Image of Dr Syed Naqvi

Dr Syed Naqvi

School of Computer Science and Mathematics

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Conference publication

Ebere-Uneze I, Naqvi S. 2024. Using Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security Risk Management for Telecom Industry 4.0 Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2024: The 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security :1-7 DOI Publisher Url

Naqvi S, Williams I, Enderby S, Pollner P, Abel D, Biescas B, Garcia O, Florea M, Potlog C. 2019. Towards Fully Integrated Real-time Detection Framework for Online Contents Analysis - RED-Alert Approach 2019 4TH IEEE EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON SECURITY AND PRIVACY WORKSHOPS (EUROS&PW), 4th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EUROS&P) :257-263 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Naqvi S, Enderby S, Williams I, Asif W, Rajarajan M, Potlog C, Florea M. 2019. Privacy-preserving Social Media Forensic Analysis for Preventive Policing of Online Activities 2019 10TH IFIP INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEW TECHNOLOGIES, MOBILITY AND SECURITY (NTMS), 10th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS) DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Naqvi S, Sommer P, Josephs M. 2019. A Research-Led Practice-Driven Digital Forensic Curriculum to Train Next Generation of Cyber Firefighters Ashmawy AK, Schreiter S. PROCEEDINGS OF 2019 IEEE GLOBAL ENGINEERING EDUCATION CONFERENCE (EDUCON), 10th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) :1204-1211 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Ahmed Y, Naqvi S, Josephs M. 2019. Cybersecurity Metrics for Enhanced Protection of Healthcare IT Systems 2019 13TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MEDICAL INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ISMICT), 13th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT) :201-209 Author Url

Ahmed Y, Naqvi S, Josephs M. 2018. Aggregation of Security Metrics for Decision Making: A Reference Architecture ECSA 2018: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE: COMPANION PROCEEDINGS, 12th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Naqvi S. 2016. Role of Digital Forensics in the Emerging Dimensions of Cybercrime Investigations 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CYBER SITUATIONAL AWARENESS, DATA ANALYTICS AND ASSESSMENT (CYBERSA), International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics And Assessment (CyberSA) Author Url

Massonet P, Naqvi S, Tusa F, Villari M, Latanicki J. 2010. Mitigating Security Threats to Large-Scale Cross Border Virtualization Infrastructures Avresky DR, Diaz M, Bode A, Ciciani B, Dekel E. CLOUD COMPUTING, 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing (CloudComp 2009) 34 :73-82 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Naqvi S, Dallons G, Michot A, Ponsard C. 2010. Assuring Privacy of Medical Records in an Open Collaborative Environment - A Case Study of Walloon Region's eHealth Platform Bezzi M, Duquenoy P, FischerHubner S, Hansen M, Zhang G. PRIVACY AND IDENTITY MANAGEMENT FOR LIFE, 5th IFIP WG 9 2, 9 6/11 7, 11 4, 11 6/PrimeLife International Summer School 320 :146-159 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Naqvi S, Mori P. 2009. Security and Trust Management for Virtual Organisations: GridTrust Approach Ferrari E, Li N, Bertino E, Karabulut Y. TRUST MANAGEMENT III, 3rd IFIP International Conference on Trust Management 300 :306-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Dyrda M, Malawski M, Bubak M, Naqvi S. 2009. Providing Security for MOCCA Component Environment 2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PARALLEL & DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING, VOLS 1-5, 23rd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium :1984-+ Author Url

Naqvi S, Mouton S, Massonet P, Silaghi GC, Battre D, Flovestadt M, Djemame K. 2008. Using SLA based approach to handle sabotage tolerance in the grids Priol T, Vanneschi M. FROM GRIDS TO SERVICE AND PERVASIVE COMPUTING, 10th CoreGRID Symposium 2008 :153-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Naqvi S, Massonet P, Aziz B, Arenas A, Martinelli F, Mori P, Blasi L, Corteses G. 2008. Fine-Grained Continuous Usage Control of Service Based Grids - The GridTrust Approach Mahonen P, Pohl K, Priol T. TOWARDS A SERVICE-BASED INTERNET, 1st European Conference ServiceWave 2008 5377 :242-253 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Naqvi S, Arenas AE, Massonet P. 2008. Deriving policies from grid security requirements model Gorlatch S, Bubak M, Priol T. ACHIEVEMENTS IN EUROPEAN RESEARCH ON GRID SYSTEMS, CoreGRID Integration Workshop 2006 :151-163 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Naqvi S, Massonet P, Latanicki J. 2008. Challenges of Deploying Scalable Virtual Infrastructures - A Security Perspective Krcmarova G, Sojka P. CESNET CONFERENCE 2008-SECURITY, MIDDLEWARE, AND VIRTUALIZATION-GLUE OF FUTURE NETWORKS, CESNET Conference 2008 :57-65 Author Url

