Image of Dr Princy Johnson

Dr Princy Johnson

School of Engineering

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Dr Princy Johnson has received her PhD from King’s College London. During her tenure at Nortel Networks UK Ltd. she had a patent issued for a novel re-configurable OADM. Her research interests include energy-efficient protocols for wireless sensor and mobile networks and biased random algorithms for resilience in heterogeneous networks and data fields. An avid collaborator and a registered PRINCE2 ® practitioner she has put together a cohesive collaborative team from across Europe and coordinated the consortium through research activities and various UK and EU funding application processes. She is an executive committee member of Rail Research UK Association (RRUKA) since September 2011. She has successfully completed several leadership training including the StellarHE leadership in 2014/15. She has been recognised as a senior fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), UK in 2014.


2000, King's College London, United Kingdom, PhD
1992, Anna University, Chennai, India, M.E.
1986, Bharathiar University, India, B.E.


APMG - International, PRINCE2®

Academic appointments

Reader in Sensors and Data, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - present
Senior Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool John Moores University, 2003 - 2020

Postgraduate training

Research Assistant, United Kingdom, University of Southampton, 2000 - 2000

Journal article

Martinez F, Romaine JB, Johnson P, Cardona A, Millan P. 2025. Novel Fusion Technique for High-Performance Automated Crop edge Detection in Smart Agriculture IEEE Access, 13 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Aranda D, Cordoba A, Johnson P, Viana EPV, Gata PM. 2024. Improving the Calibration of Low-Cost Sensors Using Data Assimilation Sensors, 24 :1-28 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Johnson P, Nguyen QH, Latham D. 2022. Performance evaluation of ROS-based SLAM algorithms for handheld indoor mapping and tracking systems IEEE Sensors Journal, 23 :706-714 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Barrlett Z, Han L, Nguyen TT, Johnson P. 2019. A Novel Online Dynamic Temporal Context Neural Network Framework for the Prediction of Road Traffic Flow IEEE Access, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Bhih A, Johnson P, Randles M. 2019. Decentralized iterative approaches for community clustering in the networks Journal of Supercomputing, 75 :4894-4917 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Barrero F, Toral S, Johnson P, Guenes M, Asimakopoulou E. 2015. Ad Hoc Networks for Disaster Scenarios and/or Threat Detection INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Reina DG, Toral SL, Johnson P, Barrero F. 2015. A survey on probabilistic broadcast schemes for wireless ad hoc networks AD HOC NETWORKS, 25 :263-292 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Bhih A, Johnson P, Randles M. 2015. EM Clustering Approach for Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Big Data Set International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 4 :553-557 Publisher Url Public Url

Ciobanu RI, Reina DG, Dobre C, Toral SL, Johnson P. 2014. JDER: A history-based forwarding scheme for delay tolerant networks using Jaccard distance and encountered ration JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS, 40 :279-291 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Reina DG, Toral SL, Johnson P, Barrero F. 2014. Improving discovery phase of reactive ad hoc routing protocols using Jaccard distance JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, 67 :131-152 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Reina DG, Toral SL, Johnson P, Barrero F. 2013. Hybrid Flooding Scheme for Mobile Wireless Networks IEEE Communications Letters, 17 :592-595 Publisher Url Public Url

Touray B, Lau J, Johnson P. 2013. Clustering-Biased Random Algorithm for Load Balancing (C-BRALB) in wireless sensor networks International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, 12 :18-27 DOI Publisher Url

Gutierrez-Reina D, Toral Marin SL, Johnson P, Barrero F. 2012. An evolutionary computation approach for designing mobile ad hoc networks EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 39 :6838-6845 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Reina DG, Toral SL, Johnson P, Barrero FJ. 2012. Route duration improvement in wireless sensor and actuator networks based on mobility parameters and flooding control EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Reina D, Johnson P, Randles M, Barrero F, Toral S. 2012. Dynamic Communication Architecture for Intelligent Rail Network Governance 2012 15TH INTERNATIONAL POWER ELECTRONICS AND MOTION CONTROL CONFERENCE (EPE/PEMC), DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Reina DG, Toral SL, Jonhson P, Barrero F. 2011. A Reliable Route Selection Scheme Based on Caution Zone and Nodes' Arrival Angle IEEE Communications Letters, 15 :1252-1255 DOI Publisher Url

