Image of Dr Mark Taylor

Dr Mark Taylor

School of Computer Science and Mathematics

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Mark graduated from the University of Warwick in 1984 with a degree in Mathematics. He worked as a Computer Systems Designer for the TI Group (now part of the Smiths Group) for three years. He then worked for 5 years as a Senior Analyst Programmer at Royal Insurance UK (now Royal Sun Alliance) before joining Liverpool John Moores University in 1992 as a Senior Lecturer in Information Systems.

He completed a PhD at Salford University in 1999 in Methodologies and Software Maintenance. He also completed a PG Cert in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education in 1999 at Liverpool John Moores University, and later completed a Masters in Education (including special educational needs) at Liverpool John Moores University in 2004.

Mark has produced over 100 publications including journal papers, conference papers, papers in books, and professional publications in the computing field. During his time at LJMU he has initiated seven Knowledge Transfer Projects funded by the UK Technology Strategy Board and the UK Department of Trade and Industry, and has received research funding from the UK Department of Communities and Local Government, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, and The Mersey Sports Partnership.

Mark is a Chartered IT Professional, a Chartered Engineer, a Chartered Scientist, a Fellow of the British Computer Society, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and an examiner for the British Computer Society


2004, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, MA
1999, University of Salford, United Kingdom, PhD
1999, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PG Cert Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
1984, University of Warwick, United Kingdom, BSc


British Computer Society, UK, Chartered Fellow
Engineering Council, UK, Chartered Engineer
Science Council, UK, Chartered Scientist
British Computer Society, United Kingdom, Chartered IT Professional

Academic appointments

BCS examiner, Examinations, British Computer Society, 2001 - present
Senior Lecturer, Computing, Liverpool John Moores University, 1992 - present
Part time lecturer, Accounting, West Cheshire College, 1989 - 1993

Journal article

Taylor M, Thomas M, Reilly D, Francis H. 2025. Control theory and fire injury prevention Safety and Reliability, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor M, Fielding J, O'Boyle J. 2024. Electrical Home Fire Injuries Analysis Fire, 7 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Tang S, Dean E, Fielding J, Mann J, Taylor M, Devereux G, Hindle L. 2024. Epidemiology of dwelling fires in England 2010-2023 Fire Safety Journal, 151 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor M, Dean E, Reilly D, Francis H. 2024. Road casualties analysis Safety and Reliability, :1-15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor M, Fielding J, Reilly D, Kwasnica V. 2024. A Bayesian analysis of domestic fire response and fire injury Fire Safety Journal, 150 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor M, Francis H, Fielding J, Jarman I, Etchells T. 2024. A chaos theory view of accidental dwelling fire injuries Fire and Materials, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Francis H, Fielding J, Dean E. 2024. A catastrophe theory view of accidental dwelling fire injuries International Journal of Emergency Services, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Francis H, Taylor M, Fielding J, Oakford G, Appleton D. 2023. A comparison of fire injuries during and pre-COVID-19 restrictions Fire Safety Journal, 143 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor M, Fielding J, Francis H, Reilly D. 2023. An analysis of cooking fire injuries 2011 to 2022 in Merseyside UK Fire Safety Journal, 143 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor M, Francis H, Fielding J. 2023. An analysis of domestic fire smoke/toxic fumes inhalation injuries Fire Technology, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor M, Francis H, Fielding J. 2023. Old age and fire injury Journal of Fire Sciences, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Reilly D, Taylor M, Fergus P, Chalmers C, Thompson S. 2022. The Categorical Data Conundrum: Heuristics for Classification Problems A Case Study on Domestic Fire Injuries IEEE Access, 10 :70113-70125 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Francis H, Oakford G, Appleton D, Fielding J. 2022. Deprivation and fire injury Systems Research and Behavioral Science, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Oakford G, Appleton D, Fielding J. 2022. Fire prevention targeting by Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service Fire Technology, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Appleton D, Fielding J, Oakford G. 2022. An exploration of alcohol and drug related fire injuries International Journal of Emergency Services, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Appleton D, Fielding J, Oakford G. 2021. An exploration of householder injuries sustained fighting dwelling fires Fire Safety Journal, 127 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Appleton D, Fielding J, Oakford G. 2021. Fire injury analysis Fire and Materials, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Hegarty R. 2021. Digital evidence in fog computing systems Computer Law and Security Review, 41 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Al-Khafajiy M, Otoum S, Baker T, Asim M, Maamar Z, Aloqaily M, Taylor MJ, Randles M. 2021. Intelligent Control and Security of Fog Resources in Healthcare Systems via a Cognitive Fog Model ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 21 :1-23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Reilly D, Taylor MJ, Fergus P, Chalmers C, Thompson S. 2021. Misper-Bayes: A Bayesian Network Model for Missing Person Investigations IEEE Access, 9 :49990-50000 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Appleton D, Oakford G, Fielding J. 2021. Population trends and fire prevention in Merseyside UK Fire Technology, 57 :1783-1802 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Al-Khafajiy M, Baker T, Asim M, Guo Z, Ranjan R, Longo A, Puthal D, Taylor MJ. 2019. COMITMENT: A Fog Computing Trust Management Approach Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 137 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Kwasnica V, Reilly D, Ravindran S. 2019. Game theory modelling of retail marketing discount strategies Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 37 :555-566 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Appleton D, Keen G, Fielding J. 2019. Assessing the effectiveness of fire prevention strategies Public Money and Management, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Reilly D, Wren C. 2018. Internet of things support for marketing activities Journal of Strategic Marketing, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Baskett M, Reilly D, Ravindran S. 2017. Game theory for computer games design Games and Culture, 14 :843-855 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Baskett M, Allen M, Francis H, Kifayat K. 2017. Animation as an aid to support the teaching of cyber security concepts Innovations in Education and Teaching International, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Reilly D. 2017. Knowledge representation for missing persons investigations Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 19 :138-150 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Dean E, Taylor MJ, Reilly D. 2017. Keeping an Eye Fire Risk Management Journal, Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Reilly D, Lempereur B. 2017. An access control management protocol for Internet of things devices Network Security, 2017 :11-17 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Dean E, Taylor MJ, Reilly D. 2017. Internet of Things cooking safety Fire Risk Management Journal, :19-22 Public Url