Lakhani AD, Yang EY, Matthews B, Johnson I, Naqvi S, Silaghi GC. 2007. Threat analysis and attacks on XtreemOS: A grid-enabled operating system Priol T, Vanneschi M. TOWARDS NEXT GENERATION GRIDS, CoreGRID Symposium :53-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Naqvi S, Poitou O, Massonet P, Arenas A. 2007. Security requirements analysis for large-scale distributed file systems Lehner W, Meyer N, Streit A, Stewart C. Euro-Par 2006 Workshops: Parallel Processing, 12th Euro-Par 2006 Workshops 4375 :49-60 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Naqvi S, Riguidel M. 2007. Security assurances for intelligent complex systems - art. no. 65600L Priddy KL, Ertin E. Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications V, Conference on Intelligent Computing - Theory and Applications V 6560 :L5600-L5600 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Naqvi S, Riguidel M. 2007. Quantum technology and cryptology for information security Donkor EJ, Pirich AR, Brandt HE. QUANTUM INFORMATION AND COMPUTATION V, Conference on Quantum Information and Computation V 6573 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Naqvi S, Massonet P, Arenas A. 2006. Security requirements model for grid data management systems Lopez J. CRITICAL INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURES SECURITY, 1st International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security 4347 :30-41 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Naqvi S, Massonet P, Arenas A. 2006. Scope of forensics in Grid computing - Vision and perspectives Min G, DiMartino B, Yang LT, Guo M, Ruenger G. FRONTIERS OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING AND NETWORKING - ISPA 2006 WORKSHOPS, PROCEEDINGS, ISPA 2006 International Conference 4331 :964-970 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Naqvi S, Riguidel M. 2006. Quantifiable security metrics for large scale heterogeneous systems 2006: 40TH ANNUAL IEEE INTERNATIONAL CARNAHAN CONFERENCES SECURITY TECHNOLOGY, PROCEEDINGS, 40th Annual IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology :209-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Naqvi S. Challenges of Cryptocurrencies Forensics: A Case Study of Investigating, Evidencing and Prosecuting Organised Cybercriminals

Nagunwa T, Naqvi S, Fouad S, Shah H. A Framework of New Hybrid Features for Intelligent Detection of Zero Hour Phishing Websites 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS 2019) DOI Publisher Url


Florea M, Potlog C, Pollner P, Abel D, Garcia O, Bar S, Naqvi S, Asif W. 2019. Complex Project to Develop Real Tools for Identifying and Countering Terrorism: Real-time Early Detection and Alert System for Online Terrorist Content Based on Natural Language Processing, Social Network Analysis, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Event Processing Bernal Bernabe J, Skarmeta A. Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy The European Research Landscape River Publishers Series in Security and Digital Forensics 9788770220880 DOI Publisher Url

Naqvi S. 2011. Designing Efficient Security Services Infrastructure for Virtualization Oriented Architectures Nemati H. Pervasive Information Security and Privacy Developments Trends and Advancements IGI Global 9781616920005

Latanicki J, Massonet P, Naqvi S, Rochwerger B, Villari M. 2010. Scalable Cloud Defenses for Detection, Analysis and Mitigation of DDoS Attacks Tselentis G, Galis A, Gavras A, Krco S, Lotz V, Simperl E, Stiller B, Zahariadis T. Towards the Future Internet Emerging Trends from European Research IOS Press. The Netherlands 9781607505389

Journal article

Naqvi S, Riguidel M, Demeure I. 2005. Security architecture for health grid using ambient intelligence. Methods of information in medicine, 44 :202-206 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Naqvi S. VIPSEC: Virtualized and Pluggable Security Services Architecture for Grids International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP), DOI Publisher Url