Rahmeh OA, Johnson P, Taleb-Bendiab A. 2008. A Dynamic Biased Random Sampling Scheme for scalable and reliable Grid Networks The INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 7 :1-10

Rahmeh OA, Johnson P, Lehmann S. 2007. A Fitted Random Sampling Scheme for Load Distribution in Grid Networks The International Journal of Information Technology, 4 :153-158

Randles M, Abu-Rahmeh O, Johnson P, Taleb-Bendiab A. Biased random walks on resource network graphs for load balancing The Journal of Supercomputing, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Barrero F, Toral S, Johnson P, Mesut G, Asimakopoulou E. Ad Hoc Networks for Disaster Scenarios and/or Threat Detection. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks Johnson P. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,

Touray B, Johnson P. Biased random algorithm for load balancing in Wireless Sensor Networks (BRALB) The International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER),

Lafta Y, Johnson P. High performance OFDM systems for digital video broadcasting-terrestrial (DVB-T) The International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC),

Touray B, Johnson P, Randles M. Biased Random Energy-Efficient Routing Algorithm (BREERA). The International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST),

Julian P, Farhadiroushan M, Rogers A. Polarization Switching for Distributed Transverse Stress Sensing in Optical Fibres using the Optical Kerr Effect. Journal of Lightwave Technology.,

Bhih A, Johnson P, Randles M. An optimisation tool for robust community detection algorithms using content and topology information Journal of Supercomputing, 76 :226-254 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Jara Ten Kathen M, Peralta F, Johnson P, Jurado Flores I, Gutiérrez Reina D. AquaFeL-PSO: An informative path planning for water resources monitoring using autonomous surface vehicles based on multi-modal PSO and federated learning Ocean Engineering, 311 :118787-118787 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Pramaita N, Johnson PL. Novel Hybrid Orthogonal Large Set Code Sequence for High Density Wireless Networks IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series, 0 DOI Publisher Url


Jara Ten Kathen M, Peralta F, Johnson P, Jurado Flores I, Gutierrez Reina D. 2023. Performance Evaluation of AquaFeL-PSO Informative Path Planner under Different Contamination Profiles Data Analytics and Computational Intelligence: Novel Models, Algorithms and Applications 132 :405-431 Springer 978-3-031-38324-3 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Jara M, Johnson P, Flores IJ, Gutiérrez D. 2023. Monitoring Peak Pollution Points of Water Resources with Autonomous Surface Vehicles using a PSO-based Informative Path Planner Mobile Robots: Motion Control and Path Planning Studies in Computational Intelligence 1090 :93-125 Springer 9783031265631 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Randles M, Johnson P, Radi N. 2016. Chapter 8 Assured Decision and Meta-Governance for Mobile Medical Support Systems Applied Computing in Medicine and Health :166-182 Elsevier DOI

Randles M, Johnson P, Radi N. Assured Decision and Meta-Governance for Mobile Medical Support Systems Al-Jumeily D. Applied Computing in Medicine and Health DOI Publisher Url

Alharthi S, Johnson P, Randles M. Secure and Energy-Efficient Communication in IoT/CPS Recent Trends in Communication Networks IntechOpen 9781838805067 DOI Publisher Url

Conference publication

Ibrahim DS, Hasson ST, Johnson PA. 2023. Optimizing LEACH routing protocols for WSN: An analysis study AIP Conference Proceedings, 2591 DOI Publisher Url

Ibrahim DS, Hasson ST, Johnson PA. 2022. Selecting an Optimal Cluster Head using PSO Algorithm in WSNs 2022 30th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCOM 2022, DOI Publisher Url

Ibrahim DS, Hasson ST, Johnson PA. 2022. A New Modeling Approach to Process the Sensors Communication based on Their Locations 8th IEEE International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications, ICSIMA 2022, :96-100 DOI Publisher Url

