Image of Kevin Johnston

Kevin Johnston

School of Engineering

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Employment History

2002 - present
Senior Lecturer, Marketing, Strategy and Media
School of Engineering, Technology and Maritime Operations , Liverpool John Moores University

1992 – 2002
Senior Lecturer, Marketing and Strategy
Derbyshire Business School, University of Derby


• Post Graduate Certificate Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2006)
• Diploma, Chartered Institute of Marketing (1994)
• Masters Business Administration, University of Bradford (1990)
• BA (Hons.) (1987) Computer Science, University of Kent at Canterbury

Professional Membership

• Chartered Institute of Marketing
• Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Journal article

Guo FB, Roberts EE, Zhan X, Johnston K. 2023. Driving renovation: A comparative research project in urban regeneration across cities in China Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 17 :172-189 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Guo FB, Roberts EE, Zhan X, Johnston K. 2021. Consideration of Human-Centered Emotional Design and Cultural Strategy in Urban Regeneration in China Journal of Urban Design, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Jones KO, Johnston K, Robinson C, Bartlett R, Burgess M. 2014. Designing Assessments that Mimic Employment Scenarios, Engage Students and Expand Students' Skills 2014 IEEE FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE (FIE), DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Jones KO, Ellis DL, Otterson P, Bains-Johnston K, Moore TA, Robinson C. 2010. Providing students with assessments that directly relate to their graduate employment ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 471 :388-393 DOI Publisher Url

Johnston K. 2009. Extending the marketing myopia concept to promote strategic agility Journal of Strategic Marketing, 17 :139-148 DOI Publisher Url

Johnston K, Shi J, Dann Z, Barclay I. 2005. Knowledge, power and trust in SME e-based virtual organisations International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 3 :42-59 DOI Publisher Url

McCullough Johnston K. 2001. Why e‐business must evolve beyond market orientation: applying human interaction models to computer‐mediated corporate communications Internet Research, 11 :213-225 DOI Publisher Url

Johnston K, Johal P. 1999. The Internet as a “virtual cultural region”: are extant cultural classification schemes appropriate? Internet Research, 9 :178-186 DOI Publisher Url

Laverick S, Johnston K. 1997. The marketing of a consumer icon: Mini Cooper into Japan ‐ coals to Newcastle? Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 15 :179-184 DOI Publisher Url

Books (authored)

Guo F, Roberts E, Johnston K, Zhan X. 2023. Industrial Regeneration in China: A Project Journey 978-1-3999-3935-5

Chaffey D. 2000. Internet Marketing Strategy, Implementation and Practice Financial Times/Prentice Hall 9780273643098

Conference publication

Ellis DL, jones KO, Otterson PJ, Johnston KM, Moore TA, Robinson C. 2010. Providing students with assessments that directly relate to their graduate employment Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, :388-393 Publisher Url

Research Grants Awarded:

Fang Guo; Jon Spruce, AHRC - Newton Fund, What Aspects of Participatory Design Can Help Urban Revitalisation; in Particular in the Restructuring of Former Industrial Zones in China., Grant value (£): 250,000, Duration of research project: 36 months. 2018
