Dr Martin Randles
School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: M.J.Randles@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2641
I am a Principal Lecturer and Programme Leader for Computer Science here in the School of Computer Science and Mathematics at Liverpool John Moores University. I completed my PhD, in 2007, under the supervision of Professor Taleb-Bendiab. My research interests lie in the area of creating truly autonomous computer systems: This means not just systems that react to events/stimuli based on well defined, predefined rule sets but also systems that can assign intrinsic meaning to their observations and actions. I am a member of the Computer Games Research Group and the Applied Computing Research Group. I, also, supervise a number of PhD students, in the areas of Autonomous Systems, e-Government and Critical Infrastructure Protection.
2007, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
1983, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, BSc Honours Mathematics
Academic appointments
Principal Lecturer, School of Computing, Liverpool John Moores University, 2009 - present
Journal article
Al-Khafajiy M, Otoum S, Baker T, Asim M, Maamar Z, Aloqaily M, Taylor MJ, Randles M. 2021. Intelligent Control and Security of Fog Resources in Healthcare Systems via a Cognitive Fog Model ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 21 :1-23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bhih A, Johnson P, Randles M. 2019. Decentralized iterative approaches for community clustering in the networks Journal of Supercomputing, 75 :4894-4917 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kendrick P, Criado N, Hussain A, Randles M. 2018. A Self-Organising Multi-Agent System For Decentralised Forensic Investigations Expert Systems with Applications, 102 :12-26 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bhih A, Johnson P, Randles M. 2015. EM Clustering Approach for Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Big Data Set International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 4 :553-557 Publisher Url Public Url
Iram S, Fergus P, Jumeily DA, Hussain A, Randles M. 2015. A classifier fusion strategy to improve the early detection of neurodegenerative diseases International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 5 :23-23 DOI Publisher Url
Kurdi R, Randles M. 2014. Proposed Design for an E-government Web Portal Application using Cloud Computing Hussain A, AlJumeily D, Radi N, Tawk H, Radvan R. 2013 SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENTS IN ESYSTEMS ENGINEERING (DESE), :317-322 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Randles M, Lamb D, Attwood A. 2014. Agents' MonitoringApproach for Big Data Hussain A, AlJumeily D, Radi N, Tawk H, Radvan R. 2013 SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENTS IN ESYSTEMS ENGINEERING (DESE), :192-197 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al-Askar H, Lamb DJ, Hussain A, Al-Jumeily D, Randles M, Fergus P. 2013. Predicting Financial Time Series Data Using Artificial Immune System-Inspired Neural Networks International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, DOI Publisher Url
Baker T, Mackay M, Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2013. Intention-oriented programming support for runtime adaptive autonomic cloud-based applications Computers and Electrical Engineering, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Reina D, Johnson P, Randles M, Barrero F, Toral S. 2012. Dynamic communication architecture for intelligent rail network governance 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition, EPE-PEMC 2012 ECCE Europe, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fergus P, Iram S, Al-Jumeily D, Randles M, Attwood A. 2012. Home-Based Health Monitoring and Measurement for Personalised Healthcare JOURNAL OF MEDICAL IMAGING AND HEALTH INFORMATICS, 2 :35-43 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fergus P, Attwood A, Dobbins C, Stratton G, Hussain A, Al-Jumeily D, Randles M. 2012. Monitoring and measuring physical activity and sedentary behaviour International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 13 :283-303 DOI Publisher Url
Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2011. Monitoring and observation for large scale complex systems using network graphs Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering, DeSE 2011, :535-540 DOI Publisher Url
Randles M, Lamb D, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2010. A comparative study into distributed load balancing algorithms for cloud computing 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, WAINA 2010, :551-556 DOI Publisher Url
Lamb D, Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2010. Global observation for distributed autonomic networks Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference and Workshop on Engineering of Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, EASe 2010, :79-88 DOI Publisher Url
Randles M, Lamb D, Odat E, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2010. Distributed redundancy and robustness in complex systems Journal of Computer and System Sciences, In Press, Corrected Proof :--- DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lamb DJ, Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2009. Scalability Concerns in Runtime Observation for Autonomic Cloud Service Management International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications, 5 :369-381
Randles M, Lamb D, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2009. Autonomic provisioning for mobile commerce Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 201 :71-80 DOI Publisher Url