Johnson P, Wood G. 2021. Revaluing enterprise education in the twenty-first century: Unifying learning and teaching, research, and knowledge exchange to thrive and succeed in a changing world. Advance HE Virtual Employability Symposium 2021: 3E's for Wicked Problems (online) :36-40

Bartlett Z, Han L, Nguyen TT, Johnson P. 2019. Prediction of road traffic flow based on deep recurrent neural networks Proceedings - 2019 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, Advanced and Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing and Communications, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation, SmartWorld/UIC/ATC/SCALCOM/IOP/SCI 2019, :102-109 DOI Publisher Url

Nguyen QH, Johnson P, Nguyen TT, Randles M. 2019. A novel architecture using iBeacons for localization and tracking of people within healthcare environment 2019 Global IoT Summit (GIoTS), Global IoT Summit DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Johnson P, Jablokow K. 2019. How do engineering students perceive the importance of creativity within their own leadership development? 126th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition 2019, 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Public Url

Alharthi S, Johnson P, Alharthi M, Jose C. 2019. IoT/CPS Ecosystem for Efficient Electricity Consumption Invited Paper 2019 TENTH INTERNATIONAL GREEN AND SUSTAINABLE COMPUTING CONFERENCE (IGSC), 10th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC) DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Nguyen QH, Johnson P, Nguyen TT, Randles M. 2018. Optimized Indoor Positioning for static mode smart devices using BLE Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2017 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on, 28th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Bartlett Z, Han L, Trung TN, Johnson P. 2018. A Machine Learning Based Approach for the Prediction of Road Traffic Flow on Urbanised Arterial Roads IEEE 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATIONS / IEEE 16TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SMART CITY / IEEE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA SCIENCE AND SYSTEMS (HPCC/SMARTCITY/DSS), 20th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) / 16th IEEE International Conference on Smart City (SmartCity) / 4th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems (DSS) :1285-1292 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Randles M, Johnson P, Hussain A. 2017. Internet of Things Eco-Systems: Assured Interactivity of Devices and Data Through Cloud Based Team Work International Conference Proceedings Series, Second International conference on Internet of Things, Data and Cloud Computing (ICC'17) DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Bartlett R, Jones KO, Johnson P, Robinson C. 2016. Recommendations for the Future Digital Curricula in Computing Education and Training 2020 (FETCH) International Conference on E-Learning e-Learning'16 Proceedings, International Conference on E-Learning e-Learning'16 :108-114

BHIH A, Johnson P, Randles M. 2016. Diversity in Smartphone Usage International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Alharthi SA, Johnson PA. 2016. Threshold Sensitive Heterogeneous LEACH Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks 2016 24TH TELECOMMUNICATIONS FORUM (TELFOR), 24th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR) :148-151 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hashem Eiza M, Randles M, Johnson P, Shone N, Pang J, Bhih A. 2015. Rail Internet of Things: An Architectural Platform and Assured Requirements Model 15th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT-2015), 15th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT-2015) :364-370 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Abushiba W, Johnson P. 2015. Performance Comparison of Reactive Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Network 2015 FORTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON E-TECHNOLOGIES AND NETWORKS FOR DEVELOPMENT, 2015 Forth International Conference on e-Technologies and Networks for Development :1-5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Asandei A, Dobre C, Johnson P. 2012. An analysis of techniques for opportunistic networking Proceedings - 2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, ICCP 2012, :341-348 DOI Publisher Url

Touray B, Shim J, Johnson P. 2012. Biased Random Algorithm for Load Balancing in Wireless Sensor Networks (BRALB) 2012 15TH INTERNATIONAL POWER ELECTRONICS AND MOTION CONTROL CONFERENCE (EPE/PEMC), 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition (EPE-PEMC ECCE Europe) DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Reina D, Johnson P, Barrero F, Toral S. 2012. Optimization of network lifetime through energy-efficient broadcast scheme using dynamic random walk 2012 15TH INTERNATIONAL POWER ELECTRONICS AND MOTION CONTROL CONFERENCE (EPE/PEMC), 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition (EPE-PEMC ECCE Europe) DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Reina DG, Toral SL, Johnson P, Barrero F. 2011. An Improvement of Route Duration in WSAN Based on Nodes' Mobility and RSS IECON 2011: 37TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY, ICELIE/IES Industry Forum/37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial-Electronics-Society (IECON) DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Rahmeh OA, Johnson P. 2010. A load balancing scheme for latency optimization in grid networks 2010 5th International Conference on Digital Information Management, ICDIM 2010, :347-352 DOI Publisher Url