Taylor MJ, Dean E, Francis H, Appleton D, Jones M. 2017. An exploration of alcohol related fire incidences Journal of Risk Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Turnbull Y, Bleasdale J, Francis H, Forsyth H. 2017. Transforming support for students with disabilities in UK Higher Education Support for Learning, 31 :367-384 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Appleton D, Jones M, Dean E, Taylor MJ. 2016. You’ll never walk alone: Community fire risk profiling Fire & Risk Management, 2016 Publisher Url Public Url

Dean E, Taylor MJ, Francis H, Lisboa P, Appleton D, Jones M. 2016. A methodological framework for geographic information systems development Systems Research and Behavioral Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Haggerty J, Gresty D, Wren C, Berry T. 2016. Avoiding the misuse of social media by employees Network Security, 2016 :8-11 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Haggerty J, Gresty D, Criado N, Almond P, Berry T. 2015. Investigating employee harassment via social media Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 17 :322-335 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Higgins E, Francis H. 2015. A Systemic Approach to Multi-agency Community Safety SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE, 32 :344-357 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Higgins E, Lisboa P, Jarman I, Hussain A. 2015. Community fire prevention via population segmentation modelling Community Development Journal, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Taylor MJ, Haggerty J, Gresty D, Almond P, Berry T. 2014. Forensic investigation of social networking applications Network Security, :9-16 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Haggerty J, Haggerty S, Taylor M. 2014. Forensic triage of email network narratives through visualisation Information Management and Computer Security, 22 :358-370 DOI Publisher Url