Randles M, Lamb D, Taleb-Bendlkb A. 2008. Autonomic Monitoring in Large-Scale Digital Ecosystems via Self-Organisation 2008 2ND IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL ECOSYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, :77-82 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lamb DJ, Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2007. Software Engineering Concerns in Observing Networks of Autonomic Systems System and Information Sciences Notes Journal, 2 :101-104
Miseldine P, Taleb-Bendiab A, England D, Randles M. 2007. Addressing the need for adaptable decision processes within healthcare software. Med Inform Internet Med, 32 :35-41 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Miseldine P, Taleb-Bendiab A, England D, Randles M. 2007. Addressing the need for adaptable decision processes within healthcare software Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine, 32 :35-41 DOI
Randles M, Zhu H, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2007. A Formal Approach to the Engineering of Emergence and its Recurrence Proc. of EEDAS, 2007
Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A, Miseldine P. 2006. Addressing the signal grounding problem for autonomic systems 2006 International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, ICAS'06, DOI Publisher Url
Randles M, Abu-Rahmeh O, Johnson P, Taleb-Bendiab A. Biased random walks on resource network graphs for load balancing The Journal of Supercomputing, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Touray B, Johnson P, Randles M. Biased Random Energy-Efficient Routing Algorithm (BREERA). The International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST),
Bhih A, Johnson P, Randles M. An optimisation tool for robust community detection algorithms using content and topology information Journal of Supercomputing, 76 :226-254 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Nguyen QH, Johnson P, Nguyen TT, Randles M. 2019. A novel architecture using iBeacons for localization and tracking of people within healthcare environment 2019 Global IoT Summit (GIoTS), Global IoT Summit DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mahyoub M, Randles M, Shamsa T, Yang P. 2018. Comparison Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms to Rank Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Factors by Importance Developments in E-systems Engineering (DeSE) DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mahyoub M, Randles M, Baker T, Yang P. 2018. Effective Use of Data Science Toward Early Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease The 16th IEEE International Conference on Smart City (SmartCity-2018) DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Nguyen QH, Johnson P, Nguyen TT, Randles M. 2018. Optimized Indoor Positioning for static mode smart devices using BLE Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2017 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on, 28th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Randles M, Johnson P, Hussain A. 2017. Internet of Things Eco-Systems: Assured Interactivity of Devices and Data Through Cloud Based Team Work International Conference Proceedings Series, Second International conference on Internet of Things, Data and Cloud Computing (ICC'17) DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kendrick P, Randles M, Hussain A, Criado N. 2017. Multi-Agent Systems for Scalable Internet of Things Security Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Internet of things, Data and Cloud Computing, The second International Conference on Internet of Things, Data and Cloud Computing (ICC 2017) DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kendrick P, Hussain A, Criado N, Randles M. 2017. Selecting Scalable Network Features for Infiltration Detection Hamdan H, AlJumeily D, Hussain A, Tawfik H, Hind J. 2017 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENTS IN ESYSTEMS ENGINEERING (DESE 2017), 10th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE) :88-93 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
BHIH A, Johnson P, Randles M. 2016. Diversity in Smartphone Usage International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hashem Eiza M, Randles M, Johnson P, Shone N, Pang J, Bhih A. 2015. Rail Internet of Things: An Architectural Platform and Assured Requirements Model 15th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT-2015), 15th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT-2015) :364-370 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Alsrheed F, El Rhalibi A, Randles M, Merabti M. 2014. Intelligent Agents for Automated Cloud Computing Negotiation Essaaidi M, Zaz Y. 2014 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS) :1169-1174 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Baker T, Ngoko Y, Tolosana-Calasanz R, Rana OF, Randles M. 2014. Energy Efficient Cloud Computing Environment Via Autonomic Meta-Director Framework Hussain A, AlJumeily D, Radi N, Tawk H, Radvan R. 2013 SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENTS IN ESYSTEMS ENGINEERING (DESE), Sixth International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE) :198-203 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Baker T, Ngoko Y, Tolosana-Calasanz R, Rana OF, Randles M. 2013. Energy Efficient Cloud Computing Environment via Meta-Director Framework 6th IEEE international Conference on Developments in E-Systems Engineering (DeSE 2013)