Rahmeh O, Johnson P. 2009. A latency awareness job distribution algorithm for grid networks International Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2009, TMFCS 2009, :59-65

Rahmeh OA, Johnson P. 2008. Towards scalable and reliable Grid networks 2008 IEEE/ACS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1-3, 6th IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA-08) :253-259 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Jafri SSUH, Johnson P, Bendiab AT. 2007. Modeling complex network systems architecture and growth Wang J, Chang GK, Itaya Y, Zech H. NETWORK ARCHITECTURES, MANAGEMENT, AND APPLICATIONS V, PTS 1 AND 2, Conference on Network Architectures, Management and Applications V 6784 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Jafri SSUH, Johnson P, Bendiab AT. 2007. Load balancing and robustness in complex network systems Wang J, Chang GK, Itaya Y, Zech H. NETWORK ARCHITECTURES, MANAGEMENT, AND APPLICATIONS V, PTS 1 AND 2, Conference on Network Architectures, Management and Applications V 6784 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Rahmeh OA, Johnson P, Lehmann S. A Fitted Random Sampling Scheme for Load Distribution in Grid Networks Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, :204-209 Publisher Url Public Url

Rahmeh OA, Johnson P. A Distributed Load Balancing Mechanism for Large-Scale Networks CCAT 2007, The International Conference on Communications and Computer Applications and Technologies

Rahmeh OA, Johnson P, Taleb-Bendiab A. A Decentralized Load Balancer for Grid Networks The SPIE's Optics East 2006

Alharthi S, Johnson P. HT2HL: Hybrid Threshold Sensitive and Two-Level Heterogeneous LEACH Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks 24th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2016.

Alharthi SAK, Johnson P. IoT Architecture and Routing for MV and LV Smart Grid DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Abushiba W, Johnson P, Alharthi S, Wright C. An Energy Efficient and Adaptive Clustering for Wireless Sensor Network (CH-leach) using Leach Protocol DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Bhih A, Johnson P, Nguyen T, Randles M. Decentralized Iterative Community Clustering Approach (DICCA) 2017 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) :1-7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Johnson P, Jablokow K. An exploratory study of student perceptions of creativity and its importance in their leadership development 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition DOI Publisher Url

Nguyen QH, Johnson P, Nguyen TT, Randles M. A novel architecture using iBeacons for localization and tracking of people within healthcare environment

Johnson P, Wood G. International Entrepreneurship Educators Conference (IEECOnline) 2020

Johnson P, Wood G. Revaluing Enterprise Education in the Twenty-First Century: Unifying learning and teaching, research, and knowledge exchange to thrive and succeed in a changing world Annual NTF & CATE Symposium 2021 SHAPING THE FUTURE (online)

Abushiba W, Johnson P, Benbakthi B. A Deep Learning Framework for Robust Malware Detection in Wireless Communication Networks 2024 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA) DOI Publisher Url

Abushiba W, Johnson P. Comprehensive Analysis of Wireless Networks Classifications and Emerging Trends 2024 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA) (DASA'24) DOI Publisher Url

Martinez F, Romaine J, Johnson P, Cardona A, Millán P. Automatic chard area detection 2025 10th International Conference on Machine Learning Technologies (ICMLT 2025)


Alharthi S, Johnson P, Benbakhti B. 2018. Real-Time Monitoring of Power Consumption in Substations

Alharthi S, Johnson P. 2017. Iot architecture and routing for MV and LV SG


Bartlett R, Jones K, Johnson P, Robinson C. 2016. Recommendations for the Future Digital Curricula