Higgins E, Taylor M, Jones M, Lisboa PJG. 2013. Understanding community fire risk-A spatial model for targeting fire prevention activities FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL, 62 :20-29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Taylor M, Higgins E, Lisboa P. 2012. Testing geographical information systems: A case study in a fire prevention support system Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 14 :184-199 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor MJ, Hughes G, Haggerty J, Gresty D, Almond P. 2012. Digital evidence from mobile telephone applications Computer Law and Security Review, 28 :335-339 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Fergus P, Taylor M, Merabti M, Haggerty J, Bracegirdle L. 2011. Expanding tele-care: Using motion sensors for monitoring purposes Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering, DeSE 2011, :19-23 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor M, Haggerty J, Gresty D, Berry T. 2011. Digital evidence from peer-to-peer networks COMPUTER LAW & SECURITY REVIEW, 27 :647-652 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Taylor M, Haggerty J, Gresty D, Lamb D. 2011. Forensic investigation of cloud computing systems Network Security, 2011 :4-10 DOI Publisher Url

Fergus P, Taylor M, Haggerty J, Bracegirdle L, Merabti M. 2010. Next generation body area networks and smart environments for healthcare :46-74 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor M, Haggerty J, Gresty D, Fergus P. 2010. Forensic investigation of peer-to-peer networks Network Security, 2010 :12-15 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor M, Baskett M, Wren C. 2010. Managing the transition to university for disabled students Education and Training, 52 :165-175 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor M, Baskett M. 2009. The science and art of computer games development for undergraduate students ACM Computers in Entertainment, 7 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor M, Haggerty J, Gresty D. 2009. The Legal Aspects of Corporate E-mail Investigations Computer Law and Security Review, 25 :372-376 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor MJ, Jones RP, Haggerty J, Gresty D. 2009. Teaching information technology law Journal of Further and Higher Education, 33 :473-481 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor M, Pountney D, Malabar I. 2007. Animation as an aid for the teaching of mathematical concepts Journal of Further and Higher Education, 31 :249-261 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor M, Gresty D, Baskett M. 2006. Computer Game Flow Design ACM Computers in Entertainment, 4 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor M. 2005. The Development of the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator role in a HE setting Journal of Support for Learning, 20 :22-27 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor M, Sainz Salces F, Duffy S. 2005. Teaching website design: science or art? Journal of Further and Higher Education, 29 :331-340 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor M. 2004. Security Maintenance Computer Bulletin, 46 :5-6

Taylor M, Moynihan E, McWilliam J, Gresty D. 2004. Teaching business IT Ethics: a Professional Approach Active Learning in Higher Education, 5 :43-55 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor M, McWilliam J, England D, Akomode J. 2004. Skills required in developing electronic commerce for small and medium enterprises: Case based generalization approach Journal of Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 3 :253-265 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor MJ, Moynihan E. 2002. Analysing IT ethics SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE, 19 :49-60 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Taylor M. 2002. Developing maintainable electronic commerce systems Computer Bulletin, 4 :26-27

Taylor M. 2002. Maintaining e-commerce Computer Bulletin (London, 1986), 44 :26-27 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor M, McWilliam J. 2000. Netting 21st Century Customers Professional Manager, 9 :41-42

Taylor M, Moynihan E, WoodHarper T. 1997. Knowledge for software maintenance JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 12 :155-166 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Moynihan E, Taylor M. 1997. Payroll Futures Payroll Managers Review, 1997 :94-95

Taylor M, Moynihan E, Wood-Harper T, Taylor MJ. 1997. Knowledge for software maintenance Journal of Information Technology, 12 :155-166 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor M, Moynihan E, Wood-Harper AT. 1996. The use of systems development methodologies in small I.T. departments Systemist, 18 :33-40

Taylor M. 1995. Using screen flow diagrams for graphical user interface design Computing,

Moynihan E, Taylor M. 1995. Quality management for payroll administration Payroll Managers Review, 1995

