IP Differentiated Service in Optical Hybrid Switching Network Lecture Notes in Computer Science, DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. Optical Hybrid Switching using Flow-level Service Classification for IP Differentiated Service Lecture Notes in Computer Science, DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. Shaping Future Service Environments with the Cloud and Internet of Things: Networking Challenges and Service Evolution Lecture Notes in Computer Science, DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. Functional architecture for NGN-based personalized IPTV services IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. A survey of challenging technologies for multimedia services in user-driven ubiquitous networking environment MASAUM Journal of Reviews and Surveys,

Lee GM. Content delivery for personalized IPTV services using peer to peer proxy Journal of Internet Engineering,

Lee GM. Internet of Things: opportunities, challenges, current and future services E-Society Journal: Research and Applications,

Lee GM. A semantic enhanced service exposure model for converged service environment IEEE Communications Magazine, DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. A Study of NetStore-based Dynamic Service Overlay Networks INFORMATION-An International Interdisciplinary Journal,

Lee GM. Improving energy saving in time-division multiplexing passive optical networks IEEE Internet Computing, DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. Standardization of Smart Grid in ITU-T IEEE Communications Magazine, DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. Adaptive delay-aware energy efficient TDM-PON Computer Networks, DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. Efficient multicast schemes using in-network caching for optimal content delivery IEEE Communications Letters, DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. Evaluating energy efficiency of ONUs having multiple power levels in TDM-PONs IEEE Communications Letters, DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. Standardization and challenges of smart ubiquitous networks in ITU-T IEEE Communications Magazine, DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. Semantic context-aware service composition for building automation system IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. Smart ubiquitous networks for future telecommunication environments Computer Standards and Interfaces, DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. Service Composition for IP Smart Object using Realtime Web Protocols: Concept and Research Challenges Computer Standards & Interfaces, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hezam I, Nayeem M, Lee G. A Systematic Literature Review on Mathematical Models of Humanitarian Logistics Symmetry, 13 :11-11 DOI Publisher Url

Zhou Y, Lee G. A Lagrangian Relaxation-Based Solution Method for a Green Vehicle Routing Problem to Minimize Greenhouse Gas Emissions Sustainability, 9 :776-776 DOI Publisher Url

Books (edited)

2024. Selected Papers from the 10th International Conference on E-Business and Applications 2024 Lee G. Springer Singapore. DOI Publisher Url


Ahvar E, Ahvar S, Lee GM. 2023. Artificial Intelligence of Things: Architectures, Applications and Challenges Springer Handbook of Internet of Things :443-462 Springer 978-3-031-39649-6 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Dighriri M, Lee G, Shamsa TB. 2018. Big Data Environment for Smart Healthcare Applications Over 5G Mobile Network Applications of Big Data Analytics Springer International Publishing AG DOI Publisher Url

Gao X, Lee GM. 2018. A Stochastic Programming Model for Multi-commodity Redistribution Planning in Disaster Response IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology :67-78 Springer International Publishing 9783319997032 DOI Publisher Url

Dighriri M, Lee GM, Baker T. 2017. Measurement and Classification of Smart Systems Data Traffic Over 5G Mobile Networks Dastbaz M, Arabnia H, Akhgar B. Technology for Smart Futures Springer International Publishing. 978-3-319-60137-3 Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2014. Internet of Things Evolution of telecommunication services Springer DOI Publisher Url

Chang I, Zhao Y, Dunkley J, Chen GZ, Suryanarayana C, Ivanov E, Chang I, Simchi A, Nojoomi A, Todd I, Sidambe AT, Danninger H, Gierl-Mayer C, Froes FHS, Llorca-Isern N, Goodall R, Danninger H, Gierl-Mayer C, Strobl S, Agrawal D, Selcuk C, Lee GM, Park SJ, Selcuk C, Chawla N, Ramakrishnan P, Bram M, Ebel T, Barbosa APC, Tuncer N, Wolff M, Konstanty J. 2013. Contributor contact details Advances in Powder Metallurgy :xi-xiv Elsevier 9780857094209 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. 2011. The DiY Smart Experiences Project – A European endeavour removing barriers for user-generated Internet of Things applications Architecting the Internet of Things

Roelands M, Plomp J, Mansilla DC, Velasco JR, Salhi I, Lee GM, Crespi N, Santos FVD, Vachaudez J, Bettens F, Hanqc J, Valderrama C, Menezes N, Girardi A, Ricco X, Lopez-Ramos M, Dumont N, Corredor I, Familiar MS, Martínez JF, Hernández V, Roeck DD, van Nimwegen C, Bastida L, Escalante M, Alonso J, Reul Q, Tang Y, Meersman R. 2011. The DiY Smart Experiences Project Architecting the Internet of Things :279-315 Springer Berlin Heidelberg 9783642191565 DOI Publisher Url

Lee GM. Measuring and Classification of Smart Systems Data Traffic Over 5G Mobile Networks Technology and Smart Futures Springer DOI Publisher Url


Truong N, Lee GM, Sun K, Guitton F, Guo Y. 2021. A Blockchain-based Trust System for Decentralised Applications: When trustless needs trust arXiv DOI

Dighriri M, Otebolaku A, Alfoudi A, Lee GM. 2020. Slice Allocation Management Model in 5G Networks for IoT Services with Reliable Low Latency MDPI AG DOI Publisher Url

Truong NB, Sun K, Lee GM, Guo Y. 2019. GDPR-Compliant Personal Data Management: A Blockchain-based Solution arXiv DOI

Truong NB, Lee GM, Um T-W, Mackay M. 2019. Trust Evaluation Mechanism for User Recruitment in Mobile Crowd-Sensing in the Internet of Things arXiv DOI

Chen Y, Guizani M, Zhang Y, Wang L, Crespi N, Lee GM. 2017. When Traffic Flow Prediction Meets Wireless Big Data Analytics arXiv DOI

Cao QH, Khan I, Farahbakhsh R, Madhusudan G, Lee GM, Crespi N. 2016. A Trust Model for Data Sharing in Smart Cities arXiv DOI

Chen Y, Crespi N, Lee GM. 2015. Reality Mining with Mobile Big Data: Understanding the Impact of Network Structure on Propagation Dynamics arXiv DOI

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Senior Member, IEEE, IEEE Communications Society,