Baker T, Taleb-Bendiab A, Randles M, Hussien A. 2012. Understanding elasticity of cloud services compositions Proceedings - 2012 IEEE/ACM 5th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, UCC 2012, :231-232 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Baker T, Taleb-Bendiab A, Randles M, Hussien A. 2012. Understanding Elasticity of Cloud Services Compositions The 5th IEEE/ACM International Coference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC2012)
Baker T, Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2012. Towards the automated engineering of dependable adaptive services Proceedings - 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, CCGrid 2012, :823-828 DOI Publisher Url
Reina D, Johnson P, Barrero F, Toral S. 2012. Optimization of network lifetime through energy-efficient broadcast scheme using dynamic random walk 2012 15TH INTERNATIONAL POWER ELECTRONICS AND MOTION CONTROL CONFERENCE (EPE/PEMC), 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition (EPE-PEMC ECCE Europe) DOI Author Url Publisher Url
England D, Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2011. Designing interaction for the cloud Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, :2453-2456 DOI Publisher Url
Baker T, Taleb-Bendiab A, Randles M, Karam Y. 2010. Support for Adaptive Cloud-Based Applications via Intention Modelling The 3rd International Symposium on Web Services
Randles M, England D, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2010. Task Modelling Using Situation Calculus Task Models and Diagrams for User Interface Design, :103-116 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Baker T, Taleb-Bendiab A, Randles M. 2009. Auditable Intention-Oriented Web Applications using PAA Auditing/Accounting Paradigm Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce (TAMoCo 2009)
Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A, Lamb D. 2009. Scalable Self-Governance using Service Communities as Ambients Zhiang LJ. 2009 IEEE CONGRESS ON SERVICES (SERVICES-1 2009), VOLS 1 AND 2, 4th IEEE Congress on Services :813-820 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
England D, Randles M, Fergus P, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2009. Towards an Advanced Framework for Whole Body Interaction Shumaker R. VIRTUAL AND MIXED REALITY, PROCEEDINGS, 3rd International Conference on Virtual and Mixed Reality held at the HCI International 2009 5622 :32-40 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lamb D, Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2009. Monitoring Autonomic Networks through Signatures of Emergence Sterritt R. SIXTH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP ON THE ENGINEERING OF AUTONOMIC AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS: EASE 2009, 6th IEEE International Workshop on Engineering of Autonomic and Autonomous Systems :56-65 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
England D, Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2009. Runtime user interface design and adaptation BCS HCI, :463-470-463-470 DOI Publisher Url
Baker T, Taleb-Bendiab A, Randles M. 2009. Auditable intention-oriented web applications using PAA auditing/accounting paradigm Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 201 :61-70 DOI Publisher Url
Randles M, Lamb D, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2008. Engineering autonomic systems self-organisation Sterritt R, Bustard DW, Lewis D, Fleck JJ. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ENGINEERING OF AUTONOMIC & AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS (EASE 2008), 5th IEEE International Workshop on Engineering of Autonomic and Autonomous Systems :107-118 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Taleb-Bendiab A, Miseldine P, Randles M, Baker T. 2008. Programming support and governance for process-oriented software autonomy Filipe J, Cordeiro J. WEB INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, 3rd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies 8 :3-18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A, Lamb D. 2008. Cross Layer Dynamics in Self-Organising Service Oriented Architectures Hummel KA, Sterbenz JPG. SELF-ORGANIZING SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, 3rd International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems 5343 :293-298 DOI Author Url
Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2008. A Scalable Governance Model for Autonomic M-Commerce Branki C, Cross B, Diaz G, Langendorfer P, Laux F, Ortiz G, Randles M, TalebBendiab A, Unland R, Wanner G. TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS FOR MOBILE COMMERCE, Conference on Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce (TAMoCo 2008) 169 :141-152 Author Url
Baker T, Taleb-Bendiab A, Randles M. 2008. Support for M-Commerce Software Autonomy Branki C, Cross B, Diaz G, Langendorfer P, Laux F, Ortiz G, Randles M, TalebBendiab A, Unland R, Wanner G. TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS FOR MOBILE COMMERCE, Conference on Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce (TAMoCo 2008) 169 :165-176 Author Url
Lamb DJ, Randles MJ, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2007. An Adaptive Observation Framework for Self-Organising Networks of Autonomic Systems 8th Annual Conference on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking & Broadcasting (PGNET 2007) :296-302
Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A, Miseldine P, Lamb D. 2007. Using signatures of self-organisation for monitoring and influencing large scale autonomic systems Sterritt R, Hinchey MG, Bapty T. FOURTH IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ENGINEERING OF AUTONOMIC & AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, 4th IEEE International Workshop on Engineering of Autonomic and Autonomous Systems :24-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Taleb-Bendiab A, England D, Randles M, Miseldine P, Murphy K. 2006. A principled approach to the design of healthcare systems: Autonomy vs. governance RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, Workshop on Complexity in Design and Engineering 91 :1576-1585 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Miseldine P, Randles M, Lamb DJ, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2006. Towards the Automated Engineering of Autonomic Systems 7th Annual Conference on The Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking & Broadcasting (PGNET 2006) :393-398
Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A, Miseldine P. 2006. Towards scaleable self-governance through situated cognitive systems: Utilising deliberative logic to provide an encompassing epistemic layer SEVENTEENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATABASE AND EXPERT SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS, PROCEEDINGS, 17th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications :114-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A, Miseldine P. 2006. Mind out of programmable matter: Exploring unified models of emergent autonomy Hinchey MG, Rago P, Rash JL, Rouff CA, Sterritt R, Truszkowski W. INNOVATIVE CONCEPTS FOR AUTONOMIC AND AGENT-BASED SYSTEMS, 2nd International Workshop on Radical Agent Concepts 3825 :65-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A, Miseldine P, Laws A. 2005. Adjustable deliberation of self-managing systems Rozenblit J, ONeill T, Peng J. 12TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOPS ON THE ENGINEERING OF COMPUTER-BASED SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, 12th IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems :449-456 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bustard D, Sterritt R, Taleb-Bendiab A, Laws A, Randles M, Keenan F. 2005. Towards a systemic approach to autonomic systems engineering Rozenblit J, ONeill T, Peng J. 12TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOPS ON THE ENGINEERING OF COMPUTER-BASED SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, 12th IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems :465-472 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A, Miseldine P. 2005. A Logical Treatment for the Emergence of Control in Complex Self-Organising Systems Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 135 :3-17
Badr N, Taleb-Bendiab A, Randles M, Reilly D. 2004. Deliberative model for self-adaptation middleware using architectural dependency 15TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON DATABASE AND EXPERT SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS, PROCEEDINGS, 15th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2004) :752-756 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Baker T, Randles MJ, Taleb-Bendiab A. Towards the Automated Engineering of Dependable Adaptive Services 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid) N/A :823-828 DOI
Alsrheed F, El Rhalibi A, Randles M, Merabti M. Automated Service Level Agreement Negotiation for Cloud Robotics The 7th Saudi Students Conference (SSC2014) Publisher Url
Bhih A, Johnson P, Nguyen T, Randles M. Decentralized Iterative Community Clustering Approach (DICCA) 2017 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) :1-7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Baker T, Hussien A, Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A. Supporting Elastic Cloud Computation with Intention Description Language http://www.cms.livjm.ac.uk/pgnet2010/MakeCD/Papers/2010074.pdf, The 11th Annual Conference on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking & Broadcasting Publisher Url
Nguyen QH, Johnson P, Nguyen TT, Randles M. A novel architecture using iBeacons for localization and tracking of people within healthcare environment
Randles M, Johnson P, Radi N. 2016. Chapter 8 Assured Decision and Meta-Governance for Mobile Medical Support Systems Applied Computing in Medicine and Health :166-182 Elsevier DOI
Lamb D, Randles M, Al-Jumeily D. 2013. Recommender Systems: Network Approaches Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments :65-79 Springer 978-3-319-00371-9 DOI Publisher Url
Lamb D, Randles M, Al-Jumeily D. 2013. Recommender Systems: Network Approaches Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies :65-79 Springer International Publishing 9783319003719 DOI Publisher Url
Randles M, Taleb-Bendiab A, Lamb D. 2008. Cross Layer Dynamics in Self-Organising Service Oriented Architectures Lecture Notes in Computer Science :293-298 Springer Berlin Heidelberg 9783540921561 DOI Publisher Url
Randles M, Johnson P, Radi N. Assured Decision and Meta-Governance for Mobile Medical Support Systems Al-Jumeily D. Applied Computing in Medicine and Health DOI Publisher Url
Alharthi S, Johnson P, Randles M. Secure and Energy-Efficient Communication in IoT/CPS Recent Trends in Communication Networks IntechOpen 9781838805067 DOI Publisher Url
Books (authored)
Agudo JE, Branki C, Cross B, Diaz G, Dorloff F-D, Randles MJ, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2009. Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce 9781607500520
Branki C, Taleb-Bendiab A, Randles M. 2008. Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce Ios Pr Inc 9781586038267
Randles MJ. A specification method for the scalable self-governance of complex autonomic systems Public Url