Conference publication

Trongtortam S, Taylor M, Symons A, Francis H, Sudirman S. 2018. Development of a Preliminary Model Guide for Using Mobile Learning Technology in Resource - Limited Primary Schools in Thailand 2018 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENTS IN ESYSTEMS ENGINEERING (DESE 2018), 11th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE) :83-88 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Trongtortam S, Francis H, Taylor M, Sudirman S, Symons A. 2017. The Attitude towards the Use of Mobile Learning Technology Enhanced Teaching Hamdan H, AlJumeily D, Hussain A, Tawfik H, Hind J. 2017 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENTS IN ESYSTEMS ENGINEERING (DESE 2017), 10th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE) :135-138 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Francis H, Taylor MJ, Tuncel M, David Llewellyn Jones D. 2016. Visualdrives Forensic Tool Developments of E-Systems Engineering (DeSE), International Conference on Developments of E-Systems DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Dean E, Taylor MJ, Francis H, Clark A. 2016. An exploration of community and culture related fire injury risks UKAIS Publisher Url Public Url

Francis H, Taylor M, Wren C. 2013. Using Pictorial Representations to Support Teaching LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference

Taylor MJ, Higgins E. 2012. Developing a statistical methodology for improved identification of geographical areas at risk of accidental dwelling fires Geographical Information Science Research UK Conference

Karran A, Haggerty J, Lamb DJ, Taylor M, Llewellyn-Jones D. 2011. A Social Network Discovery Model for Digital Forensics Investigations 6th IEEE Annual Workshop on Digital Forensics and Incident Analysis (WDFIA 2011) Publisher Url

Haggerty J, Lamb DJ, Taylor M. 2009. Social Network Visualization for Forensic Investigation of E-mail WDFIA, 4th IEEE Annual Workshop on Digital Forensics and Incident Analysis

Francis H, Francis H. 2008. Police Operational Planning and Crime Detection Through Adopting an Information Systems Approach International Workshop on Enterprise Information Systems, IEEE DOI Publisher Url

Kinloch P, Francis H, Francis M, Taylor M. 2008. Police Operational Planning and Crime Detection through Adopting an Information Systems Approach IIT: 2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATIONS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology :56-60 Author Url

Haggerty J, Llewellyn-Jones D, Taylor M. 2008. FORWEB: file fingerprinting for automated network forensic investigations e-Forensics Conference 2008 DOI Publisher Url

Taylor M, Haggerty J, Gresty D, Lisboa PJ. 2008. A corporate computer forensic investigation scoping model Advances in Computer Security and Forensics 3 Conference :60-66

Wren C, Haggerty J, Taylor M. 2008. An evaluation of signature-based forensic searches for malicious digital pictures Advances in Computer Security and Forensics 3 Conference :15-20

Francis H, Kinloch P, Taylor M, Francis M. 2007. Supporting Crime Detection and Operational Planning in Police Operations CBS KTU Trabzon, Turkey.

Taylor M, Haggerty J, Gresty D. 2007. Criminal offences and corporate computer forensics Advances in Computer Security and Forensic 2 :27-31

Taylor M, Thompson R, Murtada A, Al-Jumeily D. 2007. A cybernetic model of new product development GERI Symposium

Evangelidis A, Akomode J, Taleb-Bendiab A, Taylor M. 2002. Risk assessment & success factors for e-Government in a UK establishment Traumuller R, Lenk K. ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT, PROCEEDINGS, 1st International Conference on Electronic Government (EGOV 2002) 2456 :395-402 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Taylor M, McWilliam J, Wade S, Anacoura W. 2002. A user centred website development approach IFIP e-Business challenge :171-184 DOI Publisher Url

Akomode J, Taleb-Bendiab A, Evangelidis A, Taylor M. 2002. UML approach to risk modelling for eGovernment European Conference on E-Government

Mulhaney A, Sheehan J, Taylor M. 2001. Closing the gap between theory and practice Business Education Support Team Conference: Maintainig Quality in Changing Times Publisher Url

McWilliam J, Taylor M, Gresty D, Sheehan J. 2001. Legal Issues in Website Deployment eContent Knowledge Management and Personalisation Workshop 2001 Publisher Url

Moynihan E, Laws A, Taylor M, Wade S. 2000. The ageing and death of business systems and software: a theorectical investigation BIT 2000 :35-42

Taylor M, McWilliam J, Duffy S. 2000. Developing an electronic commerce strategy for an SME BIT Conference

