Dr Ava Shahrokhi
School of Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: A.Shahrokhi@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 6158
Dr Ava Shahrokhi is a Senior Lecturer in Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Department of Maritime and Mechanical Engineering of the University of Liverpool John Moores. She has awarded her PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the Amirkabir University in Tehran. Her current research area is on sustainable wind power development including onshore and offshore wind. She previously worked at University of Sheffield as a research fellow on Horizon 2020 project SWIP (see http://www.swipproject.eu). This was a successful project and part of a major project of design, manufacturing and installation of small/medium wind turbine which involved several industrial and academic partners all around the Europe. She is a Charted Engineer and an IMECHE member also a senior member of AIAA (American Institution of Aeronautics and Astronautics).
Major areas of the interest for Dr. Shahrokhi include:
• Wind Turbine Wake Simulation Techniques
• Floating Wind Turbine Design
• Large eddy Simulation (LES) in Wind Resource Assessments
• Turbulence Modelling in CFD
• Wind turbine blade design
• Parallel evaluation and high performance computing in CFD problems
• Aerodynamic optimisation
Current Teaching:
• Engineering Design (Level 6)
• Conventional and Alternative Energy Systems (Level 7)
Journal article
Shahrokhi A, Berthaut-Gerentes J, Ma L, Ingham D, Pourkashanian M. 2023. Large Eddy Simulation Inflow Generation Using Reduced Length Scales for Flows Past Low-Rise Buildings Sustainability (Switzerland), 15 :12786-12786 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shahrokhi A, Noori S. 2018. Favorable plug shape of an aerospike nozzle in design, over and under expansion conditions Journal of Computational and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering, 8 :1-14 DOI
Botha JDM, Shahroki A, Rice H. 2017. An implementation of an aeroacoustic prediction model for broadband noise from a vertical axis wind turbine using a CFD informed methodology Journal of Sound and Vibration, 410 :389-415 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Weller H, Shahrokhi A. 2014. Curl-Free Pressure Gradients over Orography in a Solution of the Fully Compressible Euler Equations with Implicit Treatment of Acoustic and Gravity Waves Monthly Weather Review, 142 :4439-4457 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shahrokhi A, Jahangirian A. 2010. A surrogate assisted evolutionary optimization method with application to the transonic airfoil design ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION, 42 :497-515 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jahangirian A, Shahrokhi A. 2009. Inverse design of transonic airfoils using genetic algorithm and a new parametric shape method INVERSE PROBLEMS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 17 :681-699 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shahrokhi A, Jahangirian A. 2007. Airfoil shape parameterization for optimum Navier-Stokes design with genetic algorithm AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 11 :443-450 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shahrokhi A, Jahangirian A. Effect of Shape Parameterization on Aerodynamic Evolutionary Optimization of Viscous Transonic Airfoils Jast -Tehran-,
Shahrokhi A, Noori S. Flow Field Characteristics of an Aerospike Nozzle Using Different Turbulence Models Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology, 8 :127-133 Publisher Url
Shahrokhi A, Berthaut-Gerentes J, Ma L, Ingham D, Pourkashanian M. 2023. Large Eddy Simulation Inflow Generation Using Reduced Length Scales for Low-Rise Buildings MDPI AG DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Ford J, Loughney S, Blanco-Davis E, Shahrokhi A, Bras AA, Wang J. 2023. Identification of Key Factors in the Decommissioning of Offshore Oil and Gas Installations Proceeding of the 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference, 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference :1608-1615 DOI Publisher Url
Ford JL, Loughney S, Blanco-Davis E, Shahrokhi A, Calder J, Ogilvie D, MacEachern E. 2021. Benchmarking and Compliance in the UK Offshore Decommissioning Hazardous Waste Stream Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2021), Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference :2555-2561 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Botha JDM, Rasam A, Cathain DO, Rice H, Shahrokhi A. 2016. Some noise predictions for small wind turbines Sas P, Moens D, VanDeWalle A. PROCEEDINGS OF ISMA2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NOISE AND VIBRATION ENGINEERING AND USD2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNCERTAINTY IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA) / International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics (USD) :4019-4032 Author Url
Noori S, Shahrokhi A. 2012. The Influence of different Turbulence Models on the Flow Field Characteristics of an Aerospike Nozzle Fan W. MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, PTS 1-7, 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE 2011) 110-116 :437-443 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jahangirian A, Shahrokhi A. 2011. Aerodynamic shape optimization using efficient evolutionary algorithms and unstructured CFD solver COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 10th Institute for Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICFD) Conference 46 :270-276 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shahrokhi A, Noori S. 2010. Survey of the central plug shape of the aerospike nozzle 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference 2010, :469-472
Shahrokhi A, Jahangirian A. 2007. An efficient aerodynamic optimization method using a Genetic Algorithm and a surrogate model Proceedings of the 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 16AFMC, :475-480
Shahrokhi A, Ma L, Ingham D, Pourkashanian M. A Study of the Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Aerodynamics Wind Energy
Shahrokhi A, Bouras I, Ingham D, Ma L, Pourkashanian M. Assessment of Smirnov’s random flow generation on atmospheric boundary layer Wind Europe 2016
Weller H, Shahrokhi A. A mimetic discretisation of the fully compressible Euler equations over Orography with implicit treatment of acoustic and gravity waves 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI)
Shahrokhi A, Jahangirian A. Navier- Stokes Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm and a Flexible Parametric Airfoil Method ERCOFTAC Conference on Design Optimization: Methods and Application
Nazari A, Nejat A, Shahrokhi A. 2021. Investigation of the Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Blade Deformation in a Two-way Fluid Structure Interaction Electric City 2021 Author Url Public Url
Fellowship of Advanced Higher Education (FHEA), Advanced Higher Education UK, https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/. 2022
Membership of professional bodies:
CEng, Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), https://www.imeche.org/. 2019
Senior Member, AIAA (The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics), http://www.aiaa.org/. 2017