Ten Kathen MJ, Johnson P, Flores IJ, Gutierrez Reina D. AquaFeL-PSO: A Monitoring System for Water Resources using Autonomous Surface Vehicles based on Multimodal PSO and Federated Learning DOI

Conference organisation:

WIE International Leadership Summits (ILS) 2025, Organising committee Chair. 2025

Developing the diverse workforce of the future for engineering & technology, Conference Organiser, 2024

Workshop on IoT in Healthcare: Technologies, Applications and Security (HTAS’19) (in conjunction with Global IoT Summit 2019). 2019

Workshop on hands-on IoT: Smart City application using IoT. 2019

IEEE workshop on IoT: Sensor Technologies, Applications and Entrepreneurship. 17-18 October 2017. Venue:Sensor City, 31 Russell Street, Liverpool, L3 5LJ, Sponsors: IEEE UK&I section. WIE, IEEE UK&I section. Liverpool John Moores University. Edge Hill University. European Union, European Regional Development Fund Sensor City, Liverpool. LCR4.0. 2017


Other invited event:

The IEEE 2nd International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Smart Innovation (ICMISI 2025), Alexandria, Egypt, Invited Keynote speaker on "Data and algorithms .... from health to transport".. 2025

Career development workshop in Intelligent Transportation Systems: Career path to Net Zero, Cairo, Egypt, Keynote delivered on 'Ethical models for decision making in Artificial Intelligence systems', and a panelist on 'Career path to Net Zero'.. 2024

WIE International Leadership Summits (ILS) 2024, Cairo, Egypt, Invited Keynote speaker on 'Ethics and AI: Five Questions we need to ask the AI systems'.. 2024

All In For Engineering: Co-designing a neuro-inclusive future, Dyson Institute, Tetbury Hill, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 0RP, Engineering Professors Council and Dyson Institute stated on a work that aims to capture these different areas of performance and express them as a neuro-inclusion maturity framework for engineering education. In going about this, we are committed to an approach of co-design – working with a community of students, academics, and professional services colleagues to shape a maturity framework that will help universities to understand and improve their own neuro-inclusive practices. To catalyse this work, teams of 4 (an academic, a professional services colleague, and two neurodiverse students) from 15 HEI engineering faculties were invited to attend an in-person design workshop at the Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology. At he workshop, the teams engaged in group activities identifying the themes and topics moving forward. As a result of this work, I was invited to co-lead the theme 'Resources' as part of developing a framework in neurodiversity in engineering education.. 2024

KTP experience sharing - GLLM, Aberystwyth and Bangor University for Businesses in North Wales, Online, Invited to share my experience through KTP project at an online event organised by Wrexham Glyndwr University (WGU) for the academics from Glyndwr, Aberystwyth and Bangor Universities.. 2023

Expert reviewer for Horizon 2020 MSCA programme, Brussels, Belgium, Registered as an expert reviewer for Horizon MSCA programmes by the European Commission.. 2022

Research Grants Awarded:

SolidTek Ltd, DosaFil Residential Testing App, Grant value (£): £11,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2024

2024-2025 Turing funding scheme (, Explainable models for risk analysis and prediction for decision making in multi-agent based Federated learning algorithms within sensor networks, Grant value (£): £22,880, Duration of research project: This project will support four PGT student placements at the University of Windsor (Canada) for six months (March to August 2025); and four graduate and PGT student placements at the University of Seville (Spain) for four months (May to August 2025).. 2024

Innovate UK, Smart Hydraulic Safety Valve, Yuken-Europe Ltd, Grant value (£): £33,335, Duration of research project: 4 months. 2024

Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust, Leadership Skills Programme for FY doctors in training, Grant value (£): £7,498, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2022

Circada Life, To develop a prototype for the control system and communication strategies for a well-being lighting system., Grant value (£): £3,695, Duration of research project: 4 months. 2021

Knowledge Transfer Partnership, InnovateUK, Guardian-AI, CAL Trading (UK) Limited, Grant value (£): £ 241,540, Duration of research project: 36 months. 2019

Editorial boards:

Sensors Journal (SI: Advances in Wireless Sensor and Mobile Networks), Chief Academic Editor, 2024