Taylor M, McWilliam J, Sheehan J, Mulhaney A. 2000. A website development process in the SME environment Gemisis Conference :138-143

Taylor M, Reading M, Sheehan J, Mulhaney A. 2000. A network development approach for small scale networks BIT 2000

Ding A, Taylor M. 2000. Adoption of information systems methodologies for web-based business systems implementation BIT 2000

Taylor M, Moynihan E, Laws A. 1999. Software maintenance teaching at Liverpool John Moores University International Conference on Software Maintenance 1999 Workshop on the Teaching of Software Engineering from a Maintenance Perspective :16-21

Taylor MJ, Moynihan EP, Akomode OJ. 1999. Supporting the end user computing process WoodHarper AT, Jayaratna N, Wood JRG. METHODOLOGIES FOR DEVELOPING AND MANAGING EMERGING TECHNOLOGY BASED INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 6th International Conference of the British-Computer-Society Specialist Group on Information Systems Methodologies :331-341 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Taylor M, Moynihan E, Ding A. 1999. Socio-technical aspects of software maintenance BIT 1999

Taylor M, Jackson C, Laws A, Ding A. 1999. A Survey of year 2000 comlpiance strategies BIT 1999

Moynihan E, Taylor M. 1998. A historical view of business systems maintenance BCS International Conference on Information Systems Methodologies

Akomode J, Taylor M. 1998. Evaluating risk and quality elements through an IT system to support decision making for new products BIT 1998

Taylor M, Moynihan E, Whiteley K. 1997. Formal approaches to software development and maintenance: how education and training might expland their use BCS Annual Conference on Methodologies :201-210

Moynihan E, Taylor M. 1997. Business systems development: human resource management and education BCS Annual Conference on Methodologies :97-108

Manderson R, Moynihan E, Taylor M. 1997. Software quality improvement through education in change management BCS International Conference on Software Process Improvement

Laws A, Moynihan E, Taylor M. 1997. Away from methodologies and back to standards: a forgotten approach to improving IT quality International Conference on Software Quality :29-37

Manderson R, Moynihan E, Taylor M. 1997. Improving software quality through education in change management International Conference on Software Quality :97-108

Moynihan E, Taylor M. 1997. Research into improving the development and maintenance of business systems Software Engineering Workshop :23-25

Taylor M, Moynihan E, Duffy S. 1996. The problems of systems maintenance management BCS Conference on Methodologies 1996

Moynihan E, Taylor M. 1996. A comparative examination of historical and current business systems development BCS Conference on Methodologies

Taylor M, Moynihan E. 1995. What causes software projects to fail BCS ISM Conference :301-309

Taylor M, Rogers A. 1995. From SSM to OOA Advances in Computer Cybernetics :25-29

Taylor M, Moynihan E. 1995. The evolution of systems methodologies and why they are sometimes not used BCS ISM Conference :249-261

Taylor M, Wade S. 1995. Systems maintenance and information strategy planning IEEE International Conference on Re-Technologies for Information Systems 1995 :129-133

Sarshar M, Wade S, Taylor M. 1995. Towards and analysis and design methodology for multi-media environments Lasker G. Advances in database and expert systems :176-180

Moynihan E, Taylor M, Wade S. 1995. Continual innovation and renovation with business systems IEEE International Conference on Re-technologies for information sysetms :187-197

Taylor M, Moynihan E. 1995. Approaches for teachingthe modelling of complex business functions using object oriented techniques Tattoo 1995

SHELTON JA, BROOKS P, MOYNIHAN E, TAYLOR M. 1994. IONIA - INVESTIGATING SYSTEMS-ANALYSIS AND THE DESIGN OF INFORMATION-SYSTEMS Robertson SA. CONTEMPORARY ERGONOMICS 1994: ERGONOMICS FOR ALL, Ergonomics-Societys 1994 Annual Conference - Contemporary Ergonomics 1994: Ergonomics for All :52-57 Author Url

Taylor M, Ramachandran M. 1994. The Reuse of Methods IEEE, IEEE Euromicro 1994 :459-462 DOI Publisher Url