Special Issue on the International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Hindawi Publications., Guest Editor. 2014

Other Professional Activity:

Co-lead for the 'Resources' theme in developing a Neurodiversity in Engineering Education Framework. This Framework development is led by Engineering Professors Council (EPC) and Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology.. 2024

Delivered a consultancy project for Circada Ltd. on 'Energy-efficient data communication' for circadian lighting. Project cost: £3695.. 2021

My proposal for conducting a workshop titled 'Personalised Mobile applications for smart cities and smart citizens' as part of the 28th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (pimrc’17) has been accepted..

Industrial connections:

SolidTek Ltd, Academic and Research Consultant, 2024

Yuken-Europe, Starting project with AKT funding from Innovate UK. 2024

ULEMCo Ltd, collaborative project using MSc dissertation. 2023

RStar Technologies, MSc student project supervision on 'Object location and identification in Space' for RStar.. 2022

DT Engineering Group, Academic consultant and MSc project supervisor on ' Predictive maintenance of industrial cranes using sensors – a feasibility study' for DTE.. 2022

Knitwire Ltd, Collaborative project through MSc dissertation & funding applications. 2022

Motrac Race Engineering Ltd, Collaborative project through MSc individual/group projects (Industrial context and Relationship). 2022

Bermuda Limb Care Ltd., Academic Consultant and supervisor for BDA Medical Digital Technology Internship funded by Made Smarter grant.. 2022

Aqualogic Ltd, Academic Consultant and Supervisor for two MSc student placement (one-year) projects and MSc projects at Aqualogic Ltd.. 2020

Unilever Ltd, Collaborated on Industrial Challenge for teaching module. 2019

Circada Life Ltd, Academic Consultant, 2018

External committees:

IEEE UK&I Women in Engineering affinity group, IEEE, Chair,,promoting%20women%20engineers%20and%20scientists.. 2024

Expert for the evaluation of proposals in the Horizon call HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01, European Research Executive Agency Established by the European Commission, Expert evaluator. 2023

UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships funding review panel, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), Review committee panel member. 2023

IEEE UKI Women In Engineering, IEEE, Joint vice-chair. 2023

Expert for the evaluation of proposals in the Horizon call HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01, European Research Executive Agency Established by the European Commission, Expert evaluator. 2022

IEEE UK&I Women in Engineering affinity group, IEEE, Vice-chair. 2022

IEEE UKI Women In Engineering, IEEE, Vice chair. 2021

IEEE UKI Women In Engineering, IEEE, committee member. 2015

Executive Committee Member of RRUKA, Rail Research UK Association (RRUKA), Executive Committee Member. 2014

External PGR examinations performed:

University of Liverpool, PhD, A Chromatic Approach to Fatigue Risk Quantification in the Workplace. 2023

University of Bedfordshire, PhD, A Framework for Reliable and Timely Communications in VANETs. 2020

Edge Hill University, PhD, An IoT Approach to Personalised Remote Monitoring and Management of Epilepsy. 2020

Manchester Metropolitan University, PhD, Energy Efficiency in Green Internet of Things (IoT) Networks. 2019

University of Birmingham, MRes, Railway System Integration dissertation on the simulation of railway Communication Based Train Control systems, and the optimal placement of wireless access points along the track. 2017

Edge Hill University, PhD, An adaptive security framework for evaluating and assessing security implementations in PaaS cloud models. 2015

Open University, PhD, An investigation into low voltage distribution networks and their effect on broadband communication signal transmission and reception. 2013

External collaboration:

Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust, Dr Rekha Bhalla. 2022

Loyola University, Professor Isabel Jurado Flores. 2022

Loyola University, Spain, Dr Daniel Gutiérrez. 2022

Loyola University, Spain, Micaela Jara Ten Kathen. 2022

PennState University, Dr. Kathryn Jablokow. 2017

University of Seville, Spain, Dr Daniel Gutierrez Reina. 2011

Membership of professional bodies:

Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE). 2020

Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 2020

Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE). 2001

Teaching qualification:

Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy. 2014