Ramachandran M. 1994. Requirements for object oriented analysis methods BCS Information Systems Methodologies Conference :217-221

Shelton A, Brookes P, Moynihan E, Taylor M. 1994. Asking users? Investigating systems analysis and the design of information systems Ergonomics society conference

Taylor M, Sarshar M, Moynihan E, Ramachandran M. 1994. Objects and the real world Tatto 1994

Sarshar M, Pountney D, Taylor M, Ng E. 1994. Intelligent multimedia learning system in the domian of object oriented analysis Tattoo 1994

Taylor M, Ramachandra M. 1993. Towards a practical object-oriented design paradigm BCS ISM :485-496


Fergus P, Haggerty J, Taylor M, Bracegirdle L. 2011. Towards a Whole Body Sensing Platform for Healthcare Applications Human-Computer Interaction Series :135-149 Springer London 9780857294326 DOI Publisher Url

Evangelidis A, Akomode J, Taleb-Bendiab A, Taylor M. Risk Assessment & Success Factors for e-Government in a UK Establishment Lecture Notes in Computer Science :395-402 Springer Berlin Heidelberg 9783540441212 DOI Publisher Url

Books (authored)

Taylor M. 1997. Managing systems maintenance Financial Times/Prentice Hall 9780273632153

Research Grants Awarded:

Innovate UK / AMF Precision Engineering Limited, KTP11965, Rob Darlington, Grant value (£): 180,000, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2019

Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, On-line patient self-reporting of health status project, P. Lisboa, M. Taylor, A. Laws, Grant value (£): £10,000, Duration of research project: 2011-2012.

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, Customer Insight Project, Grant value (£): £44,000, Duration of research project: 2012 - 2013.

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, Web-Based GIS for analysis of house fires, M. Francis, H. Francis, M. Taylor, Grant value (£): £16,000, Duration of research project: 2007-2008.

Sports Partnership Merseyside, General Urban Sport Simulator Geographic Information System for analysis of participation in sports activity, M. Francis, H. Francis, M. Taylor, Grant value (£): £16,000, Duration of research project: 2008-2009.

UK Department of Communities and Local Government, Fire incident reduction partnership project, Grant value (£): £77,716, Duration of research project: 2010 – 2012.

UK Department of Trade and Industry / Chequespread, Knowledge Transfer Project, E. Moynihan, J. Sheehan, A. Mulvaney, M. Taylor, Grant value (£): £154,000, Duration of research project: 1999 - 2001.

UK Department of Trade and Industry / EPSRC / Bridisco, Knowledge Transfer Project, Grant value (£): £93,000, Duration of research project: 2006 – 2008.

UK Department of Trade and Industry / Outdoormegastore, Knowledge Transfer Project, M. Taylor, M. Hanneghan, Grant value (£): £94,000, Duration of research project: 2001 – 2003.

UK Department of Trade and Industry / Shipping Services Ltd, Knowledge Transfer Project, Grant value (£): £80,000, Duration of research project: 1996-1998.

UK Department of Trade and Industry / The Mersey Partnership, Knowledge Transfer Project, Grant value (£): £94,000, Duration of research project: 2001-2003.

UK Departmnet of Trade and Industry / Morrisons Ltd, Knowledge Transfer Project, J. Sheehan, A. Mulvaney, M. Taylor, Grant value (£): £77,000, Duration of research project: 1999-2001.

UK Technology Strategy Board / Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, Fire Risk Modelling, M. Francis, H. Francis, M. Taylor, Grant value (£): £83,000, Duration of research project: 2009 – 2010.

UKAIS, Cultural practices and accidental dwelling fire risk project, M. Taylor, H. Francis, Grant value (£): £2000, Duration of research project: 2015 – 2016.

Membership of professional bodies:

Member, Operational Research Society. 2018

Chartered Engineer, Engineering Council.

Chartered IT Professional, British Computer Society.

Chartered Scientist, Science Council.

External committees:

British Computer Society Panel of Examiners, British Computer Society, Examiner.


Chartered Fellow, Britsh Computer Society.

Fellow, UK Higher Education Academy.
